Tuesday Y&R Transcript 4/15/03

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 4/15/03
--Canada; Wednesday 4/16/03--USA

Provided By Eric

Colleen: Hey, come on in.

 J.T.: Hey. Say,u ready to-- what the hell?

 All: Surprise!

 Colleen: Happy birthday.

 J.T.: Are you serious?

 Colleen: Of course I'm serious. Mmm. More where that came from.

 Brad: Excuse me?

 Colleen: Hi, dad. Are you okay?

 J.T.: I think so.

 Colleen: It's all right. You're supposed to be surpri

 J.T.: Yeah. Well, I am. But...

 Colleen: But what?

 Colleen: What is it, J.T.? 3E9C883A.JPG

 J.T.: Nothing. Nothing. Everything's great. Thanks.

 Colleen: Sure.

 Dru: Thank you, jack.

 Jack: Oh. Looks like we have a scheduling conflict here.

 Dru: Oh?

 Jack: The industry event in minneapolis, which is closed to the public, is also on the same weekend as the miami cosmetics convention.

 Dru: Oh. Well, you know, if it were up to me, I would pick miami any day.

 Jack: Warmer weather, anyway.

 Dru: Well, and also darlene vale's tv talk show is down there.

 Jack: Darlene vale, the ex-supermodel?

 Dru: The one and only. She's wildly successful, jack, syndicated all over the country. 3E9C8865.JPG

 Jack: Yeah. And this is good for us... why?

 Dru: Well, when I worked in paris, she and I became fast friends, remained in touch for-- you'd love her. Sidebar-- she loves jabot products, jack.

 Jack: I think I like where this is going.

 Dru: So I gave her a call, and she promised to feature me and our new cosmetics line in three or four shows. Isn't that crazy?

 Jack: Congratulations. You're going to miami beach. I will have the publicity department arrange everything.

 Dru: Oh, jack, isn't it exciting?

 Jack: It sure as hell is.

 Dru: You know, as successful as newman enterprises may be, they are treading on our turf, and I believe that we are going to smoke them big time. 3E9C888E.JPG

 Phyllis: You rang?

 Neil: Yeah. Yeah, I sure-- come on in.

 Phyllis: What do you need?

 Neil: What do I need? Let me tell you. I am green-lighting that idea you submitted for the satine web site campaign. I loved it. Blew my socks off.

 Phyllis: Great. Thanks. You sound surprised.

 Neil: What do you mean?

 Phyllis: What do I mean? You still think I can't handle it, being in competition with my husband's company?

 Neil: Phyllis, why don't you just chill out, all right? I'm just trying to say thank you here.

 Phyllis: Okay, good. You said thank you. I have work to do.

 Neil: Yeah, I have work to do-- phyllis, w-wait a minute. You know, I'm feeling some cold air in here. Is it have something to do with the last conversation that we had, or-- 3E9C88B8.JPG

 Phyllis: Oh, you mean the conversation when you accused me of being manipulated by my husband and his family into having me quit my job here?

 Neil: Yeah, exactly. That's the conversation. I'm sorry if I got too personal. Really, I am.

 Phyllis: No! Okay, fine. Thank you. Thank you for saying you're sorry. You were right. You're right. That's what he's doing. He's messing with my head, okay? You were right. And to be honest, I think that he's, uh... broken a trust that can never be repaired.

 John: Oh, happy birthday, young man.

 Ashley: Happy birthday, J.T.

 J.T.: Thanks.

 Brad: Happy birthday, J.T. 3E9C88FF.JPG

 J.T.: Thank you, sir.

 Ashley: You guys go have fun.

 Lily: Happy birthday, J.T. Were you surprised?

 J.T.: Oh, are you kidding me? Hey, sierra.

 Sierra: Happy birthday.

 J.T.: Abbott. Hey, mac. Guittierez, what are you doing here, man?

 Raul: Well, I heard they were gonna throw you in the pool. Just came to watch.

 J.T.: Dude, are you serious?

 Raul: Just kidding,anan. Relax. Happy birthday.

 J.T.: Yeah. Relax.

 Colleen: Oh, do you remember mr. And mrs. Hodges?

 J.T.: Yeah. Yeah. But can we not...

 Colleen: Well, we can't ignore them.

 J.T.: Why not?

 Colleen: Because you just can'T. Look, I don't even know why they're here, but we have to be polite, all right? And there's billy's mom. Come on. We'll say hello, and then we can have some fun. 3E9C8929.JPG

 J.T.: All right. Fine, okay.

 Colleen: Mr. And mrs. Hodges? Hi. You remember J.T.?

 Frederick: Yeah, sure do. Happy birthday, J.T.

 J.T.: Thank you, sir.

 Anita: Hope you had a good day today, J.T.

 J.T.: I did. Ththank you, ma'am.

 Colleen: Say hello to jill.

 J.T.: Hi.

 Jill: Congratulations.

 J.T.: You mean on my birthday?

 Jill: I suppose so, yes. On reaching the ripe, old age of 19.

 Ashley: I wouldn't consider 19 old, jill. However, I guess some people are more mature at 19 than others are at 50.

 Frederick: Anita.

 J.T.: Hey, you have anything to drink? 3E9C8950.JPG

 Colleen: Um, sure. No beer, though.

 J.T.: Oh, that's all right. I don't want a beer.

 Colleen: Okay.

 J.T.: Just want to be around people my own age.

 Colleen: Oh. Thanks.

 J.T.: No. Look, I didn't mean-- I mean like you, you know, your friends. Hell, billy will do right now.

 Colleen: I'll go get you some juice.

 J.T.: Thanks.

 Billy: So they're letting you off the leash, huh?

 J.T.: Okay. Drop it, abbott. It's my birthday. You gotta be nice to me, man.

 Billy: And wher does it say that?

 Mac: Come on, you two. Let's not. Happy birthday, J.T. 3E9C8978.JPG

 J.T.: Oh, thanks, mac. Crazy birthday is more like it.

 Anita: Aren't you so glad we stayed? This is just so much fun.

 Frederick: Well, dodon't know why you wanted to leave, but I'm not going anywhere until guittierez gets that phone call from brittany. I don't care if it takes all night.

 Anita: Yes, dear. Give me a chance to have a little chat with jill.  3E9C8A64.JPG

 Phyllis: Say I told you so. Go ahead and gloat, neil.

 Neil: Why would I do that?

 Phyllis: I'm sure you're happy to hear that I'm having trouble with my marriage.

 Neil: Stop it, phyllis. I'm not that cruel.

 Phyllis: Discord in the abbott family is to newman's benefit.

 Neil: It's not good for anyone seeing you miserable, especially us. Besides, I suspect whatever's going on between you and jack is personal.

 Phyllis: Maybe.

 Neil: Mmm. Things are that bad between you two?

 Phyllis: Yep. They're that bad.

 Neil: Well, first of all, all the time that you've been spending here isn't helping much. Have you had a chance to talk things out with jack? 3E9C8A89.JPG

 Phyllis: Yes. I let him know that I wasn't happy with him trying to, uh, manipulate me into quitting my job and getting his whole family involved.

 Neil: How he wanted you at jabot.

 Phyllis: That's no excuse. How can I ever trust him again?

 Neil: Look, why don't you just call it a day, hmm? Go home, kick off your shoes. Spend some quality time with your hubby.

 Phyllis: No! No! I-I have... numbers to upload. After you okayed my idea, I have to do that.

 Neil: Why don't you let me upload your numbers for you?

 Phyllis: No! (Intercom buzzes)

 Neil: Excuse me one second. Let me grab this. Yeah. Okay. Um, yeah. I'll be right there. Thanks. Go on. Beat it. I'll finish up for you, okay? Excuse me. 3E9C8ABE.JPG

 J.T.: This is really amazing. I'm shocked.

 Lily: I know. I didn't think that we'd be finished on time. I mean, you have no idea how hard colleen worked putting this all together. Doesn't she look beautiful tonight?

 J.T.: Hey, she looks beautiful every night. Every day, too.

 Sierra: I'm gonna faint.

 J.T.: Are you serious?

 Lily: You'll have to excuse her. She has a very romantic nature.

 Colleen: Oh. Here you go.

 J.T.: Oh, thanks.

 Lily: You know, I'm starving. Let's get some food.

 Sierra: Yeah.

 Colleen: Um, come here for a sec.

 J.T.: Yeah.

 Colleen: Um, have you talked to my dad yet? 3E9C8AE1.JPG

 J.T.: No. I will.

 Colleen: Okay.

 J.T.: Just give me a chance to get used to all this trust, okay? It's almost more than I can handle.

 Colleen: Oh, I think it's the best.

 Billy: Excuse me. Mom, listen... thanks for holding off telling dad.

 Jill: I didn't hold off on anything. I was about to tell your father that his son, his 18-year-old, can't wait to dive into middle age.

 Billy: Mom, that's not--

 Jill: When frederick and anita hodges walk-- what are they doing here tonight, anyway?

 Billy: Raul's getting a call from brittany. They wanted to talk to her. 3E9C8B02.JPG

 Jill: And they had to do it here, tonight, at colleen's party?

 Billy: Don't change the subject.

 Jill: I'm not. You kids are too involved in relationships, billy. It's all you do. It's all you think about, all you talk about.

 Billy: What about you so-called adults? Is it any different with you? It's what life's about, mom. I love mac. If that isn't importt,t, what is?

 Jill: I don't want to talk about that, okay? Your father needs to know, billy.

 Billy: And he will. Just not tonight, okay? Please?

 Jill: Okay. Not tonight.

 Billy: Thank you. 3E9C8B21.JPG

 Jill: Just keep her away from me.

 Billy: Mom, I keep telling you, don't make me choose.

 Anita: You and your son having a little squabble?

 Jill: At least I know where he is.

 Anita: Ooh. Nice.

 Jill: I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said that. You must feel just awful.

 Anita: Spare me the attempt at sympathy, 'cause you're not real good at it.

 Jill: Billy just said that brittany is calling raul tonight.

 Anita: I don't believe this. Are you actually tryg to talk mother to mother with me?

 Jill: Why not?

 Anita: Well, I could think

one really good reason-- my husband. 3E9C8B51.JPG

 Dru: Right. Well, she has my cell phone. She has my 2-way pager. Just hit me on the hip when you're ready to go. That's right. Okay. Bye-bye.

 Jack: We're moving along. Let's talk about these radio spots.

 Dru: Yeah, I need to talk to you about those, jack.

 Jack: Problems?

 Dru: Well, no, no. I just need some help on my talking points, is all.

 Jack: Hey we're on a roll here. We put our heads together, there's nothing we can't do.

 Dru: Yeah. But I wanted to clear the air with you first.

 Jack: Clear the air about what?

 Dru: The other day in the boardroom. I really didn't mean to start trouble, I swear to you, jack. 3E9C8B6F.JPG

 Jack: Okay, look, your timing could have been a little better in mentioning victor and ashley. But you know what? This is water under the bridge. Let's forget about it.

 Dru: Jack, I never would have blurted it out, except I felt that the three of you were ganging up on me. I had to defend myself. And then you have brad carlton questioning my loyalty, my commitment to jabot. Is he crazy? Jack, thisomompany is very important to me. The job is very important to me. And if it ever came to neil and I having to--

 Jack: To neil and you what?

 Dru: Oh, nothing. It doesn't concern you, I'm sure. I'm sure that you and phyllis do not have the same set of problems. 3E9C8B92.JPG

 Jack: What problems?

 Dru: You know, keeping your personal and professional lives separate. I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong?

 Jack: If you are just jerking my chain here-- if you're just trying to get a rise out of me, I want you to ow I don't appreciate it. I don't appreciate it at all.

 Are you right Ñ Ñ q q ñ x q ñ q t j q ñ ru: Jack, I have no idea what you're talking about. I said--oh, my god. You and phyllis are having problems, too. I'm so sorry.

 Jack: You know, can we just drop this and get back to what we were discussing?

 Dru: Yeah, sure. Sure. (Telephone rings)

 Jack: Hold on two seconds. Jack abbott. 3E9C8CB3.JPG

 Phyllis: Hey. It's your woman.

 Jack: Hey, what's going on?

 Phyllis: Well, I finished early here, and, um, I was wondering if you wanted to go out for some italian.

 Jack: No, actually, this is not a good time.

 Phyllis: You sure? You know, you're the big cheese there. You're t b boss. Maybe you can cut yourself enough slack to take your wife out for a little pasta, wine...

 Jack: Phyllis, I can't get away right now.

 Phyllis: Okay, okay. Listen, I'm reaching out to you here. It's no secret that I've been mad at you recently.

 Jack: Then I'll remind you, I've been around for the last few days for you to talk to, only you've been dragging in at the wee, small hours of the morning, and you've been heading off to work before I even wake up. 3E9C8CDA.JPG

 Phyllis: Oh, so now this is my fault?

 Jack: You know what? You want to argue about this, we're gonna have to do it another time.

 Phyllis: Okay, good. When are you getting home?

 Jac w when I get home.

 Phyllis: Okay. Okay.

 Jack: Sorry. Where were we?

 Dru: Yeah, jack, I wanted to talk to you about the radio spots. You think I'll be spreading myself too thin, you know, with the public appearances, the photo shoots, the whole-- I'm sorry. Am I boring you?

 Jack: You know what? I'm not ready to deal with this right now. We'll talk about this in the morning.

 Dru: Oh, jack, what do I tell the execs? Jack! The agency people? 3E9C8D06.JPG

 Neil: Guess phyllis took my advice and went home. Good. Ooh. Those numbers, I forgot to upload those numbers for her. (Telephone rings)

 Neil: Neil winters.

 Dru: Yeah, hi, big guy. Guess what? My meeting finished early. How about if we go get some crab cakes?

 Neil: Ah, no can do.

 Dru: Since when do you turn down crab cakes?

 Neil: Hey, drucilla, listen, I want to--

 Dru: Oh, no, no, no. Bye. (Sighs) oh, god. (Cell phone rings)

 Ashley: Excuse me. (Cell phone rings)

 Ashley: Hello?

 Jill: Listen, anita. Frederick told me that you asked for a separ-- 3E9C8D33.JPG

 Anita: No. I don't even want to hear my husband's name come out of your mouth.

 Jill: Why? I don't understand.

 Anita: Just shut up. Let me tell you something, jill...

 Brad: We're thinking of keeping it as a wholly owned subsidiary--

 Ashley: Exce e me. Sorry. Honey, frances just called, and abby still has a fever.

 Brad: Really?

 Ashley: I think I'm gonna run home and check on her.

 Brad: Well, I'll go with you.

 Ashley: That's okay. Why don't you stay and enjoy the party? I'm sure I'll be back soon.

 Brad: You sure? Okay. Love you. Drive carefully.

 Ashley: Take care.

 Frederick: Good luck. 3E9C8D51.JPG

 Ashley: Good seeing you.

 Frederick: Nice seeing you.

 Brad: Anyway, that would separate it from the core jabot enterprise. I think we'll just keep it as its own division.

 Frederick: I think that's wise. It's much more efficient and less... overhead.

 Brad: Listen, frederick, if you want to go join your wife, please feel free.

 Frederick: I-I'm sorry, brad.

 Brad: No, no, no. No problem.I'm gonna go get another shot of punch.

 Frederick: Thanks.

 Anita: You want to know the truth? You're utterly shameless, and everybody knows it. You should think about--

 Jill: You have the wrong id--

 Frederick: Hey, you two. 3E9C8D6E.JPG

 Anita: Well, the knight in shining armor has come just in time to rescue you, jill. If you'll cucuse me?

 Frederick: I'm sorry.

 Jill: Why didn't you tell me that anita saw us at the lodge this morning?

 Frederick: I didn't have a chance to.

 Jill: And didn't you tell her nothing happened, that we talked all night?

 Frederick: Jill, if either ofss says anything right now, it's gonna look like a lie.

 Jill: Oh, my god. You know what? This day has turned into a nightmare. And it's not your fault. I'll be in touch, okay? I'll talk to you later.

 Brad: Jill didn't feel like staying? 3E9C8D96.JPG

 John: Apparently not.

 Colleen: Oh. I'm glad you guys are together. Um, listen, I just wanted to thank you both so much for giving us a chance. I just-- I don't know how to thank you. It's great.

 John: Well, you are very welcome.

 Colleen: Thanks, dad.

 Brad: I love you, honey.

 Colleen: Mmm.

 J.T.: Mrs. Hodges...

 Anita: Think it'd be all right if you called me anita.

 J.T.: Be cool. Please.

Come on. Does your town have anything There's a trend happening out there for warmer weather.

 Claire: Wóe (cell phone rings)

 Phyllis: Mmm. (Ring) 3E9C8E67.JPG

 Phyllis: Let's see. Oh, no. I'm not talking to you. You had your chance.

 Dru: Phyllis! Hey! You know, I am so tired, girl. I'm so glad you're here. It's been ages since we last spoke.

 Phyllis: I just saw you here.

 Dru: You know, you and me, we're going through the same, exact thing with our men. Jeez.

 Phyllis: I have no clue what you're talking about.

 Dru: Phyllis, I was in jack's office when you called. And quite frankly, I was struck by the way he spoke to you. Ooh, whee.

 Phyllis: I see.

 Dru: You know, I'll tell you what it is. It's this whole damn competitiveness in the business, you know, has us all on edge. If I had a nickel for every time that neil turned me down in the name of the "work," I would be rich as rockefeller. 3E9C8E98.JPG

 Phyllis: Where are you going with this?

 Dru: You and i are smart girls. I say we put our heads together. I say c come up with a plan to smooth the waters in our camps. What do you say?

 Phyllis: I say, where do you get off poking your nose in my personal business?

 Gina: Hey, pal. You need a telescope?

 Jack: Oh, yeah, yeah. I'm looking for phyllis.

 Gina: Oh?

 Jack: I tried to call her on her cell a few times. She's not answering right now. Tell you the truth, it's probably better this way. If phyllis and I ran into each other right now, we'd probably ruin each other's appetite. 3E9C8ED6.JPG

 Neil: Phyllis isn't here? Why not? I talked to her earlier, jack, and I--

 Jack: Where the hell do you get off?

 Neil: What?

 Gina: Hey, look, neil, I have your table for two waiting. I'm sure dru will be here any moment now, okay?

 Neil: Unfortunately, gina, that's not the case.

 Gina: You know what? You two need to get your acts together. Here.

 Neil: You know, for what it's worth, I talked to your wife earlier. I told her to go home, spend some quality time with you.

 Jack: Oh, yeah. I'll bet you did. 3E9C8EFB.JPG

 Neil: Well, at least that's something you still have in common. You two are stubborn as mules when someone's trying to help.

 Jack: So that's what you're doing? You're trying to help. That's what you're trying to sell me?

 Neil: Hey, man, I'm not selling. I'm just telling.

 Jack: Okay. Well, as long as we're being candid here, I happen to know dru is free thisvening. Why isn't she with you?

 Neil: Aw, come on, jack. Is that really any of your concern?

 Jack: So my private life is fair game, and yours isn'T. Is that it?

 Neil: You know, it's tough to compete with your partner all day, and trying to leave it at the door when you both come home at night causes a lot more problems than I care to admit. So... there it is. Would you like a deeper, more spiritual explanation than that? 3E9C8F35.JPG

 Jack: Since we're both in exactly the same boat, I think I'd rather spend this time trying to figure out a way to keep things from unraveling any further.

 Mac: I'll be right back.

 Billy: All right.

 Mac: How you doing?

 Raul: This is killing me, all this waiting.

 Mac: Brittany's gonna call. Don't worry. I'll be over here.

 Anita: Sorry. It's been a rough day. Actually, the only part of it worth having was this morning.

 J.T.: Yeah, this really isn't a good time to talk about that, mrs. Hodges.

 Anita: You all right?

 J.T.: Yeah. I'm just a little surprised to see you here. But, hey, it is a surprise party, right? 3E9C8F66.JPG

 Anita: Your girlfriend is sweet-looking. Now I understand why the two of you don't-- if she was my daughter, I'd chase you away myself.

 J.T.: Okay. Well, look, uh, I gotta go talk to some friends, so...

 Anita: Don't be so nervous. No one's ever gonna suspect a young man like yourself ever being even slightly interested in a middle-aged...

 J.T.: Hey...

 Anita: Over-the-hill...

 J.T.: Listen to me. We can't do this.

 Anita: I know. I know. Happy birthday. I mean that. Now just go be with your friends.

 J.T.: Okay. I'm sorry.

 Anita: Don't be. Go.

 Colleen: Think it's too early for cake? 3E9C8F98.JPG

 Sierra: Cake doesn't mean it's the end of the party, just--

 J.T.: Excuse me, ladies. Colleen, I need you.

 Colleen: Oh. Sorry, guys.

 Lily: Wow.

 Colleen: Yeah?

 Colleen: Wow. What was that?

 J.T.: Just come here, okay?

 Colleen: Okay.  3E9C90D0.JPG

 Brad: Hello, J.T.

 J.T.: Hey, mr. Carlton.

 Brad: Have you seen my daughter?

 J.T.: Yeah, I was with her a little while ago, but I think she has something to do.

 Brad: Yeah, well, she's quite the little hostess, isn't she?

 J.T.: Look, I'm sure she's already told you, but we really appreciate what you're doing. We're not gonna do anything to make you regret it.

 Brad: No, no. I'm sure you won't, J.T. After all, you do want to have a 20th birthday, don't you, J.T.? (Laughs) lighten up. Just hining a little fun with you. Just fooling around. 3E9C90F5.JPG

 Colleen: Okay, everyone, it's time to sing happy birthday to J.T.

 M: Come on, J.T. Get over here.

 Raul: Come on, man.

 Colleen: Come on!

 Brad: Go blow your candles out, birthday boy.

 Colleen: J.T.?

 Raul: Today.

 Colenen: Come on, J.T.

 Lily: Come on.

 Colleen: Okay, sit right there.

 Dru: No one was trying to poke their nose in your business. And excuse me for being friendly.

 Phyllis: Okay, you're excused. You're excused.

 Dru: Phyllis, you know, this is important to me, this job. It's not a vanity project. 3E9C9111.JPG

 Phyllis: I don't want to talk about your job with you.

 Dru: Of course you don'T. What do you know about work? You know, I was working with your husband, okay?

 Phyllis: Oh, ho, ho.

 Dru: We were trying to make some headway on a big cosmetics campaign, and you up and call. His bottom lip hit the floor. You're picking fights with him. What's the matter with you?

 Phyllis: What I talk about with my husband is none y your business.

 Dru: Oh, it is when it affects my ben franklin.

 Phyllis: No, no. No. You read my lips--

 Dru: You read my lips. You see these? Right here. You're not gonna miss it. When jack abbott tells you that he's in the middle of something important, you're gonna back it up, okay? Because you twisted that man into a pretzel to the point where he didn't want to finish his meeting with me! 3E9C9131.JPG

 Phyllis: Oh, my god. Are you kidding me? Where do you get off walking up to me and telling me how to deal with my husband?

 Dru: Well, obviously, you're not dealing with your husband, okay?

 Phyllis: Oh. Oh, excuse me.

 Dru: You're not dealing with him, and I hope you get the marital help that you need. But don't do it on my clock.

 Phyllis: Marital help? Don't do it on my clock.

 Dru: If you have to reach out and touch someone like jack, go ahead. Mend the fence. But for the life of me, I cannot figure out, phyllis, why you had to call at that particular moment. I mean, I-- (laughs) okay, unless you-- okay. Mm-hmm. 3E9C9152.JPG

 Phyllis: Unless I what?

 Dru: Unless-- phyllis, did you know about our meeting? Did you try to sabotage our meeting?

 Phyllis: Sabotage your meeting?

 Dru: I fail to see the humor.

 Phyllis: Uh, well, let me explain it to you. First of all, um, you're a freak, okay? Talking about sabotage and conspiracy theories and... second, the abbotts don't trust you further than they could throw you, which isn't far.

 Dru: If I know the abbotts, they want your behind out of their family.

 J.T.: (Blowing)

 Colleen: Yeah.

 John: All right.

 Colleen: Speech. 3E9C917F.JPG

 All: Speech!

 J.T.: O n no, no.

 Colleen: Yes, yes, yes.

 Lily: Yes. Go.

 Raul: Speech. Speech.

 J.T.: All right. All right. Um, this is really nice. I want to thank everybody for coming. But this is really all colleen's doing. She's the nice one and the smart one. And she's the one that should be making this speech. So go ahead.

 Colleen: Okay. Um, one more thing. You know, this is not the only thing we should be celebrating tonight. My uncle billy and his amazingly beautiful, fantastic girlfriend mackenzie have announced that they are going to be married. Isn't that great? Round of applause for billy and mac. (Light applause) 3E9C91AA.JPG

 Billy: Jeez, colleen...

 Colleen: What?

>>Ililly: Dad?

 John: Is it true?

 Billy: I didn't want you to find out this way. I was gonna tell you. You gonna go ballistic?

 John: No. No. I-- I'm a firm believer that a man should make his own mistakes.

 Billy: And of course, that's what you think I'm doing.

 John: Billy, you're breaking my heart. But you just know there's no way I can condone this. No way. (Cell phone ringing)

 Raul: Brittany? Yeah, yeah. Hold on. Yeah. I'm moving.

 Mac: Give them a moment at least.  3E9C92D9.JPG

 Neil: Of course, it doesn't help when their husbands are trying to manipulate their careers. Definitely didn't sit too well with phyllis... pressuring her into making a choice between newman and jabot.

 Jack: You're telling me you've never done anything like that with drucilla?

 Neil: It's all history now. Isn't it?

 Jack: Just have to accept the inevitable, right?

 Neil: Getting back to what you were suggesting--

 Jack: Oh, hell, I have no idea how to accomplish it. I just think there's got to be some way to make things better.

 Neil: Yeah, listen. I'm actually the one who said no to drucilla. 3E9C9301.JPG

 Jack: Yeah. I'm the one that said no to phyllis, too. I just couldn't stand the idea of another dinner date with an 800-pound gorilla on the table.

 Neil: My sentiments exactly.

 Jack: If we just have one pleasant evening... have dinner, maybe some dancing. Easy. No ugliness.

 Neil: Amen to that. But don't you think that business would rear its ugly head?

 Jack: Not if we all four went out together.

 Neil: Jack, what are you smoking?

 Jack: No, no, wait. Now think about this. We wouldn't talk business. We couldn't talk business.

 Neil: Come on, man--

 Jack: I realize maybe this is a little bit desperate. 3E9C9327.JPG

 Neil: It's crazy, is what it is.

 Jack: Well, crazy it may be, but maybe just crazy enough to work, huh?

 Raul: I can't tell you how good it is to hear your voice. Are you all right?

 Brittany: I'm okay.

 Raul: Baby, don't you think it would be better if you were here instead of wherever the hell you are?

 Brittany: I miss you.

 Raul: Damn it, I miss you, too. Brittany, this is killing me. Why don't you come home?

 Brittany: I'm just not ready.

 Raul: What's it gonna take? Hmm? What do you need? Honey, I'll get it for you. I'll make sure that it happens. Just tell me what it is.

 Brittany: It's nothing you can do or get for me, raul. I can't explain it. 3E9C935F.JPG

 Raul: If you can't explain it, then maybe it's nonsense, brittany. Have you thought about that?

 Anita: Don't talk to her that way. Give me the phone.

 Raul: No.

 Anita: Brittany, honey, it's your mother. Give me the phone!

 Raul: Hang on, okay? This is getting crazy.

 Frederick: Give her the damn phone.

 Anita: Brittany? Sweetheart, are you there?

 Brittany: Yes. Hi, mom.

 Anita: Where are you?

 Brittany: It doesn't matter.

 Anita: I don't want to have an irrational conversation where you tell me it doesn't matter, because you know it does.

 Brittany: To you. 3E9C937E.JPG

 Anita: Yes, honey, to me. I just want to help, that's all. I just want to help.

 Brittany: You can'T. Is dad there?

 Anita: Yes, your father's here.

 Brittany: Can I talk to him?

 Frederick: Sweetheart?

 Brittany: Hi, dad.

 Frederick: Hey, guess what?

 Brittany: What?

 Frederick: I miss you.

 Brittany: Oh, dad.

 Frederick: It's true. You know, sweetie, we're not a family without you. Not at all.

 Brittany: This is so unfair.

 Frederick: Hey, I don't care if it's fair. Am I getting through to you?

 Brittany: I need to talk to raul again.

 Frederick: Honey, please... 3E9C93B9.JPG

 Brittany: Dad, please put raul on the phone.

 Frederick: All right, brittany. Listen, I want you to come home, all right? Whatever it is you're going through, I promise you we can get through it together much better than you can alone. I love you.

 Raul: Babe?

 Brittany: They're really laying it on thick.

 Raul: Yeah. Me too. Listen, sweetheart, we all want you home.

 Brittany: Listen, I'll call again tomorrow.

 Raul: No. Baby, that's not good enough.

 Brittany: Raul--

 Raul: Brittany, I need to see your face!

 Brittany: I'll call tomorrow. 3E9C93E7.JPG

 Raul: Brittany, don't hang-- (cell phone ringing)

 Dru: Hello?

 Neil: Hey, baby. It's me.

 Dru: Voice sounds familiar.

 Neil: Stop it. Where are you? Have you eaten anything yet?

 Dru: As a matter of fact, I've had a pizza wi e extra garlic, and I'd love to hit you with a kiss if you'd ever come home.

 Neil: Hey, listen, boo, I owe you an apology for turning you down before. I want to make it up to you. I've been working way too hard. How about it?

 Dru: Keep talking. I'm listening. (Cell phone ringing) (ring)

 Phyllis: Jack, stop calling me. I don't want to talk to you. I know you're upset with me. You have every right to be. As soon as I hung up, I knew I shouldn't have brushed you off. I apologize, okay? 3E9C94FC.JPG

 Phyllis: Words. Words.

 Jack: No, no, this is action. You said you wanted wine and pasta? I'm sitting at gina's right now. Come have dinner with me. How long till you can get here?

 Neil: They have your favorite--veal marsala.

 Dru: Neil, you know my favorite is greens with smoked wings, and I cannot get that at gina'S. I can have veal marsala any night of the week.

 Neil: Girl, do we have a date at gina's or not?

 Phyllis: It's a little too late, jack.

 Jack: Look, I'm the one reaching out to you now. You gonna shoot me down because it's what I deserve, or do you still agree what we need together is a pleasant evening? I want to enjoy what we share together. I can't do that without you. Have dinnewiwith me. 3E9C9535.JPG

 Dru: So why don't we have the date in the boudoir?

 Neil: (Laughs) how about later?

 Dru: How about now?

 Neil: You know, I never thought that we'd be arguing over this subject.

 Dru: I am not arguing with you. I just prefer beef over veal.

 Neil: Ooh, look out now. Hey, now, baby, I am starving. I know you are, too. Come on. Little wine, dinner, dancing. Come on. Put us both in the mood.

 Dru: Okay. I'm gonna go home and get changed. Bye.

 Neil: See you soon.

 Jack: Well? Any luck?

 Neil: Dru is on her way. What about you? What about phyllis? 3E9C955D.JPG

 Jack: Well,

it took a little doing,

but she'll be here.

 Neil: Great.

You know,

dru's stopping home first.

 Jack: Hey, that's fine.

The evening's young.

We'll get a wine list.

We'll be ready for 'em.

 Neil: That's a great idea,


 Jack: Wait a minute. What is it? What's the problem?

 Neil: I'm just hoping it all turns out all right.

 Jack: Hey, think positive here. My every instinct is, this is gonna be one hell of an interesting evening.

 Neil: You can say that again.

 Colleen: My gosh, I feel so awful. I had no idea this was such a big secret. 3E9C9580.JPG

 J.T.: Hey, they should have told you they were keeping it quiet.

 Colleen: Yeah, well, they didn't expect me to open my big mouth.

 J.T.: Hey, cut yourself some slack, all right? Mr. Abbott wasonna find out anyway, right?

 Colleen: Yeah. But did you see his face? He looked so destroyed. And billy's mad at me.

 J.T.: Look, to hell with that. I mean, they were gonna find out anyway. Maybe you helped out. Now they gotta deal with it.

 Colleen: You think?

 J.T.: Yeah, I do. You're something else, you know that? You're always worried about everybody else's feelings. 3E9C95A7.JPG

 Colleen: Especially yours.

 J.T.: Yeah, I kind of noticed. What a birthday, huh?

 Colleen: Was it good?

 J.T.: It was the best one I ever had.

 Colleen: You're not just saying that?

 J.T.: No, I'm not just saying that.

 Colleen: I love you.

 J.T.: Now that's the best birthday present anyone could ever give me.


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