Y&R Transcript Wednesday 2/19/03--Canada;
Thursday 2/20/03
Provided By Eric
Victoria: Nicholas? Nicholas, are you here?
Nick: Hey.
Victoria: Hi. You okay?
Nick: No, not really.
Victoria: You saw dad.
Nick: How'd you know?
Victoria: Neil-- he got the feeling that dad was coming out here to talk to you. What happened?
Nick: Nothing I shouldn't have expected.
Victoria: That bad, huh?
Nick: The guy's unbelievable. He thinks I should just put this out of my mind and forget what happened.
Victoria: Did you tell him that sharon left?
Nick: Even he can't excuse
what she's done--
taking off like that.
Leaving a note asking me
to explain to noah and cassidy
what's going on.
What kind of mother does that?
This was my wife.
I feel like I don't even know
who this woman is anymore.
Doris: Thank you for sending your driver to pick me up.
Victor: You're welcome, doris.
Doris: Why did you want to see me, victor.
Victor: We'll get to that. First of all, how are you doing? You look well.
Doris: Thank you. But I'm afraid, under the circumstances, I'm not doing very well at all.
Victor: By circumstances you mean the situation involving nicholas and sharon?
Doris: I can't tell you how much it saddens me to see what's happened to those two. It breaks my heart.
Victor: Yeah. It breaks mine, too, doris, and that's why I asked you to come by.
Paul: So hi there.
Remember me?
I'm sorry. I'm paul williams.
We crossed paths a couple
weeks ago.
You know, I introduced you
to a friend of mine--
andy richards.
It's kelly, right?
mind if I join you?
Chris: Be my guest.
Paul: You sure?
Chris: So how is andy?
Paul: Oh, he's fine. In case you didn't notice, he really enjoyed your talk.
Chris: He seemed like a real nice guy.
Paul: Oh, nice, huh? So that's the problem.
Chris: I didn't mean that in a bad way.
Paul: So why didn't you give him your phone number then?
Chris: He told you about that?
Paul: Yes, he did. What's the matter, isn't he your type? What is your type, kelly?
Chris: Well, you're getting rather personal, aren't you?
Paul: Yeah, perhaps. I guess I'm just curious about you.
Chris: Why's that?
Paul: I'm not altogether sure. There's just something about you.
Lynne: Please let my plan work. Chris and paul have to run into each other at the coffeehouse. They just have to. What if they don't see each other? Or what if chris sees paul and decides to leave? I've got to get over there, find out what's happening.
Lynne: What are you doing here?
Michael: Funny, I was about to ask you the same thing.
Larry: Oh, mrs. C. Just the lady I was looking for.
Kay: Well, you're all dressed up. Any special occasion?
Larryyeyeah, kind of.
Anyway, I was looking for jill.
I was wondering if you could
help me find out where she is.
Kay: Are you sure you want to find her?
Larry: Yeah, yeah, as a matter of fact I do. I just came from her room. It's all steamy and smells pretty, but there's no jill up there.
Kay: Well, she came home, showered and left without uttering a single pleasant word, as usual.
Larry: So she's still in a pretty bad mood, huh?
Kay: Was, is and always will be in a very bad mood. Yes.
Larry: Well, check th out-- I've got a plan that will bring out her best side and keep it out.
Kay: You're very ambitious man.
Larry: Well, I know who
I'm dealing with.
And you watch.
I'm gonna turn her into
little mary sunshine.
Jill: Aah!
John: Jill? What on earth are you--
Jill: I'm sorry. I didn't know you were here.
John: Well, I wish I hadn't been.
Jill: I said I was sorry, okay?
John: So what is the matter?
Jill: I just did the most asinine thing this morning.
John: Oh?
Jill: I'm totally mortified.
John: It happens to everybody at some time or another.
Jill: Don't you think I know that? This was worse. Okay? This wasththe worst. All I was trying to do was have a little fun. I was trying to feel alive and act a little bit naughty, stir things up. I was joking.
John: I have no idea
what you're talking about.
Jill: Oh, my god, but of course frederick's wife had to walk up just then. Of course she had to overhear us talking.
John: Frederick hodges?
Jill: The same.
John: Our banker?
Jill: Yes, john. Our banker.
John: And just what did anita overhear?
Jill: You don't want to know.
John: Oh, but I do, jill. I definitely want to know. It takes strengthto be firm.
Diane: What a good friend you are for coming over.
Isabella: What are you talking about?
Diane: Well, I assume you're here to offer me some support. I really appreciate it. It's been a really difficult time for me.
Isabella: Diane, I know
you're having a rough time,
but did it ever occur to you
that I might have
my own problems?
Or are you only capable
of thinking about yourself?
Diane: Where did that come from?
Isabella: Well, at this moment, a man I thought I could trust could be destroying what chance I have left of salvaging my marriage.
Lynne: What do you want?
Michael: What's this?
Lynne: What? It's just A...
Michael: Someone's staying here, lynne. What's going on? Who's staying here?
Lynne: I am.
Michael: You? Why?
Lynne: My apartment is being painted, anand I don't like the smell of paint fumes.
Michael: Who gave you permission?
Lynne: What do you mean?
Michael: Don't be stupid, lynne.
Have you been
in contact with christine?
Lynne: Paul gave me a key. He said it was fine.
Michael: Paul. Okay, so that's what's really going on here. You're not staying here because your apartment is being painted. You're staying here because paul asked you.
Lynne: Why would he do that?
Michael: To let him know the second christine returns. That's it, isn't it?
Lynne: Fine. You have all the answers.
Michael: He just can't wait
to sneak out of his house,
sneak away from his wife,
away from his son,
anything for another chance to
jump in my fiancée's bed again.
I assume you consider yourself
to be a moral person.
How can you possibly
condone his actions?
Lynne: You know what happened between paul and chris?
Michael: Of course I do.
Lynne: Well, gee. The only person you could've heard it from was isabella. She confided in you. Isn't that fascinating?
Kay: Oh, larry, I applaud your optimism, your perseverance where jill is concerned, but I fear you are biting off a bit more than you can chew.
Larry: Well, things can only get better from here, right?
Kay: I'm not so sure. Her mother's back in town.
Larry: Really? Well, how is mrs. Foster doing? Did she have the surgery?
Kay: No, no. No, not yet.
They postponed. She'S...
she's still facing a very
serious medical procedure
from which she, um...
she may not recover.
Larry: And jill?
Kay: Is being her usual self-centered self. Poor, pitiful her, and to hell with everybody else.
Larry: Whew, you're a real hard case, aren't you?
Kay: Well, I, uh... I didn't get that way by accident. Jill has worn out her welcome thth me in so many ways in so many times over the years, that...
Larry: You know, she feels the same way about you.
Kay: Now just a minute.
Are you trying to say
that we're both responsible?
I beg your pardon.
I have friends.
I have people who love me.
Jill only has people
who can't figure out
how to get rid of her.
Larry: She has me.
Kay: Really?
Larry: Yeah, you know, sort of, for the time being. You know how jill is, mrs. C. You've kind of got to keep one foot out the door just in case.
>>Ill: I was not coming on to frederick hodges.
John: No, it just sounded that way to anita.
Jill: Oh, my god. His wife couldn't have picked a worse time to walk up. I mean, she heard things totally out of context.
John: Dare I say what things?
Jill: Well, I was just kidding around with frederick about the two of us going to a motel.
John: Oh, jill.
Jill: It was a joke.
John: But his wife
didn't find it very funny.
Jill: You should have heard the things she said to me.
John: You know, jill, that makes twice that you have treated our mr. Hodges to an unpleasant scene. Now have you heard of the three strikes law? Because I .....
Jill: John, please do not do this. Don't get on my case. I have enough trouble! Oh, my god, john. That's right. You don't know. I haven't told you.
John: What?
Jill: Liz foster's in town.
John: Your mother?
Jill: Unh-unh. My adoptive mother.
John: What?
Jill: You heard me.
John: Oh, come on. You can't be serious.
Jill: Would she make
something like that up?
Would anyone?
John: You are adopted?
Jill: Yeah, it's a nice surprise, isn't it?
John: Well, I mean, how? Why would it come up now?
Jill: Because she has a brain tumor.
John: Oh, god.
Jill: And just in case something goes wrong with her surgery, she wanted me to know. So my whole world has turned on its head, thank you very much.
Chris: Why don't we talk about a safer subject?
Paul: What did you have in mind?
Chris: Andy mentioned that you were both private investigators.
Paul: Well, that's right. In fact, we used to be partners.
Chris: Are you working on
any exciting cases
at the moment?
Paul: Well, you know, contrary to popular belief, being a private investigator isn't all that glamorous. You know, most omymy cases are, um, pretty routine.
Chris: He also mentioned that you were going through a rough patch in your marriage. Is that still true?
Paul: Yeah, afraid so. My wife and I are estranged.
Chris: I'm so sorry. That must be difficult for you.
Paul: Especially since there's a child involved. I mean, he's too young to notice now, but eventually the impact of our problems...
Chris: I always think it's
a miste e to look too far ahead.
Things can change so quickly.
You have to live in the moment.
It's all we have.
Paul: Someone who was very close to me used to say that all the time.
Chris: Well, I'd better get going here.
Paul: Why?
Chris: I have things to do.
Paul: Can't they wait?
Chris: Is there something on your mind?
Paul: Come home with me.
Victor: What happened to nicholas and sharon is a terrible shame, doris. But I know they love each other, and they will survive this. Their marriage will be all right.
Doris: I wish I could be so optimistic.
Victor: Well, you just remember that in the past they had huge obstacles to overcome.
Doris: It's different
this time, victor.
Victor: How much do you know?
Doris: Everything.
Victor: Everything?
Doris: Sharon told me the whole story how she had slept with diego and kept it from nicholas for months. I can't believe she would hurt your son like that. He has every reason to be furious.
Victor: When is the last time you spoke with her?
Doris: Last weekend.
Victor: She didn't talk to you today by any chance, did she?
Doris: No. Why? Is anything wrong?
Victor: Then you don't know everything, doris. And there's no easy way to tell you. Your daughter is gone.
Doris: What do you mean,
Victor: Sharon has left town.
Victoria: You talked to cassie?
Nick: Yeah, I told her about sharon's note.
Victoria: That must have been hard.
Nick: After everything cassie's been through, to have to look at her and tell her that I don't know where her mother is or if she's coming back... I felt like I was looking at that little girl from madison, wisconsin, who didn't think she could count on anyone. Damn it. How could sharon do this? How could she put me in this position on today of all days?
Victoria: Why? What's today
Nick: Our anniversary.
Sharon and I were married
exactly seven years ago today.
Victoria: Nicholas, I didn't realize. I'm so sorry.
Nick: Yeah, me too. Hey, miguel, is cassie here?
Miguel: Last time I saw her she was here waiting for you.
Nick: Well, she came down to our house. I sent her back up here.
Miguel: Well, then she must be upstairs.
Nick: Could you check, please, and if she is, have her come down here?
Miguel: Certainly.
Victoria: Nicholas...
Nick: Look, I'm not talking about this anymore. Let's talk about something else. What's going on with you?
Victoria: Oh, that's a real pleasant topic of conversation.
Nick: You and diego
still having issues?
Victoria: Not exactly.
Nick: Look, sis, I'm okay talking about you two. I mean, lord knows I still hate this guy. And I don't know what you ever saw in him.
Victoria: Look, we're history.
Nick: History as in?
Victoria: History as in he has hitchhiked over the horizon. He's gone.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Kay: You are very smart to protect yourself, larry.
Larry: Oh, heck. Look, I'm not afraid of jill.
Kay: Well, you know
this adoption thing has her
acting like a wounded lion.
No, she's just lashing out
at everything, everyone
within her reach.
Larry: At she needs to do is just make some adjustments in her head, that's all. And then after a while she'll see that she's the same and that the world's the same and that nothing has really changed, so why waste all that energy to get chapped up about it, right?
Kay: Mm...
>>Arry: What she needs is something to feel good or make her feel good about herself.
Kay: You've become a very loving, empathetic gentleman.
Larry: Well, maybe so, but you do realize that underneath all this, I'm still a caveman, right?
Kay: (Giggles) yes. Yes, I'm sure of that. Anyway, this plan...
Larry: Oh, yeah.
Yeah, it's big time.
I mean, I had to pull
a few strings to get it done,
but it's got pizzazz,
it's got excitement.
It's got everything.
Kay: You know, she really is very, very fortunate to have you in her corner.
Jill: So can you begin to understand why I'm upset?
John: Yeah. You know, you realize if you're adopted...
Jill: I know. Liz isn't billy's grandmother.
John: We don't know who is.
Jill: No, we don'T.
John: Well, hell. Too late to worry about it now.
Jill: You're certainly taking this lightly.
John: I have a choice?
Jill: Oh, my god. You don't understand. Everything feels different.
John: Is it?
Jill: Of course it does. Who the hell am I?
John: Jill,
we have been many things
to each other over the years,
and I think I know you
as well as anyone.
Now if you are adopted,
that doesn't change uu
in my eyes.
It really doesn'T.
Jill: Yeah, but it changes me in my eyes, john.
John: Don't let it.
Jill: Oh, my god. I've done so many stupid things in my life. Look at all the mistakes I've made. Do you know how many times I've asked myself why I seem to be my own worst enemy?
John: People are complex for many reasons. All of us.
Jill: Yeah, but everybody starts at a certain point, and that determines who they are. How can I accept that I don't know where I came from? I don't know who my people are.
John: Jill, let it go. (Cell phone rings)
John: Life is too short.
Jill: Hello?
Larry: Hello, baby.
Jill: Larry...
Larry: Yeah, listen up. Um, I want you to meet me at the colonnade room.
Jill: The colnade room? Right now?
Larry: Yes, right now.
Jill: Why?
Larry: Um, because I said so. And listen, I know you're all showered up and smelling sweet, so there's no excuses, okay? I'll see you there.
John: Hey, go, jill. Now the past is the past, and larry's here today. Oh, and he isn't married. You go have fun, jill.
Doris: Sharon left town?
Victor: This morning.
Doris: Where did she go?
Victor: Nobody knows, dor.
Doris: I don't understand.
Victor: Gladly, miguel saw her get into a cab
with a suitcase.
She had messengered a letter
to nicholas saying that
she needed some time to herself
to think things through.
Doris: Well, what about the children? I assume she took noah and cassie with her.
Victor: Unh-unh.
Doris: She left them behind? I can't believe that.
Victor: They will be well taken care of until she comes back.
Doris: And when will that be?
Victor: I don't have the answer to that, doris.
Doris: Oh, dear god. Things are worse than I thought.
Victor: I know you're terribly concerned. So are we all. I promise you I'll do everything in my power to find her and bring her back home, but meanwhile, I need your help. Do you have any eaea, any idea at all, where she might be?
Nick: All right.
What happened?
Victoria: It's a long story.
Nick: Okay. Give me the short version.
Victoria: I just felt like it was time to face facts. It was never gonna work out for us, and we were just kidding ourselves.
Nick: Well, you seem to be handling this very well.
Victoria: I have my moments.
Nick: So it was his idea to leave town?
Victoria: Oh, my gosh.
Nick: What?
Victoria: You said sharon left this morning?
Nick: Yeah.
Victoria: Well, diego left last night. I mean, you don't think...
Nick: No, no, no, no, no. That they went together? No. No way. I don't even want to think about that.
Victoria: But it's possible,
Miguel: Nicholas...
Nick: Miguel, when you saw sharon this morning, was she alone?
Miguel: Yes, as far as I could tell.
Nick: So you don't remember seeing her with anyone?
Miguel: The last person I saw her with was diego.
Nick: When?
Miguel: Last night, leaving your place.
Nick: Oh, damn! All right, look. Dodon't want to talk about this. Where is cassie? I need to talk to her. Is she upstairs?
Miguel: That's what I was going to tell you. She isn't there.
Diane: Wait, wait, wait.
Just wait a minute.
First things first.
Who is this guy that might be
screwing things up for you?
Isabella: Michael baldwin.
Diane: Michael?
Isabella: Yeah, and it's funny, because he always accused me of being the loose cannon. But now I'm starting to think he could be the one.
Diane: Well, what did he do?
Isabella: It's not what he did. It's what I did. I told him something I shouldn't have.
Diane: Well, don't keep me in suspense. What was it?
Isabella: Paul and christine slept together recently.
Diane: What? When?
Isabella: Last fall.
Diane: And you told michael about this?
Isabella: And he was fit
to be tied.
You know, I begged him
to stay away from paul,
but I have no idea
if he'll listen to me.
I don't know what
I was thinking.
I should have known better
than to tell michael.
Diane: You know, I'm confused, isabella. What exactly are you concerned about?
Isabella: Just that things might get out of hand.
Diane: T t that's all? Just a little rough stuff between the guys?
Isabella: That's not exactly all.
Diane: What, then? Or is it some deep, dark secret?
Michael: I know what you're doing, lynne, and as painful as it is, don't distract yourself from the real issue here.
Lynne: Which is?
Michael: Which is what paul did to christine. I know you worship your boss, but that doesn't change the facts.
Lynne: And you're so sure
you know all the facts?
Michael: There's only one fact. Paul had sex with christine.
Lynne: She doesn't belong to you, michael, just because you somehow talked her into putting an engagement ring--
Michael: Oh, okay. So it's all right for the married paul to pursue the engaged christine?
Lynne: He's twice the man you'll ever be.
Michael: Oh, so he gets two wives? That's your point?
Lynne: I'm leaving now.
Michael: You know, you know, lynne, from the attitude you're showing me, it confirms another suspicion I had. You hired that woman. Kelly simmons. You paid her to nose around into my life.
Lynne: Don't you mean isabella's life?
Michael: You admit it.
Lynne: What do you care about kelly anyway and atat she's after, huh? What have you got to hide?
Michael: Isabella's a client.
Lynne: Oh, come on, michael! Isabella and you have a tight connection. Just how deep does it go? When did it start?
Michael: Isabella's a client. I have clients. The important thing is that you've confessed to hiring kelly.
Lynne: In my mind, you just confessed to a whole lot more.
Michael: Well,
that says a lot more
about your mind,
or that little portion
of it that you're using,
than it does about me.
This conversation's over.
Sweet dreams.
Jacques: The dining room is ready, sir.
Larry: Thank you, jacques. We will go in in a moment.
Jacques: I'm sure you'll be delighted with the arrangements, sir.
Larry: I'm sure we will, too. Thank you.
Jill: What was that about?
Larry: What was what about?
Jill: Between you and jacques. Whaararrangements?
Larry: Well, my dear, why don't you come check it out?
Larry: Well?
Jill: No, no, no. I don't think so!
Larry: Whoa, whoa, jill, stop, please! Wait a minute!
Miguel: Victoria, I have looked everywhere I know. She isn't here.
Victoria: Well, I checked
the rest of the house
and the basement.
I don't know where she is.
(Door opens)
Nick: She's not down at our place. Where could she be?
Victoria: The stables. What do you want to bet?
Nick: Of course. That is exactly where she is-- the stables.
Miguel: I'll call down there. A2a2
Diane: I know what's bothering you. You feel guilty because you want michael to go beat paul up, teach him a lesson.
Isabella: I'd never wish that, diane.
Diane: Well, I wouldn't blame you if you did. I still can't believe that paul slept with his ex-wife. That is so low.
Isabella: You want to hear the best part?
Diane: Huh...
Isabella: It happened
the night of ricky's
Diane: Oh, isabella, I am so sorry. That is awful.
Isabella: Tell me about it.
Diane: Well, I guess we know why christine left town.
Isabella: What do you mean?
Diane: Don't you think she had reason to feel pretty damn guilty?
Isabella: I highly doubt it.
Diane: Well, then there's only one other explanation. Kind of reassuring, actually.
Isabella: And what is that?
Diane: After it happened, christine wanted a commitment from paul. And when he refused to leave you, she took off.
Isabella: Nice try, diane.
But paul's already said
he has to see chris again.
As much as I hate it,
paul and christine share
this connection.
They always have
and they always will.
Chris: Come home with you?
Paul: You know, that didn't sound right, but my son is home with the babysitter, and I have to check on him. I want to continue our conversation.
Chris: I don't have time for this. Excuse me.
Paul: Look, here. I got it.
Chris: Thank you.
Paul: If lynne shows up, tell her that I waited, and I had to go.
Cody: Okay.
Chris: You were meeting someone here?
Paul: Yeah, my secretary. So how about it?
Chris: Paul, I to you.
I can'T. Paul: I know what
you told me,
but I'm gonna ask you again,
and I'm hoping for
a different answer.
Will you come home with me?
Chris: All right.
Jill: No, damn it. I won'T. I mean, look at this, larry, this is sleazy. This is a bed.
Larry: Jill, you don't get it.
Jill: Oh, I get it, all right. Where are the cameras? I'm sure we must be filming this little session for the folks who can't be here.
Larry: What are you talking about? This is a private dining room.
Jill: So what does that mean? Only the waiters get to watch? I can see this showing up on the internet.
Larry: Look, just stop, okay?
Just... just stop.
You've got it all wrong.
This is about dining in bed--
warm, soft, snuggly and cool.
Very cool.
Look, you see the robes?
We climb into those puppies
and then slip between
these satin sheets
and act like some kind
of royalty and let 'em
bring out the chow.
Jill: Did you think this up?
Larry: Well, jacques and i did, but that's not important. Look, this isn't the first time that they've done this. That's why they keep this mattress down in the storeroom.
Jill: You are kidding me! This has been going on all these years, and I never knew about it?
Larry: You stick with me, kid, you're gonna learn a lot. So... we're gonna do this, okay?
Victor: The last time you spoke with sharon, did she say anything about a favorite city she might want to visit? Or a friend she might want to see again?
Doris: No, nothing. I have no idea where she could be.
Victor: Didn't you
and your daughter live
in madison?
Doris: Yes.
Victor: Could she have gone there?
Doris: Well, she doesn't really have any personal connections there anymore. I could call some of her old friends.
Victor: Well, would you? And then let me know if you find out anything?
Doris: Of course. Victor, you don't think anything could have happened to her?
Victor: I'm sure she's fine. I'll do everything in my power to find her and bring her back home where she belongs. All right?
Nick: I'm gonna have a serious talk with that young lady.
Victoria: She's probayy really upset.
Nick: I know, I know.
But it's gonna be dark soon.
She shouldn't be out
just roaming around.
Miguel: Nicholas, cassie's not at the stables.
Nick: She's not?
Miguel: One of the hands thought he saw her heading towards the north pasture.
Victoria: Why? Why would she want to go out there? Anks, miguel.
Larry: Look, I hope you don't mind. I took the liberty of ordering already, so we wouldn't have to clutter up this place with menus.
Jill: I love a take-charge kind of guy.
Larry: Not any take-charge guy. (Chuckles)
Jill: I don't know that
I'm really comfortable
with this.
It feels kind of weird.
I mean, being in bed
is something you do at home.
Larry: Right, or in a hotel.
Jill: Well, yeah.
Larry: Or even a motel.
Jill: Oh, god!
Larry: Oh, what?
Jill: You just reminded me of something.
Larry: What?
Jill: Well, earlier today I was kind of kidding around with this guy, you know? I was just kidding around with him.
Larry: So that's cool. I don't own you. You're allowed to kid around.
Jill: His wife overheard us.
Larry: (Chuckles) well, then that would be between you and her, wouldn't it?
Jill: She said that these other women said that I was a threat to their husbands.
Larry: Whoo-hoo! Well, shoot.
I would take that
as a compliment.
Jill: No, it's not a compliment. It's really tacky. These women also said that I... that I was getting old.
Larry: Oh, jill. We are all getting older. And what? You don't look half bad for 28.
Jill: Try 108.
Larry: Oh, just stop, please. Jill, look. I set this thing up, and I bring you here to make you feel good and sexy andike someone cares about you, and then look what happens. It's like... I don't have the touch.
Jill: No, you do! You do.
I am so sorry.
Oh, my god. You're so sweet.
I don't deserve you.
M sorry, larry.
I've just been so messed up
ever since I heard about
this adoption thing.
Larry: Oh, not that again. Please, jill, you know, I thought that we agreed that it doesn't matter.
Jill: You agreed. I've been going crazy with it. I can't think about anything else.
Larry: Okay, okay, you know what? Let's talk about it, all right? I mean, we've got this room until closing time. We might as well catch a little buzz and eat some fancy food and maybe even have a conversation about something fun after. Okay?
Jill: Larry, I have got to find out who my parents are. I have to find out who I am.
Larry: Okay.
Okay, you do that.
And when you do, you know,
I'll bet you'll be real happy
with what you'll find.
Nick: Cassie!
Nic c cassie!
Nick: Cassie!
Victoria: Cassie!
Nick: Cassie!
Victoria: Nicholas, should we look over there?
Nick: Cassie!
Victoria: Cassie! Cassie!
Victoria: Nicholas, what's this? Is this cassie's?
Nick: God, it is.
Victoria: Cassie!
Nick: Oh, god.
Victoria: Cassie! Nicholas, nicholas! Nicholas! Oh, my god, nicholas! Oh, my god!
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