Y&R Transcript Thursday
5/15/03--Canada; Friday 5/16/03--USA
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Suvi
Victor: You know, I've been very, very worried about you.
Sharon: You're an amazing man, Victor.
Victor: Why? Because I'm concerned about my daughter-in-law?
Sharon: You have every right to be furious.
Victor: Let me ask you something. You are such a wonderful Mother. What prompted you to suddenly get up and leave them?
Sharon: It was a terrible thing I did.
Victor: But how the Hell could you have done it?
Sharon: Something snapped. I was so overwhelmed, and, um... I'm not trying to make excuses. There are no excuses for abandoning your kids.
Victor: I just wish you hadn't stayed away so long.
Sharon: So do I. I've lost everything now.
Victor: I don't think that's true.
Sharon: Oh, it's true. Have you talked to Nicholas?
Victor: Only once since your return.
Sharon: Did he mention me?
Victor: I told him... that his relationship with you was his business.
Sharon: Oh. He wants no relationship with me, which I understand.
Victor: What do you want?
Sharon: I realize what I've done is unforgivable, walking away and leaving my kids like that. Now I may have had my reasons, but...
Victor: You're not answering my question.
Sharon: I wish... I think it would be best for the children if I could see them again, but Nicholas doesn't agree.
Nick: Don't start, Vicki.
Victoria: You're not thinking of giving her another chance, are you?
Nick: Right now, my main concern is the kids.
Victoria: Do they know she's back?
Nick: No, but I'm gonna have to tell 'em at some point.
Victoria: Unless you can convince Sharon to leave before they find out.
Nick: I can't do that. I gotta tell 'em the truth. Do you really think Cassie's gonna want to see her? It's up to Cassie.
Victoria: What do her doctors say?
Nick: If she wants to see her Mother, then she should. That's what they said.
Victoria: It's a bad idea.
Nick: Just let me handle it, all right?
Victoria: What's going on here? Has Sharon given you the big snow job? She's made things all warm and fuzzy again?
Nick: Tell you what, let's talk about your life for a change.
Victoria: My life's just peachy.
Nick: Oh, yeah? How are things going with Satine?
Victoria: Right on schedule.
Nick: Is that so?
Victoria: Yeah. I know you think it was a big mistake getting involved with this.
Nick: Yeah. If I was in charge, that deal never would have went down.
Victoria: Well, I guess it's a good thing you're not in charge.
Nick: I agree. Although...
Victoria: What?
Nick: Well, if Dad has his way, it'll only be a matter of time before I am.
Victoria: What are you talking about?
Brad: Listen, Phyllis, I like you, too, but I still think you're acting on orders from Victor. And frankly, breakfast at the Abbott home is a pretty tacky place to carry it out.
Phyllis: You know, what do I have to try to convince you I'm not Victor's spy, I'm not your spy, I'm not anybody's spy? I happen to have a husband that I love very much and friends that I like who are going to be very unhappy if Jabot loses this battle.
Jack: And if Jabot wins, you're gonna have--
Phyllis: You're not going to win, Jack! In order for Jabot to stay in business, you have to make money. Victor doesn't. He can operate Satine at a loss for ten years if he wants, and he will if that's what it takes. You're not gonna get by on determination and will, not when Victor is working his damndest to shut you down.
J.T.: Look, I already told you how I'm involved.
Brittany: Wait. How do I know you told me the whole story?
J.T.: Look, I don't know what you're asking me.
Brittany: I'm gone for weeks, I come back, and you're buddy-buddy with my Mother. If you were me, wouldn't you find that weird?
J.T.: Maybe. But like I said, your Mom was feeling pretty alone.
Brittany: So your company was better than no company.
J.T.: That's one way of putting it.
Brittany: She could've found someone more appropriate.
J.T.: Thanks.
Brittany: Well, I mean, it's not like she doesn't have plenty of friends.
J.T.: She was probably too embarrassed to talk to her friends.
Brittany: But she has confiding in a guy who's young enough to be her son?
J.T.: I don't know that to tell you, okay?
Brittany: I still have a hard time believing she didn't flip out. After seeing my Dad come down the stairs with Jill?
J.T.: She did.
Brittany: No, I mean
really flip out. I thought she would at least confront him in the restaurant. But you're telling me she did nothing?
J.T.: She was too upset. She wanted to be alone.
Brittany: And that's when you walked her up to her room.
J.T.: Yeah.
Brittany: And?
J.T.: That's it.
Brittany: J.T., why are you making this so difficult? You know what I'm asking. What happened when you got to my Mom's room?
Raul: So I hear you're gonna be Mac's maid of honor.
Colleen: Yeah. It was really nice of her to ask me.
Raul: Well, the standing up part is easy. The real work is before the wedding. You know that.
Colleen: What do you mean?
Raul: Well, the wedding is right around the corner. We should do something nee for Billy and Mac, don't you think? Help 'em out? You up for it?
Colleen: Yeah. That'd be nice.
Raul: Good, 'cause I have an idea.
Colleen: And what's that?
Raul: How would you feel about throwing them an engagement party? Nothing fancy. We can have it at the loft, keep the guest list small, you know, the usual suspects-- Billy, Mac, me, Brittany, you, J.T., and a couple other friends if--
Colleen: You know, Raul, I don't know if that's such a great idea.
Raul: Why not?
Colleen: Billy and Mac are so busy getting everything ready for the wedding. You know how it is. Someone does something nice for you--it turns out to be a big pain. Maybe we should do something else.
Raul: Okay.
Colleen: I... I don't mean to be such a drag.
Raul: Hey, is something wrong? Listen, colleen, if you need to talk to somebody--
Colleen: I wish I could.
Raul: So what's stopping you?
Colleen: So many things.
Raul: Hey, I... is it because you're feeling like you can't talk to anybody about this, or you just can't talk to me about it? 'Cause I want to help you.
Colleen: No, Raul. I trust you. It's just you're not the right person to talk to about this.
Raul: All right. Well, how about Billy?
Colleen: No.
Raul: Does this have something to do with him?
Colleen: Look, he hates J.T. enough as it is.
Raul: Ah. So it is about Hellstrom. Did you guys have a fight?
Colleen: It's a little more complicated than that. Raul, if I tell you, you cannot say a word about this to Billy, not ever. Promise me, Raul.
Raul: Okay. I promise.
Colleen: I saw J.T. kissing someone else.
Raul: Someone you know?
Colleen: Yeah, and so do you.
Raul: Who are you talking about here, colleen?
Colleen: Brittany's Mom. Mrs. Hodges.
Raul: What?
Frederick: All right, Paula. Thank you for checking. That's not your fault. Don't lose any sleep about it. Yeah... I'll let you know. Thanks.
John: Records check out.
Frederick: Yep, Charlotte Ramsey's name is on the birth certificate. Paula saw it herself. I'm relieved... for selfish reasons.
John: You didn't screw up, Frederick. No, there's something else going on here. Now is it possible that another Charlotte Ramsey was passing through town, had her baby here and gave it up for adoption?
Frederick: You mean, a girl from another county that maybe didn't want to be noticed by someone that might know her family?
John: Yes, but the Charlotte Ramsey that's become a big part of Jill's life says she's from Genoa City and she went to school here.
Frederick: And you said that you thought your friend recognized Charlotte when you brought them together.
John: I would swear to it.
Frederick: Well, you can't ignore the evidence, John. What are you gonna do?
John: I've no choice. I'm gonna confront Charlotte.
Frederick: Not with Jill there, I hope. You could be wrong.
John: I know. No, I have to get to Jill's office before she does.
Frederick: You want me there?
John: No. No, thank you, Frederick. No, I'm going to have to handle this on my own. I have to do a little bluffing.
Victor: Did you come here hoping to enlist my support?
Sharon: No. No, the real reason I came was to apologize.
Victor: Apologize to me?
Sharon: For implicating you in the trauma of my life. That letter that I wrote to my Mother... telling her the same lies that you told Nicholas-- that the kiss he saw was all on your initiative, which just wasn't true.
Victor: I'm sure you had some reason.
Sharon: Well, sure, I could rationalize, but the truth is it was self-serving.
Victor: You've done a lot of soul-searching, haven't you?
Sharon: That's about all I've done while I was away. And I realized that the mistakes I've made will cost me dearly. Perhaps for the rest of my life.
Victor: You've placed a very, very heavy burden on the lives of your children.
Sharon: I would do anything if I could change that.
Victor: You can't. What's done is done. I'm very glad you've come home, though.
Sharon: I wish you weren't the only one who felt that way. It's wonderful to see you. It's really, really good for me to talk to someone who isn't totally condemning me.
Victor: I doubt s there's anything I could say that you haven't said to yourself.
Sharon: Well, when my life was the perfect storm, you were the one constant. You always offered me support and comfort and hope.
Victor: I don't know if I can do that now, Sharon.
Sharon: No, I know. I'm a survivor, and, um, I'm gonna be all right. Please, you know, don't get caught between Nicholas and me.
Victor: That's not gonna happen. Because I've done some soul-searching myself. And I've come to the conclusion that meddling in other people's business and trying to live their lives for them unfortunately causes irreparable damage.
Sharon: Things are no better between you and Nick?
Victor: No.
Sharon: Does he know the truth... about the kiss?
Victor: Yeah, but he's still very angry with me.
Sharon: You know, this is all my fault. It's all my fault. Is there anything that I can do?
Victor: You just concentrate on your life.
Sharon: Thanks for seeing me. I know that, uh... the rest of the family probably wishes I would crawl under a rock and not come back, but...
Victor: I just hope that you and Nicholas will work things out, if for no other reason, than for the sake of the children. Because I know they still love you.
Sharon: I wish that, too. I wish that so much, but, you know, Nick won't agree, so...
Victor: Just be patient.
Sharon: Patient. I am. I mean, I'm trying. (Intercom buzzes)
Victor: Yeah? Well, they're there now? All right, then I'll be right there. I'll be right back. If you want to hang around, please do, okay?
Sharon: Thanks.
Nick: Get this. Dad calls me into his office this morning and offers to start training me. "Mentoring," he called it.
Victoria: Training you for what?
Nick: To take over Newman Enterprises.
Victoria: Just you? When?
Nick: I guess whenever he retires.
Victoria: Really? For real?
Nick: That's what he said.
Victoria: Wow.
Nick: Look, I know what you're thinking-
Victoria: No, I mean... it wasn't that long ago that he was grooming both of us to take over as a team.
Nick: I pointed that out to him.
Victoria: And what did he say?
Nick: He said that he would deal with you.
Victoria: Oh. Well, that's nice of him.
Nick: Look, Dad has always felt that he's had the right to change his mind whenever the mood suits him. Forget how it affects everyone else.
Victoria: Yeah, but, Nicholas, that he would just cut me out-- I mean, that's a little harsh, isn't it?
Nick: It wasn't that long ago that he flat out refused to give me a seat on the board. And now I'm his fair-haired boy. Some opportunity, huh?
Victoria: Yeah, um... well, I guess if that's what Dad wants, then there's really nothing I can do about it, right?
Nick: Sis, relax, okay? It's all yours.
Victoria: What?
Nick: I'm serious. I don't want it. I turned him down. So I gotta go check on some things and go home and see Cassie. I'll see you later.
Jack: Sweetheart, I really think you are overreacting here. We didn't just fall off the turnip truck. We know what--
Brad: Obviously Victor thinks we did or he wouldn't have sent your wife.
Phyllis: Oh, you know, Brad? I'm starting to resent your accusations. I'm not Victor's mouthpiece. I told you that. I don't need to say it twice.
Brad: All I know is he'll hear everything you have to say--
Phyllis: You don't know anything. You're speculating. You're buying into your own Victor Newman paranoia. That's your prerogative, but you're also calling me a liar, and I don't appreciate that one bit.
Jack: Whoa, whoa. Slow down. Let's not start a fight here, okay? Honey, this message sounds like it's coming straight from Victor Newman.
Phyllis: Ok, you know, I don't want to talk about this anymore. If this goes down how I think it will, at least I can look back at this and say, "I tried my best." You guys are determined to go down in a ball of flames. This is your Father's company, Jack. This is your Father's company. Nikki, I don't know where you're gonna get another $35 million, and, Brad, well...
Nikki: Phyllis, don't leave! Phyllis, I want to say something to you. Please come back. If you tell Victor I said this, I'll deny it. I love him. He's my husband. But I know how he operates. I believe you. I don't think he sent you here, 'cause he knew he didn't have to. He knows that you have divided loyalties--
Phyllis: Oh, please. If you're gonna start saying--
Nikki: Calm down! I have divided loyalties, too. That's why I've had to learn how to compartmentalize. Now let's look at this. Victor calls you into his office to say that he's going to bury Jabot. Why do you think he did that? Do you think he routinely has little one-on-one chats with his employees discussing his tactics? No, he doesn't. But, in your case, he knew that you were gonna come racing over to us to warn us that the big, bad wolf is on his way to blow our house down. Phyllis, morale is everything, especially when you're dealing with a company that's going through uneasy times as we at Jabot most definitely are. Anything Victor can do to undermine our faith in ourselves, he will do it. To him, it's just good business practice. Do you get this?
Phyllis: Yes, I get it. But if what Victor said isn't just to mess with your heads, if he is determined to take you down--
Nikki: Phyllis.
Brad: No, she doesn't get it, Nikki.
Phyllis: You know what? Yes, I do get it, actually.
Jack: Phyllis--
Phyllis: No, no. Listen. Listen, I'm done talking to you. I've come here to help, and I'm being treated like a traitor. This conversation is over.
Jack: Phyllis... (door slams)
Brad: Keep an eye on your wife, Jacko.
Nikki: Nobody ever said it would be easy.
J.T.: Let's see, I walked your Mom to her room, and, uh...
Brittany: Did you leave her at the door?
J.T.: No. I walked her inside and asked her if I could get her anything.
Brittany: I bet that's when she lost it, when she was alone.
J.T.: No, not really.
Brittany: She didn't hurl anything across the room?
J.T.: No.
Brittany: Not even an ashtray?
J.T.: She was pretty calm, probably still in shock.
Brittany: I have a feeling you're not telling me everything.
J.T.: Why?
Brittany: Because the woman you're describing sounds nothing like my Mother.
J.T.: I don't need this. All right, I came by to make sure you were okay and apologize. But you keep hitting me up with these weird questions.
Brittany: I'm just trying to get a better idea of what happened.
J.T.: And I keep telling you, talk to your Mom.
Brittany: I'm going to, but you were with her. You could shed some light on this for me.
J.T.: Brittany, for the last time, your Mom was, like, totally stressed out! You were missing! She just found out that her husband was cheating on her! Her family was falling apart. Doesn't it make sense that she wouldn't be acting like herself? I gotta go.
Brittany: Wait!
J.T.: No, I'm meeting colleen later. I gotta swing by the boutique and pick up a present that I bought for her. I'm sorry that I can't tell you more. I really am. Just talk to your Mom, okay? (Door slams)
Raul: Colleen, did you just say that you saw Mrs. Hodges kissing--
Colleen: Kissing J.T.
Raul: Are you sure?
Colleen: I know it sounds insane, but...
Raul: Where? When?
Colleen: Yesterday at the lodge. I was having dinner with my Dad.
Raul: Colleen, maybe you-- you think you saw something that you didn't.
Colleen: No. I know what I saw.
Raul: What I mean is, maybe what you saw was, like, a friendly good-bye kiss or something, you know?
Colleen: It wasn't friendly. It was...
Raul: My God. I'm sorry. Colleen, you must... how are you feeling?
Colleen: You want to know how I'm feeling? I'm so angry. You know, it's one thing that he's messing around behind my back, but with Brittany's Mom?
Raul: Hey. Oh, my God. Brittany. She's on her way to see her Mom right now.
Colleen: Raul...
Raul: Colleen, I'm sorry. I can't talk right now. I'll talk to you later, okay?
Colleen: Raul...
Lauren: So, Katherine, I'm assuming you're here to see me.
Kay: Yes, Lauren. I was hoping we could make lunch plans.
Lauren: Well, good.
Kay: But now that I see what's going on-- how in the Hell can you be party to this? My God, it is so abhorrent--
Jill: Oh, my God. Would you knock it off, please?
Kay: This woman... has a Mother who loves her, who has raised her, sacrificed herself day after day.
Lauren: I'm assuming we're talking about Liz.
Kay: Yes, we're talking about Liz. And after all the years of taking and giving, she has now cast that Mother aside, and she's bestowing all of her wealth and her affections on a common street person.
Jill: Oh, stop it!
Kay: Oh, this drunk... this woman... yeah, drunk. That's what I've heard. She's a drunk. Jill has installed her in a suite at the Genoa City Hotel. Probably a suite right next to yours. And now she is dressing her in Fenmore's finest. And probably being fed caviar while she's swigging down her gin.
Lauren: All right, Katherine--
Jill: Which one of the 12 steps is this, this one where you tear somebody down that you've never even met? Where do you get off anyway? You're the original booze-hound!
Kay: Oh, you--
Lauren: Okay, okay. If you want to make lunch plans, that's fine. Pick a date. I'll be there. But I really need to finish this appointment with Jill. Unless, of course, you'd like to go in the back room and slug it out.
Jill: No, no. This is good. This is good. 'Cause I really want my Mother to look good.
Lauren: Come on, Katherine. Come on. Okay. I'll call you.
Charlotte: Hmm. Take a letter, Miss Jones, to my banker. Please have $10,000 transferred to my personal account. It's for expenses. And the company will pick up the tab. Yours truly... oh. Hello, John. I, uh, I was expecting... Jill.
John: She should be here soon, but before she arrives, we have to talk.
Charlotte: Do we? Why?
John: Because I do not believe that you're Jill's birth mother.
Charlotte: What? Where do you get off with--
John: I'm sorry. I just think you are a fraud. Now make no mistake, I so wish you could prove me wrong, but you'd better do it quickly.
Sharon: Victor, I--
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