Thursday Y&R Transcript 1/30/03

Y&R Transcript
Thursday 1/30/03--Canada; Friday 1/31/03--USA

Provided By Eric

 Victor: I suppose you went to see ashley with all of your foolish suspicions.

 Nikki: Please, don't start with me.

 Victor: Why do you insist on harassing that woman?

 Nikki: Victor, please, I don't want to talk. I don't want to argue with you about ashley or about anything. What, you still have your headache?

 Victor: Yeah, it's pretty bad.

 Nikki: Of course, you wouldn't dream of having it checked out. 3E39B5DF.JPG

 Victor: No, it's not necessary. I'm taking pain pills for it.

 Nikki: You are? So you called the doctor and got a prescription?

 Victor: No.

 Nikki: Well, where did you get the pills?

 Victor: Sharon gave them to me.

 Nikki: Sharon?

 Victoria: Just hold up for a second.

 Sharon: Leave me alone! Look, if you came over here just to dump on me.

 Victoria: Just give me a minute!

 Sharon: I have had enough torment forne day!

 Victoria: From whom?

 Sharon: Who do you think, victoria? Nicholas, my soon-to-be ex-husband.

 Victoria: Oh, for god's sake. What is wrong with you? This is the worst mistake you could make. 3E39B62B.JPG

 Dru: Hey, doc.

 Olivia: Well, hey, long-lost roommate.

 Dru: Me? What about you? I never see you anymore.

 Olivia: How's it going, the new living arrangements?

 Dru: Well, you know, lily's feeling things out.

 Olivia: Lily, yeah. What about y a and neil?

 Dru: What? Nothing. It's too soon to tell.

 Olivia: So far, so good?

 Dru: Would you stop?

 Olivia: Okay, okay, okay. I won't jinx it. Subject closed... for now.

 Dru: Good, 'cause I really want to talk to you about your tall, dark and handsome friend.

 Olivia: Drucilla...

 Dru: No, no. Hey. See this thi above my head? It's called a halo, and I earned it because I didn't pester you. But everything has a limit, especially when we're talking about you and your man. You all finally realized that you belong together, so give me the skinny. I want to hear all the details. Don't hold back. Come on. 3E39B65B.JPG

 Paramedic: B.P. A little elevated--140/90. Pulse 92, normal rhythm.

 Reese: All right. Thanks, charlie. We'll take it from here.

 Charlie: Great. Thanks.

 Reese: She fainted?

 Brad: Yeah, yeah. We were just standing there in the living room, and the next thing I kw,w, she's on the floor.

 Reese: She have any symptoms? Complaints?

 Brad: I know she'd been feeling kind of lousy lately, and she hasn't been eating much.

 Reese: Any history of heart problems? Diabetes?

 Brad: No.

 Reese: Nurse, draw a C.B.C. And chem panel.

 Nurse: Yes, doctor.

 Reese: Anything else I should know? I'm aware of the cancer. Your wife still on chemo? 3E39B682.JPG

 Brad: No. It wrapped up a few months ago.

 Reese: And since then everything's back to normal? No other symptoms?

 Brad: No. You know, doc, it's been kind of a stressful time lately. Any chance that that contributed to ashley's collapse?

 Reese: I need to examine her. Why don't you wait outside?

 Lauren: So can I count on the four of you?

 Raul: You're really going to give us all jobs?

 Lauren: Actually, you'd be doing me a great favor. What did I miss?

 Mac: It's just that-- never mind. We are totally psyched, lauren.

 Billy: Yeah, no kidding. Can we start yesterday?

 Lauren: Eager is good, especially in retail. 3E39B6B9.JPG

 Brittany: But this isn't a sure thing, right? It sounds to me like it's still in the planning stages.

 Billy: Now don't be a wet blanket, britt.

 Brittany: I'm not, billy.

 Lauren: No, actually, she's right. I'm still negotiating to buy into the boutique, but I should know today whether the board approved it or not.

 Raul: But you obviously think it's gonna happe t though, right?

 Mac: Yeah, if you're talking about hiring.

 Lauren: Oh, absolutely. I'm proceeding as if it's a done deal, because I want to hit the ground running.

 Billy: Cool. So, like, what would we be doing? Same as before?

 Lauren: Only without the cameras. 3E39B6D6.JPG

 Raul: Oh, you hear that babe? I'm sorry. No more internet star.

 Brittany: Oh, my public.

 Lauren: I'll try and cushion the blow.

 Billy: So we talking green stuff?

 Lauren: Okay, getting down to the bottom line. I like that. All right, since you're all experienced and have a following, I was thinking about a nice hourly with commission, and a very generous employee discount.

 Brittany: Ooh, how generous?

 Billy: Look at her eyes light up.

 Brittany: Well, you're darn right. That's a major incentive. Plus, I'm sure we'll have to look the part.

 Lauren: Oh, brittany, I may have to make you manager. 3E39B6F5.JPG

 Raul: No, no, no, no. Anything but that, please.

 Billy: It sounds great, lauren, all of it.

 Mac: Yeah, where do we sign?

 Lauren: Okay, one step at a time.

 Raul: Right now it's knock on wood time.

 Lauren: That is right.

 Billy: When are you meeting with the board?

 Lauren: I should be on my way. I'll find out, and I'll let you know. Keep your fingers crossed. Okay, bye.

 Billy: See you.

 Brittany: Bye.

 Raul: Man, I hope this comes though.

 Brittany: Well, it better, 'cause right now it's our only option.  3E39B7D3.JPG

 Cody: Boss? Trevor's covering the register. You okay?

 Nick: Yeah, perfect. So did everyone enjoy the show?

 Cody: I wouldn't worry about it.

 Nick: So my tramp of a wife o o just served me divorce papers is out there coming on to some guy who I rough up. And then we start yelling at each other every sordid thing that happened in our marriage. Now that's entertainment, cody. We should just start selling tickets.

 Cody: Look, nick, maybe it's not my place, but I really don't think it's the end oththe world.

 Nick: Yeah, just the end of my marriage.

 Cody: No, not even, unless that's what you want. 3E39B7FE.JPG

 Nick: What are you saying, cody? You think there's still hope? Even after the way sharon stormed out of here?

 Nikki: Sharon gave you narcotics?

 Victor: She gave me pain pills, all right?

 Nikki: Well, victor, what the hell do you think you swallowed? I know a little bit about this. Remember? I was addicted to pain killers. My life was a nightmare!

 Victor: You're overreacting as usual, as soon as our daughter-in-law's name comes up.

 Nikki: I don't know who has worse judgment, you or sharon, giving you prescription medication when what you really need is to see a doctor. I don't know what she's thinking. 3E39B826.JPG

 Victor: Will you stop attacking sharon, for heaven's sake? She's filing for divorce. That's how alienated and alone that poor girl feels.

 Nikki: Well, that poor girl has brought it on herself. Unless you're going to blame me for that, which...

 Victor: I blame my eirire family and its lack of compassion.

 Nikki: Well...

 Victor: And if you want to blame someone, you should blame our son, all right? He's about to lose his wife, and he doesn't seem to give a damn.

 Nikki: If I were in h s shoes, I wouldn't either. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

 Victor: That's e most mean-spirited thing I've ever heard you say. 3E39B854.JPG

 Nikki: What can I say? You and ashley inspire me.

 Olivia: You know what? You already know more about what happened with brad than I would have preferred.

 Dru: Oh, ululd you quit it, liv? Now I have been good. Matter of fact, I've been really good, and all I want is a teensy-weensy update.

 Olivia: Well, I don't have one, okay? Nothing to report.

 Dru: Mm-hmm. Okay. You're going to act like brad carlton didn't try to-- okay, he's too classy for that.

 Olivia: Too classy for what?

 Dru: A booty call. Wham, bam, thank you, ma'am. All right, you're going to try and be discreet?

 Olivia: I know it's a foreign concept.

 Dru: We are sisters. What planet are you from? Sisters share things. 3E39B8B4.JPG

 Dru: Well, even if I wanted to, I couldn'T. Things are in limbo right now, which is fine by me.

 Dru: Oh, you're having buyer's remorse.

 Olivia: What? No, I'm not. About the other night? Making love with him? No.

 Dru: Yeah, hallelujah for that.

 Olivia: What I would have remorse for is if I were pushing him into something he's not ready for.

 Dru: What? Like a commitment?

 Olivia: No, you don't-- his life is confusing right now. 'S's hurt. I'm not gonna start making demands on him.

 Dru: Confusing? That man was not confused when he came over here. He took what he wanted. He was not trying to play backgammon with you. 3E39B8D3.JPG

 Olivia: You know... his life is a lot more complicated than you think.

 Dru: You think he needs like a kick start?

 Olivia: No, no, no, what he needs is a chance to make his own decision without any pressure from anyone.

 Dru: Let me get in there! I can I work him! I can--

 Olivia: Look, look. I need him to choose me with his heart and his arms wide open. Anything less, I wouldn't want that for myself. It wouldn't work, and it wouldn't be right.

 Dru: All right. I hate it when you're right, but you're right. Okay.

 Olivia: I didn't say it was going to be easy.

 Dru: You took the words right out of my mouth. I mean, to stand back from the man-- 3E39B8F8.JPG

 Brad: Olivia--

 Olivia: Brad!

 Brad: Ash is down in the E.R.

 Olivia: What happened?

 Brad: I don't know. We were home. She just collapsed.

 Olivia: Well, who's the attendant? Is it reese down there?

 Brad: Yeah, and I know he's good but...

 Olivia: Let's go.

[Music throughout]

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 Mac: Lauren sounded pretty positive.

 Billy: It feels like a sign-- her walking in here offering us jobs, right after our folks cut us off.

 Brittany: Wait till frederick and anita find out their baby can actually survive without a platinum card. 3E39BA10.JPG

 Billy: So should we crack open the papers again? Keep looking for places?

 Raul: Totally, man. Hey, just think, baby, this time tomorrow we could be signing a lease.

 Billy: Hey, come on, you two. Get a room.

 Raul: That is the idea, my man.

 Mac: When were you planning on talking to your dad?

 Billy: I guess I shouldn't put it off, huh?

 Brittany: Maybe he'll be more reasonable than your mom.

 Billy: Sure would be cool-- one trickle of cash. But, hey, no matter what he says, we're doing this, guys. Gotta go.

 Mac: Bye.

 Jill: You have everyone's proxy, I assume?

 John: Mm-hmm. The rest of the board was strongly in favor of this. I do have a problem. Lauren obviously lowballed the buy-in figure. Now if you look at the bottom of page-- are you paying attention to me? 3E39BA52.JPG

 Jill: You have no idea what your son is planning, do you?

 John: Billy?

 Jill: No, val kilmer. Yes, billy! John, it's breaking my heart.

 John: What? What is going on?

 Jill: Guess where he's going to college now. G.C.U.

 John: He's what?

 Jill: Yeah, he announced it to me this morning. We have no input in this. So brown university is just out the window. And you know what else? He's planning on living with mackenzie and raul and brittany in some little apartment off campus. I mean, three stellar influences, right, I can hardly wait to see his grades.

 John: You can't be serious about this. 3E39BA80.JPG

 Jill: Oh, I'm very serious. All three of them have given up the opportunity of going to top-tier schools to just hang out and be slackers together.

 John: (Sighs)

 Jill: Say something, john.

 John: What's there to say? I'm very disturbed about it. I mean, he's obviously doing this for all the wrong reasons.

 Jill: I know that, and I told him I would refuse to finance this. And I hope you support that position and not condone this for one minute.

 John: Where is my son? I want to talk to him.

 Jill: Oh,'m'm sure he knows that. I'm sure he knows you want to talk to him.

 Lauren: Hello? Hi. You guys ready to rumble? 3E39BAA6.JPG

 Sharon: My divorcing your brother would be a big mistake? Gee, I thought you couldn't wait to get me out of your fami..

 Victoria: Look, I have just come from the worst encounter I have ever had with my father, and I am totally beat up right now.

 Sharon: Well, then you must know how I feel most of the time lately.

 Victoria: Will you just let me say this, please? My dad told me you're filing for divorce. And the whole time we're having this horrible argument, the only thing I can think about is, my god, how did we get to this place? I mean how is this happening? We're saying these horrible things to each other. We're having this huge fight all the while knowing that he and my mother are having problems, and knowing cassie is miserable, and nicholas is miserable. This family has been torn apart for months. And every time you think it can't get any worse some new horrible thing happens. It's got to stop, sharon. It's got to stop with you. 3E39BAE4.JPG

 Sharon: Oh, with me? Really? Why? Is that because I started it because I slept with diego? Gee, you know, I didn't know it was time for my daily whipping.

 Victoria: Will you just shut up and let me say this? It's important. Make things right with nicholas. Find a way. Stop throwing the "d" word around. Stop making threats. Just meet each other halfway. It's the only way that any healing is going to start in this family.

 Sharon: Bravo, really. That was a beautiful speech. It's too bad you didn't make that when I still had some hope, when I needed the support of someone in this family. You know, the only person who has even cared one iota is victor, and it's too late now! My marriage is over. Nicholas is being served divorce papers today. So thanks a lot for trying, and better luck next time. 3E39BB16.JPG

 Victoria: No, there won't be a next time. Not with me, not with nicholas, not with anyone. ()

 Olivia: Brad, ashley's still unconscious. We're waiting for the test results. Should be coming down from the lab any minute.

 Brad: Yeah, but what do you think it could be?

 Olivia: Oh, just a minute. Jason, is that the test results for mrs. Carlton? Great.

 Reese: Re-check the drip.

 Nurse: Right where it should be.

 Man: We have a panic value, doctor.

 Reese: Change that saline to a sugar push--50% glucose. She's hypoglycemic.

 Brad: Low blood sugar?

 Olivia: Yeah, that could've caused the fainting or unconsciousness. 3E39BBDA.JPG

 Brad: Yeah, but it could be a symptom in itself, right? Of something bigger?

 Olivia: Look, if you're worried that it's the cancer...

 Brad: Yeah, of course I'm worried, liv.

 Olivia: Well, it could be a lot of things less dire. Let's not jump to any conclusions.

 Brad: I told reese that ash had been going through kind of a tense time, and he seemed to react to that.

 Olivia: Well, that's natural. He's got to check out all the possibilities.

 Brad: No, listen. Ere's more. Right before she collapsed, we were arguing. It got pretty intense. I hope to god that didn't contribute--

 Olivia: Okay, don't go there. Okay? Let's just wait till we get more information. 3E39BC01.JPG

 Nurse: Not too fast now.

 Reese: How do you feel?

 Ashley: Am I in the hospital?

 Reese: You passed out in your living room.

 Ashley: I did?

 Reese: Apparently, your blood sugar dipped too low. Your husband called an ambulance. Has this ever happened to you before?

 Ashley: No.

 Reese: Do you remember what you were doing before you fainted?

 Ashley: I was talking to my husband.

 Reese: When was the last time you had something to eat?

 Ashley: I haven't felt like eating lately.

 Reese: No appetite?

 Ashley: No, I've been kind of sick to my stomach and kind of dizzy. 3E39BC28.JPG

 Reese: Your husband mentioned some of that.

 Ashley: Is he here?

 Reese: He's out in the waiting room. I'll call him in shortly. But first I want to know a little bit more about your symptoms.

 Cody: Now when you came in here before everything blew up, how did you feel?

 Nick: What? About sharon?

 Cody: Yeah, man. You had flowers, jewelry, big plans for tonight.

 Nick: Yeah, once a sucker...

 Cody: Come on, nick. Answer the question. How did you feel? What did you want?

 Nick: I thought I wanted my wife back.

 Cody: No, man. You didn't think it. You knew it. 3E39BC5B.JPG

 Nick: Yeah, wel t then I got the divorce papers, cody.

 Cody: Yeah, and what did I tell you? They're papers. That's it.

 Nick: What the hell do you know? You been through something like this? Is this some kind of pep talk?

 Cody: If you don't want to listen to me, that's fine. I understand. It's just--I feel like I know your family a little. You and sharon were great together. You got great kids. And it'd be a real shame to give up on that if there's even a glimmer.

 Nick: Yeah, but, cody, after what just happened out there? I mean, come on.

 Cody: You had a knockdown drag-out. So what? You know, those things help. Maybe get some of that bad stuff out of your system. 3E39BC83.JPG

 Nick: I saw sharon with that guy, and I just lost it. So what are you telling me? That I should just forget what happened and go on aplplanned? Try and patch things up with sharon?

 Cody: No, man. Forget what I said. Listen to your gut. And how are you gonna feel if you could have apologized, maybe made a fresh start, but instead you gave up? That's enough of my "dear abby." I'm going back to work.

 Nick: Hey, cod'. Thanks.

 Cody: Yeah. (Knock on door)

 Victor: Hi.

 Sharon: Oh, victor.

 Victor: Who were you expecting?

 Sharon: No one, no one. Come on in. I'm so glad it's you. 3E39BCC9.JPG

 Victor: What happened? Is anything the matter?

 Sharon: Victoria was here.

 Victor: And what did she want?

 Sharon: She's placing all the responsibility for every problem this family is having on me. Other than that, it was a perfectly civil conversation.

 Victor: I'm sorry to hear that. It's ridiculous on her part to blame you for everything. That's just ridiculous.

 Sharon: That's the way things are these days. Everything is my fault.

 Victor: Well, or mine, perhaps.

 Brad: You're awake.

 Ashley: Yeah, I guess my blood sugar was too low.

 Brad: That's what I hear.

 Ashley: Where's abby? 3E39BE08.JPG

 Brad: She with the nanny. She's fine. You don't have to worry. How are you feeling?

 Ashley: A little shaky.

 Brad: Me too. I see they have you drinking some juice.

 Ashley: I think the doctor wanted to ask me some questions, brad.

 Brad: Sure.

 Ashley: Alone. Right, doctor?

 Reese: It's probably best if she isn't distracted. It won't take long.

 Brad: Okay. I'll be right outside.

 John: Now, lauren, as I mentioned on the phone, jabot is very interested in the synergy that could be achieved by this joint venture.

 Lauren: Well, that's great. Because if this boutique downstairs turns out, I'd plan on committing floor space in every one of my retail stores. 3E39BE43.JPG

 Jill: Now do we have that in writing, or are we just going to be taking your word for it?

 John: We can discuss that down the road. However, given your desire to move forward quickly, I've had our legal department draw up a partnership agreement.

 Lauren: Oh, good.

 John: I think you'll find everything in there that we discussed with one exception. The buy-in figure. After careful analysis, we've come up with a price that we think more accurately reflects the market value of the boutique. Now if you look at page three, bottom line figure.

 Lauren: John, this is twice what I offered.

 John: And your offer, we felt, was artificially low. 3E39BE6D.JPG

 Lauren: And you don't think this counter is even a bit outrageous?

 Jill: This isn't a fire sale, lauren. You approached us.

 John: And there's an addendum showing how we arrived at the figure.

 Lauren: With all due respect, I am bringing my retail experience, my original designs to your declining outlet.

 John: If you want to jump on this, it's gonna have to be at our price. If y find that you're not interested, we'll start looking for other partners.

 Jill: But we do thank you for the idea.

 Lauren: Okay. I want it. Do you have a pen?

 John: Certainly. Now this is an agreement in principle. I've signed both copies, and I'm sure our attorneys can work out the details. And if you feel like getting the ball rolling, I will have my secretary lydia provide you with some keys. 3E39BEA8.JPG

 Lauren: Thank you. I'll definitely keep in touch. Thank yo j john.

 John: Thank you.

 Lauren: There you go.

 John: All right.

 Lauren: See, I almost stole your pen.

 Olivia: I'm sure she's gonna be fine. You know, she's just not taking care of herself.

 Brad: Yeah, probably hasn't eaten much of anything in days.

 Olivia: Same goes for you, you know. You gotta take care of yourself. How are you holding up?

 Brad: Liv, this whole thing is just such a mess. T t just for ash and me, it affects abby, colleen... you.

 Olivia: Don't worry about me.

 Brad: I do.

 Olivia: You know, I meant what I said before-- no pressure. 3E39BEFE.JPG

 Brad: You have no idea how much I appreciate that. It was so weird just now.

 Olivia: Weird?

 Brad: Ash and iavave been so close for so long. Just now when I looked at her, I had to wonder if I even knew her anymore.

 Nurse: You can go in to see your wife now, mr. Carlton.

 Brad: Thank you.

 John: Well, how about that?

 Jill: How 'bout that?

 John: Mm-hmm.

 Billy: Mom, dad. Heard you were both in here.

 John: Well, I'm glad you stopped by.

 Billy: I figured mom would want to get to you first.

 Jill: Billy, your father is as unhappy about this as I am. 3E39C01C.JPG

 John: And I didn't appreciate being the last to know. This is a huge change in your plans. And I'm sure it's something that's been in the works for some time.

 Billy: If I had come to you when I first thought of it, would it have made any difference?

 John: Frankly, no. I'd have the same objections.

 Billy: I'm sure I already know what most of them are.

 John: Billy, G.C.U. Is not brown university. Now you're walking away from a magnificent education. And for what? Because you're lonely in louisiana? You know you can come home anytime.

 Billy: I know that, dad. That's why I'm staying. If I learned anything in my time away, it's that I want to be here now. 3E39C049.JPG

 Jill: With mackenzie, shacking up. That's what this is all about.

 Billy: Mom was totally in the boat about my staying in town till she heard that part.

 John: Hey, I don't approve of it, either.

 Billy: What's so terrible?

 John: Billy, I'm just so disappointed in you. Son, you have your entire life ahead of you. This is a horrible decision.

 Billy: Okay. So what's the bottom line? You cutting me off, too?

 John: If you continue to defy me, I am certainly not going to underwrite this.

 Billy: You're not paying for llllege?

 John: Tuition and books only.

 Jill: All other expenses are strictly your own. 3E39C075.JPG

 Billy: I'm sorry you both feel this way.

 John: Well, I'm sorry, too. Billy, this is a terribly unwise decision.

 Billy: I just don't see it the way you do.

 Jill: So you're going ahead with this?

 Billy: We've already started looking for a place together.

 John: And how do you intend to pay your share of the rent?

 Billy: I was offered a job today.

 John: What kind of a b?B?

 Billy: I'm working for lauren fenmore at the boutique. We all are. I'll see you around.

 Victor: I just can't believe that victoria would come here and just attack you.

 Sharon: Well, in all fairness, it wasn't her intent.

 Victor: What was her intent? 3E39C0AF.JPG

 Sharon: She was begging me to make things right with nick.

 Victor: Do you think you can do that?

 Sharon: Victor, what you don't know is nick and i had a huge fight.

 Victor: When?

 Sharon: Earlier at the coffeehouse.

 Victor: About what?

 Sharon: I was talking to this guy. I was just talking. Nothing else happened.

 Victor: And nicholas saw you?

 Sharon: Yeah, he became irate. He completely lost control.

 Sharon: He was cruel. He started calling me names. It made me sick. If there was ever any doubt about the future of this marriage, there isn't now because it is over. He wants it to be over. 3E39C0D8.JPG

 Victor: Let me ask you something. Sharon, what do you want it to be?

 Sharon: I told you. I can't go on like this. I mean, it's killing me. It is killing me. How much abuse am I supposed to take? I know I screw u up big time. I've admitted it. But I can't keep being punished over and over again. And now to be publicly humiliated, you see, there's just-- there's nothing left to salvage.

 Victor: I think there is. The fact that nicholas reacted the way he did when he saw you with another man means that he cares about you very deeply. Why don't you just go see a counselor, you know? Don't give up. 3E39C113.JPG

 Sharon: I don't want to. I don't-- I don't want to be with a man that doesn't want to be with me. I don't-- I don't want to be with a man that thinks that I'm not clean enough or I'm not good enough. You know, I am so tired of defending myself to nicholas, to nikki, to my daughter, to your daughter. They all look at me like I'm some kind of unclean piece of--I don't know.

 Sharon: Victor?

 Victor: Ooh. Excuse me a minute. Let me sit down.

 Sharon: Are you okay? Victor, what is it? Victor, are you okay?

 Brad: You starting to feel better?

 Ashley: Yeah, definitely.

 Brad: Doc say anything I should know about? 3E39C219.JPG

 Ashley: Not really. Kind of scolded me a little bit.

 Brad: Not taking care of yourself. Ashley: Right.

 Brad: You really gave me a scare, ash.

 Ashley: Yeah, that makes two of us.

 Brad: Were there any warning signs? Something I should have picked up on?

 Ashley: Don't blame yourself. I should have been paying mo attention to my body and what's going on. It was a hell of a wake up call. I'll tell you that much.

 Brad: So there were signs. You just ignored them. Why?

 Ashley: That's a good question. Probably because I've been so down on myself because of what I've done to you. I've just been super anxious, you know, and really stressed out and... now it's affecting my health, brad. And I can't go on like this. 3E39C254.JPG

 Brad: I don't want you to.

 Ashley: Do you understand what I'm saying? It's not for my sake or for yours.

 Brad: Abby.

 Ashley: Yeah. I mean, the one thing that I really understand after everything I've been through in the last year, is how important it is that I be there for my little girl.

 Brad: I totally understand.

 Ashley: So knowing that this isn't good for any of us...

 Brad: What's on your mind, ash?

 Ashley: Nothing I'm happy about. Look, I understand that you see me differently now, and maybe that won't change. Probably, it won'T. And there's olivia. 3E39C286.JPG

 Brad: Let's not get into that.

 Ashley: Oh, no, I-- I--I gotta get into that, brad, because the two of you are getting closer, and I can't take that on a daily basis, not on top of everything else. I simply can't handle it. It will destroy me if I even try.

 Brad: I wish I could say something reassuring, but I can'T. I'm still trying to sort through all of this right now.

 Ashley: Yeah, I realize that.

 Brad: And?

 Ashley: The more I think about it, we only have one option. And I think it would just be better for us if we officially separate.

 Brad: Are you really-- are you really sure? 3E39C2C6.JPG

 Ashley: Oh, yeah. Yeah. You know, it'll give you a chance to explore whatever it is you need to explore with olivia. And it'll give me some closure, which I am desperately going to need if I'm going to keep it together.

Reese: Mr. Carlton still in with his wife?

 Olivia: Yes.

 Reese: I know they're clese friends of yours. I just came from the lab. You wanna give 'em the good news?

 Olivia: What news?

 Reese: I ran an additional test after questioning ashley. Nhcg--she's pregnant. Listen, I got a page. They're bringing in two trauma patients. Take care of this for me? 3E39C303.JPG

 Olivia: I'll handle it.

 Reese: Great, and I'll be back to look in on mrs. Carlton as soon as I can.

 Sharon: Victor, are you okay? This really worries me. Is it your head again? You know, you really need to see a doctor.

 Victor: I did a very silly thing.

 Sharon: What?

 Victor: (Groans) after I took the pain pills you gave me, I took a double shot of tequila.

 Sharon: Why would you do that?

 Victor: Oh, I had an argument with someone. Thank you for your concern, okay?

 Sharon: Why wouldn't i be concerned? You're the only person that's shown me any concern in a long time. 3E39C33F.JPG

 Victor: I'd better go to the main house.

 Victor: Please stop worrying so much. You're a very beautiful woman with two beautiful children. Why your husband can't see that is beyond me.

 Sharon: Is that what you really think of me?

 Victor: Yes. Why wouldn't I?

 Sharon: Do you really see me?

 Victor: Yes.

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