Friday Y&R Transcript 1/10/03

Y&R Transcript
Friday 1/10/03--Canada; 1/13/03--USA

By Eric
Proofread by Jordan

Ashley: Any word from Brad?

Olivia: No. How about you?

Ashley: No, but I got a call from Nikki.

Olivia: After you talked to her?

Ashley: Yeah. She wants to see me. Apparently she spoke with Brad.

Olivia: When?

Ashley: I don't know, Olivia. I guess Brad stopped by to see Victor.

Olivia: Well, thank god Victor wasn't there.

Ashley: Well, that's not gonna stop Brad. He's enraged because he doesn't know the whole story.

Olivia: Then we'd better find him before he gets to Victor. What did he say to Nikki?

Ashley: I'll find out soon enough. She's on her way over here.

Olivia: Maybe you should tell her everything, if she doesn't already know.

Ashley: If Brad has told her about Abby, I'm certainly going to tell her that Victor doesn't know.

Olivia: Yeah, well, even if he didn't tell her, you've got to come clean.

Ashley: And what do you think that would do to their marriage, if she found out that her husband is the father of my child? I'm going to try to protect her from that, Olivia.

Olivia: Oh, you're going to keep this from the two of them indefinitely? Come on, Ashley. This is out of our control now.

Ashley: Not yet. I've got to find Brad, make sure he knows that Victor knew nothing about Abby. And, Olivia, if you do see Brad -- (doorbell rings)

Ashley: That must be Nikki. Olivia, if you see Brad, make sure and call me.

Olivia: Ashley--

Ashley: Call me, damn it!


Diego: Come on, now.

Man: A proposition?

Bobby: Give me a break. You two are here 'cause you got a death wish.

Larry: Think again... Bobby.

Bobby: How do you know my name?

Larry: They had a name for me, too--the Wartman. You remember?

Man: What is he talking about?

Bobby: I knew him in the joint.

Man: This guy?

Larry: Yeah. Don't sweat it, brother. 'Cause if I was gonna rip your head off right here in this bar, you'd be looking for your skull right now.

Man: You finished being a tough guy?

Larry: That depends. You going to listen to my friend here or not?


Billy: Still worried about Britt?

Raul: What? I just hope her parents aren't giving her a rough time after the day she's had.

Billy: Dude, we both know she can handle Fred and Anita. What's really spacing you out?

Raul: What you told me before. You and Mac--you're ditching Brown and Northwestern to go to school together?

Billy: The ivy-covered walls of G.C.U.

Raul: Yeah, I'm sure that's the attraction. Man... in one week, I'm supposed to be in Boston. Brittany's going to New York. I mean, damn, how... how am I supposed to go from living with somebody, to hardly even seeing them?

Billy: It's been the plan all along, buddy.

Raul: Yeah, I know. I know. But now that it's almost time to get on the airplane, Billy, I'm...

Billy: Well, then maybe you shouldn't blow off my suggestion.

Raul: What? What, transferring out here? Getting a place together? It's not that simple.

Billy: Why isn't it? What's the hang-up? It's not like anybody's forcing you to go back east.

Raul: We got school in a couple of weeks. We can't just pick up and--

Billy: Come on, Raul. Not that I'm pushing, but if you want something bad enough, you make it happen. I mean, look at Mac. She only jumped on this, this morning. Don't see anything stopping her.


Mac: Dad!

Brock: Happy New Year, sweetheart.
Mac: Happy New Year to you, too!

Brock: Oh!

Mac: I can't believe it! Grandma didn't say a word to me.

Brock: I surprised her, too.

Mac: What are you doing here? I mean, it's great that you're here, but...

Brock: Well, I've been thinking a lot about you and the duchess, and I thought, hey, take a few days off and come home and see you. Oh, my, Mackenzie... you're all grown up.

Mac: Yeah, getting there.

Brock: Oh, Mac, you're out in the world now, starting a whole new life. And I read your e-mails from Evanston, all about your friends, the courses you're taking... I'm so proud of the woman you're becoming.

Mac: Oh, cut it out, dad. You're gonna make me cry. I didn't even realize how much I missed you until right this minute.

Brock: So are you free now? You want to start catching up?

Mac: Actually, your timing is amazing. I was gonna call you tonight.

Brock: Oh?

Mac: I've made a decision, dad, a big one, and I'm really hoping you'll be okay with it.

Brock: What kind of decision are we talking about?

Mac: I'm transferring to G.C.U.


Brittany: I'm sorry.

Anita: Honey, don't apologise. We totally understand.

Frederick: You've been through a horrible experience. We...

Brittany: Still, you're not used to seeing me like this.

Frederick: Well... your mother and I are relieved that nothing worse happened.

Brittany: I'm really glad you're not blaming Raul for this.

Frederick: No. Why would we?

Anita: He wasn't responsible for you being attacked by those hoodlums.

Brittany: I'm glad you realise that.

Frederick: Just as we're glad that you realise that that boarding house really isn't any place for you either, sweetie.

Anita: No.


Nikki: Hi, honey. Don't worry. I'm not gonna stay. There's someplace I have to go. I just wanted to make sure you're all right.

Victoria: You've talked to dad, obviously.

Nikki: Yeah. Have you decided where you're going to spend the night tonight?

Victoria: I'll figure something out.

Nikki: You're really hurting.

Victoria: I don't know what I am. I mean, I was so excited about buying us a condo.

Nikki: I know. Then you found out about Diego's other priorities.

Victoria: I just couldn't believe what I was hearing. I mean, that wasn't the man that I'm in love with. I don't know who it was.

Nikki: Well, you're probably not gonna like hearing this, but you really haven't known him all that long.

Victoria: You're right, mother. I don't like hearing it. I mean, Diego isn't like this. He isn't about revenge. I mean, for him to put our plans on hold so he can go settle some score with these animals is just... I never in a million years thought I'd be dealing with something like this.

Nikki: You mean, with someone like your father.

Victoria: How do you cope when he gets that way? Because with Diego, I'm not sure that I can.


Man: We beat the living hell out of you. Now you want to do business?

Diego: Hey, you came looking for me again, only you didn't find me. Must've been real frustrating.

Bobby: Yeah, well, get to the point.

Diego: The money you stole must be gone by now. Thought you'd come back for some more, huh? Well, you're out of luck. I just don't carry that kind of cash.

Larry: But he knows someone who does.

Man: Who?

Diego: Victor Newman.

Man: Yeah, right. The dude's a straight arrow. Why would he be carrying around his cash?

Diego: You know what? He just wants the public to think he's straight as an arrow.

Bobby: He isn't?

Diego: Newman's got his finger in a lot of pies.
Man: Meaning?

Larry: Come on, man. Figure it out.

Bobby: You mean drugs? A guy like that? You got to be kidding.

Larry: Hey, with legal stuff, you don't make the same profit margin on the back end.

Diego: Especially after the tax man gets his cut.

Bobby: Yeah. And what other fairy tale you gonna sell us?

Diego: Hey, this isn’t no fairy tale. You want to ask around, go ahead. I used to live at the ranch, take care of his horses, till old man Newman decided he could trust me. Now our deal was when he needed money moved, I moved it... with no questions asked.

Man: So why tell us? What's in it for you?

Diego: Two things--get you two lowlifes off my back...

Larry: And he gets to stick it to Newman. Now how sweet is that?


Brad: I just needed to see someone I could trust.

Olivia: You must be in so much pain.

Brad: You know, don't you?

Olivia: Ashley told me. But, Brad, there's something you don't know--

Brad: Liv, listen, all right? I don't want to talk about any of this. That's not why I'm here. I just found out that my daughter I love and adore is the biological child of a man that I despise.

Olivia: But you don't understand the whole--

Brad: I understand enough, damn it. Now, Liv, if you're gonna say anything else, I'm gonna leave. I mean it.

Olivia: I know, but Victor--

Brad: Please stop it! I don't even want to hear his name! I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm out of control. I shouldn't have come here in the first place.

Olivia: No, Brad, Brad, please, please don't go.

Brad: All right.

Brad: But don't say his name again, not for any reason. You understand?


Victor: May I come in?

Ashley: This really isn't the best time.
Victor: I won't be but a minute.

Victor: Um... I understand your husband was looking for me, loaded for bear, and that, then, you called, too.

Ashley: You spoke with Nikki.

Victor: That's right. We're both wondering what this is about.

Ashley: I can't really talk about it right now.

Victor: But why, then did you call earlier?

Ashley: Victor, let's just say that I have a lot going on.

Victor: I understand that. And I can see that you're very upset. But this is disrupting to us as well, you know.

Ashley: So sorry, but I don't have any answers.

Victor: I think you do.


Brock: Transfer? Hmm. I thought you were happy at Northwestern.

Mac: I am. I-I mean, it's a terrific school.

Brock: Mm-hmm. I know you've been a little homesick.

Mac: That's part of it.

Brock: And Billy's the other part.

Mac: You know?

Brock: He mentioned to me that he was thinking about enrolling for the spring semester. Obviously, he made up his mind.

Mac: Dad, Billy loved every minute in Louisiana, working with you.

Brock: Yeah, I think he got a lot out of it.

Mac: He did, totally.

Brock: Well, you've... you've both grown up. I've seen it in Billy--got to know him very well.

Mac: I feel so close to him, dad.

Brock: I can understand why, Mackenzie. He's a heck of a young man. I have nothing but praise for him.

Mac: But...

Brock: I can't help being concerned, Mackenzie. Both of you are, what, you're only 18 years old. Rearranging your lives so that you can be together--do you really think that's wise?

Mac: I get the feeling you don't.


Nikki: Look, a man who'd want to get even after being beaten is not that uncommon.

Victoria: It just blows me away. I mean, all this macho garbage-- I mean, what's going to happen in the future? I mean, what happens when we start building a life together? Is he gonna get all side-tracked on some stupid vendetta?

Nikki: I think it's good that you're asking these questions.

Victoria: In other words, you think I should wake up and smell the coffee.

Nikki: Honey, maybe you two have been together long enough for Diego to show his true colours.

Victoria: You sound just like dad.

Nikki: I'm just saying people reveal themselves in layers. I'm not surprised that you're seeing sides of him that you never knew existed.

Victoria: You mean, in our big romantic haze?

Nikki: Are you that disillusioned?

Victoria: This is just a real bucket of cold water. I mean, Ryan wasn't like this, or Cole--

Nikki: Now, honey, that's hardly a fair comparison.

Victoria: Yeah, but if I'm supposed to be in love with him--

Nikki: You want to come first. I understand.

Victoria: Great. Now we're both selfish.

Nikki: No, it's just that the two of you are focusing on different things.

Victoria: You know, what really gets me, mother, is that he has no clue how dangerous this is. I mean, these people have guns. They almost killed him once, for god's sake. I mean, why doesn't he see that? You never answered me before. How do you deal with dad when he gets like this? I mean, I know there have been times where he's gone looking for a fight.

Nikki: Yeah. Well, I would say that the more important issue is do you even want a man like that?

Victoria: That's kind of an odd question.

Nikki: Not really.

Victoria: Is something going on between you and dad?

Nikki: Honey, we're talking about you and Diego, not your father and me.

Victoria: Mother, I just had so many hopes and dreams. I mean... I just can't believe that I've misjudged him.

Nikki: Come and spend the night at the ranch tonight.
Victoria: I don't think that's a good idea.

Nikki: Please. It--it would really mean a lot to me.

Victoria: Why?

Nikki: I just have a feeling that maybe... I'm going to need some company tonight. I promise to keep your father away from you, if that's what you want.

Victoria: I'm gonna ask you this again--is something going on with you and dad, I mean, something I should know?

Nikki: Victoria, just say you'll stay tonight.


Man: Why stick it to Newman? What'd he do to you?

Diego: When you guys put me in the hospital, that old bastard--he turned his back on me, pretended he didn't even know me.

Bobby: That's pretty cold.

Diego: Yeah. That's why I also want payback. And I want the two of you to stay the hell away from me.

Larry: That's why we're offering to cut you in on the score--if afterwards, you leave my friend alone and go away.

Man: If you're so worried about me and Bobby, why don't you just rat us out to the big man?

Larry: You're not listenin', brother. He's done with the man.

Diego: The way Newman turned his back on me, I figure it's about time to return the favour. So you in or out?

Man: What are you talking about? What kind of score?

Diego: Big one. Just need some extra hands.

Bobby: You going to jerk us around, or you going to give us the details?

Diego: Newman's safe. That's where the 100 grand came from. I saw inside once. There's got to be a million or more in there.

Bobby: Yeah. And he just leaves it open, right? People just walk in and help themselves. I mean, what kind of idiots do you take us for?

Larry: Still the loudmouth, huh, Bobby?

Diego: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey. Whoa. Hey. Obviously, it's locked. Come on, just sit down. Look, this is where Larry comes in. He knows his way around a safe. All right? I know that security system out there cold. You guys come in with the muscle. We can just go in there, grab the cash and split. We divvy it up four ways and say so long.

Larry: For good. Now that's the deal. You either take it, or you leave it.


Victor: Will you tell me why your husband is so angry with me?

Ashley: I promise you that we can talk about this later.

Victor: No, let's do it now. Does this have anything to do with the meeting you and I had recently?

Ashley: Brad is upset, but I can't talk about why.

Victor: Ashley, please--

Ashley: Please stop asking me so many questions and promise me something. If you ever cared about me, if you were ever my friend, then please promise me that you'll stay as far away from Brad as possible.

Victor: But why?

Ashley: Just do it, please, for my sake. Just give me a chance to talk to him and settle things down. If the two of you are face to face before I have a chance to do that, it's just going to make things worse.

Victor: If he comes gunning for me again--

Ashley: Avoid him. Refuse to see him. Have somebody else deal with him. I don't want the two of you in the same room. I'm begging you.

Victor: Why is this so important to you?

Ashley: Promise me you'll stay away from Brad.

Victor: What's upsetting you so? Okay. I'll, um... I won't go looking for him. All right?

Ashley: Would you please see yourself out?

Victor: Okay.


Olivia: Can I get you anything? I mean, I'm sure you haven't eaten.

Brad: No. No, I'm not hungry.

Olivia: I'm so sorry, Brad.

Brad: I just keep thinking about Abby. That's what's killing me. That sweet, innocent little girl.

Olivia: I know she means everything to you.

Brad: I can't even describe...

Olivia: The bond that we share with our children... that's very profound.

Brad: I can't let it affect the way I feel about Abby. I just can't. I won't.

Brad: When Ash told me who she conceived our child with... it was like a hand reached into my chest and just ripped my heart out.

Olivia: Oh, Brad...

Brad: I'm scared, Liv. I am scared as hell that I just won't be able to handle it. Next time I see that little face... I look in those trusting eyes...

Brad: Knowing that she's the daughter of this ruthless megalomaniac whom I despise...

Olivia: She's not his daughter, not in any way that counts.

Brad: No. Just biologically. God, Liv, that's so powerful. What happens if the day comes and I look in that face…

Brad: I see the similarities to this man that I hate. Will I ever be able to hold her again and love her and not feel some connection to...

Olivia: You just heard about this. You got to give it time.

Brad: Is that going to solve anything?

Olivia: Yeah, it might. Especially where your feelings about Abby are concerned.

Brad: I can't get past how I feel right now, Liv. I don't know if I'll ever be able to.

Brad: What about the flip side? What about when the day comes that Abby finds out? That day will come. Can't hide something like this forever. Even if I find a way to deal with it, what if Abby can't? Then what?

Olivia: Brad, that's... that's so far in the future.

Brad: Yeah. So, what, I should just forget about it? Put it out of my mind? I can't do that, Liv. There's no way.


Billy: Well, Britt's still talking to her folks. I didn't see any knives flying, so... hey, you hear me?

Raul: Hey, let's talk about your idea some more.

Billy: Really?

Raul: Yeah, I think if Brittany had the choice, she'd rather stay here.

Billy: Wouldn't hurt to ask.

Raul: It would save her a lot of money.

Billy: Oh, big time. I mean, travel expenses alone. Plus, it's way cheaper here than Boston or New York. You can go out for a burger, it's not going to cost you 47 bucks.

Raul: And plus, if we're talking about splitting rent four ways, come on, that's...

Billy: There's no downside, money-wise. Come on, go for it.

Raul: Why are you so up for this?

Billy: What, are you kidding me? I think it'd be a blast!

Raul: Yeah, and I can just see you blasting Brittany.

Billy: Okay, look. I know we like to snark at each other...

Raul: And most of it's because of you, dude. No offence.

Billy: Hey, I can handle it.

Raul: Are you sure? I'm talking about being really civil, because if you can't--

Billy: Listen. Listen, I'm willing to try. I really want this to work, you know? Look at it this way. We can split up and all go our separate ways and have strangers for roommates in some stupid dorm, or the four of us can hang out, go to college together, have this totally cool set-up. I mean, to me it's a no-brainer. So... are you on board or what?

Raul: Let's see what the bosses have to say, okay?

Billy: All right.


Brittany: I'll be okay.

Anita: I know you will, honey.

Frederick: This whole situation--it's been rough on everyone.

Brittany: I'm never going back there. I'll be leaving town soon anyway, heading off to college.

Brittany: Raul and I knew this day was coming. I mean, it's not like we're never going to see each other again. It's just going to be so different. I'm going to miss him so much.

Frederick: So, uh, what are your plans before you leave for school?

Brittany: You mean, like where will I be staying?

Anita: You mentioned earlier that you might be willing to come home.

Brittany: Well, yeah. Unless you don't...

Anita: Oh, of course, honey.

Frederick: We just didn't know what you wanted.

Brittany: I think it's best. Don't you?

Anita: Nothing would please us more, sweetheart. Right, Frederick?


Ashley: Come in.

Nikki: Are we alone?

Ashley: Abby's sleeping upstairs. Other than that--

Nikki: Good. I don't want to be disturbed.

Ashley: What do you want?

Nikki: For starters, why did you call my husband?

Ashley: I told you why.

Nikki: No, the real reason.

Ashley: I want him to stay away from Brad.

Nikki: Because he's so angry with Victor?

Ashley: Yes.

Nikki: He's angry with you, too.

Ashley: What's your point, Nikki?

Nikki: You can't figure it out? It's not that difficult.

Ashley: I'm not a mind-reader.

Nikki: Okay, I'll be blunt. Are you and Victor having an affair?


Brock: You're both very young, and as you said, this is a big decision.

Mac: But you do understand where I'm coming from.

Brock: Well, my main concern. Are you sure you want to do this now?

Mac: Grandma wondered if I should wait until sophomore year.

Brock: What do you think of that advice

Mac: I don't want to wait, dad. Neither does Billy. We really want to be together.

Brock: Uh, devil's advocate?

Mac: Sure.

Brock: What if things don't work out between the two of you? Will you regret having transferred schools for him?

Mac: I think I'll regret it more if I don't follow my heart on this one, dad.

Brock: Hmm... so what other, uh... plans have you and Billy made?

Mac: Um, I'm not sure I know what you mean.

Brock: Well, will you live in a dorm or off-campus?

Mac: Oh, uh... well, I'm gonna live here with Grandma, and he's going to live with his dad, if that's what-- you know, if it helps... at all.

Brock: Well, let's just say that it eases my mind.

Mac: So is that a yes? I mean, do I have your permission?

Brock: I can hardly go on about how grown-up you are if I don't let you make your own decisions.

Mac: You are the most wonderful dad. Thank you.

Brock: How can I help it, with you as a daughter?

Mac: Is it okay if I go tell Billy? I promise we'll catch up later.

Brock: Yeah, go.

Mac: Thank you.

Brock: Give him my best.

Mac: I will.


Bobby: What do you think, Seth?

Seth: That it sounds too good to be true.

Diego: All right, forget it. But you two stay off my back, you hear me? I know who you are, and I know where to find you, and I'll sell you out to the cops in a second.

Seth: Hey, just a sec.

Seth: Give us the night to think about it.

Diego: I'm at the lakeside motel. Room 146. I won't be there for long, so if you guys decide to show up, don't get any stupid ideas.

Larry: 'Cause my man, he's got his back covered all over town.

Diego: And, guys, you caught me napping one time. One time. It won't happen again. That's all for now. Enjoy the rest of your Thursday.


Brittany: Hey, guys.

Raul: Hey.

Frederick: Billy, we owe you an enormous thank you. I understand you saved our daughter's life.

Billy: Thank Raul. He's the one who got word to me. If he hadn't, I'd...

Anita: Let's not even think about that.

Frederick: Well, we'll talk to you later, kitten.

Brittany: Yeah. I'll let you know what's going on.

Anita: Thank you.

Raul: You're welcome.

Frederick: Thanks again.

Raul: Well, it looked like your parents.

Brittany: Incredible, huh? They were actually pretty cool for a change.

Raul: So what, everything's okay? They didn't come down on you at all?

Brittany: You either, Raul. I mean, I was expecting the worst, and they were actual human beings. And when I talked about school and how much I would miss you, they didn't even bat an eye. What?

Raul: Well, while you were out there with your folks, Billy and I were in here talking, and, um, he came up with a pretty amazing idea. But listen, I know you're wiped out still, and if you want to--

Brittany: No, no, it's okay. What was Billy's idea?

Raul: All right, look, you know how we're both totally dreading going off to college? If we love each other and we want to stay together, then there's no reason we shouldn't be.

Billy: See, Mac and I have the same problem. We've been apart and we know how bad it sucks.

Raul: Yeah, so they did something about it.

Brittany: Like what?

Billy: I'm not going back to Louisiana. I enrolled at G.C.U., And Mac has, too. She's transferring from Northwestern.

Brittany: Are you serious?

Raul: That was my reaction, but then as we kept talking about it--

Billy: It hit me. Why don't we all go here?

Raul: Yeah, the four of us. We'll stay in town. We'll go to G.C.U.

Billy: Yeah, and here's the best part. We get an apartment near campus, the four of us, split four ways.

Raul: Come on, baby, what do you say? Does that sound doable?


Ashley: Oh, for god's sake.

Nikki: Just answer the question.

Ashley: No, I am not having an affair with your husband.

Nikki: What about before he was my husband? You were married. Did brad find out? Is that what he's so livid about?
Ashley: You're letting your imagination run wild with you, Nikki.

Nikki: Tell me something. If you found out that your husband was spending time with a former wife and never told you about it, spent a lot of time with her, holding her hand, discussing her marriage, you don't think you'd have these same questions?

Ashley: I can tell you that you're completely off-base.

Nikki: Am I? What about Brad?

Ashley: Don't pin this on Brad. You conjured this up all on your own.

Nikki: All right, well, then please explain to me what's going on.

Ashley: Victor and I are friends. That's all we are. We haven't crossed any lines. We haven't even come close.

Nikki: Really? Then why is Brad foaming at the mouth about the two of you?

Ashley: What did he say?

Nikki: I'm asking the questions here.

Ashley: No, this is going to be give and take, or you can just turn around and leave.

Nikki: Brad told me that I don't begin to know the man I'm married to. Now after a statement like that, what am I supposed to think?

Ashley: That he and Victor haven't gotten along for years.

Nikki: Damn it, Ashley. Why won't you level with me? What are you hiding?

Olivia: I'm not telling you, you should forget your pain. I'm saying don't use it to blind you from what's most important-- the fact that Abby is your child and always will be. I mean, you have a connection that goes beyond biology. That can never be broken. And if you didn't believe that, you wouldn't have adopted her, but you did, brad, because you love her unconditionally... no matter whose genes created her. Abby's not responsible for that, and you're not the kind of man who would hold that against her.

Brad: I think if I'd known from the beginning, I could have dealt with it. I would've found a way. And if I couldn't, so be it. Bonds wouldn't have been formed. Lives wouldn't have been changed forever. I should have been given that choice, Liv. But I wasn't. Ash took that away from me, and I honestly don't think I can ever forgive her for that.


Brittany: You two are crazy.

Billy: Yeah, but in a good way.

Raul: So what do you think about Billy's idea?

Brittany: Well, I don't want to be away from you either, but... still.

Raul: I know, I know.
Brittany: Wow.

Raul: This is a little out of the blue.

Brittany: A little?

Raul: Look, I'm all for it, in case you couldn't tell. I guess the real question is how do you feel?

Brittany: Well, I always wanted to go away for college. Ever since I was a kid, I just thought it sounded so cool. And then when I got into my very top pick-- I mean, New York City-- what could be more glamorous? I couldn't ask for anything more. But then I fell in love. And you changed my life, Raul. I still want to get my degree. That's totally important. But if you're willing to give up Pemberton to be with me, I don't see how I could possibly leave. In fact, there's nowhere I'd rather b than wherever you are.

Mac: What's going on?

Billy: Who wants to tell her?

Mac: What, does this have anything to do with... hey, I'm so glad you guys are all right. Billy told me what happened. What a horrible thing. You are all right. I mean, you look okay.

Brittany: Very.

Billy: So, like, in 25 words or less...

Raul: We're staying in town, just like you and Billy.

Brittany: Come on we're gonna be roomies. How does that grab you?


Olivia: Have you been home?

Brad: No. I got a room at the Genoa City hotel. Right now I do not want to see ash. I haven't even begun to sort things out.

Ashley: Look, Nikki, Brad and I are going through something, but I don't intend to talk about it with you.

Nikki: What about my husband?

Ashley: I haven't spoken about it with him either.

Nikki: Somehow I find that hard to believe, considering it obviously has something to do with him.

Ashley: Look, I know I'm not your favourite person. Could you please try to do me a favour? Just stay out of this. Don't seek out Brad. Don't fan any flames. Just give us a chance to work this out on our own without any interference from you or anybody else.

Nikki: Well, if I want answers, I'll have to go elsewhere.

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