Monday Y&R Transcript 3/17/03

Y&R Transcript Mon
day 3/17/03--Canada; Tuesday 3/18/03--USA

Provided By Eric

Victor: I assume you have a reason for being here.

Jack: Actually, I have two. First of all, what's the latest on your granddaughter's condition?

Victor: Unchanged.

Jack: Her prognosis?

Victor: Uncertain.

Jack: I'm sorry to hear that. Please know that my prayers as well as those of my whole family are with that little girl.

Victor: Thank you. Now you said that there are two reasons for your visit. 3E765A9B.JPG

Jack: The second is business.

Victor: Aha. Would this have to do with my acquisition of Satine?

Jack: As a matter of fact, it does. I'm sure you can imagine I was pretty ticked off to see how that happened.

Victor: You know better than anyone how tough this business world is that we live in. It's a dog eat dog world, isn't it? But you live with it.

Jack: I could say a lot of things right now, things that I might regret later.

Victor: Right. What else?

Jack: Or I could offer a suggestion that might benefit your company as well as mine. Care to hear it? Ah, could I get that 1,000-minute daytime package, please? Mm-hmm, and don't try to scam me on the roaming and the long distance charges. You know what I'm talking about. Yeah, okay, and kick in the--yeah, that international package. I'm gonna be doing a lot of traveling. I'm a model. Yeah, okay. So this will be effective immediately? Tomorrow. All right, that's cool. Bye. All right, I need to get to Fenmore's right away, and I need me one of those kick-ass business suits. Hey, Jack, how you doing? 3E765AE1.JPG

Neil: Hey. In case you're wondering, my offer to paint the town tonight is still on the table.

Dru: That's all right. I'll pass.

Neil: Listen, I was thinking while I was in the shower how disappointed you are about losing the Jabot job.

Dru: Yeah, you seem really broken up about it, Neil.

Neil: I'm serious, Dru. I-- I was being insensitive.

Dru: I couldn't agree with you more.

Neil: You know what? I should have just let you get it out of your system, offered my shoulder for you to cry on.

>>Dru: But you didn't. You see, you jumped all over me like white on rice because I didn't tell you about the job offer that your competition offered me. 3E765B03.JPG

Neil: Okay, all right. All right, I was wrong. You're upset, have every right--

Dru: Do you have any idea what that job meant to me?

Neil: Yeah, I think I do. And the way it was taken away from you makes me feel worse.

Dru: Oh, no, don't patronize me, okay? Are you now saying that you understand my need to work, my need to be fulfilled?

Neil: Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying here.

Dru: Good. News flash. Jack Abbott just called me. He's hiring me anyway.

J.T.: The lady seems happy.

Lauren: Oh, yeah, sales are stronger than I'd anticipated.

J.T.: Why, you were worried?

Lauren: Of course I was. I mean, there's always room for improvement, but I set my sights pretty high on new ventures. 3E765B2F.JPG

J.T.: Well, I can't imagine you failing at anything once you go after it.

Lauren: Oh, you're sweet. But I've definitely had my share of failures.

J.T.: Lauren Fenmore screwing up? No way.

Lauren: Way.

J.T.: See, I figured you for the type who always got what she wanted.

Lauren: Oh, I certainly don't give up that easily. I guess we have that in common.

J.T.: Yeah.

Lauren: From what I see of you, you're pretty persistent.

J.T.: Yeah, I guess.

Lauren: All right, well, I have to go to the bank. Will you hold down the fort?

J.T.: What? Yeah, oh, yeah, yeah, oh, yeah. I got it. 3E765B5C.JPG

Lauren: Is everything okay with you and Colleen?

J.T.: Fine. Why?

Lauren: Because I have never seen you check out the customers like that before.

Colleen: Hi, uncle Billy.

Billy: Hey, what's up?

Colleen: I was hoping I'd find you here.

Billy: Well, I thought you only came to the coffeehouse when you were looking for J.T.

Colleen: Actually, I have a favor to ask.

Billy: I don't have much time, Col. I have to get to class.

Colleen: This won't take long.

Billy: Okay, lay it on me, kid.

Colleen: It's about me getting my license.

Billy: Uh-oh, clear the roads. There's danger coming. 3E765BA4.JPG

Colleen: No, I'm serious. My dad will for sure be against it.

Billy: That's a safe bet.

Colleen: Which is why I need your support.

Billy: If I were you, I wouldn't push my luck.

Colleen: So you're not going to help me?

Billy: You're asking for the impossible. No one's going to listen to me. They're already on your case about J.T.

Colleen: What does he have to do with me driving?

Billy: Plenty. Just gives you more opportunity to sneak around with him.

Colleen: That is so not fair.

Billy: What?

Billy: You get to go to G.C.U. Instead of Brown. You get to move into an apartment with all of your friends. You get to do everything you want to do, no matter what anyone else thinks. Why do you get to have all the fun? 3E765BE2.JPG

Jill: I can't do this. I can't do it.

Frederick: Jill, you know, it's the only thing you can do. You and your brother already tried to go in the back door. Didn't work.

Jill: Can't we give that one more try? Because I gotta tell you, I cannot see going through this whole process and then having a brick wall thrown up in front of my face.

Frederick: I won't let that happen.

Jill: W a are you helping me with this?

Frederick: Because I consider you my very good friend.

Anita: Nice setup, Jill. Of course, everyone in town knows how you got it. The old-fashioned way-- on your back. 3E765C1D.JPG

Jill: Say what you will, Anita, but I think I far prefer my life to the cold, empty one you must be living, because you sound like a very jealous woman. 

Billy: For one thing, Col, you're still only 16.

Colleen: That's old enough to get my license, Billy. 3E765CF2.JPG

Billy: Only if your dad approves.

Colleen: You know, you started dating Mac when you were in high school.

Billy: So?

Colleen: So your mom was totally against it, right?

Billy: Yeah, but for no good reason. She has some stupid grudge against Mac, and you haven't exactly helped your case by sneaking around with J.T. You know that's not allowed.

Colleen: I still don't see what that has to do with me learning to drive.

Billy: It boils down to trust, responsibility-- two words not exactly in your vocabulary.

Colleen: Thanks a lot for nothing, Billy.

Mac: Hey, guys.

Billy: Hey. 3E765D16.JPG

Mac: Thank you.

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Mac: What's wrong, Colleen?

Colleen: Nothing. I just asked Billy for some help, and he shot me down.

Billy: Col wants me to help her convince brad to let her get her driver's license.

Mac: After all the trouble you've been in? I don't think that's likely.

Colleen: Of course you're on Billy's side.

Mac: Hey, come on, Colleen. It was only a month ago you met J.T. At that dance, after swearing you weren't gonna see him that night.

Colleen: So as usual, it's all about J.T.

Billy: I'm afraid so, C.C. After breaking all the rules, there's no way your old man's just gonna suddenly give you more freedom. 3E765D41.JPG

J.T.: So what are you saying? It's a crime to look?

Lauren: If that's a crime, I'd be in jail by now.

J.T.: What's the problem?

Lauren: It's just that in all the time that I've known you, I've never seen you look at another woman that way.

J.T.: Look, I don't know what you're talking about, Lauren.

Lauren: I'm not judging you. I'm just asking if anything's changed.

J.T.: Between Colleen and me? No, nothing.

Lauren: Is this about sex?

J.T.: God, Lauren.

Lauren: Well, is it?

J.T.: Look, she's a special girl, okay?

Lauren: Quite a different lifestyle for you.

Billy: So?

Lauren: So it must be tough on you. 3E765D72.JPG

J.T.: Look, her family treats me like I have horns and carry a pitchfork, yeah.

Lauren: Yeah, but you obviously think that she's worth it.

J.T.: Hey, before Colleen, the longest I ever went with a girl was just a few months.

Lauren: Yeah, it was because you didn't want to be tied down to just one girl.

J.T.: Yeah, that's true. I mean, no commitments. That was the old J.T.

Lauren: Right. Famous last words, huh? So what now?

J.T.: Colleen's changed me. You know, she's got some kind of crazy hold on me.

Lauren: Can't explain it. Can't walk away, right?

J.T.: Lauren, she's amazing. I mean, she completely ignores every bad thing anyone ever says about me. 3E765D9A.JPG

Lauren: Well, she risks a lot to be with you.

J.T.: Yeah, but she sees me in a light no one else does. And it's weird because when I'm with her, it's like-- it's like I am that person she believes in, you know? At least, I try to be.

Lauren: You know, I'm so impressed with the way that you're handling this relationship, but-- but you gotta be frustrated as hell.

J.T.: Look, look, I know what you're gonna say. You're gonna say, "be patient when Colleen wants to slow things down," right?

Lauren: Well, that's good. Now I don't have to say it.

J.T.: Yeah, well, what you don't know is Colleen came on pretty strong the other day, and I was the one who stopped things. 3E765DC5.JPG

Anita: Don't flatter yourself that your tawdry little life bears any comparison to mine, Jill.

Jill: This is so inappropriate. This is my office. This is a place of business, but then of course, you've never had to earn any of the money you're so fond of throwing around.

Anita: Listen, I'm just gonna get straight to the point. I'm here to go on record.

Jill: About?

Anita: Frederick.

Jill: Well, let me start you o. Perhaps you're wondering why I'm not all ashamed and embarrassed about what happened at the lodge the other day.

Anita: No, actually, I'm not surprised at all. You have no shame, not to mention morals. No class. 3E765DEA.JPG

Jill: Well, coming from you, that's actually quite a compliment. Brace yourself.

Lauren: I'm not sure I heard you right. Are you saying that Colleen wanted to and you didn't?

J.T.: Yeah, yeah. The whole thing was colleen's idea.

Lauren: Wow! That puts a different spin on things.

J.T.: Yeah. And--and me, being the one to back down.

Lauren: I never would have guessed.

J.T.: Well, me neither. I just-- Lauren, I just knew it wasn't the right thing, you know?

Lauren: That's good. I mean, it's a surprise, but...

J.T.: Yeah, tell me about it. I mean, can you imagine me... 3E765F11.JPG

Lauren: Making the ultimate sacrifice?

J.T.: Yeah, something like that.

Lauren: So where does that leave you now?

J.T.: Taking a lot of cold showers.

Lauren: I bet. You should be proud of yourself. You really should.

Lauren: All right, I'm gonna go.

J.T.: Have fun.

Lauren: At the bank? Yeah, I could have a good time there. Ha ha ha ha. Bye-bye.

J.T.: See ya.

Neil: Abbott called here just now while I was in the shower?

Dru: Mm-hmm. I guess he and Ashley changed their mind.

Neil: How'd you answer?

Dru: How do you think I answered? 3E765F3E.JPG

Neil: You took the job?

Dru: Do I look like a fool?

Neil: After I just got through telling you that I had very serious reservations about it, what do you do? You accept it. You didn't even consult me.

Dru: Well, I'm sorry, your royal highness, that I didn't consult with you first. You, who are in such favor of me working in theory anyway, right?

Neil: No, no, I told you earlier that I was concerned about how it will affect our daughter. But apparently, it went in one ear and out the other.

Dru: This isn't just about lily, and you know it. It's about you feeling threatened about me working for the competition.

Neil: That's not true. Newman Enterprises operates in a world of competition day in and day out. We're used to it, baby. 3E765F5F.JPG

Dru: Why you taking it so personally for?

Neil: I'm not taking it per-- no, I'm not. That would be crazy.

Dru: Then you shouldn't have a problem with me working for Jabot, okay? It's not my fault I'm working on the team that's gonna strike your team out and make you file chapter 11.

Neil: Okay, listen, don't get carried away here. Jack has offered you a job, not the keys to Fort Knox.

Dru: You don't think I'm gonna puff up business over at Jabot? You underestimate me.

Neil: I hope you realize that you're gonna be playing ball on the losing team.

Dru: We'll see about that.

Neil: Yes, we will see.

Dru: You know, the more I think about the way you used me for information, the more I'm motivated to work for Jabot, wipe you, Newman and Satine off the map. 3E765F89.JPG

Victor: I'm always willing to listen to something that could benefit my company.

Jack: Victor, I think you need to reexamine your rationale for purchasing Satine.

Victor: You're not suggesting I pull out of the deal, are you?

Jack: As a matter of fact, that exactly what I'm suggesting.

Victor: Why the hell would I do that?

Jack: Well, strictly in terms of business, the acquisition makes no sense.

Victor: You certainly are entitled to your opinion, Jack.

Jack: Victor, you and I both know short of brash & sassy, and its little niche in the market, Newman Enterprises has never been interested in cosmetics.

Victor: Until now that is. What's your point? 3E765FB3.JPG

Jack: Victor, marketing a whole new line of cosmetics is quite a reach for you folks.

Victor: Well, let me tell you something. My top people think it's a direction we should take, and I trust their judgment.

Jack: So that's your story, huh?

Victor: I'm sure you have another explanation for my motivation.

Jack: Yeah, yeah, I think this is a little more personal than that. I think you saw an opportunity to stick it to me and Jabot, and you took it, only it was a mistake, Victor. And this mistake you're gonna pay for.

Colleen: God! Do we have to have the same conversation every single time we talk?

Billy: You brought it up, Ceecee.

Colleen: Because I thought you'd help me.

Billy: Told you why I can't.

Colleen: Mac, talk to him. You know J.T., And you know he is not the monster that everyone says he is.

Mac: True. But being J.T.'S friend and being his girlfriend are two very different things.

Colleen: I know, but he can be so loving and caring.

Billy: You're never gonna convince me. Tell her how he treated his past girlfriends. 3E766074.JPG

Colleen: I don't care about that, okay? He has changed.

Billy: Okay, suppose I give the guy the benefit of the doubt. Before long, he's gonna get bored holding hands. If you think J.T. Is gonna save himself for you, you're dreaming, Ceecee. You gotta face it. No way is this relationship gonna last.

J.T.: Can I help you find something?

Woman: Just looking.

J.T.: Well, that's cool.

Woman: Although I could be persuaded, you know, to buy something.

J.T.: Yeah?

Woman: Anything you want to show me?

J.T.: Well, uh, well, there's, like, clothes, over there, and all the makeup's right here, so... 3E7660A9.JPG

Woman: That's your whole pitch?

J.T.: Yeah, well, I'm not really a hard sell kind of guy.

Woman: I get that.

J.T.: Just try to find something you like, and I-- hello.

Woman #2: I think it's a little too tight.

Woman: Really?

Woman #2: What do you think?

Woman: I think it's cute. I like it.

Woman #2: Yeah, me too, but maybe I should get a man's opinion.

J.T.: I'd say it's a keeper.

Woman #2: Well, since it's unanimous, don't have a choice. I'll take it.

J.T.: Cool.

Woman #2: Thanks for your help.

J.T.: Yeah, yeah, I'm just doing my job. 3E7660DC.JPG

Anita: You know the really sad thing, Jill? Somewhere deep down in that needy little heart of yours, you probably believe you could have Frederick, that you could actually steal him away from me.

Jill: Do you ever wonder why you're so insecure?

Anita: Deflect all you want, but I know who you are. I know the kind of woman you are and the kind of moves you make. Well, everybody does, actually. But what you should know, my dear Jill, is that you will never be more to my husband than a dalliance, a fling. Oh, you may be able to satisfy a whim or two here and there now and then, but that's it. That's all you'll ever accomplish. Now if you choose to go after Frederick, despite that, and humiliate yourself in that way, well, then I guess 3E76610D.JPG

w won't be too surprised now, will we?

Jill: I'm just standing here wondering what has prompted this little tirade-- I mean, why you would come after me like this. I'm aware that you and Frederick are having your difficulties.

Anita: Yes, and you're just eating that up, aren't you, like the scavenger that you are.

Jill: No, it just helps me to understand where you're coming from, that's all.

Anita: I have no desire to facilitate that.

Jill: Oh, come on. That's half the fun. Trying to figure out what has you in such a tizzy that you would come after me like this.

Anita: I have said what I came to say.

Jill: Did Frederick mention something? Is that why you're here? 3E766130.JPG

Anita: Mention something about what?

Jill: You tell me.

Anita: Thank you. No, I don't believe I care to.

Jill: Ooh!

Anita: You are easily amused, aren't you?

Jill: It's just--you should have a tape recorder and listen to yourself. I mean, you sound like the most dried up, haughty, frustrated-- whoa, there you go. I've just answered my own question, haven't I? That's what's got you so insecure.

Anita: God, the last thing I need is an amateur shrink.

Jill: Oh, I agree! Because what you need, darling, is a good old-fashioned romp in the hay. Oh, and preferably in broad daylight with a big, strong, beautiful man who knows what he's doing. Trust me--it would do the trick. 3E76615D.JPG

Anita: That is your answer to everything, isn't it? That is so vulgar and cheap.

Jill: Well, it's my answer to what ails you. And it's good advice, woman to woman. You take it.

Anita: I really don't have time for this.

Jill: Well, you have the cash. You could go tone of those high-priced escort services, or no, no, no, no, better yet, you get yourself a boy toy-- one of the caddies at the club. Well, you're an enterprising woman. You'll think of something.

Anita: I have to see someone else in the building. You just remember what I said, Jill.

Jill: And you remember what I said about a little good nookie. It'll do wonders for your outlook.

J.T.: Veronica, huh? That's a neat name.

Veronica: After Veronica Lake.

J.T.: Who's that?

Veronica: I don't know either. Some actress.

Woman: Her mom's into old movies.

J.T.: That's cool. Sign that. What about you?

Woman: I'm Santana.

J.T.: Oh, let me guess.

Veronica: Her mom's into music.

J.T.: Dude's last cd was amazing. That must get annoying, everybody asking you if that's who you're named after.

Santana: Depends who's asking.

Veronica: You know, you look really familiar to me.

>>.T.: I was gonna say the same thing. You look really familiar, like I've seen you somewhere before. I'm J.T. Hellstrom. 3E7662C4.JPG

Veronica: It's nice to meet you.

Santana: Do you go to G.C.U.?

J.T.: Yeah, yeah, I'm a freshman there. How about you guys?

Veronica: Yeah, we go there, too. Santana's pre-law, and I'm a fine arts major, creative writing.

J.T.: Okay, that's where I've seen you before, at the poetry reading at crimson lights.

Veronica: You were there?

J.T.: Yeah.

Veronica: Do you like poetry?

J.T.: Well, not really, but I like passing my English class.

Veronica: So did you hate it?

J.T.: No, it was all right. I mean, well, yeah, some of it was painful, but I remember liking yours.

Veronica: Thanks. 3E7662E6.JPG

Santana: Well, we'd better let you get back to work.

J.T.: All right, yeah, cool. Well, thanks for coming in. You girls made my day.

Veronica: Listen, my friends are having a party, like sort of a St. Patrick's day thing.

Santana: Every night this week.

J.T.: Oh, that's the only way to do it. You really gotta celebrate.

Veronica: So do you want to go with? It should be a really great time.

J.T.: I haven't been to a good party in weeks.

Veronica: Starts around 10.

J.T.: No, I can't. I'm sorry.

Veronica: Other plans?

J.T.: Yeah, you could say that.

Santana: Are you sure? Looks like you might want to change 'em. 3E76630C.JPG

J.T.: No, no, believe me. That's not it. It's just-- hey, thanks for the invite.

Veronica: Maybe some other time.

J.T.: Yeah, yeah, maybe.

Santana: It was nice meeting you, J.T.

J.T.: Nice meeting you girls, too.

Veronica: All right. Bye.

Santana: See ya.

J.T.: Yeah, take care.

Neil: Drucilla, what in the world has gotten into you?

Dru: Nothing. I'm fine. I was just too upset earlier to tell you how mad I am at you.

Neil: You're mad at me for what?

Dru: For taking advantage of privileged information I told you in a private conversation-- information that you used to sabotage the very company that was giving me an opportunity to restart my career. 3E766349.JPG

Neil: You didn't tell me about the job offer, remember? And there are other ways that I could have found out that Satine was for sale.

Dru: But you didn't learn other ways. You heard it from me. Excuse me, could you take the knife out of my back?

Neil: Oh, come on. Don't be so dramatic about this. You know, if it was so confidential, you should have said so. I would have respected that.

Dru: I have to wonder. So now it's all my fault.

Neil: How am I supposed to know what is okay to talk about and what isn't?

Dru: Okay, don't give me that naive B.S., Okay? You yourself told me how competitive this business is. You know when to keep your mouth shut and when to open it. You also know how to take advantage of a good thing when you see it. 3E76636C.JPG

Neil: You're wrong about this one.

Dru: You know what? Save it. I'm gonna be more careful the next time, all right? Don't worry. I won't make this mistake again.

Neil: Hey, now wait a minute. Listen to us. You know, we're arguing. We're saying things to each other that we don't mean.

Dru: Speak for yourself.

Neil: Baby, this is crazy. This isn't a way to treat one another.

Dru: You started it.

Neil: Okay, if I started it, then I am sorry, but you know, for me, this is all about lily.

Dru: And you don't want me to work, do you?

Neil: Well, yes and no. It's not ideal.

Dru: For who? 3E766395.JPG

Neil: You know for who-- for our daughter.

Dru: Neil, this is beginning to feel like the way it was before I left for Paris.

Neil: No, no, it isn't. Don't say that. That's not even close.

Dru: So then you'll agree to me wanting to work, wanting a career?

Neil: Under certain circumstances.

Dru: And what circumstances would those be? Let me guess--me not working for the competition, right? Yeah, I thought so. Uh-huh.

Neil: Baby, don't you understand that we have fought to find our way back to each other. We can't blow it now. Don't you see that god has blessed us with a second chance, you, me and lily? You know, if you take this job, I'm afraid that this argument right here today, this is only gonna be the tip of the iceberg. It's gonna drive a wedge between us. It's gonna destroy everything that we managed to accomplish, and we can't do that, Dru. Really, we can't. 3E7663D5.JPG

Victor: Well, so much for not venting.

Jack: Oh, if it seems like I'm threatening you, I'm not.

Victor: That's a very wise move.

Jack: I am fascinated with the timing, though.

Victor: Why is that?

Jack: Well, you and I never seem to agree on much of anything, and yet, here we are interested in exactly the same company. Now we've been very successful in avoiding each other for quite some time now.

Victor: Then why tamper with success?

Jack: You really expect me to avoid you now that you've declared war?

Victor: Is that what you think I'm doing?

Jack: I think you're picking a fight, and I'm not gonna be the least bit afraid to pull out the heavy artillery. You see, you're in my world now. You're out of your element. And you're gonna lose this battle. I'm not the least bit afraid to rumble with you. 3E76640B.JPG

Victor: And yet, you seem to be working awfully hard to avoid war.

Jack: Well, if war is inevitable, my money's on Jabot.

Victor: Even though I have Satine.

Jack: You may have Satine. We have decades of experience and incredible talent in our lab. We have the means to develop and market a whole new line of cosmetics for African American women, and as of today, we have an internationally recognized spokeswoman.

Victor: Hmm. Who's that?

Jack: Drucilla Winters, who just happens to be living with your right hand, Neil Winters. Does offer some interesting ramifications, doesn't it? 

Mac: Thanks.

Colleen: You two are so wrong.

Mac: Colleen, you're in love. It's only natural you don't want to think about breaking up with J.T. 3E766527.JPG

Colleen: That's not going to happen.

Billy: Listen to me. You can't close your eyes to the truth. J.T.'S in college. You still have two years left in high school. You're in different places.

Colleen: Don't you think if J.T. Thought I was too young, he would have broken up with me by now? I mean, besides, he has no reason to look for anyone else.

Billy: No reason? What the hell does that mean? Look, don't say anything. I get the picture.

Colleen: No, you don't.

Billy: I should have known that lowlife would have taken advantage of you by now.

Colleen: No, Billy, it has nothing--

Billy: Of course, you don't see it that way because you're so starry-eyed, you wouldn't know if he were taking advantage of you. 3E766547.JPG

Mac: Billy, Billy, let her talk.

Colleen: Yeah, would you calm down? All I'm saying is that J.T. And I are happy with the way things are.

Billy: So you two haven't...

Colleen: Slept together? No.

Billy: Because if he's pressuring you, even a little bit, I swear to god, I'll rip his head off.

J.:.: Oh, Mrs. Hodges, I didn't see you come in.

Anita: I'm not surprised.

J.T.: Look, if I had known you were here, I would have helped--

Anita: No, it's all right. I enjoyed the show.

J.T.: The show?

Anita: I do believe you found your calling. I can't remember the last time I witnessed such excellent customer service. Talk about attentive. You must be very good for business indeed. 3E76656F.JPG

J.T.: Yeah, well, they don't pay me to be rude.

Anita: Notice you didn't take the girls up on their invitation for tonight. They were disappointed.

J.T.: You think?

Anita: You should know by now it's not fair to pour on the charm and then turn a woman down.

J.T.: I just didn't want to go. That's all.

Anita: Well, that's out of character. Brittany always used to say that you were a party waiting to happen anytime, anyplace.

J.T.: Well, what can I say? New priorities, I guess.

Anita: Don't tell me you're sitting at home every night, slaving over your studies.

J.T.: Look, I'm pretty sure you didn't come here to talk about my social life, so what can I do for you, Mrs. Hodges? 3E766598.JPG

Anita: Well, believe it or not, I need your help.

J.T.: Really? Because last time we ran into each other, you made it pretty clear that you didn't have any use for me.

Anita: I didn't then.

J.T.: Well, what's changed?

Anita: Days have gone by, Brittany's still missing. I'm desperate for any little shred of information that might help us locate her. Have you had any thoughts about where she might have gone?

J.T.: No.

Anita: Are you lying to me, J.T.?

J.T.: Why would I lie to you?

Anita: You've known Brittany her entire life, meaning you know that her relationship with her father and me is far from perfect. Lately, it's been even more strained. Perhaps you think you're protecting her from further pain by hiding her whereabouts. 3E7665CB.JPG

J.T.: Look, I'm not covering for her, Mrs. Hodges. I didn't even know she was taking off.

Anita: Just think back to your last few conversations with her. Did she drop any hints about where she might go? Did she talk about any place in particular?

J.T.: I'm sorry. I really can't tell you anything you don't already know.

Neil: Look, if Jack just now called, that means you haven't signed any contracts.

Dru: Not yet, but I intend to.

Neil: Okay, Drucilla, this isn't like it was before, when we divorced over our differences. I'm not asking you to stay in that kitchen and bake cookies all day. 3E7665F3.JPG

Dru: Oh, but you'd like that, wouldn't you?

Neil: If I felt that way, would I have offered you the job at Newman Enterprises?

Dru: Oh, that pitiful thing. Excuse me.

Neil: All right, all right, I admit jabot's job offer is a bit more enticing.

Dru: By far.

Neil: Yeah, but who's to say a gig with us couldn't expand to become something better in time when you're sure it's what you want?

Dru: What I want is happening now, Neil.

Neil: Please, Dru, please reconsider for our daughter--

Dru: You know what?

Neil: For us.

Dru: You know what? You are such a persuasive man. Yeah, you've mentioned some very vital points, but I gotta tell ya, you know, had you mentioned some of this stuff a while ago, I probably would have jumped at the opportunity to work for you. You're a day late and a dollar short. My mind's made up. 3E766626.JPG

Neil: Oh, come on. Are you serious? Are you willing to risk everything here?

Dru: You know, if you're so worried about me risking everything, why don't you do something about it? Yeah, make sure that Newman Enterprises doesn't drive a wedge between us. You'll be doing your company a favor, too.

Neil: What do you mean?

Dru: Talk to Victor Newman. Tell him and his daughter to stay away from stuff they don't really know about. Tell him to forget about Satine, forget about the whole damn idea. (Door slams shut)

J.T.: You need some water or something?

Anita: I'm sure Brittany has gone on and on about her terrible mother, how aloof I am. But that doesn't mean I don't love my daughter dearly. To know she's out there pregnant and scared and alone, you have no idea what that's like for a parent. 3E766732.JPG

J.T.: Yeah, it must be rough. I mean, you're right. I really don't know, but look, Brittany--Brittany-- I think she's just freaking out a little bit. And she'll come back. She has to.

Anita: For no other reason than Raul.

J.T.: Yeah, I mean, she's not gonna stay gone from him for long. Brittany's cool. She's smart, and anybody who gives her a hard time is gonna live to regret the day. Believe me.

Anita: Thank you for that.

J.T.: Look, I gotta do some stocking before it--

Anita: Of course, yeah. Don't let me keep you.

J.T.: I'll think more about Brittany, where she could be, and if I come up with something, I'll let you know. 3E766760.JPG

Anita: Let me give you my cell phone number. If you think of anything else, J.T., Please, just call me.

J.T.: Yeah.

Anita: Anytime.

J.T.: Okay. What?

Anita: I have to admit I didn't expect much from this conversation, except for a lot of attitude. I'm pleasantly surprised.

J.T.: Yeah, well, that's me. Unpredictable.

Colleen: Calm down, Billy. J.T. Has never pressured me to do anything I didn't want to do.

Billy: And if he did.

Colleen: He won.

Mac: Colleen, all we're saying is that eventually J.T.'S gonna want more from your relationship.

Colleen: No, that's not what he's after. I trust him. 3E7667B3.JPG

Billy: Then you obviously don't really know the guy.

Colleen: I know him a lot better than the two of you.

Billy: And you still insist that he's never once tried anything.

Colleen: Damn it, Billy, why won't you believe me?

Billy: Okay, that doesn't mean that he won't.

Mac: How do you know what someone's thinking?

Colleen: Because I've already given him the chance, and he turned me down.

Billy: What?

Colleen: Yeah, that's right. I said I wanted to, and he said we shouldn't.

Mac: Hon, shouldn't you be on your way to class?

Billy: We're not finished with this conversation.

Mac: You go ahead. I'm gonna stay with Colleen a while. 3E7667E4.JPG

Colleen: What?

Mac: Talk to me.

Colleen: About what?

Mac: You and J.T. Did you really decide to sleep with him, and he stopped it from happening, or did you just say that for Billy's benefit?

Victor: So are you suggesting that Drusilla's connection to Neil Winters will put us at a disadvantage?

Jack: Oh, did I say that? No, I just think it's interesting.

Victor: Or are you beginning to feel uneasy about the fact that my company rehired your wife?

Jack: No doubt you're hoping that will drive a wedge between us.

Victor: When did I say that?

Jack: You didn't have to. I know that's how you operate. I'm here to tell you it's not gonna work. 3E766810.JPG

Victor: Did you give your blessing to Phyllis? Perhaps you saw an opportunity to use her position at my company to your advantage.

Jack: Your words, not mine.

Victor: I must say a scenario like that has crossed my mind. But I'm not worried about it any longer. You've put my mind at ease.

Jack: How is that?

Victor: Because you wouldn't have tipped your hand if it were true, which reassures me that I made the right decision when I heard from my daughter to rehire your wife. Jack, this conversation has been most enlightening. Thank you for coming by. If you don't mind, I'm busy right now.

Jack: Okay, let the games begin. Don't say I didn't warn you. 3E766840.JPG

Victor: Would you check on the order that I put in before? Thank you.

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