Y&R Transcript Monday
4/14/03--Canada; Tuesday 4/15/03--USA
Provided By Eric
Lauren: Well, better late than never.
J.T.: Oh, hey, lauren, look, I'm sorry I'm late.
Lauren: You are forgiven, but only because it's been so sere.
J.T.: Hey, what can I get started on?
Lauren: How about restocking sunglasses?.: Okay, got it.
Lauren: So do you forgive me?
J.T.: For what?
Lauren: Well, the last time we talked, I grilled you pretty hard about anita hodges.
J.T.: Oh, yeah, you know, don't worry about that. It's cool.
Lauren: Did you end up
calling her?
J.T.: Yeah.Ren: Any word on brittany?
J.T.: No, not yet.
Lauren: Well, that must have been the world's shortest phone conversation.
J.T.: Well, I kinda saw her. She asked me to meet her at the lodge this morning.
Lauren: To do what?
J.T.: Just to talk, mostly.
Lauren: Mostly?
J.T.: Look, lauren, she's really unhappy.
Lauren: Well, then I hope you wished her luck and got the hell out of there. J.T.
J.T.: I still don't know how it happened.
Lauren: Do not tell me that you slept with anita hodges.
Anita: How can you work at a time like this?
Frederick: Clearing the decks, anita.
Anita: Too bad you only
respond that way in a time
of crisis.
Maybe our marriage wouldn't be
in this state.
Frederick: Yeah, I wouldn't call this a crisis. Good news--brittany's finally been in touch with someone.
Anita: I can't believe raul's attitude. He's either incredibly aogogant or selfish or both.
Frederick: Well, you know, I can kind of understand why he might want to talk to brittany alone when she calls.
Anita: What, are you taking his side now?
Frederick: No, all I'm saying is--
Anita: He knows how worried we've been, frederick. When brittany calls tonight, I intend to be there, whether it's at the abbotts' or in timbuktu. (Door opens)
Larry: Whoa, whoa. Where you going in such a hurry?
Jill: Where does it look like
I'm going?
I'm going upstairs.
Larry: Without a little hello first?
Jill: Oh, god. When did you develop such a fondness for putting words in my mouth?
Larry: Around the time that you started taking me for granted again.
Jill: You know what? I don't have time for this right now.
Larry: Jill, jill.
Jill: What?
Larry: Just simmer down for a minute, okay? I ntnt to ask you something. Wait, weren't you wearing that yesterday?
Jill: What is your point?
Larry: It all fits, since you didn't come home last night.
Phyllis: Okay.
You eat up.
Your mommy's gonna be here
in a little bit.
You want some more?
You want some more snacks?
You are so gorgeous.
Hey, kyle, do you know I have
really come to love you,
like your daddy does.
We love you so much.
Like the only thing we have
in common these days.
Kyle: More.
Phyllis: You want more? You want that? Fighting so much over work.
Kyle: (Babbling)
Phyllis: How'd all that fighting start? Anyway, every time I think that things are perfect, I find out they're far from it.
Diane: Talking to yourself again, phyllis?
Mac: Hey.
Billy: Hey.
Mac: How was work?
Billy: Fine.
Mac: What do you think, for J.T.'S surprise party? Cute?
Billy: I'm not going, mac.
Mac: Why not?
Billy: Look, I'm just-- I'm not up for it.
Mac: But you told colleen you'd be there.
Billy: I'm sure she won't
even miss me.
Mac: Yes, she will. This party's important to her. If you're not there, she'll be very--
Billy: Okay, okay, I'll go. I'll go.
Mac: Did something happen at the boutique?
Billy: What makes you think that?
Mac: You're not acting like yourself.
Billy: My mom showed up.
Mac: That explains your mood. What did she say?
Billy: Nothing that should have surprised me. Mac, she just gets me so angry. I mean, getting engaged is the greatest thing that ever happened to me, but can she be happy for me? Can she at least try to understand? No.
Mac: Billy, I'm so sorry
you had to deal with her again.
Billy: Well, this was the last time. Until she's ready to apologize for what she said, I'm done wiwith her. Enough is enough.
Mac: I know you're upset right now, but you shouldn't give up hope.
Billy: I just--forget it. My life is with you now. My mom's gonna have to learn to deal with that. She just kept going on and on, demanding that we put off the wedding. I--I just couldn't take it anymore. Finally, I got so mad, I told her we were getting married next month, whether she likes it or not.
Mac: Wait. You told her what?
Lily: Okay, ladies,
we're finished!
Why isn't she saying anything?
Sierra: What do you think, colleen?
Colleen: Oh, I think... I love it.
Lily: Yay! Thank goodness.
Colleen: The place looks incredible. Thank you guys so much for all your help.
Lily: No problem.
Sierra: Anything for you and J.T.
Colleen: No, I'm serious. You know, I know I've been acting a little insane lately. It's just because I'm so nervous, you know? I really need things to go well.
Lily: And we keep telling you to relax.
Sierra: Yeah, we'll do whatever we can to help.
Colleen: Oh, you're the best.
Well, at least my family will
have something else to discuss
besides J.T.
Make things a little easier.
Lily: What are you talking about?
Colleen: Oh, my god. I didn't tell you?
Sierra: Tell us what?
Colleen: Mac and billy are engaged.
Lily: What?! You're kidding?
Colleen: Yep.
Lily: When did this happen?
Colleen: I found out this morning.
Sierra: This is gonna be one great party.
Colleen: Not just a party. This will be a chance for my family to see J.T. The way I see him. It's gonna be a whole new beginning for all of us.
Lily: Yay!
Good afternoon... edmonton is
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death of a baby boy is on the
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tonight on global news at six.
Jill: Well, so much for all your speeches about how you don't own me.
Larry: Why are you getting so defensive?
Jill: I am not defensive. I had an emotionally exhausting day yesterday, all right? I was just too tired to make it home last night.
Larry: Man, how that just slips right off the old tongue.
Jill: What are you implying?
Larry: Jill, I checked with elsiann, and you didn't sleep at work. So where were you?
Jill: So now you're spying on me.
Larry: Look, when you didn't come home, I got a little concerned.
Jill: Look, if we're all
through with the interrogation,
I have to go change and shower
and get over to john's,
all right?
Because the man has a right
to know that his son is throwing
his life away.
Larry: Since when is getting hitched to a cute littleirirl like mac such--
Jill: Butt out. Honey, this isn't your business.
Larry: No, it isn't, but you are.
Jill: I can't talk now. I'm in a hurry.
Larry: In a hurry to what, mess up your relationship with billy, maybe for good this time? Is that what you want, jill?
Mac: You told your mom we're getting married next month?
Billy: I didn't mean to.
Mac: Then why did you say it?
Billy: Well, I just-- I got carried away. I was ticked off, and it just came out.
Mac: Billy, you have to tell her the trh.H.
Billy: What is the truth?
When are we getting married?
Mac: Not next month.
Billy: Why not?
Mac: Because we can'T.
Billy: Why can't we?
Mac: Billy, it's just--
Billy: It--it came out of my mouth in the heat of the moment, but I'm thinking maybe it did because it's what I want. Why shouldn't we get married as soon as possible? What are we waiting for?
Mac: You're serious?
Billy: Yeah, I'm serious. Totally.
Mac: Okay.
Billy: Really?
Mac: Really.
Billy: All right!
Mac: Oh, my gosh.
Billy: What?
Mac: I just realized
we're getting married
in a month.
We haven't even started planning
There's so much to do.
Billy: Yeah, like tell our families.
Mac: You haven't told your dad yet?
Billy: Well, my mom threatened to have a nice long talk with him.
Mac: It would be better if he hears it from you.
Billy: No kidding.
Mac: We could tell him tonight.
Billy: I'd rather not. He's got enough to deal with.
Mac: Billy, if jill gets to him first--
Billy: No, I'm not worried about that. He'll be tied up with the party. I'll tell him as soon as I can.
Mac: Okay.
Raul: Hey, guys.
Mac: Hi.
Billy: Hey.
Raul: Wanna hear
some good news?
Billy: Sure. What's up?
Raul: I heard from brittany.
Mac: You did?
Brad: Whoa.
Ashley: Would you look at this place? This is unbelievable.
Colleen: Hey, dad. Hey, ashley.
Ashley: Hey, sweetie. Hi, hi, girls.
Lily: Hi.
Brad: Hi, honey.
Colleen: Hi. Oh, this is sierra. She goes to walnut grove with me. Sierra, this is my dad and my stepmom ashley.
Brad: Hi.
Ashley: Hi.
Sierra: Hi.
Colleen: And you know lily.
Ashley: Yeah, hi.
Brad: Sure.
Well, I don't have to ask what
you three are up to.
Ashley: Looks like you've been doing it all afternoon.
Lily: Feels like we've been at it all week. Well, I think I'll go upstairs and get ready.
Sierra: I'll come with you. Nice meeting you guys.
Ashley: Nice meeting you, too.
Colleen: I'll be up in a sec. Why are you guys here?
Ashley: Wel w we thought we were gonna come here a little early and see if you needed any help, but...
Brad: Obviously, you have everything under control.
Colleen: Looks good, doesn't it?
Ashley: It does.
Brad: Yes, pretty impressive.
Colleen: Well, I hope
J.T. Likes it.
I want everything to be extra
Lauren: I can't believe she seduced an 18-year-old boy.
J.T.: 19, lauren.
Anita: How could she do that?
J.T.: Look, let me explain, okay?
Lauren: There is nothing to explain! Anita obviously took advantage of you.
J.T.: Look, we were just sitting at a table talking. And then a o of a sudden, she looks over and there's her husband with jill abbott, coming downstairs from her room.
Lauren: They spent the night together?
J.T.: Yeah, I was pretty shocked, too, and mrs. Hodges, I mean, god, she was really, really bad off, and she just moved in there this morning because--because he hadn't come home last night.
Lauren: So anita
and frederick are separated.
J.T.: Pretty much. Lauren, look, she was really messed up. I couldn't leave her sitting there, so I... I walked her up to her room. I think she really appreciated it.
Lauren: I'm sure she did.
J.T.: No, that wasn't it. It wasn't planned. It just happened. Things got out of control.
Lauren: You know, I don't buy that for a second. Anita knew exactly what would happen.
J.T.: Come on, listen to what I'm saying, lauren.
Lauren: So her life is all screwed up, and she drags some innocent kid into it.
J.T.: I'm not a kid, okay?
Lauren: Honey, you are a babe
in the woods compared to her.
She's in some empty marriage,
and she goes to try and find
someone that'll take care
of her, someone that she can
And you fit the bill perfectly.
Phyllis: Glad you falally got here, diane. Kyle and I were just talking.
Diane: Well, I'm sorry I'm a bit late. I hit a terrible traffic jam. Hey, kyle. How's my boy, huh? So, phyllis, how are things with you and jack?
Phyllis: Why are you asking me that?
Diane: Well, I was just wondering, with the two of you working for rival companies...
Phyllis: Wait a second. That's really none of your business, diane.
Diane: Oh, I'm sorry. Did I hit a nerve?
Phyllis: No, there's no nerve to hit. We don't discuss business, jack and I, by the way.
Diane: Oh, I see.
Well, doesn't that put
a terrible strain
on your marriage?
Phyllis: What are you getting at?
Diane: You know what? I'm looking out for my child's best interest. I would hate to see him caught in the middle of your personal conflicts.
Phyllis: Well, you don't have to worry. Everything is fine between jack and me--perfect, actually.
Diane: Really? That's not what you were saying when I got here. Ñx did you know the aroma happening out there for warmer weather.
Claire: Wóe
Brad: Listen, honey, I understand you want to make things special for J.T., But don't you think this is going a little--
Colleen: What?
You think it's too much?
Ashley: No, no, honey. I think we just thought that it was just gonna be a little get-together.
Colleen: Oh, well, I only invited a few people.
Brad: Has your granddad seen this?
Colleen: Yeah, he doesn't have a problem with it. Did I do something wrong?
Brad: No, colleen. I just hope J.T. Appreciates everything.
Colleen: Oh, he's going to be totally blown away, and not just about the party. Dad, it's gonna mean so much to him to know that people are finally giving him a chance.
Brad: Well, let's just take things one step at a time, okay?
Colleen: Okay.
But you'll see.
He's a really great guy.
I'm so glad you guys are letting
me do this.
You won't be sorry.
I promise.
Listen, I gotta go get ready.
Excuse me.
Ashley: Okay.
Brad: (Sighs) well, she's pretty excited.
Ashley: You think?
Brad: Why did I agree to this?
Ashley: Because you love your daughter.
Brad: I have to spend the entire evening with the guy.
Ashley: Oh, you'll survive.
Brad: J.T. Better n s screw this up. If he disappoints my little girl--
Ashley: Honey, this is all about giving him the benefit of the doubt, remember?
Brad: Yeah, I remember. I hope J.T. Does.
Ashley: Shh.
Brad: I'm giving him one chance, one. And he better not blow it.
Billy: You heard
from brittany?
Raul: Yeah. I mean, not heard exactly, but she I.M.'D me.
Mac: Where is she?
Raul: I don't know.
Billy: What did she say?
Raul: She's gonna call me tonight.
Raul: I'm gonna take my cell phone to the party.
Mac: At least we know she's okay.
Billy: Did you tell her parents?
Raul: Yeah, yeah, I got ahold of them over at her dad's office. Yeah, they wanted to be there when she called. I told them no.
Billy: That's probably smart.
Raul: I understand they're
worried about her, but I--
I'm afraid that they're gonna
make things worse.
You know how they are.
Mac: Do you think brittany's ready to come home?
Raul: H hope so. I mean, I know if she's pregnant, she's gotta be scared. But we got into this together, and I think we should figure it out together.
Mac: Well, I'm so happy for you.
Raul: No, don't be happy for me yet, mac. She's still not home. I could still say something stupid and freak her out anand not hear from her for another month.
Mac: Oh, like that's gonna happen.
Billy: I'm sure you'll say exactly the right thing, buddy.
Raul: Man, I can't tell
you guys the relief I felt
when I saw her screen name
pop up on the computer.
I have been freaking out.
Mac: We all have. But how much you wanna bet by this meme tomorrow, she'll be back home?
Raul: Can this day get any better, huh? Seriously, I mean, first I find out you guys are engaged, and then I get a message from brittany.
Billy: So let's go out and celebrate.
Mac: Nice try.
Raul: What?
Mac: He doesn't want to go to J.T.'S party.
Raul: Oh, come on, man. How bad can it actually be?
Billy: If J.T.'S there, I'm thinking pretty bad.
Mac: Forget it, pal. We're going. You guys better hurry up. We're gonna be late. Come on, go.
Raul: What, she's cracking
the whip on you already?
Billy: I guess I'd better get used to it, huh?
Raul: Does she have a ring yet? Better watch out for that, I'm serious.
Larry: Jill, your kid isn't a kid anymore. He's gonna do what he wants, and you're making a big mistake if you don't lay off.
Jill: Is the lecture on parenting over?
Larry: Did you go back over there and get in billy's face again?
Jill: Yes, I went to speak to my son.
Larry: Speak at him, you mean.
Jill: Larry, this is important. I can't give up.
Larry: So what,
instead of making the same
mistake twice, you're gonna make
it three times now?
Jill: I'd make it a hundred times as long as there's one little chance that he could hear me.
Larry: Gee, I don't suppose you're being egged on by anyone, say who, oh, freddy boy? It is him, isn't it? Damn it!
Jill: I'm gonna go get cleaned up and talk to john.
Larry: Look, jill, don't walk out on me! Jill! Jill!
Are you right ñ ñ Ñ q q Ñ ç ñ Ñ I t q x t q q q x r ú
Ashley: What you got over there?
John: Well, hello there, you two.
Brad: Hey, john.
Ashley: I have to see that cake.
John: You want to take a look?
Ashley: Yes.
Oh, look how gorgeous that is.
John: Thanks. Baked it myself.
Ashley: Sure you did.
John: Terrific work.
Colleen: Oh, granddad, you got the cake.
John: Said I would, didn't I?
Colleen: Yay! Oh, my god! Do we have candles?
John: Actually, they sell those at the bakery.
Colleen: Oh, you're the best! J.T.'S gonna be so surprised.
Ashley: You girls look so beautiful. Sierra, I love that dress.
Sierra: Thanks, mrs. Carlton.
Ashley: Did you do something different with your hair?
Lily: Just a few extra curls. That's it.
Ashley: Oh, it looks good.
Lily: Thank you.
Colleen: What am I,
chopped liver?
John: Oh, definitely chopped liver.
Ashley: What he means to say...
Colleen: I know. I look...
Lily: Beautiful.
Brad: Young mr. Hellstrom better appreciate all this.
Colleen: Oh, he will.
Brad: So what time does this little shindig get underway?
Colleen: It already started. The birthday boy's just not here.
Ashley: And you're sure he doesn't know?
Colleen: I'm sure. Right, girls?
Sierra: Don't look at me. I would never tell him.
Lily: No way. He thinks that he and colleen are going out for a quiet little dinner.
Ashley: Very sneaky.
Colleen: Mm-hmm.
Hey, you guys,
let's look at the cake.
Brad: Quiet little dinner sounds good. Let's go.
Ashley: Stop it. We're staying.
Brad: I'm just kidding.
Ashley: It's gonna be fun. We'll take our shoes off, and you can watch me try to dance.
Brad: Promise?
Ashley: Sure.
Mac: Hi.
Colleen: Oh, hey, guys.
Lily: Hi.
Ashley: How are you?
Billy: Good.
Ashley: Hi, you guys.
Brad: Hey, billy, hi.
Billy: So, dad, how's it going? (Blender whirring)
Larry: Jill, look, we need to talk, okay?
Jill: Larry, I know
you mean well, but could you
please get off my case
about this?
Larry: Look, I'm trying to save you from a world of hurt where billy is concerned. I mean, how is going to see his dad and stirring up some trouble going to keep him from marrying mackenzie? Seems to me if both of you gang up on him, then he's--
Jill: Why can't you see this? His whole future is at stake. Now I need to get john on my side before billy gets to him.
Larry: I just don't get it.
Frederick: We'll both be there, anita. I agree it's important. We don't need the guittierez kid's permission.
Anita: What kind of party could he be going to at the abbotts' anyway?
Frederick: Who knows?
It's probably some sort
of teen thing.
Anita: Oh, whatever. I'm sure they'll understand.
Frederick: What, us showing up uninvited?
Anita: Look, she is our daughter. We have every right to be there when that phone call comes in.
Frederick: Why are we arguing? You know, right now our focus needs to be on brittany. We need to find out where she is, and if she's coming home, we need to be in on that phone call. Look, I'm gonna head home. I'm gonna grab a shower and shave.
Anita: That's a novel idea.
Frederick: I tell you what. I'll meet you back here. We can drive over together.
John: Well, I'm fine, son. How about you?
Billy: Good, good, yeah.
John: Getting settled in with mac in your new place?
Billy: Yeah, yeah, thanks. We are. You talked to mom lately?
John: Well, I haven't seen her. Well, she called me. That's right, but I was busy.
Billy: Oh, that's cool. Well, it looks like it's gonna be a fun party.
John: Really?
Billy: Well, what can I say? We're doing it for colleen, right?
John: That's good of you because it means a lot to her. Oh, hi, raul, mac.
Rau h hey, mr. Abbott.
Mac: Hi.
Raul: Listen, would you mind if I plug in my cell phone charger somewhere?
John: No problem, son.
Just find an outlet.
Raul: Thank you.
Billy: Raul's expecting a pretty important call from brittany.
John: You kids. So serious about everything. In a big hurry to grow up.
Billy: Well, you know how it is.
Mac: He obviously doesn't know yet.
Billy: No, and this would
definitely not be a good time
to tell him about our marriage
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Phyllis: You eavesdropping, diane?
Diane: Oh, for crying out loud.
Phyllis: Here. Okay, listen, things aren't perfect. Who has perfect anyway, you know?
Diane: No, no, no, no, no. Far from perfect, I believe you said.
Kyle: (Babbling)
Phyllis: Jack and i don't let our personal issues affect kyle anyway, okay?
Diane: Well, I don't see how you can help it, and he's living with you.
Phyllis: Oh, is that what this is about? Oh, you still have a problem because kyle lives with me, right?
Diane: Why is it so hard
for you to believe that I'm
actually concerned
about kyle's welfare?
Phyllis: Really, why is it so hard? Well, because I know you, and you've always used thischild as a pawn.
Diane: That is so unfair. This child is the only thing I've got in the world.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Now that we have custody and you can't use him as leverage over jack.
Diane: You know what? You are h holier than thou. You know what, phyllis? I'm just sick of hearing you gloat.
Phyllis: Oh, stop it.
I'm not gloating.
Would you relax?
I love him.
He means the world to me.
Yes, he's perfect and lovely
and adorable, diane,
and everything he should be.
And you're right.
Kyle's happiness shouldn't be
I would know that more than
anybody after what happened
with me and my son.
Kyle: (Babbling)
Diane: Hey, kyle. It's time to go. We're gonna have such a good time. I can't get you out of here. Thanks. It's kind of stuck. Okay, up we go. Oh, you know what? You can just keep those toys. I'll get 'em next time.
Diane: You know, phyllis...
Kyle: (Babbling)
Diane: I'll probably kick myself for saying this, and if you quote me, I'll deny it, whatever you and jack are going through, whatever's bothering you...
Kyle: (Babbling)
Diane: I know you'll get
through it because, phyllis,
he really loves you,
as much as I hate to admit it.
Phyllis: Thank you. Thank you for saying that.
Diane: Okay, well, we'd better go. Hey, hey, you, say good-bye to phyllis.
Kyle: (Babbling)
Diane: Say good-bye to your stepmom.
Kyle: (Babbling)
Phyllis: Bye. Bye.
J.T.: Okay, you're being really hard on mrs. Hodges. It wasn't all her.
Lauren: Oh? Then who was it?
J.T.: I'm a big boy, lauren. I knew what I was doing.
Lauren: Really?
You really thought through
all the repercussions
of becoming sexually involved
with this older, married woman.
U u thought about her being
the mother to your friend.
You thought about what would
happen if her husband found out.
You thought about colleen
and the fact that she worships
the ground you walk on.
J.T.: Stop it, lauren.
Lauren: See, you were not thinking at all, and at's exactly what anita was counting on. I mean, doesn't she know that you're in love with someone? Didn't you happen to mention that?
J.T.: Damn it, lauren, stop! Don't do this to me right now, okay?
Lauren: You have not thought this out! You need to think about what this means! So how did you and anita leave things?
J.T.: Look, we, uh, we didn't really pick it apart, okay? We just-- we just talked a little, and I said good-bye.
Lauren: Then what happens
the next time you just
run into her?
What are you gonna do?
Lily: So is J.T. Gonna be here on time?
Colleen: I hope so.
Sierra: Your uncle is so hot.
Colleen: And so taken.
Lily: Please, let her dream.
Ashley: So are you guys it?
Colleen: What do you mean?
Ashley: Where's all the college kids?
Colleen: Billy, mac and raul are here.
Ashley: They're more like family.
Colleen: Well, that's kind of the whole point.
Ashley: How so?
Colleen: Welli I want J.T. To feel at home.
Ashley: Oh, I see.
Colleen: Yeah. Any reason I shouldn't?
Ashley: I just wouldn't push him on the family too hard.
Lily: Come on, sierra.
Let's make sure the drinks
are cold.
Sierra: They're in the fridge. You already checke
Lily: Well, let's make sure anyway.
Sierra: Okay.
Colleen: I don't understand, ashley.
Ashley: I'm just trying to help.
Colleen: You already have. Look, I am so grateful that you and dad are letting me date J.T. Like a normal person. You will not regret this. I promise.
Ashley: But you'd rather do without my words of advice, right?
Colleen: Yeah, I kind of need to do this on my own.
Ashley: Fair enough.
Billy: So you and ashley and dad all of a sudden decided to lighten up on colleen.
Brad: It's a little
experiment called
"taking colleen at her word."
Billy: There's a lot to be said for that. People let you down if that's what you expect them to do.
Brad: Where'd you get so wise?
Billy: Well, college. Where else?
Brad: Ah, good judgment 101? It's a pass or fail class.
Billy: Yeah, no kidding.
Brad: Listen, billy, as much as I am trying to have faith in my daughter, I'd like you to keep an eye peeled if you don't mind.
Billy: Where J.T. Is concerned, you don't even have to ask.
Brad: I don't like him any better than you do.
Billy: But you're cutting colleen some slack.
Brad: I'm trying to give her
an opportunity to prove she can
handle some added
Billy: Yeah, I could use a little benefit of the doubt myself.
Brad: You don't look too happy to see your old man.
Billy: I gotta tell him some news I don't think he's gonna wanna hear.
Brad: Well, that's never fun.
Billy: Yeah.
John: Colleen, honey, I found this present on the stairs.
Colleen: Oh, it's J.T.'S present.
John: Ah.
Ashley: What did you get him?
Colleen: A shirt.
John: And I'm sure he's gonna love it.
Ashley: Could I ask you something, daddy?
John: Sure, ash.
Lily: A shirt?
Colleen: Don't worry, honey.
That's just for show.
I'll give him his real present
Lily: Colleen.
Colleen: Be cool.
Lily: You be cool.
Billy: All charged up?
Raul: Yeah, I gotta make sure it stays that way. Things look fine with your dad.
Billy: Yeah, 'cause he doesn't know yet.
Raul: When are you, uh...
Billy: Not now.
Raul: You'd better enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts. Damn.
Mac: The wait's killing you, isn't it?
Raul: Why hasn't she called yet? What the hell's with all this mystery?
Billy: That's what you're gonna find out, man.
Colleen: Hey, listen,
everyone, J.T.'S gonna be here
soon, so I need everyone to have
a hiding place picked out.
Brad: Honey, come on, do we really need to do that?
Colleen: Well, yeah, it's a surprise party.
Billy: Oh, he'll be plenty surprised that we're here.
Colleen: Don't mess with me, billy. Look, I want it to be one of those parties, you know, where everyone pops out and yells "surprise!"
Ashley: You guys, we're gonna do this colleen's way.
Colleen: Thank you.
Mac: Yeah, really.
John: All right, how about if I stand in the corner with a lampshade on my head? Think that'll work?
Colleen: Okay.
Ashley: I'm gonna go over here.
Lily: Hey, wait, okay. I saw that first.
Sierra: No way.
I put dibs on this spot already.
Lily: Fine. Guess I'll go under the table. (Doorbell rings)
Colleen: Oh, my gosh, you guys. Hurry up. Hide. Hurry up. Jill, what are you doing here?
Jill: Excuse me?
Lauren: So what happens the next time anita needs comforting and crooks her little finger at you? What are you gonna do?
J.T.: Lauren, you're hitting me with all these questions, and I can barely see straight right now.
Lauren: Well, you know,
one of two things
is gonna happen.
Either she's gonna pretend
like the two of you
were never together,
or she's gonna be back for more,
and I bet it's the latter,
because all you do
is make excuses for her.
J.T.: Oh, come on.
Lauren: Look, I realize that you are sexually frustrated--
J.T.: Lauren, stop, all right?
Lauren: But what are you planning on doing? Are you gonna continue your affair with anita while you're dating colleen?
J.T.: No, no,kakay? I am not sneaking around behind colleen's back.
Lauren: Well, I'm glad to hear that, but what are you gonna do? Are you gonna break up with her? Are you gonna tell her what happened?
J.T.: Lauren, I-I can't tell her what happened. It would kill her. Look, I'm the one who made the mistake, d d I'm gonna deal with it.
Lauren: And you can
actually look her in the eyes
and pretend that
nothing's changed?
J.T.: That's exactly what I'm gonna try to-- what time is it?
Lauren: It's almost 6. Why?
J.T.: (Sighs) I got a date with colleen. I gotta go.
Lauren: What are you, crazy? If she sees you like this, she's gonna know that something's wrong.
J.T.: I can't bail on her, okay? It's my birthday. She has something special planned.
Lauren: Oh. J.T.!
Lauren: Happy birthday.
Jill: John, what is going on here?
John: Jill, what are you doing here? This is a surprise party.
Jill: Who for?
John: J.T. Hellstrom.
Jill: Oh, for god's sake,
I need to talk to you.
Billy: Mom, can I talk to you first?
Jill: Why?
Billy: Please?
John: Billy, please.
Billy: Dad, it's no big deal. I just need to talk to mom.
John: Well, that's fine with me, but J.T. Could be here any minute.
Colleen: Yeah. That's right, guys. Can we not do this here, not now?
Jill: Colleen, please don't order me around.
John: Jill, be carel.L.
Billy: Mom, ease up.
Jill: And don't you tell me to ease up. Why?
Billy: Now, mom.
Jill: You have good news for me?
John: What are you two talking about?
Jill: Do you?
Billy: Let's just go
into the dining room, okay?
Jill: Not unless you tell me you have good news for me.
John: Jill! Take it into the dining room.
Billy: Come on, mom, please.
Jill: No, no, no. She is not part of this discussion.
Jill: All right, let's hear it, billy. Have you and mackenzie come to your senses?
Billy: Nothing has changed, mom.
Jill: And does your father know?
Billy: No.
Jill: Well, then it's high time he did.
Billy: Mom, sp,p, please.
This is colleen's night,
all right?
It's very important for her.
It's not like I'm gonna keep
mac and me getting married
a secret, but let's not
ruin things for colleen.
Jill: Aw, you're so concerned about your little niece's feelings. What about your mother's feelings when you drop this insane notion of getting married on my head? Where was all this consideration then? (Sighs) john? John.
John: Jill, I told you that we're having a party tonight. We will talk about it tomorrow.
Jill: This is important. (Doorbell rings)
Colleen: Oh, my god, you guys. Everyone, hide.
John: Not to worry, honey. It is not J.T.
Colleen: Well, who is it?!
Frederick: Hello, john.
Anita: Hi, john. Is raul h-- clubs?
Raul: What are you
doing here?
Frederick: Well, you oughta know.
John: Now does this have to do with the call you're expecting?
Anita: Yes, john. We haven't spoken with our daughter in weeks.
John: What?
Frederick: It's a long story, john, but we have to be wherever he's gonna be this evening.
John: All right, well,please, make yourselves comfortable.
Anita: Thank you.
Colleen: Granddad.
John: Take it easy.
Brad: The more the merrier. It'll be fine.
Ashley: Sweetie, did you put any candles on the cake?
Colleen: No, I can't find matches.
Brad: Take it easy. We'll get a match for you.
Colleen: Okay.
Ashley: It's gonna be fine.
John: Settle down.
Lily: So many adults.
Colleen: Yeah.
Sierra: Whose party is this?
Colleen: You know what? We are gonna make this
our party, okay? We are gonna make this about surprising J.T., Right?
Lily: Right.
Sierra: Billy looks so unhappy.
Lily: And what, you're gonna do something about it?
Sierra: I could try.
Colleen: (Sighs)
John: So how are you, anita?
Anita: Good, thank you. So who's having the party?
John: Oh, my granddaughter colleen-- lovely young lady in the pink dress.
Anita: We've met before.
She looks beautiful.
What's the occasion?
John: Oh, a surprise birthday party for her boyfriend.
Anita: Oh, well, that's nice.
John: In fact, J.T. Should be here any moment.
Anita: J.T.? John: Hellstrom-- tom and martha's boy?
Anita: Yes, of course.
John: Well, god help us, that's colleen's boyfriend.
Anita: And he's coming here?
John: Yes. Uh, would you excuse me a minute?
Anita: Sure.
Frederick: How are you?
Jill: I'm fine. And you? Have you had a chance to talk to anita yet?
Frederick: Uh, you bet I did.
Jill: And? Any improvement in the situation?
Frederick: Not exactly. She wants a separation.
Jill: Oh, my god. Why?
Anita: We need to go.
Frederick: What are you talking about?
Anita: Did you not hear me? We need to leave.
Frederick: No, we're staying here. Brittany's gonna call.
Sierra: J.T. Just pulled up. Everybody, hide.
Jill: Hide?
Colleen: Come on. Come on. Yeah, you guys, find a place to hide, please?
John: Okay.
Colleen: Look, just stand over there.
Anita: There's gotta a back door. Let's just get out of here.
Frederick: No! We're staying.
Colleen: Hi.
J.T.: You, uh, ready to...
Lily and sierra: Surprise!
Lily: Happy birthday.
Sierra and mac: Happy birthday.
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