Y&R Transcript Friday, 6/1/90
Episode #1.4367 - Nikki takes center stage at the Colonnade Room, Drucilla finds herself in trouble, and Sheila distracts Scott from Lauren.
Provided By Suzanne
Scott: Well, look, I gotta get going. And you need to get some rest.Sheila: Oh, uh... think you can stay just a little longer? I feel a lot better when I'm talking to you.
Scott: Can I use your phone?
Sheila: Sure.
Scott: Okay.
[ Ringing ]
[ Telephone ringing ]
Lauren: Hello?
[ Phone clicks ]
[ Sighs ]
Scott: Well, I guess I can spend a little bit more time.
Sheila: That's great.
Lauren: Just missed it.
Christine: You think it could've been scott?
Lauren: Could've been. But I guess he'll call back. Though, the way my luck's been running...
Christine: You wouldn't count on it.
Lauren: Doesn't make sense. I called the hospital, and I left a message for him to meet me at the private dining room at 7:00. I called back, the nurse assures me that he got his message, but scott doesn't show up.
Christine: Well, maybe something came up. An emergency at the hospital.
Lauren: I thought about that, but he would've called. He always does. The more I think about this... oh, god.
Christine: What?
Lauren: What if that phone call was from the police or a hospital saying that scott's been in an accident?
Christine: Lauren, don't start pushing panic buttons, all right?
Lauren: I can't help it, cricket. What if he's been hurt?
Wait. No, no, wait, wait, wait, wait. Let's not imagine the worst. Why don't we -- let's call the police, and we'll call the local hospitals.
Lauren: Great idea. All right, why don't you use that phone in there? You call the police. I'll call the hospitals.
[ Thinking ] "Scott, please meet me at private dining room, 7:00. Lauren."
[ Toilet flushes ]
Scott: So, how you feeling?
Sheila: Better.
Scott: Good, I'm glad.
Sheila: Yeah, well, thanks for staying with me. I hope I didn't spoil your birthday.
Scott: Sheila, I didn't have anything special planned, you know? Birthday's no big deal. I guess you could say I spent it doing what I do best.
Sheila: Being a doctor. And you sure are a wonderful doctor. You know, I wonder sometimes if people outside of profession can even begin to understand.
Scott: Understand what?
Sheila: Our lives, what they're like. The special bond that we share working so closely together. I mean, in our profession, we deal with the ultimate in human feelings and emotions every day. Matters of life and death -- it's what medicine's all about. But without the bond, without people acting perfectly in& concert, it just doesn't work. I suppose that's why so many doctors marry nurses, don't you think?
Nathan: Excuse me, nurse. Is the doctor around?
Amy: Well, I think you must have the wrong office. I am a doctor, but I only treat women.
Nathan: Well, would you consider a male patient?
Amy: Maybe in an emergency.
Nathan: Hey. Don't I look like an emergency?
Amy: An emergency? No. An unusual case? Definitely.
Nathan: [ Chuckles ]
John: Oh, ash, good. There you are.
Ashley: Hi, dad.
John: Honey, if you got a minute, I need to talk to you.
Ashley: Yeah, it sounds serious. What's up?
John: Oh, it's about mamie's niece, drucilla. She has been arrested.
Ashley: What? Arrested? For what?
John: Shoplifting.
Ashley: Oh, dad.
John: Oh, I'm afraid it's true. She was caught at fenmore's taking a number of items.
Ashley: Then she didn't leave town after all.
John: Oh, I suppose that's the story she made up so mamie wouldn't know that she was in jail.
Ashley: Does mamie know?
John: Oh, no. The police came to me. I don't understand. Why would the police come to you instead of mamie?
John: Because drucilla wouldn't give them her name so they could make any connection to mamie.
Ashley: How did they get you?
John: Oh, from a check i wrote for work. They found it in her purse.
Ashley: Ah, and they were wondering if she'd stolen it.
John: Oh, honey, I just hate to think what this is going to do to mamie, especially since she knows nothing about this kid's troubles from the beginning.
Ashley: Well, no doubt about it, it's really going to be a serious blow for mamie.
John: Damn. You know, I wonder if i should've told her everything i knew about this niece of hers.
Ashley: Daddy, no. You were only trying to protect her. You were hoping that drucilla would straighten herself out.
John: Yeah, still, but it didn't work out that way. And now I have to unload everything on mamie all at once.
Ashley: Are you gonna tell her tonight?
John: Well, certainly, before she finds out from someone else.
Mamie: Mr. Abbott, ashley, what are you two doing in my kitchen?
John: Mamie, look. We have got to talk to you about something very important.
Mamie: Well, certainly, mr. Abbott. What is it?
Lauren: [ Sighs ] Yes. Thanks anyway. Any luck with police?
Christine: No. How about you? Did you find out anything?
Lauren: I've called every hospital in town. Same story. No one resembling scott.
Christine: Well, at least we have that to be thankful for.&
Lauren: I'm not so sure.
Christine: I don't know what you mean.
Lauren: What if he's really been in an accident and no one's found him yet? What if he's lying somewhere hurt or worse?
Christine: Lauren, let's not jump to conclusions. I'm sure there's a logical explanation for all of this.
Lauren: I want to believe that, cricket. I really do. But I'm having a very hard time convincing myself. Very hard time.
Scott: Well, I don't know, sheila, I always figured that doctors marry nurses because that's usually who they're around.
Sheila: Wait. You just think it's proximity, nothing more?
Scott: Well, I think that depends on the doctor and the nurse.
Sheila: Yeah, you're right. I mean, there's some people in our profession that are pretty blasé. I know that's not gonna happen to you.
Scott: Why do you say that?
Sheila: Because of the kind of man you are. Your caring, your sensitivity. Medicine is not just a job for you, scott. I can tell it's gonna be your life's greatest passion.
Scott: Well, I hope that's the case. Because the day it becomes just a job is the day I'm going to hang up y stethoscope.
Sheila: [ Chuckles ]
Scott: People needing people, people caring about people -- that's what it's about for me.
Sheila: Yeah, no, I feel the same way. You know, it really amazes me sometimes how in sync we are.
Scott: Yeah, well, thanks again for everything you did today, sheila. But I really got to take off. Look, is there anything I can do for you before I leave?
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Amy: So, nathan, what's the real reason behind this visit of yours?
Nathan: Actually, I was wondering about my physical, if you found something you shouldn't have.
Amy: Nothing at all. You're in excellent health.
Nathan: That's good to hear.
Amy: Is it?
Nate: Of course. Why shouldn't it be?
Amy: Well, I don't know. It's just that you sound kind of down all of a sudden. What's bothering you?
Nathan: Well, now that you mention it, there is something.
Amy: Do you want to talk about it?
Nathan: Have you got time?
Amy: I'll make time. What is it?
Nathan: I'm about to send a kid to jail, probably for a pretty good while. As much as I don't want it to, it's getting to me.
Nikki: I can't remember the last time I had so much fun at a party that never happened.
Jack: I know what you mean. Hope scott's okay.
Nikki: Oh, he's fine. He's probably taking out somebody's something or other.
Jack: Hey, what do you say we head on home, huh?
Nikki: Why? I'm having fun.
Jack: I can see that.
Nikki: Oh, come on. Don't be a party pooper. Lighten up.
Jack: I just thought that maybe...
Nikki: What? I know what you're thinking. You think I'm tipsy. Well... I think I am, but I don't care. It feels good.
Jack: If you say so.
Nikki: Mm-hmm. I do. Anyway, it's not often we get invited out like this for a wonderful dinner and wine.
Jack: Not to mention being entertained by an exotic dancer.
Nikki: Are you kidding? Jack, get real. That woman, all she did was roll her stomach a couple of times. That's not dancing.
Jack: What do you mean?
Nikki: [ Scoffs ] Come on. Don't forget, I was an exotic dancer.
Jack: How could I forget that?
Nikki: That's right. I could've danced circles around that woman. I still could.
Jack: Well, I'm sure that's true, but...
Nikki: But what? Do you think I'm too old? You think, because I've had a couple of kids that I'm not in shape? Is that it? Well, my darling, you should leave the lights on sometime and see. My stomach is as flat as a board. My legs are just as good as when I was at the bayou, turning on all those men.
Jack: Well, that may well be, but...
Nikki: God, I loved being on that stage. Just getting lost in the music.
[ Cheers and applause ] All those eyes on me. And I had a lot more to offer, too, than rolling my stomach. I still do. Don't I?
Jack: Well, why didn't we answer that question at home, okay?
Nikki: No. Why go home? Come on, sweetie. Don't be that way. Loosen up. We're gonna make this a night to remember. We can get rid of this thing right now.
Jack: Okay.
Nikki: Okay, good.
Jack: Okay. Let's go home.
Nikki: No.
Jack: Come on.
Nikki: Mnh-mnh.
Jack: Nikki...
Nikki: What?
Jack: [ Sighs ]
Sheila: Well, maybe there is just one thing you can do before you go.
Scott: What?
Sheila: [ Chuckles ] Never mind. You have already gone way past the call of duty with me.
Scott: All right, look, you take care. You get some rest, drink plenty of fluids, and feel better.
Sheila: Doctor's orders?
Scott: Doctor's orders.
Sheila: I'll do my best. Hey, and thanks again for making sure I got home and that I was all right.
Scott: Anytime. I hope I see you tomorrow. And if you're not feeling up to par, give me a call.
Sheila: Don't worry. I will. Scott, once again, really, a very, very happy birthday.
Scott: Thanks. Feel better?
Sheila: [ Sighs ] God, I love you so much, scott. I love you so much. When their sensitive skin runs into messy stains,
Amy: You're helping send a kid to jail?
Nathan: If she's convicted, yeah.
Amy: What did she do?
Nathan: Picked my pocket. You wouldn't believe this kid. Real con artist.
Amy: How so?
Nathan: When I finally caught up with her, she smooth-talked me into giving her another chance. Said she had a job. Was gonna straighten out her life.
Amy: But she didn'T.
Nathan: Nope. No, they just picked her up for shoplifting at fenmore'S. Caught her red-handed.
Amy: That's too bad.
Nathan: Yeah, well, she had her chance. Blew it all to hell. Now she's got to pay the consequences.
Amy: So now you have to help put her in jail.
Nathan: Look, if I don't, she's gonna end up in worse trouble.
Amy: Still, you know, it's a shame, a young girl like that? Must be really rough on her family, too.
Nathan: Yeah.
[ Sighs ] Real rough. Well, look, let's talk about happier subjects. What are you doing for dinner tonight?
Amy: Working.
Nathan: What about after dinner?
Amy: Working.
Nathan: You're putting me on.
Amy: Unh-unh. I'm on 24-hour rotation.
Nathan: All right. When you get through rotating, let's do something.
Amy: Sorry, I have plans.
Nathan: With who?
Amy: My pillow. After 24 hours on duty, all I want to do is crawl in my bed and sleep.
Nathan: You're trying to make this hard for me?
Amy: No, I'm not. But I hope you're starting to see how little free time I do have.
Nathan: Okay. Don't worry. We will connect.
Ana: What makes you so sure?
Nathan: Obviously, you haven't heard.
Amy: Heard what?
Nathan: My middle name. It's persistence.
Lauren: Well, what could've happened? Where --
Christine: Scott, hi.
Lauren: You're home.
Scott: Hi. What's going on?
Lauren: I thought you'd been in an accident.
Scott: An accident?
Lauren: When you didn't show up, I didn't know what to think.
Scott: Show up? What are you talking about?
Lauren: Didn't you get my message?
Scott: No. Look at you. What are you guys all dressed up about?
Lauren: A birthday party.
Scott: You're kidding.
Lauren: No, I'm not kidding.
Christine: Scott, lauren planned a wonderful surprise party for you. Hey, you're home, safe and sound. That's all that's important. All right. I gotta go. Happy birthday. See you later. Bye, lauren.
Lauren: Bye, cricket.
Victor: I think we have outlasted everyone. We're the last ones here.
Cassandra: Are you anxious to leave?
Victor: Are you?
Cassandra: That's no fair. I asked first.
Victor: I've enjoyed this evening together very much.
Cassandra: Tell me something. Did I really hear you correctly? Are you really going to become chairman of the board of george's company?
Victor: You realize one thing.
Cassandra: What?
Victor: We're gonna have to work very closely together. I hope that won't be a problem.
Well this was unexpected
John: Mamie, I -- I wish that there was some easy way for me to tell you this.
Mamie: Tell me what?
John: It's drucilla. She's been arrested. She's being held by the genoa city police for shoplifting.
Mamie: Shoplifting? Oh, there must be some mistake.
Ashley: We wish there were, mamie.
Mamie: But it's not.
John: No, unfortunately, this is not the first time she was arrested. Mr. Abbott, are you telling me that my niece has been in trouble with the police before?
John: Well, nothing major. I mean, petty theft, a shoplifting, a purse-snatching, things --
Mamie: Still, she has a record?
John: Several arrests, but no convictions.
Mamie: Mr. Abbott, how -- how did you find out about this?
John: Mamie, you remember when paul williams and nathan hastings were here for dinner? Well, now, nathan recognized drucilla, unfortunately, as the girl who stole his wallet in a restaurant several weeks ago. Paul and nathan actually came to me about the incident and her past involvement with the law. I mean, she was working for me.
Mamie: But you never came and talked to me about this. Why?
John: I really tried to. But then I just thought it best I would go to drucilla and see if I could get her to turn her life around myself. Well, she convinced me that she would. So I gave her another chance. As it turns out, I should've come to you.
Ashley: Mamie, are you okay?
Mamie: Oh, I was just... thinking about when drucilla was a baby. Oh, she was such a pretty thing. So sweet and innocent.
[ Scoffs ] Innocent. Maybe then. But not now.
Lauren: Where have you been? I called the hospital and they said you left a long time ago.
Scott: One of the nurses wanted to buy me a birthday drink.
Lauren: What?
Scott: Yeah, she knew it was my birthday, so we --
Lauren: You've been with a nurse all night?
Scott: Lauren, it wasn't all night.
Lauren: When did you get off duty, like at 6:00? And you've been having a birthday drink ever since?
Scott: Lauren, while we were having a drink, she got sick.
Lauren: She just happened to take ill?
Scott: That's right. Yeah. So I took her home.
Lauren: And whose idea was that?
Scott: Well, actually, it was my idea. You know, she was in a lot of discomfort, so I didn't think she should drive home.
Lauren: And you just rode up on your white horse and rescued her, huh?
Scott: Lauren, I was concerned.
Lauren: And after you got her back to her place, I suppose she needed to be examined?
Scott: Oh, come on, honey. You know how ridiculous that sounds? What are you implying? Come on. I understand you being upset about --
Lauren: Yes, you're right I'm upset. I planned a surprise birthday party, but you didn't show up because you were holding hands with some nurse!
Scott: No, I wasn't holding hands with some nurse.
Lauren: [ Sighs ]
Cassandra: A problem, our having to work closely together? Why would you ask that?
Victor: Because I know your life is very complicated right now.
Cassandra: Well, no more than yours, I'm sure. Probably less.
Victor: That's true.
Cassandra: Anyway, I know very little about the business. That's why I need you. I meant when I said I trust you completely. So, did I pass your test?
Victor: [ Chuckles ]
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
John: Please, I -- again, I'm just so sorry for hitting you with all of this at once. Now, look, if there's anything that I can do, anything at all, please don't hesitate to ask.
Ashley: Dad's right, mamie. We want to help you in any way we can.
Mamie: My niece, you said she's being held in jail?
John: Yes. Would you like to see her?
Mamie: Is that possible?
John: By all means. I'll get the car and I'll drive you.
Mamie: I'd appreciate that.
John: All right.
Ashley: Now, mamie, are you sure that's wise? Maybe you should give yourself a little time.
Mamie: No, ashley, I want to see her now. I think it's important for me to see my niece right now.
Victor: What makes you think that you were being tested?
Cassandra: Just a hunch. I think you're wondering if this is a ploy for me to get closer to you.
Victor: Is it?
Cassandra: No. Though I wouldn't be upset if that happened. The truth is that george's company needs someone strong and powerful at the helm. And I couldn't come up with anyone who could hold a candle to you. That is my motivation, victor, pure and simple. Anything that happens, happens.
Victor: I'm not gonna deny that I find you... very attractive. Very attractive. And I'm a man at loose ends. But I'm concerned about you.
Cassandra: In what way?
Victor: I'm concerned about your relationship with paul. I wonder what that relationship will evolve into.
Cassandra: Well, I could ask you the same thing where your feelings for nikki are concerned.
Victor: Who says that I still have any feelings for nikki?
Cassandra: Of course you do. You loved her very much. It was difficult for you let her go. You told me that.
Victor: Yeah. Yes, it was difficult. You didn't notice them earlier, did you?
Victor: Notice who?
Cassandra: Jack and nikki.
Victor: Where?
Nikki: Come on, jack!
Cassandra: Here.
Jack: Nikki, sweetheart...
Nikki: What?
Jack: The car is this way, honey.
Nikki: What's going on out here?
Jack: As you can see, the place is practically closed. Now, come on. We'll go home, you and I --
Nikki: You know, what you said to me really bothered me before.
Jack: What do you mn what i said?
Nikki: About the belly dancer being better than I am.
Jack: I didn't say the belly dancer was better --
Nikki: Yes, you did. You did. Oh, god. Will you look at that. Victor and the widow rawlins. What, are they becoming an item or what?
Drucilla: Mamie, what the hell you doing here?! How'd you find out I was in the can?
Mamie: It doesn't matter. What does matter is that I know some things about you now. The shoplifting charge, how you picked nathan's pocket, your police record, everything.
Mamie: Well, you gotta let me explain. It's not what it seems like.
Mamie: Then suppose you tell me how it really is, drucilla? I'm anxious to know.
Scott: Lauren, I had no idea you made any plans.
Lauren: It was supposed to be a surprise party, something that you would remember forever. And obviously it was a very big surprise.
Scott: Honey, I'm sorry, okay? I feel terrible about this, but I can't read minds.
Lauren: I left a message. I checked. I double-checked. The nurse told me that she put the message in your box, and then she watched you take all your messages out.
Scott: Well, I did. I don't know what happened this time. I never had this problem before. Apparently, there's some kind of glitch in communications there.
Lauren: Yeah, right.
Scott: Okay. Still, when it was something this important, why did he count on a message? You should've asked to talk to me personally.
Lauren: I tried, but they said you were busy, and I didn't want to disturb you. My god, you're a doctor. You could've been with a dying patient. Instead, I find out you're with a starstruck nurse having a birthday drink.
Scott: Okay, lauren, I'll say it one more time. I'm sorry. Okay? Apparently, there was some kind of mix-up. I can't explain it. I feel terrible about this. But there's no need to apologize. Nothing happened. Okay? And the only thing that's about to happen is we're gonna have a big fight and end up furious with each other. Only it's not gonna come down that way because I'm not gonna let it happen.
[ Dialing ] Yes, this is dr. Granger. There was a party for me this evening in your private dining room. Right, well, I'm a little late. Are any of the guests still there? I see. Any food or wine left? All right. How about you get some? My wife and I will be right there. Thank you. Okay. It's my birthday, and I want to celebrate. We are gonna have our own private little party. Just the two of us. Okay, you relax. I'm gonna change in about one minute flat.
Jack: Nikki, come on, let's go home.
Nikki: So soon? I haven't even said hello to victor yet.
Jack: Sweetheart, you said just before we left the ranch you didn't want to run to him anymore. You get upset every time you see him.
Nikki: I -- excuse me. Um, could you do something for me?
If I can, mrs. Abbott.
Nikki: Listen, um... could you talk to the orchestra leader? I want to know if he could...
I'll see what I can arrange.
Nikki: Thank you.
Jack: Sweetheart, you're tired. Come on, let's go on home. I'll put you in bed.
Nikki: Jack, I'm not tired. I am just getting into the swing of things, really.
Jack: Okay, well, I am tired. Come on.
Nikki: Oh, come on, you'll wake up.
[ David rose's "the stripper" plays ]
Jack: Nikki, nikki, what the hell are you doing here?
Nikki: Come on. Don't be a spoilsport.
Jack: Nikki! Nikki! That's enough, that's enough.
Victor: Take her home right now, because if you don't, I will, all right?
Nikki: What?
[ Sighs ] I've come a long way from the bayou, huh? Huh, victor? (Geri) I smoked and I have copd.
Drucilla: This is all a big mistake, aunt mamie. Now, I didn't steal anything out of that store. It was that stupid security guy. He nabbed me before I could pay for any of that stuff I got.
Mamie: And what about the wallet that you took from nathan? Your police record? Are they all a big mistake, too?
Drucilla: All right, all right. All right, I'm gonna be up front with you, okay? So I got in trouble just a couple of times. It was nothing big. It was them cops that screwed me over, just like they're trying to do now. Only this time, I got you on my side, aunt mamie.
Mamie: And what difference do you think that makes, child?
Mamie: What difference? Well, look, now, I know I've done some dumb things, but that don't mean I deserve to go to jail. Now, I promise you, aunt mamie, if you can get me out of this jam and whatnot, I am gonna fly straight. No more screw-ups. I want to make you proud of me, aunt mamie. Shoot, I want to get my act together, too. I just need a chance.
Mamie: You had your chance, drucilla barbara, and you blew it. Now, mr. Abbott brought you into his home. He gave you a job, a wonderful place to stay. A chance for you to earn some honest money so you could get your life back on track. But, oh, no. You were too arrogant and resentful, too embarrassed to help me out around the abbott household. Well, you weren't too embarrassed to go out and steal now, were you?
Drucilla: All right, now. That's all gonna change. I'm gonna make a difference now.
Mamie: I wish I could believe that, drucilla, but I don'T. You have been arrested I don't know how many times. And you just go back out and do it all over again.
[ Breathes deeply ] I don't know. Maybe if you spend some time in jail, it'll open your eyes, let you see what a mess you've made of your life. And then, maybe you can try to change it.
Drucilla: Now wait a minute. I hear what you're saying. I don't believe you mean it. You remember you're my aunt, my mother's sister? Now, you know you can't let your own flesh and blood go to --
Mamie: Just save it, drucilla, save it. It's just not gonna work, not this time.
[ Sighs ] You made your bed, baby. Now it's time for you to lie in it.
Nikki: What are you doing here?
Victor: You even have to ask?
Nikki: Yeah, it's late.
Victor: Yes, I suppose it is. Where's jack abbott?
Nikki: He's upstairs.
Victor: You're down here.
Nikki: I'm going up.
Victor: Why are you down here, alone?
Nikki: I'm thinking. While your so-called husband is upstairs?
Nikki: [ Sighs ] Please don't start on him.
Jack: Nikki, you ready to go up to bed? Nikki? Nikki, how did he get in here?
Victor: I used my key.
Jack: Okay. What the hell are you doing here?
Victor: I'm looking after your wife.
Jack: Why?
Victor: Because somebody obviously needs to.
Nikki: Do you have to talk about me like I'm not in the room? I'm fine.
Jack: So, you see? You wasted a trip.
Nikki: Came all the way out here, you could've been spending more time with cassandra.
Victor: I'm concerned about you.
Jack: Well, you needn't be. You heard the lady. She's fine.
Victor: Are you?
Nikki: Yes, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?
Jack: I think you know your way out. Nikki, come on, let's go to bed.
Victor: Nikki. I'll ask you again. Are you all right?
Nikki: Why do you keep asking me that?
Victor: Because I'm concerned about you, because you just made a spectacle of yourself. You were obviously drunk. What is doing that to you? You never behaved that way when we were married. You forgot these.
[ Door closes ]
Jack: Come on up to bed.
Nikki: I'll be right there, okay? I'll be right up.
Jack: Okay.
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