Y&R Transcript Thursday
2/13/03--Canada; Friday 2/14/03--USA
Provided By Eric
(Typing on keyboard)
Victor: You look very busy. (Typing stops) (typing resumes)
Victor: Diego sought me out last night. I gather things aren't going too well between the two of you. (Typing continues)
Victor: I'm talking to you. How are things going?
Victor: I guess not too well. I hope you're not blaming me for things not working out.
Victoria: Well,
you would just say that you
had nothing to do with it.
Victor: If things aren't working out between you and diego, I think there's only one reason. He's not the right man for you, and you know it. I came here because I was hoping that we could put some of this contentiousness behind us.
Victoria: Here it comes, right on schedule. You go in, you manipulate and destroy, you do whatever you damn well please to people, and then you think that you can just patch over it with some big homily about forgiveness and family. Well, I'm sorry, dad, but it's not gonna work this time.
Victor: I know ththat my objection
to your relationship with diego
has caused some bitterness.
Victoria: Oh, god. Don't you get it? This has nothing to do with what you've done to me. This is what you've done to nicholas--something that is totally unforgivable. (Knock on door)
Sharon: Nicholas.
Sharon: Oh. It's you.
Diego: Look, I've been trying for days to reach victoria. I thought you might know how I can get ahold of her.
Sharon: Um, sorry, diego. Can't help you. Your girlfriend and i aren't exactly tight these days.
Diego: Now what?
Sharon: You want to come in?
Diego: What about nick?
Sharon: Look, I'm standing here freezing.
Diego: Look, you know what?
I don't want to cause you
any more grief.
Sharon: More grief? You really think that's possible? Because at this point, I sure don'T.
Raul: I thought we had a lot of stuff before lauren fenimore took over.
Mac: I forgot my watch. Anyone know what time it is?
Brittany: Hey, guys.
Raul: Must be about 25 after. (Laughs)
Brittany: What's so funny?
Billy: Raul was just saying we could set a clock by you.
Brittany: All right, I'm a little late. But aren't I worth it? Mmm.
Mac: I'd say that's a yes.
Raul: The prettiest valentine I ever saw.
Brittany: Thank you.
I just hope we all love
this place we're gonna look at tonight.
Raul: Oh, me too. I can't wait.
Mac: It's tough living with your folks again, huh?
Raul: Are you kidding me? I'm ready to sign the lease for a cardboard box under the railroad tracks.
Brittany: As long as it has three bedrooms, right, mac?
Mac: And an erara-large mirror for you, right, britt?
Raul: Anyway, ladies, come on. This loft, it has a pretty sweet layout, huh?
Brittany: Where did you say it was?
Mac: Billy? Didn't you say that that lady said it was... billy?
Billy: Huh? Sorry. What?
Raul: You're spacing out on us, buddy. How come?
Billy: I'm trying
to figure out
how to break it to you guys.
Brittany: Break what to us?
Billy: I need to cancel. You'll have to go without me.
Mac: What?
Billy: Dad's making me play chauffeur with colleen tonight, so she won't accidentally run into J.T.
Lily: Is it just me, sierra, or does the place seem bigger?
Sierra: You mean 'cause it's taking, like, forever to decorate?
Lily: Yeah. Good thing we got here at the crack of dawn, or we'd never be donein time for the dance.
Colleen: It'll be done, and it will be amazing. I just don't want to rush to get ready.
Lily: Yeah, 'cause you wanna look extra-fine for you-know-who.
Sierra: You can
probably take off
and let the guys finish up,
since they just got here.
Lily: Yeah. These guys are all like (makes spraying noise) "here, bro, I'm ready."
Sierra: All right. I'm gonna get some more of those crepe paper thingies.
Lily: Okay.
Colleen: I'm really glad you're getting into this.
Lily: Well, it beats sitting home... especially for you, miss secret hot date.
Colleen: I know. Can you believe J.T. Is actually taking me?
Lily: Heck, yeah, I can believe it. (Sighs) one look at that bracelet...
Colleen: It's perfect. I almost cried when he gave it to me.
Lily: I would have
totally died.
That is so romantic.
Colleen: He's so incredible, lily. I'm so excited for tonight!
Ashley: Mmm.
Brad: Hey. Hi, beautiful. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you.
Ashley: Is it morning already?
Brad: Mm-hmm.
Ashley: What time is it?
Brad: Late.
Ashley: Oh, no, no.
Brad: Don't worry. Don't worry. Abby's with frances. She'll keep her as long as we need her to. An....
Ashley: Mm-hmm?
Brad: I called work and made an excuse for you.
Ashley: Mmm.
Well, it sounds like
you covered all the bases.
Brad: Well, I don't want you going into work. I want to stay right by your side.
Ashley: Yeah. We have something to celebrate, don't we?
Brad: You're pregnant. I still can't believe it.
Ashley: Well, you'd better start, 'cause it's gonna be obvusus really soon.
Brad: I can't wait.
Ashley: It's like a miracle, isn't it?
Brad: Yeah. Especially happening right now.
Ashley: Yeah. We need to talk about that.
Brad: What?
Ashley: The timing is pretty amazing-- right when we thought our marriage might be over.
Brad: You know what?
Let's just forget all that.
Ashley: No. We can't forget all that. Brad, things happened. How do we deal with it?
Brad: You're talking about olivia.
Wes: Cleaning out drawers?
Olivia: Therapy. When I get aggravated, it calms me.
Wes: I see. Why do you think that is?
Olivia: Control. My life may be in a shambles, and I could be dying inside, but I'll be damned if my drawers won't be organized.
Wes: Someone's feisty today. So should I take you seriously?
Olivia: About what?
Wes: About the rest of it.
Olivia: About my life being in a shambles? Yeah, well, I think you know the story there.
Wes: Yeah.
Uh, you know ashley paid me
a visit yesterday.
Olivia: What a coincidence. I ran into brad. He still doesn't know...
Wes: That she's pregnant. Knknow. She seemed torn about whether or not to tell him.
Olivia: It's funny, isn't it, that the people who seem to have it all
can't see it, let alone accept it.
Brittany: Play chauffeur? For what?
Billy: Big dance at the coffeehouse. Walnut grove. Dad wants ceecee to go and hang with kids her own age for a change.
Raul: So you get to drive the paddy wagon.
Billy: Fun, huh?
Mac: I guess we can move the appointment, see the place later?
Brittany: No. It'll be gone. Someone will grab it.
Brad: So go without me. I trust you guys. You decide it's cool, I'm in.
Brittany: Billy, that won't work. We all have to be there. All four of us need to sign the lease.
Billy: So I'll sign it later.
B brittany: But what
if they won't do tha
Billy: Get off my case, all right? I couldn't get out of it. Dad insisted. I have to drop colleen off, then pick her up afterwards, so there isn't any chance of her sneaking off with J.T.
Mac: There's no way to work it out time-wise?
Billy: Believe me, if I could think of a way--
Raul: We'll work something out, man. Don't sweat it.
Billy: The whole thing is so bogus. J.T. At a high school dance? I think the guy would rather eat glass.
Mac: You're probably right, billy. I doubt J.T. Will be there.
Billy: I know he won'T.
Just the threat,
just the slightest hint
that it could happen,
my old man goes ballistic.
(Cell phone ringing)
Mac: Who's ringing?
Raul: It's not me.
Brittany: Me either.
Billy: Sounds like it's there. (Ring) (ring)
Billy: What the...
Colleen: Darn voice mail. Hey, you. Guess where I am. Decorating the coffeehouse just for you. Then I'm gonna go home and get all gorgeous so you won't be able to resist me. I'll see you tonight.
Mac: What is it, billy?
Billy: Number on the caller I.D.-- It's ceecee'S. Whose phone is this?
Raul: Must be J.T.'S. He stopped by yesterday. I guess he forgot it.
Billy: What was J.T.
Doing here?
Raul: Look, you're gonna hear about it anyway, so, um... lauren hired him he's gonna be working here.
Billy: Oh, man. Well, that's just what we need here.
Brittany: At least now I won't be the only late one.
Billy: Look, we'll talk her out of it later. What I want to know is, what is colleen doing calling the guy?
Brittany: Hello! Where have you been?
Billy: What? What are you saying? They're still seeing each other, meeting on the sly, what?
Mac: Billy, you know, they do care about each other.
Brittany: Maybe she just called to say "be mine."
Billy: Or is it
about tonight--the dance?
Damn, if my dad was right
about who--
J.T.: Whoa, double date! That's pretty pathetic, guys. You're supposed to take your valentines out.
Raul: What do you want, J.T.?
J.T.: I lost my cell phone. Anybody seen it?
Billy: It's right here. And I've got a message for you, J.T. Colleen called.
Lily: It's the same plan, right? I'm coming to your granddad's?
Colleen: Yes. We'll take the bus to the park, meet up with J.T., And he'll walk us here.
Lily: Is he wearing a disguise?
Colleen: No!
Lily: Too bad you have to sneak around all the time.
Colleen: Look, if my family
wants me to be honest,
they're gonna have to learn
to trust me a little bit more.
That's the way it works.
Because I am not letting anyone
get between J.T. And me,
not ever again.
Lily: We ought to go soon. What time is it?
Colleen: Oh, wow. I'm glad you said that. I still have to wash my hair and everything.
Victor: You've talked to your brother about the other night.
Victoria: Yeah. Nice euphemism. Yeah, we talked about it.
Victor: That's very unfortunate.
Victoria: Why? Because after you crushed him, he didn't fell like keeping your dirty little secret?
Victor: There's so much
about this you don't know.
Victoria: That's where you're wrong. I already know more than I ever wanted to. Unless what you're really saying is that nicholas has it wrong. He told me that you were the one who kissed sharon, that you took all the blame, that you were the one who crossed the line. And I'm sure that he would rather believe it was you than her, that there might be some hope for that relationship despite everything.
Victoria: Dad, please,
if you lied to nicholas,
please tell me.
Tell me that sharon was the one
who made the first move,
because I could totally believe
that about her.
Don't try and protect her,
not with me.
Diego: Sharon, the way you say that--
Sharon: I don't want to discuss it, especially not with you. I thought you came here on account of victoria.
Diego: Things are bad. They're real bad.
Sharon: Because of that stunt you pulled with those criminals? I can't say that I blame her.
Diego: Thanks. That helps.
Sharon: I'm dealing with a lot of my own problems right now, all right?
Diego: You want me to go and stop wasting your time?
Sharon: When was the last time you spoke to her?
Diego: The night that everything went down. She walked out on me. She won't even take my calls, refuses to see me.
Sharon: You're right.
That does sound pretty bad.
Diego: Victoria doesn't understand why I did what I did.
Sharon: Frankly, I don't either. Victor told me about it. It struck me as the height of recklessness.
Diego: Yeah, maybe it was. Maybe I was a dope for actual thinking I could make a difference. I only did it to set things right between victoria and her dad. Just wanted to show the man I was made of better stuff than he gave me credit for.
Sharon: Well, I'm sure you said that to victoria. How did she react?
Diego: Disappointed. Disillusioned... that I wasn't the person she thought I was.
Sharon: Well, consider yourself lucky.
Diego: What?
Sharon: You only lost a few months before you got the newman stamp of rejection. I'm out seven years of my life.
Brad: Ash, if I haven't made it clear, anything between olivia and me is over.
Ashley: Does she know that?
Brad: I'm sure she realizes there's no future for us.
Ashley: She fell in love with you.
Brad: And I never meant for that to happen. I didn't encourage it--
Ashley: But it did happen, brad, just the same.
Ashley: Did you love her?
Brad: I cared for her. Ash, I was at the end of my rope. Olivia threw me a lifeline. But it's over.
Ashley: I just wonder
if it's over for her.
Brad: It has to be.
Ashley: No. I'm still angry with her.
Brad: Liv and i let this go much further than we ever should have. But, honey, I just want to put it in the past.
Ashley: Well, I'm sorry, brad, but I'm just not a big enough person to do that. My best friend got involved with my husband while I was deathly ill. I mean, you both let that happen. I would have sworn on my life that neither one of you could have ever do something like that.
Brad: And we both did.
Ashley: So how can you
promise me that the next time
thin g get tough,
you're not going to seek
solace with somebody else?
And I didn't know--
how can I trust you?
Wes: It depends on what you mean by having it all.
Olivia: What do you think it means?
Wes: Everyone defines it differently.
Olivia: Yeah, well, they used to say that about me. "She's a doctor. She's beautiful. She's got it all." Except I didn't think so.
Wes: Modesty?
Olivia: Well, thanks for not saying "low self-esteem."
Wes: Hey, it's tough to be an M.D. And impact people's lives the way you do and not at least be confident.
Olivia: Well,
if I do have it all,
what does she have
that I don't have?
Why did brad go backo o her?
Wes: Is this really about ashley?
Olivia: You know, there's a lot you don't know about me, wesley. I've been married, you know-- twice. Both times a disaster. Both times my husbands cheated on me. The first time, I didn't even have a clue, which almost killed me, since the woman had A.I.D.S., If you can believe that. That was nate's dad. He died--not of A.I.D.S., But it was tragic.
Olivia: And then
there was my second husband-- malcolm.
He betrayed me
with an old girlfriend
he hadn't quite gotten over.
But I saw that one coming.
No, scratch that.
I brought that one on myself.
I was so convinced
that he couldn't be faithful
to me, that I made it
a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Pretty powerful, huh?
And now look at me.
I fell in love
with a married man.
God, what is wrong with me?
What was I thinking?
You know, I-I-I think
I'm an intelligent woman.
But you couldn't tell that
judging from my relationships.
I'm sorry. I don't even know
why I'm going on like this
in front of you.
Wes: You're being open, sharing yourself. It's good for you.
Olivia: Yeah, well, there's no point in wallowing in self-pity, is there?
Wes: This is a new side of you I'm seeing, olivia-- strong, unafraid.
Olivia: You know, earlier I was thinngng of this quote that eleanor roosevelt said. It, um, had something to do with overcoming your fear and being a better person.
Wes: "You must do the thing you think you cannot do."
Olivia: Yeah. You--that-- that's the one.
Olivia: I must do the thing I think I cannot do.
J.T.: Colleen?
Billy: Timing stinks,
doesn't it?
Five minutes earlier,
we wouldn't have been onto you.
J.T.: Look, I have no control over who calls me, all right?
Billy: Yeah. Right.
J.T.: Just give me the damn phone, okay?
Billy: Why, you in a hurry? You got somewhere to be?
J.T.: Yeah, wherever you're not.
Billy: Maybe you need to run home, get changed for the big dance.
J.T.: Dance?
Brittany: Crimson lights?
J.T.: Look, I have no idea what you're talking about.
Billy: Like hell.
J.T.: Look, if this is about that high school thing, please. Like, I wouldn't be caught dead there.
Mac: You sure about that, J.T.?
Billy: Careful, mac,
you'll make him think too hard.
J.T.: Hey, you have problems dealing with--
Billy: Look, I'm gonna use small words and speak real slowly just to make sure you understand this.
J.T.: What?
Billy: If you had any bright ideas about seeing colleen tonight, it ain't gonna happen. I'm taking my niece to the dance. I'm walking r r to the door, watching her go inside, and I'm gonna pick her up the minute it's over. If I see you within a mile of the place, you're toast. You got that, J.T.?
J.T.: You all done with your big speech? 'Cause you're wasting your breath, man.
Billy: Don't bother
calling colleen.
I'll make sure she knows
not to look for you there.
Have a nice night.
(Drops cell phone)
J.T.: That jerk doesn't know what he's talking about.
Brad: It surprises me a little that you're bringing up the issue of trust.
Ashley: Why? You don't think I have the right to do that?
Brad: I didn't say that.
Ashley: Well, I guess you could, considering what I kept from you.
Brad: Listen, you know what, honey? Can we just concentrate on the things that bring us together, not the things that could pull us apart?
Ashley: No.
No, we can't do that, brad,
because you made mistakes,
and I made mistakes,
and we have to deal with them.
I kept a huge secret from you
that has just affected
all of us.
And you got involved
with my best friend
when I was ill.
Brad: And I wish it hadn't happened. Honey, I don't want to lose what matters most to me-- abby, my daughter, in spite of everything, our new baby, and most of all you, my wife. I don't know what issues we're going to have to confront in the future, but I k know I want to confront them with you. Baby, I love you. You mean everything to me. And olivia is just going to have to accept that.
Ashley: I just wonder if she can. (Doorbell rings)
[Music throughout]
Victoria: Please tell me the truth. Please tell me that you didn't do this. I mean, sharon is bad for nicholas. She's proven that. If you're trying to protect her-- don't you see how wrong that is? Please just tell me the truth, dad. Tell me you didn't come on to her.
Victoria: You know,
all my life...
no matter how bad things
got between us,
I have always respected you.
I have always known
deep in my heart
that you are an honorable man.
But for you to do this,
for you to do this to youronon,
it's just--it's unspeakable.
Victor: I'm telling you, there's a lot you don't know about this.
Victoria: Just save it. Save the excuses. You're going to need them when you talk to mother.
Victor: Did you or nicholas tell her about it?
Victoria: Well, I can't vouch for nicholas, but I haven't said anything to her. I mean, it makes me sick to think how she's gonna react.
Victor: Let's hope your brother feels the same way.
Victoria: You don't honestly believe you can keep this from her.
Victor: Your mother needn't be involved, all right? There's no need for her to know.
Victoria: How could you
do this?
I mean,
how could you risk so much?
And for what?
Victor: You didn't hear me. There are other things involved in this that you don't know about, all right? And you shouldn't pass judgment until you know all the facts.
Victoria:Elell, then give me the facts, dad. Give them to me. Let's hear them. If you can defend what you've done somehow, with some reason that makes sense, give it to me! But you can't, can you?
Victor: Just know that everything I've done, I've done for the sake of the family.
Victoria: This tears
my heart out.
Tears my heart out.
I can't--
I've got my own issues
to deal with right now.
Sharon: If I had known last spring what I know now--
Diego: No, don't even think about it, sharon.
Sharon: You know, maybe nikki was right. If I had shown just a little more strength--
Diego: What's done is done. There's no point in beating ourselves up.
Sharon: Especially since everyone else is doing such a great job.
Diego: You don't still blame me for ruining your life?
Sharon: Don't give yourself too much credit.
Diego: Just one mistake. I don't know, sharon. Just seems to me you've paid way too big of a price.
Sharon: What about you? Look at everything you've lost.
Diego: Yeah, well, too bad
the rest of your family
can't be that nsnsitive.
Sharon: Sensitive, huh? Is that what I am?
Diego: You know what? Don't beat yourself up. You are a good person. Don't let them take your self-respect away.
Sharon: Gosh. How long has it been since we talked this way?
Diego: I think we both know the answer to that.
Sharon: We used to be such wonderful friends. God, I miss those days.
Diego: Yeah. Me too. I'm sorry the way things turned out for you. The last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt you, cause you pain.
Shan:N: I'm sorry, too, for a whole lot of reasons. (Cell phone rings) (ring)
Diego: Hello? Thank god.
I've been trying to call you--
yeah. You bet.
What time you wanna meet?
Okay. I'll be there.
Sharon: Finally, huh?
Diego: Victoria wants to see me.
Sharon: Looks like your life might get a lot better.
Diego: I don't know. She sounded tired, maybe.
Sharon: Just go see her. Trtry to be positive, for god's sake.
Diego: It's good advice for both of us.
Olivia: Brad?
Brad: Liv.
Olivia: Oh, my god. This was a mistake. I shouldn't have come.
Ashley: Brad, who is it?
Brad: It's olivia.
Ashley: Hello.
Olivia: I'm sorry. I... I had no idea.
Brad: That I'd beerere? Neither did I.
Olivia: Well, it seems
my visit is pointless.
Ashley: Why are you here?
Olivia: To talk to you about brad.
Ashley: Oh, really? Well, come in.
Billy: You decent?
Colleen: No, I'm naked.
Billy: Wise guy.
Colleen: Oh, if this is about dinner, tell mrs. Martinez I'm too excited to eat. Plus there'll be dinner at the coffeehouse.
Billy: You're really looking forward to this, huh?
Colleen: Yes. It's gonna be so much fun. Now scram. I have to do my hair, and it's not cooperating. And when lily gets here, will you send her up?
Billy: Lily?
Colleen: Yeah. Mamie's niece.
You know, she was here
We were making posters.
Billy: That was baby lily?
Colleen: Yeah, but if you call her that, she'll probably slug you. Remember, I told you we were going to the dance together, and we're taking the bus?
Billy: Actually, you're not. I'm drivg you to and from.
Colleen: Wait, what?
Billy: We can pick up lily, or you can call her or whatever.
Colleen: Come on, billy. You're kidding me, right?
Billy: It's dad's orders.
Colleen: No way.
Billy: It's a done deal, ceecee.
Colleen: Ugh. This is stupid! Why is he doing this?
Billy: Well, why are you so bent out of shape?
Colleen: Why do you think? I'm in high school. I don't need a babysitter.
Billy: You sure that's
the only reason?
Colleen: Yes. It's because you haven't l u up one inch, even though I've been perfect for weeks.
Billy: Does being perfect include calling J.T., Even though you've been warned over and over again not to?
Colleen: I don't know where you get your information.
Billy: Look, wherever you're planning on meeting him, you can forget it. He's not gonna be there. I made sure of it.
Colleen: What do you mean you made sure of it?
Billy: I told him to his face in front of witnesses so he can't try to weasel his way out of it later.
Colleen: You are so mean sometimes, billy, you know that?
Billy: Look, ceecee,
I'm sorry,
but you know what the deal is.
You've got to get over
this jerk.
Your folks, my dad,
they're never gonna approve.
He's wrong for you, col.
There are other guys out there
if you just open your eyes.
Colleen: Okay, so you're taking me to the dance. That doesn't mean you have to stay until it's over.
John: Well, colleen, that was never the plan. Billy was simply supposed to drop you off and pick you up.
Colleen: Fine, if that's the way you want it.
John: Now if you're wondering why he's not staying, it's because I'm going to be at the coffeehouse all evening. I'm chaperoning the dance.
Brad: Liv, if you wanna talk to ash privately, it's okay. I can leave the room.
Olivia: It's okay.
Ashley: It's kind of strange. We were just talking about you.
Olivia: I can only imagine what you were saying.
Ashley: So you're here to talk to me about brad.
Olivia: Well, it's obvious
the two of you have reconciled.
Ashley: Yes, we have. We love each other very much.
Olivia: Kw. You know, I've been thinking about this whole situation and my role in it.
Brad: Anything that happened, you didn't act alone. Ash and I were having problems. I should have been more understanding.
Ashley: Well, I was keeping something from you. God only knows if that was affecting me, probably in ways I didn't even realize.
Brad: But now everything's out in the open.
Ashley: That's right. So no more secrets, olivia, not ever.
Brad: Ash and I have
a second chance,
and that means the world to me.
I'm sorry if that
hurts you, liv.
That's the last thing
I wanna do.
We all made mistakes.
Olivia: And now there are other circumstances.
Brad: The pregnancy.
Olivia: Good. You told him.
Ashley: Of course I told him, olivia. He's my husband, and like I said, no more secrets. At least I've learned something from all this.
Olivia: I think we've all learned something from this. Ears old I found thatlove was quite elusive.
Colleen: You are going to chaperone?
John: Yes. The school asked for my help, and I volunteered.
Colleen: But you didn't tell me that.
John: Well,
I'm telling you now.
I was waiting for a call,
and I just received it
ten minutes ago.
Colleen: Granddad, no. You cannot do this. You'll completely embarrass me.
John: Colleen, please, there's going to be plenty other adults there, and I promise not to dance. Less there's some other reason you don't want me there.
Billy: Look, as long as you're headed over to the coffeehouse...
John: No, no, billy, I still need you to take her.
Billy: Why?
John: Because they want us there early, before the kids arrive.
Billy: Well, how about after? Come on, dad, you know how important this is to me.
John: Look, I know that,
but you can look for
an apartment anytime.
This is a very special evening
for colleen.
Now I was hoping I could
prevail upon you to maybe
pick then up afterwards
and take them out
for a little dessert.
I'll pay.
Colleen: (Sarcastically) ooh, wow. Dessert. Yeah, that's really gonna make up for humiliating me in front of all of my friends.
John: Well, now if that's your story, you stick to it. But you understand this-- J.T. Hellstrom is off-limits, and if you think otherwise, you'd better think again.
Olivia: I realized something today.
Ashley: What?
Olivia: It involves you and me.
Ashley: Yeah? What is it?
Olivia: There was a time that you and I were close.
Olivia: And then all this happened, and it split apart.
Olivia: I know it's my fault. I know that.
Ashley: It's not all your fault, olivia.
Brad: We all bear
Olivia: I know this is too soon.
Olivia: I'm hoping in time we can rebuild our friendship.
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