Wednesday Y&R Transcript 4/30/03

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 4/30/0
3--Canada; Thursday 5/01/03

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Suvi

Lauren: Yeah, I came to pick up some makeup samples.

Anita: Yeah, I just, um, stopped by to--

J.T.: Well, uh, we don't wanna interrupt. Colleen, let's go in the back and let these two talk.

Colleen: Okay.

Lauren: We weren't exactly talking.

J.T.: Well, we'll, uh, give you guys some privacy.

Anita: No, you know, actually, I have to be going, so--it was nice seeing you too.

J.T.: Same here, Mrs. Hodges.


Frederick: I'm not really sure what the problem is?

Jill: Are you kidding me? If Anita goes to Brittany and tells her that you and I are having some big, torrid affair, it would be a disaster, I mean, Brittany could go straight to Billy with it, or somebody else who will tell Billy.

Frederick: Whoa, whoa, hang on. You're ahead of yourself here. Brittany doesn't know what's going on between Anita and me. We haven't told her we're separating

Jill: How long do you think it'll be before Anita does tell her? She's gonna want Brittany to hear her side of things. She's gonna want on her side period. That's the way it'll be.

Frederick: So what am I supposed to do, go to Brittany, and tell her our side of the story first?

Jill: Maybe you should.

Frederick: Anita and I agreed not to tell Brittany what's going on right now. She just got back from this disappear she must have been feeling just a little bit fragile, otherwise, she would have just taken the pregnancy test and been done with it.

Jill: Oh, Frederick, if Billy finds out about this...

Frederick: I understand, but I can't do anything that might drive Brittany away again.

Jill: Yes, I get that, I get that, but you take my word for it, Anita is going to tell Brittany about this. She's gonna want her to hear her version first, and she could do that at any time. You've gotta stop that from happening.

Frederick: But I can't do--

Jill: No buts, no buts. You have got to deal with your wife. Come on, Frederick, this is important to all of us. We don't have anything to hide. We haven't done anything wrong. You just gotta set Anita straight about us.

Frederick: Yeah.

Jill: Look, I'm sorry, I've gotta run, okay? Thank you, again. You really are a wonderful man.

Frederick: Thank you.

Jill: Okay.


Nikki: Hi, honey.

Victoria: Hey.

Nikki: What are you doing, tidying up for your brother a little bit?

Victoria: Hmm. Well, I knew better than to try and cook him anything.

Nikki: (Chuckles) I'm sure he appreciates that and everything you do for him.

Victoria: I don't know, other than being here for Cassie, I don't think he needs anyone's help.

Nikki: Why do you say that?

Victoria: It's amazing. It's like he's a new person. It's like he woke up this morning and said, "the Hell with moping around. I'm gonna get busy."

Nikki: So he's doing better then?

Victoria: Yeah, he's doing much better.

Nikki: I had a feeling.

Victoria: I mean, he was great with Noah. He had him all squared away and sent him off to kindergarten.

Nikki: What about Cassie?

Victoria: She's not so good.

Nikki: Why? What's wrong?

Victoria: (Sighs) The same--Sharon, as if that woman hasn't caused this family enough pain.


Nick: What's up, bro?

Cody: Hey, boss.

Nick: Don't call me that.

Cody: Okay, owner.

Nick: (Chuckles) knock it off.

Cody: (Chuckles) Yes, Sir.

Nick: Cody, dude...

Cody: I can't help it. You know, I need an authority figure in my life.

Nick: Well, look somewhere else, man.

Cody: Aye, aye, captain.

Nick: So it's kind of quiet out there.

Cody: Yeah, yeah, the early-morning fix is over. The late-morning pick-me-up crowd should be here in about an hour.

Nick: No worries. Gives us a chance to finish the paperwork.

Cody: Yeah, well, this stuff's finished.

Nick: All right, thanks.

Cody: So how are things?

Nick: Ah, you know...

Cody: Well, you're a single Father these days.

Nick: Well, I'm trying to see the positive side. I'm spending a lot more time with the kids than usual.

Cody: Well, that's not all bad.

Nick: Nah, it's been great. You know, I wanted to thank you for putting in all the extra hours around here since Sharon, um, you know...

Cody: Since Sharon's been gone. Hey, man, it's cool. I'm glad I could help. Any word?

Nick: She sent a couple of letters to the kids. I didn't get one.

Cody: Ouch.

Nick: Hey, you know what? If that's the way my wife wants to do it, then so be it. Right now, I'm trying to help my kids through a difficult time, and between that and my Father, I got my hands full.

Cody: Problems with Victor, huh?

Nick: It keeps getting worse every day. I mean, he's out of control.

Cody: No kidding?

Nick: Yeah. You know what? You should know.

Cody: What?

Nick: Just keep it to yourself, all right?

Cody: Yeah, of course.

Nick: So you think my Dad's a pretty cool guy, right? I mean, he's a little scary sometimes, but he's okay?

Cody: Yeah, I'd say so.

Nick: Well, my friend, you are not gonna believe what he did.


Jack: Thank you for squeezing me into your schedule, Victor.

Victor: No problem, Jack.

Jack: Although, if you have time for star nothing out windows...

Victor: Unlike some people I know, I think before I act. Staring out the window helps me make decisions. You should try it, Jack.

Jack: Well, thanks, I have my own technique.

Victor: I'm sure you do.

Jack: You know, we could spar like this for awhile. Basically, you think you're taking the cosmetics world by storm. I'm convinced you're going down in flames. Shall we just agree to disagree?

Victor: What's on your mind?

Jack: Well, we discussed a few things the last time we were together, you, Bradley, and I, and, uh, I thought we could revisit a few points.

Victor: If you think that I'm going to extend your loan, forget about it.

Jack: I thought you might say that.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Jack: As I was talking with Nicholas, though, he made a point that--

Victor: You were talking to who?

Jack: To your son Nicholas.

Victor: Don't bring my son into this, Jack. I'd be very careful of that, very careful, indeed.


Frederick: No, that's fine, Arlen, as long as the papers are signed by the end of the day. Oh, I'll just messenger them over to you right now. Yeah, let me know if you need anything else. Appreciate it. Mm-hmm. Bye-bye.

Brittany: Saving the world again?

Frederick: Well, you know, somebody's gotta do it. How are you, sweetheart?

Brittany: I'm all right. I hope it's okay that I dropped by like this.

Frederick: What, are you kidding? I spent the last few weeks wondering where you were. Nobody I'd rather see than you. So how are you?

Brittany: I started work again.

Frederick: What about school?

Brittany: Well, I'm going to talk to my professors. I think it'll be difficult to make up all the assignments I missed. I might have to repeat a couple of courses.

Frederick: Well, that's not the end of the world, is it, hmm? The important thing is that you focus on your college, make that a top priority right now, hmm? Is there something else?

Brittany: Well, I'd like to think that I'm being silly...

Frederick: What is it?

Brittany: What's going on with you and Mom?


Victoria: Guys. That's great. Go wash up.

Nikki: Cassie hasn't been sleeping at all?

Victoria: Only during the daytime. It's like night is just too scary.

Nikki: Oh, that poor baby, those dreams she's having...

Victoria: I'm sure they're about Sharon and how abandoned she feels. I mean, it just-- it breaks my heart that she has to go through this.

Nikki: I know. You said something about sedatives?

Victoria: Yeah, apparently, when she has a nightmare, that's it--she doesn't want to close her eyes.

Nikki: This is just awful.

Victoria: I will leave them right here on the table, so if she needs one...

Nikki: All right. Listen, um, would you mind staying a little bit longer? I have some errands I have to run.

Victoria: Yeah, yeah, that's fine. I pushed all my meetings back anyway.

Nikki: Okay, how's she doing otherwise?

Victoria: You mean besides being exhausted?

Nikki: Well, I'm sure that's taking a toll.

Victoria: She's pretty depressed.

Nikki: It just makes me so damn angry. I mean, this child was so full of life and so happy--

Victoria: Until her worthless Mother showed her true colors.


Colleen: I like your shirt, but what happened to the one I bought you for your birthday, hmm?

J.T.: I'm gonna wear it.

Colleen: Yeah, really? When?

J.T.: I-I don't know.

Colleen: Oh?

J.T.: When we go out next time.

Colleen: Okay.

J.T.: Here, I got you this, though.

Lauren: Well, looks like I don't have to ask.

Colleen: Ask what?

Lauren: How the two of you are enjoying your newfound freedom.

Colleen: Oh, 'cause we don't have to sneak around anymore? It is the best, but, um, I think J.T.'s having a hard time getting used to it.

J.T.: Why would you say that?

Colleen: He still gets a little nervous when we're out in public.

Lauren: Is that so?

Colleen: Don't be embarrassed. I think it's cute.

Lauren: So I hear you took him out for his birthday.

Colleen: Well, not exactly. I told him I was gonna take him out, but I actually had a surprise birthday party at my Granddad’s. Yeah, you should have seen the look on his face when he walked in. I will never forget it as long as I live.

Lauren: A surprise party. Well, that sounds like fun.

Colleen: Yeah, just a small group, mostly family, couple of friends, and Brittany's parents showed up.

Lauren: Really, Frederick and Anita?

Colleen: Yeah, I'm not really sure why. Did you ever find that out, J.T.?

J.T.: Yeah, I think, uh, they needed to talk to Raul about something.

Colleen: Hmm.

Lauren: So congratulations.

Colleen: On what?

Lauren: On this terrific guy, must be nice to have a boyfriend like him. You're a very lucky young lady.

Colleen: I know I am.

Lauren: All right, I gotta go. I'll see you soon.

Colleen: Okay.

Lauren: Bye.

Colleen: Bye, Lauren.


Anita: Thank you.

Jill: Anita, I don't mean to intrude...

Anita: Well, then why are you?

Jill: I understand that Brittany's back-- what wonderful news.

Anita: You understand that, do you? Is that what you're calling your affair with my husband these days-- an understanding?

Jill: Look, could we just have--

Anita: No, we cannot.

Jill: You don't even know what I was gonna say.

Anita: "Anita, can we please talk like two reasonable human beings?" Yes, Jill, you're that predictable. Must be what Frederick sees in you, since he has such little imagination these days.


Nikki: That poor little thing. It's a good thing we checked on her.

Victoria: Yeah, she must have been hot. She kicked all the covers off.

Nikki: Why didn't I think to take her temperature?

Victoria: Oh, I'm sure she's fine.

Nikki: I know. I just worry.

Victoria: Cassie is gonna get through this.

Nikki: She shouldn't have to be getting through anything. She should be going to school, enjoying her friends and just having a good time, but instead, she's traumatized, thanks to Sharon.

Victoria: Don't even get me started.

Nikki: You realize when her nightmares began, don't you? When those damn letters arrived.

Victoria: Oh, yeah, yeah, "dear, Cassie, I'm a rotten Mother. You're better off without me." I mean, you know what that says? That says, "I am so messed up that I'm never coming back, so just deal with it, kids."

Nikki: I know Nicholas would disagree with this, but I hope you're right. I hope she doesn't come back.

Victoria: Nicholas is a lot more in control than what he W..

Nikki: Well, if anybody can get those kids on the right track again, it's him.

Victoria: They're gonna do better than that. Nicholas is determined they are all gonna rise above this stronger than ever.

Nikki: All right, honey, are you sure you're gonna be okay here a little while longer?

Victoria: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, go.

Nikki: Thank you. I'll be back soon.

Victoria: All right.


Cody: Your Father and your wife? Man, that must have-- I don't even know what to say.

Nick: No, look, it's okay. I'm sick of thinking about it. I just thought you should know what I'm up against.

Cody: You think that's why Sharon left?

Nick: Had to be part of it.

Cody: Weird.

Nick: Yeah, you're telling me.

Cody: I mean, he's your own Father. Are you sure there's not some other explanation?

Nick: I heard a lot of lame excuses. Nothing changes what I saw. Look, I don't want to talk about it anymore. The bottom line is my Dad's a dog, and he had to prove yet again that he's the leader of the pack. Personally, I think it's pathetic.

Cody: Yeah, but a man that powerful? I mean, why's he need to overdo anything? He runs the biggest company around. Anyone he doesn't like, he buys their company and fires them, right?

Nick: I'm telling you, the guy's losing his touch.

Cody: In business? Come on man, there's only one Victor Newman.

Nick: He's making bad decisions. He thinks he can't make a mistake. The thing is, he's making one right now, a big one.


Jack: Victor, relax. Yes, I spoke to Nicholas. Why wouldn't I?

Victor: My son and I aren't on the best of terms.

Jack: Why would that make any difference to me? I was once Nicholas' stepfather.

Victor: I remember. You took him to baseball games when I was divorced from his Mother. Now why are you bringing my son into this conversation about business?

Jack: You refuse to allow Jabot to continue paying interest on the loan. You insist instead we pay the principal, a full $50 million.

Victor: Those are the terms.

Jack: You could always extend the terms.

Victor: I could, but I won't.

Jack: Why? Those interest rates are as good as you can do right now. It isn't like you could take the money elsewhere and do a whole lot better.

Victor: What does any of this have to do with my son?

Jack: Nicholas shared with me a few things going on between the two of you, some pretty shocking things.

Victor: What things?

Jack: I know about you and Sharon, not because I dragged it out of Nicholas, but because he felt I was someone he could confide in.

Victor: I always knew you were a snake, Jack, I also know you want me to extend this loan, but I honestly didn't think you would stoop so low as to try to blackmail me with it. You really are beneath contempt, aren't you?


Colleen: You know, I really like her.

J.T.: Who, Lauren?

Colleen: Yeah. I mean, I love that we can talk to her about stuff, you know, like you and me? Don't you like her?

J.T.: Yeah, most of the time.

Colleen: What is that supposed to mean?

J.T.: Look, never mind, I better get to work. Hey, let me know if you guys need some help, all right?

Colleen: I wonder what she and Brittany's Mom were arguing about.

J.T.: How would I know?

Colleen: I wish I could find out.

J.T.: Why do you even care?

Colleen: Oh, I don't know. I just think it's a little weird for those two to be arguing.

J.T.: It probably had something to do with Brittany.

Colleen: Like what?

J.T.: Well, I know Anita wasn't happy when Brittany took the job here. I mean, she wanted her to go away to college. What are you smiling at?

Colleen: Oh, well, you just called Brittany's Mom "Anita."

J.T.: So?

Colleen: Well, so... I just had no idea you two were so close.


Brittany: Is something going on between you and Mom?

Frederick: Why would you ask me that?

Brittany: Ever since I've gotten back, things have been a little off.

Frederick: Off?

Brittany: Like when you were fighting the other day, Anita I walked in here.

Frederick: Well, honey, I explained that to you. We were just having a little disagreement.

Brittany: About me.

Frederick: About how to find you, bring you back home.

Brittany: Dad, I know that's what you said, but I think there's more to it than that. You guys have argued plenty of times before, and this is different.

Frederick: We, , I don't know what else I can say.

Brittany: Dad, I wish you wouldn't make this so difficult. I'm not the only one who's noticed something's wrong. Other people have, too.

Frederick: What other people?

Brittany: J.T.

Frederick: Hellstrom? How would he know about...

Brittany: Know about what, Dad?

Frederick: Look, I'd rather not get into it right now, okay?

Brittany: So you're admitting something happened? Dad, stop trying to protect me. I'm not a little girl. I can handle the truth. Fine, then I'll go talk to Mom.

Frederick: Brittany, wait. Your Mother and I have separated.


Jill: Anita, look, I didn't sit down here to trade insults with you.

Anita: No, you undoubtedly want something. What could it be, want the wife's blessing? Well, you have it. You and Frederick deserve each other.

Jill: How can I convince you that nothing is going on?

Anita: You spent the night with my husband. Maybe hat's nothing to you, since you have the morals of a common streetwalker.

Jill: Why won't you listen to me?

Anita: I know, Jill, there was no sex, not that time.

Jill: Not ever. Frederick and I are not having an affair.

Anita: So the two of you would like me to believe.

Jill: Because it's true.

Anita: Hmm. So the two of you just talked, is that it? You confided in each other?

Jill: Yes.

Anita: Well, not that it matters. Even if you were playing Chinese checkers, my husband should not have been in a hotel room with you. He should have been at home with me, his wife.

Jill: Do you know what we were talking about? Your daughter, and the fact she couldn't be found and your marriage and how desperately he wants things to be different.

Anita: Mm-hmm.

Jill: Anita, I'm not your enemy.

Anita: No, Jill, you're my friend. How gullible do you think I am?


Cassie: Mom. Mommy, please, wait. Don't leave me. Wait, don't leave me!

Victoria: Cassie? Hey, hi, you okay? Honey, you're home. You're right here. I'm right here. You're safe.

Cassie: It felt so real.

Victoria: It wasn't real. It was just a dream. It was a nightmare. It's over now.

Cassie: I'm scared.

Victoria: Don't be scared, sweetheart. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise.

Cassie: You can't stop it.

Victoria: I will keep you safe. No one will hurt you.

Cassie: But you can't help it. She'll do it anyway. She'll leave me. She already has.


Cody: No offense, Nick, but Victor Newman, wrong about a business decision?

Nick: I know it doesn't sound possible, but I'm telling you, when you know the guy like I do--

Cody: Nick, you're upset with your Dad and with damn good reason, but are you sure that that's not coloring your whole view of him, like, everything he says and does is stupid and wrong?

Nick: Cody, I'm not 15 anymore.

Cody: All right, all right, I just thought I'd ask.

Nick: All right, look, check it out. My Father just bought into this huge expansion of our cosmetics line.

Cody: Your sister's division?

Nick: No, no, this is way bigger. It's a whole separate division. It's for women of color.

Cody: Wow, that's cool.

Nick: Well, yeah, except we have no business getting involved. There are other companies who have cosmetics locked up. It's in their blood, you know?

Cody: Yeah, like Jabot.

Nick: Exactly. This is not our area of expertise. My Father just wants to crush Jabot.

Cody: Yeah, why?

Nick: 'Cause he's in a bad mood, 'cause he wants to feel strong. Now do those sound like legitimate reasons to throw our family's money down the drain?


Jack: When I'm looking for someone I can count on to think the worst of me, you always come through.

Victor: Bitter experience has taught me--

Jack: I'm not trying to blackmail you. I wouldn't spread the word of your disgusting behavior with your daughter-in-law, nor would I threaten to, if for no other reason than to protect Nicholas from pain.

Victor: Then why are you bringing up my son and this loan business in the same breath?

Jack: I will explain this to you. You may not like the explanation. It has occurred to me that there might be some tie between your recent aggressiveness in business and the sorry state of your family life. A powerful man, frustrated, confronted with his own mortality, might be tempted to assert himself to, uh, prove that he still has the right stuff, and what better way to do that than to go out and find some competition to crush?

Victor: Your loan is due. I want my money back. Don't read anything else into this.

Jack: Only this is about more than just a loan, isn't it? We both know you bought Satine out from under us for far more than its market value. Now you're about to pour a good deal of your fortune into building a business you have no track record with, nor any particular feel for. Why? It makes no business sense.

Victor: Since when am I interested to make sense to you?

Jack: I'm trying to help you here, Victor. I'm trying to point out that your motives for buying Satine, for pushing--

Victor: All right, you stop this pretense. You are here begging for mercy, and you ain't gonna get it from me.


Victoria: Honey, you have to listen to me. We are all here for you, your whole family. We all love you so much.

Cassie: Except my Mom.

Victoria: I don't think that's true.

Cassie: Then why did she leave?

Victoria: I don't know, but it wasn't because of you.

Cassie: How do you know?

Victoria: Because of that letter she wrote you. She said she loved you very much.

Cassie: Oh, yeah, it's easy to say, but why didn't she call or come and see us?

Victoria: Honey, I don't know. I wish I did. I don't have the answers.

Cassie: Do you think she's with someone else?

Victoria: Why would you say that?

Cassie: Because I see her.

Victoria: You see her in your dreams?

Cassie: Every time I fall asleep... she's there. She's on the beach, and she's happy like she used to be, and there's sand and grass, and it's so beautiful, and she's playing with a little girl, but it's not me...

Victoria: Honey, I'm so sorry.

Cassie: And it's just the two of them on the beach alone, and they're laughing, and they're playing, and she pretends that I'm not there, and I yell at her, and she pretends like she didn't hear me, and then I go up, and I tug on her sweater, and I try to get her to pay attention to me, and she looks at me like she's annoyed at me... and she says that I'm ruining the game with her little girl, and I look at her, and I say, "no, Mom, I'm your little girl. It's me," and then she starts to laugh, and she keeps laughing and laughing...

Victoria: Honey...

Cassie: And then she's gone, and there's nothing there, and it's dark, and it's cold, and I'm so scared.

Victoria: Honey, it's just a dream. It's just a nightmare. It's not real. It's not true.

Cassie: Yes, yes, it is. It's real to me.

Victoria: You will always be Sharon's little girl, no matter what.

Cassie: She doesn't want me. Don't you see that?

Victoria: I don't believe that, Cassie.

Cassie: Then why isn't she here?

Victoria: I don't know.

Cassie: Well, I do. You know why? 'Cause she doesn't care. She doesn't give a damn about Noah and me.

Victoria: No, no, I won't accept that, and neither should you.

Cassie: How can you say that? How can you believe that? It's so obvious.

Victoria: I think-- I think that Sharon, deep down inside, loves you very, very much. I think she's just confused right now.

Cassie: Why doesn't she want to be with me?

Victoria: Honey, I believe that she does. She just has to find her way back home.

Cassie: You don't really believe that, do you?

Victoria: I think sometimes we've just gotta take things on faith. Honey, I know you miss her.

Cassie: No, no, I don't miss her. I don't-I don't ever want to see her again!

Victoria: Come here.

Cassie: I-I hate her.

Victoria: It's okay, sweetheart. It's okay.


J.T.: So I called Brittany’s Mom by her first name-- it's no big deal.

Colleen: Well, maybe not to you, but I'm sure she'd flip if she heard you call her "Anita."

J.T.: Can we talk about something else, please?

Colleen: Then again, maybe not. I mean, I could be wrong. She might actually be flattered, you know, make her feel younger--

J.T.: Why are you going on and on about this? Will you stop, all right?

Colleen: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to--

J.T.: No, I'm sorry. I don't-- I don't know why I did that.

Colleen: Something's bothering you.

J.T.: I'm-I'm fine.

Colleen: Um, no, you're not. You were so jumpy at the coffeehouse earlier, now this? I mean, what's going on?

J.T.: Don't worry about me, okay? All right, I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. I feel terrible. I'm gonna make it up to you.

Colleen: You can tell me anything, you know that, right? Look, I love you so much, and if something is bumming you out, tell me. I mean, maybe I can help.

J.T.: I'm really okay, colleen, I am. I've just been a little stressed out, you know? I'm putting a lot of hours in here, and finals are coming up. I guess it's all just getting to me a little bit.

Colleen: Well, you need to take better care of yourself.

J.T.: I know.

Colleen: No, I mean it. If you don't, I will.

J.T.: I really don't deserve you.

Colleen: Now why would you say a thing like that?

J.T.: Because I don't. You're, like, the nicest person in the entire world, and you give and you give, and what am I, you know?

Colleen: J.T.

J.T.: I'm really gonna mess this up.

Colleen: No, you won't.

J.T.: Well, you know, you better get to school. You don't want to-- don't want to be late.

Colleen: Okay. Good-bye.

J.T.: Bye.


Brittany: You and Mom are--

Frederick: Separated.

Brittany: Since when?

Frederick: Last week.

Brittany: You moved out of the house?

Frederick: No, honey, your Mother did. She's staying at the lodge.

Brittany: Well, why didn't you tell me?

Frederick: Well, I didn't have a chance to.

Brittany: Oh, Dad, come on.

Frederick: All right, the truth is, we weren't really sure how to tell you.

Brittany: Well, what happened?

Frederick: Let's just say we had a misunderstanding.

Brittany: On whose part, yours?

Brittany: It was Mom, wasn't it?

Frederick: Brittany...

Brittany: You're telling me it was her decision to separate?

Frederick: I can't go into the details.

Brittany: Well, if she doesn't have the facts straight, then--

Frederick: Honey, it's between your Mother and me, all right?

Brittany: Did you talk to her?

Frederick: Yes.

Brittany: Well, then talk to her again, and this time, make her listen.

Frederick: It's too late.

Brittany: It's never too late, Dad, unless you've already given up. Have you?

Frederick: Honey, you said it yourself, your Mother and I have had problems for a long time, years, in fact. I suppose two people can only live the way that we have for so long. We got to the point something had to change.

Brittany: But it can't just be over, you have to at least fight.

Frederick: I'm not sure there's anything left worth fighting for.

Brittany: Well, maybe if I talk to her...

Frederick: No.

Brittany: Well, you can't expect me to do nothing.

Frederick: Look, honey, just do not get involved right now, okay? The situation's difficult enough as it is. Just let me handle it.

Brittany: Is that what you're doing?

Frederick: Yes, I'm trying to. I can't tell you what's gonna happen, but let me fix it, hmm?

Brittany: Well, hang in there, okay?

Brittany: I really hope you and Mom can work this out.


Jill: No, Anita, I don't think you're gullible or blind or stupid. I also don't think you're ready to throw this marriage away, especially with Brittany home, when she needs both her parents.

Anita: Since when do you give a damn about Brittany?

Jill: Look, I'm a Mother, too, and if Billy had disappeared that way-- I don't know... I don't know how you stood it. I mean, it must have been Hell, but if you and Frederick had each other to lean on, which is why I encouraged him and am still encouraging him to reach out to you and make things right again.

Anita: Yeah, I'm sitting here listening to all this drivel wondering, "what is it that Jill wants? Why is she so desperate to convince me?" Why would you care for a minute what I think?

Jill: I told you--

Anita: You know, save it. It's a bunch of self-serving garbage. So the question is, what is it? If I were naive enough to be-- it's so obvious.

Jill: What?

Anita: You want to keep things quiet. You don't want anyone to know that you've been carrying on with a married man. Oh, my Gosh. Imagine the gossip. Imagine if your son found out how you've been spending your evenings. How embarrassing.

Jill: Don't you dare tell this to Billy, because it is not true! Or to anybody who might tell him--don't you dare!

Anita: Hmm, jackpot.

Jill: Anita, I am warning you.

Anita: You're warning me? Well, I think you should stay on my good side, Jill. You have a lot more to lose than I do.


Jack: Then you're not even willing to consider the possibility?

Victor: That I'm operating with a hidden agenda? Losers love conspiracy theories, Jack. They have to believe that the playing field is unfair. Otherwise, how could they possibly have lost?

Jack: Oh, this game is far from over, pal.

Victor: Then what's your problem?

Jack: You came to me. You came to Bradley and me, I suppose out of the goodness of your heart, to tell us that you would use your considerable resources to overpower us, that there is no way you would consider extending the terms of our loan.

Victor: That's right.

Jack: Why? The Victor Newman I used to know loved competition. You really think this is competition? Even Nicholas thinks you're acting out of anger and frustration rather than any business sense.

Victor: You discussed my personal problems with my son. I wish that hadn't happened, but it did. So be it. But don't for one moment think that that will give you leverage.

Jack: Well, he does know you better than most.

Victor: Newman Enterprises is extending its cosmetic industry. You do with that what you want.

You owe me $50 million. You know where to wire the money.

Jack: Look, Victor, I came here--

Victor: Well, if you want to hang around, you can, but don't bother me, all right? Be very quiet. I've got business to conduct. Thank you. Connie, kindly tell josh stein that we'll conference with the Venezuelans at 10:30. And then have the company limo go to the airport and pick up Mr. Benedetto and take him to Stillman and Ames. Have him look at the contract, and then we'll meet and discuss the terms, all right? Exactly, thank you.


Nick: That man is so damn arrogant. Victor Newman, man. It's like everyone else is just a bunch of insects.

Cody: Well, it kind of comes with the turf, doesn't it? People who build empires usually aren't meek and mild.

Nick: Yeah, but when the ego takes over the brain, mistakes get made.

Cody: Yeah, how bad is this one?

Nick: It's pretty bad, and how do I know this isn't the first of many? Look, he is not doing what is best for the company or the family, and that's gonna be my company someday. I have a huge stake in that.

Cody: Yeah, I mean, but seriously, Nick. Do you really want to run a company that big?

Nick: Why not?

Cody: I don't know, man, you just-- you seem more comfortable here.

Nick: I am, but when my turn comes, I'm gonna do things with Newman Enterprises my Father never even dreamed of.

Cody: Yeah?

Nick: Damn right.

Cody: Exciting stuff.

Nick: Right. That means I have to protect my inheritance.

Cody: Yeah, well, I would in your shoes, but what can you do? The way your Dad runs things, it seems like he makes all the decisions.

Nick: Yeah, but it doesn't necessarily have to be that way.


Victoria: Damn you, Sharon.

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