Y&R Transcript Thursday
3/27/03--Canada; Friday 3/28/03--USA
Provided By Eric
Michael: Well... that explains everything-- paul's mooththese past months. The things he said to me.
Michael: That's it, isn't it?
That scum attacked you.
That bastard.
Well, say something.
Is that what happened?
Chris: What happened was ugly and shameful. It was not lovmamaking.
Michael: Then it was rape.
Chris: That's s a loaded word.
Michael: Well, okay, if it's not rape, then what? Tell me. Tell me.
Chris: Why do you have to label it? We've been married for years. Paul and I have been intimate hundreds of times.
Michael: All right, all right, thank you, thank you! I needed to he
Chris: Michael, who is this about--you or me?
Michael: It's about us, or at least I hope it is.
Chris: Okay, so we don't have to talk about what happened between paul a m me. Look, what happened was...
Michael: What? What, uh...
last dying gasp
of that relationship?
Chris: Look, I don't know. Something like that.
Michael: You're not just saying that so I d't't go over there and attack paul with a hammer.
Chris: Don't you dare.
Michael: Why not? How am I supposed to live with this?
Chris: Stop, would you? Damn it! This is not about you. I am warning you, michael. Don't get all macho on me. You made that mistake once. Don't make it again!
Paul: How's ricky?
Isabella: Oh, he's tired. He went right to sleep. Can I fix you a drink?
Paul: No, maybe later. You know, um, I still wanna talk to you.
Isabella: About what?
Paul: Kelly simmons.
Isabella: Paul,
is it necessary that
we have to discuss that woman?
Paul: Why is it you get so upset when I bring her up?
Isabella: Because she's a liar. She lied the first time she came here, posing as a parole officer, asking me all kinds of questions about james. Doesn't that bother you?
Paul: Well, yeah. Why would she ask you esestions about your ex-husband?
Isabella: I haven't a clue.
Paul: Are you sure? I mean, there's gotta be some reason. Total stranger walks in here, pretending to be someone she's not and then starts interrogating you about your ex-husband. Why?
Isabella: I told you. I have no idea.
Paul: Well,
there has to be a reason.
Maybe it's something
you've forgotten.
Maybe it's something
from your past.
Something that you buried.
Isabella: Damn it, paul. I said I don't know. I don't know what she was after.
Colleen: I'm so happy to see you.
J.T.: Hey, colleen.
Colleen: And I bet you're surprised to see me.
J.T.: Yeah, definitely. What are you doing out so late?
Lauren: Actually, I was kind of wondering that myself.
Colleen: Oh, don't worry, lauren. My dad knows I'm here.
J.T.: Bet he doesn't know
i am.
Colleen: Actually, he does.
J.T.: Yeah, right.
Colleen: He's totally fine with it.
J.T.: Really? That's a good one.
Colleen: No, I'm not kidding.
That's why I came to see you--
to tell you the great news.
J.T.: What news?
Colleen: My dad is okay with us seeing each other.
J.T.: What? How?
Lauren: Uh, you know, maybe I'll leave the two of you alone.
Colleen: Oh, no, it's okay. You can stay.
Lauren: Do you want me to stay?
Colleen: Did I interrupt something?
J.T.: No, we were talking about the situation with brittany.
Colleen: Oh, right. Did you ever get ahold of mrs. Hodges?
J.T.: Yeah, I did.
Colleen: Well, you never did say why you needed to talk to her.
>>J.T.: Well, I remembered
something that might help her
track britt down.
Colleen: Oh, great! Really?
J.T.: Yeah, it didn't pan out, though.
Colleen: Oh. Well, at least you tried. I'm sure she really appreciated it.
Lauren: Hey, you know, I have to go close up the boutique, so good night, colleen.
Colleen: Good night.
Lauren: And we'll finish our conversation another time.
Colleen: I'm so happy to see you.
Kay: Thank you again, larry.
Kay: Well, elizabeth, I heard you were up and around.
Liz: Good as new.
Kay: Well, I am pleased.
Liz: Oh, katherine, your visits to the hospital were a real tonic. Thank you so much.
Kay: My pleasure.
So, uh, no aftereffects
like memory loss or...
Liz: It doesn't seem to be. Although there are a few things I'd like to forget.
Kay: Yeah, well... oh, I know the feeling.
Liz: But I'm glad to be alive. No complaints.
Kay: I wouldn't have any complaints either, t,t, uh... I ran into jill.
Liz: Oh, dear. At gina's?
Kay: Elizabeth, tell me something. Are you, um... are you all right with what's going on over there?
Liz: Well, I probably never should have told you she was adopted, but I never thought that she would just move heaven and earth to find her birth parents.
Kay: Well,
I'll tell you something.
I'm very furious.
My god, she already has
a mother, and you are
a wonderful mother.
Liz: Thank you, my dear, but--
Kay: She has a good life. A good life-- far better than she deserves, and you think jill would be content to accept that? No, no, no. Miss jill has to go around digging up the past.
Liz: Well, it's her choice. I mean, if she thinks that she really needs to know--
Kay: Listen to me. I am not thinking about her, elizabeth. I think about that poor woman who gave birth to her. I mean...
Jill: Are you my mother?
Charlotte: I was... a long time ago. Technically.
Jill: Sit down, please.
Jill: I'm jill.
Oh, you know that.
Charlotte: I'm charlotte. Charlotte ramsey.
Jill: It's very nice to meet you.
Charlotte: I, uh, I never dreamed this would happen.
Jill: You didn't? Ever?
Charlotte: Well, I wondered. I mean... how about you?
Jill: I dn'n't even find out I was adopted until very recently. I know. It's unbelievable.
Charlotte: No one told you?
Jill: No, well, my real mother-- I mean, you're my real mother. The woman who was my--
is... I'm sorry. This is so strange.
Charlotte: Are you okay?
Jill: I have to ask you
Charlotte: Go ahead.
Jill: No. I am not gonna start grilling you as soon as we've sat down. Let's, um, relax into this a little bit.
Charlotte: All right. No rush.
Jill: No, there really is no rush, is there?
Charlotte: And since we're taking things slowly, why don't we have just a little drop of something to... loosen us up?
Jill: You want a drink?
Of course.
Um, mm. Waiter!
Good afternoon. The
americans have launched what's
being called the mother of all
bombing campaigns on baghdad
today. And there are reports
the iraqis have executed all
the american and british
pow'S.. we'll have the latest
on the war at six.+++The sars
scare is escalating in canada
- stores in toronto are sold
out of surgical masks... and
the concern is spreading here
to edmonton. We'll tell you
what health officials are
doing to stop the spread of
the deadly illness tonight at
Paul: You know, I don't understand why talking about this should spoil our evening. I mention the name kelly mmmmons, and you get all bent out of shape.
Isabella: I'm not bent out of shape. That woman's a fake. She admitted it.
Paul: Fake or not, she was here. She questioned you about your ex-husband, a guy you haven't been married to in years, a guy who's been in jail for ages. Why?
Isabella: Is this how
you question people
on the job, paul?
You just keep asking them
even though they don't
have an answer?
You just go at it until they
make something up or go nuts?
Paul: She gave you no idea why she was curious about james?
Isabella: No, other than her story about him being considered for parole.
Paul: Which was a lie.
Isabella: No, kelly simmons is a lie. Why don't you put all this energy into finding out who she really is?
Paul: What kind of questions did she ask about james?
Isabella: She wanted to know what I thought about james being integrated back into society. And I told her I hadn't communicated with him in years. I had no idea if he should be released or not. Why is it so important to you?
Paul: I just keep wondering what she's after.
Isabella: Did you ever
consider the possibility
that she was trying
to get dirt on me?
Paul: No, why?
Isabella: For whoever hired her, probably the same person who despises me enough to get mary to break into michael baldwin's office and steal his files.
Paul: Oh, lynne? You think lynne hired kelly simmons?
Isabella: Paul, paul, besides your mother, who else hates me that much? If it were up to lynne, you and christine would still be married. You know that's how she feels.
Michael: I love you, christine, and it makes me ill...
Michael: It makes me ill to think of that man touching you, much less doing it without your permission.
Chris: Will you tell me
really, from your point of view,
which is worse?
Michael: Oh, god. Look at you. You're suffering from this. Am I supposed to just let that go, let him go?
Chris: Yes, because he's suffering, too.
Michael: Oh, please.
Chris: What? You think he's not? This is something paul's gonna have to live with for the rest of his life.
Chris: What?
Michael: Oh... oh, ho.
Michael: Oh, my god.
Michael: I guess if anyone understands how a man can love you so much that he'd lose control...
Chris: Don'T. Don't do that. That was so long ago.
Michael: No, no, no.
Oh, guilt like that
does strange things to a man.
I've felt it
for all these years.
Even today, it's still with me.
Like a nightmare,
it never, never quite goes away.
Chris: So then maybe you'll understand that paul will be punishing himself far more than you or I ever could.
Michael: Good. Don't get me wrong. I despise that man, and I always will. And I'll never forgive him for hurting you like he did. I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but...
Chris: But what?
Michael: If I'm brutally honest with myself, who am I to judge paul williams?
J.T.: All right, be straight with me, colleen. You made that up, right?
Colenen: What?
J.T.: That stuff about yo dad.
Colleen: Why would I make it up?
J.T.: Because lauren
was here.
You don't have to worry
about her. She's cool.
She's not gonna say anything
to your folks.
Colleen: No, J.T., I didn't make it up. My dad and ashley really know I'm here with you.
J.T.: And they're really okay with it?
Colleen: We have their complete blessing.
J.T.: You know, for the last six months, your dad's treated me like something that got left in the refrigerator too long, and now he's like, "bye, sweetheart. Have a good time with J.T."?
Colleen: Well, it's not exactly like that, but very close.
J.T.: How did this happen?
Colleen: After we saw
each other this afternoon,
I went home.
They wanted to know where I was,
and I decided to be honest
for a change.
J.T.: That was pretty risky.
Colleen: You know, I don't want my dad and ashley to be suspicious of me all the time, so I wanted to start over, and I told them that I would try a lot harder this time, and I meant it.
J.T.: And they actually said yes?
Colleen: You don't seem very happy.
J.T.: No, I'M... I'm cool. This is great. I'm stoked. It's just--
Colleen: I know. It's so bizarre. Everything's different now. I mean, no more hiding our feelings for each other. We can actually go on a date and act like any couple any time we want. Isn't it great?
J.T.: Yeah, it's great.
Hey, uh, why don't
I get us some coffee?
Colleen: Okay, thksks.
Anita: Lauren.
Lauren: Well, anita, hello.
Anita: I didn't expect to find you here so late.
Lauren: The price of being the boss.
Anita: Looks like you're ready to close up.
Lauren: Something I can help you with?
Anita: Yes, actually, I'm here about brittany.
Lauren: Has there been any word?
Anita: No, unfortunately.
Lauren: You know, raraul just left. Do you want his phone number?
Anita: No, thanks. What about J.T.? Is he around?
Charlotte: Ah! Oh, that's better. I've been, uh, a little nervous all afternoon.
Jill: Oh, so have I,
believe me.
Charlotte: But the sun's set over the yardarm.
Jill: Yes, I enjoy a cocktail after work, too.
Charlotte: But you're not drinking. You're just drinking wine. Not really drinking that, are you?
Jill: Well, do you mind?
Charlotte: Well, I'd rather not drink alo, but as long as you're not going to lecture me. Might I have another?
Jill: Oh, sure. Uh, where's the waiter?
Charlotte: Oh, never mind. He'll show up. In the meantime, always be prepared. I learned that from the girl scouts.
Jill: You were a girl scout?
Charlotte: Oh, yes, yes.
Jill: Nothing. It's just so amazing to see you.
Charlotte: Ah! ] show. Anyway out on the west coast ther the weather. A mad scram tbl to get over here.
Claire: I just cut my finger. So, it was called cattle point. Of the nation, and subsequentlyne of th here. Your cruise director, ron
can't believe you really think lynne is behind all this.
Isabella: Who else could it have been?
Paul: I have no idea, but there's got to be a better explanation than that.
Isabella: Like what?
Paul: I'm just wondering
if there's something
you're not telling me.
Isabella: What are you talking about?
Paul: About your ex-husband james.
Isabella: What about him?
Paul: Have you told me the whole story about your past with him?
Isabella: I don't believe you. Now you suspect me of hiding something?
Paul: You know, I am just thinking out loud. I'm trying to get a handle on this.
Isabella: Well,
I'll say it again.
I don't know why kelly simmons,
if that's even her real name,
was here.
I don't know what she was after,
but I do know that she is
a total and complete fraud.
And why you would give her
a second thought is beyond me.
Paul: Because it's a puzzle, isabella, and the pieces don't fit.
Isabella: Fine. Play detective. But I refuse to put any more time and energy into that woman. Your son needs me.
Michael: You've been through so much.
Chris: I'll survive.
Michael: Don't do that.
Chris: What?
Michael: Pretend it doesn't matter.
Chris: Well, of course it matters, but life goes on, right?
Michael: Yeah. We are gonna have such a great future together.
Chris: You still believe that?
Michael: Oh, my goodness.
Whatever doesn't kill us
makes us stronger, right?
I've got so many plans for us.
You wait and see.
It's gonna be nothing
t t blue skies.
We'll figure it out together.
I just know that with you
by my side, there are no limits.
Michael: Why are you looking at me that way?
Chris: You know something?
Michael: Hmm?
Chris: I had forgotten how much I appreciate you and how much I need you.
Cody: There you go.
J.T.: Thanks, cody.
Colleen: Hey, cody.
Cody: Hey.
Colleen: I missed you out there.
J.T.: All right, so let me get this straight. Your dad said that you could see me anytime you want.
Colleen: Well--
J.T.: All right, come on. Truth. What did he say?
Colleen: Truth. There are some ground rules. School comes first, meaning I have to keep up my grades, and I can't break curfew.
J.T.: Which has probably
been changed to, like, 6:00.
Colleen: No, wise guy, they just want to know my plans. It might be a little bit of a drag, but I don't think what they're asking is that unreasonable. Besides, it's worth it to be with you.
J.T.: It's gonna be weird, though.
Colleen: What is?
J.T.: Not having to leave messages on your cell phone all the time.
Colleen: I know. You can actually call my house and pick me up when we go out.
J.T.: What a concept, huh?
Veronica: Oh, hey, J.T.!
Santana: Remember us?
J.T.: Yeah, at the boutique, right?
Veronica: Right.
You helped me pick out this top,
which I totally love,
by the way.
J.T.: Well, I'm glad I could help.
Santana: That is a really cool store. Told all our friends about it.
Colleen: Yeah, lauren fenmore is a great designer, isn't she?
J.T.: Oh, uh, veronica and santana this is my friend colleen.
Veronica: Oh, hi.
You're looking live at
edmonton from our skytracker
atop manulife placegood
afternoon. I'm lesley
macdonald. Some sad news
about the husband of alberta
lieutenant governor lois hole.
And fears are spreading in
canada about the spread of
sars, a potentially deadly
respiratory disease.
Plus...it's the latest
disaster movie to hit the big
screen. But is the core worth
your movie dollars? We'll
have a review in minute at the
movies......coming up on
edmonton's global news at 5:30.
Charlotte: Uh, leave that. I like to keep track.
Charlotte: You must have some questions.
Jill: Oh, I have a lot of questions.
Charlotte: Well, let's start with the little ones.
Jill: I'd like to ask you about my father.
Charlotte: Yes, well, I thought we were gonna ease into this.
Jill: Well, you must know who he was.
Charlotte: Oh, he was a good man. And as good men go, he went.
Jill: There must be more.
Charlotte: Yeah, well, someday I'm gonna tell you all about him.
Jill: Okay. So do you come from around here?
Charlotte: All over.
I come from all over.
Jill: Oh, really? You travel for business?
Charlotte: I... you got it, yes. Travel for business.
Jill: Well, what business are you in?
Charlotte: Monkey business.
Jill: No, um, seriously.
Charlotte: Seriously?
Charlotte: I've kept body and soul together any way I could. I was, uh... I was a singer. I was a clerk in a motel. I sold cars, secondhand cars. I sold real estate. I sold everything. Everything except, uh, the body beautiful. There was no market for th. Not anymore.
Charlotte: Ah!
Hot damn,
they make an elegant martini
in this place.
You're picking up the tab?
Jill: Of course.
Charlotte: Yeah. How about another one?
Jill: Why don't we order some... oh!
Gina: Hello, ladies.
Charlotte: Hello.
Gina: How's everything going?
Jill: Pretty good, pretty good. Um, gina, this is charlotte ramsey. Charlotte, this is gina roma.
Charlotte: Hello, gina. It's a delightful little
ristorante you have here, but the service is a little slow.
Paul: Hi.
Chris: Hi.
Paul: Um, look, if this is a bad time, I--
Chris: No, come on in.
Paul: Um, if you've got company--
Chris: I did,
but not anymore.
Paul: I'm sorry. It's a bit overwhelming being back here.
Chris: Why are you here?
Paul: I'd like to talk.
Chris: Okay. Say what you came to say.
Paul: Well, it's about that night.
Chris: Yeah, um, we were both pretty traumatized, but you've apologized. Can't we just leave it at that?
Paul: Have you forgiven me?
Chris: Is that
what you're here for, huh?
What, forgiveness?
A clear conscience?
Just like that
with a wave of my hand?
Boy, you don't ask for much,
do you?
I'm C.C. The works
international visual arts
society presents still frames,
an exhibit by emerging local
artist ronnie hill at the
works gallery. The exhibit is
on display until april 4. All
piece are for sale. Meet the
artist at the closing
reception on april 4 at 7 pm.
Call 421-15-91.*****124
street's newest art gallery
destina gallery is celebratin
their grand opening tomorrow.
Grand opening festivities kick
off at 4 pm, and run thru to 8
pm. For more info call
918-00-03.******The edmonton
stamp club presents western
canada's largest stamp show
this weekend at the
fantasyland hotel conference
centre in west edmonton mall.
See rae and valuable stamps,
talk with dealers and
collectors from across the
country. Admission is free.
Call 909-38-96.*****The gatsby
gala is a special evening of
fine food and entertainment in
support of the good sheperd
lutheran home. Join them on
saturday evening, 5:30 pm at
the memorial arts centre in
wetaskiwin. For tickets and
more info call 352-36-28.*****
And queen elizabeth high
school class of 1973 will be
celebrating their 30 year high
school reunion on june 6, 7th
and 8th. If you were a grad
from queen elizabeth high
school in edmonton class of 73
call for more info 963-75-12.
****That's all for now. Thanks
for watching and we'll see you
next time.
I'm C.C. The ladies auxilof the norwood legion will be
holding a market fair tomorrow
from 9 am to 4 pm., The fair
will be held in the
Santana: Too bad you couldn't come to that party we told you about.
J.T.: Hey, was it fun?
Veronica: Oh, it was off the hook!
Santana: It was a blast. You would have loved it.
J.T.: It was probably better I didn't go. I've been trying something new this semester-- not sleeping through my classes.
Veronica: Oh, well, they'll be plenty of other parties.
Santana: Maybe the next one will fit into your schedule.
J.T.: Yeah, yeah, maybe. Hey, look, colleen and i were kind of in the middle of something, so...
Santana: No problem.
J.T.: I'll see you guys around, I guess.
Veronica: Yeah, well, we know where to find you. It was nice to meet you, colleen.
Colleen: Oh, you, too.
Santana: See you.
Colleen: Bye.
J.T.: What, colleen?
Colleen: This is my "friend" colleen?
J.T.: Is that what I said?
Colleen: Your exact words.
J.T.: Oh, well, I... I didn't mean to.
Colleen: And why didn't you tell me about this party?
J.T.: Well, I didn't even go, so it's really no big deal.
Colleen: I'm just teasing. I don't care.
J.T.: You don't?
Colleen: No, why would I?
You're in college.
Of course
you're gonna meet new people,
get invited to places.
It's part of
the whole experience, right?
Listen, J.T., You don't have
to worry about me, oy?Y?
Look, I'm not gonna get jealous
just because a couple cute girls
hit on you.
I know that there's more
to your life than just me.
It's the price I pay for having
a boyfriend all the girls
are crazy about.
J.T.: Knock it off, colleen.
Colleen: No, no, I'm serious. Look, I know you could be with any girl u u want, which is why I feel so lucky that you want to be with me. So I'm not gonna be the type of girlfriend who's all clingy and possessive. I trust you, and I know you love me.
J.T.: Hey, come on, colleen.
Colleen: What? Am I embarrassing you?
J.T.: Yeah, a little.
Colleen: Okay, okay. I'll stop. I'd better go home anyway.
J.T.: That's a good idea. You don't want to press your luck with your dad.
Colleen: Yeah, he's probably been checking his watch since the minute I walked out that door.
J.T.: I bet he's hoping
you come in late,
so he can take back
everything he said
Colleen: Well, he's going to be disappointed, because I'm not letting anything get between us, not ever again.
Colleen: I'll see you later.
J.T.: See you.
Colleen: Bye.
Lauren: I'm sorry. I have no idea where J.T. Is.
Anita: Then he hasn't been in at all?
Lauren: No, not since this morning.
Anita: Really?
Lauren: But I'd be happy to mention that you stopped by when he comes in tomorrow.
Anita: Please, don't do me any favors.
Lauren: Why are you trying so hard to alienate me?
Anita: Look,
I don't need a new friend
or a sparring partner
or a confidant to share
my deepest thoughts with.
If I gave you that impression
earlier, I do apologize.
Lauren: So what do you need? What's misn ng from your life, anita? A husband that pays attention to you? Well, that we know.
Anita: What is missing is brittany. I'm desperate to find out information, and that is why I came here.
Lauren: To get it from J.T.? You really think he can help?
Anita: He phoned me earlier to say he had a thought about brittany. I'd like to follow up.
Lauren: Hmm, I see.
Anita: If you see him this evening, could you please tell him to call me on my cell? He has the number.
Lauren: Will do.
Lauren: Leaving so soon?
Anita: Well, I can't imagine
what else we'd have
to talk about.
Lauren: I suppose you're right, and I really hate to say it. You seem better this evening. You seem more alive.
Anita: Do I? Well, actually when you saw me earlier this afternoon, lauren, I was a little under the weather, which could account for my mood. But isn't life fascinating? The changes? How a gray day can turn sunny in the blink of an eye?
Lauren: Mmm. And vice-versa.
Anita: Have a lovely evenin
Lauren: Hmm. What are you up to, lady? And what does it have to do with J.T.?
Jill: Charlotte, why don't we call it a night?
Charlotte: We just got here.
Jill: Well, I know.
Buw why don't we take it slow?
You know, if we get too fast
it gets stressful,
and I want it to be fun.
Charlotte: (Slurring) well, I'm having fun. Aren't you?
Jill: Oh, I am. It is just amazing to sit here with you.
Charlotte: Yeah. You're a lovely person, and I really am pleased I'm here.
Jill: Thank you. Um, so why don't i drive you home?
Charlotte: I don't wanna go home. It's too early.
Jill: Well, you should. It's late.
Charlotte: Well, no, it isn'T. I've got a couple stop offs I have to make to visit some very close friends.
Gina: You know what?
I have a great idea.
There's usually a cab
parked out front.
Why don't I go check about that?
Charlotte: Gina, that's a wonderful idea. Yes. And you have a lovely place here.
Gina: Well, thank you, and I hope you come back soon.
Charlotte: Well, yeah. Yeah, certainly.
Jill: Would you mind?
Gina: Uh, certainly. I'll be right back.
Jill: Good.
Charlotte: Jill, honey, I am fresh out of cab fare.
Jill: Oh, no problem. I don't know where you live, so how much will it take?
Charlotte: $50 would do it.
Jill: Um, here's $100.
C charlotte: Well, thank you very, very much.
Jill: Oh, you're welcome,
and I've tucked my card
in there, so would you
please call me tomorrow morning?
Charlotte: Yes.
Jill: You won't forget?
Charlotte: Oh, I never forget anything. That was $100 you said, wasn't it? You're a lovely, generous woman, and I like you, I really do. And I won't forget to call you, I solemnly promise.
Gina: Well, my dear, your chariot awaits.
Charlotte: Oh. Thank you very much. Thank you. I'm going now.
Gina: Here we go. Let me help you, please.
Charlotte: Oh, thank you very much.
Gina: Oh, it's my pleasure. Oh, wait a minute. Let's not forget this.
Charlotte: Addio.
Addio, gina roma.
Gina: Here we go.
Charlotte: Addio. Arrivederci. I'm fine. I'm wonderful.
Gina: Yes, you are.
Charlotte: I'm thinking seriously of taking up my singing.
Ah da do
Gina: You used to sing?
Charlotte: Oh, I still do.
Gina: Well, you have a lovely voice.
Liz: Katherine, why does it bother you so much?
Kay: It just does, elizabeth. I firmly believe that ancient history should be left where it is-- buried, locked away, over and done with.
Liz: Yes, but if jill and her birth mother agree that meeting one another is a good idea, then--
Kay: Please, please, please,
please, elizabeth, my gosh.
That woman is probably driven
by remorse and guilt or what
she did a number of years ago,
not anything that is happy
and advantageous today,
nothing positive.
That is what jill
is taking advantage of.
Liz: Oh, you don't know that.
Kay: Oh, yes, I do.
Liz: How can you possibly--
Kay: Believe me, I do. I know how it would feel to be... here I am yelling at you. Oh, god. Uh, my darling, I'm very, very tired, and I'm going to go to bed. And, um, your room is ready if you want to stay, and I pray god that you will. Hmm? Good night, my precious friend.
Kay: Oh...
Liz: Oh, dear god.
Paul: You're right. Asking for forgiveness is a lot to ask.
Chris: I don't mean that I'm full of resentment, or that I want you to suffer.
Paul: Well, I'm suffering.
Look, I understand this
has not been easy on any of us,
least of all my marriage.
Chris: I'm sure that's true.
Paul: I have been pretty honest with isabella about what happened. I told her what I did to you.
Chris: Probably a good idea.
Paul: Yeah, well, it went a long way to explaining why I was acting the way I was all the months you were out of town.
Chris: So are things better between the two of you now that you've told her the truth?
Paul: Well, I'm told things are gonna get worse before they get better. I guess we'll have to wait and see. Um, look, the reason I'm here is there are some questions I have to ask. It's the only way I'm going to be able to get on with my life.
Chris: What does it have
to do with me?
Paul: Chris, yoyou're the only person that knows the answers. Look, you put on a disguise, you went to see my wife, you started asking her a lot of questions about things from her past, things that I can't imagine you ever needing to know about. So what in the hell were you looking for? What did you expect to find?
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