Wednesday Y&R Transcript 5/28/03

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 5/28/0
3--Canada; Thursday 5/29/03

Provided By Eric

Jack: Just have the contract ready. We'll be all squared away as soon as this guy gets into town. Thanks, david. Good enough. What the hell? Daphne, call security. Get 'em up here.

Victor: I signed in downstairs, jack.

Jack: Never mind. What the hell you want, newman?

Phyllis: Hey, hey, where'd you go?

Neil: I went home.

Phyllis: I gotta tell you something. I have accomplished so much since you've been gone. I have to be honest. I amazmymyself sometimes.

Neil: Yeah, listen--

Phyllis: No, no, no, no. You listen to me. Listen to me. This is so cool. Damon porter--have you seen this guy? Oh, ho, ho, ho! Okay, well, I've been trying to figure out how I'm gonna make hay out of this situation. Hay--you get it with the horses and all that stuff. Anyway, anyway, I've been spitting out ideas. First of all, the name damon porter-- it just rolls off your tongue. Damon porter. Damon porter. By the by, hello, damon porter. And I've been figuring out how I can personalize our presence on the web, all right? It'll allow me to put a face and a name with an image, which is very important on the net, of course, and it doesn't hurt that this guy's a very fine, fine man of color, and this is a line for women of color.

Neil: Phyllis, this is great, but I--

Phyllis: No, no, no. No, listen, then this guy's story. Wait. He drops out of the business world to raise thoroughbreds.I mean, go figure. He's like a reclusive genius. I mean, what's that about? Anyway, we'll talk about that later. So I was thinking of a damon porter tutorial-- how cosmetics are manufactured and designed. We'll be able to inform and advertise at the same time. Click your way to understanding eye shadow. Oh, oh, oh, and incidentally, why should you buy ours? Thank you, damon porter.

Neil: Yeah, phyllis, stop. Okay? Stop, stop. There isn't going to be any damon porter, at least not working at satine, not in this lifetime.

Dru: Mmm. Mmm. Mmm.

Dru: "Damon porter." You gorgeous chemist, you. Welcome to jabot. Compliments of drucilla. (Doorbell rings)

Dru: Who is it?

Olivia: Your sister.

Dru: Ohh, okay. Right on time. Hey, miss 2-week moratorium.

Olivia: Hey, you. What?

Dru: Yeah, remember the last--

Olivia: Oh, yeah.

Dru: Yeah, the last time I spoke to you, you two were gonna take a break.

Olivia: Yeah, well, that kinda fell by the wayside.

Dru: Well, I'm sure it did. The two of you couldn't keep your hands off each other.

Olivia: Drucilla.

Dru: No, I know that man. No disrespect, but I remember once in monte carlo--

Olivia: Drucilla delores, let me get a word in!

Dru: You sound like mama.

Olivia: Whatevew/works.

Dru: Liv, I'm just glad you two came to your senses. I mean, life is short, and if you and wes-- you know what? Hold the thought. It is time for some bubbly. Yes, it is!

Olivia: No, no, no. I'm on call. No, I can'T.

Dru: Don't you be a party pooper, liv. Come on! Look, there's lots and lots to celebrate about.

Olivia: Wes and me?

Dru: No, you're not the only one with good man news, honey.

Olivia: What are you telling me?

Dru: Well, I have a piece of information that I think I should share with my sister, and that is that my man proposed to me, and I said,

"oui, oui, monsieur."

Cody: So then what happened?

Victoria: Oh, what do you think? We went back to our dorm rooms.

Cody: The headmaster didn't find out?

Victoria: Mnh-mnh, we went to class the next day, and we pretended like nothing happened, and we never got caught.

Cody: Unbelievable.

Victoria: I have a hundred stories like that.

Cody: Yeah, you were quite the wild child, huh?

Victoa: Me? No! No, I wasn'T. Come on, it was switzerland anand boarding school. We had to do something to liven things up.

Cody: Yeah, what was that like, spending most of your childhood overseas?

Victoria: Um, it was good and bad. I missed my family and the ranch, but looking back, it was a great opportunity. You know, it might not be such a bad thing to go back and just pack a bag and jump on an airplane and disappear. Sorry.

Cody: Don't apologize.

Victoria: Well, I have bored you enough witmymy problems for one night.

Cody: I'm glad you feel you can talk to me.

Victoria: You must get that a lot.

Cody: Wt's that?

Victoria: Women pouring on their sob stories.

Cody: No, not really.

Victoria: Oh, come on, nice guy like you.

Cody: Is that your way of asking me if I go on many dates?

Victoria: Maybe.

Cody: Well, the truth is I don't go out much. I mean, I like to hang out with my friends, but between the coffeehouse and school, I don't have a ton of free time. So dating is sort of a luxury, you know?

Victoria: But if the right woman came along?

Cody: Then I might have to rethink my priorities.

Victoria: Good to know.

Noah: Do I look okay?

Nick: You kidding me? You look like a million bucks.

Noah: I wanted to look extra nice for mommy. Can you do my tie?

Nick: Yeah, come here.

Noah: Daddy, are you sad?

Nick: No, buddy. I just kind of got a lot going on in my heart right now.

Noah: You miss mommy, too, don't you? Cassie, mommy's coming. Aren't you gonna dress up?

Cassie: No, noah.

Noah: But we haven't seen her in so long.

Cassie: Yeah, I know.

Nick: Hey, your sister looks fine. So look, I know this could be tough, so if it gets to be too much, you just let mknknow, all right?

Cassie: Don't worry, dad. I'll handle it. (Knock on door)

Noah: It's her! It's her! Good afternoon. The edmonton man who beat an caretaker into a waking coma is facing a dangerous offender hearing this week th could see him locked away forever. You'll hear from the wife of the brain damaged caretaker..+++ from garbage pickup to policing... is amalgamation the answer to edmonton's budget problems?+++And - honouring an anti smoking crusader. You'll meet the first recipients of the barb tarbox awards...+++hope you can join us for edmonton's global news at six. This is no place for abandage...till now.

Brad: Hey, honey. Looking for something to eat? I was thinking of throwing a couple of steaks on.

Colleen: Oh, no, thanks. I'm not hungry. I just was gonna grab something to drink and go back to my room.

Brad: Been kind of a ghost the last few days.

Colleen: Yeah, well, I have a lot of homework.

Brad: You sure that's not just an excuse? Colleen, hold on a minute.

Colleen: What?

Brad: I know something's wrong. I've been hoping you were going to come to me and open up, but obviously, you're not going to. So I have to insist that you tell me what's happening with J.T.

Colleen: Ashley told you?

Brad: Almost nothing. She wouldn't break your confidenc but it's not that hard to figure out why you've been avoiding me, acting so upset. Damn it, colleen, come on! I want to know what J.T.'S done to hurt you.

Colleen: My god!

J.T.: You like it?

Colleen: Like it? I love it.

J.T.: Really?

Colleen: Yeah. A heart--kind of symbolic, yeah? Oh!

Brittany: Oh, look, it's a snake! It's a great, big, ugly, 6-foot-tall snake! I didn't know snakes studied. Oh, look, here's your little snake notebook...

J.T.: What are you doing?

Brittany: And your little snake calculator and your little snake--

J.T.: What the hell is your problem? Give me that.

Brittany: My problem is you, J.T. Aren't you gonna ask why?

J.T.: No, because you've been on my case ever since--

Brittany: Ever since when? Oh, right. Ever since you came by to apologize for busting mdadad about cheating on my mom, except you conveniently failed to mention you've been making out with her!

Noah: Mommy, mommy, hello!

Sharon: Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Honey, look at you. Look how much you've grown. My gosh, look at you!

Sharon: Hi, cassie.

Cassie: Hi.

Sharon: You look beautiful.

Cassie: Well, noah got all dressed-up for you.

Sharon: Yeah, he sure did, didn't he? I didn't expect that.

Noah: It was my idea, mommy.

Sharon: Oh, sweetie. Well, you look just-- I can't even tell you.

Noah: Daddy did my tie.

Sharon: Daddy did a really wonderful job, didn't he?

Cassie: Sure did. Daddy's taken really, really good care of us.

Sharon: Well, I see that, honey. Just looking at you and noah, I see what a wonderful job your father did.

Cassie: Well, you know, he didn't have a choice. You were gone.

Nick: Cassie, your mother-- she didn't--

Sharon: It's okay, nick. Just let her talk. You're right to be angry with me. It wouldn't be normal if you weren'T. I'm sure you even hate me.

Noah: No, mommy, cassie doesn't hate you. Do you, cassie?

Sharon: Noah, sweetie, I'm not sure your sister knows how she feels right now, okay?

Cassie: Well, that's where you're wrong. I know exactly how I feel.

Victoria: So how many classes are you taking?

Cody: None. I am finished with classes. Working on my thesis.

Victoria: How's that going?

Cody: Slowly.

Victoria: I forget. What are you studying again?

Cody: You didn't forget. J never told you.

Victoria: Okay. Well, then what are you studying?

Cody: Mmm. Guess.

Victoria: Well, um, looking at you, I would say... history?

Cody: No.

Victoria: Biology? Ha ha ha ha.

Cody: Cultural anthropology.

Victoria: Really?

Cody: Yeah, does that surprise you?

Victoria: I've just never met anyone with a cultural anthropology degree.

Cody: Yeah, yeah, I know. It's a little weird.

Victoria: It's not weird. How'd you get interested in that?

Cody: It's a long story.

Victoria: I'm not going anywhere.

Cody: Okay, when I was an undergrad, I went to japan for a semester.

Victoria: Tokyo?

Cody: Osaka. I'd never left the states, and I was dying to see someplace new. Ananyway, I loved it, and when I finished college, I went back. I got a job teaching english. I did that for about a year, and then I traveled. Spent about three months going across southeast asia.

Victoria: Wow, that sounds amazing.

Cody: Oh, yeah, it was the best time of my life-- just me and my backpack. No schedule. I could just find all these really great places off the beaten path. Could hang out as long as I wanted to. Really get to know the people and, you know, their way of life. I found out the more that I learned, the more I wanted to know. When I did finally come home, I signed up for grad school. That's my story.

Victoria: So what do you plan to do once you finish?

Cody: Ooh, the big question. What do you want to do with your life? I don't know. I might work on a phd. I might go to work. I'm not sure.

Victoria: Well, there's this whole other side to you I never knew about.

Cody: Yeah, we never really had a chance to talk.

Victoria: So why now?Cody: I'm not sure what you mean.

Victoria: Well, we've known each other for awhile. Why the change? Why did you suddenly decide to ask me out?

Olivia: You and neil are engaged?

Dru: Yeah. How about that?

Olivia: Honey, that's great. Congralalations.

Dru: Thank you, liv. So here's to our fabulous men.

Olivia: And here's to your good news. Okay, come on. Give me the details.

Dru: Okay, he proposed to me a few days ago. Of course, I had to let himsquirm a little bit.

Olivia: Like there was any doubt.

Dru: Yeah, but we haven't told lily yet.

Olivia: She won't hear it from me.

Dru: All right, so that's the first good piece of news. The second piece--

Olivia: You're pregnant.

Dru: Don't be funny, liv. The second piece of news is kind of about neil, but it's--it's n-not-- well, actually, if I think about it, it really does have to do with him...

Olivia: Honey, you're babbling.

Dru: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's just that I'm so nervous because what I'm about to tell you is huge.

Olivia: What is it?

Dru: Your little sister, your neophyte of a businesswoman has pulled off the coup of the century today. (Laughs)

Phyllis: What did you say?

Neil: You heard me. The man's not working for us.

Phyllis: No, no, no, no, no. Neil, listen, if he's decided that he likes the smell of horses more than money, let me talk to him. I can be very persuasive.

Neil: No, there's no persuading to be done.

Phyllis: Neil, I put too much time and energy into this. Now if I have to go down to georgia and pull him up to genoa city by the nose, I--

Neil: Don't bother. He'll be in genoa city anyway.

Phyllis: I have a feeling you have a story for me.

Neil: Get this--damon porter is gonna be working with jabot's new tuvia line.

Phyllis: Get out.

Neil: At this point in my professional career, I really wish I could.

Phyllis: How did this happen? How did we lose him?

Neil: We didn't lose him. He was stolen.

Phyllis: Stolen? He's a person. How can he get--

Neil: Access to him. His business card. Matter of fact, you were here when it happened.

Phyllis: Oh... drucilla? (Hits desk)

Phyllis: I was right about her. I was 100% right about her!

Victor: If I were you, jack, I'd calm down. You'll live longer. I actually came by to take my lovely wife out to dinner, but she already went to the ranch, I guess.

Jack: So you came by to invite me to dinner instead?

>>Victor: That's right.

Jack: Well, flattered as I am by all the attention, I am already spoken for.

Victor: You're in an awfully good mood for a man in deep trouble.

Jack: Well, what can I say? I'm an odd kind of guy, or maybe I'm not in as much trouble as you think I am. If you're finished crashing my office withouanan appointment.

Victor: Oh, I need an appointment?

Jack: Why wouldn't you?

Victor: But your employees don't? In other words, they feel free to burst in my office any time they feel like it. Is that it?

Jack: Oh, oh, let me guess. Drucilla.

Victor: You got that right. And what a mouth she has on her.

Jack: She's fun, isn't she? We like her. That energy is money in the bank for us.

Victor: Well, good luck with her, old boy.

Jack: Oh, we're fine with drucilla. You should be so lucky. Now if there isn't anything else...

Victor: Jt t a little reminder, jack--the principal payment on the loan--

Jack: Is due in four weeks. Yes, I think we've already discussed this in another conversation, haven't we?

Victor: Have we?

Jack: Oh, come on, victor. Let's admit it. You're not here about nikki, huh? You could have called her. You're here for one purpose-- to spread your pall of gloom over me.

Victor: Am I?

Jack: Yes, you are, only I'm not in the mood. Try this on somebody else. I got work to do. The highlight of my day?

Brad: Colleen, I'm sorry for snapping at you.

Colleen: This is exactly why I didn't say anything, dad, because whenever I mention J.T., You get like this.

Brad: Allight, listen, I will try to contain myself, okay? Baby, you have to understand how hard this is for me, seeing you like this. I want to take care of you, I want to protect you.

Colleen: You couldn't have protected me from this.

Brad: Have you and J.T. Broken up?

Colleen: Not officially, but...

Brad: What happened?

Colleen: Dad, I can't tell you. I don't even like thinking about it. Besides, does it really even matter?

Brad: Yeah, sure it does. If the two of you had problems getting along, that's one thing, but if J.T. Did something to hurt you or if he's broken your trust, then--

Colleen: I don't want to talk about it, and I don't want you going after J.T. That is the last thing I want.

Brad: Listen, colleen, I'm gonna handle this however--

Colleen: No, all right? It's over, and there's nothing anyone can do about it, okay? I loved him very much, I still do, but we can't be together anymore because I thought I knew him, but I was wrong. How could I be so wrong?

Brittany: Don't try to deny it, J.T. People saw you.

J.T.: Yeah, right.

Brittany: In a restaurant, making out with my mother?

J.T.: I said all right, brittany.

Brittany: What, you're just gonna walk away?

J.T.: What do you want me to say, okay? Just--

Brittany: You know, I always knew you were a loser. You'd come on to anybody, any girl with a pulse was fair game, but my mother? Good god, J.T. That morning you told me about at the lodge, what else went on besides conversation?

J.T.: I told you.

Brittany: You told me nothing. You said go ask my mother. I'm asking you, J.T., And I want an answer.

J.T.: We talked, okay? That's it. We talked.

Brittany: And then what happened after, after you walked her upstairs? You said she was calm.

J.T.: She was.

Brittany: Oh, really, she was calm? You expect me to believe that after she saw my dad with jill?

J.T.: Look, I-- look, look, we talked, like I said, and she was really upset, and I--

Brittany: And you what?

J.T.: And I comforted her, all right?

Brittany: But what does that mean? Did you kiss her? Did you hold her hand? Is that when it all started?

Brittany: Oh, my god.

J.T.: Brittany, listen to me.

Brittany: You didn't just comfort her. You didn't just kiss her. You did it with my mother.

Noah: Remember this picture?

Sharon: Yeah, I sure do. Cassie drew this.

Noah: I was little then, wasn't I?

Sharon: Yeah, you were.

Noah: Our family was really happy then.

Sharon: Yeah.

Cassie: That was a long time ago, noah.

Sharon: It sure was. It was a real long time ago.

Noah: But now you're back home, mommy. Everything'sacack to normal.

Cassie: Everything can't go back to the way things were. Everything's different now.

Sharon: I realize that, cassie.

Cassie: Noah's too little. He doesn't understand.

Sharon: I wish I could make you understand.

Cassie: Undststand what? What, mom?

Sharon: You know, you started to say something before, and you didn't finish, and I think that you need to. You need to tell me how you feel about me, how you truly feel about me.

>>Asassie: I don't think you want to hear that.

Sharon: I think I need to hear it.

Nick: Sharon, I wouldn't--

Sharon: Nick, it's okay, just let her talk. That was the whole purpose of this meeting, to let these children say how they feel.

Noah: I love you, mommy. That's how I feel.

Sharon: Oh, sweetie, I love you, too.

Cassie: I don'T. I hate you for what you did to us. I don't even know how you could call yourself a mother and then walk out on us like that.

Sharo well, looking back, that was the worst thing I could have done, and I do not expect you to forgive me... but I do hope that one day you'll find it in your heart not to hate me so much.

Cassie: Dad, can I go back to my room now?

Nick: Yeah, go ahead.

Sharon: I love you, cassie. I know that you don't believe that right now. Good night.

Noah: I don't think cassie meant that.

Sharon: Honey, come here, sit down. Listen, whatever your sister feels, it is important that she has a chance to say that. It's not good to bottle things up inside, and that goes for you, too, you understand? I guess I should get going, but I'll see you again soon if you want.

Nick: Noah, why don't you go up and put on your pajamas? I gotta talk to mommy for a few minutes. Say good night to your mother.

Noah: Good night, mommy.

Sharon: Good night, sweet baby. You're looking live at edmonton from our skytracker atop manulife place.Good afternoon. I'm lesley macdonald. Coming up at 5:30...a deadly day on everest. At least three people are killed in a helicopter crash. Hundreds of climbers are on the world's highest mountain to mark a major anniversary. We'll have the story.And they're the talk of the park. Love springs eternal in a symbolic way in new york. We'll explain... ...on edmonton's global news at 5:30. Hat's aggravating?

Victor: There's no need to be so defensive, jack.

Jack: What, are you kidding me? I got a lot at stake here, victor. As far as I can see, you're trying to wipe me out, not that you have an ice cube's chance in hell of doing it.

Victor: So you don't think there's an advantage to being better staffed and better funded?

Jack: Wow, last week you were just better funded. This week it's better funded and better staffed. What's next week, you're all taller?

Victor: I don't need to be taller to crush the likes of you.

Jack: No, but you do need a good r & d department. You don't have that, do you?

Victor: Really?

Jack: Yeah, really. When you scooped up satine, you got some nice products, nice if a little dated. You see, that would be a perfect fit for jabot. We have the talent to take those products, expand on their underlying design themes, and then flood the market on all levels of the demographic, but-- you got a lot of warm bodies working for you. I don't see the talent.

Victor: That can be bought.

Jack: I'm not so sure about that. You see, an & & d department takes a long time to build. You need a strong, central figure. We have that in ashley. You build a synergy around that, people who work hand in glove. As far as I can see, you're working under the premise that you sprinkle money on the ground, and these talented, creative people just p o out of the ground like cornstalks.

Victor: And you assume that we haven't thought about that?

Jack: Oh, then you do have a central figure for your r & d department.

Victor: How dimwitted do you think we are?

Jack: You got a half an hour? I'll talk fast. So who is it?

Victor: Who's who?

Jack: Who is this genius who's gonna save you from making a fool out of yourself?

Victor: It'll be a surprise, jack.

Jack: Oh, then you're still fishing.

Victor: The principal payment on your loan is due in four weeks.

Jack: Victor newman-- a man who brings thpepersonal touch to debt collection.

Victor: You know, jack, for a man who's in deep trouble, you're in an awfully good mood, which leads me to believe that you are suffering from hubris. It means "excessive arrogance," a very dangerous state of mind.

Jack: Yeah, I'm in a good mood all right, victor. I sure as hell don't want anyone I love being in the room when you find out why.

Dru: And then when jack got over himself, he was so tickled pink. I mean, he was impressed by the initiative I took. Liv, what?

Olivia: Oh, my god.Dru: Oh, don't tell me you're gonna jump all over me.

Olivia: Oh, like neil did? Or like he's gonna when he finds out?

Dru: Because I took a bold stand on behalf of my company?

Olivia: Oh, "bold," that's what you're calling it? Try irresponsible, try sleazy.

Dru: See, you don't understand. You don't want damon porter working for the competition.

Olivia: That's not the point. Oh, my god, if have to explain this to you--

Dru: Yes, maybe you should since you know so much about the business.

Olivia: Look, I know enough not to pull a stunt like this, that's guaranteed to tick people off.

Dru: Oh, well, tell that to the newmans 'cause they do this on a regular basis, liv.

Olivia: You haven't even considered the repercussions, have you? You've got ashley on your case, you're trying to make an enemy of victor newman. Are you insane? And what about your fiancé? How do you think he's gonna feel about this?

Dru: Well, he should have thought about that. He didn't take me into consideration when he ran off and betrayed me.

Olivia: Oh, I see. So this is payback time. Soouou'll possibly lose the man you love, possibly lose your husband-to-be, and what about his career? The man has to answer to victor newman for this.

Dru: You know what? I don't even know why I told you. I did not tell you this so that you could make me feel guilty.

Olivia: Why did you tell me anyway? You thought I'd be proud of you?

Dru: Well, you know what? I kind of thought that--

Olivia: No, you know what? Just-- I don't even want to be in the same room with you.

Phyllis: Drucilla stole that card, just as I suspected?

Neil: Not only that, but she knew exactly what to do with it. She managed to get damon porter on the phone, set up an appointment with her and jack. They hired the man before he ever had a chance to return my call. Damn it.

Phyllis: That's why jack was in such a good mood earlier.

Neil: Oh, I'm sure he was.

Phyllis: This is absolutely unbelievable. I spent hours on this guy. The stuff I came up with was brilliant, and now your fiancéE...

Neil: Yeah.

Phyllis: How'd she justify this?

Neil: Aw, phyllis, in dru's mind, I can't complain about anything. It's payback for telling victoria about satine.

Phyllis: And in your mind?

Neil: In my mind? She stole that damn card. There's no two ways about it.

Phyllis: Exactly, exactly. So have you kicked her through the goalposts of life?

Neil: Okay, hold on now. I love this girl. I'm not gonna let this whole thing break us up.

Phyllis: Neil... you're a better person than I.

Neil: Don't you-- my problem is victor thinks that damon porter is working at satine, that there's only contracts left to sign.

Phyllis: I know, I know. Victor is not a man who likes bad news.

Neil: Nor the people who deliver it.

Phyllis: Hmm, well, better you than me, pal.

Neil: You wanna go with me?

Phyllis: No. Good luck.

Neil: Thanks. I'll get it over with, and I'll see you later.

Phyllis: All right, neil. If you won't deal with drucilla... I guess I have to. This is out there on global - I'm seanna collins. The first ever focus on children gala is friday nightat the executive royal inn west edmonton. The evening includes dinner, a family fashion show and entertainment. All proceeds support child find albertathe northern alberta international childrens festival continues in st. Albertuntil saturday. The festival gives children the opportunity to explore and experience all forms of art and expression. Pick up an event brochure at any tim horton's location.Join globals mike sobel for the 150 ms bike tour june 7th and 8th. The tour goes from leduc to camrose and back. It's the largest bike tour in canada raising thousands of dollars to help families living with M.S.And there are only a few days left to enjoy a fabulous art exhibit ... the post impressionist masterworks exhibition is comprised of 15 paintings from the national gallery of canada - it wraps up sunday at the edmonton art gallerythat's out there for today for our children to be happy and healthy,

Cody: Why did I decide to ask you out?

Victoria: Well, I mean, it's only taken you, what, a few years?

Cody: Hey, I was building up to it.

Victoria: I'm that intimidating?

Cody: Well, you are the boss' sister--oh, and victor newman's daughter.

Victoria: Oh, right, yeah. That's kind of a bad combo, huh?

Cody: Yeah, that's what I thought at first.

Victoria: Well, I'm glad you didn't let it stop you.

Cody: Hey, I am a brave guy when I get around to it.

Victoria: I hope you mean that because once you hear about my track record with men, you may wish you'd stayed home tonight to write your thesis.

Cody: Hmm. Well, if you're trying to scare me, that won't work.

Cody: Would you like to dance?

Victoria: Sure.

Brad: Honey, I'm so sorry.

Colleen: You mean, you're not relieved? This is what you wanted, isn't it?

Brad: I never, ever wanted to see you heartbroken. I don't take any pleasure in that, none. I just want you to be happy.

Colleen: Dad...

>>Rarad: I know it's hard for you to imagine right now, but you will get through this.

Colleen: You're right, I can't imagine it.

Brad: Well, I promise you... it's true, and I'm gonna do whatever I can to help you.

Brad: Take this one day at a time, and then one morning, you'll wake up, and the pain won't be as strong, okay? You're gonna go a whole morning without thinking about J.T., Then a whole afternoon, then a whole day.

Colleen: I don't see how.

Brad: I know you don'T. That's because it still hurts too much, but I promise you, it's true. Then one amazing day, you're gonna be laughing again, you're gonna be smiling again. You're gonna feel like your old self.

Colleen: Yeah, maybe you're right. I'll be okay.

Brad: You will.

Colleen: I'll learn to live without J.T... but, daddy, I wish so much that d didn't have to.

Brad: I know, baby. I know.

Brittany: How could you do this?

J.T.: Look, it just happened, all right? Neither one of us planned on it. It was a total shock. It just happened, all right?

Brittany: Well, I can't believe this. You are such a slime, that you could take advantage--

J.T.: No, no, that's not how it happened.

Brittany: Oh, great, so the feeling was mutual? That makes me feel so much better.

J.T.: I didn't plan on it, okay? Would you just--

Brittany: You make me want to puke, J.T. First you had me, and then you had my mother.

J.T.: I'm sorry.

Brittany: You're sorry? That's it?

J.T.: Yeah.

Brittany: You are so lame. My parents' marriage is in the toilet, and so you sleep with my mom? You have sex with her? God, it's so disgusting. I can't even...

J.T.: Look, I know it was wrong, okay? It was a huge mistake-- one I'm paying for, believe me.

Brittany: How?

J.T.: Look, it cost me the one thing, the only thing in my whole damn life that's ever mattered. Just shut the hell up and leave me alone, okay? You can afford

Dru: Unbelievable. Opened up the champagne for her, too. Mmm, mmm, mmm. Hmm, she's got nerve. (Doorbell rings)

Dru: I hope it's an apology, liv. Huh. Yeah.

Dru: Okay, what do you want?

Phyllis: Why don't you put on the kettle, sweetie? Because you and I-- we're gonna have an old-fashioned heart-to-heart.

Victor: Neil, just the man I want to see.

Neil: Well, you're in a good mood.

Victor: I just came from another meeti with jack abbott.

Neil: That doesn't always put a smile on your face.

Victor: No, but this time it does. He was particularly smug and cocky.

Neil: Yeah, I can imagine.

Victor: Which makes me more determined to bury that S.O.B. Now have you got the contract for that damon fellow? I want to sign it. It gives me particular pleasure in lieu of the fact that jack abbott talked about deficiencies in our r & d department as if he knew what he was talking about.

Neil: He does, victor.

Victor: What do you mean, "he does"?

Neil: I got some news about damon porter, and, uh, it's not very good.

Sharon: Thank you for letting me see the kids.

Nick: Well, like I said, we got to do what's best for the kids.

Sharon: Yeah, you did say that, didn't you?

Nick: There something else on your mind, sharon? I got this feeling there's more you want to say.

Sharon: Okay, there is. I have to wonder what you said to them.

Nick: To the kids, about you? What do you think I said?

Sharon: Well, it just seems-- all this bitterness from cassie...

Nick: What do you think, I poisoned her mind or something?

Sharon: Did you? Cassie and i used to be really close, and even when I left, she knew that I was struggling. I mean, I think that if you had even tried to help her understand--

Nick: Are you blaming me? Are you blaming me for that child's pain and heartbreak? Where the hell do you get off doing that? (Door opens)

Noah: Mommy, don't leave us again. Please, stay here with us. 

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