Tuesday Y&R Transcript 3/18/03

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 3/18/03
--Canada; Wednesday 3/19/03--USA

Provided By Eric

Mac: Talk to me, colleen.

Colleen: About what?

Mac: You and J.T. Did you really decide to sleep with him, and he stopped it from happening? You just say that to pacify billy? 3E77AC1B.JPG

Colleen: Why would i make it up?

Mac: The way billy was ragging on j maybe you just--

Colleen: Okay. I was hoping it would back billy off. But it also happens to be true. J.T. Doesn't think we're ready to be together, you know, like that. But can we just drop it, okay, because he'd be totally embarrassed if he knew I told anyone.

Mac: I hope you know that you could talk to about this stuff. You know, I realize that you're not comfortable going to your parents, which is completely understandable, know you're dealing with some pretty serious stuff.

Colleen: I just told you, mac, nothing happe 3E77AC49.JPG

Mac: Right, because J.T. Dididn't let it happen. But if he hadn't put on the brakes... can I ask you something?

Colleen: Sure.

Mac: Why do you think you're ready to do this?

Colleen: I don't know. It just feels right.

Mac: I know what this relationsh means to you.

Colleen: I'm in love with him, mac.

Mac: Exactly my point. You're in love with J.T. And sometimes when people are in love, they aren't exactly... well, they're not the most rational.

Colleen: Just say it.

Mac: I just--I hope that you didn't decide to sleep with J.T. Because you were scared. 3E77AC6E.JPG

Colleen: Scared?

Mac: That you'd lose him if you didn'T.

Raul: Finished those t-shirts.

J.T.: Well, congratulations.

Raul: Well, a thank you would be nice.

J.T.: For what?

Raul: Lauren asked you to fold those t-shirts.

J.T.: She did?

Raul: Yeah, she did, right before she left for lunch.

J.T.: I must not have been paying attention. Thanks, man.

Raul: Yeah, no problem. You okay?

J.T.: Not really.

Raul: What's going on?

J.T.: Nothing. I'm just in a bad mood, that's all.

Raul: Well, you, uh, want to talk about it or whatever? 3E77ACA3.JPG

J.T.: Why? Why, so you can yell at me like everybody else has?

Raul: Oh. This is about colleen.

J.T.: Good guess, man.

Raul: Did you guys have an argument or something?

J.T.: No, we didn't have an argument.

Raul: Something must have happened.

J.T.: Nothing happened, raul, okay? Nothing happened, and nothing's gonna happen. That's the whole damn problem.

Anita: What are the odds of us having a civil conversation?

Frederick: I'd say that depends on you.

Anita: It always does, doesn't it?

Frederick: Oh, anita...

Anita: You know what? Forget it. I didn't come here to argue with you. 3E77ACCE.JPG

Frederick: I take it we haven't learned anything more about brittany?

Anita: I stopped by the boutique. I thought maybe one of the kids might have known something.

Frederick: And?

Anita: Still no word.

Frederick: Damn. Where could she be?

Anita: I don't know how much more of this I can take--not knowing where brittany is, if she's safe...

Anita: You're just gonna stand there?

Frederick: What do you want me to do?

Anita: Nothing, frederick, as per usual.

Nikki: I thought I'd find you here.

Victor: Glad you came back.

Nikki: Is there any change? 3E77AD1D.JPG

Victor: No. And it has been grueling. This waiting is terrible.

Victor: Tell me about it.

Nikki: Especially when you're here all alone.

Victor: Well, nicholas and victoria are in with cassie right now. But he doesn't want me anywhere near, so... I'm staying out here. Noah's in there, as well.

Nikki: That poor child, seeing his sister like this. I mean, how is he handling it? It must be so frightening.

Noah: Is she dead, daddy?

Nick: No. It's like she's asleep with her eyes open. It's kind of weird, huh?

Noah: Can she see me?

Nick: I don't think so. Because if she could, I know she'd jump up and give you a big, old hug. 3E77AD65.JPG

Noah: Yeah, cassie's always hugging me.

Nick: Hey, she's gonna be hugging you again real soon.

Noah: Are you sure?

Nick: I wish I could be. But it's what I believe.

Noah: You don't think she's going to die, do you?

Nick: No, I don'T. She's not gonna die, because we're not gonna let that happen. Good afternoon. Saddam hussein is refusing to move out of iraq - so it looks like the troops will be moving in as early as tomorrow.+++ Edmonton health officials are predicting the deadly west nile virus will arrive here this summer. What are they doing to protect your family? We'll have a special report.+++ And - some edmonton business owners are outraged after their licensing fees shot up over two hundred percent.+++ Our s sandwiches featuresthe delightful taste of cheese. 3E77AE6E.JPG

Raul: Now when you say that nothing's happened between you and colleen, do you mean, you know, what I think you mean?

J.T.: I shouldn't even be talking about this with you.

Raul: Why, because I'm billy's best friend?

J.T.: Yeah. And everything I tell you is gonna go right back to him.

Raul: Look, man, I know that you and I aren't exactly--whatever--tight. And I know you probably don't even want to hear this, especially coming from me.

J.T.: What is it, raul?

Raul: Like, you had to know, when you started seeing colleen, that sex was gonna become an issue. She's way younger than you. She's a lot younger in the eyes of the law. 3E77AE97.JPG

J.T.: Yeah, yeah, I know. Don't remind me, okay?

Raul: I think somebody should. Colleen's parents have already come down hard on you once, and you managed to get the cops off your back. But if you screw up, or you do something stupid, you're gonna be in deep.

J.T.: Thanks for the warning, dad.

Raul: You know, I really don't get why you keep doing this to yourself, man. All right, don't get me wrong. Colleen--she's great. I just think it'd make things a whole lot easier on yourself if you picked a girl who was your own age.

J.T.: Yeah, tell me about it. There were these girls in here earlier, man.

Raul: Yeah? Were they cute? 3E77AEC7.JPG

J.T.: No, hot. And they were really into me.

Raul: Oh, yeah. Of course.

J.T.: No, I'm serious, man, they were. And they were completely hitting on me. Invited me to this party they're going to. Hey, girls like that, you know, they would have been a lot of fun, but I turned 'em down, you know? Opportunity lost.

Raul: Doesn't sound like the J.T. I used to know.

J.T.: Doesn't sound like the J.T. I used to know, either. I mean, I'm in college, man. My life should be about having fun, you know, girls and parties. Instead, it's just-- you probably think I'm this out-of-control guy who only cares about scoring, right? Look, dude, I know sex isn't everything. What colleen and I have-- I can't even explain it, man. I care so much about her, and I like being with her. I really do. But the way things are right now, man, I-- it just isn't easy, you know? 3E77AF12.JPG

Colleen: No, mac, I did not decide to sleep with J.T. Because I was desperate to hold on to him. I wouldn't do that for any guy.

Mac: Okay, I'm glad to hear that. Because you shouldn't be in a relationship where you feel pressured, especially with something like sex.

Colleen: He hasn't pressured me to do anything. He's been really sweet.

Mac: Must be hard for you, though.

Colleen: What?

Mac: Just knowing he's had so much more experience.

Colleen: Well, I don't care about the other girls. They're not around anymore. And besides, I know J.T. Never felt about them the way he feels for me. 3E77AF30.JPG

Mac: Can't deny you've brought out a different side of the guy.

Colleen: Yeah, well, he's done the same for me. Yes, I know, everyone thinks that I just have this childish crush, that I don't know what being in love is. But I do. What J.T. And I have is real, and I want to show him how much he means to me. Is that so wrong?

Mac: No, colleen,it's not wrong, but there are other ways. You don't have to go rushing into something that you might not be ready for.

Colleen: I'm not rushing into anything. A lot of couples in our shoes would've made love a long time ago.

Mac: And a lot of couples would wait. Look, I understand why you feel the way you do about J.T., Why you want to be close to him. But there's more to sex than just love and romance. 3E77AF63.JPG

Colleen: I know all about staying safe.

Mac: What about the night you were planning to be with J.T.?

Colleen: Mac, I was prepared, okay? I had condoms.

Mac: Well, that's good. But nothing is 100% effective. No matter how careful you are, accidents can happen.

Colleen: Yeah, I know.

Mac: If something goes wrong, it couldffffect the rest of your life.

Colleen: Well, we don't have to worry about that now, do we?

Mac: No, not right this minute. But what if J.T. Changes his mind tomorrow? Are you absolutely sure you'd want to go through with this?

Colleen: Uh, mac, can I ask you a question? 3E77AF91.JPG

Mac: Sure.

Colleen: How did you know that you were ready, you know, to be with billy?

Mac: M m not ready yet.

Colleen: You mean, you and billy haven't--

Mac: Nope.

Colleen: But you two are so in love.

Mac: Yes, we are. I love him with all my heart. And yes, a big part of me wants to take the next step. But I'm holding off.

Colleen: Why?

Mac: Because, colleen, being with someone like that is a huge commitment, both emotionally and physically. I just--I want to make sure that the time is right.

Colleen: When do you think thatl l be?

Mac: I don't think. I know. It's gonna be when I'm married. 3E77AFBF.JPG

Colleen: Wow. And billy's okay with that?

Mac: He understands how I feel. He doesn't love me any less, which is what I'm trying to tell you, colleen. When the right guy comes along, he will accept you for who you are. He'll respect your decisions. So please, please, before you do something that you might end up regretting, just really think about what it is that you want.

Frederick: What did I do wrong now?

Anita: Can't you see I'm upset?

Frederick: Anita, we're both concerned about our daughter. That goes without saying.

Anita: You just don't get it, do you? 3E77AFE6.JPG

Frederick: No. No, I'm just the clueless nonentity that hangs around here and pays the bills.

Anita: It always comes back to that, doesn't it? Money. How grateful I should be for your largesse. Frederick, that is not what I need from you.

Frederick: Anita, just calm down a minute.

Anita: Look, I am angry. I'm frustrated. I'm upset about brittany. If you want calm, you start acting like a husband.

Frederick: What did you come by here for, just to harangue me?

Anita: I did not marry you so I could be alone. And more and more, that is how I'm starting to feel. But you're not alone, are you? Without support. 3E77B010.JPG

Frederick: What's that supposed to mean?

Anita: Well, I might as well tell you, since you're gonna find out soon enough-- before you conjure up your next excuse to see jill abbott.

Frederick: What about jill?

Anita: I paid the woman a little visit.

Frederick: You did what?

Anita: I just reminded her that you're a married man. You have a problem with that, sweetheart?

Frederick: You damn well better believe I've got a problem with that. )That's some sleeping pill. 's vote says otherwise.

Reminder, don't get too

aysoouea the noise and you came to see? 3E77B12C.JPG

Colleen: Okay. Okay, I'll think about it more.

Mac: You promise?

Colleen: Yes. I promise.

Mac: Thank you.

Colleen: But I really don't think there's a problem. I mean, remember, J.T.'S the one who said no.

Mac: I'm sure that wasn't easy for him.

Colleen: Of course not. I mean, a couple more minutes, and--well, you get the idea.

Mac: I gotta say, knowing J.T., That's pretty impressive.

Colleen: Goes to show how much he cares about me.

Mac: He does seem really protective of you.

Colleen: He is. Mac, he is the most amazing guy. I mean, just when I think I've figured him out, he does something completely unexpected. My family thinks that he's selfish and that he's gonna hurt me. But it is not true. He always puts me first. And everything he does just makes me love him even more. I really wish other people could see him the way I do. 3E77B166.JPG

Mac: You have to keep in mind, colleen, we've all known J.T. A lot longer than you have.

Colleen: Oh, he's not the same guy he used to be, mac.

Mac: Hey, I admit, he seems to have changed a lot, but the old J.T. Made a habit of doing whatever he wanted, never worrying about the consequences. And your family witnessed it firsthand.

Colleen: Are you talking about when he left billy out in the snow?

Mac: He could've died, colleen. You can't expect people to just forget about that.

Colleen: No, and I don'T. But how long is J.T. Gonna have to be paying for his mistakes? If my family would just give him a second chance-- but they don't wantoto, 'cause they don't want to be proven wrong. 3E77B18B.JPG

Mac: I think they're more afraid of being proven right.

Colleen: If they would just get to know him, mac, they would see they have absolutely nothing to worry about. Everyone in my family has this image of who I should date-- this straight "a," boy next door, president of the sophomore cla-t-type guy. And they punish me for not following their plan. I cannot help it if I've fallen for a guy who doesn't fit into their mold. J.T. And I didn't ask for any of this, and we don't mean to cause all this trouble.

Mac: I know you don'T. I wish there was something that I could do.

Colleen: Well, there is actually something you could do. 3E77B1B1.JPG

Mac: What?

Colleen: You know what it's like to be away from the person you love.

Mac: Colleen, what are you getting at?

Colleen: I just need to see him, and I need to talk to him.

Mac: Well, if you're ask--

Colleen: Look, normally, I wouldn't put you in the middle. It's just--he's at work, and you're going there anyway, right?

Mac: Right.

Colleen: Could you give him a message? Just tell him to meet me at our special place. He'll know where that is.

Mac: Colleen, I don't know that it's such a good idea.

Colleen: Mac, I really need to see him. I mean, we haven't seen each other since that night we had this really special moment together. How am I supposed to stop thinking about it? I really need to talk to him. Please, mac? 3E77B1E3.JPG

Victoria: Let's sit down here. And you can color and eat your yogurt. Make something nice for cassie, okay? Here you go.

Victoria: I juscacan't believe there's been no change.

Nick: Look at her. I mean, she's never looked more beautiful.

Victoria: I heard what you said to noah.

Nick: I'll fight with every ounce of strength I have to keep her alive. But I'm so afraid.

Victoria: As long as she's breathing, there's hope. You can't give up.

Nick: What if cassie's given up?

Victoria: Don'T. She hasn'T. She's still hanging in.

Nick: Remind me never to forget what a great sister you are. 3E77B235.JPG

Victoria: All right. Hey, listen. I'm gonna say something. Don't bite my head off.

Nick: I already know. That dad's out there. The answer's no. He's not coming in. Not while I'm here.

Victor: Like some coffee?

Nikki: Oh, thank you.

Victor: You went to jabot?

Nikki: Yeah, just for a little bit. I thought I would touch base.

Victor: I brought some work and accomplished absolutely nothing.

Nikki: It's very hard to concentrate.

Victor: I find it impossible.

Nikki: Don't you think it's more than cassie, though? I mean, certainly it has to do with this terrible gulf between you and nicholas. 3E77B276.JPG

Victor: Yeah, it does. And it pains me to say the least, but if I tell him the truth about what happened with sharon, that she is the one who initiated the kiss with me, I'm afraid it's only going to make things worse.

Nikki: Vioror, how can things be any worse? You need your son, and he needs to know the truth. When your antiperspirant's white residue

J.T.: So what else is going on, man? Have you heard from brittany?

Raul: Unh-unh. Not since that day she I.M.'D me here at the boutique.

J.T.: You must be going out of your mind, man. I mean, especially since she could be...

Raul: Pregnant? It's all right, man. You can say the word. 3E77B332.JPG

J.T.: Pretty hard to get your mind around that, isn't it?

Raul: Yeah, yeah. Just a little.

J.T.: If it were me, dude, I would be freaking out.

>>Auaul: You know, this whole thing would be so much easier if it wasn't for britt's parents.

J.T.: Are they still giving you a hard time?

Raul: You know, I haven't talked to them since that day at mr. Hodges' office. But, my god, if looks could kill, man... I seriously thought her dad was going to punch me.

J.T.: What'd you expect, raul? You did knock upisis daughter. Allegedly, I mean.

Raul: This is all such a huge mess.

J.T.: Well, brittany's mom stopped by earlier. 3E77B357.JPG

Raul: I'm sorry I missed her.

J.T.: She was pretty worried.

Raul: Oh, gee. She finally decides to show some concern for her daughter after 19 years. How thoughtful of her. You know, I never used to believe anything britt said about her folks, but now I can almost see why she would run away.

J.T.: Hey, her mom didn't seem that bad.

Raul: Are you kidding me? She's just as bad as her husband. That day at the office they were like two pit bulls going at each other.

J.T.: I know britt's parents don't get along.

Raul: Oh, yeah. That's putting it mildly. It makes you wonder why they even stay together.

Frederick: How dare you harass one of this bank's most important clients? 3E77B381.JPG

Anita: Oh, get off it, frederick. We both know that isn't her appeal.

Frederick: Jill abbott's an officer of jabot cosmetics. She's on the board.

Anita: Yes, yes, I know. She's a real force to be reckoned with.

Anita: Well, I just took her down a peg or two, and I won't apologize for it, not when I know she's doing her damnedest to seduce you.

Frederick: Do you have any idea, any clue at all how ridiculous you sound?

Anita: Ridiculous, am I? Then why don't you explain that envelope on your desk this morning with jill's name on it in your handwriting?

Frederick: I'm handling a project for her.

Anita: I bet you are.

Frederick: Now I suppose you expect details. 3E77B3A2.JPG

Anita: You don't think I have a right?

Frederick: You know, anita, you're putting me in a very awkward position her jill--the situation I'm handling for her, it's personal. I don't think she'd want it being discussed behind her back.

Anita: Well, by all means, let's be sensitive to jill. To hell with the wife, what she feels.

Frederick: Fine. You want me to betray a confidence.

Anita: You shouldn't have confidences with other women.

Frederick: All right, look. Jill recently found out that she's adopted. She wants to find her birth parents, so I told her since I'm trained as a lawyer and I know people, that I'd help her with it.

Anita: How noble of you. 3E77B3CE.JPG

Frederick: Anita, it's what I'd do for any friend, and that letter that you found on my desk was to an adoption search agency. So you see, there's nothing nefarious going on here, nothing the least bit questionable.

Anita: Who are you lying to, frederick? Me or yourself?

Frederick: I don't have to explain.

Anita: All this time and energy on jill abbott's problems. What about me? What about your wife? God, frederick, our daughter is missing. We're in the middle of a crisis. I can't even get a hug, a word of comfort. If there was ever a time that I needed your support and your love, just a little bit of tenderness for god's sake... do you have any idea what it's lilike lying in bed next to a man, your husband no less, who can't even stand to touch you? No, don'T. I will not beg for your affection, not when it's so obvious that it's elsewhere. 3E77B409.JPG

Frederick: You're wrong, anita.

Anita: I don't think so.

Frederick: There's nothing going on between jill and me. No lines have been crossed.

Anita: Yes, well, you sure as hell thought about it, though, haven't you? God, the excuses you make up to see that woman.

Frederick: You know, I rentnt your implying that I've got something to hide.

Anita: Is it just about the temptation, is that it? Is it titillating, frederick? The thrill of the chase without any of the messy consequences? At least not yet.

Frederick: I'll tell you what, anita. I'm going to set your mind at ease. Jill's coming over here later for a little bit of information. Would you like to stick around? Would you like to be a fly on the wall? 3E77B430.JPG

Anita: Right now what I would really like is for you to take your insulting attitude and ove it.

Nikki: Do you know that nicholas is planning on bringing cassie home and continuing her treatment there?

Victor: Yeah, I've heard about that. She's gonna need a live-in nurse. I think it would be better if she's up at the main house. There's more space, the nurse can have her own room and still be on call at all times.

Victor: I see where you're going with this.

Nikki: Well, the way things are now, nicholas is not gonna stand for that.

Victor: Do you think it's a good idea for him to bring case e home? 3E77B469.JPG

Nikki: I don't know. I understand he wants to get her away from this stark hospital environment. Maybe if she's around familiar surroundings, it will have a positive impact on her. But if there's gonna be a lot of tension and hostility between the two of you... well, you see my point.

Victor: Yeah, I see your point. Have arrangements been made for cassie to come back to the ranch?

Nikki: I'm not exactly sure where things stand with that.

Victo c could you find out?

Nikki: Mm-hmm.

Victor: And if it turns out that sharon is not coming back home, then I'm going to follow your advice and talk to our son and tell him the truth about what happened. 3E77B4A3.JPG

Victoria: So you're still not cutting dad any slack?

Nick: That man has done susuch incredible damage to my life.

Victoria: The situation is not black and white, nicholas.

Nick: He has never hesitated to run right over me, whether it's my marriage, my family or business. I mean, he's never put any value in my opinions ever.

Victoria: I don't really know how you can say that.

Nick: Look, I know there's a new cosmetics line coming out, and dad approved it. I was never consulted.

Victoria: Look, this is something that neil and I jumped into. The ball was already rolling before we evenenentioned it. Dad signed on, but he's not happy about it. 3E77B4CC.JPG

Nick: What, are you defending him now?

Victoria: I'm just saying that no one even thought about bothering you with business. You have enough going on in your life. Cassie has to be your number one priotyty.

Nick: She is my priority. But dad has other reasons for keeping me out of the loop. He's never put any stock in any of my opinions or ideas I suggested. To him, I'm such a disappointment. And I could never begin to hold a candle to the great victor newman. You're looking live at edmonton from our skytracker atop manulife placegood afternoon. I'm lesley macdonald. The couple being held in the elizabeth smart kidnapping case are now formally charged, as more disturbing details emerge about the case.Could these little creatures hold the key to cancer treatment? We'll tell you why researchers are suddlenly interested in their make-up.Plus...a bad storm has virtually closed down parts of colorado. Will our warm weather continue? That's coming up.........on edmonton's global news at 5:30. ñ X ñ en it comes to haircolor, 3E77B605.JPG

Mac: Hey.

J.T.: Look who decided to show up for work.

Mac: I'm sorry I'm late. I lost track of time.

J.T.: Well, at least you made it. I'm about to take my break.

Mac: Wait, wait, J.T. Could I talk to you for a sec?

J.T.: Yeah.

Mac: Uh, I spoke to colleen.

J.T.: So?

Mac: I know what happened the other night.

J.T.: You mean she told you?

Mac: Please don't be angry with her. She just really needs to talk to someone. I'm proud of you.

J.T.: You are?

Mac: Yeah, I mean, you could have taken advantage, and you didn'T. Probably the most honorable thing you ever did. 3E77B62A.JPG

J.T.: All right, all right. Stop, okay?

Mac: Don't worry, J.T., This isn't going to tarnish your precious reputation.

J.T.: Does that mean you're not going to say anything to anybody?

Mac: I might have to tell billy.

J.T.: What? Come on, mac...

Mac: It'll be my excuse for what I'm about to do.

J.T.: Am I supposed to know what you're talking about?

Mac: Colleen wants to see you.

J.T.: But there's a fat chance of that happening.

Mac: She's waiting for you right now. She said you'd know where.

J.T.: Wait a minute. Does that mean that you're okay with...

Mac: No, but given that you're such a gentleman... 3E77B649.JPG

J.T.: You're going to look the other way.

Mac: This time. Only this time, J.T., Okay? Don't make me regret this.

J.T.: Mac, you are the best. Thank you.

Raul: Well, he sure perked up in a hurry.

Nikki: Oh, doris. I'm glad you're here.

Doris: Well, our little girl can use all the support she can get.

Victor: That is certainly true. Thank you for bringing doris.

Miguel: I was glad to. How's cassie doing?

Victor: No change. Nicholas is thinking of bringing her to the ranch with a full-time nurse.

Miguel: That's a wonderful idea. Let me know what you need from me, how c can help. 3E77B679.JPG

Victor: Thank you, miguel.

Nikki: We're all gonna have to learn to take care of cassie. Even though she has a nurse, we need to be prepared.

Miguel: I could get some instruction and then work with the rest of the family.

Victor: I think that would be a very good idea.

Miguel: Do we know yet when cassie's moving home?

Nikki: No, I'm gonna fi t that out right now.

Doris: Before that happens, nikki, I'd like to speak to you about what's best for that child.

Victoria: You're letting your bitterness run away with you, nicholas.

Nick: You don't think I have reason?

Victoria: Look, I know you have grievances with our father.

Nick: Grievances. Yeah, right. 3E77B69D.JPG

Victoria: Look, he has been here day and night wanting to do anything he can for cassie.

Nick: It's his choice, not mine.

Victoria: I don't care how upset you are, nicholas. You cannot cut off any avenue of help right now.

Nick: The only reason he is here is because of his guilty conscience. If he hadn't been messing around with sharon, then she'd be here right now, and cassie wouldn't be without her mother. I'm C.C. The st. Alberta senior citizens club presents their spring explosion fashion show on friday. Doors open at 6:30 pm, enjoy refreshments, a light lunch and an exciting fashion show. See what's hot and what's not for spring and summer 2003. For tickets and more info call 459-04-33.**** Killarney school is hosting an open house on wed, march 26 from 6:30 to 8 pm. They offer a dynamic variety of courses including strong classes in french and arabic, construction technology, wildlife and outdoor skills and food studies as well as the logos program. For more info call 475-17-37.*****Grey nuns hospital and health centre volunteers services is having a book sale on thursday march 27 from 11 am to 4:30 pm. The sale will ne held in the main lobby of the grey nuns hospital, all proceeds to go towards volunteer uniforms. Call 450-72-70.****The ladies auxiliary of the norwood legion will be holding a market fair on saturday march 29. The fair will; be held in 3E77B706.JPGthe auditorium at 11 ave. And 82 st. Fro9 am to 4 pm. Proceeds will support local charities. Refreshments will be available. Call 472-75-28. ******And since 1982, the edmonton multicultural society has promoted a harmonious and enriched way of life for edmonton's diverse community., They are now accepting applications for new membership. Explore your horizons and submit your letter of interest. Call e lots of simple waysto save energy.

Miguel: I need to run some errands. I'll do that now, and I'll be back to pick you up, if that's all right.

Doris: Thank you, miguel. That'll be fine.

Nikki: So you said you wanted to talk, doris.

Doris: I do, though I would appreciate some privacy. 3E77B7A5.JPG

Victor: Doris, why do I get the feeling you're upset with me?

Doris: Victor, I would really rather talk to your wife.

Victor: What is this about?

Nikki: Maybe it's best if you give us some time alone. I'll find out what's going on.

Victor: All right. I'll leave you two alone.

Nikki: Okay. We're alone. Obviously you have some bone to pick.

Doris: This is much more serious than that.

Nikki: Doris, everything about this situation is serious.

Doris: I don't know if I really can talk to you.

Nikki: Why not?

Doris: This is something that's very difficult, and I'm not certain how much you're aware. 3E77B7D4.JPG

Nikki: Look, whatever it is, please, speak frankly.

Doris: Very well. This is about your husband and my daughter.

Doris: I've never had anything but respect for victor newman, but now I realize that respect was misplaced.

Nikki: Why would you say th??

Doris: You really don't know how he tried to take advantage of my girl?

Nikki: Wait a minute. Victor took advantage of sharon?

Doris: Shameful! Nikki, it's shameful! I hate having to be the one to tell you this, but I guess it isn't that unusual with rich and powerful men-- how they think they can go after any young woman, expect her to give in to their sick desires. 3E77B804.JPG

Nikki: This is what you're accusing victor of?

Doris: I know you don't want to believe it's true, but it happened, and I can prove it. (Knock on door)

Colleen: Hi.

J.T.: Hi. Mac said you wanted to see me.

Colleen: Yeah, I wasn't sure you'd come.

J.T.: Hey, what's up?

Colleen: Um... I just--I wanted to talk to you about the other night. I just don't want things to be weird between us, not that they are weird or anything. I was just hoping--

J.T.: Colleen, colleen. Can you stop for a second?

Colleen: Sure, why?

J.T.: 'Cause there's something I need to do.

J.T.: Now what were you saying? 3E77B843.JPG

Colleen: I forgot.

J.T.: You did? About the other night.

Colleen: Oh, right. The other night.

J.T.: Like, are you... are you okay with everything? With what happened?

Colleen: Don't you mean what didn't happen?

J.T.: Yeah, that, too.

Colleen: Yes, I'm okay with it.

J.T.: Are you sure? Because I hope that you don't think I don't want to be with you. 'Cause I do. I want that more than anything.

Colleen: It's just you want to wait for the right time.

J.T.: Yeah, yeah. It will be that time, colleen, someday.

Colleen: When?

J.T.: I can't answer th.. 3E77B86C.JPG

Colleen: Are you talking weeks or months? Or...

J.T.: Why do you ask?

Colleen: I just think it would make things easier.

J.T.: Col, I know how much you want us to be together, but I...

Colleen: Easier for you, I mean.

J.T.: For me?

Colleen: Yeah. I know you said you're okay with waiting, but I have to wonder. Can you really be happy if we're not having sex? E lots of simple waysto save energy.

Doris: What could victor newman have been thinking to go after his own son's wife, take her in his arms and kiss her? Knowing how much trouble those kids have had, knowing how hurt and vulnerable sharon has been. I can'T... I can't imagine a man, a father with a daughter of his own doing such a horrible thing. 3E77B96D.JPG

Nikki: Nor can I.

Doris: Not to mention that you and victor have only been remarried a few months, and still he does this thing. What kind of disgusting--

Nikki: Stop it. Listen to me. You don't know what you're talking about!

Doris: Don't you try to whitewash this and pretend it didn't happen.

Nikki: I am not doing that.

Doris: You know about this, don't you? This isn't news to you.

Nikki: I want to know how you know.

Doris: From my daughter.

Nikki: Oh, really? From sharon? So she's been in touch with you? Where is she?

Victoria: Look, I realize you're upset, but you can't blame dad for everything. It's not fair. 3E77B9A0.JPG

Nick: So what? I should just let our old man off the hook? Forget what I saw that night? Him and sharon toge--

Victoria: Stop it. Stop. This is accomplishing nothing.

Nick: You're right. It's not. And I don't want to talk about it anymore.

Noah: It's good, isn't it? Doesn't it taste good?

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