Y&R Transcript
Friday 2/21/03--Canada; 2/24/03--USA
Provided By Eric
Nick: Cassie, sweetheart,
it's daddy.
Listen, I need you to hang on.
All right?
Don't ever give up
no matter what happens.
You know, 'cause noah,
he wouldn't know what
to do without you.
And your mommy
and me...
oh, sweetheart, I wish
I could trade places with you.
Victoria: Nicholas?
Victoria: Um, dad's outside. He wants to see you.
Victoria: Nicholas, did you hear me? Dad wants to see you.
Nick: Let him wait.
Jack: So your trip to hong kong was a success, huh?
Nikki: Yes, everything, god llg,g, is on schedule for the far east expansion.
Jack: Well, that is great, just great. Good work.
Nikki: We try. But now I'm back.
Jack: Have you been home yet?
Nikki: No, I came straight here.
Jack: You gonna get out to the ranch?
Nikki: I am anxious to see cassie and noah, and then I think I need a really long bubble bath.
Jack: I'll bet those kids
have missed you, too.
Nikki: I just feel so badly for what they're going through. I mean, their family, everything in their life is just falling apart around them.
Jack: Hey, hey, hey. They know they always have you to turn to.
Nikki: Yeah, but where do i turn? When l left, the tension was so thick. I just feel like the strain of it is going to tear everybody apart.
Neil: Drucilla...
Dru: No! Man, I can't even imagine what you must be thinking about me. Here I was ripping and running like I was the bomb. Ain't nobody trying to catch me.
Neil: That's not true.
Dru: Oh, it is true.
Just ask sid.
He will tell you that I hung on
way past the "sell by" date.
Neil: Oh, would you stop it? You're a beautiful, captivating woman.
Dru: Oh, don't patronize me!
Neil: "A," that was not my intent, and "b," there's no reason on god's green earth for you to be embarrassed.
Dru: No reason to be embarrassed? I lied to you! I lied to myself 'cause I couldn't face the truth!
Neil: Dru, stop it, stop it! Stop it! I'm glad that I know, so I can be here for you, dru. You shouldn't be walkingroround suffering in silence like this.
Dru: Is that what
all of this is about?
All this fuss?
Because you caught wind of
my career being in the toilet?
So you decided to have
some pity on me.
Well, I don't want your pity.
Neil: Trust me, baby, when I was planning this date, pity was the furthest thing from my mind.
Isabella: Where the hell have you been?
Michael: Don't you have anything better to do with your time than hound me?
Isabella: You went straight to paul, didn't you? After I begged you not to!
Michael: Our secrets are safe, all right? I gave theanan a piece of my mind and I told him to stay away from christine.
Isabella: That's it? You didn't blurt out anything more?
Michael: Scout's honor.
Isabella: Well, if you didn't do any damage, why do you look so stressed?
Michael: Yeah, well, uh,
after I left pl'l's office,
I went to christine's apartment
to try to get my head together,
you know?
And guess who I ran into there.
Isabella: At christine's apartment?
Michael: Yeah, apparently, she's taken up residence.
Isabella: What? Why?
Michael: Oh, please. Isn't it obvious? Paul's installed her there as some sort of early warning device. As soon as christine shows up, he pounces.
Isabella: There's no way lynne told you that. You are speculating. There could be a dozen explanations.
Michael: Oh, man, you are hiding your head in the sand again. Why don't you face it? Your husband is obsessed, and you better do something about it before christine returns and all bets are off.
Paul: Did you hear
what I said, chris?
Chris: (Southern accent) I heard.
Paul: Then why won't you look at me?
Chris: Because I am standin' here, wondering if you're insane, calling me chris. What, are you practicing your apology--
Paul: Just stop, will you? Just stop it. I know who you are. You know, I don't know why I didn't see it right away. I mean, it must have been the guilt that blocked me.
Chris: I'm leavin'.
Paul: Chris, don't go. Just don't go.
Wes: Get some of that.
Olivia: This is great! Where'd you get this stuff?
Wes: It's, um, actually this place--this new place on union and first.
Olivia: This was a nice surprise. Thank you for feeding me.
Wes: My pleasure. So now that I have...
Olivia: You want an update.
Wes: Uh-huh. Tell me, have you experienced any more organizing frenzies lately?
Olivia: Let's just say that my drawers are in happy disarray.
Wes: Wow, you're feeling better then.
Olivia: Much.
Wes: Good.
Olivia: And an answer
to the question that you're
too polite to ask,
yes, I went to ashley
after you left.
Wes: And how'd that go?
Olivia: Oh, let's see. Brad answered the door. Yeah. He and ashley-- well, let's just say it was obvious he'd spent the night.
Wes: Ouch.
Olivia: Totally.
Wes: But it went okay?
Olivia: Yeah. I mean, I apologized, asked for her forgiveness, wished the two of them well.
Wes: Would it be totally presumptuous of me to say I'm proud of you?
Jack: What is all this tension about?
Nikki: Oh, gosh, what isn't it about? Seems like there's a new crisis every day.
Jack: Like what?
Nikki: You know, it all
started when victor and i
There were things going on
with the kids
that we didn't know about,
and then victoria gets involved
with this guy.
It's just a really long,
ugly story, but it's torn
our family apart,
and before I left,
I could sense that there was
something terrible brewing
between nicholas and victor.
I still don't know what that is.
Jack: I ran into victor this morning at the coffeehouse.
Nikki: Well, that must have been pleasant.
Jack: He was looking for sharon. He didn't seem himself.
Nikki: What do you mean?
Jack: I don't know. He seemed kind of spaced out, despairing somehow. Anyway, I brought up nicholas' name, and he about took my head off.
Nikki: Ooh, sensitive subject. Then again, anything involving you is.
Jack: Yeah, well, I made the mistake of mentioning that I was once nicholas' stepfather.
Nikki: I'm sure that didn't go over very well.
Jack: Yeah.
You do know, don't you?
I care a great deal
about nicholas.
Nikki: I know that. You have always treated him as a son.
Jack: He always seemed that way. If there's anything I can do to help...
Nikki: I appreciate that, and I wish you could, but I think it's gone too far. I mean, if only victor had been able to stay out of things and not interfere.
Jack: We are talking about victor. Leopards don't change their spots, sweetheart. You really expected him not to interfere?
Nick: I can't believe this.
On top of everything,
our father has the gall
to come down here
when cassie could...
you tell him to go away.
He's done enough damage already.
Victoria: Nicholas, if anyone knows where you're coming from, I do. But he's here because of cassie, and lord knows she needs all the help she can get right now.
Nick: He's the reason that cassie is even in here. I have nothing to say to him.
Victoria: I understand how you feel.
Nk:K: Then why are you asking me to do this?
Victoria: Because these may be the last moments that he will ever be able to spend with her. I never thought that I would be defending him, but I just can't help it. He wants to make his peace. He wants to see cassie.
Olivia: It would make my day to have you say you're proud of me.
Wes: Then I'm saying it.
Olivia: Thank you.
Wes: No, it took a lot of guts to go to ash like that.
Olivia: Yeah, well, I thought I needed to grow a spine.
Wes: I don't think that was ever the problem.
Olivia: Whatever. You know what I mean. It--it just feels really good. And all that time she and I were at odds, I hated it. I have you to thank.
Wes: Well, you know, if you wanna show me your gratitude, you'll give me that last egg roll there.
Olivia: Oh, wait. No. No, I don't think so.
Wes: Please.
Olivia: Okay. So how about you? How's your life going?
Wes: You're looking at it.
Olivia: You know what I mean. How are things going with you and dru?
Wes: Uh... I haven't seen her lately.
Olivia: What?
Wes: I decided it was time for a break.
Olivia: Well, why now? No, no, this is none of my business.
Wes: Oh, no, sure it is. We've talked about it. It's just part of the same song and dance dru and i have been doing.
Olivia: I know you've been frustrated.
Wes: You know, liv, I care about your sister a hell of a lot, but lately I can tell she's been slipping away.
Olivia: You don't think
it's just the normal
ebb and flow?
Wes: No, I think if I'm brutally honest, I've been fooling myself for quite a while now.
Wes: But, you know, sometimes it's hard to let go of the dream until you realize it let go first.
Olivia: Yeah. So you don't think dru loves you?
Wes: Well, you know, I think she cares for me in her own way, whatever that means, but I'm not ready to beg for anything more than that right now.
Olivia: Well, like an answer to your marriage proposal?
Wes: Well, I'd say I already have that, wouldn't you?
Olivia: I'm sorry. I really am.
Wes: Oh, don't be. I'm fine.
But I have had this compulsion
to clean out closets lately.
Olivia: Hey, you know what? You talk a big game, but... backing away like that, it had to be tough.
Wes: Yeah. Yeah. It is, but, you know, if dru's heart isn't in it, gotta accept that.What choice do I have?
Olivia: Oh, but you do have a choice. You could fight for her.
Dru: So I'm supposed to expect that--
Neil: That I would be feeling sorry for you, dru? No, come on. This is me you're talking to. Now I understand that this is a loss. This is a big one. I thought if I could take your mind off things, mamaybe put a smile on that pretty little face of yours.
Dru: Well, thanks.
You shouldn't have bothered.
Neil: Well, I did.
Dru: Neil, this is more than a loss. This is my identity. This is who I am.
Neil: Honey, I understand that. I get it. I really do.
Dru: Do you really? Because if you did, you would know that there is nothing that can cheer me up!
Neil: Oh, so that's it? You're just gonna walk away?
Dru: Yeah, I wanna be alone, okay?!
Neil: No! Hell, no! It's not okay, dru! We're supposed to be a family up in here. We're supposed to support each other. I'm not gonna watch you walk away into a dark room when you're in this kind of pain.
Dru: What do you want
from me?!
What, do you wanna see
all the pain I'm in?
How stupid I feel?!
Don't you understand that sid
told me my career was over,
but I chose to ignore him.
I told him he wasn't doing
a good job,
to get me anotr r gig!
But I couldn't see
that my career was dead
in the water long ago.
That's how pathetic this is.
Victor: Sit down.
Victor: Thanks for coming to talk to me.
Nick: Thank victoria.
Victor: How's cassie?
Nick: There's no change.
Nick: Any idea what it's like sitting there beside her, watching her life slip away?
Victor: I can't imagine anything worse than losing your own child.
Nick: How about losing your wife? I could lose my wife and my daughter in the same day. How am I supposed to get past that?
Victor: I will find sharon, nicholas, and I will bring her home.
Nick: Why bother? She walked out. She left us.
Victor: I will find her
for no other reason
than that little girl in there,
because she needs her mother.
Nick: If it weren't for you, she'd have her mother. between victor and nicholas that has nicholas so up in arms?
Nikki: That's just it. They won't tell me.
Jack: Maybe they're not telling you because they don't want you to worry.
Nikki: Jack, how can I not worry?
Jack: Nik, what are you gonna do?
Nikki: I don't know. I mean, if they would just tell me what it was about, maybe I could start to solve things, but as it is, we're just headed for more conflict, and victor's making the situation worse. (Cell phone rings)
Nikki: Oh, that's me. (Ring)
Nikki: Where's my phone?
Victoria: Oh, mom, thank god you answered. Where are you?
Nikki: I'm at the office. I just got back.
Victoria: You gotta get over to memorial right away. It's cassie.
Nikki: What?! I'll be right there. Oh, my god. I've gotta go to the hospital. Something's happened to cassie.
Jack: Oh, boy. Good luck!
Nikki: Yeah. I'll call you.
Victor: Can we talk about this for a moment?
Nick: Talk about what?
Victor: You're not the only one to blame me. I hold myself responsible as well.
Nick: What is this? Confession's good for the soul?
Victor: I want you
to understand that I know
why you feel the way you do.
Nick: If you had just stayed away like I asked, then cassie would be home and healthy right now.
Victor: She obviously did not go back up to the inin house as we had thought she would.
Nick: After she saw us arguing, you mean?
Victor: Yeah.
Nick: She wanted to talk. She'd been waiting for me. But when she asked, I sent her away. She came to me for help. I sent her away.
Victor: Son, you can't blame yourself for this now. Please don't do this, all right?
Nick: I don'T. I thought I made that clear. I blame you. Because this all leads back to that night in my living room when you were kissing my wife.
Victor: You don't even begin
to understand how I wish I could
erase that moment.
Nick: You can't do that. You can't just go back and clean up your messes. That's a lesson you and sharon need to learn.
Victor: Well, I think she has learned a great lesson from this awful incident.
Nick: That's why she took off. Because she learned a lesson?
Victor: Yeah, I think she felt guilty anasashamed. She knows that you condemn her right now.
Nick: Well, when you see her,
and I'm sure you will,
you give her a message from me.
You tell her that I understand
if she acted on her impulse,
'cause that's what she does,
but you there is no excuse for.
You saw a beautiful woman,
and you wanted her,
and you went for it,
even though she was married
to your son.
Victor: That's not how it was.
Nick: Actions speak louder than words. I saw what I saw. And just so we're clear, I blame you a whole hell of a lot more than I blame her.
Isabella: And what do you suggest I do since you have all the answers?
Michael: (Chuckles) take action. Since your big power play flopped, you might consider moving back into the house. At least that way, you could be some distraction to the man, but you got to move quickly.
Isabella: Why all the urgency? Did you pick something up from lynne?
Michael: Not bloody likely.
The woman's too damn cagey.
I should have never tried
to get her to admit
to hiring that snoop.
Just gave her
a great, big opening.
Isabella: Wait, an opening? You let something slip about kelly, didn't you?
Paul: You know, this really isn't a game to me. I desperately need to know that you heard me, that you truly realize how sorry I am. You know, over the years, I've made some mistass in my life, some worse than others. But what happened between us before you left... what I did to you... the way I violated you...
Chris: You keep saying that. Why do you keep going over this?
Paul: Because I need you to understand...
Paul: That I would give
if I could undo this...
if I could just erase it
and take it away,
so help me god, I would.
Paul: You know, chris...
Paul: I was hoping that... that I would say something that would make a difference, but hearing myself say it, you know...
Paul: It just sounds like words. And I understand. I do. They're just words. (Door opens) (door closes)
Chris: (Normal voice) you're wrong, paul.
Chris: You're so, so wrong.
Dru: You know, I kept living that fantasy that things were gonna pick up, that things were gonna turn around, 'cause that's just the nature of the beast, right? Only it never did.
Neil: Yeah, but, drucilla,
you gotta look at it this way.
You know, with every closing,
there's an opening.
With every ending,
there's a new beginning.
Dru: A beginning for what? For getting old? I want some more time, neil. I'm not ready to stop. I don't wanna stop.
Neil: I'm so, so sorry. I know how much it hurts. I know.
Dru: You don't know what it's like. That used to be me. I was on the cover. I was smiling at all those people.
Neil: Yeah, you were a hot commodity, dru.
Dru: I ..
they wanted me.
Those designers wanted me.
They would wait
for my availability.
And who would've thunk?
Me, illiterate, on the street.
I was told I couldn't hold
a candle to my perfect sister,
but I was perfect
to those designers, neil.
They wanted me in their clothes.
They wanted me
in their magazine.
They wanted me
at their parties, neil.
They wanted me.
Neil: Yeah, you loved that big glamorous lifestyle.
Dru: Oh, whoa, wait.
Glamorous yet very deceiving.
You know, all those ballet
classes and spinning classes,
skin care regimen, dieting,
and for what?
What was ialall for?
I mean, you know,
time passed anyway.
You know, you look
in the mirror one day,
and you say, "I'm old."
Only the photographers
and the agents and the clients--
they knew it long before
you did.
and the phone stops ringing.
I kept hustling,
but the phone--
it stopped ringing,
and I started asking them
for work, and they didn't
want me for no cover.
And then it's over.
Then it's over,
and then you're back
in wisconsin, kicking yourself
for turning down a car show
for valentine's weekend.
Neil, what am I gonna do?
Neil: Hey. Your life is not over, drucilla, not by a long shot. Baby, I know it's rough. I know. I know you're grieving, but it's an opportunity.
Dru: An opportunity to be over the hill. Neil, come on! This ain't no opportunity.
Neil: How about-- how about this? Look at me. Drucilla, look. Look at me. How about watching your relationships grow deeper, hmm? How about being a mother? The kind of mother that lily needs right now. My god. That little girl admires you so much.
Dru: Oh, come on, neil.
Neil: Not as a fashion plate,
but as a woman, as a mommy,
as a role model. Darlin', you have the gift
of time to make the most
of these last few years
before our little baby
flies away from the nest.
Neil: And in case it matters, I'm looking forward to having more time with you myself.
Neil: Come on, baby. It'sononna be all right.
Wes: Uh, fighting for dru right now-- it wouldn't be right, liv.
Olivia: Right for whom?
Wes: Well, lily, for one. She needs both of her parents right now. I'm more and more certain of that every time I see her, so, you know, if dru's got a notion to put her family back together, I'm not gonna be the one to stand in the way of that.
Olivia: Wow. That you could be so selfless...
Wes: Well, don't be too quick
to put me on a pedestal.
I mean, there's some
self-preservation going on
there, too.
I'm just through banging my head
on the brick wall, you know?
Olivia: Feels good, doesn't it?
Wes: Yeah, it does.
Olivia: You have a lot of integrity, you know that? You have a lot of strength.
Wes: Oh, shucks, you're making me blush.
Olivia: I'm serious.
Wes: I am, too.
Olivia: Well, then you're good at hiding it.
Wes: Tricks of the trade.
Olivia: No, no. I think it's more than that. You're the kind of man who goes out of his way to make people feel comfortable andupupported.
Wes: You make it easy.
Nikki: Victor.
Victor: Thank god you're home.
Nikki: What's happened?
Victor: I'm so glad
victoria reached you.
I didn't know when
you would be back.
Nikki: Well, I'm back. What happened?
Victor: Cassie, um, walked out to the pond at the ranch.
Nikki: What?
Victor: She went out onto the house, and it broke, and she fell in, and no one knows how long she was in the water.
Nikki: Oh, my god. Well, she's gonna be okay?
Victor: She's alive. Shs s alive, but she's unconscious right now.
Nikki: What do the doctors say?
Victor: Touch and go. The next 24 hours are critical.
Michael: You need to get a hold of yourself. Lynne knows nothing.
Isabella: You're lying.
Look, michael, if you expect me
to do my part, I need to know
what's going on.
All right. All right.
I happened to mention to lynne
that her sainted boss
took advantage of my fiancéE.
Now in lynne's mind,
I could have only heard that
from you.
Isabella: She knows we've been talking and that I'm confiding in you?
Michael: Can you just calm down? She's only guessing. She has no proof.
Isabella: And what else has she guessed?
Michael: All right. For one, I confronted her about hiring kelly, which I'm almost certain she did, by the way. Lynne concluded that you would come to me for help, which she could have only learned from kelly.
Isabella: Well, yes, since like a fool, you told her I was your client.
Michael: All right, so what?
Where's the harm?
The woman rattled you,
so you went to a lawyer.
Big deal.
Isabella: Oh, you really think that's gonna fly once lynne keeps diggin?
Michael: Don't panic. That's just playing into her hands.
Isabella: No, michael, she can still--
Michael: Shh! Isabella, lynne has nothing-- nothing on you. The money she paid kelly-- that was a big, fat waste of cash. I wouldn't be surprised if she hadn't sent her packing by now.
Chris: I'm in so much turmoil
right now.
I can't even begin to tell you
what I'm feeling.
And I don't know
if I forgive you.
But I did hear you--
your apology and your regret,
and those aren't just words
to me.
Paul: So where do we go from here?
Chris: I have a lot to process.
Paul: I know. I just wish I had known before now so we could talk.
Chris: Well, things happen when they do for a reason.
Paul: So what is your reason, chris? Why the disguise?
Chris: Paul, I wasn't expecting to get into all this now.
Paul: Okay, fine, you don't have to answer the question.
Paul: But for you to hide in plain sight like this... there is only one possible explanation.
Dru: You must be a real glutton for punishment is all I can see.
Neil: Drucilla,
in all the years I've known you,
I can honestly say I have never
not enjoyed your company.
Dru: Neil, I'm sorry I'm such a killjoy. I'm just... I'm just feeling kinda empty inside.
Neil: Dru, I knew
this girl once--
real spitfire,
rough around the edges.
I wasn't quite sure
she'd ever amount to anything.
But lo and behold,
she took all the blessings
that god gave her
and transformed herself.
She did it by not taking "no"
for an answer,
not letting any obstacles
stand in her way.
It was that passion
and determination
that made her the woman
she is today.
A real spitfire--
that hasn't changed.
Dru: She sounds like one cool lady.
Neil: One of a kind.
Dru: Too bad you're the only one who feels that way.
Neil: I don't know about the rest of the world. But I don't need a picture in a magazine to remind me that drucilla winters is the most extraordinary woman that I have ever met, and, darling, I wish that you could see yourself through my eyes, because when I look at you, I see momo b beautiful person inside and out.
Olivia: Well, I guess that means we're good for each other.
Wes: You're just now figuring that out?
Olivia: Hardly.
Wes: Seriously,
if I'm all right now,
makingooood choices,
a lot of that has to do
with you.
Olivia: Well, the meeting of the mutual admiration society has now come to order.
Wes: I think it's been underway for quite some time now.
Olivia: Motion to adjourn?
Wes: And do... what?
Olivia: Well, the only thing we can do. Open our fortune cookies. Come on. Here you go. Come on.
Wes: All right. Ladies first.
Olivia: All right. (Grunts)
Wes: I'll get it.
Olivia: Okay. Okay. Okay. All right. "Your first love and your last love is self-love."
Wes: Okay.
That's kinda got
a double meaning, doesn't it?
Olivia: Well, now you're making me blush.
Wes: Yeah. Let me shut up and open my cookie.
Olivia: Mm-hmm. Yeah. Come on. (Cookie wrapper rustling)
Olivia: Come on.
Wes: Let's see.
Olivia: What's it say?
Wes: You read it.
Olivia: "Follow your intuition. The universe is guiding your life." Hmm. 3
Nikki: Cassie just wandered out onto the ice?
Victor: Evidently.
Nikki: Why would she
do that?
Why is she walking alone
out to the pond?
What possible reason
could she have to do that?
Nick: You wanna know the reason? It's 'cause of dad.
Nikki: What?
Chris: Only one explanation? What would that be?
Paul: Well, I think it's pretty obvious-- that this whole act is because of me.
Chris: You think I have no other reasons for coming back to genoa city?
Paul: No, no, I didn't say that, not at all. But why else would you mask your identity unless...
Chr: : Unless what?
Paul: Unless you wanted to get close to me without me knowing who you were. So you could assess the situation before we made contact.
Chris: Well, you were the one
who approached me,
not the other arouou
Paul: Well, you really didn't go out of your way to avoid-- I mean
Chris: What's your point?
Paul: I Don't want to put you on the defensive.
Chris: If you meant that, you'd stop this.
Paul: Chris, you said things happen when they happen for a reason.
Chris: So?
Paul: So all I'm saying is that... you've been around town for a while now, and I'm sure studying and assessing the whole thing. Maybe you wanted this to happen today. Maybe you wanted me to keep on talking. Maybe you wanted to come over here and have me figure that out so you could open yourself up. Because I honestly believe you do know where things stand. You know how you feel about me, about us, about all of it. (Door opening)
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