Monday Y&R Transcript 6/16/03

Y&R Transcript Mon
day 6/16/03--Canada; Tuesday 6/17/03--USA

Provided By Eric

Jill: All right, mama, on the phone you said that something was terribly wrong. What is it?

Liz: We need to talk.

Jill: Well, okay, but I was just on my way home. We could have--

Liz: No, here. We need, uh, privacy.

Jill: Mama, I know that you're a tough lady, and I know you could keep it inside yourself for years so as not to worry anybody else, but please, if there's something the matter, tell me what it is. Did your brain tumor come back?

Liz: It's not-- it's not a health matter. It'S...

Jill: Well, thank god. Then we can fix it. Look, mama, I have finally, after much angst, decided to go to my son's wedding and not be a wet blanket. Now don't you think it would behoove me to actually physically show up, and nicely dressed? I've got to change. Let's talk in the car on the way home.

Liz: No, daughter, that's not a good idea. Just sit down.

Jill: Mama, pl--

Liz: Sit.

Jill: Okay.

Billy: Yeah, well, we got outta there just in time.

Raul: Tell me about it. The last thing I want to do is be a judge at a wedding dress contest. I mean, you know, I would do it for you...

Billy: I wouldn't ask you. Don't worry.

Raul: Mac is gonnalook fabulous.

Billy: Yeah, well, to me, she looks fabulous in anything.

Raul: Yep.

Billy: I'm not gonna lie to you, I'rereally looking forward to tonight.

Raul: The honeymoon suite is gonna be rockin'.

Billy: Oh, yeah. Well, I hope you don't think that's the only reason we're getting married.

Raul: Oh, heck no, I know, but I know it is part of it.

Billy: (Chuckles) so you and brittany, anymore talk about you guys getting married?

Raul: Billy, this is your wedding day. What is this, like, misery loves company?

Billy: No, no, no, I just, uh-- I want you to be as happy as I am.

Raul: I am happy. I'm happy for you, and that's enough.

Billy: You okay?

Raul: Sure. Why not?

Billy: Ah... brittany's been a little quiet since she got back, you know.

Raul: Yeah.

Mac: I do. I do. I do. I do. I do. I do.

Brittany: Uh, mac.

Mac: I do. Yeah.

Brittany: What are you doing?

Mac: Practicing for tonight.

Brittany: Are you afraid you'll forget your lines?

Mac: Considering how nervous I am, I'll probably forget my own name. It still seems so unreal. We're actually going though with this.

Brittany: Well, I'm sure you and billy will be really happy.

Mac: You mean that?Brittany: Of course. Otherwise, I wouldn't say it.

Mac: Thanks, britt.

Brittany: You seem shocked that I'd say such a thing.

Mac: Well, I just know how you feel about the whole concept of marriage.

Brittany: Well, what can I tell you? All this wedding stuff brings out the romantic in me, but seriously, mac, I think it's great that you and billy are both following your hearts. You both know what you want. I wish I did.

Laird: Mackenzie, mackenzie, darling, that was my assistant. Everything is on schedule, and coming together beautifully. (Electric razor buzzing)

Lynne: Hey, paul. Thanks for the morning off. It is a beautiful day out... what are you doing?

Paul: What does it look like I'm doing?

Lynne: Well, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you--

Paul: You're right, lynne. I spent the night here last night. I needed some time alone.

Lynne: Because...

Paul: Would you like the afternoon off, too?

Lynne: Why, so I won't ask any questions?

Paul: Exactly.

Lynne: Come on, paul.

Paul: You know, lynne, there's really nothing you or anyone else could do about it. So why don't we just forget it?

Lynne: This has to do with isabella, right? What's she trying to pull now? Is she trying to keep ricky from you? Because if she is, that woman needs to be taught a lesson.

Chris: Hi.

Mary: Isabella. Isabella, are you home?

Ibebella: Have you heard of a little thing called a doorbell?

Mary: I don't have time for your sarcasm. I want to know about my grandson.

Isabella: What do you want to know?

Mary: I want to know when ricky's gonna be back home.

Isabella: Home is where the heart is, mary.

Mary: Don't get smart with me. You know very well what I mean.

Isabella: My son is very happy in california.

Mary: Well, I insist that you get him back here by this weekend.

Isabella: Oh, you insist.

Mary: I'm warning you.

Isabella: You're warning me? You're warning me about what?

Mary: If you're thinking of dragging your heels on this, how do you think that's gonna go over with the divorce court judge? You might lose custody of paul's son completely.

Isabella: Oh, really? And what makes you think there's even going to be a divorce? We'll have those stories and more......on edmonton's global news at 5:30. Good afternoon. Tonight on global news at six - the officer charged in the yellowhead crash that killed a young boy took the stand today. We'll have the latest on constable ken brander testimony.Plus - dar defends herself. The lethbridge politician at the centre of a bizarre abduction story speaks out.Time is running out at a north edmonton school - st. Patrick's will be closing it's doors this month.Hope you can join us tonight on global news at six.

Colleen: I cannot wait to see mac in one of those dresses.

Brittany: Yeah. Silk, satin, chiffon-- does it get more exciting?

Colleen: You know, she really put this wedding together in record time.

Brittany: Yeah, well, she had some help.

Colleen: Yeah, laird worthington. Is that guy funny, or what?

Laird: No, no, no, changing the color scheme to jewel tes does not qualify as an emergency, lorraine. There's no need to get snippy.

Colleen: Gosh, it must be an amazing feeling.

Brittany: What?

Colleen: Knowing that there's someone out in the world totally devoted to you, who wants to be with you forever.

Brittany: About what we discussed earlier...

Colleen: What about it?

Brittany: Hasanything changed?

Colleen: You mean am I ready to forgive J.T.?

Brittany: I'm not trying to tell you what to do--

Colleen: You can save your breath. J.T. And I are finished, and we're not gonna get back together... ever.

Brittany: Did something happen? This morning I thought that you were ready to give the guy a second chance.

Colleen: Well, I was wrong. He doesn't deserve one.

Brittany: But--

Colleen: Can we really not talk about this? Look, I know you mean well, but I'm not really looking for any more advice.

Lauren: Okay, everyone, we have dress number one.

Laird: Oh, here we go. Oh, look at her. Fabulous. Gorgeous. ("Wedding bell blues" by the 5th dimension playing)


I love you so

I always will

I look at you

and see the passion

eyes of may

eyes of may

oh, but am I ever

gonna see my wedding day

wedding day

I was on your side, bill

when you were losin'

when you were losin'

I never scheme or lie, bill

there's been no foolin'

there's been no foolin'

but kisses and love

won't carry me

till you marry me, bill

I've got

the wedding bell blues

please marry me, bill

I've got

the wedding bell blues

wedding bell blues


yeah, yeah

marry me, bill...

Lauren: Well, it looks like we have a winner. What do you think, mac?

Mac: I love it. This is definitely the one.

Mary: What do you mean? Of course there'll be a divorce.

Isabella: Eventually, maybe, but since I plan to contest it, it could take a year or more before anything's final.

Mary: Well, now that makes perfect sense, in a perverse sort of a way.

Isabella: What does?

Mary: That you would go this route. You just can't accept defeat gracefully, so now what you're going to do is to try to cause more pain for the man you profess to love. I hope you realize this'll come back to haunt you.

Isabella: What are you talking about?

Mary: Christine is an attorney, and with her help, paul will fight you. All you'll really be doing is prolonging the inevitable.

Isabella: Whatever you say, mary. You're the know-it-all.

Mary: What matters to me most is my grandson. What kind of a mother pawns him off to his relatives for so long?

Isabella: You don't think I miss ricky with all my heart?

Mary: Ah.

Isabella: The situation is just too unsafe. It's too volatile.

Mary: You're the one that's made all the enemies, not that sweet, innocent child.

Isabella: It is not a healthy environment for him.

Mary: O w why? Because people here have no qualms about telling you what they think about the horrible things you've done?

Isabella: Mary, it's gone way beyond name-calling.

Mary: Oh, meaning what?

Isabella: Meaning your saint christine has stepped off of her pedestal long enough to try and strangle me. Now do you see why I'm worried about ricky?

Paul: I don't want to talk about this. I don't even want to hear her name right now. Why is that so hard to understand?

Chris: When you called last night, you were so upset you wouldn't even come home.

Lynne: Upset? What has isabella done?

Paul: I went over to the apartment.

Lynne: You saw her? Why? Why would give her the time of day?

Paul: She called.

Chris: I'm sure they were talking about the divorce.

Paul: There isn't even going to be a divorce, not if she has anything to say about it.

Lynne: What does that mean?

Chris: Apparently, she's fighting it.

Lynne: No. She can't do that.

Chris: Lynne, unfortunately, she can. She's a woman on her own with a child, no job. There were no strong charges made against her during the marriage. She could drag this out for quite awhile.

Lynne: Oh, my god. Paul, this is what she does. She manipulates you.

Chris: Lynne...

Lynne: Where does it end? How do we stop her?

Chris: Lynne...

Lynne: You know what, chris? You talk to him. Make him understand. You can't let her do this, paul. Ñoñ-ññ?7t|yñ Ñ e

Billy: So what's up with brittany? Did you ever find out where she was all that time?

Raul: Nope, but I wonder if she wishes she was still there, wherever it was.

Billy: No way. Are you kidding me? The girl is yours. She belongs here.

Raul: Yeah, well, I know that, and you know that.

Billy: Oh, come on, raul, you know women. They go see some movie about some chick taming lions in the sahara or something, and, like, they go crazy. "How come I'm not taming lions? I hate my life." It lasts about a day.

Raul: I had no idea you were such a big expert.

Billy: Well, there's only two things you need to learn to get along with women. That's it, just two. Nothing to it.

Raul: Oh, yeah? Aryou gonna share this?

Billy: Sure, here's the deal. Got a pencil?

Raul: What?

Billy: Give 'em everything they want...

Raul: Mm-hmm.

Billy: And do everything they tell you to do. That's it. If you can learn those two rules, you're a happy man.

Raul: Hmm, and what if you can't give them everything they want?

Billy: Whoa, whoa. We just got serious.

Raul: Well, yeah. I mean, well-- I mean, you act like you're always gonna be able to, uh...

Billy: Ah, you just-- just figure out a way.

Raul: Okay, well, what if you're figuring as hard as you can, and you still feel lik you know, like she's still-- like she needs something or she's still looking for something else?

Billy: Well, then you take 'em on a vacation or buy 'em some jewelry or something.

Raul: Very funny.

Billy: No, I mean it.

Raul: Yeah, "oh, honey, I, uh, got us a vacation over at the city park. Oh, and I also bought you this beautiful faucet washer. You know, you're supposed to put it on, like a ring."

Billy: What are you saying? That with brittany, it's all about money?

Raul: No. Look, you know what? I don't know what I'm talking about. Let's lighten this up right now, okay? Let's get you married.

Billy: Listen to me, brittany loves you. She's a woman, and women are like, um... well, they send mixed signals, but everything she's saying and doing, if you translate it, that's what it means. She loves you.

Raul: Listen to the big philosopher.

Billy: Yeah, yeah. Hey, listen, you could learn something, okay? I gotta hit the shower.

Raul: Hey, don't waste all the hot water, okay?

Billy: Sorry, can't help it. No more cold showers for billy abbott. Whoo-hoo!

Lauren: Okay, I'm gonna take your dress to the other store and get the alterations started. Put yourself in laird's capable hands and relax.

Mac: Yeah, right, relax.

Lauren: Okay.

Mac: Lauren, thanks again for all your help.

Lauren: What are fairy godmothers for, huh? All right, sweetie, see you there.

Mac: Okay. Well, let's hope this fairy tale doesn't end at midnight.

Laird: I think it's time to make our way over to the chancellor estate. Maid of honor, would you be kind enough to join us?

Colleen: Sure. Are you coming, brittany?

Brittany: Uh, yeah, I will in a little bit. There's something I want to take care of first.

Mac: Okay, we'll see you later.

Brittany: Bye.

Liz: I'm sorry.

Jill: Okay, mama, I'm sitting, I'm listening.

Liz: Oh, jill, if there was some way I didn't have to tell you.

Jill: I still don't see why this can't wait.

Liz: I know you don't, but it can'T. That's all there is to it.

Jill: All right, all right, go ahead. It seems like you're stalling here.

Liz: I'm not. I'm not stalling. It-- it's just not that easy.

Jill: What? What isn't that easy?

Liz: Finding the words, finding some way to make sense out of all--

Jill: You have to forgivee,e, but you are really not making much sense. I mean, you rush over here, you tell me this is a matter of life and death, and now you say you can't find the words?

Liz: Well, I'm still so stunned.

Jill: Well, come on. How bad could it be?

Liz: It's about charlotte.

Jill: Charlotte my thther? What about her?

Liz: That's just it, she isn't your mother. Charlotte ramsey is not your birth mother. Edmonton humane society is dr. Purcell. Always nice to see

Lauren: Hey, where is everyone?

Brittany: Um, they went to mrs. Chancellor'S.

Lauren: Shouldn't you be going there, too?

Brittany: I will.

Lauren: All right, I gotta go. Remember to lock up when you--

Brittany: Oh, wait, lauren, before you go, there's something I need to talk to you about.

Lauren: Oh, can it wait? I've really got to get this dress over to other store.

Brittany: No, it's really important. I promise it won't take long.

Lauren: Okay, what is it?

Brittany: I've decided that I don't want to work here anymore.

Lauren: When did you decide ts?S?

Brittany: Recently. Today, actually.

Lauren: Well, I'm sorry. I really enjoyed having you on the staff.

Brittany: Yeah, well, I've enjoyed being here, and I think you've been a great boss. It's just time to move on.

Lauren: All right, wait a minute. Where is this all coming from? I mean, I know you're having personal issues, but-- I mean, is that what this is about?

Brittany: That's part of it.

Lauren: And what's the other part?

Brittany: I just don't want to be here anymore. Things aren't the way they used to be. You know, when I was an internet star?

Lauren: I see.

Brittany: You're upset.

Lauren: I'm disappointed. Quite frankly, I expected a lot more from you.

Paul: I just keep thinking that I will wake up, and we will be back on the beach in california.

Chris: Your talk with isabella, how bad was it?

Paul: You know, chris, driving back here, I remembered what you said about wanting to kill her with your bare hands.

Chris: And you could suddenly empathize?

Paul: When I think about what was taken from us... and what was stolen...

Paul: And she has the audacity to say that I haven't given the idea of divorcing her enough thought.

Chris: I know. Isabella has an amazing capacity for casting herself as the innocent victim.

Paul: She thinks she's done absolutely nothing wrong. She thinks I'm the one that can't think straight. She has the gall to suggest that we all should continue our move to los angeles.

Chris: Well, "all" including me? How gracious of her.Judging by the look on your face, my name came up?

Paul: Don't even go there, chris.

Chris: What is she afraid of, my evil influence?

Paul: Yeah, on ricky. She's deluded.

Chris: Oh, my god. What-- is that why she hasn't brought your son back, because of me?

Mary: You're frightened of christine? Oh, I find that very hard to believe.

Isabella: Well, it's the truth. The woman is out of control. She had this wild look in her eye, and for a moment, I actually thought she might kill me.

Mary: Well, I bet you get a lot of that.

Isabella: You know, go ahead and make jokes, mary. I am terrified.

Mary: So why are you telling me this? Surely you don't expect me to intervene on your behalf.

Isabella: Would you?

Mary: Oh, oh, isabella, you've played me for a fool more than once, never again, and as for christine posing any real threat, the idea is ludicrous, though I've been tempted to throttle you myself a time or two.

Isabella: So you won't help me.

Mary: Oh, just tell me when ricky's coming home.

Isabella: I told you, when I feel like it's safe, not a moment sooner.

Mary: Oh, god, you are a stupid, selfish, evil woman. What paul ever saw in you, I'll never know.

Isabella: You know what, mary? I think it's time for you to go.

Mary: This isn't over, isabella. You'll pay for this. You hear me? If it's the last thing I ever do, I'll make you pay. You're looking live at edmonton from our skytracker atop manulife place.Good afternoon. I'm lesley macdonald. Coming up at 5:30...tobacco makers are disputing claims they mislead the public with light and mild cigarette packaging.And edmonton's gay community celebrates a landmark week. Plus canadian born actor hume cronyn has passed away.And baby boomers are being warned to keep fit and stay healthy if they wt t to avoid getting arthritis. We'll explain... ...ahead on

I'm shooting high got my eye

Brittany: Why are you getting so upset?

Lauren: How do you expect me to react? I mean, after everything that I've done for you, you thank me by quitting?

Brittany: Well, I didn't think it was that big a deal.

Lauren: Do you realize that you and the rest of the gang would not be working here if I had not gone to bat for you with the suits upstairs?

Brittany: I know you did.

Lauren: And you know that little month that you decided to disappear? Anyone else would have fired you in two seconds, but I kept your job open, and now right when I'm about to launch the new summer campaign, you bail on me. Well, you're damn right, it's a big deal.

Brittany: Look, I'm sorry.

Lauren: Just consider this conversation your two weeks notice.

Brittany: I don't think I can give you that.

Lauren: Excuse me?

Brittany: Well, I may be starting another job right away.

Lauren: You may be? What does that mean?

Brittany: Well, I'm pretty sure the job's mine if I want it.

Lauren: You are on the schedule for next week.

Brittany: Look, I will do my best to be here, but I can't make any promises.

Raul: Hey, guys, what's going on?

Lauren: I have to go.

Raul: What's the deal with her?

Brittany: What are you doing here?

Raul: Oh, I wanted to see if you wanted to grab a bite to eat before we got over to mrs. Chancellor's house.

Brittany: Oh, I'm not hungry.

Raul: Well, I'm starving. How about we hit a drive-thru before?

Brittany: Oh, no, you go on ahead. There's something I want of take care of fit.T.

Raul: What, does mac have you running errands or something?

Brittany: Oh, no. It's got nothing to do with the wedding. It's just something I want to take care of. It won't take long, I promise. You just go on over there, and I'll meet you.

Raul: All right. Are you okay?

Brittany: Yeah, I'm fine. There's nothing for you to worry about. Look, the sooner I leave, the sooner I'll get over to mrs. Chancellor'S.

Raul: Okay, all right, get going. I'll stay here. I'll lock up.

Brittany: Thanks. Okay, see you later.

Paul: I don't know, chris, the way isabella was talking--

Chris: What, was she threatening to keep your son away from you?

Paul: Threatening? I don't know that she was teaeatening. She was--she was calm, maybe she was too calm.

Chris: Something tells me she's talked to a lawyer.

Paul: Great. So what's the worst case scenario?

Chris: In terms of...

Paul: Well, was isabella right? I mean, can she keep me tied to her indefinitely?

Chris: Not forever. If you want a divorce, you will get one.

Paul: So, still, you're telling me that I'll have to wait just short of forever to be rid of her, is that it?

Chris: I'm telling you if she has a clever enough lawyer, and she contests this vigorously enough, it'll take some time.

Paul: Oh, how much time?

Chris: Months, a year, longer...

Paul: Oh, chr--

Chris: But first, there will be a hearing to prove to the judge that the marriage is irreconcilable. Her lawyer will fight it even though he knows they'll lose. He'll go after continuances, he'll take his own sweet time responding to your side, and once the hearing's over, it will go to trial.

Paul: Right, and there'll be more delays.

Chris: Yeah, because they'll have a hard time coordinating it with the judge's schedule, and then their witnesses will have their conflicts. Of course, most of them turn out to be bogus, but the trial will be postponed over and over again, and then, you're gonna have to come up with your own witnesses, not to mention--

Paul: What?

Chris: The settlement-- how much you are willing to pay for your freedom.

Paul: Well, how much could she get?

Chris: How high can you count?

Paul: Oh, come on, chris, I'd fight it.

Chris: Right, creating more delays. That's exactly what isabella's lawyer wants, and that's presuming they don't cause additional problems with the custody arrangements.

Paul: Oh, stop it, will you? I don't even want to think about this anymore.

Chris: I know it's not pretty.

Paul: So there's no way out. That's what you're telling me, isn't it?

Chris: Legally, the way the divorce laws work in this state...

>>Paul: (Groans)

Chris: Have you eaten anything today? Can't we just go out and get--

Paul: No, I'm not hungry. I want to be alone. God, I hate that woman!

Chris: I'll see you later. This is out there on global - I'm seanna collins. One of edmonton's most popular arts fundraising events, goes saturday and sunday. It's alberta ballet's house and garden tour - a showcase of six fabulous edmonton homes. Soak up an eyeful of great design and decorating inspirationglobal is proud to sponsor pets in the park for the edmonton humane society this sunday.Enjoy a full day of entertaining events, including dog olympics, agility, fly ball, educational exhibits. It's the only day that pets of all kind are allowed at hawrelak parkrapid fire theatre presents the 2003 improvaganza international improv festival starting wednesday. Don't miss the mamasters of the universe international theatresports tournament - two shows nightly - wednesday through saturday at the varscona theatre. And learn how to reduce your home utility costs with the eco-solar home tour. This saturday, edmonton homes will be open, free to the public , to display solar power systems and energy efficent house construction.

Jill: What did you just say?

Liz: Charlotte ramsey is not your birth mother.

Jill: How did john abbott finally get you to listen to him?

Liz: This isn't just from john.

Jill: Really? Who's it from?

Liz: Charlotte told me herself.

Jill: Mama, that is not funny.

Liz: I know it's not.

Jill: When did she tell you this?

Liz: Just a little while ago, at katherine'S. I mean, at your ususe.

Jill: And had she been drinking?

Liz: If she had been, she hides it pretty good.

Jill: Charlotte gets smashed after two sips.

Liz: Then, no, she was sober.

Jill: Is this all she told you, just that "I am not jill's bir m mother"?

Liz: No, she told me a story about how this whole mix-up happened. She knew that she should be the one to tell you, but she couldn't look you in the eye. She chickened out. She asked me to do it.

Jill: My god, you have hallucinated this whole conversation.

Liz: No, I haven'T. I am completely--

Jill: Yes, you have. When you were operated on, the must have juiced up your imagination or something because this is wrong. Charlotte and i have a connection, mama, and it's not just-- I mean, it's-it's--

Liz: What?

Jill: It's real!

Liz: No, it isn't! I'm sorry, girl. I know it feels real to you, but it isn'T.

Woman: Hello, miss. Are you alone?

Brittany: Oh, hi.

Woman: Hi.

Brittany: Yes.

Woman: Oh, well, would you like to have a seat at the bar?

Brittany: Um, no, no, thank you.

Woman: Oh, okay. Well, then how about-- maybe you prefer a table? Would you like a table?

Brittany: Maybe later.

Woman: Okay, well, if you change your mind, just give me a holler. I'm gloria. Enjoy yourself.

Bobby: You are gonna knock 'em dead. Guaranteed.

Brittany: Oh, hi. Mr. Marsino, right?

Bobby: Come on, call me bobby.

Brittany: You have a nice place.

Bobby: Yeah, thanks. I bet you could imagine yourself up on that stage, huh?

Brittany: Oh, I--I really wasn't thinking about that.

Bobby: Oh, come on. It's okay to fantasize a little bit.

Brittany: Well, you're the man who makes dreams come true.

Bobby: Ah, you remembered.

Brittany: Well, it's hard to forget a line like that.

Bobby: It wasn't a line. I meant what I said.

Brittany: It's kinda quiet.

Bobby: Well, it gets like that this time of day, but come sundown, it's wall-to-wall in here. Come on, whyonon't you sit down?

Brittany: So, uh, you really own this club?

Bobby: Yeah, that's my name on the sign outside.

Brittany: Yep, it's marsino'S.

Bobby: It is the classiest gentlemen's club this parofof the city. So did you think about what we talked about the other day?

Brittany: Well, you did all the talking. I just listened.

Bobby: Well, you must have liked what you heard, or you wouldn't be here.

Brittany: I was wondering, what kind of songs would you want me to sing?

Bobby: What do you do best?

Brittany: Well, I'm pretty good at pop songs, and my dad has this whole collection of show tunes. I know all of "the sound of music" by heart.

Bobby: "The sound of music," huh? I don't think julie andrews is what this crowd has in mind. Maybe we just stick to the pop stuff. How about some jazz?

Brittany: I know some. I could learn more.

Bobby: I bet you're a quick study.

Brittany: Well, once I hear something, I usually never forget it.

Bobby: Well, it seems to me you're a perfect fit for this place.

Brittany: You said that I could make good money. How good?

Woman: Gentlemen, let's give a warm welcome to the newest addition to marsino'S. Here to entertain you-- misty sky.

Man: Yeah. Whoo-ie!

Man #2: You go, girl. (Doorbell rings)

Chris: StopT. You are not shutting me out.

Isabella: Stay away from me, and don't come near me.

Chris: Look, I just want to talk to you.

Isabella: I will call the police, christine.

Chris: Whatever you need to do, you do it, but we are gonna talk, isabella, right now. (applause)

Bobby: What's wrong?

Brittany: You tricked me. That woman was a stripper.

Bobby: No, no, no, she's an exotic dancer. There's a big difference.

Brittany: But she took her clothes off.

Bobby: Some do, some don'T.

Brittany: Is that what you wanted to hire me for?

Bobby: I thought I asked uu to be a singer.

Brittany: Just a singer?

Bobby: Well, if you did more than sing, I'd have to pay you more.

Brittany: You were gonna tell me how much.

Bobby: Ballpark, with tips, $1,000 a night.

Brittany: But I could never do what she did.

Bobby: It's up to you. If you want to go back and work in that little boutique, pushing halter tops and cosmetics, be my guest. I just thought that...

Brittany: You thought what?

Bobby: I kind of figured you for the kind of girl that likes to push the envelope, the kind of chick that comes alive when she's living on the edge, stirring things up a bit.

Brittany: All that from just one conversation?

Bobby: Hey, like I said, I can read people. Maybe I was wrong.

Brittany: Well, I am nothing like that whatever her name is.

Bobby: Misty sky. That's not her real name. (Laughs)

Brittany: Still, I mean, I can't believe that she could get up there and just...

Bobby: Look, it's just a job. She's a single mom. She's got a couple of kids. Where else is she gonna make the kind of money that she can make here?

Brittany: But all these men, staring at her like she's a piece of meat?

Bobby: So what? They're just looking. They can't touch. I got rules against that.

Brittany: I still say you got me here under false pretenses. All that garbage about making my dreams come true...

Bobby: Suit yourself. There's plenty of other girls that would love the job.

Brittany: Fine, then hire them.

Gloria: No such luck, huh?

Bobby: She'll be back.

Gloria: I bet you she will.

Bobby: Mm-hmm. Now get me a drink.

Gloria: Okay, girls.

Liz: Daughter, you know how much I love you.

Jill: Then why are you doing this to me? I can't believe this. I mean, you know how much it has meant to me to have found my birth mother. You know that I've been happier than I have been in a very long time. Oh, mama, are you jealous? Is that what this is all about?

Liz: You want the truth? Yes, jill, I am jealous of the feeling you have for this charlotte woman. How could I not be? The daughter that I've loved more than life, the girl I raised, cherished from the moment your daddy brought you home to me-- you have no idea how much I wish I'd never had to tell you about this adoption.

Jill: That's pretty selfish of you.

Liz: I know it is, and it's wrong. It's wrong to feel that, knowing what I do, but this woman charlotte ramsey, she is gonna cause you a world of hurt, and not just you--

Jill: Look, you are talking in riddles.

Liz: Look, first things first, billy and mac cannot get married. We have to stop this wedding.

Jill: Now charlotte has you on that bandwagon, too?

Liz: No, it isn't some foolish notion. It can't happen. Now listen to me. You and I have to go the house and stop this wedding right now.

Jill: What has gotten into you? Are you not the same person who told me that I had to put my personal feelings aside and give this marriage a chance?

Liz: Yes, but I didn't know everything then.

Jil e everything? What is everything?

Liz: Everything is that charlotte ramsey is not your real mother.

Jill: Even if I believe that, which I do not, what does it have to do with billy and... I cannot talk about this right now, okay? I can'T. We will sit down and hash it out, I promise, but enough is enough for right now. I am going to go to my son's wedding, and I'm gonna bite my tongue, and I am gonna wish those two kids all the best.

Liz: Jill, they're not gonna have all the best. They can'T. There is not going to be a marriage. There can't be.

Jill: Why not? Why are you acting like this?

Liz: Because they're cousins! Billy and mackenzie-- they're first cousins!

Next on

"the young and the restless"...

Isabella: Don't come near me.

Chris: I lost my temper one time.

Isabella: You'd like nothing better than to see me dead.

Liz: Charlotte was the first person to see you alive.

Jill: Charlotte must know who it is.

Edmonton's global news starts now. Lie and innuendo.

I'm not crazy. I did not make this up.

Dar tried to set the record straight. A police officer recalls the details of a tragic crash

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