Y&R Transcript Monday
3/31/03--Canada; Tuesday 4/01/03--USA
Provided By Eric
Ashley has told you your part.
Brad: Yeah.
Jack: Yeah, but what?
Brad: Nothing. If this is really the way you want to go.
Jack: Well, obviously it is, or I wouldn't have come up with this idea and wouldn't have invited you over.
Brad: Yeah, fine. Let's just get it over with.
Jack: Well, he doesn't miss opportunity, does he?
Ashley: Be quiet. Don't take it personally.
Jack: Your hubby is going to stick to the script though, right?
Ashley: Yeah, he will.
I promise.
Jack: And how about you?
Ashley: I have my doubts. It's very manipulative.
Jack: Okay, I regret that, I honestly think this is best for Phyllis and best for us.
Ashley: She's no dummy. If she senses something...
Jack: Right, well, it will be our job to see that she doesn't.
Phyllis: Hey! Oh, boy, you wiggly boy! You are a wiggly boy! Yes, you are! Hey! Ashley: Hi.
Phyllis: Hi, Ashley. Oh, boy, he has a lot of energy today.
Jack: Yeah. Sis and b came over for breakfast.
Phyllis: Oh, great, terrific.
Ashley: Look at him. You are getting so big, you.
Phyllis: I know. How are you doing?
Ashley: Really good. Phyllis: Good, good.
You don't have Abby with you?
Ashley: Oh, no, she had the sniffles this morning, so I thought it best to leave her.
Phyllis: Oh, too bad. Well, you're here for breakfast. What's the occasion?
Jack: Let's go in and get something to eat. Come on.
Ashley: Hi, cutie-pie! Say hi to your aunt.
Jack: Say hello.
Neil: Yeah.
Lily: Get out. You and mom competing with each other?
Neil: The companies we work for, yeah.
Lily: So you're gonna be all over jabot's new line?
Dru: Yeah, and your dad's gonna be all over Newman's.
Lily: And you're both cool with that?
Neil: Yeah, why not?
Yeah, we're cool with that.
Dru: What, you don't believe us?
Lily: Did I say that?
Dru: Honey, you look very skeptical.
Lily: Well, it's weird, you've got to admit.
Neil: Why is that, sweetie?
Dru: Yeah.
Lily: I don't know. It's just, I have lots of friends whose parents both work, and that's, like, normal. I mean, usually one's a doctor, and the other's a teacher. Or one's a lawyer, and the other runs a store. But both parents working in the same business for different companies?
Neil: Well, that's one more little thing that makes you unique, right?
Dru: Baby,
we are professionals.
We can handle this.
Lily: And you're going to be professionals around the house?
Neil: We're going to leave our work at the office. Now come on. What, you think things are going to get tense?
Lily: Well, you guys are so into your work.
Neil: Lily, we will never let our careers interfere with our family life again. Right, Dru?
Dru: Yeah, right.
Neil: Right.
Nikki: Well, honey, it really means a lot to me to have you and Noah up here for breakfast.
Noah: Well, Cassie's coming home today. You know, if we can't pull together as a family now, then when can we?
Victor: Sorry about
the delay.
There was a phone call
I had to take.
Victoria: Well, you'd better hurry up. Noah's scarfing everything down.
Noah: I'm not that hungry.
Nikki: Oh, yeah, mister? Three whole pancakes. What an appetite he has.
Noah: I was gonna save one for Cassie, but I accidentally ate it.
Nick: That's ok, , bud. She's still not eating.
Noah: Yes, she is. I gave her some of my yogurt, remember?
Nikki: No, honey, that's what we thought, but we were mistaken.
Noah: No, aunt Vicki, I swear!
Nikki: Sweetheart, your sister's still sleeping.
Noah: But she woke up. She had some of my yogurt. I know she did.
Nick: Yeah, I know, buddy.
Diane: Later this morning. Um, no, no. No, that's fine. All right, thank you. Thank you, George. (Knock on door)
Diane: Who is it?
Man: Delivery.
Diane: Delivery?
Diane: Oh, my God. Flowers!
Andy: Hey. A woman as beautiful as you should always receive flowers.
Diane: Get in here.
Andy: My way of saying thank you.
Diane: For what?
Andy: Last night.
Diane: I should be thanking you.
Andy: Yeah, yeah, and you know what? I have the perfect way.
Diane: Why, Andy Richards,
you devil!
Andy: Get your mind out of the gutter.
Diane: It's not in the gutter. It was headed in the general direction--
Andy: Ah, ah, stop.
Diane: You really are a thoughtful man.
Andy: Good, I'm not gonna have to twist your arm to convince you to go with me.
Diane: We're going out? Why? Why? It's so cy y right here.
Andy: Now, now, no, you don't. I got a big day planned for us, okay? So get your purse and your coat and get ready to feel like a kid again.
Jack: I think Kyle's gonna have breakfast in the kitchen.
Ashley: Bye, sweetie-pie!
Phyllis: Bye, Kyle!
John: Bye, baby.
Phyllis: Ahem.
Jack: Oh, honey, I'm sorry.
Phyllis: Thank you.
John: (Chuckles)
Phyllis: Okay, well, what are we chatting about?
Jack: Oh, you know, the normal--politics and religion and cosmetics.
Ashley: Yeah, all the usual hot topics.
Phyllis: Oh, good. Well, it's great that you two could join us this morning.
Brad: Well, Jack called last night, asked us if we could drop by.
Phyllis: Mmm, any particular reason?
Ashley: Um, we just h some matters to discuss.
Jack: Yeah, business.
Phyllis: Household or Jabot?
Jack: Well, to tell you the truth...
Phyllis: You want me
to leave?
Jack: No, no, of course not. Bradley, listen, when are you gonna have the early estimates on our budget for me?
Brad: I've already drawn up some preliminary numbers.
Ashley: You know, it's always a crapshoot, though, when we're talking about a new line.
Jack: Yeah, until we have early idea of a demographic, yeah.
Brad: You know, I was thinking we should wait, get some information from the marketing research guys before we--
Ashley: Honey.
Phyllis: Um, well, if my muffin and I are a problem...
Jack: Wait, wait. Don't be silly.
Ashley: Jack,
she's actually not being silly.
Jack: Ash, you've got to be kidding me.
Ashley: It's not her fault, but the fact remains--
Jack: She's my wife, Ashley.
John: We all know that, Jack, but she also works for Victor Newman.
Neil: Thanks a lot.
Here you go, darlin'. Refill?
Dru: Thank you.
Lily: So how did this happen?
Neil: Coffee? You put beans in a grinder and go--
Lily: Dad, I'm serious. You and mom are going to be in business against each other, and that's not gonna make a difference?
Dru: Honey, we're professionals. We're gonna go to work, we're gonna do our job and we're gonna come home and give you a hard time as usual.
Neil: Oh, absolutely right. Darlin', there's no reason to worry.
Lily: What if one of you loses your job?
Neil: Your mama gonna have to find employment elsewhere.
Dru: Very funny, winters, very funny.
Lily: You see?
It's already starting!
Neil: Oh, no, no, no. I'm just giving her a hard time.
Lily: Yeah, it's all fun and games now.
Neil: No, it'll stay that way right here at home.
Lily: You don't know that.
Dru: Baby, chill out.
Lily: I mean, you see these ads talking about the other guy's products, saying "theirs sucks, and ours is better." And you're telling me that no one in business takes that stuff personally? I mean, I sure would.
Dru: That's why we're the professionals, sweetheart. Right, hon? We go to work. Work stays at work. We keep our personal life separate.
Lily: Yeah, it sounds good.
I just think that we have enough
to deal with without this.
Dru: Whoa, we're really blowing this out of proportion.
Lily: No, we're not. I mean, you guys are getting along really well, and I don't want that to get ruined.
Neil: Lily, your mother and I aren't going to ruin anything. This family right here means the world to us.
Lily: Oh, well. It doesn't really matter what the kid thinks, anyway.
Neil: Oh, honey, come on.
Lily: I have to go to school.
Neil: Don't be like that.
Dru: Honey, work with us. Come on.
Lily: I'll try. Bye.
Dru: Give me a kiss.
Neil: Bye, sweetie. Have a good day at school.
Jack: What? All of a sudden my wife can't be trusted?
John: Oh, Jack,
for heaven's sakes.
Jack: Well, that's exactly what it sounds like.
Phyllis: Well, sweetheart, listen, it's okay.
Jack: It's not okay. We're supposed to be a family here.
Mamie: Maybe it's best to discuss business at the office.
Phyllis: (Clears throat) how about those bulls?
Jack: You know what? This is absolutely ridiculous. The entire industry knows we're starting a new line.
Ashley: Jack, we don't talk about details.
Jack: We're talking about what everyone else talks about-- preliminary budgets, advertising strategies.
Brad: Jack, everything we do or talk about is proprietary. And the fact is that Phyllis works for the competition.
Jack: What?
Do you see her taking notes?
John: Jack, things slip. We know that all too well.
Jack: If that's a reference to Drucilla's big mouth--
Mamie: , , Ah, ah, ah. Careful, careful.
Jack: You know what? I've just lost my appetite. Come on, let's go.
Phyllis: No, no, no, no! I'm not done eating.
Jack: We can have breakfast at Gina's on the way. Come on.
Phyllis: No, you're not gonna leave like this. Come on, Jack.
Ashley: It's okay. I have to go, anyway.
John: Morning meeting?
Ashley: Yeah, with my trusty aromatic oils.
John: Sweetheart, you've been practically living in that lab lately.
Phyllis: Whipping
something special up?
Never mind. Just a joke.
Ashley: Um, I guess we'll talk about this later. You want to go?
Brad: Yeah.
Ashley: Bye, y'all.
Phyllis: Bye, have a good day.
John: Phyllis, I hope you'll understand.
Jack: Oh, we understand, dad. We understand just fine. You think my wife is disloyal and untrustworthy. So is this how it's gonna be? I realize Victor has upped the ante here, but are we now all gonna act like there's a traitor in our midst?
Diane: You're going to make me feel like a kid again?
Andy: Yeah, that's right.
Diane: Good luck.
Andy: The lady has no faith.
Diane: No, the lady
has a few hard miles on her.
Andy: Oh, come on. What are you talking about? You're young, you're beautiful, you're vivacious.
Diane: I think I like your view of me better than mine. All right, so tell me, what do you have planned?
Andy: When's the last time you've been to the zoo? With Kyle, right?
Diane: Last summer.
Andy: Okay, well, today you're going with me. Okay, we're going to visit our fine furry little friends, and we will contemplate captivity, and then it's off to lunch at Doug's doghouse.
Diane: That sounds down to earth.
Andy: Well, they have
these long, foot-long hot dogs
smothered with ketchup, mustard,
relish, jalapenos,
all that stuff.
Diane: Okay, so after the indigestion, then what?
Andy: It's off to the rink.
Diane: Ice skating?
Andy: Do you remember how?
Diane: Oh, are you kidding? I was a Dorothy Hamill wannabe when I was a kid.
Andy: Ah, but you're still a kid, Diane. Remember, we all are, okay? We're just trapped in these slightly deteriorating bodies. I'm trapped. You're not.
Diane: Good save. All right, before I put my hair in pigtails, I just have a call to make.
Andy: M
Diane: Uh, my old boss.
Andy: Oh, he contacted you, huh?
Diane: Yeah, we're supposed
to meet later this morning.
I had planned on going back to
work, but then things got crazy,
and I think he's going
to renew his offer.
Andy: That is terrific.
Diane: Yeah. Just give me a second to cancel, and then we're off to the zoo.
Andy: Cancel? What, are you crazy? You can't do that.
Mamie: Perhaps it would be better if we were to discuss something else.
Jack: What do you suggest, ma?? I think we've already covered the weather.
John: Well, tell me, Mame, how are things with Drucilla and Neil? Any wedding bells in the future?
Mamie: Oh, I used to think so.
Phyllis: Is there a problem?
Mamie: Well, now that they're
competitors, I don't know.
It's awfully hard to make
a family work when husband
and wife...
You know, I have a yoga class.
Excuse me.
Jack: You know, dad, if you want to leave, go ahead. Unless, of course, you're worried I'm going to divulge some top-secret information.
John: Now, Jack, you know the realities of what we're dealing with--
Jack: To hell with the realities! She has worked tooth and nail to be part of this family. For you and Ash to even suggest that she might sell out to Newman is... you know what? Maybe you'd better go before I say something I'll regret.
Nikki: Hi.
Victoria: Is Noah in the kitchen?
Nikki: Yeah, he's helping Miguel with tonight's dinner menu.
Victoria: Well,
I'm glad he's not here.
It's getting tense.
Nick: So, dad, what was your call about? The new acquisition?
Nikki: Oh, you mean, the infamous Satine cosmetics.
Nick: Were you ever gonna tell me about it? Or is there a memo on my desk?
Victor: Well, I felt you had more important issues to deal with.
Victoria: Nicholas, how many times do I have to tell you? This is my deal, mine and Neil's. Get off dad's back.
Nick: Look, it's his show. We both know it. He didn't run it by me, he didn't want my input.
Victor: The reason why is because I didn't want to intrude on your time with Cassie, all right?
Nick: Well, in case you care,
I think it stinks.
Victoria: Really?
Nick: Yeah, Newman Enterprises is an international business conglomerate. We don't need to bog ourselves down in the beauty business.
Victoria: Oh, well, thanks for you input, Nicholas, but since when is the beauty business not international?
Nick: It's not our core enterprise. I mean, Brash & Sassy's enough of a headache, and now you want to take us into a whole new market?
Victor: Let me ask you something. How do you think Newman Enterprises got where it is now? By being careful and being safe?
Nick: The only reason
you bought this company,
was so you could take on Jabot.
Victor: I'm always mindful of the competition, son.
Nick: Especially if Jack Abbott's involved.
Victoria: Look, this is a done deal, and I realize that you're under a lot of stress right now, but you don't know what the hell you're talking about, so get up to speed. Then maybe we'll listen to your input.
Nick: Right, like he'd listen.
Victor: Son, I value your opinion.
Nick: Like you valued my marriage to Sharon?
Nikki: Nicholas, stop.
Victor: It's all right. If you have something to say, say it.
Nick: You know what, dad?
Frankly, I'm just sick
of the whole damn thing.
Nikki: Okay, look. Is it possible for this family to just have p peaceful breakfast?
Nick: I still say buying a cosmetics company for the sole purpose of knocking Jabot off his perch is a foolish mistake.
Victor: You're entitled to your opinion.
Nick: They own the lion's share of the market. How do you expect us to compete? You got something up your sleeve?
Victoria: Look, this is not the right time to discuss this.
Nikki: Why? Because of me? That's ridiculous.
Nick: Mom, Vicki has a point. It's not fair to you.
Nikki: For your information,
I have heard nothing that
I didn't already know.
But, you know, I think maybe
I will go out to the kitchen
for a little while,
and when you're done plotting,
I will come back.
Nick: So you still haven't said anything, dad. How do you expect to topple Jabot?
Victor: By taking the one thing that means the most to Jack Abbott... and using it against him. Phyllis.
Claire: I just cut my finger.
Dru: What do you think of our girl?
Neil: Our girl lily. Typical teen. Always thinking the worst. Kind of negative, you know?
Dru: There's no reason why we can't be competitive, right?
Neil: No, no reason at all.
Competition can be
a cordial thing.
You know something?
Heads of companies,
they get together,
they have lunch together.
They're not always
putting each other down.
Dru: Mm-hmm, big world. Plenty of customers for everyone. What?
Neil: I know that right now deep down you're dying inside waiting to whip Newman's tail.
Dru: Neil, I'm a lead spokesperson for a new cosmetics line. It's entirely dedicated to serving women of color. You better believe I want to kick some tail.
Neil: And meanwhile, I will be masterminding Newman's launch into the same marketplace.
Dru: Oh, and you think that's gonna be easy because you stole Satine cosmetics from Jabot, right out from under us.
Neil: No, no. Nobody stole anything. Jack made a bid.
Dru: Oh,
but he couldn't keep up with
Mr. Fortune 500 Victor Newman.
Neil: Free market capitalism at its best.
Dru: You don't know capitalism until you see our product flying off the shelves.
Neil: And the public will speak.
Dru: So it shall.
Neil: That's right, and in the long run, you really think you're gonna win?
Dru: Just go to the department stores. Look at our shelf positioning. Look at our name recognition. It's all there in cold, hard numbers. Do you really think that you can buy that overnight? Think again.
Neil: You're right. Jabot has had a really good run.
Dru: Had?
Neil: That's right. Victor Newman eats companies
like Jabot for breakfast.
Dru: Oh, that's right. Well, he's going to have indigestion on this one.
Neil: Pretty confident aren't you?
Dru: Does that intimidate you?
Neil: Nothing intimidates me.
Dru: Neil, I know that you're going to try to steal our market share, but you're going to find out that it's tied up nice and tight.
Neil: Good, 'cause I love a challenge.
Dru: I love to win.
Neil: So do I, so this should be very interesting.
Dru: Don't forget your promise to lily.
Neil: I will not forget about that. But do you think we can work harmoniously together?
Dru: As long as you're not
a sore loser.
Neil: Cheers.
Brad: You're sure you don't want a bagel? That really wasn't much of a breakfast.
Ashley: Honey, for sixteenth time, I'm not hungry.
Brad: You're eating for two.
Ashley: Yeah, one adult and one little baby, not two sumo wrestlers.
Brad: You're still eating for two.
Ashley: Oh, thanks.
Brad: So do you think jack's little plan paid off?
Ashley: Well, I certainly hope so.
Brad: He certainly laid it on thick enough.
Ashley: Tell me about it. Abbott family war. Film at 11.
Brad: He's succeeded
in making Phyllis feel
like this is all her fault.
Ashley: Well, I didn't enjoy doing that, but if my sneaky brother's plan works, and we can get Phyllis to work for us, that'd be something, wouldn't it?
Brad: Well, I think she would definitely be an asset. No doubt about that, and one that I would love to steal away from Newman Enterprises. You okay with that, Ash? You have no qualms about poaching on Newman's territory?
Phyllis: Are you sure Mrs. Martinez doesn't mind watching Kyle?
Jack: Oh, you know how she loves that little nino.
Phyllis: So, uh, that was fun.
Jack: Yeah, so much for family bonding, huh?
Phyllis: Right.
I guess it goes
with the territory
since I work for the enemy.
Jack: Oh, honey, don't make light of that, please.
Phyllis: I'm--believe me, I'm not making light of it, you know, but... remember the talk we had last night when you gave me the photo album? You said that you so badly wanted to make me part of this family.
Jack: I meant every word of that, and it's going to happen, I promise.
Phyllis: I know, but, you know, Jabot is your world, and it's off limits to me.
Jack: If only...
Phyllis: What?
Jack: No, no, nothing. Nothing.
Phyllis: What? Try me. What?
Jack: No, no, honey, honey,
it's crazy.
Phyllis: Crazy? Crazy is my middle name. What? Try me.
Jack: It's about Jabot, sugar. Actually, it's about Jabot and you.
Andy: Okay, Diane, um,
let's look at the facts.
Do you have a job?
Diane: Not yet.
Andy: Do you want a job?
Diane: Well, of course I do. I just--
Andy: Well, then, your old boss calls, you just can't blow this guy off.
Diane: I'm not blowing him off. I was just going to reschedule.
Andy: We can do the zoo another day.
Diane: I don't want to do it another day. I want to do it now.
Andy: (Sighs) babe, I--you know, I just hate-- I hate to say this, but you sound like a spoiled child.
Diane: Well, isn't that
the reason you're here, huh?
To get me to throw off
this old carcass
and start enjoying
my life again
and feel like a kid again?
Andy: Yes, but we have to be--
Diane: Well, it's working, Andy. It's already working. I don't-- I don't feel depressed. I don't feel bitter. I don't feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders.
Andy: All because of a hot dog and a day at the zoo?
Diane: No, no, because... because of you. Because of you, Andy. Don't you see? You're what I need right now, not some stupid job.
Andy: Okay, this stupid job could be your first step to getting your life back together.
Diane: So, I'll--
I'll tell him I'm sick.
I'm sure he'll understand.
Andy: But you're not sick, Diane. I mean, come on, hon, you know, it's integrity. I mean, think about this. No, I won't let you do it. I can't.
Neil: Okay, Drucilla, enough with the jokes, right? We told our daughter that we'd try to find some perspective here.
Dru: And humor's a very good way of doing that, Neil.
Neil: You think you can do it, even when the going gets tough?
Dru: (Laughs)
Neil: Huh?
Dru: What about you, Mr. Workaholic?
Neil: What about me? As soon as I leave Newman, I leave all my work at the door.
Dru: Well, I hope
you can take that in stride
when your product
is flying off of the shelves.
Neil: Uh-huh. Dru, in case there's any doubt, I want you to know I'm bringing the big guns on this one here. I'm gonna give this project everything I've got.
Dru: Ooh! And I'm gonna do the same. I don't know the word "half-measure."
Neil: No, you don't, and I'm hoping that you apply that to making this family work.
Dru: Oh, don't lecture me, please. You do your bit, and I'll do mine.
Nick: Using Phyllis, dad? Nice.
Victoria: Well, she is still on the company payroll, Nicholas.
Nick: Yeah, no thanks to you.
Victor: In spite of
her obvious character flaws,
she's invaluable
to Newman Enterprises.
Nick: To use as a pawn over Jack Abbott's head?
Victor: Unh-unh, as a gifted web master.
Nick: Well, she is tops in the field. We know that.
Victor: Mm-hmm. That's why I intend to use her against Jabot.
Nick: How? As an insider, some kind of mole?
Victor: This has nothing to do with corporate espionage.
Nick: Then what is it about?
Victor: We are lacking jabot's shelf space, all right? So we gotta attack them elsewhere.
Victoria: The internet.
Nick: Jabot has its own online presence, and it's not too shabby.
Victor: But we have Phyllis now.
That's even better.
Phyllis: Jabot, huh?
Jack: That's right.
Phyllis: Maybe you should keep quiet.
Jack: I can't. I... I can't. This is too important. I know we've been down this road before,
Phyllis: Yes, and it sent a cold chill through our marriage.
Jack: There's got to be some way we can make this work.
Phyllis: Make what work, Jack?
Jack: Honey, jabot's web site is one of the best in the business.
Phyllis: Thanks to me.
Jack: Yeah, no one's challenging that. It's just, some changes need to be made.
Phyllis: Listen, I-I,
I shouldn't be
listening to this.
Jack: What are you talking about? I trust you with my life.
Phyllis: (Sighs) all right, what kind of changes?
Jack: This new line we're developing, I-- we're pouring a ton of money into it, particularly online.
Phyllis: And you need to revamp the site.
Jack: In fact, I've already started.
Phyllis: You have? Really? Wow... Jack Abbott, web master extraordinaire. You're holding out on me.
Jack: Well, I have the vision. I know what I want, but as far as making it happen, that's where you come in.
Phyllis: Me?
Jack: I have a proposition for you, sweetheart, one I hope you can't refuse.
Diane: I understand
what you're trying to do, Andy,
and I... I appreciate it.
Andy: I care about you, okay? And as much as I'd like to spend the day with you, you have to start thinking about your future.
Diane: I am.
Andy: (Sighs)
Diane: You have no idea what it's been like for me lately, and then just when I thought that I couldn't take any more... here you are.
Andy: It has been good for me. You have been good for me.
Diane: Last night,
after you left,
that's when it hit me.
I mean, for the first time
in so long,
I felt happy.
I felt really happy,
and that's why I want
to spend the day with you, Andy.
Andy: Okay.
Diane: That's why I want us to be together.
Andy: I'm gonna be around, okay? I'm-I'm not-- I'm not going anywhere, but today you have an appointment, okay?
Diane: Okay. Do you really mean that? You' n not going to leave?
Andy: You try and make me.
Andy: Come here. Come here.
Dru: You know what? Um, I'd like to make a wager.
Neil: What do you have in mind?
Dru: Well, I was thinking we'd take a look after one year at whose gross revenues were fatter.
Neil: Gross revenues-- my, my, you really are getting into this.
Dru: Don't change
the subject, Neil.
Neil: How about no wager necessary? Winner just wins.
Dru: Chicken. You know, if we're not careful, we both could lose.
Neil: What are you talking about? The negative impact it'll have on lily?
Dru: I'm talking about we both have stakes in the investment, and we both have to know where to draw the line.
Neil: As far as I'm concerned, you and lily will always come first. Now you know that.
Dru: No dirty pool?
Neil: That's not my style.
Dru: Not even
after Jabot dogs you?
After you have to close down
that sorry excuse
of a cosmetics line?
Neil: Ha ha. Good luck trying.
Dru: I gotta go. I've got to start steamrolling your sorry--
Neil: Whoa, whoa, whoa, watch it. Hey.
Dru: What?
Neil: You forgot something. Come here.
Dru: Oh. (Laughs) mmm. Later, loser.
Neil: Yeah, later.
Ashley: All's fair, right? We're not trying to kidnap Phyllis, we just want her to work for us.
Brad: We're trying to get her to leave Victor in a lurch.
Ashley: Well, he'll get another web master if we succeed.
Brad: He won't be happy
about it.
Ashley: Well, that's too bad. What, you think I'm gonna lie awake at night just waiting and wondering if victor's gonna crush us like a bug?
Brad: That's exactly what he intends to do, Ash. He's striking at the very core of Jabot, your family's company.
Ashley: And what do you think Brash & Sassy was, friendly fire?
Brad: This is a lot more serious, and you know it. He's on our turf, and we have to snuff him out before he becomes a problem.
Ashley: Oh, Brad, you talk like that, you could be put behind bars.
Brad: I'm serious.
Ashley: So am I.
I still wonder, though.
Brad: What?
Ashley: This going after Victor, is it strictly business or personal?
Brad: You know how I feel about the man.
Ashley: That doesn't answer my question.
Brad: Just playing by his rules, Ash.
Ashley: Cutthroat?
Brad: Can you play by his rules, too?
Ashley: Don't go there. Don't ever question my commitment to this company.
Brad: Even if it means squashing Victor?
Ashley: If that's
what it takes,
that's what we'll do.
I know what you're thinking.
he's Abby's biological father,
you're wondering if I have
the killer instinct.
Brad: Do you?
Ashley: I will do whatever it takes to protect Jabot, whatever it takes.
Brad: I'm glad to hear that 'cause I think we're heading for world war iii. I'll see you later.
Ashley: Okay. Bye.
Phyllis: Jack, listen, your family's giving you enough grief here. If you start spilling state secrets to me--
Jack: What if it wasn't a secret, though? It wouldn't be a secret if you joined up with the good guys again.
Phyllis: Jabot, right?
Jack: Best outfit in the business.
Phyllis: You're kidding me,
aren't you?
Jack: I have never been more serious.
Phyllis: What about my commitment to Newman Enterprises?
Jack: What about their commitment to you? Neil and Victoria just threw you out on your keister.
Phyllis: But Victor stopped them.
Jack: Yeah, this time. Honey, the ax is gonna fall. It's just a matter of when.
Phyllis: Oh, thanks, Jack.
Jack: Wait, just hear me out, okay? Hear what I have to say, will you? Jabot already has a huge retail presence on the internet.
Phyllis: And you want to expand?
Jack: We're going to have to
to accommodate this new line.
I'm not talking about
just expanding, though.
I'm talking about ramping up
to a business-to-business
Phyllis: Interesting.
Jack: Interesting? It's fascinating, and you know it.
Phyllis: How do you plan to light the fuse?
Jack: We already have a huge distribution network. I'm talking about linking jabot's home page to all of our client's web sites. That way we supply all their needs through the internet, and we pick up all their online traffic as well.
Phyllis: Well, don't forget about all the Fenmore's of the world that you have to compensate from sucking their retail sales from them.
Jack: Details, details.
It's a detail, and you know it.
What do you think?
Phyllis: It's fascinating.
Jack: Fascinating? Oh, aren't we playing it cool? What do you think Newman's gonna have you doing? Creating a few new pages "to find your nearest Satine dealer," or "how to find our newest shade of lip gloss"? I am talking about building a virtual empire state building of interconnected customer/ client/wholesale distributor/ retail outlet... I'm talking big.
Phyllis: Well, you should have been a politician because you talk big well.
Jack: Does that mean you're interested? This would be your baby. I'd hand the whole thing over to you.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Jack: This could be
just what you're looking for,
and best of all,
we'd be on the same team.
You'd be an integral part
of the Jabot team.
You wouldn't be an outsider
at all. Promise me
you'll think about it.
Okay, look, I gotta go.
Please, think about it.
I want this.
I think you want it, too.
Nick: All right, let me get this straight. You bought Satine cosmetics for the sole purpose of knocking Jabot off its perch, and this whole plan hinges on Phyllis Abbott?
Victor: She will be responsible for the initial campaign.
Nick: Okay, so what if she changes her mind? What if she decides that she doesn't want to bury her family's business?
Victor: She has assured me that she'll do everything necessary for Newman Enterprises, all right?
Nick: At the expense of her marriage?
Victoria: "Whatever's necessary," Nicholas.
Nick: You know, dad,
you may be cold enough
to do something like this--
Victoria: All right, stop.
Nick: No, I'm serious, but not everyone is like you, and I don't think Phyllis is.
Victor: I think she is, and I've been right more than I've been wrong over the years, all right?
Nick: Yeah, you're always right, aren't you?
Victor: Son, wait a minute.
Victor: In spite of the feelings between the two of us right now, please, don't forget that we have a business to run.
Nick: You have a business to run. I just take orders.
Victoria: Nicholas, for God's sake, dad is being reasonable. He's reaching out.
Nick: Oh, like you reached out to my wife? Do whatever you want. Use Phyllis to get back at Jack Abbott. I really don't care.
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