Y&R Transcript Tuesday 5/20/03--Canada; Wednesday
Provided By Eric
Jill: Are you dead? You better not be dead 'cause I came over here for the express purpose of killing you myself. All right, let's just see if you're breathing. Oh, you're breathing. You're breathing. All right, there's gotta be a pulse. Where would it be, in the wrist, in the neck? I doubt it's in the neck. I don't think there's been an adequate blood supply to your brain for years. Oh, there it is, and it feels normal. Are you faking? Are you faking 'cause you knew I would come over here, you knew I'd find out about those poisonous lies that you've been telling john abbott... about my birth mother not being my birth mother? Wake up, wake up, you old troublemaker. Come on, I know this is a ploy for sympathy.
Esther: Stop that! Don't you--
Jill: Please, stop this nonsense.
Esther: Stop that. Don't you hit her anymore!
Jill: Oh, for christ... did you call the paramedics?
Esther: Well, of course I did.
Kay: You're telling me
my baby was jill?
Jill: Move the table. Move the table.
Kay: Jill?
Esther: Jill...
Jill: Oh, look at her.
Esther: What is wrong with you? God, oh, my god, mrs. C., Mrs. C., Please, please, wake up. Mrs. C., I know--I know you're gonna be all right. I-I know you are. Please, mrs. C. I love you, mrs. C.
Jill: Oh, my god.
Phyllis: Here you are.
Jack: Yeah, just trying to unwind a bit. What are you up to?
Phyllis: I think I'm gonna go to sleep. It's been a long day.
Jack: Yeah, I hear you. You know, you could join me.
Phyllis: I don't think so, jack. I'm still mad at you.
Jack: Phyllis, you're taking this too far.
Phyllis: You accused me of betraying my family.
Jack: I said no such thing.
Phyllis: Oh, you were so sure I'm victor newman's messenger.
Jack: I said it was victor newn'n's message. I am still ticked off that the moustache would stoop to using my wife to undermine our confidence at jabot.
Phyllis: Ohokay, I can't-- there you go again. I am not victor newman's stooge.
Jack: He's using you, sweetheart.
Phyllis: Oh, of course he is, of course he is. It's so obvious. Why would I have a mind of my own? Why would I have any sincere coerern as to what happens to you or your family's company?
Victoria: Don't you ever quit?
Victor: What?
Victoria: Working, isn't it time to go home?
Victor: If I don't put in overtime, how can I expect my employees to?
Victoria: You know, I got your e-mail about the satineeeeeting tomorrow.
Victor: I sent one to neil and phyllis as well.
Victoria: Don't you have to meet with legal tomorrow morning?
Victor: Yes, why?
Victoria: Well, why don't you just give me the notes? And then there's really no need for you to be at the meeting.
Victor: Don't worry, I already rescheduled.
Victoria: Look, um, we appreciate your personal interest in this project, but I realize you're very busy, and neil and I can handle it.
Victor: I'm sure you can, but I have reasons to want to be at that meeting, okay?
Ashley: Oh, oh, don't stop. It feels so good. Oh. (Gasps) oh... oh.
Brad: That's our little beach ball's way of telling you you need to stay off your feet, young lady.
Ashley: Oh, you mean, this little beach ball right here?
Brad: (Baby voice) yeah, that's the one I mean. That little one.
Ashley: This feels so heavenly. Almost makes me feel glty.
Brad: (Normal voice) why is that?
Ashley: Because I'm enjoying myself, and I know that poor colleen is going through such a rough time.
Brad: Yeah, you know, I wanted to talk to her, and by the time I came home, she was already in bed.
Ashley: I know. She's pretty upset.
Brad: Any idea why?
Ashley: Yeah, but she asked me to keep it confidential.
Brad: Oh, come on, I'm her father.
Ashley: I know, but if we want her to open up to us, then she has to know we'll keep our promises.
Brad: Okay, well, then I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that this has something to do with J.T.
Dru: Mm-hmm. Whoo.
Neil: (Whistles) hey, baby.
Dru: Mm-hmm. Hi.
Neil: Mmm. Chinese food.
Dru: Yep. Thoughi'I'd pick some up on my way back from work.
Neil: Mmm. I'm glad you did. I'm lovin' that.
Dru: Mm-hmm.
Neil: Is lily in her room?
Dru: Mnh-mnh. She's spending the night at sierra'S.
Neil: On a school night? How'd she talk you into that?
Dru: Well, actually, she didn'T. It was my idea.
Neil: Any special reason that you want her gone tonight?
Dru: Well, I thought you and I would talk.
Neil: Ooh, is that your subtle way of saying you want to get a little freaky?
Dru: Yeah, don't you wish it were so? Unh-unh. It's just about doing the talking. Yeah.
Neil: Oh, hold on, wait a minute.
Dru: Huh?
Neil: Does this happen to have anything to do with my marriage proposal? 'Cause if it is, I want an answer. Good afternoon. Here's some of the stories we're following for global news at six.After a nine month fight - barb tarbox has lost her courageous battle against cancer. The anti-smoking crusader has passed away. Tonight we'll take a look back at her life - and talk to family and friends. Drivers across alberta are in for a shock. Starting tomorrow - the fines for a number of traffic violations will skyrockethope you'll join us for those stories and more - tonight on global news at six. R children to behappy and healthy,
Samantha: When we think of the food in a hospital cafeteria, we think of bland soups, pmamade sandwiches (knock on door)
Man: Mackenzie browning?
Mac: Yes.
Man: I'm laird worthington. I believe you're expecting me?
Mac: Please, come in.
Laird: Thank you. Oh, my, what a fun apartment.
Mac: Thanks.
Laird: The light must be exquisite during the day.
Mac: Um, yeah, I guess.
Laird: Oh--
Billy: Hey, mac, have you seen my, uh-- oh, hi.
Laird: Oh, this must be the groom?
Billy: I'm billy.
Laird: Yes, you are. You two must make a striking couple.
Billy: Mac, what's going on?
Mac: Billy, this is mr. Worthington.
Laird: Please. Laird.
Mac: According to grandma, he's the best wedding planner in the city.
Laird: As I've always said, katherine chancellor is a woman of impeccable taste.
Mac: Well, thanks for coming by on such short notice.
Laird: Oh, it's my pleasure. In fact, I can't tell you how pleased I was to get your grandmother's call, not to mention, extremely honored. It's not every day a chancellor and an abbott get married.
Mac: Well, we couldurure use your help.
Billy: Did mrs. Chancellor tell you the wedding's in a few days?
Laird: Yes, which doesn't leave us much time, but don't you worry, because I've already made some calls. There are still plenty of options available.
Mac: Great. Should we get started?
Laird: Let's do.
Billy: I'm gonna take off.
Mac: No, no, billy, you can't leave now.
Billy: Mac, you know I'm not good at this stuff.
Mac: I want your input. Besides, this should be fun.
Jill: Oh, for god's sake, esther, give the woman some space. You're breathing up all the oxygen over there.
Esther: She hasn't moved, not even one little twitch.
Jill: This is very frustrating.
Esther: It's a lot more than that, jill. It's terrifying.
Jill: Oh, she will be fine. Only the good die young.
Esther: Yeah, I noticed you're still around.
Jill: You just don't press your luck, okay? I want to annihilate somebody, and my main target is taking some kind of weird nap, and you will do.
Esther: You don't scare me. (Doorbell rings)
Esther: Oh, good. Okay, mrs. C., Don't you worry. Lie back here. Stay right there. I'll be right back. Oh, god. (Knock on door)
Paramedic: Fire department. Hello.
Esther: I'm coming! Oh, thank god you're here. She's in there. Please, just hurry.
Paramedic #2: What happened?
Esther: I-I don't know. She was down here. I was upstairs. She had a visitor, a woman. I could hear them talking, but I didn't hear what they were saying, and then their voices were raised and-- oh, my god. Do you think that someone did something to her?
Paramedic #2: We'll do our best to find out, ma'am.
Esther: Oh, god.
Pamamedic: Hand me that penlight.
Paramedic #2: She's got a strong pulse.
Esther: She has to be okay.
Jack: I know you care about jabot.
Phyllis: Because I care about you and your father. I know what this company means to you.
Jack: And yet you go to work every day for a man who's trying tourury us.
Phyllis: Jack, you are not listening to me. You are letting victor bury you by going ahead with tuvia. You are letting him run jabot into the ground. You cannot compete head-to-head with newman enterprises.
Jack: You honestly think we haven't studied the situation, that we don't know the risks?
Phyllis: I don't think you know how big the risks are, but why listen to me? Anything I say is unreliable.
Jack: I know you mean well--
Phyllis: Of course I do. I'm your wife.
Jack: But as long as you're working for newman--
Phyllis: I can't be trusted, right? Even if I have information that can save your company? You know, I don't want to talk about this. This is not about newman versus jabot.
Jack: Oh, really? What is this about?
Phyllis: Trust. Do you trust me?
Jack: Yes, of course I trust you.
Phyllis: Sometimes, but not always.
Jack: Well, I trust you with the important things. I trust you with kyle. I trust you with my whole life.
Phyllis: Do you trust me with your company?
Jack: We are-- we are breaking the rules here. We said we weren't gonna talk about business at home.
Phyllis: Well, well, that doesn't make sense anymore because we can't pretend that what happens at work doesn't affect us.
Jack: Then what the hell are we supposed to do? I sure don't like the way things are going now.
Phyllis: You think I do? That's why I want you to listen to me.
Jack: And if I tell you I'm listening, that I know what--
Phyllis: Oh, please don't do that, jack.
Jack: Do you trust me isn't that easy, is it? So, it was called cattle point. Of the nation, and subsequentlyne of th here. Your cruise director, ron for warmer weather.
Claire: We've got teeratures today
Neil: Thanks. Okay, dru...
Dru: Uh-huh.
Neil: You've stalled long enough.
Dru: Oh, right, the marriage proposal.
Neil: The marriage proposal. Do you have an answer for me?
Dru: Maybe.
Neil: Oh, my goodness, you want to watch me sit here and sweat it out, don't you?
Dru: No, neil, I want to make the right decision. I want to do the right thing.
Neil: Oh, come on, why don't you just give me the good news so we can celebrate?
Dru: You are so full of yourself, all confident and whatnot.
Neil: Well, when something's so right, why fight it?
Dru: Even though our marriage the last time was a big bust?
Neil: Yeah, but the difference is we're smarter now. We won't repeat the same mistakes.
Dru: Okay, let's just take a minute here and rewind the tape, huh? Do you remember what broke us up, hmm?
Neil: Yeah, I re-- why are we getting all hung up on the pt?T?
Dru: Because the past was ugly, neil. Do you remember what split us up?
Neil: I was there. Yes, of course I remember. There was a lot of reasons.
Dru: One of which was you wanted me to just, like, end my career.
Neil: That's hardly the case now. I even offered you a job at newman enterprises.
Dru: Right, that big bone you threw me.
Neil: Yeah, which you turned down, need I remind you, to go work for the competition, but you know something? We're working it out.
Dru: This time, but what if we're incapable of doing that a next time? Plus, you are so stubborn.
Neil: I'm stubborn?
Dru: Yes, mr. Taurus, you are so-- okay, we're both stubborn.
Neil: Hey, as long as wkikiss and make up at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter.
Dru: But what if we're unwilling to budge, neil? You know, I really don't have another one of those in me to tell you the truth. I mean, that last one really hurt me, and then we have lily to think about.
Neil: Ah, okay, so I'm glad you brought her up. This remarriage
e exactly what she needs. So...
Dru: If it lasts. Let's think about the repercussions, if it doesn't, for our little girl.
Neil: You know, baby, we've been standing here talking for a minute, and I'm getting the feeling that you're turning down my proposal.
Dru: Oh, my god, we forgot to open the fortune cookies. What is wrong with me?
Neil: Who cares about a fortune cookie? Come on, dru, give me an answer.
Dru: Oh, I want my fortune cookie. You know what? Hold on, hold on, hold on. Here, catch. We've got, oh, "today is the first day of the rest of your life." Isn't that original?
Neil: That's nice, baby.
Dru: I love that. What does your say? Come on.
Neil: Mine says...
Neil: "Yes, I'll marry you."
Dru: Really?
Neil: Drucilla, is this for real?
Dru: It took me a half-hour to stuff that baby
t the cookie. Uh-huh.
Neil: You put this in the-- are you really saying yes?
Dru: There are a hundred reasons why I should say no, but I cannot get something out of my head that you said to me.
Neil: What did I say?
Dru: You told me that this would last forever.
Neil: God willing, it will.
Dru: Neil, I hope that you recognize and that you're promising me that you're doing this for the long haul.
Neil: I am, I promise. Till death do us part.
Laird: Your grandmother gave me specific instructions. I'm to create the ultimate dream wedding, and I don't intend to disappoint her. Now I understand you've already booked the colonnade room.
Mac: Yes.
Laird: Excellent, excellent choice, but might I suggest another possibility?
Mac: Sure.
Laird: What would you say to the botanical gardens?
Mac: Well, actually--
Laird: Picture this in your mind's eye-- flowers in full bloom, the sky a brilliant shade of blue, swans gliding across the pond. As you walk down the aisle, the genoa city philharmonic fills the air with music. Then just as you and billy are pronounced husband and wife, 100 white doves are released into the air. Later, I'm thinking dinner under the stars, a tuscan banquet. Your guests will feast on roasted quail before dancing the night away, and finally, as the evening draws to a close, a magnificent fireworks display explodes above and illuminates the night sky. Well, what do you think?
Mac: Wow, that's-- billy?
Billy: Uh, wow.
Laird: Mm-hmm, you need a moment to take it all in, yeah.
M: : I never thought of fireworks.
Laird: Oh, brad and jenny did it. Brad pitt, jennifer aniston, tremendous hit.
Billy: I'm-I'm sure it was. It's just that what you just described is so, uh--
Mac: Big.
Billy: Huge.
Laird: I don't like to brag.
Mac: Well, the thing is, is that we never really planned on anything this elaborate.
Billy: Right.
Mac: Like the swans and the doves...
Billy: And don't forget the quail.
Mac: Yeah.
Laird: Oh, birds weren't part of your vision?
Billy: W-we didn't exactly have a vision.
Mac: The wedding you described sounds amazing.
Billy: Yeah, really amazing.
Mac: We just-- we were hoping for something a little more intimate.
Billy: Simple.
Laird: Oh. How intimate and simple?
Mac: Um, put it this way. If we went with your idea...
Billy: There would be more people in the orchestra than guests.
Mac: Yeah.
Laird: Say no more.
Mac: It's not that we don't like it, it's--
Laird: I understand. It's your special, special day. I'm not trying to force anything on you. Now tell me exacy what you had in mind.
Mac: Well, you'll probably think I'm old-fashioned. I do want something special, but not a production. The most important thing is that I'm marrying billy.
Laird: Oh, young love, is there anything more romantic?
Paramedic: Well, there's no sign of any trauma.
Esther: Okay, so the person that was here, then that--
Paramedic: May have left before this happened.
Esther: Okay.
Paramedic: Now did your employer say anything today about feeling ill, dizzy, nauseous?
Esther: No.
Paramedic: About numbness to a limb or weakness?
Esther: Unh-unh. Unh-unh.
Paramedic: Did she speak normally, look like her usual self?
Esther: Yes. I mean, no. She didn't say anything about feeling sick. She seemed completelnonormal to me.
Paramedic: And this visitor, did you see who that was?
Esther: No.
Paramedic: And you, ma'am?
Jill: I just got here. She was already on the floor.
Paramedic: You didn't see anyone leaving the premises?
Jill: No.
Paramedic: All right, well, then we'll have her out of here in a moment, and we'll meet you at memorial.
Esther: Oh, can I ride with her, please?
Paramedic: Sure, you both can.
Jill: Me? Well, all right, I-- you don't really need me there, do you?
Paramedic: Ma'am, that's completely up to you.
Jill: Fine. I'll go just in case.
Esther: You're not kidding me.
Jill: What?
Esther: If something happened to mrs. C., You'd be sad, too.
Jill: Oh, don't be so stupid. I just want her to survive so I can ring her neck.
Esther: Okay, mrs. C. I'm right here. I'm gonna be right here with you. Don't you worry. You're gonna be okay. Oh no! That's 56 grams of refined sugars coming at me.
Ashley: "Confidential" means not blabbing.
Brad: Well, what else could it be? Colleen wouldn't be hiding in her room if it didn't have something to do with mr. Wonderful so what did he do that wasn't so wonderful?
Ashley: You're making an awful lot of assumptions.
Brad: I don't hear you denying them.
Ashley: Okay, there is a problem with J.T.
Brad: What's the problem?
Ashley: Frankly, I don't know, but even if I did, the last thing we should do is hover, or god forbid, take off on the kid.
Brad: If he were a kid, I wouldn't be so worried.
Ashley: Oh, don't worry about this. It's not gonna solve anything, it's not gonna help colleen, and it's just gonna put pressure on all of us, which none of us needs.
Brad: No, especially not you.
Ashley: I'm fine.
Brad: I know you're fine. I want to keep you that way.
Ashley: I'll never say no
a a foot massage.
Brad: I'm serious.
Ashley: So am I.
Brad: All right, listen, while we're on the subject, what's this about a meeting at the crack of dawn tomorrow?
Ashley: Oh, good, you got my memo.
Brad: Honey, you've been working hard enough as it is.
Ashley: Well, that's your opinion.
Brad: You've been putting in crazy hours.
Ashley: We're launching a new line. We all know what that takes.
Brad: So this has something to do with tuvia?
Ashley: What else?
Victoria: Dad, we're not talking about brain surgery here. We're just talking about a meeting to discuss strategy.
Victor: Mm-hmm. In this case, brain surgery may be less mplicated.
Victoria: Why, is there something you know that I don't?
Victor: Our fight with jabot has taken an unexpected turn, which means we need to rethink our plans.
Victoria: Fine. Why don't you just tell me what you're concerned about, and neil and i will take it from there?
Victor: I know satine is your baby, but unlike with brash & sassy, this time I'm gonna be involved, all right?
Victoria: What's going on here?
Victor: It is becoming quite clear to me that jabot has no intention of backing down.
Victoria: Did you think that they would?
Victor: Considering their precarious financial situation, yes, I thought they would.
Victoria: And your point is?
Victor: If they succeed in marketing the tuvia line, we'd need more product.
Victoria: So you're not giving up on satine, are you?
Victor: Of course not, but I want to expand the product line.
Victoria: Are you serious?
Victor: Well, think about it for a minute. When we bought satine, they had very limited product. If we now want to compete with jabot, we need to create a variety.
Victoria: Dad, you're talking about starting from scratch. I mean, research, development, packaging-- it's a huge amount of work, not to mention the costs.
Victor: So what? It's the best counterattack.
Victoria: Why are you suddenly so worried about jabot?
Victor: I'm not worried about jabot. In fact, if they intend to go up against us, itl l be their undoing, but I'm in no mood to take a chance, all right?
Victoria: Fine.
Victor: Let's go over thisin the morning, but I think I made it clear why I want to be at that meeting.
Victoria: Yeah, I guess you did.
Victor: Something else on your mind?
Victoria: Yeah, um, I'm just wondering if I should be reading between the lines here.
Victor: What do you mean, reading between the lines?
Victoria: Well, are you trying to send me a message, or what?
Victor: A message about what?
Victoria: I heard about your offer to nicholas.
Victor: Oh, that.
Victoria: Yeah, that. You want to mentor him to take over the company. That's kind of a big deal.
Victor: And that bothers you?
Victoria: Did you think that it wouldn't bother me? I mean, now you want to oversee my division of newman enterprises-- I'm just wondering what's going on here, dad, because if you have a problem with my work, you should just tell me.
Esther: She still hasn't moved. What does that mean?
Paramedic: Ma'am, that's what we're here to find out.
Esther: Tell me the truth. Is she going to die?
Paramedic: She'll be in good hands.
Esther: Oh, please. You're looking live at edmonton from our skytracker atop manulife placegood afternoon. I'm lesley macdonald. Coming up at 5:30...the terrorist alert in the u-s is being boosted again from yellow to orange -- the second-highest level. We'll explain you why.And lethbridge alderwoman dar heatherington has struck a deal to avoid having a record in the u-S. Plus...local researchers are using mri technology to try to unlock some of the causes of dyslexia in children. Those stories and more...
Laird: So it's decided, the cake will be a 3-tier, white chocolate with fresh raspberries.
Mac: Is that everything?
Laird: Oh, my, look at the time. I must be on my way. I'm having dinner with the wife of a state congressman. Her daughter's getting married this summer. Don't even get me started on what it's like to work with that miserable... woman. Her taste is all in her-- well, you don't want to know where her taste is.
Mac: (Chuckles)
Mac: I'll be around all day tomorrow if you need to get in touch with me.
Laird: I'm sure I will. The next few days are going to be busy, busy, busy.
>>Mac: Thanks again for all your help.
Laird: No need to thank me, and don't you worry about a thing. I'm gonna make sure your wedding is all you've ever hoped for and more. Bye-bye.
Mac: Bye.
Billy: Where'd your grandma find that guy?
Mac: Hey, I like him.
Billy: He's a bit intense, isn't he?
Mac: He's an artist, and he really knows his stuff, which is exactly the kind of person we need. (Telephone rings)
Billy: Hello.
Jill: Billy, it's mom.
Billy: What do you want, mo
Jill: Is mackenzie there?
Billy: Yeah, but if you're calling just to harass her--
Jill: I'm at memorial.
Billy: What happened?
Jill: Katherine collapsed. The paramedics have brought her here to the emergency room, and the doctors don't know what's wrong.
Billy: We're on our way.
Mac: What is it?
Billy: Your grandma's inin the hospital.
Mac: What? Why?
Billy: I don't know. Let's just go.
Esther: Why snsn't I down there? She had someone downstairs. I should at least have gone down to see if anyone needed anything.
Jill: Oh, stop it, esther, this isn't about you.
Esther: I can talk to myself if I want to. It's a free country. If you don't like it, just go stand over there. God, why didn't she call me down? I mean, normally, it's like, "esther, where the hell are you? Can't you see we have company?"
Jill: Maybe she didn't want you poisoning her guest with that swill you call coffee.
Esther: Okay, you stay here, I'm going over there, then.
Jill: Perfect, perfect, perfect.
Esther: You know, you don't have to be so mean, jill. Mrs. C. Could be just-- I-I refuse to think that. I'm not going there. I refuse. She's in trouble.
Jill: I know that. I know that, all right? But until we hear from the doctors, I'm not gonna assume the worst.
Esther: I cannot believe that you are so casual.
Jill: I'm not casual. You know what, esther? Katherine is not a spring chicken, okay? And we all have to go sometime, don't we? There are worse ways than keeling over on your own persian carpet.
Esther: Oh, you are incredible. If you have a hangnail, then the whole world has come to an end, but if someone else is dying, well, then that's just mother nature's way. You just stay away from me.
Esther: Oh, olivia, what is wrong with her? I cannot believe it. I mean, she-- why isn't she moving?
Olivia: Well, we--
Esther: Her heart, is she--
Jill: Esther, esther, we won't learn anything if you don't shut up, okay?
Olivia: We took kay up to radiology for some tests.
Esther: Well, don't you have any idea what is wrong with her, please?
Olivia: I'd rather not speculate until we can pin something down specifically.
Esther: Well, I--
Jill: We appreciate that.
Esther: Oh, come on. I'd rather have a guess than just not know anything.
Jill: I told you before, this is not about you.
Olivia: Look, the important thing is you called 9-1-1, and she got here quickly. That could make all the difference, so thank you, okay? You did the right thing.
Esther: Well, of course. I mean, I didn't know what--
Jill: You're welcome, olivia.
Olivia: I'll, um, I'll come back when I have something to report, okay?
Esther: Oh, doctor, I am begging you, please, don't let hedidie. Please.
Phyllis: I wish things weren't soomplicated.
Jack: I know a way to simplify things. You could always come to work at jabot.
Phyllis: Ohh, that ship has sailed, jack.
Jack: Why?
Phyllis: Why? Because you made up some bogus position to appease me.
Jack: Wait a minute, that is not how it went down.
Phyllis: I have a commitment to newman enterprises. I'm not giving it up.
Jack: So we're just gonna find a way to learn to live with this?
Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. It gets old fast, wondering if you believe anything I say, thinking that maybe you won't take anything at face value.
Jack: It isn't exactly a picnic on my end either. My wife is working for a man who's trying to bring down our company.
Phyllis: I love you, okay? But this job is a huge part of my life. I'm not letting it go, and I think it's unfair for you to a m me to.
Jack: Okay, so I won't ask you to, but I am not about to give up my commitment, my devotion to jabot. It's part of my family.
Phyllis: Okay... then what do we do, how do we keep what we have? Because I can really-- I feel like it's slipping away.
Jack: Wait, where are you going?
Phyllis: It's stifling in here. This is out there on gloabl. I'm seanna collins. The northern alberta international childrens festival returns to st. Albert may 27th to the 31st. The festival gives children the opportunity to explore and experience all forms of art and expression. Pick up an event brochure at any tim horton's location.Take part in the annual atco gas charity golf classic - may 26th at the edmonton country club. The tournament supports the crimestoppers assocaition of edmonton and northern alberta. Register todayjoin globals mike sobel for two upcoming events.The walk to cure diabetes - june 1st at hawrelak park. It's the fastest growing walk in the world with more than 42,000 people across canada walking to cure diabetes each year. Register on-line at walktocurediabetes.Caand join mike at the 14th annual ms bike tour june 7th and 8th in leduc. It's the largest bike tour in canada raising thousands of dollars to help families living with M.S.Your lips will neverfeel the same.
Jill: Yes, her name is charlotte ramsey. Yeah, the lady who was in my office earlier today. Okay, if she comes by again or if she calls, would you get a number on her where I could reach her? And tell her I'm nowhere she can reach me by phone, but I'll be checking in. Okay, here, now tell her that it's extremely important that I talk to her, and that it's something good, and, elsiann, uh, tell her that I love her. Okay, thanks.
Esther: Was that your birth mother you were talking about?
Jill: Please, mind your own business.
Esther: Oh, what is the good news, jill, that mrs. Chancellor is hanging on to life by the skin of her teeth?
Jill: You are so melodramatic.
Esther: Oh, you would really be happy if she died, wouldn't you? Then you could move that woman into our house, fire me--
Jill: Stop it. Stop it. I don't think that katherine is gonna die, all right? You're the one who has her dead and buried. Let's have a little optimism.
Esther: You don't want her to die?
Jill: Doesn't really matter what I want, does it?
Olivia: Esther.
Esther: Oh, olivia, what is happening? Tell me what's wrong.
Olivia: Kay's had a stroke, a fairly serious one.
Esther: Oh, my god, is she going to live?
Olivia: I don't know. It's critical, but she could survive. There'll probably be some impairment if she does.
Esther: Like being paralyzed?
Olivia: Anything from a finger to her entire body. It's just best we anticipate more than less damage.
Esther: Oh, god.
Olivia: Kay's simply not as strong as someone younger might be. In this kind of stroke, the damage to the brain continues after the event. Now we've done everything we can to arrest the process, but there's no telling what secondary effects there might be or how extensive. I'm sorry.
Esther: I don't want her to die. Please.
Brad: So what's on the agenda? Is it really important?
Ashley: Yes. I wouldn't be asking everybody to take a chunk out of their morning.
Brad: It couldn't wait a couple of days?
Ashley: No, not really.
Brad: Because I'm serious, honey. I really want you to spend tomorrow with your feet up, watching tv and eating bonbons.
Ashley: Bonbons? Did you say bonbons? I've been craving chocolate.
Brad: I will get you the biggest box I can find ifif you promise to stay home and enjoy it.
Ashley: I can't take time off now.
Brad: (Groans)
Ashley: I don't want to. We're at a critical point in the project.
Brad: I don't disagree with you, but-- how about this-- you outline your talking points, and I'll run the meeting?
Ashley: That's very sweet.It is, and I love your concern, but, no, I want to be there.
Brad: All right, well, there's only one thing left for me to do.
Ashley: What?
Brad: Go to the kitchen and scrounge you up some chocolate.
Ashley: Oh, now that's love.
Brad: Don't you ever doubt it.
Ashley: Mmm, okay.
Victor: Your work has been exemplary. I couldn't be more proud.
Victor: Seems to me like you've lost confidence in me.
Victor: Why do you say that?
Victoria: Well, even if I buy your reasons for wanting to be involved in satine, why at the same time would you be offering nicholas the chance to take over the company?
Victor: Oh, sweetheart, that's such a long way off. That's a long way off.
Victoria: Still, you're cutting me out of the picture.
Victor: How can you say I'm cutting you out of the picture?
Victoria: Well, you've always led us to believe that you would be grooming nicholas and me to take over the company and work as a team.
Victor: Sweetheart, you run brash & sassy. That's part of newman enterprises. Now we acquired satine. That's a huge responsibility.
Victoria: And you don't think I can handle it? I mean, do you realize how insulting it is that you made this decision without even consulting me?
Victor: All right, that's a point well taken. I apologize for not having done that. That's my fault. I'm sorry. It's a moot point anyway, because your brother turned me down.
Victoria: It's not a moot point. The fact that you could do this without me, without even giving me a heads up, I mean, that's the point.
Victor: Sweetheart, that was very thoughtless on my part, and I apologize. Now, please, ncentrate on satine. There's a lot of work to be done. If you have any further complaints about anything, talk to me, all right? Anyway, I have to go to a dinner meeting, so I'll see you later.
Victor: I'm sorry.
Neil: All right, my darling, champagne for you...
Dru: For me.
Neil: Sparkling water for me.
Dru: Let's toast.
Neil: It wouldn't be official without one, right? Here's to you, me and the future.
Dru: The future.
Neil: Mm, also to peace and harmony the rest of our lives.
Dru: I don't know about that last bit.
Neil: Drucilla, I promise you, you won't regret this, baby.
Dru: Honey, I'm talking about duking it out like jack abbott and red.
Neil: Yeah, well, there always is something we could to do to ensure smooth sailing.
Dru: Yeah, like you could resign from newman enterprises.
Neil: Now why would I do that?
Dru: Oh, I don't know, eliminate conflict, for instance.
Neil: There won't be any conflict before long.
Dru: Why do you say that?
Neil: Well, once jabot' new line goes down in flames, you can kick it here at the house and watch tv all day.
Dru: Oh, I don't think so.
Neil: Oh, well, I do feel bad for the abbotts, though, particularly john and ashley. Man, they work their butts off for that company.
Dru: Do you really think that satine cosmetics is a direct threat to jabot? I mean, come on.
Neil: Let me educate you on something. It takes a whole lot of money, a huge investment, to launch a new cosmetics line. That's right. They don't have the money.
Dru: We have serious grip at jabot. I mean--
Neil: Whatever you say. They're stretched too thin, their debt load is crippling them.
Dru: For real?
Neil: Yes, drucilla, it's for real.
Dru: How would you know that, and I wouldn't know that?
Neil: Because you ain't on the board.
Dru: So? Neither are you.
Neil: No, I'm not, but look at what position I'm in at newman enterprises, okay? I'm privy toerertain pertinent information. As it turns out, jabot owes most of its debt to newman enterprises.
Dru: Look at my position at jabot, all right? I'm in a very important position.
Neil: Uh-huh.
Dru: How is it that you and newman would know all about this debt, and I wouldn't know about that? What's that about?
Neil: Maybe they're gonna send you a memo.
Dru: Yeah, maybe they are. Maybe they are.
Neil: Okay, drucilla, come on, stop. Let's not get all bent out of shape. This is our night. It's a special night, all right? Let's just be with each other.
Dru: All right.
Neil: All right? Let's not talk shop anymore.
Dru: Right. No, you're right. All right. So...
Neil: How about another toast?
Dru: Yeah, how about-- wait, you trying to get me tipsy? He's trying to get me tipsy.
Neil: Why would I do that?
Dru: 'Cause you're hoping for some candy, right?
Neil: I didn't know I needed alcohol to get some candy.
Dru: Look at you. Here you are engaged all of five minutes, and you're already taking your fiancée for granted.
Neil: Sue me.
Jill: When will we know something more?
Olivia: I know it doesn't sound very scientific, but we'll know when we know. I'm more interested in kay making it through the night.
>>Ststher: I'll be right here. I am not going anywhere.
Olivia: As soon as I know something--
Mac: Where's my grandmother?
Olivia: She's in radiology.
Mac: Can we see her?
Olivia: No, not right now. I'll have someone notify you as soon as I have her set up in a room in I.C.U. If you'll excuse me.
Billy: What happened?
Esther: She had a stroke.
Mac: Bad?
Esther: Yeah, bad. Oh, mac...
Mac: Tell me what happened.
Esther: I came down. She was lying on the floor...
Mac: No, before that. I want to hear it all.
Esther: Okay. I was upstairs. I shouldn't have been, but I was. And I heard jill hollering, so I came down the stairs through the kitchen, and then I heard jill going on about how she was gonna kill mrs. Chancellor--
Jill: For god's sake, that is not how it happened, esther.
Esther: Yes, it is, and then I saw her lying on the ground.
Mac: You!
Jill: I had just gotten there. I never touched her. I nevesasaid a word to her--
Mac: You did this to my grandmother! You did this! Damn you!
Jill: Billy, get her off me!
Billy: Mom, stay back!
Mac: Billy, let me go!
Billy: Calm down! Mac.
Mac: Let me go, billy!
Billy: Calm down!
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