Y&R Transcript Thursday
4/17/03--Canada; Friday 4/18/03--USA
Provided By Eric
Nick: "Noah." "Victor."
Nick: Thanks, sharon. Assie: Dad?
Nick: Hey.
Cassie: I heard a knock.
Nick: Oh, it was just some delivery guy. There you go. Go slow! All right.
Cassie: I was kind of hoping it
Nick: Yeah, I was hoping that, too.
Cassie: So what did we get? Dad, what was it?
Nick: It actually
was from your mother.
She sent you a letter.
Brittany: You don't have to send that.
Raul: Oh, god, brittany!
Brittany: I'm home.
Raul: Oh, thank god! I can't believe you're really here.
Brittany: I've missed you so much.
R raul: I've missed you, too. Are you all right?
Brittany: Yes.
Raul: I he been going crazy. My god, when you called earlier, and then your parents messed it all up... I didn't know if I was ever going to hear from you again.
Brittany: I know I shouldn't have hung up like that. I just...
Raul: I'm going out of my mind here.
Brittany: I know, and I can't
begin to tell you how sorry
I am, raul.
I am so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Anita: You really have to do that right now?
Frederick: Yes, I need to read this.
Anita: Oh, of course you do. It's important-- more important than thfafact that we talked to our daughter tonight,ouldn't get her to come home, we still don't know where the hell she is, but by all means, you read every scrap of paper on this desk.
Frederick: You know, anita, brittany's absence is infinitely more important than this, but the difference is--
this I can do something about.
Anita: Oh, well, then you
just stay in your happy little
world where you can control
everything, and I'll deal with
this all by myself.
'Cause having heard brittany's
voice tonight, I feel so much
worse than I did before.
Frederick: Sweetheart...
Anita: Look,
don't call me that.
Frederick: All right. All right, anita. That is your name, isn't it? Look, don't go. Let's try and talk.
Anita: What the hell for? What would be the point?
Frederick: Well, when brittany comes home, and she will, don't you think she wants to find a mother and father who are still together, who care enough about her to work on their problems?
Anita: Frederick, that sounds so lovely, but it's way too late. It's way too late in so many ways.
Victoria: Hello? Mom? Hey.
Nikki: Hi, sweetheart.
Victoria: What's up?
Nikki: Well, I just want to make sure you have everything you need now that you've moved back into the tack room.
Victoria: Yeah. Yeah, everything's fine. Is that it?
Nikki: Well, and to check up on you, make sure you're all right.
Victoria: I am. You don't have to worry.
Nikki: You've been so strong these last weeks, holding the family together.
Victoria: Yeah, I get a big fat "e" for effort for that one.
Nikki: It almost seems futile, doesn't it? I know.
Victoria: Things have never been worse between dad and nicholas.
Nikki: I know that.
I am very aware,
so is your father. Victoria: I just feel like
I'm sitting on a powder keg,
and sharon's holding the match.
Nikki: Well, I told your father, and I mean this, I truly hope that woman never comes back.
Cassie: I got a letter from mom?
Nick: Noah got one, too.
Cassie: Well, what did she say?
Nick: I don't know. They're your letters.
Cassie: What did yours say?
Cassie: She wrote you one, too, didn't she?
Nick: No, she didn'T.
Cassie: Dad, I'm so sorry.
Nick: It's okay. Uh, so do you want to read it?
Cassie: I-I don't know.
Nick: Well, you can wait if you'd rather. It's totally up to you.
Cassie: She will write to you, dad. I know it.
Nick: Yeah, she will.
So, uh, what do you think?
Cassie: Can I see the letter?
Nick: Yeah.
Cassie: Why am I so afraid... of what she's going to tell me? Good afternoon...it was a terrifying morning for an edmonton woman in north edmonton. She was attacked in her own home - tied and and thrown in a closet - while the thief cleaned out her bank account.+++The troubleshooter has a warning about a cruise offer that sounds too good to be true - and it is... +++and - the wife of an edmonton soldier killed in afghanistan reflects on the tragedy one year later... Winnersen and start on an good note. I hope
Jack: Some sweets
for my sweetheart.
Didn't get to have dessert
at gina's,
so I thought I'd bring you
your favorite...
strawberriesndnd cream.
Go ahead.
Is this the silent treatment?
Jack: (Laughs)
Phyllis: What are you laughing at?
Jack: I--just thinking about our little dance contest with dru and neil earlier. We showed them, didn't we? Well, you showed them. I kind of went along for the ride. I had kinda hoped the dancing might take you outta your mood.
Phyllis: Oh! What, do you think I'm in a funk for no good reason?
Jack: I didn't say that.
Phyllis: Yeah,
you didn't have to say that.
I know what you're thinking.
(imitates jack)
"oh, oh, here she goes again.
She's being a drama queen.
Oh, what can I do to change it?
maybe strawberries and cream,
oh, that's a good idea,
or maybe
another family photo album."
Jack: Would you just stop it?
Phyllis: (Normal voice) if you're gonna apologize to me, save your breath, okay?
Jack: No, I am not going to apologize to you, damn it. I've already apologized, for all the damn good it did me. No, I'm gonna tell you some cold facts, and, damn it, you're gonna listen to me.
Cassie: "To
my precious daughter.
I know you must have
so many questions.
I'm not sure how many of them
I can answer.
Know that I didn't want
to leave.
You and noah
are more precious to me
than anything,
and I would never have left
if I'd had a choice.
Right now you're thinking,
'of course she had a choice,'
but, honey, as you get older,
you'll understand
that so many of the choices
we make in life
are forced on us,
aren't really choices at all.
Cassie, don't blame your father
for what's happened.
It's not his fault.
I left because I couldn't stand
to keep hurting the people
I love most.
Sweetheart, I can't be
the mother I should be to you
right now.
I can't be the wife I should be
to nicholas.
In time,
I pray you will understand.
The truth is,
there are some weights
we must bear alone.
You're always in my thoughts
and in my heart.
We were separated before,
and we found our way back
to each other.
Have faith that
that can happen again.
Take comfort that you have
a family where you are loved.
Be good to your father.
He loves you
as much as I love him."
Cassie: "I love you more than words can say." I don't understand this.
Nick: Me either.
Cassie: Is mom all right?
Nick: Yeah. I think that's why she sent us this letter, so that we wouldn't worry.
Cassie: I'm worried anyway.
Nick: Me too, but we just have to trust that she's okay.
Nick: So you think you can sleep now?
Cassie: Can you tuck me in,sit with me awhile?
Nick: You bet.
Cassie: Dad?
Nick: Yeah?
Cassie: She does love you. I mean, she said so in her letter. You believe her, don't you?
Nick: You know, you're aamamazing little girl? Come on. There you go. Ñx
Raul: Well, the important thing is that you're back, and you're okay.
Brittany: Don't, raul,
don't let me off the hook.
I don't deserve it
after what I've done.
I know you've been
going through hell.
I could hear it in your voice
on the phone.
I could see it just now,
watching you.
Raul: I've been worried.
Brittany: You must hate me.
Raul: No, no, hey, listen, I could never hate you. I'm just, I'M... I'm having a hard time trying to understand this.
Brittany: You have every right to be angry.
Raul: I'm not angry. I'm frustrated, and I'm hurt.
Raul: Why wouldn't you come to me, brittany? Huh? Did you think I wouldn't support you? You think I'd walk away? I thought our relationship was so strong, that-that we could go through anything together. I thought you felt the same way.
Brittany: I did. I do.
Raul: Then y'y'd you leave?
Brittany: I had to.
Raul: Without saying a word to me?
Brittany: Raul--
Raul: Brittany, these past few weeks, they've been the worst of my life, knowing that you were out there all alone, no money, you're possibly pregnant.
Raul: I never gave up hope, though, and I kept telling myself that you would come back home, and we would get through this together because the thought of losing you forever and not having you in my life... I just--I couldn't, I couldn't let my mind go there. I couldn'T. (Knock on door)
Nick: Who is it?
Victor: It's me.
Nick: I was just about to call you.
Victor: Oh? May I come in?
Nick: Yeah.
Nick: So what are you doing here?
Victor: (Sighs) I thought that you and should talk.
Nick: Why? So you could listen to me whine or wallow in my self-pity? I do believe those were your words last time we talked.
Victor: I didn't come to fight with you, nicholas.
Nick: Then why did you come? U u must have some reason. You show up at my door, and you know you're not welcome here.
Dru: Okay, aunt mamie. Good. All right. All right, bye.
Neil: Is lily okay?
Dru: Yeah, she said our daughter's fast asleep.
Neil: Yeah, fast asleep, probably dreaming of boys.
Dru: Well, what else, honey? She's a teenager. So, listen, did you really enjoy dancing with me tonight?
Neil: Oh, dru, honey, do you really have to ask me? I learn new moves every time I'm out with you.
Dru: I know that's right. So how come we don't do it anymore? You know, we used to go dancing all the time, remember? Remember? We used to be out there, like--
Neil: Baby, baby, I got an idea.
Dru: What? What?
Neil: Why don't we do
some more dancing right now?
I'll go warm up the stereo,
put on your favorite cd.
Come on.
Dru: Oh, wait, you know what? You know what? We haven't had this apartment to ourselves in weeks. I was thinking we could be a little more creative.
Neil: Okay. All right. I like where you're headed with this. What do you have in mind?
Dru: Well, I thought that we would go to bed early tonight, right?
Neil: Yeah.
Dru: And I would give you one of my special coconut oil rubdowns.
Neil: Oh, I'm lovin' that.
Dru: You know we need to rest after that one.
Neil: I'm lovin' that. Yeah, let's keep the coconut oil hot.
Dru: Yeah.
Neil: Meantime, why don't
we play some fun and games?
Dru: Fun and-- what are you talking about, fun and games?
Neil: Come on.
Dru: Fun and ga--
Neil: Good things come to those who wait. How 'bout a little two-handed poker?
Phyllis: You're giving me orders now?
Jack: Wait, what the hell does that mean?
Phyllis: Wait a second. If you think you're gonna bully me into forgiving you--
Jack: Would you just listen to me? I will admit, I am guilty of deceiving you. It was sneaky, and it was stupid, and if I could undo it, I swear to god, I would.
Phyllis: Well, too late,
Jack: Come on, I know you're upset with me about the photo album. What I said about that was true. It is a symbol of my love.
Phyllis: Oh...
Jack: It--I do want you to be part of my family.
Phyllis: Oh, bull.
Jack: That's the god's-honest truth.
Phyllis: No, it's not. You-you just want me to come back to work for jabot.
Jack: Did it ever occur to you that maybe the reason for that is I'd like to spend a little more time with my wife? You haven't exactly been around a lot these days.
Phyllis: Oh, oh,
don't do that.
Save the violins, okay, jack?
You don't want me to work
for newman enterprises,
and it's that simple.
Jack: Okay, I don't want you wasting your considerable talents on the competitionnono. So sue me. God, listen to us. This-this is crazy. Listen to us, we sound like the osbournes.
Phyllis: Oh, that's my fault?
Jack: I'm not-- it's not anybody's fault. This is breaking my heart, going after each other this... I know you don't like it any more than I do.
Phyllis: What's your point?
Jack: That maybe
when we get down to it,
threreason I took
such radical steps is--
is because in my gut,
I believe as long
as you're at newman enterprises,
this is gonna keep happening,
and that is killing me.
I don't want this business thing
to tear us apart.
Phyllis: Don't you know that I don't want that, too? I'm trying to prevent that from happening, but you are so hardheaded and competitive, jack.
Jack: Oh, and you're not? Let's face it, we are two peas in a pod. It's part of why I was attracted to you. That, and your incredible body. Oh, listen to me, what I said in the restaurant is true. I-I hold you in my arms, my-- my problems just go away. I know you felt the same way, too, tonhtht. I could feel that.
Phyllis: How?
Jack: Body language.
Phyllis: Did that give me away?
Jack: Listen, I got an idea.
Phyllis: What?
Jack: What do you say we let our bodies finish this conversation?
Phyllis: (Laughs)
Jack: Come here.
Phyllis: No, no, no, no!
Jack: No?
Phyllis: No, jack. You said your piece, now let me say mine.
Jack: (Sighs)
Brittany: You are so incredible, raul. Even after everything that's happened, you still have faith in me, in us. How do you do it?
Raul: I love you.
Brittany: I love you, too,
I know I owe you an explanation,
why I left the way I did.
All I can say is when I realized
I might be pregnant,
I just panicked.
My head just started spinning.
I-I had to leave.
Raul: Listen, I don't blame you for feeling overwhelmed.
Brittany: Really?
Raul: Of course. How could you not, finding out you're pregnant your freshman year of college?
Brittany: Yeah, it's not exactly what you'd call ideal timing.
Raul: So what made you decide to come back?
Brittany: Tonight, after I hung up, I started to call you back again, just so I could hear your voice, and then I thought, talking to you isn't enough. I want to be with you. I want to hold you. That's when I knew I couldn't stay away any longer.
Dru: All right.
Neil: Uh-huh.
Dru: Looking good.
Neil: Yes. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Ohh! Three of a kind beats your pair. Take it off.
Neil: What the hell is this? No, no, no, you need to remove some threads.
Dru: Man, just be quiet
and deal the cards.
Go ahead.
Neil: Okay, this deal is gonna be just like the last one. You got that?
Dru: Yeah, we'll see.
Neil: We're gonna do the same game, 5-card draw...
Dru: Whatever. Just deal, deal.
Neil: Straight up. Oh, you like that, didn't ya? Huh? Huh? E e a real pro?
Dru: Uh-huh, you goin' down.
Neil: You ready? Bam!
Dru: See, now-- so how come you keep winning? How come? You're cheating.
Neil: Just lucky, I guess.
Dru: Lucky, my butt.
Neil: Ooh!
Dru: Besides, it's getting
kind of cold in here.
Be quiet.
Neil: Oh, my goodness! Ohh! I'm getting much hotter.
Dru: Why don't you get yourself some juice, and cool off?
Neil: Yes, ma'am.
Dru: Stop showboating.
Neil: I'll be right back. Don't you go anywhere, okay?
Dru: Be quiet.
Neil: Mmm.
Dru: Mm, ha ha ha. Check it out.
Neil: Full house? Dru: Full house beats your pair, honey. Take it off.
Neil: No, wait, wait, wait.
Dru: Come on, come on. Take it off. Ha ha ha.
Neil: Uh-huh.
Dru: Mm-hmm.
Neil: Wait a minute. How come...
Dru: Hmm?
Neil: You're getting
such good hands all of a sudden?
Dru: Lucky, I guess. I-- you know, I'm just lucky.
Neil: Lucky, lucky, my butt.
Dru: Huh?
Neil: Let me see something here.
Dru: What?
Neil: You--oh, my-- look, you are cheating, girl.
Dru: Oh, no, no, I don't work for newman enterprises. I don't have to cheat to win. All's fair in love and poker. (Laughs)
Neil: (Sarcastically) ha ha.
Dru: Deal the cards.
Neil: Cards, what cards? (Cards flapping)
Dru: When did--
Neil: We could do this, huh, honey?
Dru: Oh, oh, okay. Mmm.
Neil: Mm-hmm.
Victor: How's cassie doing?
Nick: She's making progress,
getting stronger.
She's starting
to remember some things,
everything that happened.
Victor: Well, I'm very glad to hear that. She's a very special girl.
Nick: Yeah, she is. She means the worltoto me.
Victor: May I see her?
Nick: She's asleep.
Victor: Maybe tomorrow?
Nick: No. I don't want you coming here.
Victor: All right. I just wanted to wish her well, you know?
Nick: I just don't think you get it, do you? You have ruined everything in my life. If it weren't for you, I would have gotten things back on track, and everything would be different.
Victor: As much
as you want to blame me,
I'm not responsible
for all of your problems, son.
Nick: Well, maybe not, but you're in the middle of a lot of 'em.
Victor: And I'm deeply sorry about that.
Nick: You know, I got something for you. It's the reason I was calling.
Nikki: Well, I guess we'll know soon enough if your father's able
g get through to nicholas.
Victoria: They're talking, now?
Nikki: Yes. He wanted to try to reach out one more time. He thought now that cassie's better, maybe...
Victoria: I-I don't have a lot of hope for that, mother.
Nikki: I know, neither do I.
Victoria: Nicholas is so bitter.
Nikki: Well, honey,
he's dealing with a lot of loss.
Victoria: Right, loss.
Nikki: I'm sorry.
Victoria: No, it-it's fine, just don't get me started.
Nikki: No, I think I already did.
Victoria: I don't want to go down that road. Our family has suffered enough.
Nikki: Honey, you have to talk about it. You can't just keep it all inside.
Victoria: I just feel alone
so much of the time...
and it's silly because I have
so many people around me,
but diego's gone and...
maybe what I had with him
wasn't real,
but I-I thought it was real.
It felt real,
and it felt really alive,
and I didn't think that i
would be able to feel that again
after ryan died,
and now I'm wondering
the same thing.
Phyllis: I can't believe you.
After everything you've done,
you're still trying
to manipulate me.
You think
you could just romance me,
and everything will be fine.
No! No!
Don't talk.
Let me talk now.
It's my turn.
Listen, you're right,
after you copped
to what you did,
I should've let it go.
In the past, we've been able
to admit our faults,
and that's what makes
our relationship so special,
plus, we're really good
at making up,
but let me tell you something,
jack, you took--you took
my most vulnerable spot,
and you exploited it.
I can't believe you did that.
I mean, it was lower than low.
I'm gonna let this go,
all right?
But I want you
to know something.
You're on notice.
If you do this again,
I'm not gonna get mad,
I'm gonna get even.
All right, you couldalalk.
What do you have to say?
Any rebuttal?
Phyllis: Jack? Jack!
Phyllis: You bastard, you fell asleep.
Jack: God, you're beautiful when you're angry.
Anita: God, frederick, I have tried to be intimate with you, but, obviously, all the junk on this desk is way more important than anything I could ever offer you.
Frederick: Don't you get it? Anita, this is my refuge.
Anita: From what? What do you need a refuge from, frederick? What's wrong with this? What-what's wrong with me? What, do I repulse you? Do I disgust you? What--
Frederick: Anita,
you are a beautiful,
sensual woman.
Anita: God, frederick, don't tell me that, just make me feel it. I just want to feel it.
Frederick: Damn it. You're already correcting me? Four little words out of my mouth, and, by god, they're not the right words, huh?
Anita: What? You gotta be kidding me?
Frederick: ..
Anita: All I was saying--
Frederick: All you were saying is, "you're not doing it right, frederick. I want something different, frederick."
Anita: You know what? Maybe I do.
Frederick: Well, then I'm not the only one.
Anita: Would that
surprise you?
Frederick: What are you saying? Are you having an affair?
Anita: I'm not saying a damn thing, only that I am staying at the lodge. You can stay wherever you want. You stay at jill's house, you stay at our house, I don't care. If I hear from brittany, I will call you, and I would appreciate you giving me the same courtesy.
Raul: Hey, baby, you want something to eat?
Brittany: No, thanks. I'm not hungry.
Raul: There's not much here, but we can go out.
Brittany: No, I'm fine, really.
Raul: You gotta take care of yourself.
Brittany: I have been.
Raul: Yeah, did you see a doctor?
Brittany: Not yet.
Raul: Don't you think you should, as soon as possible, make sure everything's okay?
Brittany: Yeah, I know. I will, I promise.
Raul: Okay. So where were you when you, uh, when you found out?
Brittany: Found out what?
Raul: Well, you took the pregnancy test, right?
Brittany: There's no reason to.
Raul: What do you mean?
Brittany: I mean
I haven't gotten my period.
I haven't gotten it
for seven weeks,
which is totally unusual for me
because I'm usually
right on schedule.
I've had morning sickness
every day,
my chest is swollen--
Raul: But you haven't actually taken the test?
Brittany: Like I said, I don't need t
Raul: Well, I need you to.
Brittany: All right. Do you want to go to the drugstore now?
Raul: No, no, we can wait till tomorrow. You've been through enough today.
Brittany: I should probably call my parents.
Raul: That can also wait till tomorrow. I want you all alone for awhile.
Brittany: Sounds good to me. A young girl,
Victoria: What's wrong with me? Why am I doing this?
Nikki: There is nothing
wrong with you.
There's nothing wrong
with taking time to heal.
You've never done that.
I think you still have
a lot of open wounds.
I mean, look. Look.
You're still wearing
ryan's wedding ring.
Victoria: I know. I've never taken it off. It makes me feel not so alone.
Nikki: Well, angel, it's been well over a year. I think that it's time to let go.
Victoria: You're right. You are... but I don't want to. I can't--I can't do it. Not yet. I've lost ryan, and he was the love of my life. And then... diego and... my relioionship with dad is damaged, maybe forever.
Nikki: No. No, that is not true. You and your father are trying to heal.
Victoria: Nicholas and dad-- the gulf between them grows wider every day.
Nikki: I'm praying
your father will be able
to get through to him.
Victoria: I hope he does. Because if he doesn't, I don't know what thfuture will hold for this family.
Victor: What's th?
Nick: It's a letter from sharon. She sent three of them-- one for cassie, one for noah and one for you.
Victor: And she didn't send one for you?
Nick: No, I didn't make the cut.
Victor: Well, I don't want this. You take it.
Nick: It's your letter.
Victor: No, son, I don't want it. You take it.
Nick: Why, are you afraid of what's in there?
Victor: I have no secrets. You take this letter, all right?
Nick: All right, fine.
Let's see what it says.
"Dear victor,
I can't begin to tell you
how sorry I am.
Not a day goes by that I don't
wish I could go back and save us
all from the pain that I caused.
Even though I've been weak
and vulnerable, you have always
seen the good in m
I'm so grateful for that,
for your constant support.
But that support has cost you
It's put you at odds
with your family,
especially your son.
I don't want that.
Nicholas should know the truth.
Maybe then you and your son
can reach out and heal
the wounds..."
Victor: Go on.
Nick: No. I can't read any more.
Victor: "Maybe then
you and your son...
can reach out
and heal the wounds.
Please tell nick how much
I love him, and I try and try,
but I can't find the strength
to write to him.
I know he will never forgive me.
Your sacrifice was the last hope
for our marriage.
No one else would have...
no one else would have put
the needs of his son
and his son's family
so far above his own.
For that, I'm eternally
grateful, and I know,
if I were there, that I would
only cause more damage to you
and your marriage and your
relationship with your son.
I won't do that.
Please don't try to find me.
I need this time and so do you.
Let the wounds heal and move on.
If that is not possible,
then I've truly destroyed
everything I ever cared about.
I hope someday you will find it
in your heart to forgive me.
I will always regret hurting
someone who was so loyal
and kind to me.
With deepest regrets...
Victor: I guess she's a very unhappy woman, isn't she?
Nick: A lot of unhappy people around here right now.
Victor: You still blame me for that?
Nick: Why did you have to get involved? If you just would have left sharon and me alone, we could have worked things out.
Victor: Son, don't you realize now, in retrospect, that I regret that I did get involved? But that's who I am, you know? I guess that's one of my biggest faults-- I care too damn much. I didn't drive your wife away from you, son. You did that all by yourself.
Nick: Look, I've said this
to you before--
you stay away from me.
I don't want anything to do
with you.
You don't have a son anymore.
Victor: You will always be my son. Nothing you can do about that.
Victor: Maybe one day you'll realize that family is all you have.
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