Y&R Transcript
Friday 2/14/03--Canada; 2/17/03--USA
By Suzanne
(Knock on door)
sharon: Victor.
Victor: May i come in?
Sharon: Of course.
Victor: Have you heard anything from nicholas?
Sharon: No. But I was hoping because it's valentine's day. That's dumb, huh?
Victor: No, not dumb at all. I was hoping for the same thing.
Sharon: Have you seen him?
Victor: I told you I would.
Sharon: You said you were gonna do some damage control. Did you?
Victor: I tried.
Sharon: How did that go?
Victor: I don't know if what i did influenced my son or not.
Diego: I don't know what it's gonna take, victoria. Even if I still have a chance. But one thing's for sure. I'm not giving up yet. I can'T.
John: Colleen, honey, I was heading out to--oh! Billy, i thought you were downstairs. Where's colleen?
Billy: In the bathroom, getting ready. You taking off?
John: No, i want to see my granddaughter in her dress before i leave.
Billy: She should be out soon.
John: So her mood any better?
Billy: What do you think?
John: Oh, i know colleen thinks i'm being overprotective. But I'm certainly not enjoying any of this.
Billy: I kind of feel bad for her.
John: She's put herself in this position.
Billy: I know, but I wish it didn't have to be this way. I mean, there must be some way to make her realize that getting mixed up with j.T. Isn't going to bring her anything but grief. If she'd just get over the guy, see that he's bad news. In the long run, she'll be a lot happier.
John: Well, good luck convincing her of that. (Door opens)
brittany: Well, what do you know? I was right.
J.T.: What are you doing here?
Brittany: Any sign of colleen?
J.T.: What makes you think i'm waiting for colleen?
Brittany: Don't play games with me, j.T. I know what's going on. You and colleen are meeting here, right?
J.T.: Yeah, she should have been here by now.
Brittany: Maybe she stood you up.
J.T.: Colleen didn't stand me up.
Brittany: Then where is she?
J.T.: She probably decided it was too risky, went straight to the coffeehouse.
Brittany: Too bad. Better luck next time.
J.T.: It's no big deal, all right? I'll just go meet up with her there.
Brittany: J.T., Are you nuts? You can't go to the coffeehouse.
J.T.: Why not?
Brittany: Because colleen's grandpa is one of the chaperones.
J.T.: He is?
Brittany: You didn't know?
J.T.: No, i haven't talked to colleen since last night.
Brittany: Well, i called billy a little while ago. He said that his dad was chaperoning at the dance. Apparently, mr. Abbott wants to make very certain that you don't go anywhere near his granddaughter.
J.T.: That's unbelievable. That guy really hates me, doesn't he?
Brittany: It kinda makes you wonder if it's all worth it.
J.T.: What do you mean?
Brittany: That abbotts are never going to approve of you and colleen seeing each other. So unless you're ready to spend the next few years sneaking around, stealing kisses here and there... I mean, it sounds pretty pathetic.
Brittany: Anyway, I've said enough. I've gotta meet raul and mac. Please, J.T., Don't do anything stupid.
J.T.: Well, you know me. I can't make any promises.
Billy: (Whistles) whoa, ceecee, check you out!
John: Oh, honey, you look stunning.
Colleen: Thanks.
Billy: And I feel sorry for all those other girls. You're gonna blow 'em all out of the water. Don't you think so, dad?
John: Oh, no contest. She's gonna be the prettiest girl at the dance.
Colleen: I don't really even feel like going.
Billy: What, are you kidding me, after you spent all this time getting ready? No way. You gotta go.
John: Billy's right. You look just too beauful to stay home.
Colleen: What is the point? I'm gonna be miserable the whole time.
John: Colleen, now listen. Come here. I know that you're angry with me, but you don't want to spoil this evening because of that. You know, you're growing up so fast, and these moments happen once in a lifetime. You've got to make the most of it. Now please, go to the dance. I assure you you're gonna feel a whole lot better.
Colleen: Maybe.
John: All right, look, I have to get over to the coffeehouse. See you later. Honey, i love you.
Billy: I know this isn't the valentine's day you were hoping for, but--
colleen: Billy, just stop, all right? I ready know what you're going to say, and I don't feel like hearing it.
Billy: Come on, colleen, look at me, please. Don't try to pull anything tonight. Dad's going to be watching you. This is your one chance to prove you can be trusted. Don't blow it. You hear me? Rely on shampoosto care for your hair.
Sharon: At least you tried to reach out to nicholas. Thank you.
Victor: I did the only thing i could do, but now I need to fill you in so that you are aware.
Sharon: In case i do see nick.
Victor: He was deeply hurt and disillusioned.
Sharon: He never wants to see me again, does he?
Victor: He didn't say that.
Sharon: He didn't?
Victor: No.
Sharon: Victor, how did you handle this with nick? What did you say?
Victor: I told him it was my fault.
Sharon: You did what?
Victor: I told him it was my responsibility for what he saw, and that, um... I'm the one who crossed the line.
Sharon: But, victor, that's not true. I'm the one who crossed the line. Oh, my god. I can't believe-- how did he react?
Victor: What do you think?
Sharon: You told your son that you reached out to his wife? That you were the one that kissed me?
Victor: Yeah.
Sharon: He must be furious.
Victor: I tried to explain the circumstances that i had taken some pain medication, forgot about that and then that i'd had a drink or two.
Sharon: Why, why, why did he have to be coming down here that day? Things would be completely different between nicholas and me. We'd be back together if that hadn't happened. He had the flowers, the gift and that beautiful note about us making a fresh start, how much he loved me.
Victor: You have to hold on to what it said in that note. He said that he loves you. That is what you have to remember.
Man: Happy valentine's day, everybody at the walnut grove academy! What's up?
Lily: Hey, girl.
Colleen: Hey, lily.
Lily: Wow! Look at you! Now I know why it took you so long to get here. You're a total knockout!
Colleen: Hey, you look pretty good yourself.
Lily: Oh, this old thing? I just threw it on.
Colleen: Listen, I'm really sorry about the last minute change of plans.
Lily: Oh, it's okay. My mom dropped me off.
Colleen: Okay.
Lily: Look, i'm sorry that everything got so messed up for you.
Colleen: Yeah, I cannot believe I am not gonna see j.T. Tonight.
Lily: Look, i mean, i know it won't be the same without him, but I'm glad that you still came. I mean, really, who needs guys to have a good time? Not us, right? Who you looking for?
Colleen: Who do you think?
Lily: J.T.? Yeah, like he'd be crazy enough to show up here.
Colleen: He doesn't know my granddad's chaperoning.
Lily: You mean, you didn't call him before you left your house?
Colleen: Oh, I tried, but billy kept hovering over me. If j.T. Shows up here, it's gonna be a disaster. I mean, what's he gonna say, "i had nothing better to do than to crash a high school dance"?
Lily: Well, you better get on the phone, get ahold of him.
Colleen: Or maybe...
Lily: What are you thinking?
Colleen: Well, J.T.'S waiting for me at the park, right? I could sneak over there and come back before my granddad knows I'm missing, and if he asks where i am, you could cover for me.
Lily: Unh-unh.
Colleen: Please, lily.
Lily: No way. I've covered for you enough already.
Colleen: Yeah, yeah. T comes to allergies, (Cell phone rings) (ring)
j.T.: Hello.
Colleen: Hey, it's me.
J.T.: Colleen. You sound like you're at the coffeehouse.
Colleen: I am. Listen, I am so sorry I couldn't meet you at the park. My granddad wouldn't let lily and me take the bus.
J.T.: How'd you get there?
Colleen: He made billy take me, and he's picking me up afterwards, too. They are so paranoid in everything I do. I am beyond sick of it. I'd ask you to come over here, but...
J.T.: Yeah, yeah, brittany told me. Your granddad's chaperoning.
Colleen: Yeah, I'm sure you can guess how much fun i'm having. Where are you anyway?
J.T.: I'm at the park.
Colleen: You've been waiting for me this whole time?
J.T.: Yeah, it's no big deal.
Colleen: Well, it is to me. Stay there. I am gonna find a way to see you.
J.T.: What about your grandpa?
Colleen: Well, I can handle him.
J.T.: No, colleen, wait. I don't want you sneaking out, or you're gonna get in more trouble.
Colleen: Yeah, but I want to see you.
J.T.: We can see each other another time.
Colleen: Yeah, but I want to see you tonight. It's valentine's day.
J.T.: Hey, I want nothing more than to be with you, too, but, look, we can't take the risk, all right? I've caused you enough problems already, and i'm not gonna let you get in deeper.
Cleen: J.T.
J.T.: I'm sorry, colleen. It's not gonna work out. We can't see each other tonight.
Colleen: But--
j.T.: Hey, listen, listen to me. I gotta go, all right? But I'll call you later.
Sharon: I wanna believe you. I wanna believe there could still be some hope for nicholas and me.
Victor: Then do believe it. Don't give up. Should i try to contact nick?
Victor: Just wait until he comes to see you.
Sharon: I still can't believe that you would do this. Taking all the responsibility on your shoulders for what nicholas saw.
Victor: I did this because it's the only way that'll salvage your marriage. He has to believe that i was the aggressor.
Sharon: You did this, no matter what the cost to you, no matter what the cost to your relationship with your son. You know, he may never forgive you.
Victor: I hope that won't be the case. I hope that time will heal all wounds.
Sharon: What an incredible man you are, that you would make this sacrifice. How can I ever thank you?
Victor: By getting back with my son, by saving your family. That's all the thanks I need.
Sharon: Well, i will try. I promise you I will try very hard.
Victor: Good luck.
Sharon: Victor, you have been so wonderful to me, much more than I ever would have expected or deserved. And I just want you to know no matter what happens, I will always be grateful to you.
Sierra: Hey, colleen.
Colleen: Hi, sierra.
Sierra: Why don't you come dance with us?
Colleen: No, thanks.
Sierra: You sure? Scott was asking about you.
Colleen: Maybe later.
Sierra: Come on. Just one dance, come on.
Colleen: No.
Sierra: Okay.
John: Hey. You know, I wish you would try to enjoy yourself. You know, colleen, i know you don't believe this, but everything i'm doing is because i love you, honey. And I hope one day you'll understand that.
"The young and the restless"
will continue. Q ñ Ñ Ñ ñ ç
Victoria: It looks like someone's been doing some redecorating.
Diego: Well, it's not a suite at the genoa city hotel.
Victoria: Well, that doesn't really matter.
Diego: It doesn't?
Victoria: No. It's never mattered. It's never been about luxury or money.
Diego: Well, people who've had that their whole lives sometimes don't know how important it is to them.
Victoria: Right, people. Right, people like me. People--we're all the same.
Diego: Victoria--
victoria: No. You know what? Don't stereotype me. Don't put me in a box. Diego, i have never cared about what you could or couldn't afford. When people are in love, they provide for one another. Whatever they have together is both of theirs. I've never had a problem with that. You always have.
Diego: It's just that i--
victoria: No, i can't-- I can't listen to that garbage, a man just has to be a man anymore.
Diego: I wanna be someone you can turn to. I wanna be your man, your lover. What?
Victoria: I just-- it sounds like lyrics to an old love song is all.
Diego: I do love you, victoria.
Sharon: Roses are red. Violets are blue. Oh, nicholas, my dear nicholas. (Knock on door)
sharon: Who is it? Nicholas. Oh, um... This is a surprise. Come on in.
Nick: Where are the kids?
Sharon: They both had valentine's parties.
Nick: Valentine's day. I forgot.
Sharon: Really? 'Cause i was just thinking about sending you a card. All I had, though, were children's valentine'S. Nothing adult. Why don't you take off your coat and stay and wait for them? I know they'd love to see you.
Nick: So how are the kids really?
Sharon: As well as could be expected, I guess. They still miss you a lot.
Nick: I miss them, too.
Sharon: Of course you do. You're a really great dad. Um, so... How are you doing, nicholas? I mean, really.
Nick: How do you think?
Sharon: Well, i'm not sure. I mean, I know what you saw that night.
Nick: So you've talked to dad.
Sharon: He wanted to give me the heads up that you knew.
Nick: So you could get your story straight.
Sharon: He wanted to let me know there's no point in denying anything.
Nick: Which you would have done if I had confronted you.
Sharon: I'm sorry.
Nick: Why? Why are you sorry? I mean, this was all dad's doing, right? It was all his fault. You were just an innocent victim.
man: Hey, gang, is everyone having a good time? (Cheers and applause)
man: That's what I like to hear, but as you all know, all good things come to an end. This is gonna be the last song of the evening. So grab that special someone and make it count.
John: Sweetheart, aren't you gonna have even one dance?
Colleen: I don't have anyone to dance with.
John: Oh, nonsense. There's plenty of young men out there to dance with. What about this young fella?
Colleen: No, I don't want to dance with anyone. I don't wanna do anything. Just want this night to be over. It is the worst valentine's day.
John: Well, i am so sorry that you're hurting.
Colleen: Are you really?
John: Look, i have to go to the office. Lydia called. There's an urgent matter i have to attend to. Now billy will be outside waiting for you and lily. Now if you're asleep when I come home, we'll talk tomorrow.
Diego: You know, you used to say to me, "i love you, diego." You used to say that to me when we were in bed together.
Victoria: This isn't about sex.
Diego: Okay, then what is it about? It isn't about money. It isn't about sex. Do you mind if i ask what it is about?
Victoria: I don't know. Magic?
Diego: I am ready to spend the rest of my life with you.
Victoria: If only it could be that simple.
Diego: It can be.
Victoria: I don't think so. I'm sorry. You know, I find myself saying "i'm sorry" a lot lately.
Diego: Well, don't say it again.
Victoria: But i am sorry, diego. I'm sorry for you, and I'm sorry for me. We had something that was so sweet.
Diego: Okay, so that's where it is now? Are we in the past tense? Victoria, it doesn't have to be like this.
Victoria: I'm sorry. You act like i want to feel like this.
Diego: Well, then say it. What are you feeling?
Victoria: Not as much as i did.
Diego: Why? Is it because I went after those guys who mugged me?
Victoria: I don't know.
Diego: Did you ever really care about me? Or was this just about some lonely woman who needs some man's arms around her? Like any man.
Victoria: That's really mean.
Diego: Yeah. How do you think i feel?
Nick: You asked how i was doing.
Sharon: I'm concerned, nicholas.
Nick: I know. You're very concerned.
Sharon: You don't believe me?
Nick: Sharon, you've been playing miss pure and innocent for so long, I can't get a grip on you. You know, I feel like i don't even know you anymore.
Sharon: I'm sorry you feel that way.
Nick: Why do you think i'm here?
Sharon: I hoped to say, "let's give our marriage another chance. Let's put all this behind us and give ourselves a fresh start."
Nick: Last time i tried that, I got a few too many surprises. The truth is i don't even know what i want anymore, but more and more i think that we are just kidding ourselves.
Lily: Hey, you okay?
Colleen: I want to go home.
Lily: Okay.
Colleen: Let's go.
Lily: Okay.
J.T.: Hey, listen, if everybody could hold up just a second, there's one more song. It's something i wrote for a very special person. (Playing ballad)
j.T.: Blue eyes
over there
i don't know how
you made me care again
you took me
from darkness to light
i don't know what it is
but you feel right
i saw you circling
in the air
with that halo
in your hair again
the star that i wished on
has finally come true
i don't know if i deserve
someone like you
the road we're on isn't easy
but we're walking
hand in hand
and they may say
that it's wrong to be
but they never felt
your love like me
i'll take the world on
if that means i can hold you
tight again
i'll be your one protector
your champion in this fight
i don't know what it is
but you feel right
i start to miss you
all the time
i just can't wait
to lay your hand in mine
each time i'm with you
it feels so new
i don't know if i deserve
someone like you
the road we're on isn't easy
but we're walking
hand in hand
and they may say
that it's wrong to be
but they never
felt your love like me
you've been dancing
all in my dreams
you see right through me
girl, it won't be long now
unfold those wings
lord, ain't she a sight
to see
so put a smile on your face
i'll go with you
anyplace tonight
if things i see before me
the visions in my head
i don't know
and i don't care
the things they've said
i don't know what it is
but you feel right
you feel right
you feel so right tonight
open up your wings, girl
let's take flight
you feel right
so right tonight
j.T.: You are so beautiful. Happy valentine's day.
Victoria: So you think i was using you?
Diego: People use each other.
Victoria: That's a great outlook.
Diego: Would you just stop playing games with me?
Victoria: I know. I'm sorry. I don't want to play games. It's time to give up.
Diego: Are you sure?
Victoria: You've meant so much to me. And maybe you're right. Maybe it w a case of need, buy you taught me that i could feel things that i didn't think i could feel anymore.
Diego: Great.
Victoria: Thank you.
Diego: You're welcome.
Diego: I guess I should hit the road.
Victoria: Gonna wander... See where the bird takes you?
Diego: Yeah.
Victoria: Be safe.
Diego: Okay.
Sharon: So you're not here to give our marriage another try.
Nick: You're asking a hell of a lot after what i saw.
Sharon: But i thought-- I thought you understood that--
nick: Yeah, that it was my dad's fault. That he's the one who crossed the line. That's the story you're sticking with?
Sharon: Why are you here, nicholas?
Nick: A lot of people have told me to just get over myself. Come back our marriage.
Sharon: But i guess you can't do that.
Nick: They don't know the whole story.
Sharon: All right, whatever you have to say, just get it over with, please. This is slow torture.
Nick: You know, I really tried to buy into it-- that it was all my dad's fault. But, you know what? It doesn't wash. Because I saw what i saw, and you weren't pulling away. You weren't resisting. You were as into it as he was, if not more. And with my own father. You-- you have sexual desires, sharon, and apparently you go anywhere to get them taken care of, and don't give a damn who it is.
Nick: Good-bye, sharon.
Sharon: Good-bye, nicholas.
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