Y&R Transcript
Friday 1/24/03--Canada; 1/27/03--USA
Provided By Eric
Isabella: Are you sure you got your information straight about my ex-husband?
Michael: Why would my contact lie? James isn't up for parole, work rease or anything of the kind.
Isabella: There's only
one explanation.
Michael: She was a fake, isabella. She was an imposter.
Isabella: Yeah, but why? Just to see how I would react if james was released?
Michael: Given you were so concerned when she mentioned it.
Isabella: I told you I just wanted her out of my apartment.
Michael: After telling paul and anyone else who would listen that you were terrorized by james, that he stalked you... attacked.
Isabella: Michael, that was almost two years ago.
Michael: So what? Paul forgot how you came into his life?
Isabella: Look, do you really think that lynne sent that woman to see me?
Michael: Unless
you can think of anyone else.
Michael: All right. All right, one more time, think. Describe kelly simmons. What did she look like?
Isabella: Dark hair, attractive, southern accent. That's not important, michael. What's important is why is she here?
Paul: You know, andy, I'm really sorry for dragging you into my mess.
Andy: Hey, what are friends for?
Paul: You mean that?
Andy: Yep.
Paul okay, then, uh... do you mind telling me what's the deal with diane?
Andy: There's no deal.
Paul: You went to see her, right?
Andy: Yeah.
Paul: So... why?
Andy: No special reason.
Paul: So after
all these years,
you're still interested?
Andy: Maybe, okay, you know. Ok, despite what everybody else feels about her, okay, I think that somewhere in that woman there is a good human being.
Paul: Okay, you know, maybe this is none of my business, but you've been divorced from farren a long time, right?
Andy: Yeah.
Paul: When you first came to town, you were wearing your wedding ring. Why?
Andy: Protection.
Paul: Protection?
Andy: Women can't resist me.
Paul: Must be quite a problem.
Andy: I can't go anywhere... some beautiful chick will throw herself at me.
Paul: That would be
damn inconvenient
if you were in a hurry.
Andy: If I don't keep them at bay, I can't get any work done.
Paul: So this wedding ring thing works, huh?
Andy: Oh, man, I... I'm settling in.
Paul: Wow. If settling in means you've got your eye on diane jenkins, maybe I got to figure a way to settle you out.
Victor: Did you call mrs. Newman?
Miguel: Yes, sir. She and victoria will not return home until they hear from you.
Victor: What about the others?
Miguel: Sharon will be spending the night at her mother's with the children.
Victor: I'm sure
they all have some questions.
Miguel: Yes, but I handled it.
Victor: Good, miguel. Thank you.
Miguel: See you, hombre. (Speaking in spanish)
Victor: I think we're all set. Diego, I want you to go down to the service gate, let them in. All right? You know the code?
Diego: Yeah, I got it memorized.
Victor: Okay, and then you bring them up to the house.
Larry: Where I'll be waiting for them out front.
Victor: Exactly.
Now I want you to use this key,
and you unlock
the security system
as you come in.
How about the safe?
Larry: Got my tools right here.
Victor: But remember, I want you to pretend to work on the tumblers because I already unlocked the safe. Is that clear?
Larry: It's a good thing, too. 'Cause busting boxes isn't exactly, you know, my specialty.
Victor: In due me, I'll make my presence known. Meanwhile, I want you to call the cops. Hopefully, they'll get here in time to make the arrests. Any questions?
Larry: Dude, you haven't said anything. You got a problem?
Diego: Yeah, it's not gonna happen. Not that way.
Victor: What do you mean
it's not gonna happen?
Larry: Dude, it's too late to be switching plans, man. Wee been over this a dozen times.
Diego: Yeah, but the more I hear it, the less I like it.
Larry: And why's that?
Diego: I feel like a fifth wheel.
Victor: You listen to me, and listen carefully. You do it my way. You're already more involved than I prefer.
Diego: You think I'll screw it up.
Victor: You have already screwed up!
Diego: Look, mr. Newman--
Victor: You put my family in harm's way, son. Now you're asking me to fix it!
Diego: I have a beef
with these guys, mr. Newman.
I'm not gonna screw it up.
Don't worry.
Victor: We do it my way, you got that? Let me show you the safe.
Phyllis: Now do you see why we should celebrate?
Jack: Is this what I think it is?
Phyllis: Our smoking gun.
Jack: That's your cell number?
Phyllis: That's right. With specific instructions what to do.
Jack: "Phyllis, the server is down. We can't figure out what the problem is. You'd better come to the office."
Phyllis: Right, which is exactly what I did, as you recall. I left the wedding.
Jack: Only the server wasn't down.
Phyllis: No. No, I figured
it was a hoax, and so I went
back to my car.
That's when I saw the lipstick
on my dress, and I went
back home to change.
Jack: Which puts you back in the house when the fire was started.
Phyllis: Uh-huh, read on. It gets better.
Jack: "Whatever she suggests, say you tried that and it didn't work, and call the following number when you've made the call."
Phyllis: That's diane's cell phone number, by the way. Look at the date.
Jack: Date of the newman wedding.
Phyllis: Right. That's diane's handwriting.
Jack: It sure is. This is unbelievable. Where'd you find this?
Phyllis: I got it
from the guy who made the call.
He identified diane
from a picture that I had.
He said that she had him
rehearse it over and over again,
and she left him the note
just in case.
Jack: How did you get him to confess all that?
Phyllis: Bought him a shot of whiskey.
Jack: Wait, you went back to that bar alone after you promised me you wouldn't?
Phyllis: I promised you I wouldn't go back with paul. Listen, it doesn't matter how I got it. The fact is, we have this. Jack, this is the answer to our prayers.
John: Thank you.
Gina: Okay, great. Bye-bye. Oh, it's you.
Diane: Wow, gee, what a lovely greeting. Maybe we should go someplace else.
Gina: What can i do for you, diane? Well, obviously, we're here to eat. Unless that's too much trouble.
Gina: A table or booth?
Diane: You know, gina
doesn't sound very happy
to see me.
Gina: Don't be ridiculous. I'm always happy to see kyle.
Diane: Okay, enen kyle and i would like a booth. On second thought, we'll join john.
Gina: Wait a minute, diane. Just let the man eat in peace, okay?
Diane: Excuse me, gina, but there's something I need to tell him.
Gina: Diane, please.
Diane: I hope it's not too much trouble if we join you for a minute.
John: You're about the last person I would want to talk to right now.
Diane: Okay, be that way. I just thought you'd like to say good-bye to your grandson.
John: What do you mean "good-bye"?
Diane: Kyle and i
are leaving town in a few days.
We're going to spend the rest
of the winter in florida.
Jack: You do know what this means, don't you?
P phyllis: Of course, it's proof that diane framed me.
Jack: Why would this suddenly surface now? Why hasn't anyone found this before now?
Phyllis: I don't know, call it a stroke of luck. This guy wasn't even supposed to be in town. Diane paid him to leave.
Jack: Only he came back.
Phyllis: Right.
I was in the right place
at the right time.
I don't know, call it destiny.
Everything that I've
gone through at the hands
of that freak!
And now, you know what?
This is what we need...
to put her away
for a long, long time.
Jack: Wh--wh--wh-- what are you doing?
Phyllis: I'm paying a little visit to the D.A. We're going to the D.A.'S office. Come on, get your coat.
Jack: Phyllis, phyllis.
Phyllis: What are you doing? Why are you just standing there?
Jack: I think we need to discuss this.
Phyllis: What do we need to discuss?
Jack: What the implications are if we turn her in.
Phyllis: If? Excuse me, if? If? She'll be arrested, just like I was. Do you remember that?
Jack: We would not only be punishing diane. We'd also be punishing kyle.
Phyllis: Diane doesn't
deserve another day with kyle.
She's insane.
She's a criminal.
Are you kidding me?
Jack: We both know that diane and kyle are totally bonded. He's been-- she's been in his life every day of his life. He will always want some kind of relationship with his mother. Think of the trauma if he has to visit her behind bars, knowing that his stepmother and his father help p put her there.
Phyllis: I haven't-- what are you saying to me, that he'll sympathize with diane?
Jack: Or he could just hate us.
Phyllis: Jack.
Jack: Honey, at the very least, he will constantly be torn between his mother and us.
Phyllis: What do you
want to do?
I'm afraid to ask.
Jack: I want to do what's best for kyle. We do anything less, we're just as bad as diane.
Isabella: Michael, if lynne is behind this and she goes to paul, do you realize what that could mean?
Michael: Trouble, probably.
Isabella: How can you be so calm? My marriage, my family-- everything is in jeopardy.
Michael: All right, isabella, please just keep it-- keep it together. We don't know this woman was a private detective. Or even if she is, that lynne had anything to do with hiring her.
Isabella: Okay, who else? What's another explanation?
Michael: Well, it could be
typical government inefficiency
or another james franklin
up for parole.
Isabella: Who you trying to convince--me or yourself? This is not a bureaucratic screw-up, michael.
Michael: I guess there's too much at stake here to rely on assumptions.
Isabella: Yeah, we have to find out the truth.
Michael: You go to lynne. If she had anything to do with this, you'll be able to see right away.
Isabella: I go to lynne. You're suggesting I talk to lynne?
Michael: I certainly can't do it. The woman has no idea we had any connection before you hired paul for protection.
Isabella: How am I supposed toto talk to lynne without raising her suspicions?
Michael: Just play it
Tell her about this visit
from kelly simmons,
that you're very curious.
Isabella: Okay, I could tell her I lied to the woman, and that the truth is I am nervous about james getting out.
Michael: Oh, good lord, no, please, just don't gild the lily. Try and determine if lynne had anything to do with this. That's all. Go on. Do it. We can't let this thing get away from us.
Andy: I am not thinking of starting anything with diane. You know how it is.
Paul: No, I don't know how it is.
Andy: When you go back a long way with somebody, you just... you care about what happens to them.
Paul: Andy, as I recall,
the breakup was pretty ugly.
Andy: Yeah, yeah, it wasn't the best. I mean, she pretty much-- she pretty much dumped me for jack.
Paul: Right, which hurts.
Andy: Yeah, it hurt. Jack lost interest and she wanted to kiss and make up.
Paul: It's too late then.
Andy: I wasn't interested. I'd met farren, and I didn't exactly trust diane anymore.
Paul: So why now?
Andy: I didn't say I trust diane now, okay? Look, if you're all worried I'm gonna get involved with diane, don't, okay? Like I said, diane's confused. She goes after things, on some level, she doesn't think she deserves. So she doesn't play fair.
Paul: So you think
that she didn't playaiair
with jack this time?
Andy: I don't know. But it's pretty mind-boggling to think that shs still hung up on a guy after how many years? Do I sense a little fixation going on there?
Paul: You know what I think? I think you need a new woman in your life. You're a young stud. Why go back after trouble?
Andy: What do I have to do to convince you I'm not going after diane.
Paul: I don't know. See other people, you know? We're in a coffeehouse. Tatalk to somebody.
Andy: They're a little young in here.
Paul: Well, not everybody. I'm sure we can find someone who would be age-appropriate. What about this lady right here?
Andy: Uh, yeah, yeah,
she's really my type.
Paul: You could do worse. Take a look at her.
Andy: Williams, give it a rest, okay?
Paul: She's all alone, reading the newspaper. Come on.
Andy: Fine, let her come over here and ask me. Okay, it's modern times.
Paul: Let's just go over.
Andy: What?
Paul: Talk to her. All we do is talk to her.
Andy: Not her. Not her.
Paul: Why not? It doesn't have to be a permanent thing. Look at it as a scrimmage, not a league game, you know? You need to practice. Get your motor running again.
Andy: It's like riding a bike, okay? I don't need any practice. I can do this.
Paul: Well, then do it.
Prove me wrong.
Let's go. Come on.
Andy: Okay, okay.
Christine: Something I can do for you fellas?
Larry: You got your gun nearby, I hope.
Victor: There's no need for guns.
Larry: Are you kidding me? Both of these goons are gonna be packing heat for sure.
Diego: Larry's right. You ought to be armed.
Victor: I said no.
Larry: Whatever you say. But if they start to panic, I'm not--
Victor: I will keke care of things. Don't you worry. Both of you get out there and wait for these goons. They're due any minute. Let's go.
Diego: Go ahead, larry. I'll be right out.
Victor: I meant you go
out there as well, diego.
Diego: Look, mr. Newman, I'll go along with your plan, but I just want you to know I'll cover your back if you need me.
Victor: Now you listen to me very carefully. From now on, you follow my instructions. Don't play hero, because you'll get hurt. You got that?
Diego: How come you can't understand the way I feel? Okay, I was wrong to set this up without consulting you. But, damn it, I was attacked. I was left for dead.
Victor: This is not the time to discuss this.
Larry: Hey, head's up. I just got a call on my cell. They just left the main road.
Victor: He'll be right out.
Now listen to me.
You think that I should
understand why
you want a payback.
I understand that.
You will get a chance
to pay those two bastards back.
I promise you that.
Meanwhile, ianant you
to get your behind
to the service gate
and take care of things.
You got that?
John: You're leaving town for the entire winter? For god's sakes, why?
Diane: Kyle hasn't been feeling well. We're going to stay in miami until the weather changes and it's safe to return.
John: Oh, please, now that is ridiculous.
Diane: In florida, he'll be able to feel the warmth of the sun... play outside, run around in the sand. The last few months he's been so cooped up inside, except for the rare occasion when I've needed to take him out, and then he's so bundled up he can hardly move.
John: Just, please, save it. Now the child looks fine and you darn well know it.
Diane: Well, he isn't fine.
Frankly, all this craziness
and tension swirling around him
hasn't helped.
John: Now we have gone out of our way to protect him from that.
Diane: Well, still, I think children are very perceptive. I think what kyle needs is some time alone with mommy, huh? It's what I need, too.
John: Does jack know about this?
Diane: Yes.
John: He's not going to allow it.
Diane: I'm afraid he won't have a choice. There will be a hearing soon, and then kyle and i will be on our way.
John: You're not going to get away with this.
Diane: I'm afraid there's nothing you can say about it.
John: Gina, would you do me a favor?
Gina: Sure.
Would you just, please,
take the baby a minute.
I want to talk to her.
Gina: I'd love to.
Diane: Excuse me?
Gina: I'd love to. It will be a lot of fun.
Diane: Fine.
Gina: You want that? I'll give that to you, sweetie. How about a roll, too? Good. Hi, sweetheart.
John: Now that child is not sick, and you damn well know it.
Diane: We just came from seeing the pediatrician. He fully supports this trip.
John: And you always have a way of finding someone who will say exactly what y w want.
Diane: Surely, john, as a parent, you understand that I must do whatever I can to take care of my child.
John: Give me a break.
You only care about one person--
Diane: This is about what's best for kyle. I'm not playing games. Not everything is a competition, which is something you abbotts fail to realize.
John: Oh, this is bull, and you know it! This is all about you. It always has been!
Diane: Will you calm down? Look, I came to your table so that you could spend a little time with your grandson. Then you shoo him away with gina so that you can attack me, which I think says a lot about your priorities, doesn't it?
John: You have the nerve to make me the villain?
You, who burned down
my pool house.
You tried to frame
my daughter-in-law
of an attempted murder.
And now you have the audacity--
the stinking audacity--
to take my grandson.
Gina: Oh, my god.
Diane: John! Somebody--
Gina: Take your child. John, are you all right?
Diane: Are you okay?!
Gina: What's wrong, are you-- look what you've done.
Diane: What I've done?
Gina: Get out of here. Get out of here now! Get!
Diane: Okay.
Gina: John, okay, take some deep breaths. Take some deep breaths. Do you want me to call the doctor?
John: No, I'll be fine. Just give me a minute.
Gina: Okay, here, have some water, honey. Please, have some water.
Jack: Honey, a little boy's
life is at stake.
We have to be very careful
how we handle this.
Phyllis: All these ntnths, all I wanted was to see diane suffer the way I've been suffering, to see her behind bars.
Jack: I understand you want justice.
Phyllis: Don't you want justice, jack?
Jack: I also know how much you love kyle. I realize I'm asking for a major sacrifice on your part.
Phyllis: Want to rip up the note? Is that what you want to do?
Jack: No. God, no. We've been given a gift here. I want to use this to our fullest advantage.
Phyllis: How?
Jack: I have a plan.
You're gonna have to trust me
on this.
Can you do that?
Seth: Where's warton?
Larry: Right here, man. What's the matter? Your nerves getting to you?
Seth: Man, just open the damn door.
Diego: It's all clear.
Bobby: Where's the safe?
Diego: Over there by the bar.
Seth: You know whatou're doing?
Larry: It's a piece of cake, man.
Seth: What the hell are you doing?
Paul: So my friend and i noticed that you were alone.
Andy: Haven't seen you here before.
Christine: It's my first time.
Andy: Mind if we sit down?
Chrtitine: If you'd like.
Paul: So, uh, you're not from here?
Christine: Now how'd y'all guess?
Paul: Well, by the accent.
Christine: Yeah, south carolina.
Paul: Yeah,
that's a beautiful state,
south carolina.
Andy: I've been to charleston a few times.
Paul: We travel a lot, and we be talking to strangers, you know, make newcomers feel welcome.
Andy: I'm andy richards. This is paul williams.
Christine: I'm kelly simmons.
Andy: This way we feel like we're gonna get a friendly reception when we go to unfamiliar turf. It's like traveler's karma.
Christine: Does it always work?
Paul: Well, most of the time I have to say it does. You know what? I am late for an appointment,
I I gotta run, but nice to meet you, miss simmons. And I'll talk to you later.
Andy: Yeah.
Diego: I'm just
standing here.
You got a problem with that?
Seth: Yeah, I do. You oughta be over by the window.
Bobby: Yeah, somebody's gotta be a lookout.
Diego: Fine. There's no one out there, but if it will make you dudes happy, I'll do it.
Seth: Man, how long is this going to take?
Larry: It's hard to say, man.
Bobby: Well, make it fast!
Larry: Whoa, whoa, whoa. You want to take over, man, see if you can do any better?
Seth: Chill, bro. Let the man work. You got five minutes, du and not a minute more.
Larry: Just stay off my back. Yo, man, where's guittierez?
Seth: Damn! I told him to be at the window!
Larry: Whoa,
I can see the tumblers, guys.
It won't be ng now.
Bobby: I don't know. Maybe guittierez saw something and went outside to check it out.
Seth: Go look.
Bobby: I don't like this, bro.
Seth: Yeah, me either. I'm starting to smell a rat.
Larry: Whoa, hold on, guys! Oh, I smell something a whole lot sweeter. Ha ha! Hey, check this out. And there's a whole lot more where that came from.
Seth: Well, well, look at that.
Bobby: Hot damn!Oh, yes. Oh, yes.
Victor: May I ask you what I can help you with, gentlemen? Be real cool, man. Be real cool.
Diane: Wee e going to have
such fun, sweetie.
Florida is such a wonderful
place to spend the winter.
You will love the beach.
Mommy will help you
build sand castles,
and we'll play in the surf,
and no one will be able
r us.
That mean, nasty phyllis
person can't get to you.
Neither can jack.
Oh, sweetie,
it would have been so nice
if your daddy knew
how much we loved him.
Nope, nope, nope, nope.
I am not going to get hung up
on what might have been.
I'm going to concentrate
on the future
with my sweet little boy.
(Knock on door)
Diane: Jack, phyllis.
Jack: May we come in?
Diane: Look, if this is about what happened at gina's, I--
Jack: Wait. I don't know what you're talking about.
Dianever mind. I thought I'd seen the last of you two.
Phyllis: This shouldn't take long. Hey!
Diane: Well, good, because I don't have a lot of time. As you can see, I'm packing for our trip to florida, and kyle's not feeling well, so I have to get him to bed.
Jack: Well, as phyllis said, we'll be brief.
Phyllis: And to the point.
Diane: If you're planning
on fighting me at the hearing,
I have a doctor's note.
I doubt you'll be able
to make me stay.
Jack: That won't be necessary. You are not going anywhere.
Diane: What?
Phyllis: You're not going away, diane. Whatever game you're playing, it's over.
Diane: What are you talking about?
Jack: It's silele. I'm here to give you one last chance.
Diane: Last chance?
Jack: Yes, to look me in the eyes and tell me truthfully. Did you start that fire?
Andy: Can I get you a refill on your coffee?
Christine: No, no, thank you.
Andy: Look, if you want your privacy, I--
Christine: No, really. I'm new in town. I really don't know anyone.
Andy: You here on business?
Christine: Sort of.
Andy: Let me guess. Um, a scientist?
Christine: No.
Andy: Doctor?
Christine: Afraid not, no.
Andy: Come on. Give me a hint.
Christine: I have a better idea. Why don't you tell me what you do?
Andy: You know, you're not gonna believe this 'cause I can't seem to get any answers out of you, but I'm actually a private investigator.
Christine: Wow, how exciting.
Andy: Just in the movies.
Christine: Yeah, I'm sure most of the time it's just pretty routine, huh?
Andy: Yeah, pretty much. Sounds le e you know a little bit about my business.
Christine: I know a little.
Andy: Don't tell me
you're a P.I., Too.
Christine: No, I've just known a couple.
Andy: South carolina?
Christine: I'm sure they're pretty much the same all over. Hey, tell me this, your friend paul, is he a private investigator, too?
Diane: Jack, I don't understand. I mean, the police, everyone investigating the fire, nobody's accusing me. What are you... I don't understand why you two keep insisting that I'm guilty.
Jack: I will ask one more time. Did you start the fire?
Phyllis: Uh, hey, diane, um, confession is good for the soul.
Diane: Why should I confess to something I didn't do?
Jack: So you still won't admit that you did it?
Diane: Because I'm innocent!
Jack: Okay, fine.
I won't ask again, though
I think you're going to regret
not taking this opportunity.
Diane: What opportunity? What are you talking about?
Jack: Phyllis, you want to tell her?
Phyllis: Oh, yeah, sure. Earlier today I ran into an acquaintance of yours, and, wow, he told me some fascinating information.
Diane: I still don't know what she's talking about.
Phyllis: I have a little note here. I made a photocopy for you. Recognize it?
Diane: It's just some-- it's just a piece of paper with some words on it.
Phyllis: Oh, diane, diane, come on. It's instructions about a call he's supposed to make to my cell phone dated the night of the newman wedding.
Jack: You recognize
the handwriting?
Diane: It's fake! I mean, obviously someone is trying to cut me out!
Jack: Don't do atat. Diane, don't do that again!
Phyllis: I met him at the olive tree. Hey, that's the same place you ran into him, isn't it? Lucky me.
Diane: What are you going to do?
Jack: What do you think?
Diane: You're not going to the police, are you?
Phyllis: Oh, after what you did to me, are you kidding me?
Diane: Phyllis, please.
Phyllis: Oh, my.
Are you scared, diane?
Are you, are you scared?
You afraid to go to prison?
Well, you should be scared.
Are you afraid I'm going
to try to destroy your life
the way you tried
to destroy mine?
Are you afraid I'm going to take
your baby away from you?
Be scared, sweetie!
You can't even imagine
what that's like!
Diane: Phyllis, please!
Phyllis: (Imitating diane) phyllis, please! You know what? You should of thought about that before you tried to burn the pool house down, you bitch! You should have thought about that and what it would do to your son, your sweet little boy. It's over, sweetie. It's done. You're going down. Cheers.
Bobby: What the hell?
Victor: Let me introduce myself. I'm victor newman. This is my home, and this is my money.
Seth: Nobody's supposed to be home.
Bobby: It's a setup, man.
Victor: You came to the wrong place.
Seth: Stay back, man!
I'll shoot!
Victor: You shoot, the cops will come, and by the way, they're surrounding the place right now.
Bobby: He's bluffing, man.
Victor: You want to add a murder charge to breaking and entering? You want to do that?
Bobby: Yo, man, let's get out of here!
Seth: Shut up, man, and let me think!
Victor: You're boss right now, okay? Think about this carefully. Don't get further into it.
Seth: Ooh!
Victor: Diego, come on! Take care of him. That's it. That's it, son.
Bobby: Oh!
Seth: Ahh!
Diego: Mr. Newman, are you all right? Is he okay? judges can be pretty
Andy: Paul? He is the best in the business.
Christine: D d what about you?
Andy: Second best.
Christine: Your friend seemed kind of quiet.
Andy: No, not usually. He's going through a rough patch.
Christine: He has a business problem?
Andy: Personal.
Christine: I'm very sorry about that.
And h he'll be okay. Paul's a survivor. He's married I saw.
Andy: You noticed the ring?
Christine: Dead giveaway.
Andy: Look, let's stop talking about paul. I want to know more about you.
Christine: Well, what can I say? I'm just a simple southern girl.
Andy: Just passing
through town.
Christine: Visiting a friend.
Andy: Well, you said you were here on business.
Christine: Well, a little bit of both.
Andy: So is this friend of yours, male or female?
Christine: Does it matter?
Andy: No, not really. I just like to hear you talk.
Christine: And why is that?
Andy: I think I'm falling in love with your southern accent.
Christine: Oh, I bet you say that to all the girls.
Andy: Only the girls from south carolina.
Diane: Oh, my god! How can you be so cruel? This little boy needs me. I'm his mother. I can't go to prison.
Phyllis: That's exactly where you'd go if it were up to me.
Diane: What do you mean?
Phyllis: Jack has
a better idea.
Diane: What is she talking about?
Jack: I just don't think it would be in kyle's best interest for his mother to be in prison until he's an adult.
Phyllis: Right. He doesn't want your son to suffer for your sins.
Diane: I don't understand.
Jk:K: It's actually quite simple. You're going to sign over full custody of kyle to me.
Diane: What?
Jack: In return, you'll have your freedom and liberal visitation, that is, from outside prison walls. Anything less, we go to the authorities.
Phyllis: Proving your guilt, diane.
Jack: We want your answer
by tomorrow or we go
to detective weber.
Oh, and by the way, any mention
of this conversation,
we'll swear it never happened.
Last thing, this man that you
hired to set up my wife
is more than happy to testify.
Phyllis: That's our deal, sweetie. Take it or leave it.
Jack: Let's go, honey.
Diane: (Sobbing) oh, kyle.
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