Friday Y&R Transcript 4/25/03

Y&R Transcript
Friday 4/25/03--Canada; 4/28/03--USA

Provided By Eric
Proofread by Suvi

Chris: So you're really doing it?

 Paul: Oh, yeah, moving to Southern Cal, the land of the plastic fantastic. Paul Williams, resent, who woulda thunk it?

 Chris: Not me. 3EA9B730.JPG

Paul: So, uh, if Lynne is not here...

 Chris: Yeah, I know.

 Paul: Would you like me to take a message?

 Chris: No, I'll just write her a note.

 Paul: All righty, then.

 Chris: Okay.

 Paul: You know, with, uh, all the fuss and running around, I might not see you again.

 Chris: Well, let me know when you've settled down. I want to put you on my Christmas list. Maybe I'll even box up some snow and overnight it to you, so you can remember what it feels like.

 Paul: Will I remember what you feel like, Chris?

 Chris: What? You look like you were about to say something.

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 Jack: According to these figures, we're into our new pet project like there's no tomorrow.

 Brad: We've got enough going in to feed the motor for now.

 Jack: You sound worried.

 Brad: Any sane person would be.

 Jack: Hey, we've been in tough spots before. What's the fun if there's no challenge?

 Brad: Yeah, I'm with you, Jack. I just don't like having my pregnant wife exposed to this kind of intensity and stress.

 Jack: Ash loves her work. She thrives on stress.

 Brad: Talk about stress, Ash and I just met with Drucilla Winters.

 Jack: Uh-oh. 3EA9B795.JPG

 Brad: Not exactly the part of the job Ash loves.

 Jack: Tell me, what happened?

 Brad: Well, let's just say that I suspect our new spokeswoman is being put in her place right about now.

 Jack: (Sighs)


 Dru: Ashley, I’ve so much on my plate toy.

 Ashley: Oh, don't we all? Would you please sit down? I'd appreciate if you'd listen to what I have to say.

 Dru: All right, but I heard your message loud and clear. I will run all of my creative ideas through the proper channels.

 Ashley: Oh, if only that were true, it would be such a life.

Dru: You sound okay, you do it.

 Ashley: I think I have every reason to be skeptical, Dru. 3EA9B7B9.JPG

 Dru: Were you restraining yourself when Brad was here and you're gonna let it rip?

 Ashley: Oh, you think I'm hesitant to speak my mind in front of own husband?

 Dru: That depends.

 Ashley: On what?

 Dru: On your strategy.

 Ashley: I don't have a strategy.

 Dru: Let me lay it out for you already. I do not intimidate easily.

Ashley: Oh, that's good to know. This has nothing to do with your Jabot.3EA9B826.JPG

Dru: No?

Ashley: I didn't ask you to stay so I could criticize you. In fact, it's just the opposite.

Dru: Oh, is that so? A couple of you school bookin ready? Are you in there? There.


John: Not yet, not yet. Oh, my goodness, there she is. That was my girlfriend Eileen.

 Gina: Ah, she's pretty.

 John: Yeah. You know, she had an older sister. I never met her.

 Gina: Charlotte Ramsey?

 John: You know her? 3EA9B865.JPG

 Gina: Well, yeah, Jill introduced me. They had me over a couple of weeks ago for dinner.

 John: Well, then you met her birth Mother.

 Gina: Her what?


 Charlotte: Now I get it.

 Jill: Charlotte.

 Charlotte: Hi.

 Jill: Get what?

 Charlotte: Oh, this-this fancy office, everything. You're a workaholic.

 Jill: I do spend a lot of hours here, and, uh, yes, I do enjoy it very much, and I am so glad that you came back.

 Charlotte: Oh, you're, uh, you're alone, right?

 Jill: Yes, she's gone.

 Charlotte: Oh, that's one very scary woman. 3EA9B89B.JPG

 Jill: Yes, Katherine is that, and much, much more.

 Charlotte: Katherine Chancellor?

 Jill: Yes, you don't recognize her from the society pages?

 Charlotte: In her pictures she, uh, she wasn't red in the face and shaking her fist.

 Jill: Well, believe me, what you saw here today, that is the real Katherine.

 Charlotte: So what's the deal with you two?

 Jill: Don't ask.

 Charlotte: I'm your Mother, and I'm asking.


 Ashley: Obviously, I've had some issues with the way you tend to ignore protocol, Dru...

 Dru: Oh, here we go.

 Ashley: But I'm willing to chalk that up to being part of the learning process...

 Dru: Are you?

 Ashley: And as far as what happened at the first board meeting goes--

 Dru: You mean me suggesting that we develop some hair care products to complement the cosmetics line?

 Ashley: It was suggested that you were actually trying to help Newman out by getting us to overextend ourselves.

 Dru: Oh, that is ludicrous. Why are you bringing that up?

 Ashley: Just relax, just relax, I don't share those suspicions. I think that you were expressing genuine enthusiasm and a commitment to the job. 3EA9B999.JPG

 Dru: Really?

 Ashley: Obviously, you know your stuff. I think you're gonna have a very positive impact on the new campaign. So...

 Dru: Yes?

 Ashley: Hiring you, so far, has been a good decision.

 Dru: Thank you.

 Ashley: Of course, I'm speaking professionally, not personally.

 Dru: Why do I get the feeling the other shoe's about to drop?


 Jack: All this hard work, all this money we're spending, it does make me wonder.

 Brad: What if we bought Satine, if Newman hadn't outbid us?

 Jack: Yeah, much as I hate to waste time and energy on "what ifs," yeah. I have to admit, too, my mind keeps going to revenge. 3EA9B9C2.JPG

 Brad: Ah, don't worry, Jack, that'll take care of itself. Victor's gonna realize that Satine is not a good fit at Newman. They only bought the company to spite us, and he's stuck with a square peg and no place to stick it.

 Jack: Well, I see we have a few suggestions where he might put that.

 Brad: (Chuckles)

 Jack: I've been talking to Nicholas. He reminded me his Dad doesn't make too many business mistakes.

 Brad: Jack, come on, don't kid yourself. Newman's flesh and blood just like everyone else. What he's good at is realizing when he's blown it, and he gets the Hell out before too much damage is done. (Telephone rings) 3EA9B9E2.JPG

 Jack: I gotta get this. Check this out.

 Victor: Jack, you and I need to talk. Have you got a minute?

 Jack: Well, speak of the devil. Yeah, Bradley and I are here if you want to drop by.

 Brad: Newman's coming here?

 Jack: What is it you just finished telling me about him realizing when he's made a mistake?

 Brad: You think?


 Paul: You know, I've been reading about this little place called Silver Lake. It's a neighborhood. It's close to the freeway, close to downtown and they have a lot of cool, funky art galleries and café’s.

 Chris: So you'll fit right in. 3EA9BA13.JPG

 Paul: Well, you know me, art is my middle name.

 Chris: It's L.A., you can reinvent yourself. "Art café/ private investigator."

 Paul: I like it.

 Chris: So you're really moving?

 Paul: Yeah. You don't believe me?

 Chris: Maybe I don't want to.

 Paul: So did you know that, uh, L.A.’s full original name was "la Ciudad de Nuestra se Ñora la Reina de Los Angeles de Porciuncula"?

 Chris: (Chuckles) Wow, great pronunciation. What exactly does that mean?

 Paul: "Don't forget the sunblock"?

 Chris: (Laughs) you always knew how to make me laugh. 3EA9BA44.JPG

 Paul: God, you know how much I loved to make you laugh.

 Chris: L.A.’s a long way from here.

 Paul: Well, not-not really anymore. I mean, you jump on a plane, and you're there.

 Chris: Or back.

 Paul: Yeah, either way.

 Chris: I guess what I meant to say is it's a long way from home.

 Paul: Home is where the heart is.

 Chris: That's cute.

 Paul: I'm thinking about getting it copyrighted.

 Chris: You should.

 Chris: Are we gonna sit here and crack lame jokes at each other, is that all we have left?

 Paul: You tell me.

 Chris: What?

 Paul: Uh, nothing. 3EA9BA83.JPG

 Chris: No, what?

 Paul: Well, I if I could ask you... but you know what? It really doesn't make any sense.

 Chris: Try me.

 Paul: No, I just-- think I’ll ask Andy to do it. I just want him to, you know, keep an eye on my Mom, be someone that she can call if she needs anything. I'm sorry, I-I don't know what I was thinking. Oh, damn it, Chris, couldn't you see it was just my way of keeping some connection with you?

 Chris: And I would have done it, if only you'd asked.

 Paul: You know, and, uh, check this out. This is another pretty neat part of town. It's called, uh, Hermosa Beach. I think I could live there.


 Jill: Katherine and I go back a long way. It's been a very rocky, unpleasant relationship.

 Charlotte: What keeps it going?

 Jill: Fate. I mean, I know that sounds out there, but it is the only thing I can think of.

 Charlotte: Hmm. You talk to her pretty much any way you feel like.

 Jill: Charlotte, you know, I was just defending myself.

 Charlotte: She's old.

 Jill: So you're saying I ought to defer to her because of age?

 Charlotte: Well, you could, you know?

 Jill: Charlotte, Charlotte, what you saw here today, Katherine and me-- that is the way it is, and it isn't gonna change. 3EA9BBEE.JPG

 Charlotte: Does she have anyone in her life?

 Jill: Well, I suppose some people do, but that's only because they don't know the real Katherine. She is a self-righteous old booze hound.

 Charlotte: Oh...

 Jill: Oh, I am so sorry.

 Charlotte: Yeah. So she drinks, huh?

 Jill: Well. I mean, she's the woman I told you about. She gave up drinking a long time ago, but it has done nothing to improve her personality.

 Charlotte: Oh, it doesn't always. That's-that's why I don't quit. I, uh, I'm actually a much better person when I-- 3EA9BC18.JPG

 Jill: No, no, no, could we please not?

 Charlotte: I'm doing pretty good, aren't I?

 Jill: Oh, that's right. You haven't visited your little friend in your purse. Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate that. Charlotte, actually, there is another favor I wanted to ask you.

 Charlotte: Boy, give you an inch, and you want a mile.


 Gina: Hey, wait a minute, this means that you were dating Jill's auntie.

 John: I guess it does, if it's the same Charlotte Ramsey.

 Gina: Well, no wonder you're so curious.

 John: Tell me something, what was your impression of her? Did you get to talk to her? 3EA9BC4C.JPG

 Gina: Well, I just don't know how to say that without sounding like a gossip, but--

 John: Jill told me that she drank a bit that night.

 Gina: By the time the evening was over, I had to pour her into the cab.

 John: That bad?

 Gina: John, she was drinking from her own flask. I couldn't serve her fast enough.

 John: I'm sorry to hear that.

 Gina: Yeah.

 John: Well, you know what? I think I'm going to have to talk to Katherine about this.

 Gina: But you just said Jill didn't want Katherine to know any--

 John: I know. I'm going to watch what I say, believe me.

 Gina: Well, if anyone can give you good advice on problem drinking, it's Katherine. 3EA9BC73.JPG

 John: No, it's not that. I have no intention of interfering. It's just that I need some answers, and I think Katherine just may have them. Thank you. Good to see you.

 Gina: Good luck.

 John: Yep.


 Jack: Wouldn't that be delicious? Victor Newman realizes he's in over his head, and he comes here to dump Satine on us.

 Brad: He won't want to lose the premium he paid to knock us out of the bidding.

 Jack: Yeah, $5 million over the going rate.

 Brad: Victor ain't Santa Claus, Jacko.

 Jack: That's right, which means he has a plan. 3EA9BC97.JPG

 Brad: A pitch to sell us Satine at a profit. Now we're not paying a penny more than the original price.

 Jack: God, I hate talking myself into something. On the other hand...

 Brad: Why is he coming to us? That's not the black’s usual style.

 Jack: Exactly. We better find out if he learned something ugly about Satine.

 Brad: Maybe Nicholas could tell you.

 Jack: No, no, I am not asking Nicholas to spy for us. You know what? We've done our due diligence on Satine. We kn3EA9BCBE.JPGow what we're getting. We know what it's worth. Victor bought this on a whim, a snap decision, and now he's looking at it, saying, "what the Hell do I have?" 

 Brad: And there's no one standing in line to take it so we might be able to name our own price, Jack.

 Victor: Someone planning to buy something? 


 Paul: You know, I'm sorry. This whole conversation has been about me and my move to L.A.

 Chris: Well, I'm staying in Genoa City. There's nothing very noteworthy about that.

 Paul: You're marrying Michael Baldwin. What's not noteworthy? Mrs. Michael Baldwin, Christine Blair Baldwin, let me guess, you've already been trying out the name. It's pretty creepy, isn't it?

 Chris: Oh, Paul, stop.

 Paul: I'm sure he's tried it out a few times.

 Chris: Please, I mean it. Stop. 3EA9BD6E.JPG

 Paul: I'm sorry. I can't believe you're marrying him. My God, anybody else but him.

 Chris: I know, but I have to have a life. I can't live on memories, on wishes.

 Chris: Well, I should go. You probably have a ton of things to do.

 Paul: Yeah, you're right. I do.


 Esther: Hi. What a nice surprise. I haven't seen you in awhile.

 John: Good evening, Esther. I was hoping to have a word with Katherine.

 Esther: Oh, you want to talk to her about Billy and Mac?

 John: Is she at home?

 Esther: She's lying down in the den.

 John: Is she all right? 3EA9BDA6.JPG

 Kay: Yes, yes, she will be fine just as soon as she gets rid of this horrible headache.

 John: Well, Katherine, we could do this at another time.

 Kay: John, come in. Come in, please, please. You'll probably be a very good distraction. Come.

 John: All right.

 Esther: Well, can I get either of you anything?

 Kay: John?

 John: No, no, thank you.

 Esther: Yes, ma'am.

 Kay: Were she that docile when my head isn't pounding.

 John: Oh, listen, now I could come back at another time.

 Kay: John, John, please, please, just--fine, get yourself comfortable, sit down... 3EA9BDD6.JPG

 John: All right.

 Kay: As long as you to change my mind about the wedding.

 John: Katherine, I can't believe it. You're in favor of the kids getting married, making this kind of decision?

 Kay: John, do you know what? I am shamelessly going to use my pain and suffering to request a moratorium on anything, anything that's unpleasant, hmm?

 John: (Chuckles)

 Kay: (Laughs)


 Dru: I get the feeling this little talk isn't just about the pat on the back.

 Ashley: Obviously.

 Dru: I'm really not in the mood, Ashley.

 Ashley: Do I need to remind you of the circumstances surrounding your hiring? 3EA9BDFE.JPG

 Dru: Oh, I know you were not jumping up and down about me.

Ashley: I'm sure you remember the reason for that?

Dru: Have history between us.

 Ashley: I made it very clear to you that if you're going to be working here, then you need to keep your se out of my business. Obviously, that's a warning that did not stick.

 Dru: Okay, we're talking about me discovering you and Victor Newman in the lab in each other's arms, aren't we?

 Ashley: It was bad enough that what you said to me was completely out of line, but for you to go behind my back to the board, and try to blow this out of proportion into some kind of a scandal...3EA9BE21.JPG

 Dru: What? This was not a finger-pointing situation. You were not there. Let me paint the picture for you. I performed as a responsible employee. I gave the board heads-up. Now if my fear is unfounded, no big deal. 

 Ashley: Oh, that's where you're wrong. It it's a very big deal.


 Jack: Come on in, Victor. Care to join us for a drink?

 Victor: No, Jack, I'd rather get right down to business.

 Jack: Well, you don't mind if we have one?

 Victor: No, go for it.

 Jack: Care for some water?

 Victor: No, thank you.

Jack: So what brings you to our neck of the woods that fair time of day?

 Brad: Anything to do with your new acquisition?

 Jack: Imagine things are pretty chaotic over at Newman Enterprises right now.

 Victor: You think so?

 Jack: Well, sure. Anytime you delve into a whole new field, there's a lot of work to be done. 3EA9BE47.JPG

 Brad: And cosmetics certainly present that.

 Victor: You know my daughter's done very well with Brash & Sassy.

 Brad: Well, this is whole new market, Victor, a much larger market, brand-new demographic.

Victor: We've always been very busy at Newman Enterprises, nothing new about that. I'm sure you’ve been wondering why I asked for this setting.

 Jack: We are a little curious. Actually, we expected to see a white flag, and you waving it.


 Jill: Charlotte, I--

 Charlotte: Come on, kid, I'm just pulling your leg. Ask your favor.

 Jill: Okay. You know, I was so happy when you came to see me today, and I was thrilled when you came back after Katherine scared you away.

 Charlotte: Go easy on her, huh?

 Jill: Okay, let's not talk about her, all right? I'll be just as happy if you never cross paths with her again, but here's what I was thinking, if you were to give me a phone number and an address, then I could stay in touch with you, and I wouldn't have to just wait around for you to show up.

 Charlotte: I don't know. 3EA9BF99.JPG

 Jill: Look, I realize it's been a shock. You never expected this baby that you left at the hospital to show up decades latter, looking for her birth Mother, but, I mean, look at us. We're-we're getting along pretty well, don't you think?

 Charlotte: Well, except that you want to reform me.

 Jill: I'll stop. Look, no, I take that back. I won't stop, but I will be really gentle, and I will not hassle you. Please, please, would you give me a phone number?

 Charlotte: It doesn't work for me.

 Jill: So you wanna keep me at arm's length. I'm just comin' on too strong. Why did I do this? Why did I set myself up for rejection all over again?


 John: All right, Katherine, I will not pursue it that.

 Kay: (Laughs)

 John: But when you are feeling better, we are gonna discuss it.

 Kay: Fine, fine. Then we can joust about your son and my granddaughter.

John: Oh is that what you were quarreling about with Jill today? I heard you got into it at her office.

 Kay: Oh, please, who else do you think gave me this headache?

 John: All right, all right, new topic.

 Kay: Oh, eternally grateful, John.

 John: All right, you know, something happened recently that reminded me of a girl I dated way back in high school, Eileen Ramsey. 3EA9BFF5.JPG

 Kay: Hmm, Eileen Ramsey? During my junior year.

 Kay: After I graduated with a broken heart?

 John: Oh, baloney. I was a jock, and you blew me off.

 Kay: No, no, no, John, don't try to rewrite history, dear.

 John: (Laughs)

 Kay: I mean, it's too late for that.

 John: Well, be that as it may, miss shepherd...

 Kay: (Laughs) John, to be perfectly honest, after we parted company, you want to know something? I lost track of your romantic exploits.

 John: I see.

 Kay: Mm-hmm.

 John: So you don't remember her? 3EA9C016.JPG

 Kay: No, it doesn't ring a bell what so ever.

 John: What about her sister? Now she was a few years older. She might have been a classmate or a bit ahead of you.

 Kay: Mm-hmm. What was her name?

 John: Charlotte, Charlotte Ramsey.

 John: Were you two classmates?

 Kay: Oh, God, Charlotte Ramsey, that-- John, that was a long time ago, long time ago.

 John: I see. So you don't remember her?

 Kay: Why are you asking me about her anyway?

 John: Because I remember hearing about the rumors.

 Kay: What rumors?

 John: Katherine, when I came back from college, there was a story going around town that something terrible had happened to the older sister. She was either ill or had become pregnant, and then, very suddenly, the Ramseys just left town under a cloud, and you know back then as well as I do, an unwed Mother was an unthinkable disgrace. 3EA9C05F.JPG

 Kay: John, why is this preying on your mind?

 John: Because I am simply curious.

 Kay: Well, I wish you wouldn't be.

 John: What, does it bother you to talk about it?

 Kay: I can't understand why we are.

 John: Because I simply want to know if something like that really--

 Kay: Yes, I knew Charlotte Ramsey, I knew what happened to her. It was a horrible tragedy.

 John: So you knew her, meaning you were friends?

 Kay: We became friends. She had nowhere else to turn. What happened to her I wouldn't even wish on Jill.


 Victor: White flag? Again, you and I are operating on different wavelengths, aren't we, Jack? I came here to try to make you see reason. 3EA9C095.JPG

 Brad: A reason to pay more than fair market price for?

Victor: Where you get that idea? You two are taking your company in a very dangerous direction. I bought Satine, a company that is up and running, you're still in your starting blocks.

 Jack: Nonsense. Ashley's been developing products for that market for years.

 Brad: In many respects, we already have a head start on development.

 Victor: You started spending the big money yet?

 Jack: Thanks, we know how it works.

 Victor: The question is, can you afford it?

 Jack: Oh, okay, I'll ask. This concerns you how?

 Victor: Do I need to remind you that I hold the lion's share of Jabot debt? 3EA9C0BD.JPG

 Jack: No, you don't let me remind you,

 Victor: And you're sweating blood to do so.

 Brad: It's our blood, Victor, and we're perfectly aware there's a principle payment e very soon, 50 big ones.

 Victor: 50 big ones, at a time when you need all your cash resources to launch a new product line.

 Brad: Do you really think we haven't anticipated this?

 Jack: You'll get your money, Victor.

 Victor: So you got your financing. We all know that you're paying high-risk interest rates for that. My suggestion is you drop the expansion while you still have a company to run.


 Dru: Okay, this is where the rubber is gonna meet the road. That last time I checked, it wasn't against company policy to have an opinion.

 Ashley: Oh, it is. When you make false accusations, it is.

 Dru: I didn't make an accusation. I made an observation.

 Ashley: You know, what is it with you? Is this some kind of obsessive-compulsive thing? Why can't you keep your mouth shut?

 Dru: It's against my nature.

 Ashley: Obviously.

 Dru: Now whether you like it or not, I'm part of the Jabot family, and it is my distinct responsibility to speak up when I find that setting is not in the company's best interest. Now you may not like the way that I operate, but I really hope you can get past it. I take a lot of pride in my work. It is because of my work ethic that I've risen to the highest heights in my profession. It's why I'm here today. 3EA9C1E7.JPG

 Ashley: And where you are, Dru, is working for me.

 Dru: Oh, you went there.

 Ashley: Uh-huh.

 Dru: Wow. So that would make you the mighty general and make me the lowly grunt? Are you saying that I should shut up and take orders?

 Ashley: No, what I'm saying-- I've had it with you. You get one more chance. You get one more chance. Now you blow that, you keep opening your mouth and you cross that line, you're history.


 Jack: Gee, for a guy who feels he's got a tiger by the tail, you're sure talking tough.

 Victor: I want to save you a lot of grief, Jack.

 Brad: Give me a break.

 Victor: Too bad you have to make this large loan payment at this time. 3EA9C217.JPG

 Jack: Only thing bad about it is we're paying you.

 Brad: Hey, I have an idea. If you're feeling so guilty, Victor, you could extend the loan. We'd gladly go back to paying interest only.

 Victor: Doesn't make any sense to me at this time.

 Brad: No, of course it doesn't.

 Victor: Mm-hmm. So will you drop this idea of expanding your company before you get in too deep?

 Jack: Oh, we're in plenty deep. The water's just fine.

 Victor: Your attempt to compete with Satine is doomed, all right? If I were you, I would give up this idea of expanding. You're gonna cost my company a lot of money, lot of energy, and that is wasteful and inefficient-- 3EA9C23C.JPG

 Jack: Gee, it sounds like your crystal ball's working a hearing you, sounds like you know how this is gonna turn out.

 Victor: You're right. I do.

 Brad: "Arrogant" seems like too small a word.

 Victor: Jack, let me ask you something. Are you really ready to torpedo your Father's company to satisfy your self of revenge, just because you lost out on Satine?

 Jack: Now we're gonna talk about my Father's company? You're sounding a little desperate, Victor.

Victor: I don't think so.

 Jack: We have no intention of changing our expansion plans. You want to sell us Satine at a fair market value? We'll talk about it. This meeting's over. 3EA9C25E.JPG

 Victor: You're dreaming, Jack. Let me explain something.

 Jack: Don't bother. I know where you're going. There's a clause in several of our loan contracts that allows you to raise the interest rates if our free cash flow gets below a certain level. It's a formula. I'm sure you have it memorized. What can I say, Victor? You're well-known in the business world for playing dirty. We fully expected you to exercise that clause as soon as you had the opportunity. That's why Bradley and I and everyone else here in Jabot are working our tails off to make sure you never get to use that leverage. 

 Victor: Nice speech. I would drop the idea of expansion. And as far as playing dirty concerned, you and I know that if you were in my shoes, you'd play this game exactly as I have. Have a nice day, gentlemen.


 Charlotte: Jill, you're making a big thing out of nothing.

 Jill: It's not nothing to me. I had some very high hopes. I know I shouldn't have, but I did.

 Charlotte: Hopes for what? I mean, we're sitting here. We're talking. What's the problem?

 Jill: But I wanted to get to know you. I wanted us to connect. 3EA9C378.JPG

 Charlotte: We could do that.

 Jill: Yeah, but I'm crowding you. I can tell.

 Charlotte: Because I won't give you my address?

 Jill: Well, do you blame me for feeling this way?

 Charlotte: You're taking it too personal.

 Jill: How else can I take it?

 Charlotte: Oh, Hell. Look, here the thing I don't have a phone.

 Jill: You don't have a phone?

 Charlotte: No. They're too expensive. I use the day phone at the place I go.

 Jill: Could I have an address then?

 Charlotte: No.

 Jill: Why not?

 Charlotte: Because it's a dump. God, do I have to draw you a picture? 3EA9C3A5.JPG

 Jill: Oh, my God. I am so sorry. All right, that settles it. You are coming home with me.

 Charlotte: Didn't you say you live with Katherine Chancellor?

 Jill: Oh, that's right. That's right. What am I supposed to do? You're my Mother. You can't live in a dump.

 Charlotte: Well, listen, my place isn't much, but it's mine.

 Jill: I will set you up in a suite at the Genoa City Hotel.

 Charlotte: A suite?

 Jill: Yes, a suite. Come on. Let's go.

 Charlotte: Well...


 Kay: Charlotte was a bit wild. Her family never understood her. And that's why they practically disowned her when she turned up pregnant. 3EA9C3D0.JPG

 John: Then the rumors were true. I was with her through that whole horrible ordeal.

  John: You seem remember it vividly.

 Kay: Oh, God, it was dreadful. Just dreadful. John, do you mind if we don't dwell on it anymore?

 John: I'm sorry, Katherine. I had no idea.

 Kay: Well, you know, just... some things are best left buried in the past. Do you understand?

 John: You're tired. I'll let you get some rest.

 Kay: Oh, God, it's been a difficult day. It really has, John, really has.

 John: All right, you take care of your headache.

 Kay: Yes, I will. Good night.

 John: All right, good night. 3EA9C3F9.JPG

 Kay: Thank you. Oh, God, God.

 John: Katherine, one thing, I promise, just one question. The baby--did Charlotte give the baby up for adoption?

 Kay: There is no baby, John.

 John: What are you talking about?

 Kay: Charlotte had a child. She had an abortion.


 Chris: Well, I guess there's nothing left to say except good-bye. Good luck. Good everything.

 Paul: Yeah, I guess so. And listen, forget what I said about Michael. I really do hope he makes you happy. I mean that.

 Chris: I know you do. And the same for Isabella, maybe once you're away from here in a new environment. 3EA9C43C.JPG

 Paul: We'll reinvent ourselves. Chris: Yeah. Don't change too much.

 Paul: Don't worry. I'm pretty much stuck the way I am.

 Chris: It's not a bad thing.

 Paul: It is what it is.

 Chris: We're getting awfully profound.

 Paul: Yeah, no kidding.

 Chris: Paul, I, um...

 Paul: Oh, God. Look at the time.

 Chris: What time is it?

 Paul: Well, it's time to go. Uh... take care.

 Chris: "Have a nice life" sounds like an insult.

 Paul: Not if you don't mean it like that.

 Chris: You know I don't. I hope you pick Hermosa Beach. I've always wanted to know someone who lived on a beach. 3EA9C481.JPG

 Paul: I'll keep that in mind.

 Chris: Bye.

 Paul: Bye.

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