Wednesday Y&R Transcript 2/26/03

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 2/26/0
3--Canada; Thursday 2/27/03

Provided By Eric




 Ashley: Come sit. I don't think I've ever heard you with such despair in your voice.

 Victor: You're not the first person to say that to me recently.

 Ashley: Who else?

 Victor: Your brother, of all people. Ashley: Really?

 Victor: Hmm.

 Nikki: Well, hello, ashley.

 Ashley: I heard about cassie, nikki. I'm so sorry.

 Nikki: Did victor call you?

 Ashley: No, I heard some talk over at jabot.

 Nikki: I see. You felt the need to rush over and offer your support.

 Ashley: I hope you don't have a problem with that.

 Nikki: Well, I don't know, ashley. Why on earth would I have a problem with that? 3E5D4E5C.JPG

 Jill: Really? You would do that?

 Frederick: Track down your family of origin--sure, why not? Look, jill, I have legal training. I know a lot of people. If this is something that you want to do, we'll make it happen. We'll cut through the red tape with a machete if necessary.

 Jill: God, you make it sound almost like, uh...

 Frederick: An adventure.

 Jill: Is that how you're looking at it?

 Frederick: Well, it's not quite as daring as playing hooky.

 Jill: Oh, my god. I can't believe I did that.

 Frederick: Oh, come on. There was no harm done. It was perfectly innocent, or so we'll claim. 3E5D4E7F.JPG

 Jill: All right. Let me think about this, okay?

 Frederick: Just say the word, and I'm yours.

 Jill: Oh, frederick. Thank you.

 Diane: I don't know, andy. What you're asking me to do, it's just--

 Andy: Hon, hon, it-- it's the most natural thing in the world.

 Diane: What is natural about me having to call jack to get permission to see my child?

 Andy: Okay. Poor choice of words.

 Diane: No, I-I-I-- I can't do it.

 Andy: Why not?

 Diane: I just don't think it would be a good idea.

 Andy: Diane, hey. You need to see your son. And the separation, it is ripping you up inside. 3E5D4EBA.JPG

 Diane: I would give anything to see him, to hold him and kiss his little face.

 Andy: Okay, okay, just-- just do it. Just--just pick up that phone. I mean, you have visitation. Take advantage if it'll help you get through this.

 Diane: As much as I want to see kyle, going over to that house and seeing jack and phyllis, I'm afraid it might destroy me.

 Andy: Why do you say that?

 Diane: Because, andy, what if I walk in there, and they're one great, big, happy family, and I'm on the outside looking in?

 Phyllis: You want to involve diane in our lives again?

 Jack: I'm saying we need some help. Our son is in crisis. Look, I'm not thrilled about this either, believe me. 3E5D4F15.JPG

 Phyllis: But you think it's best for kyle.

 Jack: I think it might be an option. I'd like to think we could discuss that.

 Phyllis: Okay, let's discuss it, absolutely. I would love to discuss this. You have the floor. Go ahead.

 Jack: I think we got so excited about the idea of custody that neither of us thought what this would feel like for that little boy being wrenched away from his mother. Honey, he's making himself sick. He not eating. He's not sleeping. He's calling for his mother-

 Phyllis: I know that. I know that! Don't you think it's killing me?

 Jack: It's killing me, too. I'm just suggesting that diane might be able to help in making that transition happen a little more smoothly. That is the idea, right, to help get kyle over this hump? Come on, say something. What do you think? 3E5D4F4F.JPG

 Phyllis: You want my opinion?

 Jack: Yes, of course I do.

 Phyllis: I think you're out of your mind.

 Victor: Have you been in with cassie?

 Nikki: Yes.

 Victor: Any change?

 Nikki: No.

 Victor: How's nicholasholding up?

 Nikki: I sent him home. I thought you would have seen him leave.

 Victor: I didn't, but I'm sure that's the way he wanted it.

 Nikki: Well, perhaps you were too busy with ashley to notice.

 Ashley: I think it's best if I leave.

 Nikki: Actually, I'd like to have a word with you in private. If you don't mind, victor.

 Victor: No, I will look in on cassie. Thank you for coming by, ashley. I appreciate your concern. Thank you. 3E5D4F8B.JPG

 Ashley: What's on your mind?

 Nikki: Our little secret. More and more, I have the feeling that victor should know the truth. 

[ People chattering ]

 Larry: Ahem. Excuse me. I'm sorry. I didn't know you were busy. 3E5D505A.JPG

 Jill: What do you want, larry?

 Larry: I thought you were alone.

 Jill: I was, and then mr. Hodges dropped by. I'm sure you remember each other.

 Frederick: Oh, yes.

 Larry: Look, if you want me to scram, I--

 Frederick: No, no need. I was just leaving. You'll be in touch?

 Jill: Oh, absolutely.

 Larry: Well, I guess I don't have to ask how you're doing, huh?

 Ashy:Y: Are you threatening me?

 Nikki: Why would I do that?

 Ashley: I have no idea what goes through your mind, nikki.

 Nikki: You have things exactly the way you want them right now, don't you? 3E5D508E.JPG

 Ashley: Are you kidding? I'd be a lot happier if you knew nothing about abby.

 Nikki: Well, we agree on one point--so would I. Then I could just go along in my state of ignorant bliss, but unfortunately, I do know, and it colors everything.

 Ashley: It doesn't have to. Victor doesn't know. I don't want him to. I don't understand why you do.

 Nikki: No, of course you don'T. Because you are so damn self-centered, you have no idea how this is affecting me.

 Ashley: I know it's going to affect you a lot more profoundly if he does know.

 Nikki: And you don't think he has the right to know the truth?

 Ashley: I think in this case, it would just be hurtful. 3E5D50B1.JPG

 Nikki: I'm sure you do. Coming from where you sit, I can understand that. I mean, you did steal something from him. You used it to become pregnant. I think that's illegal.

 Ashley: Oh, you want to go to court? You want to air my dirty laundry to the world? You want to put victor back in the tabloid spotlight, make a mockery of my daughter's life? Will that serve yo p purposes, nikki?

 Nikki: My purposes?

 Ashley: Obviously, you're out for revenge. You feel that things have been taken from you.

 Nikki: Oh, my god! How dare you? You have victor's child. Don't even pretend to know how that makes me feel. 3E5D50E4.JPG

 Reese: Hello, victor.

 Victor: Any sign of regaining consciousness?

 Reese: No, but that needs to happen soon.

 Victor: Well, because you're worried about brain damage.

 Reese: There's a window of time when we can hope for a full and a complete recovery. That window's closing on us.

 Victor: Have you ever known anyone who was in a coma for a long time and then recovered completely?

 Reese: Look, victor, the last thing I want is you giving up hope. Just try to keep your hope realistic. Will you excuse me? I'm on rounds.

 Victor: Sure. Thanks, doctor.

 Reese: I'll be back shortly.

 Victor: Thank you. 3E5D5125.JPG

 Victor: Did you hear what the doctor said? He said we shouldn't give up hope. But you can't give up hope, either, you know.

 Jill: I'm much better.

 Larry: I can tell. You're taking care of business.

 Jill: Well, there's no sense wasting the whole day moping around over my problems.

 Larry: You know, I'm glad you sa that because I have a surprise for you.

 Jill: Really? What kind of surprise?

 Larry: Well, now if i told you about it, it... look, why don't you run on home and put on something really sexy? Not that you don't look great already.

 Jill: Larry...

 Larry: No, no, no, no. I'm taking you out, period. Okay, I've got it all planned. First of all, we're gonna head over to-- 3E5D5255.JPG

 Jill: This isn't gonna work for me.

 Larry: Well, how do you know? You haven't even heard what it is yet.

 Jill: No, I don't mean that. I mean, there's something else I need to do.

 Larry: Oh.

 Jill: Oh, larry, please don't be upset.

 Larry: No, it sounds like you're taking my advice, and that's cool.

 Jill: What advice?

 Larry: Well, not letting this thing about finding your people take over your life. You're better off just letting it go.

 Jill: You're probably not going to approve of this, but right now I'm leaning very strongly towards tracking down my birth parents.

 Anita: How about that little french place over on market? 3E5D5291.JPG

 Frederick: What?

 Anita: We talked about having lunch today.

 Frederick: We did?

 Anita: Yet another memorable conversation.

 Frederick: I'm sorry, sweetheart, it completely slipped my mind.

 Anita: Why does that not surprise me?

 Frederick: Can we have a rain check? I am up to my eyeballs here.

 Anita: Eleanor mentioned that you had been out of the oicice all morning. Anyplace special?

 Frederick: Just meetings.

 Anita: Ah. Business?

 Frederick: Anita, it's a work day. Why would you ask me that?

 Anita: I don't suppose you've heard any more from jill abbott. Hmm. Jackpot. 3E5D52B9.JPG

 Frederick: Why all the questions?

 Anita: I suppose she was all over you, apologizing for her behavior at the lodge the other morning. Although a woman like jill probably has no shame.

 Jack: Gee, whatever you do don't pull any punches here--

 Phyllis: You know, I could do two hours on why it's a lousy idea to have diane hovering around our home again, jack. Besides, if you think that kyle is traumatized now, just wait and see how he reass watching his mom leave our house again and again.

 Jack: Okay, I hear what you're saying.

 Phyllis: Thank god.

 Jack: I just think we're gonna be crossing that bridge sooner or later. She does have visitation. 3E5D52E1.JPG

 Phyllis: Yes, she does, down the road, after kyle is over this transition. What--

 Jack: Don't you understand? We're down the road. This is the point of transition. He can't make the transition because he's freaked out about his mother disappearing!

 Phyllis: Disappearing-- that's precisely my point. Don't you see what that means?

 Jack: What, are you saying she doesn't care?

 Phyllis: Jack, before this kid was a zygote. He was a means to an end for diane jenkins! And now that she gave him up, willingly, why--why break a nail dialing the phone to come and see him?

 Jack: I don't think you're being fair.

 Phyllis: Oh, I'm sorry. Am I not being fair to diane? Wow. I missed all the phone messages from her. I'm sorry. 3E5D5311.JPG

 Jack: Look, we can say all the ugly things we want about diane, and there are plenty of ugly things to say you can't say she doesn't love her son.

 Phyllis: If that were true, she would be here right now.

 Jack: He's only been with us a couple of days!

 Phyllis: She wouldn't have waited a couple of hours.

 Jack: Phyllis, she had her son taken from her. Who's to say how long--

 Phyllis: Who's to say? I'm to say! I'm to say! I had my son taken away from me!

 Phyllis: I remember the moment I lost daniel like it was yesterday! Like my heart was ripped out of me! I prayed for one glimpse. Just one little glimpse of my son would have been fine. So, yes, I do know what I'm talking about. If she loved her son, if she truly loved her son, nothing would have stopped her from coming over here. Nothing. 3E5D5355.JPG

 Andy: I know it might seem a little awkward at first--

 Diane: Oh, no, no, no, no, not for them. I'll walk in and there they'll be-- all smiling and relaxed and just ready to rub my nose in it.

 Andy: Okay, now we're down to it. This is--this is about phyllis. Still galls you, doesn't it? You did not get the best of her.

 Diane: Well, I'm human, andy. Sorry to disappoint you.

 Andy: Okay, we're all human here. I'm not disappointed. I just want to see you make good decisions.

 Diane: And I'm trying, bebelieve me.

 Andy: Well, if you ask me, the first step is-- we need to be honest here about why you are letting phyllis abbott intimidate you. 3E5D538D.JPG

 Diane: Well, it's not jealousy, if that's what you think. I mean, I am over losing jack to that witch. But kyle-- I mean, my precious little boy-- I can just see her holding him and lording it over me, and I'm telling you I couldn't stand it. God help me, andy, if I have to be around her like that, I honestly don't know what I might do. My life easy are

 Larry: Whoa, it's like a total flip-flop.

 Jill: Hardly.

 Larry: What do you mean? I leave here, not even an hour ago, and already you've made up your mind that--

 Jill: Look, I cannot forget about this, all right? I have to find out what my roots are. I have to know where I came from. 3E5D543B.JPG

 Larry: Jill, I thought that we decided that this wasn't good for you.

 Jill: Oh, well, maybe you decided. I didn'T.

 Larry: So you've had your mind made up the whole time, huh?

 Jill: Larry, look, you know that I've given this a great deal of thought.

 Larry: And that's what you've been doing since I left-- thinking?

 Jill: No offense, but I have a very busy day.

 Larry: And evening, too, since you won't go o w with me.

 Jill: Can't go out with you. I have--

 Larry: I know, I know, jill. Things to do.

 Frederick: Aren't you being a little harsh?

 Anita: Of jill? No.

 Frederick: Typical. 3E5D5470.JPG

 Anita: Frerick, she was hitting on you in public.

 Frederick: She was not. She was joking around, just trying to be funny.

 Anita: In the poorest possible taste.

 Frederick: Look, anita, the woman is having a rough go of it lately. Just call it an attempt to try and pick up her spirits.

 Anita: I won't even ask why you know so much about her personal life.

 Frederick: Is there some other reason you stopped by?

 Anita: Since you'd rather push papers than take me out to lunch...

 Frederick: No, anita, it's not my preference.

 Anita: Really?

 Frederick: Yeah, I would go with you now if I could, but I can'T. 3E5D5496.JPG

 Anita: Actually, it doesn't have to be right this minute, you know? Tonight would be fine.

 Frederick: Tonight's your bridge night, isn't it?

 Anita: Yes. Well, I feel a cold coming on.

 Frederick: Do you now?

 Anita: Yes. Frederick, I think we need to spend some time together. That's achingly apparent. We could, um, meet at the lodge, have dinner.

 Frederick: In other words, pick up where we left off, hmm?

 Anita: Yes. I could take care of the reservations, call you later with the time. After dinner we could rush back to the house, since we do have it altoto ourselves now.

 Frederick: You know, honey, it sounds wonderful. It really does. But I'm afraid I can't make it. 3E5D54C6.JPG

 Anita: You can't or you won't?

 Frederick: I have a conference call with singapore, and it's important, and I cannot postpone it.

 Anita: I find that difficult to believe.

 Frederick: Singapore's 14 hours ahead of us. Okay? With the difference in the time zones--

 Anita: Save it. I am not interested. Just like you don't seem to be interested in our marriage.

 Frederick: Oh, come on.

 Ashley: So that's what this is about--jealousy.

 Nikki: It's a little bit more than that.

 Ashley: In what way?

 Nikki: We're talking about the paternity of a child, ashley. How long do you expect me to keep this secret-- a year? Five years? The rest of my life? Am I supposed to know about this little girl, and victor should never know that he's her father? 3E5D54FB.JPG

 Ashley: He is not her father. Genetically, yes, but not in any real way. That's why it's best if he doesn't know, nikki. She has a father who loves her. Brad's able to meet every one of her needs. He's been there for her since the day she was born.

 Nikki: And you don't think that she is not one day gonna want to know who her real father is?

 Ashley: Maybe so, but that's down the road, many years from now.

 Nikki: Oh, I see, so it's many years from now. In that event, when you decide to tell her, or she should find out on her own, then we'll tell ctor that I knew all along. How do you think he's gonna feel when he finds out I kept this from him? 3E5D551D.JPG

 Ashley: Nikki, you would never have to talk to him about that.

 Nikki: Oh, I see. I should just use your strategy. Worked great with brad, huh? Never tell the truth. We'll just hope that victor doesn't find out, huh? Yeah, that worked really great for you last time.

 Victor: I'm looking at you, sweetheart. I'm hoping that you'll give me some sign of life, just a-- maybe a flick of an eyelid? Just to let me know that you're in there?

 Victor: I wish when your daddy and I were talking, that we had realized that when you came in and you asked to speak with him, that you were very upset. I wished we had realized how hopeless you felt. When you said, "don't worry about me." Instead, your daddy was talking to me, told you to wait. 3E5D5572.JPG

 Victor: Sweetheart? Do you know how we worried about you? Do you know how much we all love you? Cassie?

 Victor: I wish your mom were here now, but no one knows where she is.

 (Knock on door)

 Jill: Come in.

 Liz: My. Guess I'm in the right place.

 Jill: Thank you for coming, mom.

 Liz: When you called, it sounded important.

 Jill: I'm sure you know what's on my mind.

 Liz: Still?

 Jill: Oh, please don't give me that pained expression. You're the one who opened this whole thing up.

 Liz: Well, the next time I'm looking at meeting my maker, I guess I'll keep my mouth shut.

 Jill: Oh, forgive me for boring you, t t this happens to be my life we're talking about.

 Liz: Jill, you know I care how you feel.

 Jill: I'm sorry. I'm sorry, okay? I'm just a little disturbed. I've got so many questions whirling around in my mind. 3E5D56CB.JPG

 Liz: Having to do with your being adopted?

 Jill: I need to know everything you can tell me-- the people who gave me up, the dates, the names, the places...

 Liz: For heaven's sakes, jill, you know how long ago that was.

 Jill: You talked about holding me in your arms like it was yesterday. Now you have information. I know you do.

 Liz: Jill, look at this office. They don't hand these out to just anyone. You are a success, and being adopted doesn't change that.

 Jill: It changes everything!

 Liz: Katherine's right. You're obsessed.

 Jill: Don't--don't-- I don't want to bring up that woman's name. 3E5D56F7.JPG

 Liz: Well, maybe it's just better we talk about it some other time.

 Jill: Mama, no, no. It has to be now.

 Liz: What's the urgency?

 Jill: Because I've made a decision. Now I know a lot of people aren't going to like this, but I don't have any choice.

 Liz: Oh, daughter, don't you tell me--

 Jill: I have to find my birth parents, okay? I need to find them. And, mama, I'm so sorry if this disturbs you, but I have to do this for me. And I can't put it off any longer.

 Ashley: Nikki, have you thought about how this could affect your relationship with victor if he does know the truth? 3E5D5727.JPG

 Nikki: At least he'll respect me for being honest, unlike certain other people. Ashy:Y: Please, before you do anything, justhihink long and hard about the consequences.

 Nikki: I cannot believe how self-serving you are--

 Ashley: That little girl's in there fighting for her life, and we're out here arguing. Just do whatever it is you're gonna do. You will anyway, no matter who it hurts, even if it's you. I'll pray for cassie. I'll pray for all of us.

 Victor: You know, sweetheart, I've heard that when someone is in a coma they can still hear when someone is talking to them. So I will tell you a story that I've almost never told anyone. Maybe it'll help you. Because I think you and i are alike in many ways. You know, when I was a little boy, I didn't know my dad. And my mom was so poor that she sent me to an orphanage. And that's where I grew up. It was tough. It was hard. I fought hard. I fought every day. But I survived, you know? I only met my mom once, much later in life. But I made something of my life. And you are like me. 'Cause your mommy was too young when she had you. So you were raised by millie. And then you came into your mommy's life later on. And you're a tough little girl. You became a member of the newman family. You're a newman now. 3E5D5790.JPGYou're tough, and we fight hard. And your daddy loves you, and your mommy loves you, and noah loves you, and I love you, and nikki loves you. You're gonna get out of this. Do you hear me? You're a newman, and we fight hard. You're not alone. Sometimes you and I feel very alone in this world, don't we? But see if we know that one person loves us-- but you have so many people who love you.

 Victor: Sweetheart, I know you can do it.

 Andy: Okay, diane, that's enough. It's not about phyllis, or at least it should not be.

 Diane: I knew you wouldn't understand.

 Andy: There's no way you're gonna go over there and lose it the way you just described in front of kyle. You' too good a mother. Diane, it's like a big cop-out. Diane. Diane. 3E5D58D0.JPG

 Diane: Andy...

 Andy: What? What? Just say it.

 Diane: You're so convinced that this is something that I need, and maybe you're right. What about kyle?

 Andy: You don't think that little boy needs his mother?

 Diane: I'm not sure.

 Andy: Oh, come on, hon. How could he not?

 Diane: Because if i go over there while he's getting used to things, what's it gonna do except just confuse him?

 Andy: Come on. You don't think it's gonna be a comfort?

 Diane: Yeah, for me, it's gonna be a great comfort. What about kyle? I'm sure he's as happy as a little clam there with all that attention and everybody going gaga over him, and then in walks mommy. He could be traumatized or have a-- have a setback, and I don't want that. I think, um, I think it'd be best for kyle if I just stayed away, at least for now, so he can, um, so he can bond with his new family. 3E5D5927.JPG

 Andy: Okay, look, maybe--maybe there's a risk. Okay, but you have been the most important person in each other's lives since that little boy was born. And, to me, that not only gives you the right to go over there and comfort him now, it's your responsibility.

 Jack: Phyllis, I'm sorry. Hey... I am sorry. I know these are very painful memories for you. I'm sorry. I just thought bringing diane in would be the right answer for kyle. I mean, what harm is there in asking?

 Phyllis: What harm? Jack, what planet do you live on?

 Jack: Phyllis... 3E5D596C.JPG

 Pllllis: The woman is a predator, not to mention a criminal.

 Jack: She can't harm us. She can't hurt us, not anymore.

 Phyllis: I'm not gonna go another round with her. I'm serious. I'm not doing it. I'm not doing it! (Telephone rings)

 Phyllis: Hello? Hello?! Hello?!

 Diane: I can'T.

 Andy: Come here.

 Phyllis: They hung up.

 Jack: Look, obviously, we are agreed we need to resolve this. Do you have any alternatives other than his mother?

 Phyllis: Listen, I know kyle's suffering. I know that. But we have to think of something else. There has to be something else. 3E5D599C.JPG

 Jac w what do we do in the meantime? We just spin our wheels?

 Phyllis: We think of another plan.

 Jack: What if we can't come up with another plan?

 Phyllis: Jack, you have to promise me you won't go to diane. Promise me.

 Jack: Okay, you win. Yeah.

 Phyllis: I win. I have an errand to run.

 Liz: I had a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that this is where you were headed.

 Jill: Mama, I don't want to hurt your feelings. I don't want to insult you.

 Liz: This has nothing to do with me, girl. It's about you. Can't you see what a terrible idea this is? Hunting people down like criminals, when their only crime was wanting something better for t tiny infant they couldn't take care of. 3E5D59F1.JPG

 Jill: You afraid they're gonna reject me?

 Liz: Or worse.

 Jill: I'll take that chance, because i have to know where I came from.

 Liz: Oh, please, daughter.

 Jill: Mama, tell me about the adoption. Okay, where did it take place?

 Liz: I have no idea.

 Jill: Well, then tell me the name of the agency.

 Liz: I don't know that, either.

 Jill: For god's sake, mama, there must-- I'm sorry. How about papers?

 Liz: Your father handled all that.

 Jill: You're telling me that you just took me in your arms, no questions asked?

 Liz: Oh, that's exactly what I did. I loved you unconditionally. 3E5D5A17.JPG

 Jill: I'm not questioning that. Believe me, I'm not.

 Liz: But you are determined to go through with this, despite my feelings? 3 (Doorbell rings)

 Jack: Andy richards? Since when are you back in town?

>>Ndndy: We need to talk, jack.

 Jack: About what?

 Andy: Diane jenkins, who in case you've forgotten, happens to be the mother of your son.

 Jill: I wish you could understand why this is so imptatant to me. Mama, I could find my father, my real father, and then maybe I won't feel so abandoned anymore.

 Liz: But that has to come from inside yourself, jill. No one else can give it to you. 3E5D5B1A.JPG

 Jill: Yeah, but I can try, and I've gotta start somewhere. Now, please, mama, you must know something-- some detail, the date.

 Liz: Of what?

 Jill: Of the adoption-- when was it finalized?

 Liz: You know when you were born.

 Jill: I know thatvevery september 29th I put candles on a cake. But now I don't know if that's my birthday. So is it my birthday? Is it the day dad brought me home? Or did you just pick the number out of thin air?

 Liz: I can't answer that.

 Jill: You're lying.

 Liz: Jill, even if I knew, which I don't, I wouldn't want you going on this fool's errand.

 Jill: So you're not gonna help me at all? 3E5D5B44.JPG

 Liz: You've got that right.

 Jill: Damn it, mama!

 Liz: Oh, jill, whoever these people are, leave them alone. You don't hand your child over to strangers to raise unless you've got problems, serious problems. And you don't need that in your life now. That is if you can find them. They could be dead now, and then where will you be? There's no gd d purpose in this--none.

 Jill: No purpose? You haven't listened to a word I've been saying.

 Liz: It's because I have been listening that I am warning you off of this.

 Jill: No, you're wrong. They are not dead. My birth parents are out there somewhere and they are alive, mama, you hear it? Everything in me tells me they're alive, and I'm gonna find them. And I'm gonna get my answers. With or without you! 3E5D5B8D.JPG

 Frederick: Mr. Warton, this is a surprise.

 Larry: Really? Thought you, um, might be expecting me.

 Frederick: Why is that?

 Larry: Well, jill and I, we're pretty tight.

 Frederick: Yeah, I know you have been.

 Larry: Still are.

 Frederick: And what does that have to do with me?

 Larry: She told me that she was talking to you about her being adopted.

 Frederick: So?

 Larry: Look, man, the lady's pretty strung out about it, okay? The best thing for her to do would be to just let it go, and that's how I feel.

 Frederick: How does jill feel?

 Larry: You know what? She's willing to listen to reason, or at least she was before you talked to her.

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