Monday Y&R Transcript 4/28/03

Y&R Transcript Mon
day 4/28/03--Canada; Tuesday 4/29/03--USA

Provided By Eric

 Jack: Can you believe jerk, coming here, suggesting we surrender?

 Brad: Nothing subtle about newman.

 Jack: All that crapt us bringing down my father's company...

 Brad: There's some truth in what he sai

 Jack: Whose side are you on, anyway?

 Brad: We're in a tight spot.

 Jng out alive, bradley, that's what separates the men from the boys.

 Brad: All the clichés in the world don't change the fact that even after we pay off the huge note, he's not going to be finished with us.

 Jack: So you think he'll tighten the screws?

 Brad: It's the perfect storm, one I'm sure he saw coming from the beginning.

 Jack: What are you saying here? Spit it out. You think we should bail on the new line?

 Victoria: Where did you disappear to earlier?

 Victor: Who, me?

 Victoria: No, the picture on the wall over there. Yeah, you.

 Victor: I met with jack abbott and brad carlton.

 Victoria: At jabot?

 Victor: Jack abbott's office.

 Victoria: Why?

 Victor: Well, I thought I should remind them of the principal payment that is due on one of their loans, due in a couple of weeks, at a time when they need their cash reserves more than at any other time.

 Victoria: Oh, and I'm sure you felt terrible about that, being the big, bad wolf when they are just about to launch a new product line?

 Victor: Only the strong survive, my darling.

 Victoria: Mind if I ask you a question?

 Victor: Unh-unh.

 Victoria: When you gave the green light to buy satine, was it just about business, or did you really want to stick it to jack and brad?

 J.T.: Well, well, well, the rumors are true.

 Brittany: Yes, J.T., I'm back.

 J.T.: Where you been?

 Brittany: Around. Hey, is raul here? I need to talk to him.

 J.T.: No, I haven't seen him all day.

 Brittany: He's probably back at the loft.

 J.T.: You know, you look pretty good for somebody who's been on the run.

 Brittany: Well, I wasn't exactly on the run, but thanks. I feel good.

 J.T.: Yeah, I was actually worried about you, brittany.

 Brittany: What's this, am I dreaming?

 J.T.: You know, it's not like I spent every night tossing and turning, but...

 Brittany: Relax, it's nice to know you were thinking about me while I was away, and, in case you're wondering, I'm not pregnant.

 J.T.: Yeah, I know.

 Brittany: You do? How?

 J.T.: That's easy. You walk in here with a big smile on your face. You start talking to me like nothing's wrong.

 Brittany: You know me better than I thought.

 J.T.: Well, I ought to after all these years. Well, congratulations on finally getting your life back. It's gotta feel pretty good.

 Brittany: You have no idea.

 John: Charlotte ramsey had an abortion?

 Kay: Yes, well, at the time, she felt it was her only alternative.

 John: Katherine, are you sure about this?

 Kay: Well, yes, of course I'm sure, john. For god's sake, we were friends. I mean, I was her confidant.

 John: I know, I just, uh, I find it rather improbable.

 Kay: Really, why do you say that?

 John: Well, back then it was--it wasn't done. It was dangerous.

 Kay: Yeah, well, of course it was dangerous it was very, very different back then. You couldn't just call up your family doctor and say, uh, "take care of all of this."

 John: Well, of course you couldn'T.

 Kay: John, please, do we really have to get into all of this right now? It's really not fun for me. Why, I mean, why are you so intent on dredging it up?

 John: Katherine, it's just that we were talking about the past, I-I told you the ramseys meant a great--

 Kay: And now john is curious.

 John: Yeah, I'm very curious. Look, did you and charlotte ramsey become friends?

 Kay: I knew charlotte ramsey in high school, not all that well. She was a few years ahead of me.

 John: Yeah?

 Kay: Well, I don't know, charlotte had stars in her eyes. She fancied herself as a singer, and she was just talented enough, brash enough, I mean, you could see her just pulling it together.

 John: Was it here in genoa city?

 Kay: Oh, god, no, no, she went to new york. She went to new york to seek her fame and fortune. Instead, she found a whole world of trouble.

 Gina: Dining alone?

 Jill: No, I'm waiting for someone.

 Gina: That woman again, your, uh...

 Jill: Somebody's been talking to you.

 Gina: John abbott.

 Jill: So you know?

 Gina: Jill, look, the realization of finding out you were adopted, I mean, it must have been a real mindblower.

 Jill: Most people are telling me I should just be taking this in stride.

 Gina: Oh, really? Well, I don't think I could. I mean, don't get me wrong, I think adoption is wonderful, but to find out so--

 Jill: So late in life...

 Gina: Yeah.

 Jill: Yes, thank you. You were very sweet to charlotte that night. Thank you.

 Gina: Hey, you're welcome. So charlotte--that's the one you're waiting for?

 Gina: Mrs. Foster, hi, it's so good to see you.

 Liz: Hello, gina. Oh, jill, I'm sorry I'm late.

 Jill: No, it's okay. Gina and I were just discussing my birth mother.

 Liz: Oh, well, is this a private conversation, or can anyone get in? Good afternoon. The plugs are about to be pulled on hundreds of video lottery terminals across alberta. We'll tell you why tonight on global news at six,.++++Officials from school boards across the edmonton region met with health experts talk about sars.+++Rcmp are trying to find the people responsible forthe murder of a 26 year old edmonton man. His body was found west of edmonton near a golf course on the weekend. That's tonight on global news at six. W?

 Raul: Ah, no.

 Billy: Hey, man.

 Raul: Hey.

 Billy: Studying your brains out?

 Raul: Not really.

 Billy: Brittanyakake the pregnancy test?

 Raul: Yeah.

 Billy: Yeah, that's rough, man. Maybe I should be saying congratulations? I'm sorry, I don't--I don't know what I'm supposed to say.

 Raul: Brittany's not pregnant.

 Billy: She's not?

 Raul: Nope.

 Billy: Wow. Well, you must be relieved? She in your room?

 Raul: No, she, uh, she went to go see her parents, then she had a bunch of errands she had to go run.

 Billy: Well, it sounds like she's bouncing back.

 Raul: Yeah, she sure is, buddy. It's kinda like the whole thing never happened.

 J.T.: So what are you gonna do now, take some more time off?

 Brittany: No way. The last few weeks, all I've been doing is sitting, pondering the state of my life. I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to getting back to normal. School and work sounso great right now.

 J.T.: Well, if I need any shifts covered, I know who to call.

 Brittany: Hey, aren't you the guy whusused to complain about not having enough money?

 J.T.: Yeah, but I got--

 Brittany: Wait, don't tell me, you want time off so you can be with colleen.

 J.T.: Maybe.

 Brittany: So you guys are still together?

 J.T.: That's none of your business, brittany.

 Brittany: How's her family ndndling it?

 J.T.: Well, they actually gave colleen permission to hang out with me.

 Brittany: Really?

 J.T.: I'm even allowed up at the house.

 Brittany: Wow, that is progress.

 J.T.: Yeah, I'm not so sure.

 Brittany: Why do you say that?

 J.T.: Look, I never liked seeing her family anyway. I mean, the abbotts-- they're never gonna trust me. I mean, who wants to be around people like that?

 Brittany: Well, raul mentioned that colleen threw a party for you?

 J.T.: Yeah, a surprise party at her granddad'S.

 Brittany: Yeah, and?

 J.T.: And it was nice of her, but it was kind of weird.

 Brittany: Hmm, sorry I missed it. I love to see you squirm.

 J.T.: (Chuckles) you, uh, seen your folks yet?

 Brittany: Unfortunately.

 J.T.: How are they doing?

 Brittany: Oh, you know...

 J.T.: Not getting along so great, huh?

 Brittany: Why do you even care?

 Gina: Why don't I leave you two ladies alone, and I'll send the waiter right over, okay?

 Liz: Okay.

 Gina: Here, let me help you.

 Liz: Thank you, dear.

 Liz: Gina sure seemed embarrassed. Wh w were you two really talking about?

 Jill: No, honestly, we were talking about my birth mother.

 Liz: Oh, so you've been spending some more time with her?

 Jill: Yes.

 Liz: And?

 Jill: And she's a very interesting person.

 Liz: Oh, come on, don't make me pull teeth.

 Jill: Well, what do you want to know about her?

 Liz: Well, we could start with her name.

 Jill: (Laughs) charlotte ramsey.

 Liz: Oh, that's nice, straightforward. Is she local?

 Jill: Originally, yeah. She's done a lot of, uh, moving around.

 Liz: You've got a lot to learn about her.

 Jill: You know something? I'm not sure exactly how much she wants to know about me.

 Liz: Well, she's probably still making, you know, the adjustment. I mean, she'll need more time.

 Jill: You're very generous.

 Liz: Me?

 Jill: Yeah, you're not even jealous.

 Liz: Oh, sure I am. I mean, well, I'm not eaten up with it, but, well, it's a little like being demoted to stepmother. I mean, now I'm liz, and she's mom.

 Jill: No, you are not being demoted, mama. You've known all along that-- no, I don't want to go there, okay?

 Liz: Okay, it's fine with me, but you know, if you were a man, and you just found your birth father, you'd probably, like, go fishing or to a ball game or--so what do you and your-- charlotte ramsey have lined up?

 Jill: Nothing yet. (Chuckles) although, knowing her, her idea of bonding is probably take me down to a local bar and introduce me to all her friends. Apparently, she spends a lot of time there.

 Liz: Oh, dear, that worries me.

 Jill: She's harmless.

 Liz: Drunks are never harmless.

 Jill: I didn't say she was a drunk. Anyway, we don't know what kind of life she has had, okay? So we should not be judging her.

 John: Charlotte went to new york right out of high school?

 Kay: Oh, john, that city eats young, naive women for breakfast. Along the road, she met this-- or she got involved with this man who didn't keep his promises. She came back to genoa city pregnant and, uh, abandoned, feeling-- feeling like she was a failure.

 John: So the family was less than receptive?

 Kay: Hmm, well, the ramseys were solid, upright citizens, and, uh, as you know if you dated eileen, good, solid citizens didn't want their daughters having children out of wedlock.

 John: Are you saying they disowned her?

 Kay: Oh, god, that's putting it politely. She was so devastated, so-so totally alone. It'S...

 John: So you helped her?

 Kay: Well, yes, I tried to steer her somewhere to have that baby, but--

 John: To a family that would love it and take care of it?

 Kay: But she wouldn't have-- she would have none of that, so she... (sighs) she found this individual, for a price, who made all of her problems go away.

 John: A doctor?

 Kay: Oh, god, no, it was just the most botched procedure. Oh, god, she almost died.

 Kay: I-I tried to nurse her back to health as best I could. After that, she couldn't have any more children, not that she particularly wanted any. I remember her saying that white picket fences were just prettied-up jail bars. Anyway, after that, we lost touch. She was, uh, you know, she always liked to wander. John... (clears throat) john, is your curiosity satisfied? Because, I swear to god, this is a chapter of my life I would just as soon close.

 John: Well, yes, katherine, uh, thank you for sharing it with me. I appreciate that. Good night.

 Kay: Good night, john.

 John: Good night, dear. You feel better.

 Kay: Thank you.

 Kay: (Cries) ean

 Victor: You think I had some nefarious motive?

 Victoria: Maybe.

 Victor: Would that bother you?

 Victoria: Dad, you've accomplished so much. You have nothing more to prove.

 Victor: Do I need to remind you that it was you and neil who talked me into buying satine?

 Victoria: Yeah, so?

 Victor: Then why this sudden concern over how it will affect jabot?

 Victoria: I just would like to do this on a level playing field.

 Victor: You want satine to succeed, don't you?

 Victoria: Yes, of course.

 Victor: Mm-hmm, and you think it's a solid concept, this concept of a premium cosmetics line for women of color?

 Victoria: Absolutely. I wouldn't have pitched it so hard if I didn'T.

 Victor: Then you also know if we want satine to succeed--

 Victoria: I know, it has to be at jabot's expense.

 Victor: Exactly. If they drop the line and not commit millions of dollars to it, we'd save them a hell of a lot of trouble.

 Victoria: Oh, I see. So you're doing them a favor?

 Victor: What, you n'n't think your old man is capable of philanthropic thoughts?

 Victoria: When it comes to jack abbott? No, I don'T.

 Victor: I did it as a favor to my old friend john abbott.

 Victoria: Yeah, right. That's a crock, and you know it.

 Victor: Such cynicism for someone so young.

 Victoria: I learned it from you.

 Victor: Well, what do you want me to do, put satine back on the market, deprive you and neil of proving to the world what you can do with a new product?

 Victoria: No, of course that's not what I want.

 Victor: Well, then what do you want me to do?

 Jack: Answer my question, bradley. Do you think we ought to bail on this new expansion.

 Brad: I'm just trying to be realistic, jack. We can't just ignore what newman said.

 Jack: The picture newman painted was the worst-case scenario.

 Brad: A scenario that could happen.

 Jack: Look, if you don't believe in this line, maybe you ought to go south.

 Brad: I do believe in it, but someone's gotta play devil's advocate.

 Jack: You know what I think?

 Brad: What?

 Jack: More and more, I believe newman bought satine for other than business reasons.

 Brad: To attack jabot?

 Jack: Even his son believes that.

 Brad: You think victor's nervous?

 Jack: Oh, I think he'd be a fool not to be, taking on a company who knows the market inside and out.

 Brad: You know, there is another possibility.

 Jack: What?

 Brad: Well, you don't alert a business rival when you're about to cream them. Maybe he's bluffing, trying to soften us up.

 Jack: But why?

 Brad: So if we do offer to buy satine, he can name his price.

 Jack: No, I got the distinct impression he wants to move ahead with his plans.

 Brad: Hoping we'll cave.

 Jack: Yeah, what he doesn't know is that jabot has been knocking around the idea of moving into this market for years. His stealing satine just stepped up the pace.

 Brad: It's gonna be a hell of a battle.

 Jack: We got bigger artillery.

 Brad: He's got more money.

 Jack: We got better distribution.

 Brad: He'gogot your wife working for him.

 Jack: I got his wife working for me. I also have your wife working for me, the best damn chemist in the business.

 Brad: Is there anything you're afraid of, jack?

 Jack: Only fear itself.

 Brad: I don't believe you're as confident as you say you are.

 Jack: Now why would you say that?

 Brad: Come on, jack, be honest. If this were anyone other than victor newman, you'd seriously consider cutting your losses and dumping the whole line, wouldn't you?

 Jill: So how have you been feeling?

 Liz: Never better.

 Jill: Your vision's cleared up?

 Liz: I can see through walls.

 Jill: Ooh, should I be worried?

 Liz: (Laughs) you could never hide anything from me anyway.

 Jill: I know. You know, when I was little, I used to think you had eyes in the back of your head.

 Liz: Mm.

 Jill: I asked greg about it, and he said, "yep, she does, so be careful."

 Liz: Oh, he shouldn't have told you that.

 Jill: I don't know. I kind of liked the feeling that you could always see me. It made me feel protected.

 Liz: Good. Listen, honey, I am really happy that you have found your birth mother, and I hope that you two do have a relationship. I'd like to meet her sometime, when you're ready. Just, uh, don't let yourself geget drawn into anything.

 Jill: You're only saying that, mama, because I told you she drinks.

 Liz: Honey, I'd tell you to be careful no matter what. You have been looking so hard for something. Don't just see it because you want it. See what's really there.

 Jill: I'll tell you what I see. I see a woman who has had a very tough life. I mean, not like you. You had to work a lot harder than you should have had to, but at least you knew who you were and what you had to do, but charlotte-- I get the feeling that she's just always been lost. You know, she's tried this, that and the other thing, she's struck out in a million different directions, but she never really settled down, but you know what, mama? I really like her. I mean, there is something genuine about her. She's not pretending to be anyone she isn'T.

 Gina: John, back already? Ok, , so what is it? What can't you do without?

 Jill: You're sure you don't mind?

 Liz: No, jill, you run on home. I can see you're exhausted.

 Jill: Thank you for being so understanding about my birth mother. Well, look who's here.

 Liz: Oh, john.

 John: Elizabeth.

 Jill: We were just talking about charlotte. Now john has met her, okay? Liz is all worried that I'm gonna get suckered. Would you please tell her that charlotte is just a harmless old lady? I will see you soon.

 Liz: Bye-bye, daughter.

 Jill: Bye-bye. Bye.

 Liz: Bye-bye.

 Liz: What's wrong? What's the matter?

 Victoria: What I want is for satine to succeed on its own merits.

 Victor: You're sure that's all it is?

 Victoria: I guess, if I'm honest, this animosity between you and jack abbott bothers me a little bit.

 Victor: Why?

 Victoria: Because it's been goinon since I was in diapers.

 Victor: Oh, sweetheart, you should be used to it by now. I'm a businessman, you know, not a politician. I don't give a damn about popularity.

 Victoria: But this doesn't just have to do with business, does it?

 Victor: Meaning what?

 Victoria: Your hatred for jack abbott plays a part...

 Victor: You know I don't like the guy. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

 Victoria: And I know you don't like brad carlton either.

 Victor: What's the point?

 Victoria: I'm just saying, maybe it's about time you stopped holding grudges.

 Victor: That's a piece of advice I gave to your brother.

 Victoria: Well, maybe you should take it yourself. Keeping all this animosity inside can't be healthy.

 Victor: Is that what you're concerned about, my health?

 Victoria: And your future.

 Victor: My future?

 Victoria: Dad, you have nothing left to prove. You've succeeded in everything you've ever tackled. Maybe it's about time you stopped trying so hard and slowed down and enjoyed life. I'm sure mother would be happier if you did. You should think about it.

 Victor: Sweetheart?

 Victoria: Mm-hmm.

 Victor: I'm very glad we had this little talk.

 Victoria: Me too.

 Jack: You do realize, we're doing exactly what newman wants?

 Brad: Second-guessing ourselves?

 Jack: Yep. Why should we be intimidated by him?

 Brad: He does have us over a financial barrel.

 Jack: Only if things go bad, only if the natural look comes back in fashion.

 Brad: You mean, if women decide to toss out their makeup and stop shaving their legs?

 Jack: A world gone berserk.

 Brad: Can you guarantee that won't happen?

 Jack: No. Look, if I wanted to play it safe, do you think I'd be doing what I'm doing, running a company that sinks or swims at the whim of the fairer sex? We're playing in our own backyard, bradley. We know cosmetics.

 Brad: You're dying to get back in the ring with newman, aren't you?

 Jack: You bet I am, particularly after this last visit. That pompous ass comes in here and-- he wants to take on jabot, he's gonna have the fight of his life.

 Brad: Okay, well, on that note...

 Jack: You're outta here?

 Brad: Well, from the way you're talking, we better get all the rest we can, while we can.

[Music throughout]

 Raul: (Chuckles) I noticed all those bridal magazines you got over there.

 Billy: Yeah, mac's been looking through 'em.

 Raul: What's wrong with you?

 Billy: I wish she was more psyched about this wedding.

 Raul: You think she's having second thoughts?

 Billy: About getting married? No, no, it's not that, it's our families.

 Raul: They'll come around.

 Billy: Maybe, but the big day is in less than a month.

 Raul: Well, I'll be there. Listen, man, whether your family supports you or not, I gotta say it, you are the luckiest guy on the earth. Seriously, man, what you and mac have is absolutely amazing.

 Billy: Something bothering you, raul?

 Raul: Mm.

 Billy: You and brittany have a fight or...

 Raul: Nah, we didn't fight. We didn't fight, but something is bugging me.

 Billy: What's going on?

 Raul: I don't know, man. I guess I just thought that oncbrittany woulcocome back into town, everything would just fall into place, you know? I mean, I have never been so sure about my feelings toward her. I love her. I love her to death. I just-- I wonder if she feels the same way about me, that's all.

 J.T.: It's no big deal. I'm just wondering how your parents are.

 Brittany: You never wondered before.

 J.T.: You never ran away before.

 Brittany: Good point.

 J.T.: So what did they say to u?U?

 Brittany: Actually, they were pretty cool, especially when I told them they weren't gonna be grandparents. That made their day.

 J.T.: You know, you should cut 'em some slack. Your mom was pretty worried.

 Brittany: How do you know that?

 J.T.: She stopped by here all the time to talk.

 Brittany: Tyoyou?

 J.T.: Yeah, to me. Look, brittany, I've known you longer than billy, mac and raul. She thought I'd know something that would help.

 Brittany: You have my sympathy.

 J.T.: Why?

 Brittany: You having to put up with my mom? That must have been torture for you.

 Victoria: Oh, ooh, drinking your dinner? Bummer. Did my dad make you lose your appetite?

 Brad: Well, he definitely has that ability.

 Victoria: Oh, I haven't decided what I want yet, thanks.

 Brad: Not gonna join me?

 Victoria: Hmm, those chocolate martinis are way too dangerous.

 Brad: (Laughs) loose lips?

 Victoria: You wish.

 Brad: I can't imagine you letting anything slip that would be of any interest to me.

 Victoria: Oh, no, no, of course not. So full steam ahead, huh?

 Brad: On what?

 Victoria: Project jabot is doomed.

 Brad: You better get yourself some new spies.

 Victoria: Oh, right, right, right, that's not the name. It's called project negative cash flow. Oh, oh, project chapter 11?

 Brad: What about satine? Now there's a real turkey.

 Victoria: Is that sour grapes, bradley? You were dying to buy that company.

 Brad: For the right price. Look, you overspend by 40% for a company that's on the block for a reason.

 Victoria: Small change compared to what you'll be shelling out.

 Brad: Ah, but we'll have a state-of-the-art cosmetics line, you'll have new packaging with the same old, samold.

 Victoria: The difference is we'll still be in business.

 Brad: I'm gonna give you a little piece of advice, sweetheart. Don't get too cocky. Let's not forget who formulated brash & sassy-- jabot, we did. That was our baby. Now the same rule applies here. Whoever comes out with the best product, the most innovative... what, what's that smirk for?

 Victoria: I'm not smirking, I'm smiling.

 Brad: About what?

 Victoria: Well, you used to call me "kiddo." Now I'm "sweetheart." Look out world, I've finally arrived 

 Liz: So katherine says this woman charlotte ramsey had an abortion.

 John: Oh, she remembers it like it was yesterday.

 Liz: So how could the child that charlotte ramsey was carrying back then be jill?

 John: The timing was right. The woman had never been pregnant before, and according to katherine, there is no way she could ever be pregnant again afterward.

 Liz: I don't know about you, but I am beginning to feel real uneasy.

 Billy: What are you talking about, man? Brittany's crazy about you.

 Raul: Not as crazy as I thought.

 Billy: What are you telling me, her feelings for you just disappeared?

 Raul: You remember all those doubts I was having about her when she was away?

 Billy: Sure I do, but i assumed you were past all that. I mean, the way you were acting when she came back, I've never seen you happier.

 Raul: I was happy. I was thrilled. I mean, I-I still am.

 Billy: So what's the problem?

 Raul: Brittany and i should be closer than ever right now. I mean, something like this would have torn a lot of couples apart. It could have torn us apart.

 Billy: Yeah, but it didn'T.

 Raul: Then why the hell do I feel like I'm being dumped on my head?

 Billy: I'm still-- I'm still not following you.

 Raul: Listen, man, brittany thinks she might be pregnant, so what does she do? She takes off. She doesn't even call me for weeks, and then when she finally does come back-- look, I-I tried to be as supportive as possible.

 Billy: How supportive are we talking?

 Raul: Well, before she took the pregnancy test, I told her I wanted to marry her.

 Billy: Really?

 Raul: Yeah, I stepped right up to the plate, you know, take responsibility, and how does she react? Like she'd rather be getting her teeth drilled.

 Billy: Give her a break. She's had a lot to deal with, probably wasn't thinking straight.

 Raul: Billy, she doesn't want to marry me.

 Billy: Well, maybe not right now, but give it time.

 Raul: Oh, she turned me down when she thought she was pregnant with my kid. Come on, what does that say to you, man? She'd rather be a single mom than to marry me.

 Billy: Buddy, why are you doing this to yourself? The whole thing is a non-issue now. You can go back to the way things were.

 Raul: I don't know if I want to.

 Billy: What do you mean?

 Raul: Well, I feel like maybe I've-- like I've changed too much, you know? I feel like I've taken this major step forward, and I was thinking about marrying brittany and-and having a family and all that. I'm not gonna lie to you, man, I was starting to kinda get into that idea.

 Billy: Wait, wait, wait, raul, are you saying you still want to get married?

 Raul: Not right now. No, I know it's best if we wait, but down the road sometime? Yeah, I think that would be cool.

 Billy: Well, maybe by then britt will be ready, too.

 Raul: And maybe she won't, at least not with me. What, you think I'm making too big a deal out of this?

 Billy: Well, I--

 Raul: No, go ahead, say it.

 Billy: Well, look at it this way, what if britt had never thought she might be pregnant? The two of you would be going along just fine,having a good time. The whole marriage thing never would have even come up.

 Raul: Yeah, but it has, and I-I can't just sit here and make like it didn't happen.

 J.T.: It wasn't that bad, hanging out with anita.

 Brittany: Anita? Oh, please.

 J.T.: It wasn'T.

 Brittany: So go on, tell me how my mom forced you to listen to her conversations. I'm sure it's hilarious.

 J.T.: I--brittany, it doesn't matter now, okay? You're back. Bet you raul's pretty excited.

 Brittany: He's been so amazing.

 J.T.: I bet he was all set to do the right thing, wasn't he?

 Brittany: If you mean did he offer to marry me, the answer is yes, but, luckily, we don't have to think about that anymore. Unlike billy and mac, I am nowhere near ready for that. It's funny.

 J.T.: What?

 Brittany: Well, my mom and i don't see eye to eye on much, but not getting married young and not getting married for the wrong reasons-- those are two things we totally agree on.

 J.T.: Look, I gotta finish closing up.

 Brittany: Is lauren coming in tomorrow?

 J.T.: Yeah, I think so. Why?

 Brittany: Well, I want to tell her that I'm ready to get back to work. I'm sure I owe her, like, a million hours.

 J.T.: Yeah, and I'm the one who normally had to cover for you.

 Brittany: Well, why don't you take off? I'll close.

 J.T.: Seriously?

 Brittany: Yeah, get outta here.

 J.T.: Oh, great. Look, I gotta open in the morning, so it'd be nice to get off early.

 Brittany: Well, I assume the routine's still the same?

 J.T.: Yh,h, yeah, if you have any questions, just call me on my cell phone.

 Brittany: Sure.

 J.T.: Brittany.

 Brittany: Yeah?

 J.T.: I'm sorry about your parents.

 Brittany: What are you talking about?

 J.T.: Oh, nothing. Never mind. I gotta go. Ey'll continue singing itforever just because

 Victoria: Well, I think this calls for a toast, don't yo? Um, excuse me, bartender? A glass of your finest champagne, please.

 Brad: What did I just say about not getting too cocky?

 Victoria: Hey, with all the hours I'm putting in trying to bury you...

 Brad: You deserve it?

 Victoria: Damn right.

 Brad: You know, I hope you're just tweaking .

 Victoria: What, about trying to bury you?

 Brad: No, about putting in hundreds of hours behind your desk. Now I'm sure you've heard this from your family a million times, but--

 Victoria: Oh, right, right, "work is a great solace, victoria, but it can't be your whole existence."

 Brad: Why do I think I hear nikki talking?

 Victoria: My dad says it, too.

 Brad: But do you listen?

 Victoria: Maybe it hasn't come out of the right lips.

 Brad: Well, if I thought I could be a positive influence on you...

 Bartender: Run a tab, miss?

 Brad: I've got it, tommy, thanks.

 Tommy: Enjoy.

 Victori t thank you.

 Brad: Don't mention it.

 Victoria: I'll have to flirt with you more often.

 Brad: Flirt, is that what you're doing?

 Victoria: Mm-hmm. Yeah, I've, uh, decided to solely go after married men from now on.

 Brad: Is that right?

 Victoria: Yh,h, I think it'll be easier that way. I mean, that way I'll just sabotage myself upfront instead of finding some guy whom I think is wonderful and perfect and falling in love and then realizing too late that we're really just not right for each other.

 Brad: Still hurts, huh?

 Victoria: Which one?

 Brad: Well, you know what they say-- unlucky in love...

 Victoria: Lucky in business?

 Brad: No, that's not the saying I had in mind.

 Victoria: I don't know, brad, I mean, veve gone after corporate types and creative types and even a stable hand, and they were all very different, but they all had one thing in common.

 Brad: Didn't work out.

 Victoria: Ryan would have, I'm sure of it, but, uh, one was a stalker and one was a drifter with a major ego problem. So, wow, you know, I mean, what am I gonna do for an encore?

 Brad: I think you're going to start making better choices.

 Victoria: Hmm.

 Brad: You just gotta put yourself out there, not hide out in your office.

 Victoria: I still say the good ones are all taken.

 Brad: But you'll listen to what I'm telling you?

 Victoria: How could I not? You're such a positive influence.

 John: That is ectctly how I feel, elizabeth, uneasy. No, something is wrong with the way this story plays out.

 Liz: Well, maybe you don't have all the facts. It has been a lot of years.

 John: A woman turns up who was pregnant at the time that jill was born, a woman who says she gave her baby up for adoption...

 Liz: Only there was no baby, or so katherine claims. So what does it mean?

 John: Good question. I just hope that I'm wrong because I do not want to create problems, but I know that this means a great, great deal to jill.

 Liz: And in spite of all the ups and downs you two have been through, you care about her.

 John: Well, I just hate to see anyone walk into a whirling propeller, and that's what this could be. You know, if jill makes a huge emotional investment inin this woman, and it turns out to be a mistake...

 Liz: Oh, jill will be devastated.

 Jill: Room 1603, please. Charlotte ramsey. Thank you.

 Jill: Hello, charlotte, it's your daughter. Yes, I'm fine. No, I'm sure. I just wante to hear your voice. Charlotte, nothing is wrong. I just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you and how much it means to me, getting to know my real mother.

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