Friday Y&R Transcript 2/28/03

Y&R Transcript
Friday 2/28/03--Canada; 3/3/03--USA

Provided By Eric

 Ashley: So that's about as much as I know. When I left the hospital, poor little cassie was still in a coma. And according to what victor told me, the prognosis isn't good.

 Jack: Oh, my god. Nikki left my office. She said there was a problem with cassie. I had no idea. How are the newmans holding up?

 Ashley: About as well as could be expected, I guess.

 Jack: Oh, god. I can only imagine. If something like this happened to kyle... 3E5FF146.JPG

 Ashley: Well, that's the other reason why I'm here. How's he doing? It must be great having him here all the time.

 Jack: Well, he's asleep right now.

 Ashley: You're kidding. He doesn't usually nap this close to bedtime, does he? I'll bet this transition has messed up his schedule a little bit, huh?

 Jack: Yeah, more than a little bit.

 Ashley: Uh-oh. What's wrong?

 Jack: Ash, he's not doing well. Ever since we've brought him home, he's not eating, he's not sleeping, he's having such a tough time.

 Ashley: Oh, I'm so sorry. It will get better.

 Jack: Your mouth to god's ears. 3E5FF16C.JPG

 Phyllis: Are you crying now?

 Diane: You know what? You have your pound of flesh. Just leave me alone, please.

 Phyllis: Pound? But just a minute ago, you were going on and on about how great it has been since you lost your son, how you have your freedom now.

 Diane: I was lying, okay? I lost my child, phyllis. I'm devastated. There. Are you happy?

 Phyllis: I'm just trying to figure it out, diane.

 Diane: I didn't want you to know how horrible I feel.

 Phyllis: So you lied because of my reaction?

 Diane: Oh, come on. Don't try and act like you don't understand why I wouldn't want to listen to you gloat, but you know what? So much for that hope. I don't even get to keep one shred of dignity. 3E5FF1A3.JPG

 Phyllis: Oh, you're good. (Laughs) diane. You are very, very good.

 Snapper: Jill, you need to think this over.

 Jill: What's to think over? Come on. A lot of adopted people go looking for their birth parents.

 Greg: Okay, but don't make any big decisions yet. This is new information. It's fresh in your mind. Give it a chance to sink in.

 Jill: And I'm gonna feel different when it sin I in?

 Snapper: You may realize that it doesn't matter.

 Jill: Right. Being adopted doesn't matter at all.

 Greg: Well, of course it does, up to a point.

 Snapper: I'll tell you what does matter. The woman who raised you needs you. Come on, jill, our mom needs you. 3E5FF1D4.JPG

 Jill: What has katherine been telling you?

 Greg: Look, I don't know what she's said to snapper, but she didn't tell me--

 Jill: Stop. Wait, wait, wait, wait. I'll tell you, okay? 'Cause I know the woman, and I know her lies. She called you both up, and she told you that jill was being completely selfish, thinking only of herself, and poor liz foster was facing this deadly surgery with no support, no sympathy, no nothing from her daughter. Please, come save her from the ungrateful jill. Am I right?

 Nikki: Please don't treat me like an idiot.

 Victor: I would never do that.

 Nikki: And yet you suddenly change the story you've been telling for days, and you expect me to believe-- 3E5FF221.JPG

 Victor: What I'm telling you now is the truth.

 Nikki: Sharon came on to you, not the other way around.

 Victor: No one came on to anyone. That's not how it was. Now if you'll listen to me, I'll explain it to you. Sit down.

 Nikki: Okay, I'm all ears.

 Victor: You know that sharon was very upset about her marriage to our son, very upset. Obviously, it's not going well between the two. I wanted their marriage to stay together, so I was around. I was supportive. I encouraged them to stay together, to forget about their differences. So in a weak moment, she kissed me. I was taken aback by that. I stopped it immediately. 3E5FF255.JPG

 Nikki: Well, apparently not immediately enough to keep nicholas from seeing it.

 Victor: Don't you think I'm totally heartsick about that?

 Nikki: Why is it that you're suddenly deciding to reveal this version of the story?

 Victor: Because in our son's state of mind, if he had known, if he had thought that sharon had come on to me, that marriage would be over with, finished. So I assumed the blame, all right?

 Nikki: What, do you think there's still hope for that marriage? Open your eyes, victor.

 Victor: Will you please open your eyes? Mine are wide open. There's a little girl in there fighting for her life. Don't you think when she comes to, which hopefully she will, she needs both of her parents? 3E5FF27B.JPG

 Nikki: You know, it's amazing. You even make that sound noble.

 Victor: Have you listened to a word I've said?

 Nikki: Yes, I have. I have heard every self-serving word, and I don't believe it. I don't believe any of it.

 Nick: Hey, doc.

 Reese: Nicholas. Did you get some rest?

 Nick: Yeah, a little.

 Nick: I kept hoping you'd call to tell me there'd been some change.

 Reese: Well, I kept hoping I could make that call, nicholas. Look, I'm afraid we need to talk.

 Nick: No, don't, all right? I don't want to hear it. I know the realities. You don't need to tell me again.

 Nick: Where is your mother? If only she were here. 3E5FF398.JPG

 Snapper: Katherine said she thought we should be here. Nothing more.

 Greg: Jill, no one's on your case.

 Jill: Katherine chancellor is never off my case.

 Snapper: Could we just save mrs. Chancellor for later? Our mother--jill, yes,

our mother is having surgery first thing in the morning.

 Jill: You know, I'm still not clear on how that all came about.

 Snapper: Her neurologist was in transit with his surgical team. I happened to reach him in houston.

 Greg: Big brother talked him into stopping here in genoa city and performing the procedure at memorial.

 Snapper: I thought it would be a good idea if we were all together, maybe help her with her recovery. 3E5FF3C0.JPG

 Greg: Which is absolutely right on.

 Snapper: So I can count on both of you to be there?

 Greg: Whoa, whoa, doc. Ease up.

 Snapper: What?

 Greg: Well, lose the pep talk. You're not coaching this ball game, okay?

 Snapper: I want to be sure--

 Greg: Yeah, you don't think that jill and I can get to the hospital on our own without your expert guidance. Llllhey, d dude, we can.

 Jill: Boy, some things never change. Come on, you two.

 Greg: You know, we're good. We're good.

 Snapper: It's no problem.

 Greg: This is all about mom, huh?

 Snapper: Right. Sisis, don't get me wrong. It's about you, too. I understand that finding out that you were adopted caught you by surprise. 3E5FF3EB.JPG

 Jill: Which you could have damn well helped me out with.

 Greg: Sis, it would have been a surprise five years ago, too, right? Don't get all hung up in the timing.

 Jill: You know, you're right about that, but I am still going to look for my birth parents, or at least my birth mother, and there's no time like the present. Now you knew about this. Tell me. Do you have any details? Do you know anything at all?

 Victor: It's amazing to realize how uncharitable you are toward are daughter-in-law.

 Nikki: Well, I guess it all balances out because you are so utterly supportive.

 Victor: Well, I'm so supportive because she's alone, for heaven's sake. She's vulnerable. She's hurting. Someone needs to be in her corner. 3E5FF41C.JPG

 Nikki: How vulnerable is she? How lonely?

 Victor: What the hell is that supposed to mean?

 Nikki: She can't be trusted. She's proven that. Once the trust is gone, forget it. I think nicholas wants to end this marriage, but he needs a little support.

 Victor: Do you favor a divorce?

 Nikki: Oh, come on! Look at everything she's put him through this year. Now I know you are probably going to continue to try to save this marriage. I have no idea why. I don't know what kind of spell sharon has cast on you to make you so blindly supportive.

 Victor: I'm not blindly supportive. That's not the point. The point is I know if our son got a divorce, you'd be very upset. You'd be very unhappy. Think of what it would do to the children. I'm trying to save their marriage because I think it would be best for everyone concerned. You know my heart is in the right place. 3E5FF465.JPG

 Victor: Do you really think I'm lying to you?

 Nikki: Believe me. I don't want to think that.

 Victor: Do you honestly think I'd stoop so low and show such lack of self-restraint?

 Nikki: Well, I will say that you have built a convincing case with pain pills and the double shot of tequila.Yeyes, we were in the midst of a heated argument.

 Victor: You have got to believe me that I did not come on to sharon, that she is the one who initiated the kiss. You have got to believe that. If you've any vestige of trust and love left, you will give me the benefit of the doubt that I did not come on to our daughter-in-law.

 Victoria: What's the word?

 Nick: It's not good.

 Victoria: Have you seen the doctor? 3E5FF4B2.JPG

 Nick: Yeah, he was here when I got here.

 Victoria: Did you talk to him?

 Nick: He wanted to talk, you know, but I knew it was just gonna be bad news. So I told him I don't want to hear it. But then I realized I need to hear what he had to say.

 Victoria: Does he think she's gonna make it?

 Nick: He won't say in so many words, but I can read between the lines. There's been no change since we brought her here, and that's too long.

 Nick: She's slipping away. We're losing her.

 Victoria: Oh, nick.

 Ashley: Well, I know how committed you and phyllis are to making this work. 3E5FF5FA.JPG

 Jack: We're doing our best.

 Ashley: And diane's doing her part, right? She's not helping? You know, this is unbelievable. In a normal situation, I would expect her to be a poor loser, but when it comes to her own child--

 Jack: We haven't seen or heard from diane.

 Ashley: What?

 Jack: Since we brought kyle home, she hasn't called once.

 Ashley: You know what? That just proves it.

 Jack: Proves what?

 Ashley: She doesn't give a damn about her own kid.

 Jack: Now you're starting to sound like phyllis.

 Ashley: Well, of course she agrees that diane's behavior is lousy.

 Jack: Look, I agreed, too, at first. 3E5FF619.JPG

 Ashley: What do you mean, at first? What?

 Jack: Did you know andy's back in town?

 Ashley: Andy richards?

 Jack: Yeah.

 Ashley: That's a name from the past. No, I didn'T. What's he got to do with any of this?

 Jack: Yeah, I'm wondering the same thing, yet there he was at my door asking lots of questions about diane.

 Ashley: You're kidding me. Some people never learn. What did he want, get you to give kyle back?

 Jack: He claims diane is desperate to see her son.

 Ashley: Oh, really? Well, then why is she keeping her distance?

 Jack: For kyle's sake. She doesn't want to make it any more difficult for him. 3E5FF63C.JPG

 Ashley: Do you believe that?

 Jack: I don't know what I believe.

 Ashley: Well, even if andy's right, well, what are you going to do? Do you think diane would be willing to help?

 Jack: I--I--I don't know. I can't stand by and watch my son suffer like this, so--

 Ashley: I know you hate the thought of involving diane in your lives again.

 Jack: Oh, god, it makes me sick to my stomach, and for phyllis.

 Ashley: Yeah, she'd rather crawl naked through broken glass, I'm sure.

 Jack: Can you blame her?

 Ashley: No, but she's gonna have to find it in her heart to put kyle's needs first.

 Jack: Honey, that's very easy to say, but diane made her life a living hell. I don't blame her one second for not wanting her anywhere near this house. I know what you're thinking. And you're right. As much as I hate it, I don't really have a choice. I have to call diane. 3E5FF66F.JPG

 Ashley: And phyllis is going to have to make peace with it.

 Phyllis: Ha ha ha ha!

 Diane: What are you talking about? Why are you laughing at me?

 Phyllis: Diane, are you kidding me? Look at you. You really had me going for a second.

 Diane: You think I'm lying?

 Phyllis: I don't know. Lying to me, lying to yourself-- who the hell knows? All I know is if you were truly shattered over losing your son, you would have done something by now to ease the pain.

 Diane: Like what? Hang myself?

 Phyllis: Pick up the phone and call him. If you truly cared, diane, truly cared about your son, nothing would have stopped you from doing that. I know that for a fact. 3E5FF6A8.JPG

 Diane: Oh, you do? You do? You know what's in my heart because of what you went through with daniel. Let me tell you something, phyllis. You don't have a clue.

 Phyllis: Why is that, because you're a cold, calculating bitch, and I'm an actual human being with feelings?

 Diane: No, because it's not the same situation. You didn't have a say in your little boy's life anymore. I do, and I want what's best for him.

 Phyllis: No, no, no, no. You do not compare yourself to me. You have no idea what i went through. And you want what's best for diane and only diane. 3E5FF6C9.JPG

 Diane: That's not true. It's been tearing me up, staying away.

 Phyllis: Oh, but you sacrificed yourself for your son?

 Diane: Yeah, that's right, and you know what, phyllis? I'm glad you could get that.

 Phyllis: Really? What I get, diane, is how facile you are with the self-serving explanations, but, please, by all means, I'd like to hear how blowing off your son is in his best interest. Tell me.

 Diane: You say he's happy. And that's what I wanted and how I knew it probably would be for him, and I just-- I didn't want to do anything to derail that while he'sgetting used to his new home.

 Phyllis: Mmm. So do you actually stay up at night thinking up all this? 3E5FF6F6.JPG

 Diane: For what it's worth, phyllis, and I know that's not much, and as horrible as I feel, and as terrible as things have been for me, I love my child. And that is my bottom line. And all I can hope is that he has a good life, so I am willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen. No matter how much it hurts me, and no matter how much it costs me. Look, look, when you and jack think that kyle can handle a visit from me, just-- just call me. That's all I ask.

 Phyllis: Diane, diane, diane, diane. Hold on. T speaker)burger, double fries and

 Nick: And I waso o sure she'd make it. And she's such a little fighter. 3E5FF7B9.JPG

 Nick: Cassie, don't do this. Don't give up. I need you. You know, we all need you. And what about noah? He wouldn't know what to do without you.

 Nick: I can't stop thinking about sharon-- what this would do to her. I mean, if wlolose cassie, and she's not here.

 Victoria: Well, it's her own fault. She left.

 Nick: You know how I feel about that, who I blame.

 Victoria: Nicholas, nicholas, her eyes are fluttering.

 Nick: What? Cassie? Cassie.

 Nikki: What is this, some kind of ultimatum? If I love you, I'll believe you?

 Victor: I will not draw that line. I don't know what your feelings are for me now. 3E5FF807.JPG

 Nikki: We really shouldn't even be talking about this right now. Now is not the time to sort out our personal issues. Until we know where things stand with cassie, the family has to be our priority.

 Victor: You have got to believe me when I tell you it was sharon who initiated that kiss, not I. Talking about sharon, I wonder where the hell she is. Well, don't give me that look. She hasn't been around for days. No one knows where she is. Don't you think she'd be devastated to find out something happened to her daughter, and she isn't here?

 Nik: : I just don't understand where this comes from, this bizarre sensitivity you have to sharon after the hell she has put our son through. 3E5FF840.JPG

 Victor: Maybe it's because I remember another young woman who was fighting very hard to make something of her life, who was struggling to overcome a madman. I called her "my diamond in the rough." Remember that little girl?

 Nikki: Life was much simpl t then. I wish I could be that girl again, your diamond in the rough. Oh, how I adored you then.

 Snapper: What do you mean? What kind of details?

 Jill: Don't play dumb with me, big brother. You know what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the adoption. Who else was involved? Was there an agency?

 Snapper: Jill.

 Jill: Names, dates, places, what? 3E5FF87D.JPG

 Snapper: I don't know. And you know what? I don't think mom knows, either. I'll tell you what I was told. Dad brought you home in a blanket, and I don't think mom even asked. She didn't care. What she did care about was that she loves you, and she cared about your future.

 Jill: Don't give me any more sermons. I love the woman, snapper. I know everything she's done for me, and believe me, I couldn't be more grateful. But don't you see? That doesn't stop me from being curious about my real mother.

 Greg: You know, I kind of can't help wondering myself who she might have been, you know, what the story was.

 Jill: Exactly.

 Snapper: Greg! Will you stop it?Will you just leave it alone? 3E5FF8A7.JPG

 Jill: I am not turning my back on liz foster!

 Snapper: Well, good, good. Then let's just stop talking about whoever this person was. She gave you her dna. She carried you for nine months. She gives birth, and then splits. But somebody else did the heavy lifting, and that someone else is our mom, and she needs you.

 Jill: Do you know what a broken record you are? Is he a broken record or what? (Doorbell rings)

 Snapper: That's mom. I asked her to come by, so maybe we can keep up the family cheer.

 Greg: He's just gotta be running the show, doesn't he?

 Jill: Stop squabbling, you two.

 Snapper: We can't help it. 3E5FF8C7.JPG

 Jill: Well, try.

 Liz: My son!

 Greg: Hey, mom.

 Liz: Oh, it's good to see you! Oh! (Door opens)

 Jack: Hey.

 Phyllis: Hi.

 Jack: Honey, we need to talk.

 Phyllis: Yeah.

 Jack: What's going on?

 Phyllis: We ran into each other at the coffeehouse.

 Jack: Oh? Um, I'll be right back.

 Phyllis: No, um, jack, wait a second. Diane, why don't you see what you can do.

 Diane: Of course.

 Victor: Do you honestly believe that I would lie to you about this situation with sharon? I would not do that. I'm not the one who initiated the move to kiss. I'm not lying to you. I assumed the blame for that because I wanted to save our son's marriage. Do you understand that? Now, please, whatever's going on between us right now... 3E5FFA3E.JPG

 Victor: Don't leave me, okay? Because I love you. I will always love you.

 Nikki: All righ l look, we have to tell nicholas.

 Victor: No, that is what we must not do now.

 Nikki: He's blaming you, and that's not right. He deserves to know the truth.

 Victor: Please listen to me. I don't care if blalames me right now. We have got to save that family. If cassie regains consciousness, she will want both of her parents. We have got to do everything in our power to make sure that those two stay together.

 Victor: Nicholas, I know I saw her eyelids flicker. I know I did.

 Nick: Maybe it's just wishful thinking. You know, we've both been hoping that she'd come around. 3E5FFA77.JPG

 Victoria: No, I don't think so. I don't think so. I know I saw some movement.

 Nick: Cassie, sweetheart. Your aunt victoria said she saw your eyes move. Can you hear me? Give me some sign, anything. Just something to hold on to. Cassie, please, can you hear me?

 All: (Laughing)

 Liz: Oh, I really can't believe this.

 Greg: The foster family together again for the first time, huh?

 Liz: It feels that way.

 Jill: But not for the last.

 Snapper: Definitely not.

 Liz: Listen, they wanted me to check in early.

 Snapper: And we're gonna see that you do exactly that.

 Liz: What do you mean we? 3E5FFABB.JPG

 Greg: We're going with you, mom.

 Liz: Oh. All right, then, I have a taxi waiting. You can all ride with me.

 Snapper: And we thought tonight we would be there at the hospital with you, that we would be in the room--

 Liz: Oh, no, no, no. I didn't want you to do that--

 Greg: Mom, mom, mom, mom. Forget it. It's gonna happen, okay?

 Liz: Are you coming, too, daughter?

 Jill: Oh, yes, mom, I'm coming. Listen, before we leave, I would like a quick word with greg. Okay?

 Snapper: (Snaps fingers) make it snappy, meter's running.

 Greg: I'll pay for it, all right? 3E5FFAE3.JPG

 Liz: You boys, looking for any excuse to disagree.

 Snapper: All in fun, mom. All in fun.

 Liz: Fun for who?

 Greg: So I guess I know what this is gonna be about.

 Jill: Finding my birth parents-- one or the other, or both.

 Greg: Listen, jill, just because I said I was a little curious about this, you know, doesn't mean I--

 Jill: Hey, I am a lot curious.

 Greg: You know what, so was the proverbial cat. You wanna be careful what you go looking for.

 Jill: What are you trying to tell me?

 Greg: I'm saying that you might find what you're after and end up wishing the hell you hadn'T. 3E5FFBEA.JPG

 Diane: Hi, sweetheart. Oh, my goodness. Don't cry. Don't cry, honey. I'm here. Mommy missed you so much. Come here, let me get you out of that crib. Oh, there's my big boy. Yes, mommy's right here. It's okay. It's okay, kyle. Everything's all right. Hey, let's go into the bathroom and wipe that face, huh? Maybe you'll start to feel better then.

 Phyllis: So far so good.

 Jack: So you two just ran into each other?

 Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. After I did my errands, I went to the coffeehouse. Diane came in, wanted to talk. It wasn't my idea, believe me.

 Jack: The two of you argue?

 Phyllis: No, not really, I mean, she, um, lied to me about how things were going, pretending that everything was okay, and then, um, and then she, um, got real about her situation, and, um... 3E5FFC3B.JPG

 Phyllis: And I thought, "hey, what the hell? "It's worth a shot." You think I'm nuts. I'm nuts, I know.

 Jack: No, I was actually thinking how incredibly much I love you. I hope someday you'll know how much I appreciate this.

 Phyllis: I do.

 Phyllis: It's pretty quiet up there, right? I wonder how things are going.

 Jack: Should I go up and check?

 Phyllis: Are you afraid she's escaping out the window?

 Jack: No, actually that wasn't what I was worried about.

 Kyle: (Babbling)

 Diane: Here's someone who's doing much better.

 Jack: Yeah. Little guy's up from his nap.

 Diane: Yeah, I think he's thirsty. 3E5FFC88.JPG

 Phyllis: I'll go get some juice.

 Jack: Thanks, sweetheart.

 Diane: Hey,hehere's my handsome boy, huh? Yeah? Phyllis explain why I haven't called?

 Jack: For kyle's sake. I hope you realize she put his interests first in inviting you over here.

 Diane: I do realize that, jack. It's a sensitive situation for everybody involved. And just so there's no misunderstanding, I want you to know that I am willing to do whatever it takes to help. Being with my boy means the world to me. Little monkey.

 Kyle: (Babbles)

 Diane: I know. 3E5FFCCD.JPG

 Snapper: Are you all right?

 Liz: I'm fine, fine.

 Snapper: Mom.

 Liz: Oh, I'm scared.

 Snapper: It's gonna be okay.

 Liz: I never should have told jill she was adopted.

 Snapper: Hey, mom, what is done, it's done.

 Greg: Think about it, sis. I mean, you're imagining that you'll find your family of origin, and there's gonna be this big lovely reunion--

 Jill: No, you're wrong.

 Greg: That all your questions about the meaning of life are gonna be answered--

 Jill: Don't insult my intelligence, greg. I know it's not gonna be like that.

 Greg: Well, then what is it that you're hoping to encounter?

 Jill: I don't know. That's the whole point. 3E5FFCFB.JPG

 Greg: Look, what if you-- what if you find these people, and they turn out to be nasty, worthless jerks? What if they take one look at you, and they see money?

 Jill: Wt t if it's just the opposite? What if they're smart and strong and wonderful?

 Greg: Well, hey, you've already got a family like that.

 Jill: Oh, greg.

 Greg: What? Aren't snapper and mom and i enough for you?

 Jill: Yes, you sweet man, you've got it all wrong. I'm not looking for a new family. I'm not looking to be somebody else's little girl. I know it's too late for that.

 Greg: Well, then I don't get it. 3E5FFD1B.JPG

 Jill: And I can't explain it.

 Greg: Ah, well, the heck with it, then. You have the right to your own feelings.

 Jill: Thank you. Does that mean that you'd help me?

 Greg: Hey, I'll do what I can. I mean, if your birth parents, one or the other, are still alive, or they haven't moved to tierra del fuego or something, hey, we'll find them.

 Jill: You're an angel.

 Greg: Wel y you're a nut. You know that?

 Snapper: Come on, you two. We've got to move.

 Jill: Okay.

Gave them to you,I remember you had them.

 Kyle: (Babbling)

 Phyllis: Oh, wow, look at the time. We should get kyle to bed. 3E5FFE0D.JPG

 Jack:E does have a checkup first thing in the morning. We want to get him back on his normal sleep schedule.

 Diane: Hey, you hear that, kyle, huh? Come on, big guy. It's time to get in your jammies.

 Phyllis: Yeah, uh, we'll-- we'lcacall you tomorrow to set up your next visit.

 Diane: Whatever's convenient. All right. Hey, kyle, mommy has to go, but I'll be back soon. Okay?

 Diane: Thank you, phyllis, jack.

 Jack: You're welcome.

 Diane: Well, uh, good night. Good night, honey. Be good.

 Phyllis: Hey.

 Kyle: (Crying)

 Diane: Oh. Oh, honey, it's okay. It's okay. Mommy will be back. Mommy will always come back. 3E5FFE5F.JPG

 Diane: Take care of him.

 Phyllis: I will... always.

 Phyllis: Sweetie.

 Kyle: Mama.

 Jack: It's okay. It's okay.

 Greg: Well, okay, let's get this lady to the hospital, huh?

 Liz: Wait. Thank you for being here, l l of you.

 Snapper: We love you, mom.

 Greg: Yeah, darn right we do.

 Jill: I love you, mama.

 Liz: And I love all of you.

 Victor: I implore you... do not open this door with nicholas.

 Nikki: I wonder if he has any idea the kind of woman his wife is.

 Victor: Look, I know they have issues. They have serious issues that they have to work out. But I'm absolutely convinced that she loves him, and he loves her. I don't want you to add any trauma to that situation. We've got to do everything in our power to save their marriage. 3E5FFED8.JPG

 Nikki: Victor, what about you and nicholas? If he continues to believe what he does, you think there's anany hope to repair your relationship? Because I don'T.

 Victoria: Come quickly! Cassie's awake.

 Nikki: Oh, my god! Oh, thank god!

 Nick: Hi, sweetheart. Thank god you're awake. You've come back to us.

 Victoria: She's awake.

 Nikki: Oh, thank god.

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