Wednesday Y&R Transcript 4/16/03

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 4/16/0
3--Canada; Thursday 4/17/03

Provided By Eric

 Raul: Hey.

 Billy: Where'd you disappear to? I'm sorry I took off like that. I just had to get the hell out of there. 3E9DD980.JPG

 Mac: How'd you get home?

 Raul: I walked awhile, and then I took the bus.

 Mac: Some party, huh?

 Raul: Yeah, you can say that again.

 Mac: Here we wed about billy's mom, afraid she'd say something about our engagement, we never even thought about colleen.

 Raul: Yea when she madthat speech, you could hear a pin drop.

 Billy: Why did she her mouth?

 Mac: Don't be angry with her, bill s she didn't know.

 Raul: So how was the fallout?

 Billy: Well, my dad's taking it pretty hard.

 Raul: Yeah? Did he go off on you?

 Billy: Nah, he's just surprised.

 Mac: I don't know, billy. I think there's more to it than that. He was totally crushed. 3E9DD9A8.JPG

 Billy: He'll come around. He's just gotta get used to the idea of us getting married.

 Mac: Maybe he sho

 Billy: What are you saying?

 Mac: What if he's right? What if we are making a terrible mistake?

 Barteerer: Club soda.

 Neil: Thanks.

 Bartender: Double scotch, neat.

 Jack: Oh, keep the change.

 Bartender: Thanks.

 Neil: Thanks, jack. A little liquid courage, huh?

 Jack: Yeah, phyllis was still pretty ticked with me when I talked her into coming here.

 Neil: You think we should have told the ladies it'll be a foursome tonight?

 Jack: No. No, it isn't like phyllis and drucilla have any issues, right? 3E9DD9CC.JPG

 Neil: Well, so then, what's the problem?

 Jack: There's been a little tension around our house these days.

 Neil: Hey, buddy, I'll tell you what. This is what we do. We keep it light tonight, right? We focus on having a good time. If all else fails, drucilla will be the life of the party.

 Jack: We can count on her there.

 Neil: I gotta use the restroom, man. I'll be right back.

 Jack: Yeah.

 Phyllis: Starting the party without me?

 Jack: Hey, um, can I get you something?

 Phyllis: No, I'll just have wine with dinner.

 Jack: (Sighs)

 Phyllis: I'm glad you decided to go out. 3E9DD9F7.JPG

 Jack: I just thought we could have a nice evening together.

 Phyllis: Listen, the way you say that, you're turning the whole thing around on me.

 Jack: No, no, I'm not making any assumptions at all, okay?

 Phyllis: All right. It was my idea to go out, jack.

 Jack: I know that. Let's just give it a try see what happens. I'm up for this if you are.

 Phyllis: Yeah, I told you, I am. Listen, after the day I just had and the encounter I just had, dinner should be breeze.

 Jack: Wait, wait, wait. An encounter with whom?

 Phyllis: Your spokeswoman, drucilla winters. Mm-hmm, she's a freak. She's nuts. Listen, let me just tell you this. The way she was going off on me, I was this close to punching her out. 3E9DDA61.JPG

 Nikki: What are you doing?

 Victor: (Sighs) nothing.

 Nikki: Are you all right?

 Victor: Not really.

 Nikki: Is it nicholas?

 Victor: Yeah. I don't ever remember there being such a big distance between my boy and me.

 Nikki: Well, I guess there never really has been one. (Pouring drink)

 Victor: I don't know what to do. How do I undo it?

 Nikki: I don't know if you can.

 Victor: Yeah, maybe you're right.

 Nikki: Believe me, it's the first time I don't want to be right.

 Nikki: Why don't you come on up to bed?

 Victor: I'll be there soon. 3E9DDABC.JPG

 Nikki: Darling, you can't solve anything tonight.

 Victor: God, when I think of poor cassie walking out to that pond and falling through that ice and nearly freezing to death, and then waking up not knowing what the hell happened, I feel sorry for our son having to explain something that she can't understand.

 Nick: There you go. Okay, go slow. You don't have to go so fast. Okay, here. Let's sit down. That's enough for today. We don't want to overdo it.

 Cassie: It's okay, daddy. I just felt a little dizzy.

 Nick: Hey, remember what dr. Walker said. Your muscles are still real weak, and we've got to build them up gradually. 3E9DDAF0.JPG

 Cassie: I know. It's just...

 Nick: Don't get frustrated. You did a lot today. You did real good.

 Cassi c can we try another room tomorrow?

 Nick: Yeah, we can do that. So you want to try the stairs one time before you go to bed?

 Cassie: I don't want to go to bed. I just want to stay down here and be with you, just talk.

 Nick: Well, we gotta make sure that, you know, you take care of yourself.

 Cassie: You don't want to talk, do you?

 Nick: No, cassie. It's not that.

 Cassie: There's so much I don't understand. What happened to me? Dad, why did it happen?

 Jack: What? You and drucilla? You didn'T...

 Phyllis: What? I didn't take her out into the alley and beat her to a pulp? No. I came close. If she hadn't shut her mouth when she did...

 Jack: Slow down. Tell me what happened between you two.

 Phyllis: I ran into her, and she started going off on me. I mean, she thinks that because she works with you, that gives her the right to preach.

 Jack: Preach about what?

 Phyllis: Our marriage. Can you believe that? Our marriage. Like she's some authority on relationships. Listen, I avoided a fight. I just walked away. But, jack, thank god I don't have to deal with he I don't know what I would do, honestly. 3E9DDC0B.JPG

 Jack: Listen, there's something I have to--

 Neil: Hey, my favorite web site designer. Here we meet again.

 Phyllis: Where'd you come from?

 Neil: From the bathroom. Jack didn't tell you? We're all having dinner together.

 Phyllis: We are?

 Neil: Yea y you know what they say--the more the merrier.

 Phyllis: Just...

 Jack: Uh, neil...

 Phyllis: The...

 Jack: Honey...

 Phyllis: Oh... unh-unh. What? Oh, no, no, no, no, no. No, thank you.

 Neil: No, no, no, what? What are you talking about? Jack?

 Cassie: It's okay, dad. You can talk to me. You don't have to be scared. 3E9DDC32.JPG

 Nick: Look, it's not that. It's just you've been through so much.

 Cassie: I remember things.

 Nick: What do you remember?

 Cassie: I woke up, and the room smelled weird, like gas.

 Nick: That's right. The gas was on, and then you screamed. Do you remember that?

 Cassie: I don't know.

 Nick: That might have been instinctive, 'cause you knew that you had to save noah. Cassie: He had the matches.

 Nick: Yeah, that's right. He was gonna make you a fire, 'cause he thought you were cold. But by you screaming out, you saved noah's life. You saved both of your lives.

 Cassie: Everything seems so long ago. I guess I was in the hospital awhile. I remember I was scared. 3E9DDC71.JPG

 Nick: Sweetheart, we all were. We didn't think you were gonna make it.

 Cassie: I remember voices, faces. I know you were there.

 Nick: Every day.

 Cassie: And victoria and nikki and victor, too. He was there a lot. There was other stuff, too, but it's all so confused.

 Nick: I'll tell you something I'm confused about. Why did you go out onto that ice? What in the world would make you do that?

 Dru: Well, what's going on here?

 Neil: Hey, honey.

 Phyllis: You set me up again.

 Jack: No, I was autut to explain to you--

 Phyllis: Yeah, the hell you were. 3E9DDD9B.JPG

 Dru: Sweetie, can we go to our table now? I don't know what all the ranting and raving is about, nor do I care. Maybe we should go someplace else.

 Neil: Drucilla, can I explain something to you?

 Dru: Yeah, I thought that this was gonna be a pleasant night for the two of us. It's not going to be if I have to break bread with her.

 Jack: I still think that this is a good idea.

 Phyllis: Are you kidding me?

 Neil: Phyllis, dru, we all need a break from the tension of competition.

 Jack: Exactly. If we're all sitting at the same table--

 Neil: Then the subject is verboten. We'll be forced to relax.

 Dru: Verboten, verbuten, somebody's gonna get hurt up in through here. 3E9DDDB7.JPG

 Jack: Oka w we didn't realize you two ladies had issues. If we have to sit at separate tables--

 Phyllis: I have no issues. I don't have any issues. I'm fine. She's the one with the issues, not me.

 Neil: Jack, hang on a second, okay? Maybe we can help phyllis and dru figure out whatever it is that has their panties in a bunch, you know what I'm saying?

 Phyllis: Yeah, it would be her.

 Neil: As a matter of fact, I'm getting a little hungr right now, so maybe we should sit down and get something to eat.

 Dru: Fine, honey, that's fine with me as long as it's on the other side of the restaurant.

 Gina: Okay, your table's ready. 3E9DDDD1.JPG

 Dru: Gina, hi, how are you? We're gonna need separate tables, very separate tables.

 Phyllis: Yes, very separate tables, gina, like, two different galaxies.

 Dru: Can you beam her up to the black hole?

 Gina: Okay, girls, now I am very busy tonight, and I only have one table available.

 Dru: Oh, sorry, phyllis. Jack, would you mind terribly? Neil is so hungry--

 Phyllis: Yes, my husband would mind. He's very hungry, too. We would mind. We want the table.

 Neil: Okay, dru, I know that you've had some unfortunate wdsds, but you're not sworn enemies. Can you please, baby, please, do this for me this one time? 3E9DDDEE.JPG

 Dru: Okay, honey,

 Neil: Hmm?

 Dru: Whatever you say. Lead on, gina.

 Neil: Thanks.

 Phyllis: Oh, she thinks I'm just gonna give up, that-that I don't care.

 Billy: You don't mean that.

 Mac: Billy--

 Billy: You think us getting married would be a mistake?

 Mac: I don't knowwhat I think anymore. I was watching you when you were talking to your dad. You looked really upset.

 Billy: Well, sure, he's my dad, but his opinion didn't change anything, just like my mom's didn'T.

 Mac: This is different.

 Billy: How?

 Mac: It was easier for you to blow off jill. She hates me. She'd do anything to keep us from being together, but your dad? 3E9DDE1B.JPG

 Billy: Thinks the world of you.

 Mac: Yes! He has nothing against our relationship. I really believe he wants what's best for us.

 Billy: Yeah, so do I.

 Mac: So what if he's right?

 Billy: He isn'T.

 Mac: I'm just saying, "what if." Shouldn't we at least consider what he said before we rush into something this important?

 Raul: Can I-- can I say something here?

 Mac: Sure.

 Raul: Look, mac, I get that you feel bad or guilty or whatever because of the way billy's dad reacted to your big news, but come on, what did you expect him to do, yell out, "congratulations, let's go book the church"? Billy, I'm your best friend, all right? We've known each other since we were little kids. We live together, and even I was in shock when I found out you guys were gonna get married. I mean, of course, your parents were gonna freak. 3E9DDE51.JPG

 Billy: So what's your point?

 Raul: It doesn't matter what I think, just like it doesn't matter what anybody else thksks. This is about you two, and, yes, you are young, and, yes, people are always gonna tell you what you're doing is crazy. So what? If you really love each other, and you really want to spend the rest of your lives together, then you should do this, and don't let anybody else stop you. Anyway, that's my two cents. You can take it or leave it.

 Billy: He's right, mac. There's always gonna be people telling us we're making a mistake. We can't listen to them. We have to listen to our hearts. A few hours ago, we both wanted the same thing. I know I haven't changed my mind. Have you?

 Jack: Still think it was a good idea?

 Neil: No, but it's too late to back out now, jack.

 Jack: Well, we're gonna have to just dazzle 'em with our charm.

 Neil: Yeah, right. Smile a lot, huh?

 Jack: Well, here we are.

 Neil: All in our places with sunshiny faces.

 Dru: Neil, cut the rhymes, please.

 Neil: Sorry, honey. Here, why don't you take a seat? 3E9DDF2A.JPG

 Phyllis: Thank you. Thank you, baby.

 Dru: Thank you.

 Neil: Enjoy yourself, dru. There you are. Honey?

 Dru: Yes? Oh, thank you, honey.

 Phyllis: Thank you.

 Gina: Well, gentlemen, would you like to hear the specials tonight?

 Neil: Hi, gina.

 Dru: Thank you, gina.

 Neil: What kind of specials do you have?

 Gina: All kinds of great things. You're gonna need 'em.

 Neil: Okay, thanks.

 Nikki: Our wedding pictures.

 Victor: Yeah.

 Nikki: Oh, we're beautiful, aren't we?

 Victor: You think so?

 Nikki: Yes, I do. Don't you? 3E9DDF60.JPG

 Victor: I do. I'm just not so certain...

 Nikki: Of what?

 Victor: (Sighs) nothing. You know what I was thinking about?

 Nikki: Tell me.

 Victor: Thinking about the conversation I had with our boy the night before the wedding.

 Nikki: Mm. God, we had no idea what was going on with the kids then.

 Victor: How could we have been so blind?

 Nikki: We weren't blind. We were just living in blissful oblivion, I guess.

 Victor: That was some of the happiest time of my life, preparing for that wedding.

 Victor: What the hell happened? 3E9DDF91.JPG

 Nikki: Life. Life happened. Fate.

 Victor: I made dreadful mistakes, that's what happened, and now I'm paying for it.

 Cassie: Wait, I walked onto a pond?

 Nick: Yeah, and then you fell through the ice, and we don't know how long you were undethere before we found you.

 Cassie: That's why I was in the hospital so long.

 Nick: Yeah. We were so scared. I mean, we-- they didn't know if you were gonna make it or not.

 Cassie: I remember walking, snow on the ground. It was really cold.

 Nick: But why? Why would you do that? Why would you go out there all by yourself like that? 3E9DDFD2.JPG

 Victor: I'm not

gonna listen to this.

 Nick: That's right,

you don't want to.

You know why? Bebecause no one questions you. Cassie? Cassie?

You destroy people's lives.

You destroy people's lives.

You destroy people's lives. Sweetheart, sweetheart, what are you remembering?

 Cassie: You and victor were arguing. You were really mad at him... and that was the day that mom... the day that mom left. I think that's why you were arguing-- about mom, because she left.

 Cassie: She's still gone, I guess.

 Nick: Yeah.

 Cassie: That's why you never answered me before, when I asked you about mom. 3E9DE013.JPG

 Nick: You'd been through so much, I didn't want to lay anything else on you until I had to.

 Cassie: Have you heard from her?

 Nick: No.

 Cassie: Does she even know what happened to me?

 Nick: I haven't been able to find her to let her know...

 Nick: But, cassie, I need to know something. I need to know, why did you go out there on that ice?

 Cassie: I don't know. I mean, mom was gone, you and victor were arguing. I guess it seemed like... everything was falling apart. I just started walking. I wasn't really paying attention. 3E9DE04D.JPG

 Nick: So you didn't know that you were on the pond, is that right?

 Cassie: Yes, I didn't know. It was an accident.

 Nick: You're sure?

 Cassie: Yes, dad, I wasn't trying to kill myself. Is that what you're thinking?

 Neil: (Clears throat)

 Jack: Hey, I still say this was a good idea.

 Neil: Me too. We all needed a relaxing night out.

 Dru: Yeah, relaxing.

 Phyllis: Yes, it would be relaxing if certain people at this table kept their mouth shut.

 Dru: Prove it to yourself, phyllis.

 Neil: The important thing is no business talk, right, jack?

 Jack: That's right. Good vino, good food, good conversation.

 Neil: So, um, have-- have any of us seen any good movies lately?

 Phyllis: I wish I could say yes, but I've been working so hard. 3E9DE199.JPG

 Neil: Yeah, which reminds me, jack, I've been telling phyllis she should take some time off. You know, really recharge her batteries.

 Jack: Well, I couldn't agree more. You know what they say-- all work and no play...

 Dru: (Laughs)

 Phyllis: It's not the time. It's not the time. We have a lot to do.

 Dru: Yeah, but you don't want to work yourself to the bone, phyllis.

 Phyllis: Excuse me. I'm sorry, did I ask you?

 Dru: No, but, uh, you're a web master--

 Neil: A web designer.

 Dru: Web designer, right? And I don't think the campaign's gonna fall apart if you're not working on it 24/7. 3E9DE1B8.JPG

 Nei h honey, honey, be nice.

 Dru: No, it's true, and we both know that newman enterprises, jack, am I right? Is infamous for playing dirty pool.

 Neil: Okay. I--

 Dru: Right here, jack.

 Neil: Knock it off, dru. We said no business talk, all right?

 Phyllis: Right.

 Jack: You have to admit, dru does have a point. You guys stealing satine was pretty underhanded.

 Phyllis: Well, sweetie, I think you've forgotten who paved the way with her big mouth. It was your illustrious spokesgirl here.

 Dru: Spokeswoman, it's spokeswoman...

 Phyllis: Spokeswoman, sorry. 3E9DE1D2.JPG

 Dru: And where do you get off calling me a big mouth?

 Phyllis: Well...

 Neil: Okay, ladies, please, back to your corners, all right?

 Jack: Oh, sasaved by the bell peppers.

 Neil: Good, I'm hungry.

 Phyllis: The bell peppers...

 Gina: Here you go.

 Neil: Thank you so much.

 Dru: Thank you, gina.

 Jack: There you are, young lady.

 Neil: That looks delicious...

 Phyllis: Careful, that's a hot plate.

 Neil: Really, really good.

 Gina: Good. Be careful now.

 Dru: Thank you.

 Gina: So is there anything else I can get you happy, happy campers?

 Jack: I think we're okay for now.

 Gina: Okay. 3E9DE1EC.JPG

 Nei thanks again. If you don't mind, I'm gonna start.

 Dru: Could you cut me a piece?

 Neil: Sure.

 Dru: Don't you guys see how differently our companies are run?

 Neil: Here you go.

 Dru: Huh?

 Neil: Well, our company's a little more successful. (Laughs)

 Dru: Oh, ha ha.

 Jack: Well, I guess we'll just have to see about that, won't we?

 Dru: Mm-hmm. We'll have to see about that.

 Phyllis: Yes, time will tell.

 Dru: Time will tell.

 Phyllis: Time will tell.

 Dru: Time.

 Nikki: Victor, you can't blame yourself for everything that's gone wrong. 3E9DE20D.JPG

 Victor: Yeah, but someone has to accept responsibility.

 Nikki: But it's not just one person. I mean, more than a few people contributed to this mess.

 Victor: You're talking about sharon's infidelity?

 Nikki: Well, to be fair, I can't blame it all on her. Nicholas did have a hand in it, diego had a hand in it.

 Victor: Boy, when I think of the damage that boy has done to our family...

 Nikki: Well, don't think about it. It does no good, and he's gone.

 Victor: Yeah, and the damage remains.

 Nikki: Victor, there's nothing to be done. Revenge doesn't help anything.

 Victor: I just wish sharon would come home. 3E9DE22E.JPG

 Nikki: I wouldn't wait for that to happen. I hope it doesn't happen.

 Victor: How can you say that?

 Nikki: Because our family is much better off without her. Cassie has had her breakthrough, she's recovering. Sharon would just be in the way.

 Cassie: Daddy, what you're thinking, I mean, it's crazy. I couldn'T. I wouldn'T.

 Nick: I-I know. I know. I just needed to hear you say it.

 Cassie: Do you believe me?

 Nick: Yeah, I believe you.

 Nick: You know, on that day, you wanted to talk to me, and I told you to wait, and then there was a second time that, uh--

 Cassie: Dad, it's not your fault. Don't amame yourself. 3E9DE26A.JPG

 Nick: But I just-- I can't help feeling that if I had--

 Cassie: It was dumb. I wasn't thinking. I couldn't have been.

 Nick: I just love you

m much.

 Cassie: I love you, too, daddy. I'm so lucky to have you.

 Nick: No, I'm the lucky one.

 Cassie: Do you think mom's coming back?

 Nick: Yeah, she's coming back because she loves you too much.

 Cassie: Dad, you don't have to protect me. I don't believe she's coming back, and I bet neither do you.

 Cassie: I'm tired. Can you help me up the stairs?

 Nick: Sure. There you go. 3E9DE3A8.JPG

 Billy: I need to know, mac, do you still want to get married?

 Mac: Yes. Absolutely.

 Billy: Next month?

 Mac: Ever since I was a little girl, I imagined what it would be like, my wedding day. I pictured everything in my mind. I want our family and friends to be there. I want them to be happy for us. Part of me can't help it.

 Mac: But the other part, the bigger part, wawants to be with you so badly it hurts. I love you, billy, and-and I can't wait to be your wife.

 Billy: Wait, I'm confused. Are you saying that-- 3E9DE3E5.JPG

 Mac: Yes, let's get married next month like you wanted.

 Billy: You're sure?

 Mac: I'm positive.

 Raul: All righty, that's my cue.

 Mac: Raul, don't go.

 Billy: Yeah, you haven't told us what happened tonight.

 Mac: So brittany called?

 Raul: Yeah.

 Billy: How'd it go?

 Raul: Exactly how I was afraid it would. All I wanted to do was talk to brittany alone, see if I can get her to come back home, but, of course, frederick and anita have to interfere, and it-- I don't know, man, she hung up before I could even get through to her. 3E9DE406.JPG

 Mac: So you didn't find out if she was pregnant?

 Raul: No.

 Billy: You know where she is?

 Raul: No, I'm telling you, I didn't have the chance to get anything out of her. This whole thing is driving me absolutely insane. I'm sorry, guys. I just--I don't see any point in talking about this anymore.

 Billy: Look, uh, none of us really got a chance to eat anything at the party, and there's nothing in the fridge. Why don't we go to the coffeehouse?

 Mac: Yeah, grab a bite.

 Raul: No, thanks. I'd be lousy company.

 Mac: We don't care. We want you to come.

 Raul: You two go.

 Billy: All right. You know where we are, man, if you change your mind. 3E9DE42B.JPG

 Raul: Yeah.

 Neil: Mmm. Oh, honey, you hear this song? I love this song. Come on, let's dance, please?

 Dru: I'm really not in the mood, neil.

 Neil: Oh, get in the mood. Put down your coffee. Come on, take my hand. Let's dance. There we go.

 Dru: (Sighs)

 Neil: All right. What's up, honey? Thank you. So are you having fun?

 Dru: Well, I'd rather have a chicken bone caught in my throat, but--

 Neil: Oh, you're still mad at me.

 Dru: Why,ecause you keep taking phyllis' side?

 Neil: Oh, come on, what are you talking about? Forget about that. Let's call a truce just for one night. 3E9DE463.JPG

 Dru: All right. There is one bright spot.

 Neil: What's that? Tell me.

 Dru: We're a lot better off than jack and loudmouth lucy.

 Neil: Mm.

 Phyllis: Here, here, here, come on, let's boogie.

 Jack: What? Why the sudden urge to dance?

 Phyllis: Because I don't want to give dcicilla the satisfaction of seeing us mad at each other.

 Jack: Wow, you're good for my ego. Are we ever gonna discuss the differences between us?

 Phyllis: That was my intention when I invited you to dinner, but you shot me down.

 Jack: I am trying to make up for that right now.

 Phyllis: Really? By going public with our problems? What's your next suggestion, group therapy? Or how about the four of us checking into the lodge and getting a room together? 3E9DE494.JPG

 Jack: This anger of yours, all of it, goes back to my asking you to lveve newman enterprises and come work for jabot. Are you ever gonna let this go?

 Phyllis: Do you blame me after your family's little "let's trick phyllis" caper?

 Jack: I tried to explain that.

 Phyllis: Oh, make excuses, you mean.

 Phyllis: Are we ever gonna be able to get past this?

 Jack: Sometimes I wonder. Other times, I hold you in my arms like this, and, I swear, nothing in the world is strong enough to pull us apart.

 Dru: Honey, please tell me you're not going to insist on dessert.

 Neil: Mm... after some of the things that jack said? I don't think they deserve our company. I think we should blow this taco stand. 3E9DE4C8.JPG

 Dru: Ahah, let's go.

 Neil: Come on.

 Dru: Oh, wait a minute, wait.

 Neil: What's going on?

 Dru: We're not going anywhere.

 Neil: Oh.

 Dru: Come on.

 Phyllis: I--

 Jack: What?

 Phyllis: Look, look, look, they're outshining us. Come on, come on, let's do something. Do something.

 Phyllis: Dip me, dip me. Yes! Oh, good, good, good. W?

 Victor: You know, I remember just before you and I remarried, nicholas and sharon had decided to try for another baby.

 Nikki: Oh, I forgot all about that. It's a good thing they didn'T. 3E9DE5D3.JPG

 Victor: I'm not so sure about that.

 Nikki: Victor, it would never have worked. Sharon had ts s huge secret.

 Victor: I guess it was her attempt to overcompensate, wasn't it?

 Nikki: Whatever it is you're trying to preserve, it's-it's a house of cards. It's just--it's so sad. It's tragic.

 Victor: In other words, you're saying I shouldn't have meddled in their marriage.

 Nikki: Look, I'm not criticizing you. I'm not judging you. I know you wanted to help. You wanted to save the marriage. You wanted to help put nicholas' life back together, I understand that.

 Victor: I guess it wasn't meant to be. 3E9DE5FC.JPG

 Nikki: Well, that's the point. In trying to make something happen--

 Victor: I made it impossible between me and my son.

 Nikki: I pray that someday nicholas will be able to get past this.

 Victor: I'm not counting on it.

 Nikki: I have to say, you did make things worse, trying to take the blame yourself.

 Victor: I know.

 Nikki: You were just so determined to protect sharon.

 Victor: Well, that's where you're wrong. I wasn't trying to protect sharon. I was trying to protect our son and their maiaiage. Look where that all got me.

 Nikki: Victor, I know you feel like a failure right now... but let me tell you something, and this is the truth, when it comes to your family, your only flaw is that you care so much. 3E9DE64C.JPG

 Victor: Come here. (Knock on door)

 Man: Nicholas newman?

 Nick: Yeah.

 Man: Package for you. Sign right here. Thanks.

 Nick: Thanks.

 Nick: God, it's from sharon.

 Raul: This is probably a waste of time. Maybe after she hung up, she, uh...

 Raul: Nothing.

 Raul: "Britt, are you there? Please, answer."

 Raul: (Sighs) damn it, brittany, where are you?

 Raul: "Brittany... I am sorry everything went wrong tonight. Please, please, call me again. We can work this out together. I promise." 3E9DE717.JPG

 Raul: "I love you."

 Raul: Why are you doing this to me?

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