Y&R Transcript
Friday 3/21/03--Canada; 3/24/03--USA
Provided By Eric
Nikki: I can'this. You have talked to your daughter and you didn't tell us? You kept it from us? How could you do that?
Doris: I didn't talkto sharon. I got a letter this morning.
Nikki: A letter? Well, then you definitely know where she is. She wrote from denver. That was the postmark, anyway, but she made it clear that she was moving on. We were not to t her.
Nikki: Oh, wonderful. Wonderful, she writes to you and tel y you all these horrible things about victor, and there's no of contacting her.
Doris: She just wanted to make me understand why she had left the way she did, and why she can't come back.
Nikki: Uh-huh.
Because it's all victor's fault,
Doris: Oh, nikki, how do you expect her to react? Her own father-in-law going after her like that? And there's more.
Nikki: What?
Doris: Nicholas. I guess he had decided to put the past behind him.As coming home to reconcile. Then when he got there, through the window, he saw his wifewn father's arms. And that was the end of that. Sharon believes that the marriage is over forever now and that nicholas will never forgive her.
Nikki: And she told you all of this in a letter conveniently mailed at a time when she cannot be tracked down. That girl does not miss a beat.
Nick: Noah?
Noah: Daddy, are you mad at me?
Nick: Why would i
be mad at you, buddy?
Noah: 'Cause I was feeding cassie.
Nick: Was she eating?
Noah: Yes. I think so. Her lips were moving.
Nick: That's what I think I saw, too.
Victoria: I'm gonna go get a doctor.
Noah: She must be getting hungry.
Nick: Yeah.
Noah: She has to eat, doesn't she?
Nick: Yeah, well, they've been giving her nutrition though this tube here.
Noah: Yuck.
Nick: Yeah. I bet that yogurt tastes pretty darn good right about now.
Reese: What's happening in here?
Nick: I think
she's coming around, doc.
It's happening. I'm sure of it.
Colleen: You said you were okay with waiting. But I have to wonder, I mean, can you really be happy if we're not having sex?
J.T.: Oh, come on. What kind of question is that?
Colleen: J.T., Wait. I need to know. I mean, the other relationships that you've been in...
J.T.: Those are ancient history.
Colleen: Maybe. Still...
J.T.: What? Does it look like I'm getting antsy or something?
Colleen: Well, no.
J.T.: And have I pressured you?
Colleen: Nobubut...
J.T.: Then you have nothing to worry about. All right? Especially now.
Colleen: But how realistic
is it?
I mean, expecting you to live
like some sort of monk.
J.T.: Monk, huh? A monk? Well, do they get to do this?
Colleen: J.T., I'm being serious here.
J.T.: Colleen, look. One day it's gonna happen for us.
Colleen: Really? You think?
J.T.: Yeah, I do.
Colleen: When?
J.T.: I don't know. When the time's right, I guess.
Colleen: But you keep saying, "when the time's right," but what does that mean? How will we know?
Jill: I could get used to this.
Frederick: Why, hello, jill. Used to what?
Jill: Before I waited in line like everybody else. But now when I come to the bank, they just lead me straight to the head guy's office.
Frederick: Well, you know,
you borrow enough money,
you're not a customer anymore.
You're a partner.
Jill: I'll remember that. So how are you?
Frederick: The question is, how are you?
Jill: I'm okay.
Frederick: It's good to see your fa..
Jill: You said that the last time when you said you felt you need somebody to communicate with.
Frederick: Yeah, well, things haven't changed.
Jill: Apparently not.
Frederick: So my wife paid you a little visit.
Jill: Uh, I wouldn't call it little, and, frankly, I'm surprised that anita told you about it.
Frederick: I'm appalledshe would do a thing like that.
Jill: Well, she did. Your wife is on the war path, frederick, and it led her right to my door.
Lauren: Not much
of a meal there.
Anita: What are you, my mother?
Lauren: Let's hope not.
Anita: What do you want, lauren?
Lauren: Nothing. I just saw you over here.
Anita: You thought you'd co o over and give me a lecture on the evils of alcohol. How very kind of you.
Lauren: It looked like you could use a kind word.
Anita: (Laughs) please.
Lauren: Maybe a few kind words.
Anita: What, and you're just the person to dole them out?
Lauren: I know you haven't heard anything from brittany, and I can only imagine what that must be doing to you.
Anita: Can you really?
You think you understand me?
What it's like to be
inside my skin?
Well, don'lelet me burst your empathetic little bubble. You don't have a clue
Mac: Hey.
Billy: Hey, kind of quiet in here.
Mac: Oh, you just missed the rush. How was class?
Billy: Couldn't tell you.
Mac: Didn't you go?
Billy: Oh, I went, just couldn't concentrate. I couldn't stop thinking about what colleen told us at the coffeehouse.
Mac: Oh.
Billy: Tell me I got it wrong, mac. Tell me I got it backwards-- that J.T. Wanted to sleep with colleen and she refused, instead of the other way around.
Mac: I could lie to you if you want.
Billyyoyou think J.T.
Would turn a girl down?
Especially a girl
who's more than willing?
That'll be the day.
Mac: You know, if it were any girl, probably not, but this colleen.
Billy: If you're gonna tell me again that jerk actually has feelings for her...
Mac: I know that you refuse to accept it, billy, but I'm really starting to believe it's true. J.T. Cares for colleen more than he's ever cared f a anyone.
Billy: Which isn't saying much.
J.T.: When? Well, who knows, colleen?
Colleen: Well, you must have some idea.
J.T.: No, not really.
Colleen: I just want to know what you're thinking. I mean, a couple of months?
J.T.: Look, I'm not really thinking anything, okay?
Colleen: Please,
don't get angry with me.
J.T.: I'm not angry. Colleen, I'm not. I just... never mind.
Colleen: I understand.
J.T.: How can you understand when I don't understand?
J.T.: All right. Talk to me.
Colleen: You're right. It was probably better that we didn't ha s sex the other night. I mean, this whole thing is so complicated. And we shouldn't rush into anything, all right?
J.T.: Well, then why do you look so upset?
Colleen: Well, I have to wonder how long you'll be okay holding off. I mean, look at you. You're so handsome. I mean, girls practically throw themselves at you.
J.T.: Oh, come on, colleen.
Colleen: It's true.
You're the guy who's used
to being with girls a lot,
and I know that.
J.T.: So what's this really about? Huh? Are you afraid I'm gonna resent you or something? Look, I'm the one who said no. You know, I stopped things. I'm not gonna turn around and blame you.
Colleen: I owow. But everyone says once you've had sex, you can never go back to the way things were.
J.T.: And everyone's right. And that's why I want to take things slow with us.
Colleen: It can't be easy for you.
J.T.: Yeah, well, you're worth it.
Colleen: Will you tell me if it gets to be too much?
J.T.: You don't have to worry about that, colleen, okay?
Colleen: Yeah,
well, what about when
you're at school surrounded
by all those cute coeds?
I mean, J.T.,
If you're not getting sex
from me, you can always
get it from someplace else.
Lauren: You know, you don't dislike me nearly as much as you'd have me believe.
Anita: Please, go away.
Lauren: I think it would help to have someone listen.
Anita: Well, I wouldn't know. It's been so long.
Lauren: But surely your husband is there.
Anita: Oh, my husband. Oh, how could I have forgotten? The one person who should always be there for me.
Lauren: Uh-oh. You sound frustrated.
>>Ninita: (Laughs) that's very good, lauren. Very astute.
Lauren: I didn't say it to be funny.
Anita: You weren'T.
Lauren: I can't tell.
I don't know.
Did I come at a good time,
or a bad time?
Anita: I guess that depends on your appetite for disillusionment.
Doris: I realize you're upset, nikki, but I don't care much for your attitude.
Nikki: My attitude? You're telling me that sharon wrote you a letter and told you all these things. Did she even ask about her children? What would be the point? If she's not able to be contacted, I guess we can't really answer her.
Doris: She's heartsick about cassie and noah.
Nikki: Not heartsick enough to come home.
Doris: How could she after what had happened?
Nikki: Look, if this
is what happened,
why wouldn't she
confront victor?
Doris: You're acting like you don't believe it. But you admitted to me a little while ago that you knew.
Nikki: Yes, I know about the incident, I know that nicholas oversaw, and that is tragic. The question is, what did he really see?
Doris: He saw his father kissing his wife.
Nikki: And because of that, sharon runs away, because victor supposedly took advantage of her, she just abandons her family? That does not make any sense, doris, and you know it.
Doris: You can't unrsrstand
why my girl would be driven
to do something desperate?
Victor was a man she cared
about, a man she trusted.
And she felt he was
the only person in your family
ever to give her any support.
Then she found out why--
because he had designs on her,
his own son's wife!
Nikki: Oh, for god's sake! I cannot hear any more of this! It wasn't victor! It was your daughter! She is responsible for this! She reached out to him! She's the reason the kiss happened, not him! That is what happened, and that's why she's gone!
Frederick: This is embarrassing as hell.
Jill: Don't let it be. I survived.
Frederick: Well, anita shouldn't be bringing you our troubles.
Jill: Well, according to her, I am a big part of them.
Frederick: What was she thinking?
Jill: She made it very clear what she was thinking. Frederick, you have been a bad boy.
Frederick: And how's that?
Jill: You haven't made your wife feel loved or cherished.
Frederick: Yeah, well, that's a two-way street.
Jill: Somebody's got to make the first move.
Frederick: We can't even communicate long enough to get to first base.
Jill: Been there.
Frederick: Really? I find that hard to believe.
Jill: What? That I... part of this problem here is that I am an unattached woman. Now do you think that's by choice?
Frederick: No, by my good fortune?
Jill: Oh, easy now.
Frederick: Well, it's true. You know, you and I communicate very well together, jill.
Jill: We're not married.
We don't have a history.
Frederick: Maybe we should get started on one.
Jill: Frederick, um, you're hurting right now, okay? You're angry, and you're frustrated.
Frederick: Yeah, well, fovevery good reason. I mean, anita harping on me, calling you names. What does she expect that to get her, anyway?
Jill: She's just defending her turf, eliminating the competition.
Frederick: Is that what you are?
Jill: It doesn't matter what I really am. That's what she saw.
Frederick: Jill, you're a good person.
Jill: Oh, I don't know about that.
Frederick: You are.
You're a very good person.
In so many ways.
Jill: Frederick...
Frederick: I just want you to know that I regret any abuse that you had to put up with.
Jill: Don't give it another thought.
Frederick: You're too much, you know that? Hey, um, that's not why I asked you here, though. Have a seat.
Jill: Thank you.
Frederick: You remember the letter I wrote to the friend of mine at the adoption search agency?
Jill: Well, of course I remember.
Frederick: Well, he put your case on the front burner.
Jill: Really? So when could we expect to hear something?
Frederick: That's the news. We have.
Jill: Tell me.
Frederick: Your record
was right where
it was supposed to be.
Jill: Frederick, what are you saying?
Frederick: Apparently, they located your birth mother.
J.T.: Well, you're right about one thing, colleen. There are a lot of girls out there who are willing to give it up at the drop of a hat.
Colleen: And you tell me I have nothing to worry about.
J.T.: You don'T. How many times do I have to tell you? It's different with you.
Colleen: I know. You keep telling me that, but if you were in my shoes...
J.T.: I'd probably have
the same worries.
You have to understand,
most of the girls I've been
with, it was just about sex.
I mean, we had fun,
but it's not like
we actually connected.
And back then, you know,
I didn't really care.
Colleen: You don't miss the old J.T.? The guy always out on the prowl? I mean, you don't miss that life even a little bit?
J.T.: You and me, what we got going on, it's about so much more ththan sex. I'm not the smartest guy in the world, but I'm not so stupid that I can't realize that you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. Forget about all those other girls, colleen. None of them even come close to what I have with you.
J.T.: You feel better?
Colleen: I feel a lot better.
J.T.: Well, good. I gotta go.
Colleen: Okay, me too.
J.T.: All right,
I'll help you up.
Colleen: God forbid someone sees us together.
J.T.: You're still not crazy about all this sneaking around, huh?
Colleen: Oh, I hate it.
J.T.: Yeah.
Colleen: I love seeing you, but this is the only place we can meet, and I'm always afraid someone's gonna walk in.
J.T.: Yeah, me too, but, I mean, what other choice do we ha? ?
Colleen: Well, I've been thinking about something.
J.T.: Uh-oh.
Colleen: I'm gonna ask my dad if I can get my license.
J.T.: Your driver's license?
Colleen: No,
my pilot's license.
Of course my driver's license.
How cool would that be?
I mean, we can meet anywhere.
We could find someplace
out of town,
and we wouldn't have to worry.
J.T.: Whoa, whoa, whoa, now. Hold on. I-I think this is a great idea, but how are you gonna convince your old man to go along with it?
Colleen: I'll think of something.
J.T.: You're gonna have to do some serious sweet-talking.
Colleen: I am 16. It's not like I'm asking something outrageous. All my 16-year-old friends have their licenses.
J.T.: Well, yeah, but how many of your friends are dating guys in college?
Colleen: It might take a while, but all I have to do is convince him that we're not gonna do something crazy.
J.T.: Like drive off
to mexico
in the middle of the night?
Colleen: Exactly, and once I do that, I think he'll go along with it. I cannot wait to learn how to drive.
J.T.: (Laughs)
Colleen: Are you laughing at me?
J.T.: No, I'm not laughing at you. I was just remembering this time in high school. Rianna had just gotten her license, and, god, she was, like, the worst driver...
Colleen: What were you gonna say?
J.T.: I have to go.
Colleen: Why, are you okay?
J.T.: Yeah, no, I'm fine. I'll finish the story later. I just remembered I gotta-- I gotta get ahold of mrs. Hodges.
Colleen: Brittany's mom? Why?
J.T.: I'ltetell you about it later, okay?
Colleen: Okay.
J.T.: See ya.
Colleen: Bye.
Lauren: I'm getting the distinct impreioion this isn't just about brittany.
Anita: You ever been married, lauren?
Lauren: Yeah, a couple of times. A few near misses along the way.
Anita: But those relationships ended?
Lauren: Unfortunately. Well, in some cases, anyway.
Anita: You got out while you could. You're lucky, trust me.
Lauren: I know we barely know each other--
Anita: But if I'm so miserable, why don't I get divorced?
Lauren: I would never
be that presumptusus.
Anita: That's probably why you're so good at what you do.
Lauren: You're probably right 'cause retail definitely requires a certain amount of tact.
Anita: Tact. Another word for sensitivity.
Lauren: You could say that.
Anita: Where does that go in a marriage-- sensitivity and caring? Does it evaporate, or do we just kill it slowly?
Lauren: I don't know. I guess it depends on the two people vovolved.
Anita: Ah, more tact.
Lauren: You don't seem to be asking for any advice.
Anita: I think frederick and i
are way past that stage.
(Cell phone rings)
Anita: Hello? Yes. Who's this? Really? No, no, no, no, that's fine. Um, can--yeah, I'm at the lodge. Well, I'll wait for you here. Okay, see you then.
Lauren: Sounds like you're meeting someone.
Anita: Yes, very shortly.
Lauren: All right, then I won't keep you. I'm sorry you're having a difficult time. If you ever need someone to listen to you...
Anita: Thank you. Lauren, you were, um, you know... kind.
Noah: I'm coloring a picture for cassie.
Victoria: That sounds like a great idea.
Noah: I can't wait
to give it to her
when she wakes up.
Victoria: She'll love that.
Noah: She's gonna wake up soon, right?
Victoria: Yep, she's gonna wake up real soon.
Reese: Nicholas, I know what you think you saw--
Nick: No, I know what I saw. I saw cassie's lips moving.
Reese: I must caution you. You may be reading too much into this.
Nick: Don't tell me that. Don't you understand? We need this. We need some hope, something positive.
Doris: I don't believe you.
Nikki: I'm sure you don'T. You're sharon's mother. You don't want to accept the truth.
Doris: Sharon didn't want me
to feel bad about victor.
She told me he wasn't himself.
He was on pain medication.
Nikki: Which she stupidly gave him, by the way.
Doris: You never liked sharon. You never believed she was good enough for your son, and now you're gonna take everything and twist it around to use against her to try to convince nicholas not to take her back.
Nikki: I don't know what my son is going to do, but sharon has caused him no end of pain. He doesn't know the truth about his wife. Victor hasn't told him. Victor still thinks there's a chance to salvage that marriage.
Doris: That would ease his guilty conscience, I'm sure.
Nikki: You know something?
Your daughter thinks
she's a hot little number
that nobody can resist--
Victor: What are you two talking about? What are you arguing about?
Nikki: I'm sorry, victor.
I told doris the truth.
I told her it was sharon that came on to you. I just couldn't take it anymore. I
couldn't stand listening to somebody malign you when you're the innocent party.
Mac: You really won't cut J.T. Any slack, will you?
Billy: No, and neither should you.
Mac: Look, I'm not saying the guy's turned into a saint, but people do change.
Billy: Some people, maybe. J.T.--Not a chance.
Mac: Well, maybe when you hear about the talk I had with colleen after you left the coffeehouse.
Billy: What about it?
Mac: You don't have to worry about J.T. Taking advantage of her.
Billy: You're assuming that he hasn't already.
Mac: They haven't slept together, billy.
Billy: Because he has such deep feelings for her?
Mac: He really seems to.
Billy: Look, I know J.T., All right? When it comes to girls, he's only interested in one thing.
Mac: Yes, that's how he used to be, billy, but I think being with colleen has brought out a different side to him. He could have gone all the way with her, but he didn't because he didn't feel she was ready.
Billy: Ok,, if you're finished singing J.T.'S praises--
Mac: Look, I know that this pains you to hear, billy, but I am really impressed with him.
Billy: Will you stop? Okay?
I'm definitely glad
she didn't sleep with him,
but all these compliments,
you're making me sick.
Mac: You just can't accept the fact that he's not all bad.
Billy: Look, even if J.T. Did manage to do the right thing one time, it still doesn't mean that we should encourage this relationship.
Mac: It doesn't matter if we encourage it, billy. Those two are gonna do what they want. At least you could rest a little better knowing that J.T.'S not out to score with your niece.
Billy: Maybe not this week.
Mac: You know, at some point we're gonna have to trust them.
Billy: Well, you go right ahead.
Mac: I already did.
Billy: And what's that supposed to mean?
Mac: I gave colleen
a lot to think about, okay?
She really seemed to take
what I had to say to heart.
That's all we could do, billy,
is offer advice
and a friendly face.
Other than that, it's completely
out of our control.
J.T.: Mrs. Hodges.
Anita: J.T., There you are. Have a seat.
J.T.: Thanks.
Anita: So you said on the phone that you remembered something?
J.T.: Yeah, I was talking with my girlfriend about, well, you know, people we know, and rianna's name came up, and it hit me that brittany mentiod d her.
Anita: When? The last time you spoke?
J.T.: Yeah, that morning at the coffeehouse, like, right before she left.
Anita: Well, what did brittany say?
J.T.: She was, like, "I wonder how rianna's doing." Just like that, out of the blue.
Anita: Did she plan on going
and seeing her?
J.T.: I don't know. She didn't say that, but, I mean, you know, if she knew she was-- I mean, in trouble...
Anita: You find out you're pregnant, you're scared to death.
J.T.: And you're gonna go off and chill with a friend. I mean, it kind of makes sense.
Anita: You know, you could be right? This could be the answer. Is rianna in school now?
J.T.: At michigan, ann arbor.
Anita: Which is not very far. Brittany could have driven. I wonder if I still have rianna's mom-- here's her number. Cross your fingers.
Jill: Apparently? Apparently your people have found my real mother?
Frederick: According to
the original birth certificate,
It looks just like
the certificate
you've been carrying
all these years,
but it's the original.
Jill: When were you planning on telling me this?
Frederick: Well, I called you, didn't I?
Jill: But we've just been-- never mind. Wow. This is incredible.
Frederick: I thought you'd be pleased.
Jill: Well, I don't know what I am. Actually, I think I'm a little scared.
Frederick: We can stop this anytime you like, jill.
Jill: No. No. So have they contacted her?
Frederick: That was the plan.
Jill: And they know where she is?
Frederick: I don't know. I mean, it's what they do, jill. They're good at finding people.
Jill: Are they gonna tell her--
Frederick: Who you e?E? No, no, no. No, that's the whole point. See, they'll make sure that both parties are willing to make contact before any information changes hands.
Jill: Somebody knows. Oh, my god. This is gonna drive me crazy. I have to know. I couldn't stand not knowing.
Frederick: Well, let's not assume that this person is going to say no.
Jill: But if that happens? Then what? I cannot let anything stand in my way here-- not anything and not anyone.
Victor: What in the world possessed you to get into this now?
Nikki: Doris has heard from sharon.
Victor: When?
Doris: I got a letter
this morning.
Victor: Did she say anything as to her whereabouts?
Nikki: No.
Victor: When she's coming home?
Nikki: Don't get your hopes up. It was a letter of convenience.
Victor: Meaning what?
Doris: She wrote from denver, but she was leaving when she mailed it. She told me everything, victor, everything that happened.
Nikki: Yeah, her version. Did she say anything in the letter about coming home?
Doris: Sharon doesn't feel shecacan come home now.
Nikki: Don't you see
what she's done?
She's putting
all the blame on you.
She's putting you
in an untenable position.
Doris: And you want to put all the blame on sharon. That poor girl has been through a living hell thanks to your son and her father--
Victor: Can we please come to our senses now? There's a little girl in there that's fighting for her life. We don't need this, all right? Stop this stupid arguing. Now let's talk about what matters. Did sharon indicate at all as to where she might be?
Doris: No. She doesn't want to be found, victor.
Nikki: Of course she doesn't because thenhe'll have to face her lie and all the damage that she's done.
Victor: Nikki, please.
Doris: I came here
to see my granddaughter,
and that's what I'm going to do.
Mac: You know, we really should give J.T. And colleen a little more sympathy.
Billy: You're kidding, right?
Mac: Billy, we've been in their shoes. Remember what it was likewhen we first started dating? Everyone was so against it.
Billy: That was a completely different situation.
Mac: Look, all I'm saying is that we need to keep to an open mind. I know we're capable of doing that because if we weren't, we wouldn't have ended up together.
Billy: (Sighs) you remember what it was like when we first met?
Mac: Are you kidding? How could I forget?
Billy: We didn't
get along so well.
Mac: Please! We despised each other.
Billy: Well, that was all your fault.
Mac: My fault?
Billy: You were totally annoying back then.
Mac: You! You were obnoxious and arrogant and self-centered--
Billy: Okay, okay, okay, okay, I get the point.
Mac: (Laughs)
Billy: You used to drive me completely nuts...
Mac: Ohh. (Laughs)
Billy: And it took me a while to, uh, to realize why you had such a strange effect on me. Man, it was, uh, it was a surprise.
Mac: The relationship no one saw coming.
Billy: But here we are,
still together years later.
Mac: And I pray for so many more.
Anita: Well, you have my cell phone number, right? Great. I'll be waiting to hear from you. Okay, thanks. Bye.
J.T.: Well, what did mrs. Miner have to say?
Anita: E'e's gonna give rianna a call and see if she's heard anything.
J.T.: I think it's good you didn't tip her off, you know?
Anita: Yeah, well, if she knew I was frantic, and then she told rianna, and if brittany is there--
J.T.: Yeah, you don't want to make her freak out again and take off.
Anita: Do you realize this is
the first glimmer of hope
I've had in days?
J.T.: Well, I-I know this whole situation's been really rough on you.
Anita: If I could just get in touch with brittany and find out that she's okay, I can't even describe to you what a relief that would be.
Reese: Thank you.
Nick: Doris, I'm glad you're here.
Doris: Oh, dear lord, is it good news? Hahas there been a breakthrough?
Nick: Vicki was there, too. You saw it, right?
Victoria: I think so.
Nick: Sis, you know you did. That's why you ran out to get the doctor.
Reese: Nicholas,
please understand.
It's natural
that you want want to believe
there was movement.
Nick: I saw movement. Her lips moved when noah fed her the yogurt. Why don't you believe me?
Reese: Look, even if this is true, we don't know for sure that it means that she was responding.
Doris: Well, what else could it mean, doctor?
Reese: Well, it may have been just an involuntary reflex of the nervous system. I mean, rather than a response indicating her awareness of her surroundings or the stimuli.
Nick: Why are you doing this? For the first time, we have something positive, something that we can hold on to, and you act like it doesn't mean anything at all.
Frederick: Jill, I promised you I would do everything I could.
Jill: No, no, you promised me that you would break down any wall.
Frederick: I know.
Jill: That you wouldn't let anything stand in the way of me finding out who I am and where I came from.
Frederick: There are other avenues. It's possible we could get a court order.
Jill: Only possible?
Frederick: Well, the problem is that you have to have very good reason. I mean, you have to be ready to have a child or a transplant or--
Jill: No, obviously
that's not gonna work.
You know what, frederick?
Even if she doesn't
want to see me,
I'm gonna find her anyway.
I mean, how dare this woman
turn her back
on her own flesh and blood?
Frederick: Jill, you're expecting the worst.
Jill: No, I'm ppaparing for the worst. I mean, this is rejection on a pretty grand scale, wouldn't you say?
Frederick: But it may not happen. I mean, it hasn't happened yet.
Jill: I don't know. She didn't want me back then. Why would she want me now?
Frederick: Well, because people change. I mean, for all you know--
Jill: I shouldn't
have done this.
You know,
time would have gone by.
I would have gotten over
the shock,
and I--my life
would have gone back to normal.
I would have stopped thinking
about it.
Frederick: Jill, come on now. You're all over the place.
Jill: I know. I know, but maybe that's what we should do, just drop the whole thing, and then after a year, if I'm still thinking about it. Then you could put your people back on the trail. (Telephone rings)
Frederick: Yes? Oh, put her on. It's the agency. Yes, paula, mrs. Abbott's right here. Would you like to speak to her?
Jill: No, no. You handle it, please. No, you. I can'T.
Nikki: Please don't look at me like that.
Victor: Don't look at you like what?
Nikki: Like
you're disappointed in me
or something.
I just couldn't stand
listening to one more person
speak unkindly of you.
Victor: I'm not disappointed in you. It makes me happy to hear that you're defending me.
Nikki: Well, that's how I feel.
Victor: Well, I feel helpless right now. We need to find sharon. I wonder if there's any clue at all in the letter she wrote as to where she is.
Nikki: Do you really think that would make a difference for cassie?
Victor: Sweetheart, she's cassie's mother. We have got to find her.
Nikki: Yeah, some mother,
walking out on her kids.
Even in the letter,
she takes more steps
to try to destroy
your relationship with nicholas.
I just--it kills me
to see that self-serving girl
do this to you,
do this to our family,
and I have had enough of it.
It's gotta stop.
It's time something be done.
Victor: Darling, where are you going now?
Victoria: Look, I don't think dr. Walker wants to bring you down. I just think he wants you to be realistic.
Nick: I don't want realism. I want hope. Is that too much to ask for?
Nikki: Nicholas, we have to talk.
Nick: Mom, not now.
Nikki: No, this cannot wait. Something very unfair is going on, and I am not gonna stand by for another minute watching this family be destroyed. Honey, you need to know the truth, and you need to know right now.
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