Y&R Transcript Tuesday 1/21/03--Canada; Wednesday
Provided By Eric
Ashley: Can't you drive any faster?
Brad: I'm going as fast as I can.
Ashley: We have to get to the ranch before victor gets home. Look, I realize this is upsetting.
Brad: You don't begin to realize.
Ashley: The whole thing is gonna explode if we don't get to the ranch before victor finds out. If he finds out he's abby's father--
Brad: Do you think you can keep this secret forever?
Ashley: I don't know, but I'm damn well gonna try.
Victor: I'm home.
Nikki: Hello.
Victor: I didn't see you
when I came in.
What's the matter?
You're awfully quiet.
Nikki: How was your day in chicago?
Victor: It was all right. I accomplished what I set out to.
Nikki: Efficient, as always.
Victor: I decided not to stay overnight.
Nikki: Why's that?
Victor: Because I want to be home with my wife.
Nikki: I see.
Victor: Are you upset with me?
Nikki: Why would I be upset with you? I suppose you can't think of a reason.
Victor: What the hell is going on? I made a resolution when I was gone, one I hope means as much to you as it does to me.
Phyllis: This is it?
Are you sure?
Paul: Well, according to police, the call placed to you the night of the fire came from this phone booth.
Phyllis: Must be one of newman's branch offices.
Paul: Yeah, right, you know, phyllis, I would feel a lot better if you let me handle this.
Phyllis: No, no, no, no, no. Listen, I'm the only one who could recognize the guy's voice. Besides, after everything diane put jack and me through, I want to be there when we get proof to bring her down. So what's next?
Paul: Let me ask around, see if anybody knows anything.
Phyllis: That guy? Be lucky if he remembered his own name.
Paul: Yeah, right.
Hey, buddy,
I want to ask--
it's all right.
Phyllis: Don't worry, we're not going to hurt you.
Pl:L: I just want to ask you a question, all right? You ever see this woman before? You recog--no? All right. No wonder the police came up empty.
Phyllis: Uh-huh.
Paul: (Sighing) oh, man.
Phyllis: What about the bar?
Paul: The olive tree? It's worth a shot, but I want to warn you-- no attitude, phyllis. You're not on your home turf he..
J.T.: What do you mean, "what's really going on"? You saw me and col. We're cool together.
Lauren: Uh-huh, yeah. But let's face it.
J.T.: Okay, if you're
gonna say that she's young,
please, don'T.
All right, I'm so tired
of hearing that.
Lauren: I can imagine. I mean, she is awfully cute.
J.T.: Yeah. And honest and smart and funny--
Lauren: Okay, I got it. I got it. I guess she is mature enough.
J.T.: Enough for what? What are you getting at? Oh, old man-- old man abbott's telling you how I'm corrupting his little princess?
Lauren: Are you?
J.T.: It's not like that.
Lauren: How is it? She still a virgin?
J.T.: Wow, you just come right out and ask it, don't you?
Lauren: Yes, I do. Is she?
J.T.: What do you think?
Lauren: What about you?
J.T.: Come on, lady.
Lauren: Didn't think so.
Probably fighting coeds
off with a stick.
J.T.: What's your point?
Lauren: I'm just trying to figure out why you're doing this. You know, why you're going to all this trouble for colleen carlton. What is it? The thrill of the chase? The forbidden fruit?
J.T.: That is so wrong. You don't have a clue.
Lauren: She worships you.
J.T.: So? Is that such a bad thing?
Lauren: That depends... depends on what you plan to do about it.
J.T.: Not that it's
any of your business,
but I care about colleen.
She's the first girl
I've ever been with
that really mattered.
So, go ahead,
think what you want.
I really don't give a damn.
Man: Well, well, well, look what just walked in. Hey, bab why don't you sit down, make my night.
Paul: You just say the word and we're out of here.
Phyllis: No, those freaks don't scare me. Hey.
Rob: How you doing? What can I get you?
Paul: Well, we are looking for some information.
Rob: What kind of information?
Paul: You recognize this woman?
Rob: Sorry, pal.
Phyllis: You didn't even look at the picture.
Rob: What are you two, the heat or something?
Paul: No, we're not the heat. This is a private matter.
Rob: Look, the cops
have been around here last week
asking questions
about some chick.
All this kind of stuff
is bad for my business.
You know what I mean?
Why don't you two
just do us all a favor,
and find the door before
I gotta find it for you, huh?
Paul: Let's get out of here.
Phyllis: No, not until we get something on diane.
Paul: Phyllis, you see those guys over there? They like you. They like you, not in a good way.
Phyllis: Let's use it to our advantage. Give me the picture. Give me the picture.
Paul: Let me do this, phyllis.
(music stops)
Lily: Hey, that song wasn't finished.
Colleen: Are you crazy? What are you doing here?
Lily: Well, it was fun sneaking back in.
Colleen: You almost gave me a heart attack. Why didn't you go home after the coffeehouse?
Lily: Oh, my laptop-- I totally spaced-- left it here. But, anyway, I want all the details. What happened with J.T.?
Colleen: It was perfect. Except that woman he was with.
Lily: Yeah, what was that all about?
Colleen: Her name's lauren fenmore.
Lily: Like from the department stores?
Colleen: Yeah,
and an old family friend.
Lily: She's not gonna rat you t,t, is she?
Colleen: No way. Not just that--after she saw J.T. And me together, she stopped by the house and talked to my granddad.
Lily: And she didn't say anything? Colleen: Not just that-- she came back to the coffeehouse and warned me I better get home.
Lily: A grown o on your side.
Colleen: Yeah, for a change.
Lily: That is so cool.
Colleen: She says it was a one-time thing, and I don't really trust her. I hope she doesn't start hanging around or anything.
J.T.: Tnknks, trev.
J.T.: Don't you have someplace better to be?
Lauren: I like
the coffee here. Besides,e'e're not finished.
J.T.: Oh, yeah, we are.
Lauren: Feeling pretty misunderstood, huh?
J.T.: Got that right.
Lauren: So why don't you tell me your side of the story? The truth according to J.T. And don't worry, I won't go running back to the abbotts.
J.T.: Why are you even interested in this?
Lauren: Because when you spilled your drink on me, you offered me the shirt off your back. People don't do that these days. The least I can do is listen to your problems.
J.T.: Well, who said I had a problem?
Lauren: Remember,
I've been speaking
to colleen's grandfather?
And, you know, it's obvious
the two of you are never
going to see eye-to-eye.
Maybe I can help.
Brad: Almost there.
Ashley: Thank god.
Brad: Can you stop that?
Ashley: Sorry.
Brad: It's not gonna get us there any faster.
Ashley: Please, let us be in time. We have to convince nikki not to tell victor.
Brad: Let's all keep the lie going.
Ashley: Would you want it to come out? Is that really what you want?
Brad: No, I don't want it to come out! I don't even want it to be true.
Ashley: I wish it weren'T.
Brad: Wishing won't make it so. Ah, damn.
Ashley: What?
Brad: The driveway...
Ashley: Oh, god,
victor's car.
Nikki: So you've made a resolution. What is that?
Victor: That, somehow, you and I would do everything in our pow t to overcome the tension that obviously exists between us now.
Nikki: I see. Snap your fingers, just like that-- poof, it's gone.
Victor: What has happened? A few months ago, when you and I were remarried, we were very, very happy. What happened to all that?
Nikki: I don't know. Maybe it was a fantasy. Maybe it was just an illusion, I don't know.
Victor: You still think I'm keeping things from you, don't you?
Nikki: And you are,
once again, going to tell me
that you're not.
Victor: And you think this has to do with ashley abbott, and that I'm still having a relationship with her.
Nikki: You admit there's a relationship?
Victor: I admit th I I wasn't totally honest with you.
Nikki: And in what way were you not totally honest with me?
Victor: I admit that it was no oversight on my part that I didn't mention to you the fact that I visited her several times when she was ill. I know it bothers you that I still have a relationship with her and still care about her. And I've apologized for not being open with you.
Nikki: That's it?
That's it?
That's all you have to say?
Victor: What else do you want me to say?
Nikki: Oh, for god's sake, victor, what kind of imbecile do you take me for? There is a reason why brad carlton wants to rip your head off, and it's more than the support that you offeredshshley. You're treating me like some naive child. (Doorbell rings)
Nikki: I know that there's something more. I know that you're keeping someth-- (doorbell rings)
Nikki: Who the hell is it?! Go away! Go away!
Man: Not so fast, buddy.
Phyllis: Hi, guys. How you doing? Listen, I'm looking for someone. I'm hoping you can help me.
Man #2: We've been looking for someone, too.
Man #3: And I think we found her.
Phyllis: Have you seen this woman?
Man #2: Friend of yours? Bring her by. The four of us will have a party.
Man #3: We can have a party right now.
Paul: Come on, phyllis. Let's get out of here.
Phyllis: Okay.
Man #2: Where you going? Come back, come on.
Man #3: I promise
I'll be nice.
Man #2: (Laughing) that was good.
Lily: Well, I guess I better be going.
Colleen: Okay.
Lily: So when are you going to see him again?
Colleen: Who?
Lily: J.T. Duh. Who else?
Colleen: Well, that's the thing-- every time I leave him I don't know if I'll ever see him again.
Lily: Ohh. That is so romantic.
Colleen: No, it hurts.
Lily: Because you can't be together without getting hassled.
Colleen: Yeah, without having to sneak around.
Lily: Well, if you ask me, the sneaking makes it more fun.
Colleen: It's not about fun,
It's serious.
Lily: You're in love.
Colleen: Yeah, well, no one can understand that. I mean, no one wants to believe that what I feel could actually be real.
Lily: I believe you. And I'm a little jealous, too, if you want to know the truth. Well, good night.
Colleen: You know, you can use the door. My granddad knows you're here.
Lily: The window is cooler.
Nikki: Atat the hell do you want?
Ashley: We need to see you.
Nikki: Why?
Brad: That's victor's car outside, right?
Nikki: Yes.
Ashley: So he is home?
Nikki: Yes, he's home. We're having a conversation.
Victor: What a surprise.
Bra n nikki,
I need to speak with you.
Nikki: I can't imagine that you could have anything to say that we need to hear--
Ashley: If we could just have a few minutes, we could explain.
Nikki: Explain what, ashley?
Brad: There are some things you really should know.
Victor: Please, come in.
Victor: What is this about?
Ashley: Well, we owe you an apology.
Victor: An apology for what?
Ashley: Well,ikikki's been upset with me, and I don't blame her.
Victor: Why was she upset with you?
Ashley: Well, in accepting your friendship the last two months, I think it's caused some tension in your marriage, and I'm so sorry about that.
Nikki: I didn't notice
it ever bothered you before.
Ashley: Well, it certainly bothers me now. The last thing brad and I want is to interfere in your marriage in any way, shape or form. Right, brad?
Brad: Yeah, you guys should be having the time of your lives. You're newlyweds.
Ashley: Yeah. Yeah, we're back on track, but if our problems have caused any tension in your marriage... that's not right and I think that's what happened.
Nikki: This is unbelievably presumptuous.
Victor: Sweetheart.
Nikki: I don't know what the two of you are up to--
Brad: We're not up to anything, nikki. We just want to help.
Victor: Weren't you ready
to tear my head off
a few days ago?
Ashley: You know what? Honey, why d't't you talk to nikki for a little bit, and let me speak with victor.
Nikki: I really don't think that either one of us wants to talk to you.
Ashley: Just give us a few minutes, honestly. We'll be out of your hair. @ ; ? So, it was called cattle point. Of the nation, and subsequentlyne of th here. Your cruise director, ron
Paul: I am not overreacting. Phyllis, you don't want to mess with those guys.
Phyllis: Oh, come on.
They were all bark and no bite.
Besides, we never got
a straight answer about diane.
Jack: A straight answer from whom?
Phyllis: Hey, what are you doing home? Honey, look at you.
Jack: Good to see you, paul.
Paul: Good to see you, jack.
Phyllis: Hey, so I guess you're wondering why paul's here.
Jack: Yeah, yeah. The thought crossed my mind.
Phyllis: Yeah. I hired him.
Jack: To do what?
Phyllis: To prove diane set the fire.
Jack: Phyllis--
Phyllis: Don't "phyllis" me. We both know she framed me.
Jack: Honey, the police are gathering evidence right now--
Phyllis: Evidence?
No, they're not.
They've given up.
They're gathering no evidence.
And sticking paul on this
is the only way we're going to
take her down
and put her behind bars.
Jack: Okay, where have the two of you been this evening? Or is this a mystery?
Paul: Phyllis, are you going to tell him or am I?
Jack: Tell me what? Phyllis, what the devil is going on?
Victor: Why don't we sit down?
Ashley: Okay, thank you.
Victor: I don't begin to understand any of this.
Ashley: Oh, call it a pang of conscience.
Victor: Pang of conscience about what? Well, the last few months you've been spending time with me. It's caused problems in your marriage. Nikki made that evident to brad.
Victor: Well, she shouldn't
have been talking to him
about that in the first place.
Ashley: Well, she's deeply in love with you. And I've always been a thorn in her side. It's just now that brad and i are pulling together again, I just wanted to set the record straight as soon as possible.
Victor: I'm glad you and brad are working things out.
Ashley: Yeah, so am I.
Victor: But w do I feel that things aren't right with you.
Ashley: Well, it's been a very stressful time, that's for sure.
Victor: Is that why brad needs to talk to nikki?
Ashley: Well, I think,
you know, he wants
to reassure her
that whatever anxiety she hasin regard to me
is completely unfounded.
That's all.
Victor: Well, let's hope this conversation between the two willolve that problem for her.
Ashley: Mmm. Let'S.
Nikki: I cannot believe that you would come here like this. What are you trying to prove?
Brad: Thank god we got here when we did. Victor doesn't know, he has no idea about abby's paternity.
Nikki: What? Please.
Brad: It's true. Nikki, it's a long, bizarre story.
Nikki: Yeah, I know. I know. I know. Artificial insemination. Believe me, if he's the father, he knows--
Brad: The important thing is
he doesn't know,
and he doesn't need to know.
Just don't tell him.
Nikki: You're asking me to keep this from my husband? The fact that he has a daughter that he's never gonna know about?
Brad: It's not his daughter. She's my daughter.
Nikki: And you can live with that, knowing what you know?
Brad: Look, I don't know what my future holds-- not for me, not for abby, not for my marriage. But I do know that doesn't have to affect your life. That's why we rushed over here.
Nikki: Well, what if he finds out one day and realizes that I've kept this from him? What happens then?
Brad: Listen,
I'm just telling you
not to rush into anything.
Before you tear
your whole world apart,
you better think
long and hard about this, nikki.
Nikki: This is unbelievable. Are you sure?
Brad: That heoeoesn't know? That is one thing I'm sure of. Come on, you know him. You think if he had any idea that he fathered ashley's child, he could be so uninvolved? I don't think so.
Nikki: All this time I thought he was keeping this terrible secret from
me, and now you're asking me to keep it from him. How do I deal with that, brad?
You tell me.
Jack: Phyllis. Are you gonna answer me?
Phyllis: All right. You know the phone call I received at victor and nikki's wedding reception?
Jack: Yeah. What about it?
Phyllis: It came from a pay phone.
Jack: A pay phone where?
Paul: Third, near algonquin.
Jack: Well, that's a lovely neighborhood. I assume you checked that out?
Phyllis: I went with him.
Jack: What?
Phyllis: I had to.
Jack: Why, for god's sakes?
Phyllis: I had to
go with him.
I'm the only one who can
recognize the guy's voice.
Don't you see, jack?
If we can prove that diane
got one of these freaks
from that neighborhood
to help set me up...
listen, relax, okay?
It was a tough crowd,
but it's--
Jack: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. How tough?
Phyllis: Well... uh, nobody we'd invite to dinner.
Jack: You went there dressed like this?
Phyllis: I couldn't come home and change.
Jack: Did you find out anything?
Phyllis: No, paul here dragged me out before we could.
Jack: Good. You had no business being there in the first place.
Phyllis: Oh, it wasn't that dangerous.
Paul: Wasn't that dangerous? You nearly got assaulted.
Phyllis: Please, you're exaggerating.
Paul: I am not exaggerating, and you know it.
Jack: You let my wife go to a place like this?
Phyllis: Wait a second.
He had no choice.
Jack: He's a professional. He should know better. I would think you would know better.
Phyllis: Listen...
Paul: Jack's right.
Phyllis: No, he's not right. My god, you're talking about me like I'm some delicate flower.
Jack: That is not the point. I nearly lost you, phyllis. We've been to hell and back. If anything should happen to you now, anything at all...
Phyllis: Nothins s wrong. Listen, I'm fine. Jack, it was a little weird, right? But--but all's well that ends well.
Paul: Phyllis, just...
next time,
leave the investigating to me,
Good night.
Jack: Good night.
J.T.: Why would you want to help me out?
Lauren: I guess I'm just a sucker for young love.
J.T.: Who said anything about love?
Lauren: Okay, so maybe you didn't use the dreaded "l" word. It must be difficult feeling the way you do about her, and knowing what people think.
J.T.: Yeah, that I'm this major jerk just trying to score.
Lauren: Parents are nenervous breed, especially parents of a pretty young girl.
J.T.: They act like colleen's completely stupid.
Lauren: Because she likes you?
J.T.: Yeah,
how could she, right?
Lauren: Well, maybe she knows something that they don'T.
J.T.: Yeah, she knows she doesn't have to be afraid of me.
Lauren: Feels good, doesn't it, to have someone trust you so completely?
J.T.: Blows me away. It's like I see myself through her eyes and I actually like what I see. Is that weird?
Lauren: No. That's about the best definition of love I've ever heard.
J.T.: Well, look, thanks for listening. I gotta go.
Ashley: Good night, and we're sorry we interrupted your evening.
Victor: There's patches of ice on the road, so drive carefully.
Ashley: Oh, we will.
We'll be very cautious,
won't we, honey?
Brad: Victor, nikki.
Victor: Good night, ashley and brad.
Nikki: Good night.
Brad: Have a good evening.
Victor: What the hell was that all about? You have any idea?
J.T.: It's amazing how you can see right through my heart
J.T.: Without saying a word you light up the dark
J.T.: Try as they may they could never explain what I hear when you don't
say a thing J.T.: The smile
on urur face
lets me know
that you need me
there's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me the touch of your hand
says you'll catch me if ever I fall
J.T.: You say it best when you say nothing at all
J.T.: All day long I can hear people talking out loud
J.T.: But when you hold me near you drown out the crowd
J.T.: Old mr. Webster could never find what's being said between your heart and mine
J.T.: The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
there's a truth in your eyes
saying you'll never leave me
the touch of your hand
says you'll catch me if ever I fall
J.T.: You say it best when you say nothing at all
J.T.: The smile on your face lets me know
that you need me there's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
the touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall
J.T.: You say it best when you say nothing at all (last note of song play)
J.T.: That's pretty lame, huh?
Colleen: It was the most beautiful song ever. Thank you so much.
J.T.: Get a grip, man.
J.T.: Good night, blue eyes.
Phyllis: Oh, come on, jack.
Just say something, please.
I know you're upset.
Just say something.
Jack: Phyllis, you have to let go of this.
Phyllis: You mean let diane get off scot-free?
Jack: You have to somehow get this behind you. I don't like this any better than you do, but I won't let this become an obsession, which it is fast becoming. Honey, as difficult as diane is, we have to figure out some way
l live peacefully with her for kyle's sake. That's what we have to concentrate on, not payback.
Phyllis: Are you kidding me? Do you even know what that was like for me, being in prison?
Phyllis: Do you know I have
the same nightmare every night?
Being in that cell.
You can't even begin to know
what that was like for me,
and now you're just asking me
to--to--to let diane get off?
She alstst destroyed my life.
Jack: This is hate talking.
Phyllis: Yes, it is hate, absolutely, absolutely. It is hate. I hate her. You want me to love her now?
Jack: No, I want you to protect yourself, and I want you to thank your lucky stars you're not her. You're not a messed-up, screwed-up woman-- please, I am begging you. Don't waste another minute, not another second on diane jenkins. She's not worth it! She's like bad weather-- something we unfortunately have to deal with sometimes.
Phyllis: This is crazy.
You know what?
I'm so glad that you can
beyond this.
I admire that. Good for you.
But I can'T.
Nothing makes sense to me,
knowing that that piece of filth
is walking around,
enjoying her life while she
almost deprived me of mine.
I'm not gonna let this go.
I'm sorry. I can'T.
Jack: Yes, you are.
Phyllis: No, I'm not!
Jack: Yes, you are!
Phyllis: No, I'm not!
Jack: You can and you will, phyllis. We are a family! We have a little boy to raise. We don't have time for vendettas! We owe that boy every second we've got, every bit of love and support we can give him. You waste that on diane, you're stealing from kyle!
Phyllis: Okay.
You win. I lose.
Sure. I'm just gonna--
I'm gonna get beyond this.
I'm just gonna pretend that, uh,
this woman didn't try to take
everything I had.
Um, you know what?
That's fine. Just, you know, I--
show me the path of forgiveness.
Just show me the way.
I will follow.
Jack: I want to believe that.
Phyllis: I want to be happy. I don't wanna worry about diane anymore.
Jack: We don't have to worry about diane. We have to tolerate her.
Phyllis: Tolerate her.
Jack: Tolerate.
Jack: Hey, look, it's been a long day. I'm beat. What do you say we go upstairs?
Phyllis: I'll be up shortly.
Jack: Okay. Oowwó/?
Victor: So did you and brad carlton have a productive talk?
Nikki: Um, yeah. I-I suppose you could say that.
Victor: I hope you understand now.
Nikki: Understand?
Victor: Well, did I get
the feeling that brad carlton
wanted to reassure you
that your worries about
ashley and me are unwarranted,
that she and I are friends
and nothing more than that?
Nikki: Just friends. Victor: I told you before that I wanted to... finally end the tension that exists between the two of us. I meant that, you know? We were so happy the day of our wedding and afterwards. Can't we get back to that? I want that very much. Do you want that, too?
Nikki: Yes, I do. I do. I want that more than anything to be happy again.
Victor: I can't stand when you and i are at odds with each other. I just can't stand it.
Brad: You all right?
Ashley: Yeah.
Brad: You sure?
Ashley: I'm just a little bit dizzy.
Brad: Rough night.
Ashley: Yeah.
So what do you think?
Where's nikki's head?
Brad: Is she going to keep the secret?
Ashley: Well, does she believe that victor doesn't know?
Brad: I convinced her.
Ashley: So I guess we just wait and see what happens.
Brad: I have to go.
Ashley: Um, I was kinda hoping you might stay.
Brad: I can'T.
Ashley: Did you want me to go next door to the crawford's and pick up abby before you go?
Brad: No. I'm not ready for that. (Doorbell rings)
Ashley: Who is it?
Donna: Donna crawford with somebody who wants to see you.
Ashley: Hi, donna.
Donna: That's mama.
Ashley: Hi, sweetie.
Donna: There's mama.
Ashley: Hi, baby.
Thanks so much for taking her, donna.
Donna: Oh, it was an emergency. Glad to help out. Heard your car when you drove up. Is everything okay at home?
Ashley: Yeah. Everything's fine. Thanks so much. Bye-bye.
Donna: Bye-bye.
Ashley: Hi, sweetie. Hello, pink cheeks.
Abby: (Babbling)
Ashley: I didn't plan that.
Brad: I know.
Ashley: You're not ready to see your daughter? I guess I understand that.
Brad: Come here.
Ashley: It's okay, baby. It's okay, sweetie.
Brad: Hi. Hi.
Brad: I have to go. Bye, sweetheart.
Ashley: Where are you gonna be?
I might need to reach you
in case of an emergency, brad.
Brad: Just call my cell.
Ashley: Um, are you gonna be alone? When will I see you?
Brad: I don't know.
Ashley: Stay in touch.
Ashley: It's okay, sweetie. It's okay, sweetie.
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