Thursday Y&R Transcript 2/27/03

Y&R Transcript
Thursday 2/27/03--Canada; Friday 2/28/03--USA

Provided By Eric


 Nikki: If you're wondering about ashley, she's gone. 3E5E9FBD.JPG

Victor: You two talked quite a while.

 Nikki: Did we?

 Victor: So it seems.

 Nikki: How is she?

 Victor: No change.

 Nikki: Oh, god. This isn't good.

 Victor: Dr. Walker was in, and he's very concerned.

 Nikki: If s d doesn't regain consciousness soon... damn it! Isn't there anything they can do?

 Victor: They're trying everything they can, obviously. The question now is how much damage was done.

 Nikki: We won't know that until she wakes up.

 Victor: Why don't we sit down?

 Victor: So you and ashley, what was that all about?

 Nikki: I guess I could ask you the same thing. The minute she hears our family's in a crisis, she comes rushing to be at your side. 3E5EA014.JPG

 Victor: What were you talking about?

 Nikki: Secrets, victor. We were talking about secrets... and how destructive they can be.

 Nick: No, doris, that's why I was calling you. I was hoping you heard from sharon. Okay, well, if you do, just let me know, okay? Thanks. (Knock on door)

 Victoria: Hey.

 Nick: Hey. Come in.

 Victoria: Any word from the hospital?

 Nick: I just talked to 'em. There's been no change.

 Victoria: Well, at least she's not getting any worse. That's something to be thankful for, right?

 Nick: Is it? Dr. Walker said if she doesn't come out of her coma within the next 72 hours, her chances for a complete recovery are slim to none. We're running out of time. 3E5EA058.JPG

 Victoria: Nicholas, you can't give up hope. You can't do that.

 Nick: I know. You're right. I need to stay focused for cassie.

 Victoria: Have you slept?

 Nick: Little.

 Victoria: Did you eat anything?

 Nick: I'm not hungry. I'll get something at the hospital. I was just getting ready to take off.

 Victoria: Well, isn't mom over there?

 Nick: Yeah, but I should be there, too.

 Victoria: Well, I'm sure she doesn't mind staying a little while longer.

 Nick: Well, I mind, okay? My daughter needs me, sis. Sharon may be gone, but I'm not. Sorry. 3E5EA083.JPG

 Victoria: It's okay.

 Victoria: Speaking of sharon, have you heard from her?

 Nick: I just talked to doris. No one's heard from her.

 Victoria: Maybe it's a sign.

 Nick: A sign of what?

 Victoria: That your wife doesn't want to be found.

 Jack: Look, pal, for the record--

 Andy: Whoa, whoa, jack. I'm not your pal.

 Jack: Well, you're damn right abouththat.

 Andy: It's funny. Some things never anange.

 Jack: You know what, andy? I have no desire to discuss diane jenkins with you. You can go back wherever you came from.

 Andy: Okay, well, I'm here now, so let's deal with it.

 Jack: You really think you can waltz back into my home however many years later and start making demands? 3E5EA0B9.JPG

 Andy: When it involves someone I care about, yeah.

 Jack: Oh. If you and diane want to get things rolling again, please, you don't need my blessing.

 Andy: Jack, this is not about diane and me. It's about diane and your son.

 Jack: Look, I don't know where this is coming from. I don't need to know. But the subject of my son kyle is strictly off-limits, you hear me? You can leave now, andy. Good-bye.

 Diane: I'd like a coffee with cream to go.

 Cody: Sure. Coming right up.

 Jack's voice: I just thought

bringing diane in would be

the right answer for kyle.

I mean,

what harm is there in asking?

 Phyllis' voice: What harm? 3E5EA11D.JPG

Jack, what planet

do you live on?

 Jack: Phyllis--

 Phyllis: The woman

is a predator,

not to mention a criminal.

 Jack: She can't harm us.

She can't hurt us, not anymore.

 Phyllis: What are you thinking, jack? There has to be another option. There has to. (Footsteps approaching)

 Diane: Talking to yourself?

 Phyllis: Well, it's better than talking to you.

 Diane: Oh, really? I was about to join you.

 Phyllis: I'd rather have coffee with saddam hussein, thank you. What--

 Diane: Oh, come on, phyllis. There's no need for your usual bad manners. You've won. You're on top of the world. 3E5EA151.JPG

Ta-da why aren't you acting that way?

 Frederick: I happen to think jill's a very reasonable person.

 Larry: Yeah, yeah, she was before her conversation with you.

 Frederick: Well, mr. Warton, I'm a busy man. Why don't you cut to the chase?

 Larry: Okay, yeah. You know this plan of hers about tracking down her real parents?

 Frederick: Yeah, what about it?

 Larry: Well, I don't think it's a good idea.

 Frederick: Uh-huh. And what does that have to do with me?

 Larry: I'm still trying to figure that one out. You know, this morning she was listening to what I was saying about just letting everything go and getting on with her life. And then you come into the office, and suddenly, well, she's all gung-ho about tracking down her real parents, like she's on some quest. 3E5EA186.JPG

 Frederick: You think I put her up to it?

 Larry: You have another explanation?

 Frederick: Does jill know that you're here?

 Larry: Now what does that have to do with anything?

 Frederick: Well, I just wonder how she'd feel about you coming into my place of business, interrogating me.

 Larry: You know, I just thought that you might want to know that you're doing her more harm than you are good.

 Frederick: Why is that?

 Larry: Because there's no point to it. The fosters adopted jill when she was a baby, okay? That's her family right there. She doesn't need to know who her real folks are. Is that gonna help anybody? 3E5EA1A6.JPG

 Frederick: Jill feels it'll give her a sense of identity.

 Larry: She already has a sense of identity. I mean, she's a beautiful, smart, classy lady. There's no sense in her digging into the past to find out who she is now.

 Frederick: I find this very interesting.

 Larry: What?

 Frederick: You claim that you and jill are very close.

 Larry: Yeah. So?

 Frederick: Based on what you're saying, I kind of wonder how well you really know her.  3E5EA28D.JPG

 Jill: Stop right there, esther.

 Esther: What is it, jill?

 Jill: I left my navy blouse in the laundry room last week. Now today I wanted to wear it. I couldn't find it in my closet.

 Esther: Why are you telling me?

 Jill: Well, I was just wondering when you were planning to wash it.

 Esther: How about never?

 Jill: Don't you take that tone with me.

 Esther: I wouldn't have to, if you would get it through your head that I work for mrs. Chancellor. You can do your own laundry.

 Jill: Would it kill you to do me one small favor?

 Esther: For you? Yes, I think it might.

 Jill: Oh, my god, you miserable little worm of a woman! I am so tired of-- 3E5EA2B1.JPG

 Kay: Enough, enough. I wi not have you speaking to esther in that manner.

 Jill: Why not? She isn't good for anything.

 Kay: Well, she's good enough for me, and that's what matters.

 Esther: Thank you, mrs. C.

 Jill: I will never know what you see in her.

 Kay: Jill, look, I know you are dealing with a lot right now, but that does not mean that you can take your frustrations out on esther.

 Jill: Well, maybe I should take them out on you instead.

 Kay: Well, why don't you just grow up? Stop acting like some poor, unwanted orphan.

 Jill: I should never have expected you to know what I'm going through.

 Kay: Well, true. I don't know what it's like to be adopted. It doesn't mean that I can't sympathize. And I'm sure it must be a real shock. I mean, all of a sdeden, you're facing all the questions that... 3E5EA2EB.JPG

 Jill: Well, not for much longer I'm not.

 Kay: What do you mean?

 Jill: I mean that I have decided to look for my birth mother.

 Kay: Jill, you have gone completely insane. That's the craziest thing I have ever heard.

 Larry: Look, man. Don't ever question how well I know jill, you got that?

 Frederick: In the time that I've known jill, she doesn't strike me as the kind of woman that would let herself be talked into anything. And I tell you, I can completely understand why she'd want to know more about her birth parents. And, yes, I encouraged her to try and track them down. This is something that jill needs to do for herself. 3E5EA314.JPG

 Larry: Look, where do you get off giving her all this advice? You're a business colleague of hers. What are you talking about personal stuff for?

 Frederick: You know what? This is ridiculous. We shouldn't be sitting here arguing. What we're talking about is what's best for jill, what makes her happy.

 Larry: Yeah, and she won't be happy if she starts snooping around in her past and finds something that she doesn't like. It's not gonna boost her confidence.

 Frederick: I didn't realize you were such a psychologist.

 Larry: Look, I don't need to be a shrink, all right? All I'm talking about is plain common sense. 3E5EA332.JPG

 Frederick: I believe it was socrates who said, "the unexamined life is not worth living." Have you ever read socrates, mr. Warton?

 Larry: And if I say no, does that mean I'm stupid? Is that what you're saying?

 Frederick: No, no. The old greek had a point.

 Larry: Yeah, and so do I, and the fact is that jill shouldn't be going looking for someone who gave her up, and I don't appreciate you telling her that she should.

 Victor: It seems we are thinking a lot about secrets these days.

 Nikki: Does it?

 Victor: Ashley mentioned them to me as well.

 Nikki: I can understand why they might be on her mind right now. 3E5EA364.JPG

 Victor: What do you mean by that?

 Reese: Oh, good. You're both here. I wanted to speak to t t two of you before nicholas returns.

 Nikki: How is she doing?

 Reese: Well, I've encouraged nicholas not to give up hope.

 Victor: What are you talking about?

 Reese: I would suspect you already know.

 Nikki: You don't think she's going to recover, do you? Inter wind)

 Nick: Don't start, victoria.

 Victoria: Sharon doesn't deserve a few harsh words for what she's done? She walked out on you. She walked out on her children. We have no idea where she is or when she's gonna be bac she just left and dumped the whole mess in your lap right when her daughter needs her the most. 3E5EA497.JPG

 Nick: Sharon doesn't know that cassie's in the hospital.

 Victoria: Don't make excuses for her. Your daughter is lying in a hospital bed, and sharon is off doing god knows what. It's indefensible, and I can't believe you don't see it that way.

 Nick: I'm not saying that what sharon did was okay, but she needed some space and time to deal with what dad did to her.

 Victoria: You can't be blaming this whole thing on dad.

 Nick: Victoria, he came on to her. Sharon didn't know what to do.

 Victoria: Oh, please!

 Nick: Because of dad, sharon felt like she had no future here, nothing to hold on to.

 Victoria: What about two kids who need her? What about them? 3E5EA4B6.JPG

 Nick: Look, the point is, we shouldn't even be in this position. I was ready to give my marriage a second chance, but then I saw dad and sharon together. If it weren't for him, my wife and I would be working things out right now, and cassie wouldn't be in the hospital.

 Victoria: You don't know that.

 Nick: Cassie never should have been out on that pond. She knows better than that, but she wasn't thinking, 'cause she's so upset about what's happening in this family, and it's all happening because of dad.

 Phyllis: It doesn't matter where I am, diane. It's always a downer seeing you.

 Diane: Ohlilighten up. Life's too short. 3E5EA4D9.JPG

 Phyllis: I'll lighten up as soon as you get out of here. Listen, don't give me this bygones be bygones garbage. I'm not buying.

 Diane: Fine. I'm not selling.

 Phyllis: Why are you sitting here?

 Diane: I just wanted to easyour mind. You see, I know that you and jack must be worried about me, how I'm holding up. You're both so big-hearted.

 Phyllis: You think jack and I are gloating over this? Actually, diane, we haven't given you a second thought one way or the other. No, my husband and i have better things to do.

 Diane: Oh, now who's trying to sell something? You two would love to think that I am suffering. Well, my friend, I hate to disappoint you, but that is not the case. I mean, yes, things went your way instead of mine, but there are two sides to every situation, phyllis, and I am choosing to focus on the bright side. I have time and energy to devote to my career. I have freedom to go where I want, when I want. 3E5EA519.JPG

 Phyllis: That's great. Congratulations.

 Diane: There are two sides to your situation, too. I mean, you may think that everything's perfect now, but in the long run...

 Phyllis: No, no, no. Hold on, sweetie. Hold on, sweetie. Listen. I don't know why you continue to spew this, but no one's listening to you anymore. Yeah, someday you'll get that, and you'll slither out of town.

 Diane: So everything's well with kyle?

 Phyllis: Yeah, it's great.

 Diane: Is he happy?

 Phyllis: Yeah, he's very happy, actually. The three of us are becoming a close-knit family.

 Diane: Really?

 Phyllis: Yeah, really. In fact, t o other day I came home, and he reached... I'm sorry. He hasn't missed a beat, diane. 3E5EA552.JPG

 Diane: Well, I'm glad to hear that, really.

 Andy: Nope. Not leaving till you listen to me.

 Jack: Look, I don't know how diane dragged you into this.

 Andy: Diane has no idea I am even here.

 Jack: Come on. You and I both know she put you up to this. God only knows how she manipulated you. That leopard hasn't changed her spots.

 Andy: Jack, are you still so caught up in this victory over this woman that you forgot to ask yourself where has she been? Why hasn't she said one word about visiting kyle?

 Jack: Well, that's easy. She now realizes she can't use kyle as a bargaining chip.

 Andy: Oh, man. You are so cynical. 3E5EA578.JPG

 Jack: Andy, if you had any idea half of what I've been through with this woman...

 Andy: Oh, yeah. There it is. There it is. How you've been wronged, huh? Forget about what's really been driving diane, what's driving her now.

 Jack: Oh, wait, wait. This I've got h hear.

 Andy: For you to accuse her of being anything less than a terrific mother, it's a crock, jack, and you know that. She loves that little boy, loves him with everything in her. You know, the only thing she ever wanted, the only thing, was to build a family. And, you know, that failed. And, yeah, her methods left a lot to be desired, but she does not deserve to be vilified now for trying to do what is best. 3E5EA5A4.JPG

 Jack: What is best for wh?? Herself?

 Andy: For kyle. Yeah, yeah, jack. Believe it. The only reason she's staying away, is for the sake of her son.

 Larry: You know, that might work if you're deciding on which car to buy, but this isn't about choosing between an import and a domestic, okay? This is serious. 3E5EA651.JPG

 Frederick: And if you really care about jill, you'll understand how desperately she needs closure on this. Now if you'll please excuse me.

 Larry: You know, you didn't answer me before when I asked you about why you're taking such an interest in jill's personal life.

 Frederick: Perhaps that's because it was none of your business.

 Larry: Well, answer me this, mr. Hodges. Is that a wedding ring on your finger?

 Frederick: Yeah, why?

 Larry: Did you happen to take that off before you talked to jill?

 Frederick: I don't think I like what you're implying, mr. Warton. Good day.

 Jill: Finding my birth mother is a crazy idea? 3E5EA694.JPG

 Kay: Sheer lunacy.

 Jill: Why?

 Kay: I can't stand what you're doing to elizabeth.

 Jill: What are you talking about?

 Kay: Oh, jill, you can't cast that woman off.

 Jill: Oh, I am not casting her off.

 Kay: Oh, no? Well, then for heaven's sakes, what do you call it? All of a sudden this interest in having to find your real mother. Well, you listen to me, and you listen to me well. Elizabeth foster took you in when you were a tiny, helpless baby. You were alone, defenseless. She took you in, and she cared for you. Anand she reared you the best way she knew how all those years, and this is the way you're going to repay her? No, come on. Treating her as though she's not your real mother? 3E5EA6C4.JPG

 Jill: But she isn'T. She isn't my real mother.

 Kay: Oh, nonsense. The woman is your mother in every way. You know that. And the way you're treating her is a shameless-- utterly, utterly shameless way. (Doorbell rings)

 Kay: Who in the hell could that be?

 Esther: I'll get it, mrs. C.

 Jill: What about what she did to me? She should have told me years ago that I was adopted. Children are better off knowing.

 Kay: Well, maybe that's the popular opinion today, but when you were a child, things were a lot different. Parents didn't always tell children they were adopted.

 Jill: Well, then she should have told me when I became an adult. 3E5EA6EC.JPG

 Kay: Oh, jill, for heaven's sakes, would you please stop whining? Elizabeth is about to undergo major surgery. And instead of you playing the concerned daughter, and instead of you focusing all your interest on this woman who has done so much for you, you're only thinking about yourself. My god, that is typical. That is so very, very typical.

 Esther: Jill?

 Jill: What is it, esther?

 Esther: There are some people to see you.

 Snapper: Hey, sis.

 Jill: Snapper? Greg? What are you doing here?

 Victor: You know, I remembe years ago when the doctors told me that you wouldn't live. And I stayed by your side willing you to go on. 3E5EA73A.JPG

 Nikki: And I did. Because of you.

 Victor: That's what we have to do now. We cannot give up until the last vestige of hope is gone.

 Nikki: You can be such an incredibly strong man. If only...

 Victor: What were you gonna say?

 Nikki: Nothing.

 Victor: Something happened when you talked to ashley. What was it? I know that you weren't exactly on friendly terms, but...

 Nikki: Can you blame me? I mean, she's always had this proprietary interest in you. The last thing we need is for her to insinuate herself on our lives right now.

 Victor: Why do you worry about that? She's gone. 3E5EA771.JPG

 Nikki: She'll be back. I promise you, she will get in touch with you soon.

 Victor: Why don't you believe me when I tell you that nothing has happened between her and me? Nothing. Why don't you believe that?

 Nikki: Well, I don't know. Why would I believe that, victor? From a man who would come on to his own daughter-in-law, why not ashley?

 Victor: You're misinterpreting that, all right?

 Nikki: Oh, I see, I see. That's just... it's just a little misinterpretation. Silly me for being upset.

 Victor: I'm not blaming you for being upset.

 Nikki: Well, thanks. Thank you, thank you.

 Victor: It was an unfortunate moment when something happened that shouldn'tavave. That's all. That doesn't have to be the end of the world, you know. 3E5EA79E.JPG

 Nikki: Well, our son believes that that moment is what led to sharon's walking out.

>>Ikikki: And now her daughter is lying here dying.

 Nikki: It may very well be the end of the world for that sweet child.  3E5EA8CE.JPG

 Jill: I can't believe this! I can't believe it.

 Snapper: Believe it, sis. Believe it.

 Greg: It's great to see you, jill. Thanks very much, mrs. Chancellor.

 Kay: My pleasure. Believe me, it-- it was the right thing to do.

 Greg: Yeah.

 Jill: Thank you for what? What was the right thing to do?

 Snapper: You know, it's really been a long flight. Is there a chance that I could get something to drink?

 Jill: I'm sorry, sweetie. Esther, I believe that you know my older brother dr. Foster.

 Esther: I remember you.

 Jill: Could you get him a drink, please?

 Snapper: Just some fruit juice if you have it, please. 3E5EA8EC.JPG

 Jill: Greg.

 Greg: Hi, esther. Good to see you again.

 Esther: It's great to see you, greg. What would you like?

 Greg: Coffee, tea. Either one.

 Esther: Okay, be right back.

 Jill: So, the two of you just happened to feel like dropping in at the same time after all these years.

 Snapper: No, not exactly.

 Greg: Well, what difference does it make? We're here.

 Snapper: It matters. She needs to know.

 Jill: Needs to know what?

 Greg: Okay, fine. The doctor has spon.N.

 Jill: What is going on here? Katherine?

 Jack: Diane is staying away for kyle's sake?

 Andy: Yeah, it's true.

 Jack: Yeah, that'll be the day. 3E5EA918.JPG

 Andy: (Sighs) jack, this woman is dying over in this hotel suite. She desperately needs to see her son, all right?

 Jack: And she's staying away out of the goodness of her heart, is that it? Come on, give me a break.

 Andy: You won the war, okay? You n n the war. Can't you be gracious for just once in your life?

 Jack: Oh, don't give me that holier-than-thou andy richards crap. You are here for one reason, pal. The only reason you are here trying to champion that woman's cause is to stick it to me, your archrival. You're still sore that I took diane from you all those years ago. You know what? Live with it. I did you a favor. 3E5EA941.JPG

 Andy: Okay. This is about diane and kyle. This is not about me. She's staying away so her son can bond with you, make a good transition, which I assume is happening, right?

 Andy: Am I wrong about that, jack?

 Phyllis: Well, you don't sound glad.

 Diane: Of course I'm glad. How could I not wish my little boy well?

 Phyllis: You're amazing. You are hoping that things will go badly with kyle. It's incredible. Are you really that vindictive?

 Diane: That is not fair.

 Phyllis: Don't talk to me about fair, sweetie, not after what you did to me.

 Diane: We are talking about my son's welfare for god's sake. 3E5EA976.JPG

 Phyllis: Still, you are wishing that we have problems with kyle. You're using your son as a weapon even now. Could you really be such a despicable loser?

 Diane: Would you just stop it?! Just stop it! I can't take any more of this. It is bad enough that I have lost my child, but I don't need youo o brand me as some kind of monster. It's not right. You, of all people, should know that, phyllis.

 Jack: If that's really diane's motivation for staying away, she's being a responsible human being for the first time in her life.

 Andy: Aha, well, if you are willing to give her that much credit, why don't you go pick up the phone? Give her a little more time with her son-- 3E5EAA81.JPG

 Jack: How is it you get an opinion in any of this?

 Andy: You sound a little defensive to me. Did I hit a nerve?

 Jack: You're wearing out your welcome, andy.

 Andy: Is that the only reason?

 Jack: Things are fine around here. They're better than fine, at least they will be once you leave.

 Andy: Whym m I getting this feeling that--

 Jack: Like anything that's new, it takes some time!

 Andy: Ah. So kyle hasn't adjusted as well as you'd hoped.

 Jack: I didn't say that.

 Andy: No, but those big, dark circles under your eyes sure did.

 Jack: So what? Diane coming in here and rocking the boat is gonna fix everything? I don't think so. 3E5EAAAA.JPG

 Andy: You don't-- you don't know. You don't know. Why don't you try? Let her be part of this for everyone's sake.

 Jack: She'll have her chance, all right? Once everything calms down he's only been here a couple of days.

 Andy: What are you so afraid of? That diane might come in here and help kyle?

 Jack: Just where do you get off?

 Andy: Okay, I understand you don't trust her, and I understand why. But if your son is having a rough time, and diane might ease that, just think about it, jack. Yeah, think about it.

 Greg: You know, we can all just be glad to see each other. 3E5EAAE0.JPG

 Snapper: And we will. First, let's just tell it like it is.

 Jill: And how is it?

 Kay: I called your brothers, jill.

 Jill: Okay. Why?

 Kay: I felt they needed to be here, since you so obviously were not going to be too much help to your mother.

 Jill: Oh, so you took it upon yourself to call in reinforcements?

 Kay: I did what I felt I had to do! And on that note, I will leave you siblings alone to, um, talk to each other, and we will talk later, snapper and greg.

 Snapper: Thanks again, mrs. Chancellor.

 Greg: Listen, jill. Jill, it's not like we're here to read you the riot act, okay? We just thought it would be a good thing for us to be here for mom. 3E5EAB11.JPG

 Jill: Because I wasn't being a dutiful daughter?

 Snapper: No, because katherine said that you were very upset.

 Jill: I am very upset, and I have a damn good reason. You know the other day when mom came? She told me that she was having this horrific operation. She also told me something else. She told me that I am not her real daughter. I'm adopted. Oh, my god! You know! You both know?!

 Snapper: Yes, yes, I knew. I knew, but it was only recently.

 Greg: Jill, I just found out.

 Jill: All right, greg, you giveee your first gut reaction. Didn't you wonder if you were adopted, too? 3E5EAB44.JPG

 Greg: It crossed my mind, yeah.

 Jill: Well, of course it did. This isn't the kind of thing a person wants to hear about.

 Greg: Yeah, but you want to know what my next thought was?

 Jill: Oh, I'm sure it was all sweet and flowery.

 Greg: Fine. Call it whatever you want, but it's the truth. I thought, "jill is my sister. I love her just as much as I did before I learned this."

 Jill: Snapper, how could you not have told me something this important?

 Snapper: Mom didn't want you to know.

 Jill: Mom didn't want me to know until mom wanted me to know. You know what I call that? I call it controlling. I call it manipulative. And what about the truth, huh? Weren't we always taught to tell the truth? 3E5EAB6A.JPG

 Snapper: Don't start lecturing me, jill.

 Jill: I am not lecturing you.

 Snapper: Look, mom lives with me and my famil you happen to be on the other side of the planet. She's asked me to play it, and I'm gonna play it exactly the way she wants it, so just deal with it.

 Victoria: Can I ask you a question?

 Nick: What?

 Victoria: Have you forgiven sharon? Have you decided to take her back?

 Nick: I'm not even thinking about that right now.

 Victoria: Yeah, but if she were to walk through that do..

 Nick: The only thing that matters right now is cassie. I mean, my daughter is fighting for her life. I'm doing everything I can for her, but I can only do so much, you know? She needs her mother. Cassie needs to hear sharon's voice. She needs to feel her arms around her. I know that can make a difference. That's why I'm doing everything I n to find her and bring her home. All this other stuff, it can wait. Right now the only thing that matters is my little girl. 3E5EABD2.JPG

 Victoria: You're right. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gone off like that. We just have to focus on cassie. She's the only thing that matters now.

 Nick: She has to make it. I me, , if I lose her... it can't happen. It just can'T. ú

 Jill: In other words, you didn't feel you owed me the trh.H. You were just gonna let mama drop it on me whenever she felt like it.

 Snapper: I didn't know that she was going to--

 Greg: Look, sis, you need to cut the woman a lot of slack right now, okay?

 Jill: Right, right. Cut her slack, cut him slack. Cut everybody but me slack. 3E5EACD7.JPG

 Snapper: Jill, you want to make a big case out of this, then fine. Do it lat.. but right now let's just get mom through the surgery and just see how everything turns out, okay?

 Greg: It's pretty risky stuff, sis.

 Jill: I know, I know. Ok. So when is she scheduled?

 Snapper: First thing tomorrow morning.

 Jill: What? Tomorrow morning? Here? Not in london? When were you gonna tell me this?

 Greg: Sweetie, instead of fighting, shouldn't we spend our time praying, okay? The surgeon's in town. It all fell into place, let's just go with it.

 Jill: Okay, all right. Look, I know that the two of you worship the ground that lady walks on. I love her, too. I respect her. I owe her so much. But the truth is, she isn't our mother. I'm somebody else. I came from somebody else. 3E5EAD0A.JPG

 Greg: Oh, jill, you can't think--

 Jill: Don't give me that sugar-coated line about us being family. Okay, yes, we grew up together. Yes, we shared our lives, but I'm not your sister!

 Snapper: This is nonsense.

 Jill: Oh, that's easy for you to say, isn't it? No matter how this turns out, noatatter how it ends up, I'm gonna find out who I am and where I came from. Greg, I have to. I have to do this. So either you help me, or you get the hell out of my way. Understood?

 Nikki: Well, I'll tell you this. If our family weren't in a crisis right now, I would be at the ranch packing my bags. 3E5EAD3A.JPG

 Victor: There's no need for that, okay?

 Nikki: How dare you? How dare you say that to me? How am I supposed to live with a man so lacking in self-control? I mean, to come on to your son's wife, take her in your arms, kiss her. It makes me sick.

 Victor: You don't know the whole story.

 Nikki: Oh, well, please, spare me the details, because I already know more than I care to know.

 Victor: No, please listen to me.

 Nikki: No, I don't want to listen to you. I don't want to hear you try to explain away something that is totally inexcusable.

 Victor: It is not what it seems. 3E5EAD5C.JPG

 Nikki: Stop. Stop this! I can't take it. I can'T. I can't talk about this now. I am leaving. I will not be at the ranch.

 Victor: Will you stop it? And you listen to me now. It wasn't me. It was sharon. That damnable kiss happened because of sharon.


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