Y&R Transcript
Friday 1/17/03--Canada; 1/20/03--USA
Provided By Eric
Nikki: This must be a really bad joke.
Brad: Believe me,
I wish it were.
Nikki: Victor is abby's father?
Brad: You couldn't be any more shocked than I was.
Nikki: It doesn't make any sense.
Brad: Oh, come on, nikki. Newman's got a massive ego. Thinks he's god's gift to women, especially since ashley's one of his ex-wives. And what better way to hold on to an old lover than with a kid.
Nikki: Brad, he couldn't be her father.
Brad: Why not?
Nikki: Because he had a vasectomy!
Brad: Oh, you think
that would stop him?
I mean, when it comes to one
of newman's urges,
where there's a will,
there's a way.
And believe me, in this case,
there was definitely a way.
Jack: So my meeting ended early. I thought I'd drop by and see how you were holding up.
Ashley: Are you kidding? I barely slept at all last night.
Jack: Still no word from bradley, huh?
Ashley: No, he's going out of his way to avoid me, that's for sure.
Jack: You think he's already gotten to victor at this point?
Ashley: That's the one piece of good news.
Jack: Oh, what's that?
Ashley: Victor's out of town on business until tonight.
Jack: Wow, lucky break.
Ashley: I know. At least I've got a small window before disaster strikes. (Jack sighs)
Ashley: What?
Jack: Um, I'm wondering
if your window is an illusion.
Ashley: Why?
Jack: Not long after I saw you this morning, I had a visitor.
Ashley: Who?
Jack: Nikki.
Lily: Wow. You didn't tell me you lived at the abbott estate.
Colleen: I'm only living here temporarily.
Lily: Do you like living here best, or with your dad and stepmom?
Colleen: Um, actually, both places are pretty grim these days. Everyone's watching me like a hawk. I am even beginning to like school. It's the only place I don't feel like I'm in prison.
Lily: Tell me about it.
Colleen: You, too?
Lily: Well,
no one's coming down on me,
but this whole drama goi o on
with my parents,
I can't wait to get out
so I don't have to think
about it.
Colleen: Yeah.
Lily: Hi, aunt mamie.
Mamie: Lily, you're here. Well, did you and colleen meet in school?
Lily: Yeah, we're in the same french class.
Mamie: Well, that makes me very happy.
Colleen: So you got a big date, mamie?
Mamie: Well, I'm going to an early dinner to the theater with a friend.
Colleen: Wow, cool.
Mamie: Mrs. Martinez went to the store today, so there's plenty of food in the kitchen if you're hungry.
Colleen: Okay, cool.
Lily: Thanks. Have fun!
Mamie: Okay.
Colleen: So do you want something to eat?
Lily: Uh, maybe later.
Colleen: Well,
what do you want to do?
Lily: Whatever.
Colleen: Um, we could listen to some cds.
Lily: Well, I'd rather you answer that question I asked you earlier.
Colleen: What about?
Lily: What's up with you and your college boyfriend?
Colleen: What do you mean?
Lily: Are you still seeing him behind your family's back?
Larry: Man, you should see some of the looks I'm getting. You know, I never thought I'd see myself dressed up like a cop.
Jill: Oh, larry, you are looking good!
Larry: You know, my buds from back in the day, if they were to ever see me dressed like this--
Jill: Ah, but they'll never
see you.
You're a new man now.
Larry: It's just kind of weird, you know. It just feels kind of phony.
Jill: Oh, darlin', it's only a uniform. Underneath it, you're the same old larry warton.
Larry: Well, it is kind of cool, you know? It's like, "hey, you! Stop right there! Let me see some I.D.!"
Larry: Ooh, almost gives myself a little scare.
Jill: Ooh...
Larry: Whoa, jill, no. Stop. We can't do this, all right? Not no more. No way.
Paul: So how does it feel to be breathing the fresh air of freedom?
Phyllis: Oh, great, great.
Listen, if I haven't said it
a thousand times, that security
tape from the parking lot
was a stroke of genius.
Paul: Well, all in a day's work.
Phyllis: Thank you. I think you're being modest. It was brilliant.
Paul: Aw, shucks, ma'am.
Phyllis: You know, the prosecution never would have dropped the case if it weren't for that tape.
Paul: Well, it was lucky it happened to be a windy day. Anyway, I'm sure you're glad that it's all behind you, and you can get on with your life.
Phyllis: Yeah, it's not really that simple, paul.
Paul: What, you and jack aren't celebrating?
Phyllis: Well, jack may be, but I have unfinished business.
Paul: Diane jenkins?
Phyllis: Yeah.
I can't let this go.
I owow she set that fire.
Paul: Well, the police are looking very seriously at her as a suspect.
Phyllis: Well, they have their priorities, and I have mine.
Paul: To prove diane guilty.
Phyllis: That's right. And she's retained michael baldwin, and he's good.
Paul: Y k know what? That's her problem.
Phyllis: Well, that's why I want to hire you. I don't care how much it costs. I'll pay anything. I owe this to diane. I want her to feel what a future behind bars is like.
Michael: Diane, why don't you go back to your hotel room and let me handle this?
Diane: You told me that detective weber wanted to see me, didn't you?
Michael: Yes, but there's
no point to your being here.
Diane: I'm not afraid of him.
Michael: It would be a waste of time. I can run interference for you.
Diane: I don't need you to run interference for me. I am anxious to talk to him.
Michael: Why? There's nothing to be gained.
Diane: Michael, I'm not going to hide behind my lawyer.
Michael: That's what lawyers are for! (Knock on door)
Weber: Oh, I'm sorry. There's no receptionist. Am I interrupting something private?
Michael: No, of course not. Um, do what you have to do.
Weber: I'll try to make this brief. Thanks for seeing me, miss jenkins. I appreciate it.
Diane: My pleasure.
Weber: Just a couple of questions I have for you. You still deny that that was you in the security videotape?
Diane: Absolutely.
Weber: Did you ever own a dress like the one worn by the woman in the video?
Diane: No.
Weber: Have you ever transported paint thinner in your car?
Diane: If you're referring to the stain that you found, I have no idea how it got there.
Michael: Excuse me. As miss jenkins' attorney, I have to call a stop to this questioning. Please, detective, if you wouldn't mind leaving...
Cody: So, dude, what is up?
J.T.: Not much, man.
Cody: How's colleen doing?
J.T.: Dude, I haven't seen her in a while.
Cody: Oh, yeah? She was in here the other night looking for you.
J.T.: Really? And I missed her. Man, it's just my luck.
Cody: Hey, look. It'll get better.
J.T.: The way things are going, I'm going to forget what the girl looks like.
Lauren: Excuse me-- oh! Look what you've done! Oh, my god! Look what you've done to me!
J.T.: Sorry. Sorry. Here, let me help you out.
Lauren: Thank you.
No, really. I got it. Thank you.
Here, can you just
get me a coffee, please?
Cody: Yeah.
J.T.: Look, let me buy that for you.
Lauren: No, really. You've done enough. Thank you.
Cody: Here you go.
Lauren: Thank you. Thank you.
Colleen: I haven't seen J.T. In over a week.
Lily: I think it's so cool dating a college guy. I'd really like to meet him.
Colleen: He's so amazing, lily. I've never met anyone in my entire life like him. I get butterflies just thinking about it.
Lily: Oh, my god. You've got this one?
Colleen: What?
Lily: Can we play it?
Colleen: Oh, yeah. Sure.
Lily: Oh, my god!
I absolutely love this sg!G!
Colleen: I play it all the time when I'm alone!
Lily: It kind of makes you forget your troubles, huh?
Colleen: For a while, I guess!
Lily: Are you feeling better now?
Colleen: Yeah! I just miss him, you know?
Lily: I know!
Colleen: I don't even know when I'm going to see him next! You know, I really wish I could find a way!
John: Colleen! Colleen!
Colleen: Oh, hi, granddad.
John: Colleen, could you please turn the music down? Oh, my goodness. Honey, I don't mind you playing music, but does it have to be that loud?
Colleen: Oh, well,
we like it that way.
John: Yeah, well, I'm sorry. I could hear it all the way in my office, and I was on a business call.
Lily: We didn't know, mr. Abbott.
Colleen: Oh, granddad, this is lily winters.
John: Neil and drucilla's daughter?
Lily: That's right.
John: And mamie's your great aunt.
Lily: Yes, sir.
John: Goodness, I haven't seen you since you were a little one. Well, you've grown into a beautiful young woman.
Lily: Thank you.
John: I know your aunt mamie's pretty proud. Listen, kids, I still have a ton of work to do here at home.
John: Do you mind going up
to your bedroom, honey,
and listening to these cds?
Colleen: Yeah.
John: And then if you have to play everything at ear-shattering decibels, it won't bother me.
Colleen: Okay.
John: And really nice to see you again, lily.
Lily: You, too, mr. Abbott.
John: Kids...
Lily: Good thing your gramps couldn't hear what we were talking about.
Colleen: Seriously. Come on, let's go to my room.
Diane: I have no problem with this interview.
Michael: No, no, no, no, no. Thank you very much. Look, the detective here is on a fishing expedition. He is covering old ground.
Weber: Counsel, I'm just trying to establish...
Michael: It's obvious
that you have not come up
with anything new.
And I think your questions
are simply an attempt to get
my client to say something that
yoyou can hang a new charge on.
Weber: Mr. Baldwin, I don't operate that way.
Michael: Are you gonna charge my client or not? Because we have a right to know.
Weber: The case will remain open, mr. Baldwin.
Michael: And for how long?
Weber: Well, if no new evidence surfaces, then we'll let it die a natural death. I'm not happy with tt,t, but, unfortunately, that's the way it is.
Michael: Well, at least you're being honest.
Diane: So I'm free to come and go as I please?
Weber: Well, at the moment there's no restraints on your movements, no.
Diane: Good.
Weber: As always.
You guys have a good day.
Oh, and one last thing,
miss jenkins.
Don't get too comfortable,
because for what it's worth,
I believe you set that fire.
Diane: What the hell are you looking at? - No!
Phyllis: You don't seem very anxious to take this job.
Paul: Well, I'll tell ya. If the police haven't found any evidencey y now that warrants an arrest, I see no reason to believe why I should have better luck.
Phyllis: What are you talking about? Thers got to be something out there. And don't they say the truth always leaves a trail?
Paul: Well, phyllis, I have based my entirprprofessional life on that assumption, but it's not like this is a new case to me. It'S...
Phyllis: Listen,
can't you just try?
And if you
don't find anything...
Paul: Then--then what?
Phyllis: Then I'll let it go. But if the person who set this fire goes to jail...
Paul: Oh, diane, in other words?
Phyllis: Yes, diane. Listen, I can't go walking around knowing that that woman is free.
Paul: Phyllis, I have been over this case already inch by inch.
Phyllis: Then go over it centimeters by centimeters. I don't care. Paul, whatever it takes. I'll pay you anything.
Paul: Have you seen the file report on this case yet?
Phyllis: No, I haven'T.
Paul: Well, I would assume that john silva has a copy.
Phyllis: Good. There's a starting point.
Paul: I'll take a look
at the report,
but a word of warning--
if this leads to a situation
where I have to have contact
with michael baldwin, that's
where I get off the train.
Phyllis: I understand. So you'll work with me now, right?
Paul: I'll take a look at the report, and I'll get back to you.
Phyllis: Thank you, paul. Get back to me soon.
Nikki: A way for ashley to become pregnant by victor even though he had a vasectomy?
Brad: Artificial insemination.
Nikki: Is that what she told you?
Brad: That's what she claims.
Nikki: But you don't believe her?
Brad: It could have happened that way, I suppose. Or...
Nikki: Or? Or what?
Brad: He could have had the vasectomy reversed and done it the good old fashioned way.
Nikki: God, I can't even
think about this.
I can't think of it.
Brad: Pretty hard to take, isn't it?
Nikki: Did ashley say that victor knows about abby?
Brad: When she dropped the bomb on me, nikki, I really didn't stick around for the gory details. But how could he not? Don't you see? It all fits.
Nikki: No. No, I don't see. I don't see how it fits. Tell me. Tell me, brad.
Jl:L: What do you mean we can't do this anymore?
Larry: Look, jill, there's no more fooling around in the office.
Jill: Why not?
Larry: Do I have to spell it out for you? I mean, it was one thing when I was pushing a mop, but now it'S...
Jill: Oh, now you've got
an image to protect.
Larry: Look, didn't we learn a lesson about nooky in the workplace?
Jill: I did. I learned that it's a great way to burn off tension.
Larry: So what are you saying, jill? Now that you'vgogot me my job, I've got to go back to being your little lapdog?
Jill: Oh, my god. The next thing I know, you're going to be calling michael baldwin and suing jabot again.
Larry: No!
Jill: This is not sexual harassment. Baby, this is you and me.
Larry: I know that, okay? I just want to wait until we're back at home in our civvies before we, you know, get busy.
Jill: Doing that funny thing
we do?
Larry: Yeah, that thing.
Jill: Oh, why are you torturing me?
Larry: Look, lady, you're torturing yourself.
Jill: Yeah, I know I am, so would you help me stop, please?
Larry: Okay, okay. You know what? That's it. This is not gonna work out. I quit. That's it.
Ashley: Nikki went to see you?
Jack: Afraid so.
Ashley: What did you tell her?
Jack: Slow down. Don't panic.
Ashley: You didn't tell her about abby's paternity?
Jack: No, of course I didn'T. Would you give me a little credit? I will tell you she's on the scent.
Ashley: You think she's
starting to figure things out?
Jack: No, but I think...
Ashley: What are you saying, jack?
Jack: I'm telling you, she's not gonna let this drop. She senses there's something going on between you and victor, and she's gonna figure out what it is.
Lily: "Hanging out at colleen's grandpa's house"!
Colleen: "Because I'm not allowed to see my boyfriend"!
Colleen: "Gorgeous"!
Colleen: "Tall. Blonde hair, blue eyes. College"!
Lily: "G.C.U."!
Colleen: "You don't believe me?"
Colleen: She totally thinks I'm lying!
Lily: Well, do you have a picture of J.T. On your computer?!
Colleen: Naturally!
Lily: Well, send it to her. "Check this out, terry"!
Colleen: "I'll tell you more later. Gotta go now. Bye"!
Lily: I don't think she buys it.!
Colleen: Who cares?!
Lily: So this two-week thing is about over, isn't it?!
Colleen: Doesn't mean they'll let me see J.T.!
Lily: (Lowers voice) so what are you gonna do?
Colleen: (Lowers voice) find a way around them. I've gotten pretty good about sneaking out of the house.
Lily: Well, aren't you worried about getting caught?
Colleen: I haven't so far.
Lily: Uh-oh. What are you thinking?
Colleen: My granddad's busy working, so he won't be bothering us.
Lily: As long as the music's
playing loud, right?
Colleen: No way he'd come near this room.
Lily: Then if we weren't aunund...
Colleen: He'd never know.
Lily: But how?
Colleen: Come here.
J.T.: Ma'am.
Lauren: Yes, what is it?
J.T.: Why don't you take my shirt?
Lauren: Oh, that's okay. No.
J.T.: No, it's pretty cold out here, and I made a mess t t of your jacket there.
Lauren: You know, I'm fine. I'm fine, but thank you very much for offering.
J.T.: Oh, come on. I'm willing to make a sacrifice. This is like, my favorite shirt.
Lauren: That's very sweet of you.
J.T.: I'm usually not
this generous, so I think
you should take advantage.
Lauren: Well, flannel isn't usually my style, but I guess I could make an exception.
J.T.: All right, here.
Lauren: Oh, thank you. Would you like to sit down?
J.T.: Aren't you afraid I might spill your coffee?
Lauren: Well, the thought did occur to me, but I'll take my chances.
J.T.: All right.
Lauren: I'm sorry I went off on you like that.
J.T.: No, it's not your fault. I was a klutz in there.
Lauren: Well, from what I overheard, it sounded like yoyou were having a rough day. Girlfriend trouble? I think you're in love.
J.T.: Wait. Wait a minute. Where did that come from?
Lauren: A woman knows
these things.
Diane: Wipe that scowl off your face, michael. I'm off the hook. You can relax.
Michael: You heard what the man said.
Phyllis: Yes, and I'm not worried about it. Detective weber has nothing on me now, and he won't have anything in the future.
Michael: Well, you sound awfully sure of yourself.
Diane: Yes, I am.
Michael: All right, fine. Fine, then I will deduct my hours from the retainer you paid me and refund you the rest.
Diane: That's very generous of you.
Michael: You understand that means I'm no longer your attorney.
Diane: What's the hurry?
Michael: I want this
to be over!
Diane: But of course, you're still...
Michael: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I'm still bound by confidentiality. Your secrets, such as they are, are safe with me.
Diane: I never told you anything but the truth. I didn't set that fire!
Michael: Yeah, well, if someone asks, I'll tell them that's what you said. Look, you listen to me. I'm going to give you some advice, no charge.
Diane: Oh, I'm all ears.
Michael: I think it would be wise of you and best for kyle, too, if you were to cooperate with jack and phyllis.
Diane: You're talking about visitation.
Michael: I understand that
you are following the letter
of the law, but I also suspect
that you're tweaking them
ever so slightly now.
Diane: You're not going to take away all my fun, are you?
Michael: It's over! It's over! Why don't you just cut them some slack, hmm?
Diane: After what those two did to me? I don't think so. They humiliated men court, t t to mention the way jack just played with my emotions.
Michael: No, let it go, diane, please!
Diane: Why should I? Why should I? I have done nothing to them compared to what they did to me. Okay, so phyllis escaped the noose. There was no reason to make it look liki I was guilty when there's no one shred of proof.
Michael: Not yet, anyway.
Diane: You know what,
counselor? You almost sound
like you think I got away
with something.
Phyllis: Michael may not believe that, but I sure as hell do. In fact, I'm sure of it.
Brad: Come on, nikki.
Think about it.
All the times victor's been
hoveri a around my wife--
he never misses a chance
to admire abby.
When I arrived at the hospital
after she was born,
who's standing there,
holding ashley's newborn baby
in his arms?
Nikki: Victor?
Brad: That's right. First time I laid eyes on abby, he's holding her. Now is that just a matter of course, something an ex-husband does? No way.
Nikki: I just can't even process this. I mean... the man that I know so well, the man I love-- my god, I just remarried him! And all that time...
Brad: He and ashley had a secret.
Nikki: How could I nothave known or not even suspected? How could you not have suspected?
Brad: Nikki... I never wanted to hurt you, but you kept pushing me.
Nikki: I sensed that
something was going on, but...
Brad: Now you know. We both know.
Nikki: No. No, damn it! I don't accept this. This is not happening! I don't know why ashley is doing this, but this is a lie. This is a filthy, disgusting lie!
Ashley: I hope you assured her nothing's going on between victor and me.
Jack: Yes, but she is convinced there's some big mystery concerning you and the mustache.
Ashley: Why can't she just leave it alone?
Jack: Because she knows
how ticked off bradley is,
she knows it's about you,
and she knows victor's involved.
She's not gonna quit digging
until she gets some answers.
Ashley: Okay, what are you saying? Do you think she's gonna try to find brad and force it out of him?
Jack: Isn't that what you would do if you were in h p position?
Ashley: You realize that if brad tells nikki, she's going to confront victor. This whole thing's gonna explode. What the hell am I gonna do?
Jill: You quit? Larry, for heaven's sake.
Larry: Look, I told you how I wanted it, and you just-- you wouldn't chill out.
Jill: Yeah, but this is a bit extreme.
Larry: Look, I know
that you and I will never be
like equals, okay?
And you're never gonna
take me out and strut me
around your fancy friends,
but in here, I've gotta have
some respect, and I've gotta
have some space, you know?
Jill: Why, I really pushed a button, didn't I?
Larry: Yeah, you did.
Jill: Well, I'm sorry. I was just trying to get you turned on.
Larry: Jill, you can and you do. And you're really highfalutin in this place, and uniform or not, I'm still a ununkie. And when you say, "hey, warton, you feel like a little hanky-panky?" And I say yeah, then everything's great. But if I say, "no, I wanna wait until we're at home," because for the first time in my life, I feel like I got a gig where I can have some responsibility, and I don't wanna blow it lilike I've blown every other--
Jill: Okay, okay, I get it.
I get it.
I will never bring it up again,
in a manner of speaking.
Please, put this back on.
Lauren: So you're having trouble in paradise?
J.T.: Yeah, you could say that. Her family can't stand me.
Lauren: Any specific reason?
J.T.: I got this reputation.
Lauren: What kind of reputation?
J.T.: Ie e had a lot of, uh, well, I wouldn't exactly call them girlfriends, but, uh, let's just say-- say girls like me.
Lauren: You know, someone as young as you, I'm kinda having trouble with the visual of a reputation as a ladies' man.
J.T.: Well, I'm really not that young. I'm in college.
Lauren: Ooh. Excuse me. And your girlfriend's, what, in high school?
J.T.: No, she's 27.
Lauren: Hmm. So you're what, 19 or 20, and you like older women?
J.T.: Yes, ma'am, I guess so.
Lauren: Ha ha. Okay, so let me give you a little piece of advice.
J.T.: Yeah.
Lauren: Never call an older woman "ma'am."
J.T.: Really? I thought it showed respect.
Lauren: Oh, trust me. We hate it.
J.T.: Okay, I got it.
Lauren: You know, you remind me of me at your age.
J.T.: How's that?
Lauren: Well, the guys liked me.
J.T.: Well, I bet they still do.
Lauren: And when I fell,
I fell really hard,
and I pity the person
who stood in the way.
J.T.: You know, sometimes people get in the way, and it's not that easy to get around 'em.
Lauren: Well...
Colleen: J.T. I can't believe you're actually here.
J.T.: Hi, col.
Colleen: Mm. Oh, I thought if I didn't see you soon, I was gonna die.
Lauren: Hello, colleen.
J.T.: What, you two know each other?
Lauren: I'm lauren fenmore. The last time I saw you was phyllis and jack's engagement party.
Colleen: Oh... right.
Lauren: Yeah.
I knew your parents pretty well,
you owow, way back when.
Pretty young 27-year-old.
Anyway, uh, thank you so much
for the use of your jacket.
J.T.: Yeah, sure.
Lauren: But I have to get going. All righty, good-bye.
Colleen: What were you doing with her?
J.T.: Just talking.
Colleen: Why was she wearing your jacket?
J.T.: It's a long story, col.
Colleen: Well, I hope she doesn't tell anyone she saw us.
J.T.: No, I doubt it. She seems really cool.
Colleen: Well, even if she does, I don't care. I'm just so glad to see you.
Brad: Nikki, I wish with all my heart that you were right that this was all a lie... victor wasn't abby's father. Why would ashley make something like this up? Apparently, she's been agonizing over it for a very long time. And as for what it'sone to our marriage...
Nikki: But why now?
Why after all this time,
would she suddenly confess?
Brad: Crisis of conscience, I suppose. The cancer. Facing her own mortality.
Nikki: Does anybody else know?
Brad: I'm afraid so.
Nikki: Who?
Brad: That's not important. Are you sure victor never gave you a hint about what was going on?
Nikki: We, , now that I think about it...
Brad: What?
Nikki: I asked him if he had any idea why you would be so furious? He did admit to me that he'd been seeing ashley more than I realized. Oh, my god. It does fit, brad. Maybe he was preparing me.
Brad: It's possible.
Nikki: No.
I don't care.
I am not gonna believe
any of this until I hear it
from victor himself.
Brad: You said he was in chicago.
Nikki: He'll be back tonight.
Brad: Nikki.
Brad: I am so sorry... for both of us.
Diane: Ever heard of knocking, phyllis?
Phyllis: Door was open.
Diane: So is your mouth. I suggest you close it and leene. This is a private meeting.
Michael: Ladies, let's play nice. The furniture's not paid for.
Phyllis: Don't worry, michael. We're not gonna shed any blood on your carpet.
Diane: If we do, it will be your blood, phyllis, not mine.
Michael: All right,
I'm serious.
I will bodily eject
the person nearest the door
if you can't control yourselves,
and if you doubt it,
you can just try me.
Diane: Well, that won't be necessary, michael. Now that she's here, I'd like to share my good news with phyllis.
Phyllis: Oh, what's that?
Diane: Detective weber paid us a visit.
Phyllis: Really? Hot on your trail, I imagine.
Diane: Au contraire. He informed us that they won't be filing charges.
Phyllis: Is that true?
Michael: Not without any new evidence.
Diane: Which there won't be. Unless, of course, someone saw phyllis light the match.
Phyllis: Oh, how do you know it was a match, diane? How do you know that? Could have been a lighter.
Diane: Nice t, , phyllis.
Phyllis: Yeah, you,
nice try, diane.
You tried to put me in prison.
You tried to snag my husband.
But it didn't work.
Diane: You haven't seen anything yet.
Phyllis: Really? What's that supposed to mean?
Diane: It means I wouldn't make any plans for you and jack and kyle, because chances are my son won't be available.
Phyllis: You're so pathetic, using your son as a weapon.
Diane: It's your words, phyllis.
Phyllis: You're sick.
Diane: What goes around comes around. I will never forget what jack did to me, however incredible it felt at the time.
Michael: Hold it! All right, all right. Time for you to go, diane.
Diane: I know you don't wanna believe this, phyllis, but jack and I were hot.
Phyllis: (Coughing)
Diane: There are some things a man can't fake.
Michael: Bye. Have a nice day.
Jack: Let's slow down here. There is no reason to believe that brad would tell nikki about abby's paternity.
Ashley: What's he got to lose? Why would he protect nikki's marriage when he thinks her husband's been lying to her?
Jack: Because she's newly married, she's a friend, and he cares about her feelings.
Ashley: Jack, I had every intention of keeping this a secret forever. Forever. Why did I ever make that stupid videotape?
Jack: Wait, what are you talking about now?
Ashley: Never mind.
Jack: No, no, wait. Tell me.
Ashley: Jack, a secret isn't a secret when three or four people know about it. Why did I ever let this ever get so out of control?
Jack: Okay, listen to me. Bradley loves abby. We know that. He's a father to her in every way but one. Eventually, he's gonna get over this.
Ashley: And what about victor?
Jack: There's no reason he ever needs to know.
Ashley: And if he does know, jack, he could take me to court. Do you realize what I did was illegal? I could lose my daughter!
Jack: So we're back to square one.
Ashley: We've gotta find brad
before he gets to victor.
Jack: Listen to me. You're gonna go crazy sitting here waiting for the phone to ring. I'll stay here in case bradley calls. You go to jabot, see if you can find him anywhere.
Ashley: Okay. (Gasps)
Jill: Ooh, that's better.
Larry: So we are clear on the protocol around here, correct?
Jill: Protocol.
Larry: That's right. It's my new word for the day, and don't go trying to change the subject.
Jill: All right. We are clear, sweetheart.
Larry: Don't call me that around here.
Jill: You're so cute
when you're mad.
Larry: Look, I am warning you...
Jill: Okay. All right. I will just treat you like a large piece of furniture.
Larry: Until we get home.
Jill: Okay. Is it all right if I come throw pebbles at your window tonight?
Larry: I'll be waiting.
Jill: Okay, admiral warton. Better get back to your duties.
Larry: Yes, ma'am.
Larry: Au revoir.
Colleen: Mm. So did you miss me?
J.T.: Yeah, you bet.
Colleen: This has been the longest two weeks in my entire life.
J.T.: I hope you're not gonna get in trouble for being here.
Colleen: I'm not worried. Besides, why should you be the one taking all the risks?
J.T.: What risks
are you talking about?
Colleen: When you showed up at my dad's on my birthday.
J.T.: Oh, yeah. Well, I had to give you your birthday present, didn't I?
Colleen: Singing me that song was the best surprise ever. I will remember it for the rest of my life.
Lily: Ahem!
Colleen: Oh, uh, lily, this is J.T. J.T., Lily winters.
Lily: Nice to meet you, J.T.
J.T.: It's nice to meet you, too, lily.
Lily: You're exactly the way colleen described you.
J.T.: Well, is that-- is that good or bad?
Lily: It's good. Definitely good. Well, um, yoguguys probably wanna be alone, right?
Colleen: If you don't mind.
Lily: No way.
Besides, I gotta get home
Colleen: Okay, I'll call you later.
Lily: Cool. Bye, J.T.
J.T.: See you later.
Colleen: (Sighs) I cannot believe how long it's been since we've seen each other. I missed you so much.
J.T.: Well, I missed you, too.
Ashley: I was just going out to try to find you.
Brad: Saved you the trip.
Jack: Hello, bradley.
Brad: Jack.
Jack: Sis, you want me to stick around for a while?
Ashley: No. You go ahead.
Jack: Okay. You know where to find me if you need me.
Ashley: Yeah. Thanks.
Ashley: I've been calling all over trying to find you, honey.
Brad: I know.
Ashley: Why haven't you returned my calls? We need to talk.
Brad: Right. Talk. That's why I'm here.
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