Tuesday Y&R Transcript 6/24/03

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 6/24/03
--Canada; Wednesday 6/25/03--USA

Provided By Eric

Phyllis: Hey! Wait till you hear this.

Neil: Wait till I hear about what?

Phyllis: Three guesses who I met last night.

Neil: Um, okay, the first two don't count, right?

Phyllis: Damon porter.

Neil: Get out of here.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm he was coming into jack's office as I was leaving.

Neil: So jack introduced you to--

Phyllis: Oh, no, no, no. No. Jack wasn't there. I spent some quality time with the guy.

Neil: Oh, really?

Phyllis: Yes, yes, and I have to tell you something. He blew me away.

Neil: How so?

Phyllis: Well, first, he has this presence about him, I mean, he just reeks intelligcece. If he's half as impressive in the lab as he is in person... not to mention, uh, not to mention I wouldn't kick the guy out of bed.

Neil: Mm-hmm. Mmm, mmm. Look out, jack.

Phyllis: Oh, neil, I mean, you men think you have the monopoly on checking out pretty faces, don't you?

Neil: Yeah, we do. I'm kidding. Just as long as you're window-shopping.

Phyllis: Yeah. Okay, well, let's get back to talking about damon porter. We had a very, um, should I say fascinating conversation.

Neil: Yeah. Phyllis, phyllis, you know what you're doing here, right? You're running salt in the wound.

Phyllis: Since we let him get away, right?

Neil: Well, what else would you think?

Phyllis: Well, you should let me get to the best part, because I don't know if he exactly got away from us after all.

Dru: Excuse me, jack.

Jack: You're excused. Come on in. What's up with you two?

Dru: Damon porter is ready to discuss ashley's notes.

Jack: Really? I didn't expect to hear from you so soon.

Dru: Well, he's such a quick study

Damon: Your sister's a very organized... woman.

Dru: I'm sorry. Please.

Damon: Ashley's notes are a dream, jack.

Jill: Now why am i not surprised by that?

Damon: Now I've already got a few little tweaks and refinements in the works. You're gonna love them.

Jack: I'm sure I will. So tell me, how you doing? Are you starting to feel a bit more like a part of the family?

Damon: Oh, yeah, yeah. Getting there. It's certainly a creative group of people you've got here-- funny, too.

Jack: Funny?

Damon: Yeah, um... who's this I ran into yesterday? I hope you got a few more like her bouncing around here-- redhead, a real character... uh, um, phyllis something. (Knock on door)

Brock: Mackenzie? It's your father. Are you in there? (Knock on door)

Brock: Come on, honey. Mac, please, open the door.

Brock: Hey. Hi, sweetheart.

Mac: (Whispers) hi. (Crying)

Brock: Aw. Shh, shh, shh. 'S okay. It's okay. You let it all-- let it out. You let it all get out. It's good. Shh. It'll be all right.

Mac: I didn't think I had any tears left.

Brock: I tried to call yolast night.

Mac: I took the phone off the hook.

Brock: I would have come over.

Mac: I didn't feel like talking to anyone. I just wanted to be alone.

Brock: Okay.

Mac: Guess you know everything?

Brock: Yeah. Elizabeth told me.

Mac: Is it true? Is it really true, dad? Is grandma... is she...

Brock: Jill's mother?

Brock: Mackenzie, you gotta listen to me. This... this is a huge shock for you, but you're gonna get through it. Somehow... we'll figure this out.

Mac: What's to figure out, dad? It's over for billy and me. We can't be married. I will never be with the man I love, not ever!

Nick: Kids gone already?

Sharon: Yeah. I thought you could use the extra sleep, so I sent them off with miguel a few minutes ago.

Nick: Thanks.

Nick: So why did you let me sleep in so late?

Sharon: Um, well, it gives me a little extra time with the kids being a mom. I hope I didn't overstep, because if I did just say so.

Nick: No, it's just... you know, I'm real protective of cassie right now.

Sharon: I know you are. I understand, and I'm not putting any pressure on her.

Nick: Look, you should know that you're going to be seeing a lot less of me around here. It's not because of you.

Sharon: Oh. What, then, work? Are there problems at the coffeehouse?

Nick: Well, it is work, but not the coffeehouse. I've changed my mind. I've decided to accept my dad's offer.

Victor: Well, good morning to you.

Nikki: Hi! You sure are in a good mood this morning.

Victor: Really?

Nikki: If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were up to something.

Victor: That is not the case, but I will let you in on a secret.

Nikki: Ooh. I love secrets.

Victor: You know that our son has accepted my offer to let me prepare him to take over newman enterprises?

Nikki: Really?

Victor: Yeah.

Nikki: Well, I suppose that's good news?

Victor: I think that's wonderful news. What do you mean, "good news"? Wonderful news.

Nikki: I hope you're right.

Victor: Why do you doubt it?

Nikki: Well, you two haven't always had the greatest working relationship.

Victor: Don't you think I'm painfully aware of that? From now on, we'll put that behind us, and I think nicholas wants that as well.

Nikki: So you really think this will improve things?

Victor: Yes, not only for nicholas and me.

Jill: How can I do this? I can'T. It's as simple as that. I can'T. I mean, it is hard enough to care for an invalid when you love them. It's work. It's messy. It's no fun at all, but you do it because you love them. Oh, but god knows I don't love you, katherine. Take care of you? Why should I, after all the miserable things you have done to me? Oh, I know. You always say, "I started it." It always comes back to one thing, doesn't it? Phillip chancellor. That has been your rationale for every dirty, nasty thing you've ever done to me. Well, you know what? There is revenge, and then there's revenge. You killed the man. You killed the man I loved more than life. How much revenge could you possibly want? You have been the bane of my existence, old woman, and now I'm supposed to brush your hair?! I'm supposed to slop food into that awful mouth of yours? I don't think so.

Brock: Mac, I wish I knew what to say just to make this easier.

Mac: You could say this is all a cruel joke, something jill cooked up just to keep me and billy apart. That would be just like her.

Brock: I'm sorry, honey. I think jill's as stunned as you are or anyone.

Mac: What am I gonna do, dad?

Brock: You'll take it day by day.

Mac: I'm not sure I can.

Brock: Give yourself time, mac.

Mac: No, I need to do more than that. I can't stay here.

Brock: You mean in this apartment?

Mac: In this town. I have to leave genoa city.

Neil: All right, wait a minute. I'm confused here. Damon didn't get away from us, yet he just signed a contract with jabot cosmetics.

Phyllis: Okay, well, I will explain that to you. There are contracts, and then there are contracts.

Neil: Would you care to elaborate?

Phyllis: Damon porter is not a lifer at jabot.

Neil: Oh, okay. So you're saying that they gave him a short-term deal.

Phyllis: Yeah, that's probably all they could afford.

Neil: You know this for a fact?

Phyllis: I asked him straight out.

Neil: And?

Phyllis: He didn't deny it.

Neil: Oh, okay. So in other words, you're speculating.

Phyllis: No, no, no, no. I'm going with my gut on this.Neil: How did the subject come up?

Phyllis: Well, I told him I work for the competition...

Neil: Ah. So you think he might be angling for a job over here?

Phyllis: No, no, no, no. He didn't strike me as the type.

Neil: Well, in that case, short-term or not, the man is a lost cause. I mean, unless, of course, jabot does something to mess up, you know, the relationship.

Phyllis: Well, who's to say, a little way down the road, if we make him an offer--

Neil: No. We need to focus on right now, phyllis, the task at hand, all right? We need to strengthen our product line before we reintroduce it.

Phyllis: Okay. I'm keeping my ear to the ground on this.

Neil: Good. There's no harm in that.

Phyllis: Okay. Since I'm here, what's the story on sales? Did we get the update on the first quarter?

Neil: Yeah, they're supposed to be out this morning.

Phyllis: Okay. You know, I think it might be too early, but I just want to see. You don't mind, do you?

Neil: Oh, no, of course. Make yoursf f right at home.

Phyllis: All right.

Phyllis: Oh, my god. Neil.

Neil: Ohh. Those numbers, they're down.

Phyllis: Look at that.

Neil: They are way down.

Phyllis: No, no, no.

Neil: No, that's way below projections. What's going on?

Phyllis: I don't know. Here, hang on... (sighs)

Neil: That's good. Now that-- internet sales are improving.

Phyllis: Yeah, of course they are. So if you subtract that from the total sales--

Neil: Go to retail sales, would you?

Phyllis: All right.

Neil: What? Wait, what's going on? They're way down. I don't understandhihis.

Phyllis: I-I-I've-- I'm baffled. I've never seen this.

Neil: Phyllis, look at that column right there where it says "major department stores."

Phyllis: I know. I know. I know. I know! Listen to me. This is shocking. They're not just down, I mean, they're non-existent.

Dru: Phyllis something?

Damon: Yeah. I never did get her last name. She was being pretty cagey.

Dru: Cagey in what way?

Jack: Why don't you tell us about what you've got cooking up? You said you were working on some tweaks and refinements.

Damon: Yeah. Now listen, not to sound like a prima donna, but I'd rather not talk about a work in progress. Let me get it all together and lay it out for you.

Jack: Okay--

Damon: Don't get me wrong, all right? Your gold, your rules absolutely. I'm just telling you how I prefer to work.

Jack: Don't make me wait too long. We've got to get these samples mailed out by--

Dru: Where did you say you saw phyllis?

J jack: Drucilla, I'd like to talk about the tuvia line right now.

Dru: Jack, I'd like to know where phyllis was in the building, quite frankly.

Damon: It was right here in this office.

Dru: Really?

Damon: She acted like she owned the place.

Dru: Why doesn't that surprise me? What did she talk to you about, pray tell?

Damon: Nothing really, unless you count her trying to hire me away from jabot.

Neil: I don't see any pattern, do you, I mean, in terms of time frame here?

Phyllis: No. Sales just bottomed out one chain after the other. I've never seen this.

>>Neil: (Groans) this just doesn't make any sense. I don't get it. Wait a minute. Unless...

Phyllis: Unless what?

Neil: Okay. We cut back on advertising to make way for the blitz when we're ready to roll out with the new name and packaging.

>>Hyhyllis: Yeah, I know. But still--

Neil: I hear you, though. It shouldn't be tanking this bad.

Phyllis: You know what? There's something else going on, neil.

Neil: Something else like what?

Phyllis: Yeah, I don't know. Something else, some curse or... I can't make heads or tails out of this.

Neil: I know what to do. I'm gonna call-- I'm gonna call research. I'll see what they recommend.

Phyllis: Research? No, no, no. You're not going to call research.

Neil: Why not?

Phyllis: What do those guys do? Do you have any appointments right now?

Neil: No, I'm cool.

Phyllis: We're going on a field trip, my friend. Come on.

Neil: Field trip?

Phyllis: I'll tell you on the way. Come on.

Brock: You're leaving?

Mac: I have to.

Brock: Where you going?

Mac: I don't know. I'm just gonna get in my car and drive.

Brock: Hey, mac, are you sure about this? Genoa city--I mean, it's your home. Your whole life is here-- your grandma, friends, school--

Mac: Dad, I have to get away for awhile. Being here is too painful. Everywhere I look there's some reminder of billy--

Brock: Yeah, but--

Mac: Dad, please, I've made up my mind.

Brock: Okay. Okay, you're an adult. You can make your own decisions. Just so you know, if you ever wanna come on down to louisiana, I'd love for you to work with me.

Mac: I'll think about it.

Brock: The offer's good anytime.

Mac: Atat did I do wrong?

Brock: What do you mean?

Mac: It feels like I'm being punished or something.

Brock: You listen to me, mackenzie. I don't know why this happened. I don't have, you know, the answers you're looking for, but I can guarantee you that you will get through this because you are strong. You don't run away from challenges. You face them, and you are gonna survive.

Mac: I really loved living here. We had a lot of fun.

Brock: Does grandma know?

Mac: Not yet.

Brock: You want me to talk to her?

Mac: No, I'm gonna stop by there.

Brock: Okay.

Mac: I couldn't leave without saying good-bye.

Brock: Well, you need any help packing or...

Mac: No, thanks. I can handle it.

Brock: Oh, I just remembered I got a meeting at a church across town.

Mac: Go ahead.

Brock: I feel I should stay. I wanna spend some more time with you, mac.

Mac: No, I'll be fine. You have to get back to saving the world.

Brock: You're not even gone, and I miss you already.

Mac: I promise to call as soon as I get settled.

Brock: You must do that, and if you ever need anything, okay?

Mac: I'll pick up the phone.

Brock: Wow, I love you, mackenzie. Don't you ever forget that.

Mac: I love you, too, dad. 0ú gg

Sharon: Well, look at you. All ready to jump back into the corporate life, huh?

Nick: Never really left, just cut back quite a bit.

Sharon: And now it's full speed ahead.

Nick: I thought you were on board with this. I thought you wanted me back into the newman fold.

Sharon: I did. I do. It's just...

Nick: What?

Sharon: Well, you don't exactly seem excited about it.

Nick: I'm not.

Sharon: Yet you're going ahead anyway.

Nick: Look, part of me thinks that my dad is just trying to buy me. I don't like that. On the other hand, there's been quite a few people, you included, that said this is an opportunity I shouldn't pass up.

Sharon: But it has to be what you want, nicholas.

Nick: Right now I'm not sure what I want, but it's best not to close any of my options, right?

Sharon: I guess.

Nick: Look, if you disagree, then just say so.

Sharon: It's not my decision.

Nick: Do you inink I'm making a mistake?

Sharon: I didn't say that.

Nick: Well, there's something on your mind.

Sharon: I just can't quite figure out where you're coming from.

Nick: My dad made me an offer and I accepted it. What's so complicated about that?

Victor: You don't seem convinced that my arrangement with our son is a good move.

Nikki: I hope that it will be.

Victor: But, sweetheart, our family has gone through such tough times, why should this be any different?

Nikki: There's just so much bad blood, victor. Nicholas is bitter.

Victor: And he's willing to put that all behind him now.

Nikki: It's not just nicholas I'm worried about.

Victor: Concerned about how victoria will react?

Nikki: Look, if anyone has been your right hand recently, it's our daughter. She's going to be so betrayed.

Victor: Very sensitive to that. I will try to convince her that I'm doing this, obviously, for... I'm doing this for our whole family.

Nikki: And I hope that she realizes that, but if she doesn'T...

Victor: Then what?

Nikki: There's just so many unknowns, victor. I mean, even if this does help your relationship with nicholas, what about the next time there's a crisis?

Victor: But why are you anticipating another crisis already?

Nikki: Darling, there are waways crises. I just feel it brewing since sharon moved back in.

Victor: Sweetheart, we have got to leave those two alone, all right?

Nikki: Look, the way she treated me after I found out she'd moved back in was appalling.

Victor: Why don't you reconcile to the fact that she is part of our family? She is the mother of our son's children.

Nikki: Yeah, I know. I try to forget that. I just can't think of her that way anymore after her disappearing act.

Victor: I'm certain she'll do nothing in the future to jeopardize our family again.

Nikki: Well, I, for one, don't intend to give her the chance.

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Jill: So many other memories, painful, ugly memories. Do you know something? As hard as I try, I cannot remember one single pleasant one, not in all those years. You've hit me for the last time, katherine.

Kay: Lies--you're head is filled with lies, jill. Phillip didn't love you. He used you-- he used you like a common whore!

Jill: You are pathetic!

Jill: Aah!

Kay: If anyone proved untrustworthy, it was your son. No, look at his history.

He is the problem.

Jill: You are wrong. Would you please open your eyes, old woman?! I don't know how she was brought up, or how she was born, but mackenzie is a bad seed!

Kay: I will not tolerate that kind of talk in my home!

Jill: Well, this is my home, too. Now get out of my face. Aah.

Jill: I remember how much that hurt. You could've killed me with that vase, you know? You could've given me brain dam-- last laugh's on you, isn't it, katherine? Last laugh is definitely on you.

Dru: Please tell me that phyllis did not try to hire you away from jabot.

Damon: Well... I'm not getting anybody in trouble, am I?

Jack: No.

Dru: Jack!

Jack: Not at all. Let it go.

Damon: Okay, what's the deal with the redhead? She got a foot in both companies?

Dru: You could say that, yeah, and her mouth. What was her pitch?

Damon: She used to work at jabot. Now she works for newman. She really likes it. She wanted to know how long my contract was. Wanted me to know there was-- what'd she say? There was "life after jabot."

Dru: Well, that sounds like a real heavy-handed offer, if you ask me.

Damon: I didn't feel anybody twisting my arm, drucilla.

Dru: All in all, it's damn inappropriate.

Jack: Suppose we let me decide that.

Dru: Okay, I'm gonna stay out of it, but if it were up to me, jack, it would be on with phyllis.

Jack: That is a pointless statement.

Dru: How can you say that? I've been accused of being a spy and much worse--

Jack: Suppose you and I talk about this a littllalater.

Damon: Okay, would someone like to tell me what's going on? Who's phyllis?

Jack: She's my wife.

Neil: It's great, phyllis, great field trip. You wanna explain to me what the hell we're doing here?

Phyllis: We're in fenmore'S. What do you think we're doing?

Neil: I don't know. We gonna stand around observing the fact that no one's buying our products, or what?

Phyllis: Oh, like I really wanna do that.

Neil: Hey, but wait, phyllis.

Phyllis: Hi there.

Woman: Good morning. What can I help you with?

Phyllis: Well, my-- my friend here--

Neil: Hi.

Phyllis: Yeah, he wants to buy a gift for his wife, and we were interested in where you have the satine cosmetics.

Woman: Oh, well... hmm. You know, if you can wait on that gift at all, jabot's coming out with a fabulous new line.

Phyllis: That's great to hear. Good, but we're really interested in see--

Woman: It's called tuvia. If you'll follow me over here--

Neil: Actually, wait, miss. You see, my wife's favorite brand is satine cosmetics. Now how am I gonna look when I go home and have a product that she's never heard of before? I'm gonna be a chump, right?

Phyllis: Yeah, so could you please tell us where the satine cosmetics are?

Woman: To tell you the truth, I'm not sure anymore. I know I've seen them around here somewhere.

Nljl: Somewhere?

Woman: Anyway, tuvia, from what I hear, it's going to be terrific. Well worth waiting for. Jabot's products are always such high quality--

Phyllis: Excuse me, I'm sorry, but I always thought it was important to give the customer what they want.

Woman: Well, yes, of course, but--

Phyllis: No "but." No "but." We specifically asked for satine, and we'd like to know where they are. Where do you have them hidden? You know, I'm sorry. I'm going back there myself.

Neil: Phyllis...

Phyllis: I'll find them myself.

Woman: Excuse me, miss,

Phyllis: Not there. Excuse me. Excuse me.

Woman: You cannot be here.

Phyllis: Not down here. Amazing.

Neil:A'am, maybe your manager knows something.

Phyllis: Incredible. Look it--look at the display. They don't need that. This is out there on global -I'm seanna collins. 'The works" festival continues until july 2nd . This year, the festival features 45 exhibits at over 25 sites downtown. It's a free event for the entire family featrung work of artists from around the world. The international hot rod association presents the rocky mountain nationals friday through sunday at budweiser motorsports park. It's three days of racing fun with the finals on sunday. An event not to be missed if you love drag racingstrathcona's silly summer parade mixes canada day spirit with twisted humor and good oldasashion fun. Make a visit to old starthcona on july 1st to take in the silly events line the parade route on whyte avenue for this fabulous free family eventand the 2003 improvaganza international improv festival contines until saturday. Don't miss the "improve showcase" featuring teams from canada, germany, japan, new zealand and austrilia. Two shows nightly at the varscona theatre tomorrow

Jill: I'm trying. I am trying, but I can't think of one good reason to make this effort. I mean, I would have to turn myself inside out to become a whole other person, to reinvent myself into somebody who gives a damn about you. How could I do that?

Kay: I really just don't want to worry anybody else.

Jill: Oh, this is no time to be noble. Now you have got to have people around you. You need family, katherine.

Kay: No. No, I mean it. Until I find out what the hell I'm facing, I'm gonna go it alone.

Jill: Well, then you leave me no choice.

Kay: What are you talking about?

Jill: I'll be your family.

Kay: You?

Jill: Of course me. You won't lean on anybody else. You'll have to lean on me. And, please, you're not gonna go getting all mushy on me, are you?

Kay: No, it's just that... so ironic.

Jill: Yeah, I guess it is, isn't it?

Jill: Listen to me. You call me anytime you need me, night or day. All right?

Kay: Yeah, sure.

Jill: No, I mean it.

Kay: Yes. I know you do, jill. That I know you do.

Woman #2: Sir, I understand you needed some help.

Neil: Yes.

Woman #2: What is she doing back there?

Neil: She is looking for satine cosmetics.

Woman: I didn't know where any of their products were, so she'S... looking.

Woman #2: Sorry, but customers aren't permitted behind the counters, miss. Miss, will you-- miss, will you please come out of there?

Phyllis: Yeah, I'd love to, as soon as you show me the goods.

Woman: I tried to persuade them to wait for tuvia instead, but she insisted. I don't know why it's so important to her.

Phyllis: Well, because this is america-- land of free choice.

Neil: Ma'am, why don't you go help her find those products? She's not gonna come out of there until you do. Go on. Trust me.

Woman #2: Here's some fragrance, moisturizer... I believe that's all we have at the moment. Now are you satisfied?

Phyllis: Not quite.

Woman #2: Stop, you can't do that.

Phyllis: Really? Why not?!

Woman #2: Because you can'T.

Neil: Ma'am, this may be bad timing, but all of these satine cosmetics products-- why are you keeping them under there, under the counter under lockndnd key?

Woman #2: There hasn't been much demand for them lately.

Phyllis: Well, it's not surprising. You have them hidden away.

Neil: Call me crazy, but I've been hearing some great stuff about satine, especially since they were taken over by newman enterprises. Phyllis, what are you doing?

Phyllis: Put this out so everyone can see.

Wanan #2: What do they know about cosmetics? I mean, they're teen brand's all right, but where jabot's concerned, they can't begin to compete.

Phyllis: Uh, I'm sorry. Excuse me?

Woman #2: Tuvia's gonna be a breakthrough, whereas satine cosmetics-- frankly, I can't imagine why a huge company like newman would even waste their time.

Phyllis: Oh, my. Excuse me, you put on a suit to work the mall.

Neil: Hey, ooh, no.

Phyllis: Think about it.

Neil: Phyllis, come on, we're gonna go now. Thank you, ladies, very much for your time and everything. Keep selling satine. Thanks, I appreciate it. Phyllis...

Phyllis: Why are you dragging me out like this?

Neil: Would you just calm down?

Phyllis: No. Could you believe her attitude? She's hiding our products.

Neil: Shh, be quiet. What if this is only the tip of the iceberg, huh? I mean, if all our representatives see us like this, no wonder our sales are in the toilet.

Damon: Phyllis is your wife? Well, that's, um, what do you know?

Dru: Obviously, jack did not know that his wife was poaching on our territory.

Jack: Obviously, drucilla has forgotten we have a contract with mr. Porter.

Damon: Well, I intend to honor it. Congratulations. I mean, that's a lovely woman you have for yourself.

Jack: Thanks. She keeps me on my toes.

Damon: I'll bet.

Dru: Regular old pistol, that phyllis. Yup.

Damon: Why do I get the feeling the two of you don't get along?

Dru: We get along fine-- oil and water, that's all.

Jack: Which is all the mo reason to stick to business.

Dru: We are sticking to business. It is not an accident that phyllis bumped into damon.

Jack: Can the paranoia.

Dru: She didn't even tell him that she was your wife. She's chatting it up about his contract, newman enterprises--

Jack: Drucilla...

Damon: Listen, um, you all are paying me to design products.

Jack: Hey, now there's a concept.

Damon: Why don't I head on back down to the lab?

Jack: You know, that's the best way I know to beat the competition.

Damon: I will have something for you in a day or so.

Jack: Thank you, damon. Thank you very much.

Dru: Thank you, damon. You've gotta talk to that wife of yours.

Jack: No, no. You have gotta stay out of this. I will handle phyllis.

Dru: How bold is she, talking to our head chemist?

Jack: Dru, listen to me. You keep your nose out of this. Now I've got work to do.

Dru: You know what? I've got a report to write, jack.

Jack: Good.

Dru: Bye. And you know what? I don't know that if you don't talk to your wife, I could restrain myself from talking to her myself.

Jack: You better restrain yourself.

Dru: You know what? I'm gonna pray on it. Pray on it.

Nick: I get the feeling there's something more you'd like to say.

Sharon: I don't know what to say, nick. I wish you felt happier about your decision.

Nick: Why?

Sharon: Because I had hoped that you acctiting this offer your father made to you would be a first step towards you two putting your relationship back together. I know that's what he wants.

Nick: Wl, we don't always get what we want.

Sharon: You still only feel contempt for him?

Nick: Sharon, I don't think you and I need to be talking about my dad.

Sharon: I know what this is about. It still goes back to that day.

Nick: Did you hear what I just said?

Sharon: Yeah, I did, and now I have something that I have to say that you have to hear. You are still hung up on this. You cannot seem to get beyond it.

Nick: Well, it's a little tough.

Sharon: Nicholas, I told you before, what happened that day had nothing to do with any feelings that your father had for me. It happened because I was messed up, because I was desperate, and I don't feel that way anymore.

Nick: All right, that's enough. You said it, and I don't need to hear it anymore.

Sharon: I still care about your father. You know, I never had a father, because mine walked out on me before he died. So I had this void in my life, and then when I married you, your dad became my dad. And for the first time I felt that loyalty and that protection that a father's supposed to give. And even when things were messed up between you and me, victor was still there offering me his support, and I loved him for that. I still do. Those are his feelings for me. Those are my feelings for him. Atat's all it's about.

Sharon: Please, for your own sake, for the sake of our kids, for the sake of your whole family, will you please try to give up this contempt you're carrying around? Because it will only poison you.

Mac: How is my grandmother?

Jill: Who knows? It's kind of like having a sick cat-- they can't tell you what's wrong with them.

Mac: What are you doing?

Jill: Just remembering. Trying to figure out what I'm gonna do now.

Mac: Okay, I'll leave you alone. I can come back.

Jill: No, mackenzie, we need to talk.

Mac: Jill, I don't want to talk to you. I just came her to see my grandmother.

Jill: We're gonna talk anyway.

Mac: What makes you think that you can tell me what to--

Jill: Mackenzie, sit down and shut up.

Jill: So are you finally ready to accept the truth?

Mac: What truth?

Jill: That I have been right about you all along.

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