Thursday Y&R Transcript 1/16/03

Y&R Transcript
Thursday 1/16/03--Canada; Friday 1/17/03--USA

Provided By Eric


 Nikki: You're not leaving until I get some answers.

 Brad: Nikki, please...

 Nikki: What the hell is going on, brad?

 Brad: I told you, I don't want youto get involved.

 Nikki: I told you I already am involved. Something has happened between your wife and my husband, something so serious to get you all worked up like this, so why don't you just tell me what it is?

 Brad: Because I can't, all right?

 Nikki: You can't? Or you won't?

 Brad: You want answers, go to victor.

 Nikki: I'm talking to you.

 Brad: Then you're wasting your time.

 Nikki: I deserve to know the truth. 3E2740CB.JPG

 Brad: Nikki, butt out.

 Nikki: I am so sick and tired of people telling me to butt out! You, jack...

 Brad: Jack? What does he have to do with this?

 Nikki: I spoke to him earlier.

>>Rarad: What did he say?

 Nikki: Well, like you, it's what he didn't say. He didn't deny something was going on, but according to him, I'm better off not knowing.

 Brad: For now, I agree with him.

 Nikki: Brad, I deserve to know the truth!

 Brad: Nikki, jack shouldn't have said anything. It's none of his business.

 Nikki: Maybe not. But it is ours, isn't it? Yours and mine. Whatever this thing is between ashley and victor, it affects us. Now I know you want to tell me, so why don't you? 3E274104.JPG

 Olivia: Oh, my god. You startled me.

 Ashley: We need to talk.

 Olivia: Look, I don't know what you're here to talk about--

 Ashley: Oh, yes, you do.

 Olivia: I just got out of surgery. I'm very tired. I'm not in the mood for another round with you.

 Ashley: Believe me, neither am I, so why don't you just tell m what I want to know, and I'll leave.

 Olivia: What is it you want to know?

 Ashley: Where the hell's my husband, olivia?

 Olivia: And you assume I know.

 Ashley: Oh, yeah, and obviously I'm right, or you wouldn't be evading. 3E274120.JPG

 Olivia: You know what? I'm working here. I have files to finish up.

 Ashley: You're not getting rid of me that easily.

 Olivia: I could call security.

 Ashley: I think you'd better do yourself a favor and tell me where the hell my husband is. Otherwise, this is going to get very ugly very fast.

 Cody: There you go.

 Man: Thanks, man.

 Sharon: Hey, cody, did we get that shipment of mugs?

 Cody: Yeah, they came last night. I put them in the storeroom.

 Sharon: Okay. Could you set a few out?

 Cody: Yeah, sure thing.

 Sharon: Thanks. Oh, by the way, I'm going to call our vendors in about an hour for our order next week, so if you think ofnynything else we need, just go ahead and add it to the list. It's on my desk in the office. 3E27414B.JPG

 Cody: All right, you got it.

 Sharon: Thanks.

 Kay: Well, you are certainly looking very industrious.

 Sharon: Hi, katherine.

 Kay: Aha. Putting those extra hours in already?

 Sharon: Yeah, I just decided to jump right in.

 Kay: Good girl.

 Sharon: Can I get you a cup of coffee or something?

 Kay: Oh, no. Not now. Later. Right now I happened to be in the area, and I just thought I'd find out how you were doing.

 Sharon: I'm fine.

 Kay: Speak to nicholas?

 Sharon: Yeah. He came home right after you left.

 Kay: Did he?

 Sharon: And I told him that you had someone you wanted me to meet.

 Kay: Oh, uh, darling, please, about that, just don't lay that on too thick. 3E274178.JPG

 Sharon: No, no. I didn'T. I just sort of dropped it into the conversation.

 Kay: And his reaction?

 Sharon: It seemed to catch him off guard. And then he wanted to talk...

 Kay: Let me guess. Let me guess. He wanted to talk, and you pretended that you were, uh, distracted.

S sharon: Right, but it wasn't easy for me. I don't like playing this game.

 Kay: If you're going to get your husband to move off the stick, you are going to have to convince him that he is truly losing you, not to another man, necessarily, but to another life, and that is a life that doesn't include him.

 Sharon: I see your logic, katherine. And I even think it's starting to pay off a little, but nick was-- 3E2741A5.JPG

 Kay: If you see that, for heaven's sakes, 's's got to be progress, in your mind, it's got to be progress.

 Sharon: Yeah, but still I wonder, what if the whole strategy backfires?

 Kay: Backfires how?

 Sharon: Like how I said before. What if I am too convincing, and nick thinks, since I'm moving on with my life, he might as well move on with his?

 Lily: You keep saying that we're gonna be a family. Are you gonna marry her, dad? Are you gonna marry mom? (Doorbell rings)

 Dru: Okay, I'm gonna get that.

 Dru: Hey.

 Wes: Hey. Am I interrupting? 3E2741F7.JPG

>>Ruru: Well, we were just talking about our new living arrangement, but...

 Wes: All right. Well, I shld go, let you finish talking.

 Lily: Wesley, wait! I want you to stay.

 Wes: I really don't think that's a good idea, lily.

 Dru: Lily, we're still talking, remember?

 Lily: I want him to be a part of this. If affects him, too, right?

 Wes: Lily, look. Why don't you finish your conversation with your mom and dad, and then we'll talk later.

 Lily: No! I hate that you're always excluded like you don't even matter. If wesley can't be here, then I'm not talking about this. 3E27421F.JPG

 Neil: Uh, wesley, why don't you just stay? You might as well.

 Brad: You're right, nikki. You do deserve to know what's going on.

 Nikki: Okay, so tell me. Brad, if you're not gonna be straight with me, I'm gonna go back to jack. And if that doesn't work, I'm gonna go to ashley. One way or the other, I'm getting to the bottom of this.

 Brad: Do what you want.

 Nikki: I thought you were my friend.

 Brad: I am your friend.

 Nikki: Then why are you leaving me in the dark? If this affects me, I need to know.

 Brad: Oh, damn it, nikki, however much this affects you, it is nothing compared to what I've been through. Do you hear me? Nothing. 3E27425B.JPG

 Nikki: The more you say, the more scared I'm becoming. What do you mean? Why don't you just tell me? My god, at this point, the truth cannot be anything worse than what I'm imagining.

 Brad: You don't think so, huh?

 Nikki: When I talked to victor, I asked him if he had any idea why you would be acting the way you are. The only thing he could come up with was that he had been spending time with ashley. I know he's very possessive of the women in his life. It's damn aggravating, his inability to let go. Is that what this is about? You're upset because victor gave ashley support last year when she was battling cancer?

 Brad: Is that what victor said, nikki? The only thing he gave her was support? 3E27428C.JPG

 Nikki: You mean, there's more to it than that?

 Brad: Yeah. A lot more.

 Nikki: Oh, my god. That could only mean one thing.

 Kay: I really don't think anything is going to backfire.

 Sharon: But you can't be certain it won'T. 3E27436A.JPG

 Kay: Sharon, there are no guarantees. Of course, life-- in life, there's no guarantees. All I'm saying is if nicholas does decide to move on, shouldn't that tell you something? Oh, well, speaking of, there he is, your husband.

 Sharon: Oh, okay. Back to work.

 Kay: All right, and good luck with everything.

 Sharon: Thanks.

 Nick: Hey.

 Sharon: Hey.

 Nick: Back in the saddle, huh?

 Sharon: Yep. Uh, excuse me.

 Nick: Katherine.

 Kay: Hello, nicholas.

 Nick: How you been?

 Kay: Well, I'm not complaining. I'm breathing. 3E2743A9.JPG

 Nick: I noticed you were out at the house this morning.

 Kay: Yes, I was making plans with sharon.

 Nick: Yeah, she said you had a friend that you wanted her to meet.

 Kay: Well, I thought it would be nice for her to get out and about.

 Nick: Sure, yeah.

 Kay: She's doing rather well, don't you think? All things considered.

 Nick: Yeah, I guess so.

 Kay: Darling, listen, I have got more shopping to do, and it was a pleasure running into you, as always, and may I have that kiss? I love you, nicholas.

 Sharon: There you go.

 David: Oh, thanks. Sharon?

 Sharon: Yes?

 David: Um, listen. I feel a little embarrassed about the other night. 3E2743DF.JPG

 Sharon: Oh, you know what?

 David: I didn't mean to...

 Sharon: Don't worry about it. You didn'T. You were a perfect gentleman.

 Nick: Can we talk

 Sharon: Uh, yeah, but can it wait? 'Cause I'm a little busy right now.

 Nick: No, I want to do it now. I'll be in the office.

 Neil: Wesley, we were just telling lily what a good idea it would be for her and dru to move into my place.

 Wes: How do you feel about that, lily?

 Lily: Not smashed with it.

 Wes: It'll be nice having your mom and dad close by, won't it?

 Neil: We told her she should at least give it a chance.

 Lily: What's the point? Your mind's already made up. 3E27441E.JPG

 Neil: Darling, the point is, it's good for you. I know you don't see it now, but I promise you someday you'll be glad we did this. Living with both of your parents-- that's important, lily. It's something that you're gonna carry with you as you become an adult.

 Lily: Can't come soon enough for me.

 Wes: Lily, your dad has a good point.

 Lily: You think this is a good idea?

 Wes: For you? Yeah, I do.

 Lily: What about for you?

 Wes: Me?

 Lily: Yeah. I want to hear your take. How do you feel about this?

 Olivia: Are you trying to intimidate me?

 Ashley: You should know by now that I don't play games. 3E274448.JPG

 Olivi y you know, if brad wants to get in contact with you, he'll contact you.

 Ashley: You're not gonna tell me where he is?

 Olivia: It's not my job to keep tabs on the man.

 Ashley: Aren't you worried? Because I'm scared to death. If brad thinks that victor knows he's abby's father...

 Olivia: You're afraid of what he might do?

 Ashley: Absolutely. If there's a confrontation, it could be disastrous for everyone.

 Olivia: You don't have to worry.

 Ashley: What does that mean?

 Olivia: It means I've talked to brad, and he assures me he's going to keep his emotions under control. Okay? He's not going to go off half-cocked. 3E274468.JPG

 Ashley: Well, I guess I should thank you for that much.

 Olivia: I didn't do it for you. I did it for brad.

 Ashley: Why didn't you mention it before?

 Olivia: When?

 Ashley: When you told me that you've spoken with brad. You've talked to him since then, haven't you?

 Olivia: Yes, I have.

 Ashley: And you still didn't tell him that victor doesn't know?

 Olivia: No, I didn'T.

 Ashley: Why the hell not?

 Olivia: You know, I-- I don't need to talk to you about why.

 Ashley: Oh, I see. Did you speak with him on the phone? Or was this in person? Where? Here? Your place? A hotel room? Where?! 3E274587.JPG

 Wes: Kiddo, I need you to listen to me. All right, I know this is a difficult situation for you, and I love it that you even care how I feel about this, but this is not about me. It's not about your dad or your mom. It's about you, what's best for you.

 Lily: (Sighs) not this again.

 Wes: It's the truth, lily. That's why your mother brought you back to genoa city. You were struggling with things back in paris. She thought it would be good for you to spend some time with your dad.

 Lily: I do spend time with him.

 Wes: Oh, it's not the same as living with him. Huh? You'll get to see him every morning before you go to school. You'll get to sit down and have dinner with him every night. Hey, wouldn't you like that, lily? Honey, come on. I know that you and your dad-- you have some more issues to work out, but maybe this is the chance for you to resolve so of that-- you know, work through the differences that you've had since you were a little girl. You're not little anymore, lily. You're a young lady. You may not see it, but your life is about to speed up. You're gonna go to college, and then... you might never get the chance to make things right with your dad again, 3E2745D4.JPGand I would hate for you to spend the rest of your life wishing that you'd taken the opportunity to get clorr to your father when you had the chance.

 Lily: What's gonna happen to you?

 Wes: Hey, you don't have to to worry about me, all right? I will be here for you always, whatever you need. You know that, right? Such a lucky girl, lily. I mean, you have a mom and a dad who love you so much, and, I mean, the most important thing to them in this world is making sure you're happy, and that's what good parents do. Come here.

 Lily: (Crying)

 Wes: Shh. No. Those better be happy tears. All right, all right. I think, uh, your dad needs to talk to you. 3E274624.JPG

 Neil: Thank you, wes. Come on, baby. Let's go down to my place--

our place.

 Brad: What is it you think is going on?

 Nikki: Victor and ashley are having an affair. They are, aren't they? I'm right. That's why you wanna rip him to shreds.

 Brad: Nikki, I--

 Nikki: My god, I am such a fool. How could I think that he would change? Why did I believe jack?!

 Brad: What did jack say?

 Nikki: He swore to me that this had nothing to do with an affair. And what about you. How could you keep this from me?!

 Brad: Because I didn't know for certain if it was true. 3E274661.JPG

 Nikki: Well, you obviously believe that it's possible!

 Brad: I wouldn't be surprised.

 Nikki: Well, you have proof, don't you?

 Brad: No.

 Nikki: No? No?! W-what is this about?

 Brad: Nikki, I'm not discussing this with you.

 Nikki: Brad, I have figured out this much already on my own. Please don't clam up now.

 Brad: You want details, you have to get 'em on your own.

 Nikki: I wanna get 'em from you. You can tell me.

 Brad: No, I can't, not about this.

 Nikki: There's something here that doesn't make any sense. You throw out an accusation like this, and you refuse to back it up. What is that about? It's just about you getting back at victor. You're trying to poison me against him with this mind games? 3E274699.JPG

 Brad: Well, first of l,l, I didn't throw any accusations. As for mind games, that's not my style, and you know me well enough to know that.

 Nikki: Yes, I do. I do know you. I know you wouldn't do that. But if you don't have any proof that they're having an affair, why are you acting like this? There is obviously something more, brad, and you've gotta tell me! Please. After everything that we have been through together, after everything we have meant to each other. Damn it, you owe me that much!

 Sharon: Look, uh, whatever this is, can you make it quick? 'Cause I got a lot to do.

 Nick: What's going on with you? 3E274762.JPG

 Sharon: What do you mean?

 Nick: Well, this attitude.

 Sharon: What attitude?

 Nick: Well, you're acting like I don't even exist.

 Sharon: Well, is there something you want? Something about the kids? Oh, you know what? I meant to tell you. I wanna go up to milwaukee for a few days, so you can take care of cassie and noah, can'yoyou?

 Nick: Milwaukee? Why? Is there something going on with the coffeehouse?

 Sharon: Yeah. I talked to trina this morning, and the sales are kind of flat, so I wanna check it out.

 Nick: Why didn't I ever hear about this?

 Sharon: Well, you're busy with newman, you know. But that's okay. I can handle it. 3E27478B.JPG

 Nick: Well, uh, want some company?

 Sharon: Company?

 Nick: Yeah, take the kids, make a weekend out of it.

 Sharon: Oh, I won't have time for the children.

 Nick: Well, you know, I'D... I'd be there, too.

 Neil: Lily, why don't you come over here and sit down next to me?

 Neil: That was something, wasn't it?

 Lily: Yeah. Something. Neil: Wesley means a lot to you, huh?

 Lily: You have no idea.

 Neil: No, I think I do. What he said upstairs-- it's pretty clear how much he cares about you, and he wants what's best for you. I couldn't help but be impressed.

 Lily: Really? 3E2747D4.JPG

 Neil: Yeah. We may not see eye to eye on many things, but atat doesn't mean he hasn't been a good friend to you. In fact, I owe him.

 Lily: For what?

 Neil: For you.

 Lily: Me?

 Neil: I mean, look at you. You're self-confident. You're witty. Look at these clothes. You got a lot of style. You're charming when you wanna be.

 Neil: I have to believe that wesley has something to do with that.

 Lily: I'm real glad he came to genoa city. Ever since I got here, things are so crazy. I don't know how I would've gotten through it without him. 3E27480B.JPG

 Dru: Wes, I don't know what to say.

 Wes: You don't have to say anything.

 Dru: Oh, but I do. I mean, what you said and what you did-- it was, like, awesome. It was, like, perfect.

 Wes: I only did what I had to do. I certainly wasn't gonna make this any more difficult for your daughter than it already is.

 Dru: They broke the mold when they made you. You're so selfless and generous and your heart won't quit--

 Wes: Stop. Just... stop it, dru. You're making me blush.

 Dru: I'm serious as a heart attack. And I know how rough isis has been on you, but I wanna tell you something. You are so important to me. You are so important to lily, and that is not gonna change. We are gonna spend loads of time together. 3E274836.JPG

 Wes: I don't think so.

 Dru: Yeah, I know so. I know so, and I know that you have doubts, but we are gonna work this thing out.

 Wes: No, that'S... that's not what I'm talking about, dru. We won't be spending time together because I won't be here.

 Dru: What are you talking about?

 Wes: I'm going back to paris. 3E274962.JPG

 Sharon: You wanna go to milwaukee with me and the kids?

 Nick: Separate rooms, of course.

 Sharon: Of course. Yeah, I mean, well, I wouldn't have it any other way.

 Nick: Okay. So we're on?

 Sharon: You know, I think I'd better go up there by myself.

 Nick: Why?

 Sharon: Well, that place needs a lot of attention. I'm gonna have to go over ththe books and talk to trina, find out why things are so sluggish.

 Nick: Well, that's why I should go with you. I can help you out.

 Sharon: No, that's not necessary. I could call you if I have any questions. 3E274985.JPG

 Nick: Why don't you just come out and say it?

 Sharon: What?

 Nick: You don't wt t me to go.

 Sharon: I didn't say... look, do whatever you wanna do. Just let me know if I should make arrangements for the kids. In fact, I might as well just call my mom right now.

 Nick: No, no, no, no. Don't worry about it. I'll stay home. It's cool.

 Sharon: Well, suit yourself. You know, there is something I think, um, you should think about while I'm away.

 Nick: Whas that?

 Sharon: I'm wondering if maybe we should sell the coffeehouse in milwaukee

 Dru: Paris? You're going to paris?

 Wes: I think it'll be for the best. 3E2749B6.JPG

 Dru: For who?

 Wes: For all of us.

 Dru: Would you be serious?

 Wes: It's not that I want to. I just... think I should clear the decks for lily so she can form a real relationship with her father.

 Dru: This is a big town, wes. I'm sure that she can develop a relationship with her father with you in it.

 Wes: I think it'll be easier if I'm not.

 Dru: This isn't about lily, is it?

 Wes: No.

 Dru: I didn't think so.

 Wes: This will also make it easier for you to figure out where things stand between you and ne..

 Dru: Wes--

 Wes: It is obvious you're torn about the guy. And there's no way you're gonna be able to resolve this if I don't give you some space. I'm not trying to be in some battle for your heart. 3E2749EC.JPG

 Dru: So you're gonna just throw in the towel?

 Wes: I am backing off because I love you, and I see you wrestling with this decision. Who do you wanna be with?

O or neil? There's no way you're going to be able to decide if I don't give you a chance with the guy.

 Dru: But what if I lose you?

 Wes: You're not losing me, dru. You and I-- we both know what we share. I wanted so bad for that to be enough, but I can see it's not. It's not. So I'm leaving. I'm gonna give you the time you need to explore the other possibility. Listen to your mind. Listen to your heart. And when you know exactly what it is you want, you give me a call. 3E274A2B.JPG

 Dru: But knknow what I want. I don't want you to leave, wes.

 Wes: I have to.

 Dru: Wes, wes, listen to me. I love you. And I am not moving in with neil because I have feelings for him. I swear. I'm doing this for our daughter. Wes... wes, please don't leave me. Wes, please. Please don't go.

 Lily: It's weird. Wesley's been such a big part of my life for so long. It almost feels like... like he's always been there.

 Neil: Sort of like a pseudo-father.

 Lily: That bothers you.

 Neil: No, lily, it doesn'T. I have to tell you, I wish I was the man in your life. All those years, you know, in paris, but I wasn'T. Wesley was, so I'm very fortunate that you had someone you could count on. 3E274A83.JPG

 Lily: When I think about the time before he was around-- I mean, I know it was only a few years ago, but... I can barely remember what it was like.

 Neil: Everything got better when he came on the scene, right?

 Lily: I'm sorry, dad.

 Neil: No, no, no, no. Don't apologize. Come on. You don't have to worry about hurting your dear old dad. A man has to face the truth. Otherwise, he's not much of a man. The truth is wesley's done a lot of good things for you.

 Lily: I'm glad to hear you talk about wes like that. It almost makes me wish you two could be friends. Th w would make life a lot easier.

 Neil: Well, who knows? That might happen someday. 3E274AB4.JPG

 Lily: I don't think so.

 Neil: You don't think so? Why do you say that?

 Lily: Because of mom. You're both in love with her.

 Nick: You wanna sell the coffeehouse in milwaukee?

 Sharon: Well, if it's not doing that well.

 Nick: Okay, so business is a little flat. Now you just wanna dump it?

 Sharon: It's more than that, nick. It's hard enough just running this place. We don't have time to run two coffeehouses, especially now.

 Nick: What does that mean?

 Sharon: I have things I wanna do.

 Nick: What things?

 Sharon: Look, the point is if we get divorced...

 Nick: Divorced. There's that word again.

 Sharon: Nick, we can't go on like this indefinitely, and selling the place in milwaukee could be part of the divorce settlement. 3E274BCB.JPG

 Nick: Wow. Settlement. We're talking settlement now?

 Sharon: Well, it makes sense, doesn't it? I mean, you keep the place if you want to. You can just pay me for half.

 Nick: You cannot be serious.

 Sharon: Yeah. Same goes for this place. You can just pay me half, and then, you know, it'll be all yours.

 Nick: I don't-- I don't believe you.

 Sharon: What?

 Nick: We built this place together, sharon, you and I. Same with milwaukee.

 Sharon: Yeah. So what's your point?

 Nick: Okay. Yeah, I get it. I see what's going on. Katherine put you up to this, didn't she? 3E274BFF.JPG

 Olivia: I don't have to answer that.

 Ashley: You did see him.

 Olivia: You can think what you like.

 Ashley: Did you sleep with him? Don'T. Don't answer that. I don't wanna know.

 Olivia: You know what? You keep focusing on the wrong things.

 Ashley: Oh, do I, really?

 Olivia: Yeah, you do. Stop making me the villain. You're the one who decided to have a baby with victor. You're the one who decided to marry brad without telling him something he had every right to know. You should take responsibility for your own actions! You know what? I let you tell brad the truth on your own terms, but I made it clear to you that if he didn't accept your explanation and he needed support, I would be there. 3E274C31.JPG

 Ashley: And you sure were, weren't you? Did you enjoy yourself, olivia, supporting brad?

 Olivia: Well, at least he could count on one of us.

 Ashley: You know, I look at you, I don't even know who you are anymore. How do you go from being a woman who is admired and respected to somebody who doesn't think twice about chasing after a married man? Her best friend's husband, no less.

 Olivia: You don't deserve brad.

 Ashley: Why don't you just admit what your motivation is? You want me out of the way so you can have brad to yourself. Say it. Well, I guess you still must have some small sense of shame keeping you from saying it out loud. 3E274C5B.JPG

 Olivia: I'm not the one who should be feeling shame.

 Ashley: Don't you care what happens? Don't you give a damn who could get hurt? Victor, nikki, abby?

 Olivia: Oh, oh, so now you're concerned about how this is gonna affect your daughter?

 Ashley: Don't you even think about going there. Yoyou will regret it.

 Olivia: Are you finished?

 Ashley: You can deny it till you're blue in the face. I know what you're doing. You want there to be a confrontation. You want victor involved, because in your eyes, at means my marriage is over, and you can move right in.

 Olivia: Get out.

 Ashley: You know what? You're just using us, aren't you? We're all just little pawns in your nasty little chess game. 3E274C83.JPG

 Olivia: I said get out.

 Ashley: You're such a hypocrite. You are such a hypocrite. You go on and on about how sacred the truth is, and yet wh y you had the chance to say something that would spare us all a lot of pain, you kept your mouth shut! I don't know where brad is, and I don't know what he plans to do, but whatever happens, I hold you responsible.

 Brad: Nikki, I'm sorry. I have to go.

 Nikki: What do you mean, you have to go? Our past means nothing to you? Is that what you're saying?

 Brad: You know that's not true.

 Nikki: Well, I don't know much of anything anymore. My mind is going to horrible places, and you're not being straight with me. 3E274CB0.JPG

 Brad: Nikki--

 Nikki: Okay, you know what? As I said before, I will find the truth out from somebody else but I want you to know this. Your silence is not chivalrous. You're not protecting me, brad. You're just prolonging my suffering. It's bad enough for me to know that something terrible has happened, but now I've been lied to by the person that I trusted the most. Thank you for nothing!

 Brad: It's my daughter.

 Nikki: What?

 Brad: This whole thing is about abby.

 Nikki: Abby? What about her?

 Brad: I found out who the biological father is.

 Nikki: I don't understand. What does that have to do with anything? 3E274CF6.JPG

 Brad: It's victor. Your husband-- that's abby's biological father. The only thing

 Lily: It's okay, dad. You don't have to answer.

 Neil: No, no, no, no. I keep forgetting how grown-up you are. I can't hide much of anything from you, can I?

 Lily: So you are still in love with her.

 Neil: Lily, your mom is an incredible lady. Her energy, her spirit. Once you get to know her, it's hard not to love her.

 Lily: Why did you guys split up?

 Neil: That's, uh, that's a long, long story, lily.

 Lily: You don't think I'll understand.

 Neil: No, on the contrary. I think you will understand. It's just I don't think I'm ready to talk about it yet. 3E274DF9.JPG

 Lily: That's the exact same thing mom says.

 Neil: Hey, one of these days I promise we will tell you. Just not right now.

 Lily: So what's gonna happen?

 Neil: Well, young lady, what I hope is gonna happen is that you're gonna feel comfortable enough to settle in here, and I know it's not gonna happen overnight, but I'm hoping you'll give it a shot, you know?

 Lily: Well, maybe. But that's not exactly the question I was asking you, dad, and I think you know that is it okay if I go check out my old room?

 Neil: Sure.

 Sharon: What does katherine chancellor have to do with it?

 Nick: She comes to see you, and suddenly you're this different person. 3E274E3E.JPG

 Sharon: Look, I have to get back to work.

 Nick: Pretending like you don't care, that the coffeehouses don't matter. It's just some game you're playing.

 Sharon: You think this is a game to me? This is my life, nicholas. You're the one who's playing a game.

 Nick: Oh, how am I doing that?

 Sharon: By stringing me along and seeing how much I can take. Well, you win, nick! I can't take anymore. You happy?

 Nick: You know, I am not doing this with you again.

 Sharon: Of course not, because it's too hard, right? You want everything to be nice and easy the way it always was for you. 3E274E63.JPG

 Nick: I'm out of here.

 Sharon: Fine. Run away again, nick. (Hits door)

 Nick: You know what? You want a divorce, sharon? You got it. Just have your attorney call mine. (Door slams)

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