Y&R Transcript Tuesday 4/08/03--Canada; Wednesday
Provided By Eric
Larry: You rang? Oh, well, thanks for coming, larry.
Jill: Thank you.
Larry: So how was your day, larry? Tell you what. Let's start with jill's day. Has it been that bad?
Jill: Horrible.
Larry: Look, I heard about
Jill: No, larry, you didn't hear about this. Not this.
Larry: Okay, why don't you
tell me then?
Jill: It's about billy and mackenzie.
Larry: Are they all right?
Jill: No, the towards an unimaginable disaster.
Larry: What, like, they're gonna get married or something? What, they are? Oh, man.
Jill: It's a mother's worst nigh
Larry: Cute little mac, though, huh? Baby, look, your son could do a whole lot worse than her.
Jill: Gee, what a great thing to say. Thank you. You've made me feel so much better.
Frederick: Brittany's been gone for days, weeks. It's time we stopped sitting on our hands and do something.
Anita: So what does
the man of action plan to do?
Frederick: What I mentioned before-- hire a private investigator.
Anita: Frederick, those people very rarely ever accomplish anything.
Frederick: Well, I've got some contacts at the state police. Maybe we should try them first.
Anita: Well, thank god. You're finally doing something.
Frederick: You know, all I care about is brittany, whatever it takes to get her home to us. Now can I count on you?
Anita: To do what?
Frederick: To make yourself available for some meetings. To try to provide some sort of input.
Anita: You mean despite
the fact that I'm a terrible
mother, I might actually be able
to contribute something?
Frederick: What's with this attitude?
Anita: I'm just wondering why you need my help. You were acting so cocky the other night about finding jill abbott's birth mother.
Frederick: That was a completely different situation.
Anita: Really? You know, you never answered my question about jill. Did she kiss you?
Frederick: You're right. I didn't answer. I'm not going to dignify that remark.
Anita: Well, the answer is obviously "yes," then. I'd say a kiss was involved, at the very least. (Doorbell rings)
Paul:Ndnd what do you want?
Michael: I know you're alone.
I saw your wife leave.
Paul: So you're stalking me now?
Michael: Yeah. So may I come in, or do you want to talk out here in the hall?
Paul: If those are my only options, you got five minutes.
Michael: Thank you. You know, pa, I've always thought of you as such a do-gooder, you know, mom, apple pie, the flag kind of guy, taking little old ladies across--
Paul: You know, if you really want me to listen, I'd get to the point.
Michael: Okay.
The point is you don't fool me
You don't fool anyone anymore.
And maybe that's a good thing.
It's good to be who you really
are, not just some cardboard
Paul: Clock is ticking.
Michael: When I first found out the truth about what happened that night, christine begged me not to come over here. She was afraid I'd completely lose it, do something really stupid like murder you.
Paul: And yet you came anyway.
Michael: Yeah, yeah, after I cooled down, I realized she was right. You're not worth going back to prison for.
Paul: Whew. Close call for me, huh?
Michael: The point is, since then I've had a lot of time to think, and I have come to a conclusion.
Paul: What, pray tell, is that?
Michael: Since i
understand you so much better
than I did before, I realize
that we have a lot in common.
Lily: Hey, what are you smiling about?
Colleen: How are you, lily?
Lily: I'm good. Does this good mood of yours have something to do with J.T.?
Colleen: Maybe.
Lily: Oh, god, I should have known. I swear, you, like, think about that guy 24/7.
Colleen: Hey, it's the price you pay for being in love.
Lily: Can't wait till I know what that's like.
Colleen: Hey, it's gonna happen for you.
Lily: Yeah, sure.
Colleen: What about that guy you met online?
Lily: That's not going anywhere. But, hey, enough about me and my pathetic love life. What's up with you and J.T.?
Colleen: Well, it's his
birthday tomorrow.
Lily: It is?
Colleen: Yeah.
Lily: So he's gonna be, like, what, 24?
Colleen: Ha ha. He'll be 19, and anyway, it's his first birthday since we've been a couple, and I want to make it the best one he's ever had.
J.T.: Yeah, thanks for the invite, jason, but I gotta pass, man. Because I can'T. Yeah, dude, I mean it. I gotta work, all right? All right, I'll see you later.
Lauren: You turning down invitations?
J.T.: Hey, uh, yeah, it kinda seemed like a bad idea.
Lauren: Going out with the guys 'cause you have a girlfriend is a bad idea?
J.T.: No,
it wasn't like that.
It was gonna be jason
and a couple
of these girls he met.
Lauren: And that can't be a friendly thing?
J.T.: Well, why set up a girl to be disappointed?
Lauren: 'Cause you're so irresistible.
J.T.: You got it.
Lauren: Ha ha ha ha. You know what I think it is? I think you're afraid to give in to temptation.
J.T.: No, no, not really. But why torture myself, lauren?
Lauren: Is that what it would be, torture?
J.T.: Look, no offense, but you got this way of putting words in my mouth.
Lauren: Is that what I'm doing here?
J.T.: Yeah.
Lauren: You know, I really
admire your devotion to colleen.
But I don't think it's gonna get
any easier just, you know,
holding hands
and stealing kisses.
J.T.: Hey, those customers are gonna need my help. Good afternoon. Here's a look at some of the stories we're working on for global news at six. - The klein government unveils its new spending plans. The good news is your taxes won't be going up, and there's more spending in key areas. We'll tell you how much. The province is making it tougher for teens to drop out of school.The oilers are all set to battle the stars in dallas tomorrow night. We'll have a live report from the lone star state.That's tonight on global news at six.
Isabella: Working late, chantal?
Chantal: Playing catch-up. Something I can do for you?
Isabella: I have a check.
Chantal: Why, isabella,
you shouldn't have.
Isabella: It's for michael. Final payment for his services.
Chantal: I'll take it. I'll make sure michael gets it.
Isabella: I'd rather give it to him myself if you don't mind.
Chris: Hey, chantal, you can head out if you w-- isabella.
Isabella: Christine.
Chris: What do you want?
Isabella: Apparently, michael's not here.
>>Hrhris: That's right. Chantal, if you want to go, I'll lock up.
Chantal: Sure you don't want me to stick around, chris?
Chris: No, it's okay. You go on home.
Chantal: You're the boss. Good night, ladies.
Isabella: Good night.
Chantal: Play nice.
Ricardo: I was surprised to
get your call, miss bassett.
Lynne: Well, thank you for taking the time to see us. I know we only met you that one time at your grandson's christening.
Ricardo: I'm flattered. Two lovely ladies taking the time to look me up. My wife should be jealous.
Marissa: You're sweet, but really tell her that we're perfectly harmless.
Ricardo: Are you in los angeles for long?
Lynne: Just a brief vacatio
Ricardo: Perhaps I can recommend some interesting place for you to visit.
Marissa: Yes, we'd love that.
Ricardo: Most people who come to california make the beach their first stop.
Lynne: That would be a great idea. We'll have to do that.
Marissa: I can't wait to see
the pacific ocean.
Lynne: Have you heard from you daughter recently?
Ricardo: Yes, a short note yesterday.
Lynne: It's wonderful, isn't it, she and paul are doing so well?
Ricardo: Yeah, I'm relieved. For a while there, they were having problems.
Marissa: Yeah, it's so fortunate they were able to work them out.
Ricardo: I'm glad. Paul is such a fine man.
Lynne: Oh, he's the best, but then, I'm prejudiced since he's my boss.
Ricardo: And how is that little grandson of mine?
Lynne: A real charmer, he is growing like a weed.
Ricardo: Isabella sends me
She's such a lucky woman
to have such a loving family.
Lynne: She really is, and I know you wouldn't want anything to jeopardize that.
Marissa: Like isabella's past.
Lauren: All right, so let me know if you need anything. Oh, you know what? I forgot. I have a message for you.
J.T.: What's that?
Lauren: Anita hodges stopped by last night, asked you to call her. Any idea what that's about?
J.T.: Brittany, I guess.
Lauren: I thought the two of you had talked about that already.
J.T.: Yeah, well, maybe she heard something.
Lauren: She said she hadn'T.
J.T.: Hmm. I don't know.
Lauren: Do you have any idea
why she'd be talking to you
about this and not raul?
J.T.: Yeah, because she'd like him to drop off the face of the earth. Why are you asking me these questions, lauren?
Lauren: Because we never finished our conversation from the coffeehouse.
J.T.: What about it?
Lauren: You know, all the things you told me about anita hodges and what the two of you got into at the lodge.
J.T.: Look, I explained how it happened.
Lauren: Are you sure all that happened was conversation? Because I've been picking up some very strange vibes.
J.T.: Come on, lauren. What are you getting at?
Lauren: I think you know.
J.T.: Oh, come on. Don't go there, all right? Just don'T.
Lauren: You know, for a woman anita's age, who's known you
since, what, kindergarten,
to all of a sudden start talking
to you about the intimate
details of her marriage.
I mean, you don't find that
the least bit bizarre?
J.T.: No, no, I don'T. Like you said, I've known her for years. Look, I was just a friendly face, okay, lauren? That's it.
Lauren: Yeah, at a time when she desperately needed one.
J.T.: Look, I really appreciate you looking out for me, but I'm all right.
Lauren: I'm serious. I don't think the two of you should be confiding in each other, especially at this time when you're so frustrated.
J.T.: I hear ya, okay? I hear ya.
Lauren: Good. All right, you know, I just hired a new consultant at the bridal salon, so I have to go meet with him. Can you...
J.T.: Yeah, yeah,
I'll lock up.
It's fine.
Lauren: You sure?
J.T.: Yeah, of course.
Lauren: Thanks.
Larry: Listen, jill, if you want to get all cranked up about what your baby boy is doing, you can, but it's not gonna do you or him any good.
Jill: Larry, billy is too young to be making a decision like this.
Larry: Well, he's old enough to vote, and he's old enough to fight for his country, and he's old enough to make some decisions without your permission. Babe, you gotta let it go.
Jill: Larry, this isn't what I want to hear.
Larry: It's been that rough a day, huh?
Jill: It has.
Larry: I heard yesterday
wasn't so hot, either.
Jill: Who told you that?
Lar: : Mrs. Chancellor said that you finally hooked up with your birth moth.
Jill: Did she? And what did the old gossip tell you about it?
Larry: Just that you were a little disappointed.
Jill: Well, I wasn'T.
Larry: So what's her name?
Jill: Charlotte.
Larry: Charlotte. What's the deal with charlotte and the sauce?
Jill: We meatat gina's, all right, and she had a little bit too much to drink. She was nervous. She probably wasn'used to drinking.
Larry: Did she act like she wasn't used to it?
Jill: Well, she kinda-- she had a little flask with her.
Larry: Oh, oh, whoa.
Jill: Look, she was probably just fortifying herself. It isn't every night you meet a daughter that you haven't set eyes on since the day she was born.
Larry: Jill, you need to be careful here, okay? You gotta protect yourself in case--
Jill: You know what? You know what, larry? These things that you're saying, they are not exactly music to my ears, so I'll just catch you another time.
Frederick: You can take your little barbs and innuendoes someplace else. I've got work to do.
Anita: The fact that you're evading my question makes me wonder--
Frederick: Just stop this.
Anita: No, I wonder how hot
and heavy things did get.
One can only fantasize about how
the woman thanked you, frederick.
Frederick: Well, it just goes to show how much you know.
Anita: Meaning?
Frederick: I haven't seen nor spoken to jill since she met with her birth mother.
Anita: Oh, poor baby. I feel so bad for you. You know, it's par for the course with tt t woman, frederick. She's a user. She takes what she wants from people, and then she drops them like a hot rock.
Frederick: Are you finished?
Anita: I hope you learn
to keep your ego
on a shorter leash.
I hate to break it to you,
sweetheart, but you aren't
god's gift when it comes
to women.
I know that's a real blow,
given how much your self-esteem
is based on it.
Frederick: You know, anita, for you to say something like that, just really goes to show how really little you know me. (Cell phone rings) (ring)
Anita: Hello.
J.T.: Mrs. Hodges.
Anita: Who's this?
J.T.: It's J.T. You wanted me to call.
Anita: Yes, about brittany.
J.T.: Look, I told you everything I knew.
Anita: I still would like to talk to you about it.
J.T.: Okay, where, the lodge?
Anita: That would be great. First thing tomorrow morning.
J.T.: All right, I'll see you then.
Anita: Bye.
Frederick: What about brittany?
Anita: Nothing you need to concern yourself with.
Frederick: Anita, who was that? And what are you supposed to learn about brittany?
Anita: You have your sources, frederick. I have mine.
Frederick: Anita! Damn it!
Anita: Listen, if you set up that meeting with the state police, call me. I'll be there. Good night. (Door opens and closes)
Michael: It's ironic
if you think about it.
You've hated me all these years
for something I almost did
to christine, and as horrible
as it was, chris and I got past
it, not you.
You always held it against me,
and here you are, accused
of something much worse.
Paul: It's not the same, baldwin.
Michael: How do you figure that?
Paul: Chris and I aren't exactly strangers.
Michael: If you think that excuses it, I doubt a court would agree.
Paul: Oh, I see. So you're gonna talk her into pressing charges?
Michael: No, look, I'm sorry. Can weusust stop with the hostility? I really, really did come here with the best of intentions.
Paul: Well, let me guess. You came to apologize.
Michael: Hear me out.
Hear me--hear me out!
I can understand how loving
someone like christine can make
a man do crazy things.
She's a very desirable woman.
She has the best heart.
To get to know her,
really get to know her,
it's like an addiction.
It's actually painful to think
of her--
Paul: Look, don't presume to know how I feel.
Michael: I'm just saying that I can relate. That's all I'm saying. And I am begging you to let her go. After what you've done to your wife and your son and to chris and even to yourself, don't you think it's time to stop the bleeding?
Paul: Okay, you're telling me this why?
Michael: I'm telling you this because you are ruining so many lives and because you have so much to lose.
Paul: Or maybe it's because you're trying to psych out the competition.
Michael: Listen to yourself.
After everything that's
happened, you still think of me
as the competition.
What's wrong with that picture?
Lily: So J.T. Is turning 19.
Colleen: Ahah, I want to do something, you know, really special for him.
Lily: Any ideas?
Colleen: None. That's why I called you over, hoping you'd help me out.
Lily: Well, did you ask him what he wants to do?
Colleen: Unh-unh. He doesn't know that I know.
Lily: He didn't even mention it?
Colleen: J.T. Wouldn't do that.
Lily: N e even to get presents?
Colleen: He likes to keep things low-key.
Lily: Low-key?
Okay, are we talking about
the same J.T. Here--
the guy who crashed
the valentine's day dance
and sang to you in front
of everybody?
Colleen: Yeah, but that was different. Yes, he likes to do things for me, but, you know, he never expects to make a big production for him.
Lily: Well, why don't you take him out to dinner or something, someplace fancy?
Colleen: Not really what i had in mind.
Lily: Ooh, what about a concert?
Colleen: No, I already checked if the counting crows were playing, and they're not.
Lily: Oh.
Colleen: God, you know, I wish I had a lot of money to do something, you know, like, really incredible.
Lily: You don't have to spend
a lot of money, colleen.
It's not like J.T.'S expecting
anything, and I'm sure whatever
you do, he'll love it.
Colleen: God, I know him so well. You'd think picking something would be so easy.
Lily: Yeah.
Colleen: Oh, my god. I just had the best idea.
Lily: What?
Colleen: I have to go. I have to go.
Lily: Wait.
Colleen: No, I'm so sorry to run out on you. I'll tell you everything later. I promise. (Blows a kiss)
Ricardo: My daughter's past-- what about it?
Lynne: I was referring to the case michael baldwin helped h w with.
Ricardo: I didn't think too many people knew about that.
Lynne: When you work for
a detective as long as I have,
you develop big ears.
Ricardo: When I saw mr. Baldwin at the christening, he asked me not to mention it.
Marissa: Really? I wonder why.
Ricardo: I don't know. For mr. Baldwin it was just another case, I would think. For our family, it was a very embarrassing and painful time. You said it would cause problems for my daughter?
Lynne: This happened before isabella came to genoa city. Isn't that right?
Ricardo: Yes.
Lynne: Then I don't think it should.
Ricardo: Why are you bringing this up? I mean, after all, you are paul's friend.
Lynne: Oh, very much so.
Ricardo: You wouldn't want his marriage to suffer.
Lynne: I've always wanted
what's best for paul.
Ricardo: Look, unless there's some necessity, I really don't want to talk about this. It's-- it's only reliving a time of my life I want to forget.
Lynne: I understand.
Ricardo: Why should anything that happened so long ago matter now?
Marissa: How long ago was it exactly? Oh, I'm sorry. I don't owow why I asked that. You're right. We should probably just drop this.
Ricardo: I think we should.
Lynne: You're leaving?
Ricardo: Yes, I think
it would be sad and unfair that
my daughter's youthful
indiscretions would cause her
problems after all these years.
She has found happiness.
She deserves it.
I trust we agree on this.
Have a pleasant vacation.
I cocommend the beach
in santa monica.
It's really quite lovely.
Isabella: How are you, christine, or should I say kelly?
Chris: Then you know.
Isabella: You fooled a lot of people.
Chris: Who told you?
Isabella: That's not important.
Chris: Well, to answer your question, I'm fine, and kelly is no longer with us.
Isabella: Good riddance.
Chris: It really doesn't make much difference, though, does it? You really couldn't stand either one of us.
Isabella: You know, I'll never understand why you came to my house posing as someone else.
Chris: Well, would you haveanswered my questions if you had known it was me?
Isabella: You know, christine, if you want to know
about my ex-husband, ask me.
I'll tell you anything you want
to know, but that's not what
it was about, was it?
Your intention was to threaten
my marriage, but guess what?
You failed.
Paul and I are closer now.
Chris: Really?
Isabella: He's such a dear man. He's attentive. He's eager to make up for all the hurt that he's caused me.
Chris: I'm glad you've forgiven him.
Isabella: Of course I forgive him. I love him, and he loves me. He adores ricky, and he's a great, great father. And you and michael.
Chris: What about michael and me?
Isabella: How are you two doing? Are you still engaged?
Jill: Maybe I shouldn't have come here looking for somebody to tell my troubles to.
Frederick: Jill, I-- no, I'm fine.
Jill: Come on, frederick,
Frederick: I mean it. Don't worry about me.
Jill: Isn't that what friends are for?
Frederick: Exactly. But right now I want to know about your meeting with your birth mother. I gather it happened.
Jill: Yeah, yeah. Her name is charlotte ramsey, which I suspect you already know, and the meeting took place as planned at gina'S.
>>Frederick: Well, how'd it go?
Jill: I enjoyed it.
Frederick: But?
Jill: It's nothing, at least not to me.
Frederick: What?
Jill: She drank.
Frederick: Yeah... and?
Jill: Well, nothing.
I mean, she had a couple
of drinks, and it--
it affected her very strongly,
though, but we had
a nice conversation.
She's very sweet really.
She seemed glad to see me.
Frederick: Well, I don't see what the problem was.
Jill: Well, it's just the drinking. I mean, as I said, it doesn't bother me. It's just that everybody else I've told about it, they-- well, they're acting like it's some awful thing.
Frederick: Well, maybe you've been talking to the wrong people. You're looking live at edmonton from our skytracker atop manulife placegood afternoon. I'm lesley macdonald. The fate of saddam hussein remains unknown after an early morning bombing levels a house where the iraqi leader was reportedly staying.
Three bodies have been
recovered.And there are some
disturbing findings in the
latest auditor general's
report about how ottawa has
lost track of thousands
people, many of them
criminals, w w were ordered
out of canada. The details...
...on edmonton's
Marissa: I feel like this trip was just such a waste of time.
Lynne: No, I don't think so. At least we confirmed what lauren told us.
Marissa: Yeah, isabella knew michael before she came to genoa city.
Lynne: Right, and obviously, whatever that court case was about, it was something so awful, she felt she had to keep it from paul and everyone else.
Marissa: What's so weird is that michael helped her keep it hidden.
Lynne: You know, when she first showed up at paul's office, she claimed to have been referred by a friend.
Marissa: A friend who had been sexually harassed by michael.
Lynne: Right.
Why start spreading something
like that about michael if he
did her this big favor
all these years ago?
Plus, they had had an affair.
I don't get it, marissa.
Marissa: You're right. It doesn't add up.
Lynne: I want to know why michael defended her. What did she do that was so terrible?
Marissa: The way this poor man acted, I mean, it must have been pretty awful.
Lynne: Yet, michael got her off.
Marissa: It sndnds like maybe she was guilty, but baldwin just dazzled them in the courtroom.
Lynne: I think we barely scratched the surface, and whatever isabella's hiding, it could blow her marriage all to hell.
Chris: Isabella, do you really care about michael and me?
Isabella: Of course I do. If you two are happy, maybe you'll stay out of our lives.
Chris: You don't like people
poking around, do you?
Isabella: Are you kidding? I'm used to it. Your buddy lynne's been at it for months.
Chris: She find anything?
Isabella: No, and neither will you.
Chris: So you say.
Isabella: You know, lynne's a busybody, just like paul's mother, but you-- I thought you had more class. Oh, next time you see michael, would you give him this?
Chris: What is it?
Isabella: Final payment for his finding out that kelly was a fraud. Money well spent, wouldn't you say? Good night, christine. Oh, another thing-- if you're gonna show up at my door in disguise, make sure it's halloween.
Michael: If you and i
are competing for chris,
I think isabella deserves
to know, don't you?
Paul: No, that's not exactly what I meant.
Michael: Paul, isabella loves you a great deal. She wants to build a life together with you. She wants to raise your son together. She wants to grow old together. She wants to do all the good things that married couples get to do. I thought you wanted that, too.
Paul: I did. I do.
Michael: Well, then you convince isabella that she's all that matters. You make her the happiest person on this planet.
Paul: But I want chris to be happy.
Michael: Well, you're not the man who's gonna make that happen now.
Paul: I'm not?
Michael: No.
Paul: And you are?
Michael: I'm sure as hell gonna try, but until you let go, until you realize that what you and chris had is over, we're all just treading water here.
Paul: And what makes you think she hasn't forgiven me, hmm?
Michael: All I know is that you will never gain absolution by trying to breathe life into something that died a long time ago.
Paul: Oh, and that's what you think I'm doing?
Michael: We can't change
the past, paul.
You can just love isabella
the best way you know how.
You could just concentrate
on what you have.
You have a beautiful wife.
You have a beautiful son,
and you can stop mourning
a woman who is no longer yours!
And then maybe, just maybe,
you'll be able to make peace
with your conscience and move on
with the rest of your life!
Paul: Your time's up, baldwin.
Michael: You think about what
I said.
I'm C.C. If you are aboriginal
with a disability, employ-
abilities has developed a
program to help you find
employment and training
opportunities. For more
information call 423-41-06.
*****The 2nd kilkenny scouts
are hosting a spring craft
sale to raise funds for their
scouts to go to jamboree, the
sale is saturday at delwood
hall on delwood road. The sale
runs 9 am to 4 pm. For more
information on the sale orto
book a table call 476-51-79.
*****Lakewood co operative
playschool is having it's
annual make a plate night. A
wonderfumomento of your
child's school years. Come and
join in the fun on saturday
from 2 to 4 pm or on tuesday
april 15 from 6 to 8 pm. For
more info call 463-41-90.*****
Edmonton academy, an alberta
learning designated special
education independent school
for children who have average
to above average intelligence
but how have specific learning
difficulties, will be holding
a public information night on
tuesday, april 15 7:30 pm at
the school on 102 ave. And 120
. . Call 482-54-49.*****And
the school of hope in
vermilion, home schooling
program is now accepting
registration for sept. 2003.
Grades 1 to 12, all subjects,
work experience, on line, with
government funding, possible
kindergarten. For more
information call
(Knock on door)
J.T.: Can't you read the sign
t the door? (Knock)
J.T.: We're closed!
Colleen: J.T., It's me.
J.T.: Hey.
Colleen: Hey, do you feel like some company?
J.T.: Sure. Come on in.
J.T.: I wasn't expecting to see you tonight.
Colleen: Yeah, well, don't worry. My dad and ashley know I'm here.
J.T.: What, so you just stopped by to say hi or what?
Colleen: Well, I actually had a much better reason.
J.T.: What's that?
J.T.: All right, now what was that for?
Colleen: Let's just call it an early birthday present.
J.T.: Who told you?
Colleen: You did.
J.T.: When?
Colleen: Last summer when i was helping you with your reading list for school.
J.T.: I can't believe you remembered. Look, it's no big deal, all right?
Colleen: Yeah, well, it might not be a big deal to you, but I happen to think turning 19 is a very big deal, which is why we are going to celebrate, just you and me.
Jill: You know, it's obvious that charlotte hasn't had an easy life, but she's not a bum.
Frederick: No, of course not.
Jill: I mean, she's worked
a lot of different kinds
of jobs.
She's traveled a lot.
She's really very colorful.
You know, she's got
a great sense of humor.
Frederick: Well, from your description, I can't wait to meet her.
Jill: But she got a little toasted.
Frederick: Well, you know, you get nervous, and you start putting the glass to your lips a ttttle too often. It doesn't mean that you want a drink. It just means you want something to do with your hands.
Jill: Yeah, I suppose.
Frederick: I know. I've been there.
Jill: To tell you the truth, if I'm being really honest, I get the feeling that charlotte likes to tie one on even when she's not nervous.
Frederick: You don't know that, though.
Jill: No, no. I only met her once.
Frederick: So spend some more
time with her
and keep an open mind, you know?
So she likes her toddy.
Jill: That is exactly the word she used.
Frederick: Yeah, well, even if she does, it doesn't mean you can't have a good relationship, one that's healthy and beneficial for you. I mean, that's my concern, jill, that it works for you.
Jill: Thank god. Thank you so much. None of this would be happening if it weren't for you. And I do think that it's gonna be a good thing.
Frederick: So that's it for telling me your problems?
Jill: No. No, as a matter of fact, that is the least of my problems.
Frederick: What else is going on?
Jill: My son billy tells me that he's getting married.
Frederick: Oh.
That's not good, hmm?
Jill: You agree with me? Thank god somebody does.
Freririck: Yeah, of course I do.
Jill: And this girl that he's in-- he thinks he's in love with-- she has been after him for years. I mean, years, frederick. She's katherine chancellor's granddaughter, and she just keeps encouraging this relationship because she knows it makes my skin crawl.
Frederick: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down a minute. Billy's 18, right?
Jill: Yes. He's the same age as your brittany. How would you feel if brittany came to you and told you she wanted to get married at this ridiculous age?
Frederick: I wouldn't be
Jill: No, and you'd do everything in your power tototop it, wouldn't you?
Frederick: Yeah, I'd do what I could, yeah.
Jill: Frederick?
Frederick: Hmm.
Jill: Are you okay?
Frederick: Yeah, sure.
Jill: 'Cause you just seem a little distracted all of a sudn.N.
Frederick: Yeah, I'm sorry.
Jill: No, I'm the one who's sorry. I've been babbling on and on about billy and me--
Frederick: No, I want you to continue. Please.
Jill: Um...
I haven't been a very good
mother, you know, and it feels
like all the chickens
are coming home to roost.
And I'm terrified for my son
and what he's doing to himself.
Frederick: It's not your fault.
Jill: Yeah, it is. God, I wish it weren't, but it is.
J.T.: What kind of celebration are we talking about?
Colleen: It's a surprise.
J.T.: Don't you think I'm a little old for surprises, colleen?
Colleen: No, you're never too old for surprises. Now you're not doing anything tomorrow night, are you? Please say you're not.
J.T.: Okay, I'll make you a deal. I will tell you if I have plans tomorrow night after you tell me what you got up your sleeve.
Colleen: Unh-unh. Doesn't work that way.
J.T.: What, you won't even
give me a hint?
Colleen: My lips are sealed.
J.T.: When are you gonna tell me?
Colleen: When it's officially your birthday.
J.T.: You're such a tease.
Colleen: Rules are rules.
J.T.: All right, colleen, look, you really don't have to go to any trouble.
Colleen: What is with guys? You never wanna do anything.
J.T.: Oh, is that a fact?
Colleen: Yeah.
J.T.: Well, I can think of something I want to do right now.
Colleen: Uh... I--I should go.
J.T.: Right.
Colleen: You know, I don't want my dad to start worrying.
J.T.: No, definitely not.
Colleen: And besides,
you have to close the boutique
J.T.: Yeah, yeah, I gotta close this thing down.
Colleen: I'll-- I'll see you tomorrow?
J.T.: Yeah. Look, I wouldn't miss it.
Colleen: Okay. Good night.
J.T.: Good night.
Jill: You know, when our kids are little, we kind of expect them to make mistakes.
Frederick: Well, they're still learning.
Jill: But then one day play time is over.
Frederick: Yeah, I know about that.
Jill: I was negligent.
Frederick: Oh, jill, I doubt that you were.
Jill: No, I was.
I wasn't there for him.
That's why my son is so
desperately trying to find some
order and permanence
in his life.
I let him down.
Frederick: Jill--
Jill: No, his mother-- oh, my god. His mother abandoned him. Oh! Oh, my boy, my poor little boy. That's why he's throwing his life away, and there's nothing I can do about it.
Frederick: Jill, stop it. I'm not gonna listen to you be so hard on yourself. Come on, parenting doesn't come with an instruction book. We just do the best that we can. It's not just all us. We're not the only influence on our children's lives. We don't take all of the credit, and we shouldn't take all of the blame, hmm?
Jill: Oh, my god. You understand. You're the only one who understands.
Frederick: Where were you
going after here?
Jill: I don't know. I hadn't thought about it.
Frederick: You're staying with me. I'm not going home tonight.
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