Friday Y&R Transcript 5/9/03

Y&R Transcript
Friday 5/09/03--Canada; 5/12/03--USA

Provided By Eric

J.T.: You all set? What, is there a problem?

 Woman: What do you think of this swimsuit?

 J.T.: Oh, you should definitely buy it.

 Woman: You must work on commission.

 J.T.: No, I mean it. You'd look great in it... really, really great I mean, if you don't mind me saying so.

 Woman: Oh no. Well, what the heck? I'll take it.

 J.T. Cool. Just give me a second to ring it up here.

 Woman: Take your time.

 J.T.: All right. Now if you change your mind, and you want to return it...

 Woman: I'll hold on to the receipt.

 J.T.: All right. Here you go. Thanks for stopping in.

 Woman: Thank you.

 Raul: Well, I gotta hand it to you. At least you can get the ladies to open up their wallets.

 J.T.: What can I say? It's a gift.

 Raul: That's one word for it.

 J.T.: You know, maybe I should get lauren to start paying me on commission. I sell more clothes than the rest of you put together.

 Raul: Hey, you know, I was gonna ask you, is it hard for you to walk through those double doors with that huge head of yours?

 J.T.: That's a good one, man.

 Raul: It was, wasn't it? Hey, baby, what are you doing here?

 Brittany: I came to see him. Hello, J.T.

 J.T.: Hey, what's up?

 Brittany: You tell me. Who the hell do you think you are?!

 J.T.: What are you talking about?

 Brianany: I'm talking about you keeping secrets that affect my life!

 Jill: Charlotte, please don't talk to me that way. I know you don't want anybody giving you orders.

 Charlotte: I've lived my life so I didn't have to take orders.

 Jill: I realize that. But I was concerned about you when you didn't come back to the hotel last night.

 Charlotte: I don't need a babysitter either.

 Jill: I know you don'T.

 Charlotte: Not being told what to do--that's one good thing about being a failure.

 Jill: You're not a failure.

 Charlotte: What do you know about it? I told you. I never stuck with anything or anyone for very long.

 Jill: Well, so what? I mean, you've enjoyed your life, haven't you?

 Charlotte: Most of it. Yeah. But like I told you before, my little friend here has been a big help. Been there for me when no one else was.

 Jill: Charlot,, please don't do that.

 Charlotte: Oh, listen, honey, I had a long night. Like, this is a vitamin pill, a little wake-me-up, a tonic to calm the nerves. You've gotta stop thinking of it as something bad.

 Jill: Stop.

 Isabella: Oh, god. Diane.

 Diane: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.

 Isabella: How did you get--

 Diane: I sneaked past that tyrant down in the lobby, and then, once I got up here, well--you know, you really shouldn't leave your door unlocked.

 Isabella: Yeah, uh... what are you doing here? We said our good-byes, and I really have a lot to do before the movers come.

 Diane: The movers?

 Isabella: Yes, I'm leaving tomorrow. Notice all the boxes?

 Diane: You mean, you're still going?

 Isabella: Yes, I'm still going. Why would you ask me that?

 Diane: Isabella, I saw michael last night. He told me everything. (Cell phone ringing)

 Paul: Hello?

 Andy: Hey, buddy.

 Paul: Andy? What's up?

 Andy: How are things in sunny L.A.?

 Paul: They're sunny.

 Andy: How's the house hunting coming?

 Paul: Yeah, you know, I'm just about to get started.

 Andy: It's pretty out there, huh?

 Paul: Yeah, it's beautiful.

 Andy: Hey, let me know where you're staying, will you?

 Paul: I thought I told you.

 Andy: Oh, come on, come on, you weren't serious about that. Camping out on the beach?

 Paul: Yeah, leo carrillo, to be exact. It's stunning. I got my sleeping bag and, uh... well, I knew my old knapsack would come in handy.

 Andy: So you're for real, huh? What knapsack?

 Paul: Oh, you know the one. It's gone quite a few miles with us.

 Andy: Paul, you've been carrying that thing for 20 years.

 Paul: You know, it's kind of like traveling with an old friend.

 Andy: Um, yeah, that's why I'm calling you. It's about an old friend.

 Paul: Who?

 Andy: Christine. She stopped by to see you.

 Paul: Oh, man, don't tell me that.

 Andy: Look, she was asking about you, wondering where you were.

 Paul: You know what? She's married now. Whatever she said, I don't wanna--

 Andy: It was important to her.

 Paul: Ah, damn it, andy. Come on, lay off. Will you? I am out here to find a life... a new life. That's what I'm about right now.

 Andy: Okay. Okay, I hear you. Look, take care. All right? Be safe.

 Paul: Yeah, you too.

 John: Now, katherine, I would hope that I could invite one of my favorite people to lunch without being cross-examined about my motives.

 Kay: Well, you usually call a couple of days in advance. I just wondered what the emergency is, john.

 John: I need a fix-- your voice, your wisdom, your sense of humor.

 Kay: Oh, god. You are such a smooth talker, john.

 John: It's a date?

 Kay: Mm, how can I resist?

 John: Ah, wonderful. Okay, I'll see you in about an hour. Step one.

 Ashley: Yeah, what's step two?

 John: I gotta find charlotte ramsey.

 Ashley: How you gonna do that?

 John: I'm not sure, but I think I know where to look.

 Billy: Hey, you.

 Mac: Hey. Get that errand taken care of?

 Billy: Sure did. What have you been up to?

 Mac: I spent a few hours doing stuff for the wedding. Now I'm trying to study. It's tough to concentrate with so much going on. Billy: I'm sure you got everything under control.

 Mac: I don't know about that.

 Billy: You okay?

 Mac: I'll talk to you about it later.

 Billy: All right. Oh, there's something I want to discuss with you anyway.

 Mac: About the wedding?

 Billy: You've been working really hard, putting everything together, but I think it might be nice to have a little help.

 Mac: Okay.

 Billy: I went to see your grandma this morning.

 Mac: What are you getting at?

 Billy: Please don't get upset with me.

 Mac: Why would I?

 Billy: Because I've done something. I'm not sure how you're gonna react.

 Kay: Oh, elizabeth, what a lovely surprise. How are you doing?

 Liz: I'm fine. I was just hoping that I could take a nice, long walk on your property. I mean, it's such a beautiful day.

 Kay: Well, you've been taking a lot of walks lately.

 Liz: Katherine, I have begun to appreciate my health in new and wondrous ways.

 Kay: I can imagine.

 Liz: Why don't you join me?

 Kay: Oh, I can'T. I would love to, really, but I--

 Lizyoyou've got other plans?

 Kay: John abbott-- I promised him I would meet him for lunch at gina'S.

 Liz: Well, you don't seem too enthusiastic. Why's that?

 Kay: I don't know. I guess I just-- I'm rather apprehensive. He acted so strange the other day when he was over here.

 Liz: What do you mean?

 Kay: Well, my god, he was on a trip down memory lane, questioning me about my high school days, if you can believe that.

 Liz: And you have no idea why?

 Kay: None. None at all, but john never was a big one on reminiscing about the past.

 Liz: And you said he was acting strange.

 Kay: Well, yeah, you know. He was intense.

 Liz: Did he ask you about anything or anyone in particular?

 Kay: A woman I used to know-- charlotte ramsey.

 Liz: I don't believe I ever heard you mention her.

 Kay: Well, why should I, elizabeth? My god, it was a million years ago.

 Liz: Well, I was just a little curious. Was she a good friend of yours?

 Kay: What has gotten into everyone lately, digging up the past? I mean, I don't understand it.

 Jill: Charlotte, you've gotta stop telling yourself that stuff is harmless.

 Charlotte: Look, I'm sorry about being so hard-nosed with you before. I know a lot of people think if you drink during the daytime, you're a sick person with a monkey on your back and all that. But, honey, honestly, I have this under control.

 Jill: No, you listen to me. I live with a woman who has been through this. I've heard her talk to a lot of other people who have been through it. And what I am getting is that that flask controls you. You don't control it.

 Charlotte: Honey, it's like a friendship-- everybody gives, everybody gets.

 Jill: Have you ever tried to quit?

 Charlotte: I've tried. It didn't work.

 Jill: Do you know what I think? I think that you've had a lot of people giving you advice. A lot of people have told you this is the way you quit, or that's the way you quit. But did any one of these people ever care about you?

 Charlotte: Oh, most of them were in the rehab business.

 Jill: Well, see? That was their job. But this is different. Charlotte, I care about you. I honestly, truly care about you. And I want us to be able to make the most of the time we have left. Charlotte, I want us to travel. I want to see the world with you. Maybe I could even move out of that old mausoleum, and you and i can get a lovely home together. God, I want this for us.

 Charlotte: So you're saying the only way we can do all that is if I quit drinking?

 Jill: And you can do it. I know you can do it. Come on, give me the flask... mother.

 Anita: You called?

 Frederick: Yeah, thanks.

 Anita: Let's make this quick. I have an appointment.

Frederick: Fine. You're looking well, anita.

 Anita: Would you please get to the point?

 Frederick: I taeded to brittany.

 Anita: About us? Does she know we're separated?

 Frederick: Yeah, well, she stopped by, and it was a total surprise. I never intended to tell her anything.

 Anita: But you did anyway.

 Frederick: She knew something was wrong. I couldn't very well lie to her.

 Anita: So when did this private little conversation happen?

 Frederick: A few days back.

 Anita: A few days? Why wouldn't she come to me?

 Frederick: She wanted to.

 Anita: But what, you ordered her not to?

 Frederick: No, I didn't order her.

 Anita: Is that why you begged me not to talk to her? So you could get to her first, put your own spin on things?

 J.T.: Would you please get your girl to calm down here?

 Brittany: Don't tell me to calm down! I am so furious with you, J.T.!

 Raul: What the hell did you do, man?

 J.T.: Beats the hell out of me.

 Brittany: Oh, please. Don't give me that.

 Raul: Take it easy a second. What secrets has this guy been keeping from you?

 Brittany: Remember that comment he made the other night, how he was sorry about my parents? Remember how that was bugging me?

 Raul: Yeah, what you knew?

 J.T.: You're as bad as she is. Knew what? What are you talking about?

 Brittany: That my parents are separated. How dare you keep that from me!

 J.T.: What was I supposed to do, brittany?

 Brittany: How about, I don't know, tell me?

 J.T.: It wasn't my job. Okay?

 Brittany: What else do you know?

 J.T.: Shouldn't you be having this conversation with your parents?

 Brittany: I tried that, and my father wouldn't say much. And he doesn't want me asking my mom a bunch of questions, so you better start talking, J.T.

 J.T.: Get off my ba,, brittany. Sounds like you know everything there is to know.

 Brittany: Not even! For instance, how did you find out?

 J.T.: What is this?

 Raul: Why don't you answer her?

 J.T.: Okay. You know your mom and I talked a lot while you were gone.

 Brittany: Yeah, so? She told you? Why would she do that?

 Billy: I think our wedding day should be everything that you deserve.

 Mac: It will be. I'm marrying you.

 Billy: Well, I feel the same way, but what I mean is, I want it to be just right, down to the last detail-- your dress, the cake, the dinner.

 Mac: Billy...

 Billy: If you want a thousand roses, you should have them.

 Mac: We can't afford that.

 Billy: Well, what if we can?

 Mac: Please tell me you didn't ask my grandmother for money.

 Billy: Yeah, I did.

 Mac: Billy, I thought we agreed that we were gonna pay for this ourselves.

 Billy: I know, but just--

 Mac: We've been telling everyone that we're mature and independent enough to get married. We should pay for our own wedding.

 Billy: Well, lots of people get help from their families.

 Mac: I know, but I don't need a lot of fancy stuff.

 Billy: Mac, would you stop acting like this is no big deal?

 Mac: I'm not, but the big deal is us, the things we're gonna say to each other.

 Billy: Of course, which is why I think we should make it an event. Come on, mac, let your grandma do this. Let her give you the wedding of your dreams.

 Paul: Oh, wow. Vietnam... our first business trip together.

 Paul: Guess it wasn't exactly all business.

 Paul: No wonder I fell in love with you.

 Isabella: So you know the scoop. Are you happy?

 Diane: No, I'm not happy. Why would you say something like that? You're my friend. This has to be devastating.

 Isabella: Look, diane, the last thing-- the absolute last thing I'm gonna do is mope around about this.

 Diane: You know what? You're probably right. That's for the best. You should just keep on with your plans and go out to los angeles and spend some time with your family. You know, I didn't have support like that, but I'm sure they'll be a godsend.

 Isabella: You make it sound as if I'm going alone. Diane: Aren't you?

 Isabella: No. Paul and I are married. We have a child together. You think I'm gonna give up?

 Diane: Isabella...

 Isabella: My husband and I-- we're moving to los angeles. He's already there with ricky--

 Diane: Wait, wait, wait, just stop. Stop. I can't believe I'm hearing this. Yes, you were on top of the world last time we spoke, but given what's transpired, how can--

 Isabella: The only thing that's transpired is michael blowing his own life to smithereens. It's not gonna affect me.

 Diane: So you think paul will just accept that you conspired with michael to destroy his marriage?

 Isabella: That wasn't my fault. Okay, it happened years ago, and it doesn't matter anymore.

 Diane: Try telling that to christine.

 Isabella: You know, I don't care what her royal highness thinks or feels. Paul loves me. I have given him a family. That is what's important to him. He's not gonna let a dumb mistake I made years ago destroy what we have.

 Diane: Isabella, honey, if you really believe that, then you're in some serious denial.

 Kay: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you.

 Liz: Obviously, charlotte ramsey is a touchy subject.

 Kay: Well, you know, she was a tragic woman and bad things happened, and I just got drawn into the whole ugly drama.

 Liz: After all these years, it still bothers you.

 Kay: Well, you have to remember, we were young... made mistakes. People got hurt. I don't see why it has to be dredged up.

 Liz: You're worried that john's gonna ask you more questions.

 Kay: I guarantee you, if he does, it's gonna be a very short lunch.

 Liz: What was she like?

 Kay: Elizabeth, will you please stop this?

 Liz: It's stopped. Stopped.

 Kay: Thank you. Now I am so sorry that you came all the way out here, and I have no time to spend with you. I don't suppose you could get jill to take my place at lunch. No, not that ungrateful bit-- she--I'm sure she wouldn't have time because she's just too damn busy bonding with her birth mother.

 Jill: Give it to me.

 Charlotte: I have other ones.

 Jill: Oh... I know that you can buy a bottle anytime, anyplace. This is symbolic. This is a gesture that you want to work with me. This is you telling me that you want to have a life with me.

 Charlotte: So it's-- it's like a trade-off... a condition?

 Jill: I will always take care of you, but I will not live with an alcoholic who is drinking.

 Charlotte: I've tried to quit before. It's like hell on earth.

 Jill: I know, but I will help you. Love can help you.

 Charlotte: You think.

 Jill: I know.

 Charlotte: It's so hard to say good-bye to my friend.

 Jill: That is not your friend! That is a parasite. That is a bloodsucker.

 Charlotte: Okay okay. Okay. Don't get so upset. I--I really want us to work.

 Jill: We can work. This can work. We'll make it work together.

 Jill: Oh, thank you. Thank you, mother. You're never gonna regret this. I'll dispose of this later.

 Jill: You don't know how this makes me feel that I can help you this way.

 Charlotte: Thank you, jill. I hope I can stick it out.

 Jill: We're gonna make this happen... together. Oh, hello, john.

 John: Oh, sorry. Am I interrupting?

 Jill: No. No, you're not. You remember my-- my mother charlotte.

 John: Of course. Hello, charlotte.

 Jill: Oh, you're here to remind me about the meeting.

 John: Yes. Now look, I've been updated and everything, but I am going to lunch. Charlotte, would you like to come with me?

 Charlotte: Oh, no, that's okay. I can wait for jill here.

 Jill: No. No. Actually, this is perfect. Why don't you go with john, and I'll see you back here later.

 Jill: Charlotte has decided to quit drinking.

 John: Well, that is terrific, charlotte.

 Jill: Yes. Now this is great. John is very good company. Spending some time with him will be just what you need. Okay, I gotta run. I'll see you back here later. Be strong.

 John: Well, after you, ms. Ramsey.

 Mac: My grandmother really wants to pay for the wedding?

 Billy: It would mean a lot to her.

 Mac: I'll admit, it would be nice.

 Billy: Then it's done?

 Mac: I suppose I should call her and say thanks. Or maybe I'll go over there.

 Billy: Just a minute. There's one more thing I think we should talk about.

 Mac: Good news or bad?

 Billy: Good. It's very good.

 Mac: Okay, what is it?

 Billy: Well, ever since we got engaged, I've, um... I've regretted that I didn't give you a ring.

 Mac: Billy, we've been over this. I don't mind.

 Billy: Well, I do. It feels like, without a ring, it's not really official or something... and I want it to be. So this is for you.

 Mac: Oh, my gosh. How did you do this?

 Billy: I didn'T. This was your grandmother's ring. Your grandpa reynolds gave it to her when they got engaged. And katherine wanted me to give it to you.

 Mac: She did?

 Billy: Katherine said that she would be proud for you to wear this. She's positive that your grandfather would've been, too.

 Mac: I'm gonna cry.

 Billy: Well, let's see how it fits first.

 Mac: It's perfect.

 Billy: Yeah. It is.

 Paul: Hey.

 Chris: Hey.

 Paul: Hi.

 Chris: It's breathtaking, isn't it?

 Paul: It's paradise. You okay?

 Chris: Sure.

 Paul: A few memories, huh?

 Chris: Maybe a little.

 Paul: You know, that is the one concern I had about the two of us coming to hawaii.

 Chris: That I might start thinking about the last time I was here, when danny and I were married.

 Paul: Yeah.

 Chris: I thought about it, but only for a minute. I mean, imagine letting anything spoil this perfect day. I just wanted to thank you. Thank you for being the best friend anyone could ever ask for.

 Liz: There's no need for name-calling, katherine.

 Kay: Well, I'm sorry, but the way jill has acted towards you since she has found this "birth mother," I find it inexcusable.

 Liz: Katherine, enough. You and I have been close for more years than I care to remember. Now, please, don't let your vendetta with jill affect our friendship, not at this late date.

 Kay: I'm only thinking of you, elizabeth, just thinking of you.

 Liz: Well, like you said, I have a thick skin.

 Kay: You know what? I'm gonna call gina's right now. I'I'm gonna cancel. That's what I want to do.

 Liz: Why?

 Kay: Well, I-- I just don't think I could take another trip down memory lane, that's all.

 Liz: Katherine, have you any idea how many women would love to be in your place, having lunch with a charming man like john abbott?

 Kay: Yes. I suppose you're right. John is a dear and wonderful man. He really is. And I will simply tell him I don't care to discuss charlotte ramsey. That is a topic that is not on the menu.

 Anita: You're trying to make me out to be the bad guy.

 Frederick: Now why would you assume that?

 Anita: Because it's true, isn't it? Why else would you tell us not to talk to each other, if not to protect yourself?

 Frederick: The only person that I'm trying to protect is brittany.

 Anita: And jill, of course. God forbid her sterling reputation get tarnished.

 Frederick: You know, anita, I'm telling you, don't go to brittany and stir up trouble again just because you can.

 Anita: Stir up trouble for jill, you mean.

 Frederick: For brittany, damn it! Look, I'm sorry for raising my voice. I just feel very strongly thathere's no need to implicate jill as the reason for our separation.

 Anita: Why, because your lover might get angry?

 Frederick: Oh, stop it.

 Anita: Or maybe "mortified" is a better word. Once her son finds out.

 Frederick: If anyone would be mortified, it would be brittany. And what for? Jill and I are not lovers. There's nothing going on, anita. Nothing, but I'll tell you what. Even if you choose not to believe that, what good do you think it does to go to our daughter and to make her privy to this kind of ugliness?

 Anita: You and jill are just full of good reasons to keep a lid on this, aren't you?

 Frederick: Why don't you think about brittany? I mean, if she thought that we were both out there cheating on each other, she would be devastated. It would just make matters worse. I sh you could have seen the pain in her eyes when I told her the news.

 Anita: I don't want to cause brittany any additional pain.

 Frederick: Then you won't go to her with your suspicions.

 Anita: With my facts, you mean. I can't make you any promises. I don't know what I'll say if brittany comes to me.

 Frederick: Anita.

 Anita: Don't "anita" me. We wouldn't be in this dreadful situation if you had, for one moment, thought about the repercussions of your actions.

 Frederick: You know, I get so tired of telling you nothing happened with jill. Why don't you have just one little ounce of faith in me? Huh? Can't you do that much?

 Anita: Maybe because you've given me 19 years worth of reasons not to.

 Brittany: Why would my mom reveal something so personal?

 J.T.: You're gonna have to ask her.

 Brittany: I'm asking you.

 J.T.: I'd really wish you'd drop this, brittany.

 Brittany: Why? You know, you might as well tell me. I'm gonna find out one way or another.

 J.T.: One morning, I met your mom at the lodge.

 Brittany: Go on.

 J.T.: She wanted to know if I'd heard from you, which I hadn'T. And that's when she told me that she'd moved out. She was really upset, brittany. She thought her marriage was over.

 Brittany: And so she poured her heart out to you.

 J.T.: I happened to be there.

 Brittany: Is that all?

 J.T.: No. While we were talking, your dad came down from the hotel rooms upstairs. He was with another woman.

 Brittany: What?

 J.T.: Look, I'm sorry, brittany, but you asked.

 Brittany: Who was she?

 J.T.: I really didn't get a good look at her.

 Brittany: You're lying, J.T.! Who was she? Tell me!

 J.T.: Billy's mom.

 John: Katherine, you're here.

 Kay: Hello, jN.

 John: Katherine, I hope you didn't mind. I took the liberty of bringing someone along for lunch, someone I thought you'd enjoy meeting. Katherine, this is charlotte ramsey. Charlotte, this is katherine chancellor.

 Isabella: No, I'm not in denial, diane. Paul is my husband. And if you're worried about christine getting to him, don't, because he's onto her. You know, he's finally realized how destructive she is. Why do you think he wanted to move in the first place? He can't stand to be around her. He wants to move to los angeles to be with my family. So you see, it doesn't matter how christine manipulates him 'cause it's not gonna work. We're not coming back.

 Diane: You know, I'm listening to you, and you're living in a dream world. Isabella, you have got to prepare yourself.

 Isabella: Prepare myself for what?

 Diane: Just take it from me. Your life is about to change. And you can sit there and deny it until hell freezes over, but, isabella, I'm worried about you!

 Isabella: You know what? Just g out. Just get out! Get out! You are wrong! You are so wrong! Paul lives in california. He has put her behind him. He's building a new life. He made the break. So nothing is going to hurt us. Nothing.

 Diane: I, too, was clinging on to something until piece by pie, , everything was taken away from me.

 Isabella: Diane, I'm not going to say it again. Just get out.

("A time and place" by mike & the mechanics playing)

there's a time and a place for you to make your mark

and show your face there's a place in time

when you must step out outside the line so understand

hard as it seems there is a time and place for you to have your dreams

though here and now may not be the time and place for you and me you and me

 Chris: Paul! Paul!

 Chris: I'm so glad I found you.

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