Y&R Transcript Tuesday 2/11/03--Canada; Wednesday
Provided By Eric
Michael: I will not advise my client to submit to that. No way.
Silva: Why don't we all just calm down?
Jack: You're throwing around some mighty big words here, mr. Baldwin-- obstruction of justice, blackmail.
Phyllis: I think you forgot extortion.
Michael: You are asking
this woman to give up her son
in exchange for your silence.
Jack: Sounds like a pretty reasonable trade to me.
Michael: John.
Silva: My clients know what I think.
Michael: Mm-hmm, did you tell them you were on dangerous territory, that this is thin ice? Did you tell them anything like that?
Silva: They have a few opoptions open to them.
Michael: Such as the one about going to the authorities with what they think they have.
Jack: Ooh, careful, michael. You see, we're not bluffing. John, show him.
Michael: Diane... did you write this?
Diane: Michael,
do I look stupid enough
to write something like that
and give it to some wino
for safekeeping?
Michael: All right, this is phyllis' cell number, and in quotes, it says, "phyllis, the server is down. We can't figure out what the problem is. You'd better come to the office." Then it says, "whatever she suggests, say that you tried that and it didn't work, and call the following number when you've made the call." If I'm not mistaken, diane, I believe it ends with your cell number.
Colleen: Do you have any idea how much I've missed you?
J.T.: Hey, I missed you, too.
Colleen: Did you, really?
J.T.: Hey, come on. You don't believe me?
Colleen: No, I'll take your word for it.
J.T.: Yeah, you'd better.
J.T.: I must have been crazy
letting you talk me
into coming here.
Colleen: Why? No one ever comes here. It's so far from the main house.
J.T.: Isn't this where billy and mac used to...
Colleen: ...Mac used to come. Yeah, it was their secret hideaway. Now it's ours.
J.T.: I still think we're taking a big risk. You know?
Colleen: We could not be in a safer place. Unless you wanna turn around and leave.
J.T.: All right, okay. You win. You win. I'm not going anywhere.
Lauren: (Grunts) john!
John: Hi.
I noticed your sign--
"closed for renovation----
and, uh, I hope you don't mind
my stopping by a moment.
Lauren: Of course not. Come on in.
John: Thank you. Well, I certainly like what you've done with the place.
Lauren: Thank you. There wasn't a lot to do. You know, it's in good shape, but I wanted to put my personal touch on it.
John: Of course.
Lauren: And you just wait. This new version of the boutique is gonna be a great success.
John: I hope so.
Lauren: All right, why do i get the feeling you're not here to offer me encouragement? Why don't you cut to the chase and tell me what this is about?
John: I wanna talk to you about my son.
Lauren: Jack?
John: No, the one you hired.
Lauren: Billy?
What do you wanna talk
about him for?
John: Because I do not want billy working here.
Olivia: Brad.
Brad: Liv, hey. Great minds think alike, I see.
Olivia: Yeah, well, it must be the winter. Can I have a coffee to go? Black, please.
Olivia: So how are you?
Brad: Hanging in. How about you?
Olivia: Same old, same old. Have you seen ashley?
Brad: Um, not since the hospital.
Olivia: Really?
Brad: Why does that surprise you?
Olivia: It's just, you know, the way you two left things last.
Brad: The separation.
Olivia: Yeah.
Are you still going through
with that?
Brad: As a matter of fact, I got the ball rolling with my lawyer yesterday. I'm gonna stop by there as soon as I leave here.
Olivia: You know, if you're not too busy, I'd, um, I'd like to talk to you.
Brad: Liv, you know, I really should get going.
Olivia: Please, it's just gonna take a minute.
Wes: Please, come in. How are you?
Ashley: Not as agitated as I was the last time we spoke.
Wes: You got to your husband in time?
Ashley: Yeah.
Wes: Told him that victor newman doesn't know about your daughter's paternity?
Ashley: Thank god. I'm sure olivia told you that, though.
Wes: You must be relieved.
Ashley: Yeah. I know you think that I was overreacting about the seriousness of the situaonon, but believe me, I wasn'T. It would've been a disaster if there had been a confrontation between brad and victor.
Wes: Well, your concern was completely understandable.
Ashley: So... you think that I was being too rough on olivia.
Wes: Well, you thought she was obsessed with your husband.
Ashley: Oh, she was, believe me, but now I'm not really sure it matters how I feel.
Wes: Why? Has something changed?
Ashley: I'm pregnant.
>>Es: Wewell, I can see how
that would put
a different spin on things.
What was brad's reaction?
He doesn't know yet.
Before I tell him,
I need some answers,
and that's why I'm here.
Good afternoon. The shriners
are celebrating a city
decision today to allow exotic
animal acts to continue in
edntnton.+++The plows moved in
to residential streets today -
but not everyone's happy about
it.. some homeowners were
blocked in by the snow...+++
and - the actor made famous by
the bob and doug mackenzie
hoser skit is back in town and
promoting a new project...+++
cñc c
J.T.: You treat all your boyfriends like this?
Colleen: You're my only boyfriend.
J.T.: Oh, is that right?
Colleen: Yeah.
J.T.: I kinda like the sound of that.
Colleen: Yeah? How's school?
J.T.: It's pretty good.
Colleen: Yeah?
J.T.: Yeah. I'm taking a couple classes I like, so...
Colleen: I always knew you'd be great if you just studied.
J.T.: Yeah, well, no one else ever thought that.
Colleen: Well, besides school, what else has been going on?
J.T.: Uh, not a lot. You know, just the usual stuff. Hanging out, nothing worth really talking about.
Colleen: Oh, come on.
There's gotta be something fun,
like meeting new people,
going to parties.
J.T.: No, no, not like I used to.
Colleen: Really?
J.T.: Yeah.
Colleen: Why do you think that is?
J.T.: I don't know.
Colleen: Couldn't have anything to do with me, could it?
J.T.: You, huh? And how's that?
Colleen: Oh, you know, you're sitting home alone, thinking about me. That's why you haven't been going out as much.
J.T.: Oh, okay. Yeah, you're pretty sure of yourself on that, aren't you?
Colleen: What, you gonna deny it?
J.T.: No. No, I'm not. Come here.
Colleen: I wish it didn't
have to be this way, don't you?
J.T.: You know, considering the circumstances, colleen, I'm just glad we get any chance to see each other.
Colleen: Yeah, I know, but...
J.T.: But what?
Colleen: You know, if there was a chance for us to be together and have fun, be a real couple for a change...
J.T.: Well, how do you figure we're gonna do that?
Colleen: There's a valentine's dance tomorrow. Will you take me?
Lauren: You don't want billy working here?
John: No. I wish you checked with me before you hir h him.
Lauren: Billy's 18. He doesn't exactly need your permission to work here.
John: Lauren, that's not the point.
Lauren: Well,
what is the point?
I mean, why do you have
a problem with this?
John: What you obviously don't know is that billy was accepted to a very prestigious university, and out of the blue, he wants to go to G.C.U.
Lauren: Well, not that it's any of my business, but G.C.U's a pretty good school.
John: Billy's reasons for staying in genoa city are other than his education.
Lauren: And what are those reasons?
John: He wants to share a place with mackenzie, raul guittierez and brittany hodges.
Lauren: Hmm. And I take it you're against that.
John: Very much so.
Lauren: All right, so it's not really his changing schools that's bothering you.
John: No, living with mackenzie at this time
of his life could be
a very serious mistake,
and to compound matters
are raul and brittany,
who only add to the equation.
Lauren: Well, why is that a problem?
John: Because these are the two people who harbored colleen when she ran away from home.
Lauren: Ah. So this is about your granddaughter.
John: No, it's about my entire family. Of course colleen is a big part of it, as well as the man she has a crush on-- J.T. Hellstrom.
Diane: Michael, don't be ridiculous. I mean, look at this note. Anyone could have written this.
Jack: We could always get a handwriting expert to testify.
Phyllis: Diane, diane,
really, is this what you want?
You want your lawyer to put
stupid ideas in your head?
Michael: You're asking a woman to turn her child over to you. You might be just a little bit more sensitive.
Jack: Whoa, whoa. You might be a little less dramatic here, counselor. We're not asking her to leave her baby in a basket on the steps of a church in the driving snow. This is the 21st century. She has rights. She's a mother. No one's gonna cut kyle out of her life.
Michael: If you had a say in it, you would.
Jack: Why are you making this uglier than it needs to be?
Diane: You know what? Michael's right. This is blackmail.
Phyllis: I'm done with this. I'm calling detective weber.
Jack: You know what?
Go ahead.
There's no talking
to these people.
Phyllis: Right. Hank weber, please. Ywhere are throwingaway
Wes: What sort of answers are you looking for?
Ashley: I'm assuming that brad's gonna want to reconcile once he finds out I'm pregnant.
Wes: Is that what you want?
Ashley: Yeah. In spite of all the pain that's been caused, I love him very much. I just don't want him to come back to me because he feels obligated.
Wes: Are you so sure that would be his only reason?
Ashley: That depends on how strong his feelings are for olivia still.
Wes: Maybe you should ask him.
Ashley: I have.
At least, I've asked him
where he stands
in regard to our marriage.
Wes: And?
Ashley: He told me he's still working through those feelings.
Wes: But now you've got this time issue.
Ashley: Right. I can't exactly hide this pregnancy indefinitely.
Wes: And you're worried once it becomes obvious, it may affect his decision.
Ashley: And that leaves olivia. It's ironic. She's the one who told me I was pregnant. She also gave me some kind of surprising advice.
Wes: Which was?
Ashley: That I shouldn't give up on brad-- that if he's leaning towards anybody, it's me.
Wes: And you don't believe her?
Ashley: If it's true,
she's being extremely selfless,
I suppose.
Then again, maybe she's setting
me up for a knife in the back.
You see,
I just can't be certain.
Wes: So you've come to me?
Ashley: Yes. I know you have your ethics and all, but I also think you're somebody who's capable of seeing the greater good. What I need from you, wes-- I need to know, how do they feel about each other?
Wes: Ashley, I'm sorry. You know I cannot do that.
Ashley: Right, right, right. I should have known.
Olivia: So you've gone to see your lawyer?
Brad: Mm-hmm. I wanted to be sure about my rights where abby's concerned. I intend to play a big part in her life, even if we won't be living under the same roof.
Olivia: I still wish you'd give it more time.
Brad: Look, liv, the decision
to separate was painful enough
for both of us.
It'd just be pouring salt
in the wound
to talk the thing to death.
Olivia: Not necessarily.
Brad: In case you've forgotten, this is what ashley wants. It was her idea to separate, remember?
Olivia: Maybe she's changed her mind.
Brad: What makes you say that? Come on, liv, what's going on? You know something I don't know?
Jack: Then you don't want to take this to the police.
Michael: Not at this point.
Jack: Diane, you say what you like about this note. We have a man who will testify that you gave it to him, you paid him to make the phone call, and then paid him again after he made it.
Michael: Diane is not going
to make a statement
about what did or did not happen
the night of the fire.
Jack: Fine, fine. We don't need her to do that. I would like it acknowledged, though, that as far as blackmail goes,this is pretty damn generous. Phyllis and I could just go to the police and stand by quietly while you're dragged off to prison.
Diane: But I didn't set the fire.
Michael: Shut up.
Phyllis: Oh, my god.
Jack: It is phyllis and i
who are taking the big risk
right now.
We're the ones
withholding evidence.
Ifetectitive weber
knew about that,
he would be none too happy.
We're doing it anyway--
for kyle.
So that his mother is free
to be part of his life,
and not just someone
he visits once a week
in a small, green room
with bars on the windows.
Michael, you want
to talk blackmail?
You want to make a big stink
out of this?
Go ahead. Phyllis and I will
just call the good detective
and step aside.
We'll wash our hands
of the whole thing.
It's your decision.
Michael: I'd like to have a moment with my client.
Michael: Okay.
Jack: Okay what?
Michael: You have a deal. John and I will work out a very generous visitation schedule. Set a date with a judge. Diane will sign.
Silva: Let's go to your office now. I'd like to get this over with.
Jack: Diane, where is kyle?
Diane: He's in your office with daphne. You're taking him now?
Jack: I think it would be best for all u us if he started his new life now, yes.
Diane: I'll--I'll go get him.
Jack: Wait, wait, diane... I want to say something to you.
Phyllis: Oh, you know,
sweetie, I'm gonna let you have
a moment alone with diane.
I'll, um, I'll go--
I'll go play with kyle.
So, it was called cattle point.
Of the nation, and subsequentlyne of
Your cruise director, ron
J.T.: You're talking about the walnut grove dance?
Colleen: Yes, but it wouldn't be at the school. We're shutting down crimson lights and having it there.
J.T.: It'd still be a bunch of high school kids, colleen.
Colleen: So?
J.T.: So I didn't like that kind of stuff when I was in high school.
Colleen: Well, maybe that's because you didn't have the right girl to go with.
J.T.: Well, yeah, maybe.
Colleen: Well? Here's your chance to make up for all those times. Please? For me?
J.T.: I hate saying no to you.
Colleen: Does that mean you'll be my date?
J.T.: What about your family?
They'd kill us
if they found out.
Colleen: No, they won'T. It's not like any of them are gonna be there.
J.T.: Somebody might tell them.
Colleen: Who? No one will say a word.
J.T.: I'll think about it.
Colleen: Okay.
J.T.: Colleen, I gotta go.
Colleen: Already?
J.T.: Yeah. Gotta take care of a couple things before it gets dark. But I'll call you later, all right?
Colleen: Promise?
J.T.: Yeah, I promise. Thanks for lunch.
Colleen: Stay warm. It's cold out there.
J.T.: Well, then give me another kiss.
Colleen: Okay.
Lauren: So what does J.T. Hellstrom have to do
with anything?
John: Lauren, please. Now you know the problems that kid has caused me.
Lauren: Well, you did give me an inkling the last time we spoke.
John: Yeah, and I don't want him anywhere near my granddaughter for all the reasons I told you.
Lauren: But I thought you were doing what you could to keep her clear of him.
>>Ohohn: I am, but I can't be certain she won't see him behind my back.
Lauren: You know, if he's as bad as you say he is, I understand your position. I just don't know what it has to do with me hiring billy.
John: Lauren, billy is 18 years old.
He's far from knowing
what's best for him
or for mackenzie,
and isis job is certainly not
gonna help the problem.
Lauren: Well, you know, if you feel that strongly about it, why don't you subsidize him?
John: No, no. I will not endorse the boy's choices by underwriting them.
Lauren: Then I guess he needs a job. I paid full pop for this place when I bought into it, and i think that gives me the right to hire whoever I please.
John: You know, lauren, I hope that I don't wind up regretting this agreement.
Lauren: The ink is dry on the contract, john. Litt l late for regrets.
Wes: Look, whatever I may
or may not have heard
from olivia as far as brad goes,
surely you must recognize
she cannot be objective.
She's far
too emotionally involved.
Ashley: Yeah, I guess you're right. If I were olivia and I found out my rival was pregnant, it might make things look a lot less hopeful than they really are. Well, then how am i going to be certain?
Weswewell, there's only one way. You need to talk to brad.
Ashley: He told me he doesn't know how he feels.
Wes: Ashley, the man's your husband. I'm sure you can read him pretty well by now.
Ashley: I'm not so sure about that. What choice do I have?
Wes: Good luck.
Ashley: Thanks.
Olivia: It's just that
this decision that you
and ashley made to separate
was made in the heat
of the moment.
Brad: If she'd reconsidered, she would have phoned.
Olivia: Maybe, maybe not.
Brad: Besides, the tension between us has been unbearable. I think that's what caused her collapse.
Olivia: Look, I understand the situation is causing you both a great deal of stress.
Brad: Which is why I want to get it over with.
Olivia: I don't mean to upset you by not dropping this point.
Brad: You know, I don't understand why you, of all people,are against a separation.
Olivia: The last time we saw each other, you seemed unhappy about the split.
Brad: Well, it came as a shock.
Olivia: Well, you told me
you thought it was too soon
to give up on the marriage.
Have you changed your mind?
Brad: You're not gonna let this rest until I open a vein, is that it? All right, yes, that is still how I feel. But it doesn't matter, because ash knows that, and it didn't sway her.
Olivia: Yeah, well, that was then. Maybe if you went and spoke to her now--
Brad: Listen, I can't talk
about this anymore.
I have to see my lawyer.
You're looking live at edmonton from our skytracker
atop manulife placegood
afternoon. I'm lesley
macdonald. There's new
evidence that canada is
gearing up to join a u-s led
war on iraq.And a deadly toxin
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cancer patients. We'll show
you how...plus...it looks like
not much has changed in the
average canadian household
when it comes to
That's great.
Go wash up.
Jack: You okay?
Diane: What do you think?
Jack: I know this is hard for you.
Diane: You can't begin to know what this feels like right now.
Jack: I have some idea. I know what it is to spend only weenends, only holidays with our son.
Diane: You know what, jack? It's not the same thing. I am his mother. You know, I've--I have taken care of that baby since the moment he was born. How can I just put that behind me? My heart is being ripped out. You're taking my baby away. So don't tell me you know what this feels like!
Diane: He's all I have.
Jack: Diane, I will never
deny you visitation.
I want our son
to grow up knowing and loving
both his parents.
Diane: I hope you mean that
Jack: I do mean that. I promise you he will get all the love and support we can give him.
Diane: I know that you will be a good influence on kyle, but--
Jack: But you're worried about phyllis.
Diane: Shouldn't I be?
Jack: Diane, phyllis loves kyle. She is going to be every bit as attentive with him as I am.
Diane: Yeah, and pretty soon he'll forget all about me.
Jack: I won't let that happen. How could that happen? You're his flesh and blood, diane. You're his flesh and blood. He still needs you.
Diane: I wish...
Jack: Go ahead.
You wish what?
Diane: I wish it could've been you and me. In spite of everything, I love you, jack. I will always love you.
Jack: Look, we will always be a part of each other's lives.
Diane: (Crying)
Jack: We share the most incredible thing there is--a child.
Diane: So I guess it's over.
Jack: Only the fighting.
Diane: Would it be okay if I, um... could you just let me have a minute with kyle before you--
Jack: Of course. Of course. (Door closes)
Ashley: Thanks for coming by. Frances wasn't available to look after abby.
Brad: No problem.
Ashley: My appointment
shouldn't take too long
at the doctor'S.
B brad: You feeling better?
Ashley: Yeah. Kind of embarrassed I let myself get so run-down.
Brad: I just hope you learned your lesson.
Ashley: Yeah, I have.
Brad: How'd you get home from the E.R.?
Ashley: Uh, my dad.
Brad: Ash, I gladly would have driven--
Ashley: I know, but given the conversation that we had...
Brad: Yeah. I understand.
Ashley: Sorry things got so tense.
Brad: Well, we were both pretty upset by what happened.
Ashley: Maybe we should have waited.
Brad: For what?
Ashley: Well, I mean, you know, to have such a serious conversation.
Brad: What do you mean?
Ashley: Do you want some tea or something?
Brad: Um, no. No, thanks.
Ashley: I was just thinking that maybe we should try to be as rational as possible before having a talk of that kind of magnitude, you know?
Brad: Would it have made any difference? You made your position pretty clear, ash. You needed closure. Have you changed your mind?
Ashley: No. I still need closure, I mean, one way or another. I was thinking that... (keys jingle)
Ashley: What are you doing?
Brad: It's my house keys.
Ashley: I don't get it.
Brad: I understand
that the separation
is important to you.
So I want to give you
my house keys.
I want you to know that I won't
be dropping by unannounced.
We'll schedule all my visits,
and we also need to make
arrangements for colleen.
Aleley: Wait a second. This is moving a lot faster than I expected.
Brad: If this is how it has to be, ashley, I don't see any reason to delay things.
Ashley: I guess you're right.
I'd better get going.
I don't want to be late
for my appointment.
M m C.C. The gateway assoc.,
For community living provides
support and advocacy to
individuals with developmental
disabilities and their
families. They are recruiting
directors for their board to
guide and govern the assoc. If
you are interested call
454-07-01.*****Fort edmonton
park presents this old
edmonton house seminar series
each monday in feb., And march
from 7 to 8:30 pm. These
public seminars address
owning, maintaining and
restoring a historic house.
Pre registration is required.
Call 496-29-..*****the
edmonton single square dancers
are having a valentines dance
on thursday at the central
lions centre on 111 ave. And
113 st. Level of dance is
mainstream and new dancers.
For information on the dance
and the club call 468-18-46.
*****The business link,
business service centre
presents their spring 2003
small business seminars and
brown bag presentations, check
out their new line up of
information packed sessions.,
Call 422-77-22.*****And there
will be a guitar recital
featuring andrew creaghan on
sunday, feb. 23 in stollery
hall at the alberta college
conservatory. Tickets are
available at the door, for
more details call 423-62-?Qext. 38-41.******That's all
for now. Thanks for watching
and we'll see you next time.
Lauren: Doesn't that "closed" sign mean anything to anyone?
J.T.: Hey, I'm not just anyone. I thought we were friends.
Lauren: Oh, well, that's awfully presumptuous. A couple of conversations does not a friendship make.
J.T y you gonna kick me out?
Lauren: You know, that depends. Depends on why you're here.
J.T.: Well, two reasons,
I'm looking for a job,
and I heard you're hiring.
But it--come on, what,
did I say something wrong?Lauren: No. I guess
I just wasn't expecting
you to say that.
J.T.: Well, is that a no?
Lauren: I'm already full-staffed.
J.T.: Oh. Well, look, if anybody drops out, or you decide you need somebody else, let me know, 'cause I really want a shot at this.
Lauren: Okay. I'll keep you in mind.
J.T.: All right, thanks.
Lauren: You said there was two reasons you came by.
J.T.: Yeah. I need a valentine's gift, and buying things for girls is not really my thing.
Lauren: And you wt t my help picking something out.
J.T.: Yeah, well, who better than someone who owns their own department store, right?
Lauren: Right, right.
So I'm assuming
this is for colleen?
J.T.: Yeah.
Lauren: Sure you want to do that?
J.T.: Why wouldn't I?
Lauren: Valentine's day gift, you know, it's a big deal for a girl colleen's age.
J.T.: So?
Lauren: So you sure you want to make that grand a gesture?
J.T.: Hey, look, I care about her, all right? I know this would make her happy.
Lauren: And so you're still ignoring the fact that her entire falyly thinks that she's too young for you, and wants you to have nothing to do with her.
J.T.: No, I'm pretty used to that by now.
Lauren: I see.
I mean, do you really think
that you and colleen
can make this work?
J.T.: What do you mean?
Lauren: Aren't you tired of all this drama? Why don't you just date someone your own age? You know, someone in college.
J.T.: What's up with you?
Lauren: Beg your pardon?
J.T.: You weren't like this before. Now you're just like the rest of 'em. Oh, oh, I get it. Colleen's granddad came by and gave you another one of his evil J.T. Seceches, and this time you bought it, didn't you? That's great.
Lauren: You know something? Nobody tells me what to say or what to think, and I'd advise you never to speak to me that way again.
Diane: (Sniffs)
poor little guy, huh?
You must wonder
what all this fuss is about...
why mommy's crying.
Well, she has to say
goodbye to you, and it'S...
oh, boy,
it's really, really hard.
But you're going to live
with your daddy now,
in a big, wonderful house,
and I know it will be confusing
at first, but your daddy
loves you very, very much,
and he told me--he told me
he's going to take
great care of you.
Just think, kyle,
you're going to have a family.
That's something you've
never had before,
with all these people
to fuss over you
and play with you.
Up until now,
it's just been you and me.
And I have cherieded every
moment that we've had together.
They have been
the happiest times of my life.
But, hey, it's not like we're
not going to see each other,
because we will, I promise.
You be a good little boy
for jack and phyllis, okay?
Diane: Kyle, no one will ever love you the way that I love you. I love you more than words can say. You're... you're my life. You're my whole life.
Jack: Uh, bad timing?Diane: It's never a good time for something like this.
Brad: I hope someday soon
you'll know how much
I love you, little girl,
how much I'll always love you.
You've brought more happiness
into my life
than I ever thought possible.
Sweetheart, if you were older,
I know you'd have
so many questions.
You'd wonder how your mommy
and daddy could have
ever let this happen.
How we could have
let our family fall apart.
Brad: And you'd want to know how I feel about your mommy.
Brad: And that's a very complicated question. But then feelings are a very complicated thing.
Wle in
J.T.: Hey, look, I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude. It's just I'm tired of hearing the same old stuff, you know, over and over.
Lauren: Lashing out at somebody who isn't the enemy isn't going to help.
J.T.: I thought you understood about colleen and me.
Lauren: You know,
I also understand the abbotts'
point of view, and I explained
that to you the last time
we were together.
But I listened
to your side of it.
J.T.: Yeah, you did, and I spilled my guts to you. I told you how much I cared about colleen, and I thought you heard me. So for you to suddenly get on my case about this...
Lauren: Look, I don't doubt that you have sincere feelings for colleen. But even you've got to admit-- I mean, your relationship has caused a lot of problems. I just don't see how the two of you can continue without getting hurt.
J.T.: I'm not walking away from her, not after everythingwe've been through. Look, I gotta go. I still gotta get a valentine's gift.
Lauren: J.T.?
J.T.: I'll take it.
Diane: Well...
I guess this is it.
Phyllis: (Whispers) come here, sweetie. Come on.
Diane: Jack, please take very, very good care of him, will you?
Jack: You know I will.
Diane: If he gets sick, if he even gets the sniffles, I want to know.
Jack: Absolutely.
Diane: I mean, I've always been there for him when he--
Jack: Diane, I know. We'll do everything we can to make him happy.
Diane: Okay.
>>Hyhyllis: Listen, diane-- diane? If it's any consolation, I know what you're going through. I had my son taken away from me.
Diane: You be a good boy
for daddy, okay?
Oh, and, jack,
you can't forget bobo,
his little teddy bear,
because he cannot go to sleep
without it.
Jack: Diane, we won't forget.
Diane: Okay. Okay, okay, okay. You go with them. Bye, sweetie. I love you so much. Okay.
Jack: Hey, buddy. Okay. There you go.
Phyllis: Hey.
Phyllis: We were playing lots of games.
Diane: (Sobbing)
Phyllis: You were playing lots of games earlier.
Jack: Okay, buddy.
Phyllis: Hey. (Door closes)
Phyllis: Hey, we were playing games, right?
Diane: (Sobbing)
Diane: (Screaming)
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