Friday Y&R Transcript 1/31/03

Y&R Transcript
Friday 1/31/03--Canada; 2/3/03--USA

Provided By Eric

 Victor: I better go to the main house. 3E3B073E.JPG

 Victor: I care about you very deeply. You're a beautiful woman with two beautiful children. And why my son can't see that is beyond me.

 Sharon: Is that how you really feel about me?

 Victor: Yes, of course.

 Sharon: Is that how you really see me?

 Victor: Why do you ask?

 Olivia: God, ashley's pregnant.

 Dru: Liv?

 Olivia: My god, I thought you left already.

 Dru: No, I decided to hang around, see how ashley w doing.

 Olivia: Yeah, well, she's gonna be fine.

 Dru: Good, so it wasn't as serious as we thought?

 Olivia: I really can't discuss it with you. 3E3B0798.JPG

 Dru: Right, that doctor-patient confidentiality thing. Mm-hmm. How are you doing?

 Olivia: I'm busy.

 Dru: Ooh, you don't have 30 seconds for your own sister?

 Olivia: No, I don'T. Can you stop harassing me? I'll call you later.

 Dru: Wow, what is wrong with you?! My god! Can you look at me?

 Olivia: What?!

 Dru: Did something go down in the E.R. Room between you and brad carlton?

 Olivia: How many times do I have to say this? Stay out of my business.

 Dru: You know, I'm gonna make it my business. You are my blood, olivia, and I am worried about you.And every time I see you, you are more and more stressed. Now it is your prerogative if you don't want to talk to me, but you better know this-- I will find someone who will talk to me, starting with brad carlton. 3E3B07C4.JPG

 Olivia: Wait--

 Ashley: Well?

 Reese: Everything looks fine.

 Ashley: How's my blood sugar?

 Reese: Well, it's back to normal, which is what I expected.

 Brad: Well, that's good news.

 Reese: Now I meant what I said earlier. You need to take better care of yourself.

 Ashley: I know, and I will.

 Reese: Well, it's especially important now.

 Ashley: What do you mean now?

 Reese: Didn't dr. Winters talk to you?

 Ashley: No, why?

 Reese: Well, make sure you see her before you leave.

 Ashley: Was there something I need to know?

 Reese: Well, I'll let your friend tell you.

 Brad: So ash is free to go home now? 3E3B07E5.JPG

 Reese: As soon as she fills out the release forms, and I'll have those sent in.

 Ashley: Okay, thank you, doctor.

 Reese: You're welcome. Don't forget to see dr. Winters.

 Ashley: Okay.

 Brad: Thanks, doc.

 Reese: You bet.

 Jill: Oh, god, you make me wanna howl at the moon!

 Larry: Well, then, howl away. I dare ya.

 Jill: Oh, yeah, right, with katherine downstairs.

 Larry: Oh, come on. Who cares who hears us?

 Jill: I care. I mean, that old woman's well has been dry for a long time, if you catch my drift. If she heard us made love, it'd probably be a turn-on. For her, it wouldn't surprise me if she was standing outside the door right at this very second. 3E3B082E.JPG

 Larry: Jill.

 Jill: What?

 Larry: Stop talking.

 Kay: Dear god in heaven, elizabeth foster!

 Liz: Hello, katherine.

 Kay: Come in. Come in, dear. My lord, it's freezing. Oh, it has been such a long time.

 Liz: Oh, yes it has.

 Kay: Ohh! Oh, there. Let me help you with your coat.

 Liz: Thank you.

 Kay: Oh, my goodness, it is wonderful seeing you again. So, uh... how are things in jolly london?

 Liz: Oh, just fine, but one place is just about the same as another when you get used to it.

 Kay: Yes, well... don't tell my travel agency that. Sit down, darling, please. Sit down. Ah, well, now... 3E3B0869.JPG

 Liz: You look real well.

 Kay: Thank you. I feel wonderful. And you?

 Liz: Fit as a fiddle.

 Kay: Well, that's great. That's good. The boys?

 Liz: Oh, they're fine. Snapper is the light of my life. Greg's quite the world traveler now. We hardly see him, maybe once or twice a year. Everyone's fine.

 Kay: All right, tell me dear, dear friend, what is the world brings you back to genoa city?

 Liz: Is jill here? Kathinine, I need to spend some time with my daughter. 3E3B0958.JPG

 Victor: This did not happen.

 Shan:N: I--but I thought--

 Victor: You weren't thinking. Do you understand that? You weren't thinking. You had a terrible day, you're very upset, you had a fight with nicholas, you're very vulnerable and you're very alone.

 Sharon: You're right. You're right, that's exactly how I feel--

 Victor: And you must not give in to those feelings of desperation ever again. You did that before, and it tore your life apart.

 Sharon: I did. I feel so empty, and you have been so kind and so caring.

 Victor: Don't you understand? I care deeply about you, but I care about my son. I care about your family. And you must now do everything in your power to put your life with nicholas back together again. 3E3B0987.JPG

 Sharon: Victor, you know that I already--

 Victor: Sharon, sharon, listen to me. This divorce must not go on. You've got to stop it. You have the power to put your marriage with nicholas together again.

 Nikki: Hey, sweetie, I thought I heard somebody come in.

 Nick: I'm not staying long.

 Nikki: Did you come to see sharon?

 Nick: Can we please not talk about her right now?

 Nikki: Okay. I'm glad you're here.

 Nick: Why's that?

 Nikki: Well, the last couple of days have been, uh... rather difficult.

 Nick: Mom, come on.

 Nikki: Relax, I'm not gonna ask you for advice. 3E3B09FB.JPG

 Nick: Well, good, because advice iththe last thing you want from me right now.

 Brad: You sure you don't wanto talk to olivia?

 Ashley: Do you? Oh, silly question. Of course you do.

 Brad: All right, look, ash, there's something I need to say.

 Ashley: If it has to do with olivia, I don't want to hear it. Because there's nothing you could say that would make things right between us.

 Brad: I just want to clarify--

 Ashley: It's abundantly clear what's going on-- she's making moves on you every chance she gets.

 Brad: Olivia has promised that she's going to back away. She made the decision on her own. She's not pressuring me at all. 3E3B0A1B.JPG

 Ashley: If there's one thing that I know for certain, she's got you in her sights.

 Jill: You know what else I hate about living with katherine? It's that you and i can never be together.

 Larry: We're together right now, aren't we?

 Jill: No, I mean, outside of the bedroom. The rest of the house we have absolutely no privacy. That nosy old biddy is always lurking around.

 Larry: Could we please get back to the original topic of conversation? The, um... non-verbal one.

 Jill: I'm sorry, it's just that she infuriates me so much.

 Larry: You know, I still don't get exactly why that is.

 Jill: That's because I've never told you all the horrible things she's done to me. 3E3B0B43.JPG

 Larry: Well, since I can't seem to change the subject, why don't you fill me in?

 Jill: No, I am t t gonna give you all the ugly details. Suffice it to say that there has always been bad blood between us, and there always will be.

 Larry: I find that surprising since...

 Jill: Since what?

 Larry: Never mind, um... just forget it. I shouldn't even say anything.

 Jill: Why not?

 Larry: Because you'll probably end up throwing something at me.

 Jill: Larry, tell me.

 Larry: Okay, okay. All I was going to say is that it really surprises me that you two hate each other so much since you two are so much alike. 3E3B0B70.JPG

 Jill: What, are you trying to insult me?!

 Larry: No, no, jill, listen. Okay, all I'm saying is that you two both have a lot of the same qualities. You're very strong, you're very independent, you're very confident women, okay? You're both determined to get whatever it is that you want. This... this is a compliment.

 Jill: Oh, well, pardon me if I don't thank you for it. My life would be so much easier if katherine weren't in it.

 Larry: Well, so long as you're both living under the same roof, you're just gonna have to deal with it. And I do have a simple solution if you want to hear.

 Jill: Really, what is that?

 Larry: Just, um, pretend that she's not there. Act like she's a piece of furniture or a painting on the wall. Just totally ignore her. 3E3B0BA4.JPG

 Jill: Like it's possible to ignore that screaming crone.

 Larry: Come on, jill, at least give it a chance, okay? All of this negativity is not good for you. What?

 Jill: I love it that you are concerned about me.

 Larry: Oh, really?

 Jill: Really.

 Olivia: Drucilla, I do not want you talking to brad!

 Dru: You know, I don't have a problem with that as long as you're straight with me, as long as you tell me what the real deal is.

 Olivia: You're overreacting.

 Dru: Good-bye.

 Olivia: Okay, okay, okay. I will tell you this much just so you'll back off.

 Dru: I'm listening.

 Olivia: You know what? I've been a bit stressed lately. 3E3B0BDB.JPG

 Dru: A bit?

 Olivia: Yeah, it's not what you think. It's not brad. You know, it's just seeing ashley in the E.R. I mean, we used to be best friends, and despite everything, it just got to me.

 Dru: You told me that she was gonna be okay.

 Olivia: Yeah, she will. I mean, she had low blood sugar.

 Dru: Mm-hmm, that's it?

 Olivia: Why are you looking at me like that?

 Dru: 'Cause I believe you are holding out on me, honey.

 Olivia: I'm not. I'm just relieved that she's gonna be all right. That's it.

>>Ruru: I'm not buying it.

 Olivia: Look, I don't appreciate being interrogated like this. I'm fine, ashley's fine-- that's all you need to know. Just drop it. You know, it's all gonna be moot soon anyway. 3E3B0C09.JPG

 Dru: What's that supposed to mean, sister? Hmm?

 Brad: Not this again.

 Ashley: You weren't there when I talked with her, and she seemed pretty damn confident that she was gonna get her man. Kinda makes me wonder where that confidence comes from, brad.

 Brad: You know what? We're getting sidetracked here. I don't want to talk about olivia. I want to keep the focus on us-- what we were talking about earlier.

 Ashley: What, the separation?

 Brad: Yeah. We need to discuss that.

 Ashley: What's there to discuss?

 Brad: Is that really what you want? 3E3B0C33.JPG

 Ashley: Yes, and you know why. It'll give you a chance to explore your options, and it'll give me some closure.

 Brad: I guess, um, I guess we could both use some time to think.

 Ashley: Believe me, if I thought there was any other choice...

 Brad: No. No, I agree. This won't be easy, ash. None of this has been easy. At least we're not closing any doors, right?

 Ashley: Well, they seem pretty closed to me.

 Brad: Well, I don't see it that way. I mean, nothing's really changing. I haven't been living at the house for a while now and...

 Ashley: You're not hearing what I'm saying. 3E3B0C67.JPG

 Brad: What do you mean?

 Ashley: This is more than where you sleep at night. I'm talking about us taking one step short of a divorce-- a legal separation.

 Kay: Well, here is some nice hot tea to take that chill off. Um, you take nothing in it, as I recall?

 Liz: I was surprised to learn that you and jill are sharing the same address, especially this one.

 Kay: Yes, well, i still in a state of shock myself.

 Liz: Does this mean that you two have buried the hatchet?

 Kay: Oh, elizabeth, if we have, my dear, it's a very shallow grave.

 Jill: Stop it. You're gonna make me fall down the stairs. Don'T. 3E3B0C98.JPG

 Larry: No, you won'T. Anyway, I will catch you.

 Jill: Yeah, but as famous last words--

 Larry: Trust me.

 Kay: Jill--

 Jill: Great, look who's here.

 Larry: Hello, mrs. C.

 Kay: Hi, larry. Hello. Jill, your, um--

 Jill: Katherine, don't you have a bingo game or something you can go to?

 Kay: Jill, you're, um--

 Jill: Honest to god, a person wants a moment's privacy. She's always lurk-- mama.

 Liz: Hello, jill.

 Nikki: So why wouldn't I want advice from you?

 Nick: Because I gotta be the biggest fool that ever lived.

 Nikki: Oh, come on, don't say that. 3E3B0D3E.JPG

 Nick: Why not, mom? It's the truth.

 Nikki: Honey, why are you acting this way? Something is very wrong.

 Nikki: Did something happen with sharon?

 Nick: Mom, how do you stand it?

 Nikki: How do I stand what? What are you talking about?

 Nick: Nothing.

 Nikki: What do you mean? Don't tell me nothing. What did you mean by that?

 Nick: It's just everything that you have to go throug you know, the constant trauma in your life, the disappointments, things not being what they seem. How do you do it? Aren't you sick and tired of living your life like that?

 Sharon: Now you're doing it, too, victor. 3E3B0D74.JPG

 Victor: I'm doing what?

 Sharon: Placing all the responsibility on me, telling me that I'm the one that should do something to save my marriage, when I have. Nick is the one that moved out, and he's treated me like dirt.

 Victor: Sharon, please, just remember that you're not entirely blameless either.

 Sharon: Now you're blaming me, too? So it's all my fault?

 Victor: No, I'm not saying that. This is certainly not all your fault. But this is not about who's fault it is anymore. This is about you saving your family. And making your two beautiful children happy.

 Sharon: I can't answer their questions anymore. When they ask me about daddy, I don't know what to say. 3E3B0DAD.JPG

 Victor: Then you just tell them that you're trying to keep your marriage together. Don't tell them you're filing for divorce. That is not what they want to hear, trust me.

 Sharon: I can'T. I'm drained. I don't have any fight left in me.

 Victor: You must summon every bit of energy you have left to try to make this marriage work. Excuse me.

 Sharon: Is that your head again?

 Victor: (Grunts) don't worry about it?

 Sharon: I do worry. I worry about you. You said that you had a drink on top of those pills that I gave you. Why?

 Victor: I don't want to talk about me. 3E3B0DE2.JPG

 Sharon: You wouldn't have done that if you weren't upset. What's going on? Is it you and nikki?

 Victor: I don't want to talk about it.

 Sharon: I'm right, aren't I? You two were fighting because of me. Because you've been kind to me, and nikki just wants to throw me to the wolves.

 Victor: Just understand where she's coming from, you know? Her son is hurt, so she's very protective right now.

 Sharon: Well, I understand she's driving you to drink. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean that. I didn't mean that.

 Victor: It's all right.

 Jill: Oh, mama, this is so unexpected. 3E3B0E0E.JPG

 Liz: I suppose I should have called ahead.

 Jill: No, no, no, it's not that I'm not glad to see you, it's just, you know---

 Liz: Surprised.

 Jill: Yeah.

 Liz: Well, I didn't plan this trip, but something came up and I... who's your friend?

 Jill: Oh, I'm sorry, mama, this is larry warton. Larry, my mother.

 Larry: Hello, mrs...

 Liz: Foster. Liz foster.

 Larry: It's nice to meet you.

 Kay: Larry, would you do me a favor and drive me into town?

 Larry: Sure, uh, no problem. How long you think you're going to be there?

 Kay: Well, I am going to be meeting brock, and he can drive me home. Elizabeth, you know, do you understand I am issuing an invitation to you for you to stay in my home for as long as you wish? 3E3B0E38.JPG

 Liz: Oh, katherine, that's very kind of you. Thank you.

 Kay: Larry, pick me up around back.

 Larry: Yes, ma'am. It was very nice to meet you, mrs. Foster. Have a good evening.

 Liz: Thank you.

 Larry: Jill.

 Jill: Mom, I'm sorry.

 Liz: For what?

 Jill: Nothing. It really is good to see you now that the surprise is over. How are my brothers?

 Liz: Oh, they're just fine.

 Jill: I miss them, of course.

 Liz: Of course.

 Jill: So you said something came up? Everyone's all right, I hope.

 Liz: Well, not exactly.

 Jill: All right, now you're scaring me, mom. What is it? What's going on? Who is it? 3E3B0E68.JPG

 Liz: It's me. I have to have an operation.

 Jill: Is it serious?

 Liz: So they tell me.

 Jill: What is it?

 Liz: Well, I've got something growing inside my head.

 Jill: A tumor?

 Liz: It's not cancer, but it's getting bigger, and it has to come out.

 Jill: Why didn't you tell me about this?! I would have come to you.

 Liz: No, I didn't want to do it that way.

 Jill: Do what?

 Liz: I need to talk to you. Sit down.  3E3B0F9E.JPG

 Brad: You want a legal separation?

 Ashley: You seem so surprised.

 Brad: It's a very serious step, ash.

 Ashley: It's a very serious situation. After everything that's happened, and everything that's been said about the state of our marriage, don't you think we're just kidding ourselves? You think there's any hope?

 Brad: All right. Listen to me. This has been a very difficult time, and I know things don't look good, but I also know th w we have been through the emotional wringer. And this is not a time to be making a big decision like that. It's too soon. 3E3B0FC8.JPG

 Ashley: I wish that was true. I wish it didn't seem so hopeless, brad. But I have to be realistic, especially when I see the impact this is having on my health.

 Brad: I agree, of course. We have to be careful about your health, that has to be our number-one priority. And now at least we can be alert to the warning signs.And we won't be living together, so we can avoid any big confrontations. There would be so much left hanging between us.

 Brad: We can use this time to sort through our feelings.

 Ashley: No, brad, I know what my feelings are. You need a chance to find out where things stand with olivia, to see if there's any potential for that relationship, especially given how focused she is on you. 3E3B0FFC.JPG

 Brad: Ash...

 Ashley: No, she's in love with you.

 Brad: She stepped back, I told you that.

 Ashley: Yeah, sure she has.

 Brad: It's the truth, whether you want to believe it or not.

 Ashley: You want to really tell me the truth? How far have things gone between olivia and you? Have you slept with her? Oh, god. Well... that settles any questions about a legal separation.

 Brad: Ash.

 Ashley: No, um, I think we've said enough, and it's time to let our attorneys do the talking.

 Brad: I'll sign the release papers.

 Liz: Your brothers arranged for the best surgeons in the country to work on me. 3E3B103E.JPG

 Jill: Good.

 Liz: And according to snapper, this operation used to be much more dangerous than now.

 Jill: Yeah, technology--

 Liz: Still, no one knows how it will turn out.

 Jill: But the prognosis is good, right?

 Liz: Well, I didn't say that. The prognosis is-- I could be fine, I could be dead or somewhere in between.

 Jill: Oh, my god. Mom, how can you be so calm about this?

 Liz: Oh, what good is it going to do to fall apart? Look, I've had a good life. It hasn't always been easy, but I've got nothing to complain about.

 Jill: Mama.

 Liz: Oh, don't, girl, I can't have you getting sentimental. 3E3B1067.JPG

 Jill: It's sentimental to be afraid? I mean, look at you, you're a vital woman. This isn't fair.

 Liz: Oh, that's nonsense. No one lives forever.

 Jill: I know that. It...

 Liz: But nothing. Nothing. I didn't come here to cry over this. Now I've made my peace with it, and that's that.

 Jill: Well, is it all right with you if I haven't made my peace with it? I mean, you come in here, and u u tell me this, and what am I supposed to say, "good-bye. Good luck. Nice knowing you"?

 Liz: No.

 Jill: You're my mother. Of course I'm gonna be upset.

 Liz: Oh, but, honey, it won't change a thing. 3E3B1089.JPG

 Jill: Let me go with you. I can put everything on hold here.

 Liz: No, no! I don't want that. I didn't come for that. I don't want anybody hanging around worrying. It's just me and the doctors.

 Jill: But you're gonna need somody there.

 Liz: No. You pray. That will be enough. The good lord will watch over me.

 Jill: Are you sure?

 Liz: Oh, I'm sure.

 Jill: I will pray.

 Liz: Well, good. How is life treating you, girl?

 Jill: Oh, ups and downs. Nothing I can't handle. Don't worry about me, mom.

 Liz: Oh, I think about you more than you realize. 3E3B10B6.JPG

 Jill: Oh, mom, I think about you, too. We never get together.

 Liz: Well, we're together now, and I'm glad.

 Jill: So you just came here to see me in case...

 Liz: That and, uh... and something else.

 Jill: Something else? What, mom? Mom, what is it?

 Liz: Uh, don't rush me. I practiced what I was gonna say all the way over here on the plane, and now the words just won't come.

 Nikki: Well, I guess that answers my question-- you have seen sharon.

 Nick: Oh, yeah, I've seen her, all right.

 Nikki: Did you try to change her mind?

 Nick: Change her mind?

 Nikki: Well, I know she wants a divorce. 3E3B11CD.JPG

 Nick: How do you know that?

 Nikki: Actually--

 Nick: Let me guess. Dad told you, right?

 Nikki: Yeah.

 Nick: Of course he did.

 Nikki: Why do you say it like that?

 Nick: I bet dad knows exactly what sharon wants.

 Nikki: Honey, in case there are any doubts, I want you to know I don't agree with your father's attitude where sharon is concerned. And why he is so determined to give her support, I don't understand.

 Nick: You have no idea?

 Nikki: .. Not really, but it seems that he is convinced that your marriage should be salvaged at any costs.

 Nick: He said that to you, that he wants me and sharon to get back together? 3E3B11FC.JPG

 Nikki: Yes. Honey, you are not acting yourself. Is there something else going on that I need to know about?

 Nick: I gotta go.

 Nikki: Where are you going?

 Nick: I don't-- anywhere but here.

 Nikki: Nicholas, wait. (Door closes)

 Sharon: I'm sorry.

 Victor: It's all right.

 Sharon: No, no, I know your life is messed up, too, and I'm acting like I'm the only one with any problems.

 Victor: You can't solve my problems for me. But you can do something about your own.

 Sharon: Can I?

 Victor: If you want to. It'll take a lot of hard work, but every time you feel lonely and vulnerable, you cannot throw yourself at other men. 3E3B1249.JPG

 Sharon: I'm sorry. I... I don't know what I was thinking. I, uh... I just got carried away. But... you know, it's just been so long since a man has touched me like that, and I just--I needed that. You know, I'm so tired of feeling unwanted and cheap all the time.

 Victor: Sharon, you're not cheap. Please, you can't think of yourself that way. You're a beautiful woman. If I were you I'd put all of my energies into saving your marriage. All right? Don't throw everything you have away. Think of what you have.

 Sharon: It's nick who's throwing everything away. I have told him a thousand times I want our marriage, but he won't hear it. He won't hear it. So I'm moving on. I have to have some kind of a life. And now... I'm sure I've made things worse. Kissing you like that, you must think horribly of me. 3E3B129E.JPG

 Victor: I don't think horribly of you. But what happened was a moment of desperation, and you and I must now forget that it happened. No one need know about it, no one will know about it, no one can know about it.

 Jill: You shouldn't be reluctant to tell me anything. I mean, anything at all, especially now.

 Liz: Yes, now, it is the time.

 Jill: You're gonna be fine, you know? I mean, doctors do amazing things nowadays. You read about it all the time.

 Liz: Listen, girl, I told you that I have made my peace with this. Now I have. But that doesn't mean that I haven't looked at my life, because I have a lot. I mean, what I've done and what I haven't done. 3E3B12D2.JPG

 Jill: Oh, mama.

 Liz: Now hush, because I'm not going to be able to go through this--

 Jill: I will not hush. No! I mean, if we're gonna have this talk, I'm gonna tell you that you have been a wonderful mother.

 Liz: Thank you.

 Jill: I haven't been a very good daughter.

 Liz: Oh, now u u stop right there. This isn't about keeping accounts. I remember when I first looked at you, I was happier than I've ever been in my life.

 Jill: Oh, mom. You had greg and snapper.

 Liz: Well, of course, and I was very proud of my sons. They were fine little boys. They were full of mischief and wildness and... I had prayed for a girl. I wanted that special bond that only a mother and a daughter can share. 3E3B1301.JPG

 Jill: And we had that, didn't we, when I was little?

 Liz: Life got complicated... difficult.

 Jill: Yeah, after daddy left.

 Liz: But I don't regret a thing. I mean, as far as I am concerned, you are my girl, and always have been. I wouldn't trade one minute of it.

 Jill: Wait, I'm confused.

 Liz: Well, I'm trying to explain.

 Jill: Yeah, but you just said, "as far as I'm concerned." What does that mean?

 Liz: Just let me talk. I mean.. yes, your father left us, but bill loved me. Bill loved all of us as much as he could. When we were young, he said he lived for my smile. He would do anything to make me happy. 3E3B1334.JPG

 Jill: Mom, where are you going with this?

 Liz: Bill knew how much I wanted a girl, only when...

 Jill: Only, what?

 Liz: When greg was born, medicine wasn't as far advanced as it is right now. I mean, when something went wrong, it couldn't always be fixed.

 Jill: Something went wrong? I don't understand.

 Liz: Inside me.

 Jill: And...?

 Liz: I couldn't have any more children. W rice cckck

on super sugar drink.

 Dru: What do you mean, all of this is gonna be moot soon?

 Olivia: I told you too much already.

 Dru: No, you told me diddly-squat. 3E3B1429.JPG

 Olivia: Damn it, drucilla, I couldn't even if I wanted to. I shouldn't have told you about the low blood sugar-- will you just go, okay?

 Dru: Calm down! My god, girl, listen, it's okay. Let it out. I know this has been difficult. Okay? It's gonna be okay.

 Brad: Liv, uh--

 Dru: Brad?

 Brad: Sorry to interrupt.

 Olivia: Drucilla was just leaving. I'll call you later.

 Dru: Um... I was glad to hear that ashley was gonna be okay.

 Brad: Thanks.

 Olivia: So you're ready to take ashley home?

 Brad: Pretty soon. Just waiting on the paperwork.

 Olivia: I'm glad you're here. There's something I have to tell you. 3E3B1458.JPG

 Brad: I know.

 Olivia: You do?

 Brad: Yeah. Dr. Walker told ash and me to come see you before we left.

 Olivia: Well, let's go down. I should tell the two of you together.

 Brad: I don't know that's such a good idea. Ash made it pretty clear she doesn't want to hear anything you have to say.

 Olivia: Why doesn't that surprise me?

 Brad: Well, just go ahead and tell me, ovivia.

 Olivia: Fine. And you'll tell her.

 Brad: Well, I'll give that a shot. I don't know if she'll speak to me directly. I may have to go through her lawyer.

 Olivia: Lawyer? 3E3B1489.JPG

 Brad: There's something I have to tell you. Ash and I made a decision about our marriage. We're filing for legal sepatition.

 Jill: Mom, the way you're talking... are you sure that you're all right?

 Liz: What do you mean?

 Jill: Well, you know, it's just that there was something growing in your head...

 Liz: What? You think that I'm remembering things wrong? No, honey.

 Jill: Yeah, but I was there, you know? It was my life. There was snapper and me, and there was greg, and we were your children. So I think you've got something mixed up, because if you couldn't have any more babies, that must have been after me. I was the youngest. Do you understand? 3E3B14B7.JPG

 Liz: Jill, honey, I haven't lost my mind. Not yet. Please. I know this isn't easy. Lord knows I've wondered if I shouldn't have told you long ago, but it just didn't seem to matter. And then when I learned that I could be dying, that-that I could lose my memory... I had to tell you.

 Jill:Elell me what, mom? The way you're talking, it sounds like I'm adopted or something.

 Liz: You were the sweetest thing, all wrapped up in a pink blanket when bill brought you to me. And from that moment, you have been mine--

my little girl.

 Jill: My god! That is what you're saying. I'm not your child. I was somebody else's, and you adopted me. That's what you're telling me. Oh, mom.

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