Y&R Transcript Thursday 3/1/90

Y&R Transcript Thursday 3/1/90


 Episode #11843 ~ 

Provided By Suzanne

Hi. I'm doug davidson. This week, we're going to be showing you classic episodes featuring the great katherine chancellor, played by the legendary jeanne cooper. Today, kay comes face to face with her doppelganger, marge, and paul and victor team up to protect cassandra rawlins. And as you remember, cassandra was nothing but trouble. Enjoy today's "the young and the restless."

Katherine: Esther, look, they should be here soon. Let's talk already. Let's just go over it one more time.

Esther: [ Sighs ]

Katherine: Please. Yes, ma'am.

Katherine: All right. Now, I want you to keep your eye on me constantly. When I give you a nod like this... good. ...That is when you are going to offer them coffee. And you will go out to the kitchen, find the fuse box, then you find a heavy, heavy pan... you go back, and you pull the switch, and then I want you to go out, and I want you to hit that imposter as hard as you can. And that's when I'm gonna grab my coat, and then I'll get out of here.

Esther: Oh, I -- I hope I'll be able to do it. I've never done anything like this before.

Katherine: Esther, but then, we have never faced death before, either, dear. And that is exactly what this is. This as a matter of life or death. Now, you've got to do what I tell you. Do you understand? You've got to do it.

Esther: Oh, I am so frightened, mrs. S.

[ Scoffs ]

Esther: Oh, god. I think I'm gonna throw up.

Katherine: Don't you dare. I mean, please, don'T.

[ Knock on door ] All right, remember -- hard -- as hard as you can. Come on, come on.

Marge: Damn, it is cold out there! Boy, this looks dirtier than a diner.

[ Laughs ]


[ Knocks ] Ladies, your company is here.

[ Door opens ]

Marge: Damn. We looks like we was poured out of the same bottle of ketchup.

Jack: So, you actually got the black knight to open up, huh?

Lee: I had to use a bit of ingenuity.

Jack: What'd you find out?

Lee: He still has feelings for nikki.

Jack: He said that?

Lee: No, not in so many words, but... he did say that he knows she has a new man in her life, one he thinks... she's very drawn to.

Jack: That is great. That means nikki talked to him.

Lee: Yeah, yeah, it looks that way.

Jack: Hey, you couldn't have given me any better news. This is just what I was hoping to hear.

Lee: Jack, look, before you get all fired up about this, I want to warn you, you've got to move fast, because once victor thinks that he's losing nikki, he starts to pull on that leash.

Jack: That man is despicable. Women are just trophies to him to feed his overblown ego. No sooner does he have his hooks in than he just moves on to the next one. God help him if any of them want to turn to anyone else. He just runs right back in there to set his hook again.

Lee: I don't know. I -- I guess he feels like he still has ties to her.

Jack: Oh, don't give me this thing about the kids again. That is an excuse, lee. Certainly had no problem breaking the family up, did he? He just wants to have them all handy whenever he feels like playing house. Oh, yeah, he's father of the year, all right. Here's my father. Another victim of newman's greed and arrogance.

Lee: Jack... I'm really sorry about your dad, losing control of his company and all.

Jack: Oh, that's bad enough. But did that two-bit tyrant give my father the respect he deserves, the respect he earned after paying years and years of dues? No. Well, I'm gonna show victor newman you don't step over my dad. Jabot is a family business. He's just going to find out what that means -- the hard way.

Victor: I mean, it's not that I don't understand your feelings, but I'm just questioning whether what you're suggesting right now is wise or even possible.

Paul: Victor, listen to me. There is absolutely no way we can protect cassandra from adrian without having somebody in that house. I don't know how you can question that.

Adrian: I did love you, cassie. I do love you. You're all alone. You need someone. What do you say... you and I get married?

Nina: Oh, david, thank you so much. They're beautiful.

David: Oh, yeah. You're very good at this.

Nina: Oh, well, not really. But I'm learning. I want to do a lot of entertaining. I want to have parties and dinners and make you proud of me.

David: Actually, I was thinking about entertaining just two people.

Nina: Ooh.

David: You and me.

Nina: Mmm. I'd like that, too.

David: Yeah?

Nina: We're gonna have a wonderful life, aren't we?

David: Oh, how can we miss? You and I are made for each other. I can't wait any longer.

Nina: Whoa!

David: I want you right now, this minute.

Nina: Mnh, mnh, mnh-mnh. David, we can'T.

David: Why not?

Nina: Because cricket's upstairs, studying.

David: Aww, nina, hasn't she heard of the library?

Nina: Come on. Don't be upset.

David: Oh, well, I'm not upset with you. It's just... I just can't wait until everybody's gone from here so you and I get a chance to be alone.

[ Doorbell rings ] Oh, terrific. Who's that?

Nina: Danny romalotti, it's you! I don't believe it!

[ Laughs ]

Danny: Oh, boy.

[ Laughs ] I'm back.

Nina: What are you doing here?

Danny: You miss me?

Nina: Yes.

Lee: I'm really sorry, jack.

Jack: I haven't given up on my dad yet.

Lee: No. No, of course not.

[ Sighs ] I'm just really not sure what we can do about jabot, though.

Jack: I'll tell you something. My father, my family, my company -- that's what matters most. And no one, no matter how big he thinks he is, is going to mess with that.

Lee: So you think nikki can help? That's really why you're pursuing her, right?

Jack: I think nikki's a whole lot better off with me than she is with that egomaniac. I can make nikki happy and save my family all at the same time.

Lee: I really hope you can pull this off.

Jack: You watch me. I can pull this off. Victor newman has given me every incentive. Copd makes it hard to breathe

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Victor: Paul, the whole point here is that we have got to get adrian hunter to show his true colors. The only bait strong enough to do that are the millions of dollars that he stands to inherit in case cassandra dies before she's convicted. Adrian hunter has got to make his move before the case goes to trial, so we don't have much time.

Paul: Which means cassandra doesn't have much time. Victor, at least let's get protection for her in that house. Without that, cassandra doesn't stand a chance against him.

Victor: I agree with you. The point, though, is, will adrian hunter make a move if he suspects someone else is in the house?

Paul: We've got no option. Somehow we've got to figure out a way to get someone in the house to protect her.

Victor: All right, let's figure it out.

Amy: Okay.

Nina: Knock, knock. Hi.

Amy: What are you doing sneaking around here?

Nathan: Well, don't you remember you promised me this dance?

Amy: I couldn't have.

Nathan: You want to see my dance card? It's got your name all over it.

Amy: Then I must have agreed in a weak moment.

Nathan: Yeah, right. Weak or not, on your feet, gorgeous. This dance is mine.

[ Fingers clicking ]

Amy: [ Laughs ]

Nathan: Come on.

[ Fingers clicking ]

Amy: [ Chuckling ]

Nathan: Man, I've missed you.

Ana: I've missed you, too.

Nathan: You know, no one -- and I mean no one can make me look better on the dance floor. I can't tell you how much it means to have you back in town.

Amy: Oh, go on. You haven't been here yourself.

Nathan: Look, I mean it. Look, amy, even when I was traveling all over in europe, no matter where I went, you were right there in my thoughts. I'd see your face every time I closed my eyes.

Ana: That's very sweet.

Nathan: It's the truth, amy. Just about the time I gave up hoping you'd ever come back, you showed up. Must be fate.

Amy: [ Chuckles ]

Nathan: Amy, do you have any idea how much I lo--

Ana: No. Before you say any more... there's something I have to tell you.

Marge: Well... I'll tell you something, katherine chancellor sterling, you sure do look like me.

[ Laughs ]

Katherine: Au contraire. You look like me.

Morey: I don't know who's who. I must be seein' double.

Seems to me one is enough.

Marge: [ Chuckling ] When their sensitive skin runs into messy stains,

Adrian: What do you say, cassie? Will you be my wife?

Cassandra: I can't believe I'm hearing this.

Adrian: Why? I just told you how I feel about you. Sweetheart... I want you. I've always wanted you. And you want me. So what's holding us back?

Cassandra: Well, my situation isn't exactly ideal, adrian.

Adrian: So all the more reason you need someone standing beside you.

Cassandra: All along, you've been there for me. You've been the one person I could trust. Only I was too blind to see it, which is -- which is why I'm in this awful mess. If I just listened to you, we'd be free, living in luxury somewhere.

Adrian: Yeah, we would be.

Cassandra: And now here you are, standing by me again, asking me to marry you?

Cassandra: I want you so bad, cassie.

Cassandra: Adrian, it's a wonderful offer. I'm very moved. There's only one answer. I have to tell you no.

Marge: So, you're the famous katherine chancellor sterling.

Katherine: And you're the cheap imposter.

Marge: Oh, not the way I see it, darlin'. Well, hell, you do. You do breathe, don't you? You react to things. That's a good girl. Good girl! All right, hon, from the heart. Now, if someone came in here right now, who do you think they would say is the real mccoy? Hmm? Okay.

Katherine: You have got to be the cruelest, lowest group of degenerates that it has ever been my misfortune to meet.

Marge: You -- you two. Oh, come on, now. You've being mistreating this poor old woman.

Morey: Oh, no way. We've given her number one in the respect department at all times.

Marge: Well, she ain't warmed up to you, kids.

[ Clears throat ] Sit down, mrs. Sterling. You and I are going to have a nice little chat.

Katherine: My god, you are despicable. You've robbed me of my family. You've robbed me of my home. And as though that is not enough... you've come here to flaunt all the anguish that you've caused me.

Marge: Hon, now, I thought you was gonna be just as curious to see me as I was to see you.

Katherine: Well, do you know what I would like to see? I'd like to see you in hell.

Marge: [ Inhales sharply ] They told me you were a real high-class lady. Frankly, mrs. Chancellor, I'm rather disappointed in you. You really don't have any couth, do you. Who has time for wrinkles?

Nina: This is david kimball. David, this is danny romalotti, the rock god.

David: Oh, well, of course.

Danny: The what?

Nina: The rock god.

David: Hi. Nice to meet you.

Danny: Nice to meet you.

David: I'm nina's fiancé.

Danny: Congratulations.

David: Well, thanks.

Danny: Wow. I -- I didn't know you were engaged.

Nina: Yeah. Do you think maybe you can come to the wedding?

Danny: Oh, well, I think so. Definitely.

Nina: Good. Sit!

Danny: Just say when.

Nina: I'm reading about your tour in, like, all the papers.

Danny: Yeah?

Nina: You're hot. You're sold out in every city. This is cool.

Danny: Yeah, it's been really good. But I'll tell you, it is great to be home in town.

Nina: Oh, good. Good.

Danny: Is cricket here?

Nina: Yes, she is.

David: Are you kidding?

Nina: Uh, she's upstairs. She's gonna be totally blown away to see you.

Danny: Don't tell her I'm here. Just call her down, okay?

Nina: Yeah, okay. Cricket, there's someone here to see you!

David: What do you say we clear out of here? At least I know when people need their privacy.

Nina: Ah. Danny, we're leaving.

David: Nice to meet you.

Danny: All right. Congratulations, you guys.

[ Door closes ]

Lynne: Well, speak of the devil. Paul needs to see you right away. Nathan, what's wrong? You look like you just lost your best friend.

Nathan: [ Sighs ] Someone who meant the world to me, lynne.

Lynne: What happened? Amy's been back in town a few days, but she's leaving again this afternoon for a job offer in arizona.

Lynne: I'm sorry.

Nathan: Thanks. Guess I better go see paul.

[ Knock on door ]

Victor: No, ask him to call back.

Paul: Come on in. It's open.

Victor: That was in the late afternoon.

Paul: Hey.

Nathan: Lynne said you've been looking for me. What's up?

Paul: [ Sighs ] It's about cassandra.

Nathan: What about her?

Paul: We're pretty sure she's going to marry adrian hunter.

Lynne: What?

Victor: It's not what you're thinking, lynne. It's by design.

Lynne: I don't understand.

Victor: We know that adrian hunter was there with cassandra the night that george rawlins was killed. We also know that cassandra was unconscious for a while, during which time we hypothesize adrian hunter put a gun into her hand. Because while she was unconscious, the shots were fired that killed george rawlins. Adrian hunter's been pointing his finger at cassandra ever since.

Nathan: But you can't prove that.

Paul: No. The only chance we have to clear cassandra and keep her out of jail is to get hunter to implicate himself.

Victor: We also know that adrian hunter's main concern and main interest in cassandra rawlins is the enormous amount of wealth that she stands to inherit from her dead husband.

Paul: But you see, she's not going to inherit anything if she's convicted of killing her husband. However, if she dies before --

Lynne: If she died?

Nathan: You think he's gonna try to kill her for money.

Victor: Before she ever goes to trial.

Nathan: What do you want me to do?

Paul: I want you to find a way to get inside that house and keep on top of the situation. And I just hope to god you can save cassandra's life before hunter makes his move.

Christine: Danny?! Oh! Oh, my god. What makes you, you?

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Christine: Mm! [ Chuckles ] Well, this almost makes up for not seeing you at christmas.

Danny: I wanted to get back, but we were booked straight through.

Christine: I know. I've been following your tour. It's fantastic. Why, you've -- you've been through the midwest and canada and japan.

Danny: You have been keeping track.

Christine: Mm-hmm. I even have a box filled with all your clippings. Um, but they didn't say how many women you've met. Hundreds and hundreds, i suppose.

Danny: No! Thousands.

Christine: What?!

Danny: A couple thousand, but none -- listen to me -- none that could compare to cricket blair.

Christine: Oh. Things must be rougher on the road than I thought.

Danny: Hey, you're feisty these days.

Christine: [ Chuckles ] So, tell me -- how long are you home for?

Danny: I'm gonna be, um, in town writing for a while.

Christine: Maybe now we can finally spend some time together.

Danny: You bet we will. What are you talking about? Time? You're -- you're swamped. You've got school. You've got law school, right?

Christine: Yeah.

Danny: Modeling? Forget it.

Christine: Well...

Danny: You're busy.

Christine: ...Sometimes i think I bit off a little more than I can chew, but I can certainly make some time for you.

Danny: Good. Just what I wanted to hear. I've got so many things I want to tell you that have happened. It'S...

Christine: Yeah? It feels like a lifetime. Next time, please don't stay away so long.

Danny: What are you saying here? Did you, uh -- did you miss me?

Christine: Miss you?

[ Laughs ] You are so lucky your picture was in the paper. Otherwise, I wouldn't even recognize you.

Danny: What, out of sight, out of mind? Unbelievable.

Christine: Mm. [ Chuckles ]

Katherine: Do you really think you're going to get away with this?

Marge: From the heart, hon, we are getting away with it. Mnh! Mnh-mnh-mnh.

[ Laughs ] Come on, now. You don't see no police knocking down the door, do you?

Katherine: Don't deceive yourself. You're going to make a mistake. You're going to slip up. And I'm going to see that all of you spend the rest of your days in jail.

Marge: Jail? Oh, now, now, that's not part of my plan, hon. No, no. I plan on spending the rest of my life on that jillion-acre estate that, uh, you left me. Actually, that's -- that's why I'm here. I want you to know that I know that you want to know what's going on back home. Well, and I'm gonna bring you up to date, hon. I mean, everything is fine. And so is that husband of yours. Remember him?

Sexy rexy ooh!

[ Laughs ]

Esther: Uh... w-w-would anybody like some coffee?

Marge: Well, hon, that's real hospitable of you. Yeah. I think I'll just take my coat off, relax awhile. Tell you something right now, hon -- you could, uh, learn some manners from your maid here.

Morey: Hey, boo. I'll take a cup of coffee. How about you, lil?

Lil: Oh. Alright. I'll have one, too.

[ Door closes ]

Esther: [ Sighs ] I'm in the kitchen. Fuse box. There's the fuse box. Okay. Frying pan. Frying pan. Okay. Here's the frying pan. Okay. Okay.

[ Indistinct conversations ] There's the fuse box. Okay. And...off!

[ Indistinct shouting ] Alright. Oh, thank god it worked. Okay, frying pan. Frying pan. Hit her over the head with the frying pan. Oh, my god. Oh, my god.

Feel the clarity

of non-drowsy

[ Breathing deeply ]

John: J-- jack?

Jack: Dad, easy. Don't push. Don't push.

John: [ Breathing deeply ] How...are you doing?

Jack: How am I doing?

[ Chuckles ]

[ Sniffs ] I'm fine. Gave us all quite a scare there.

Jack: What's wrong?

John: You pushed yourself too hard. That's what's wrong. You put in too many hours.

John: Not enough.

[ Breathing heavily ]

Jack: Listen, dad. I figured out a way to handle newman. Nothing -- nothing crazy. Dad --

John: Jack --

Jack: Dad, I kn-- I know better than to try to confront the black knight. You know that. But I think I figured out a way to convince newman that he's better off with us controlling jabot again.

John: Don't do anything foolish. Jabot needs you.

Jack: Dad. Dad, listen to me. Jabot needs you. Jabot needs you. We all need you. You built this company, dad. You raised this family. Don't abandon us now, dad. Dad, don't abandon us now. Dad?

[ Smooches ]

[ Inhales sharply ] Newman, you bastard. You're gonna pay for this. You are gonna pay for this. And I know just how.

[ Keypad clacking ]

[ Telephone rings ]

Newman residence.

Jack: I'd like speak to nikki, please.

I'm sorry. Mrs. Newman is not in.

Jack: When will she be back?

She didn't say, but if you'd care to leave a message...

Jack: Do you know where i could reach her, please?

No, but I'd be glad to tell her that you called.

Jack: No. No message.

[ Phone hangs up ] Where are you, nikki? Where are you?

Danny: Well, I think I've told you just about everything that's happened on tour. I want to know about cricket blair. How's she doing?

Christine: Oh, she's been pretty good. Oh! And today -- today she got the best news of her life.

Danny: Really? What?

Christine: Her closest, dearest friend just got back in town, and she certainly intends to make the most of it.

Adrian: You're turning me down?

Cassandra: Adrian, I am -- i am so moved and grateful for your support. But I couldn't do that to you.

Adrian: What are you talking about? Do what to me?

Cassandra: [ Sighs ] How could you want to put yourself in this position, marrying a woman who has no future?

Adrian: That's not the right attitude. You haven't been convicted yet, cassie. You haven't even gone on trial.

Cassandra: [ Sighs ] But everyone knows how it looks. It's virtually a fait accompli.

Adrian: I don't like hearing you talk that way. We're gonna fight it, cassandra. And I want to help you fight it as your husband.

Nathan: Yeah, I'll find a way to get into cassandra's house.

Victor: Hunter has never met you, has he?

Nathan: No.

Victor: But, nathan, please remember that everyone's life is at stake. Adrian hunter is a professional killer.

Nathan: That's a big house out there.

Victor: It certainly is.

Nathan: Cassandra could probably used two live-in helpers.

Victor: But, nathan, it's difficult enough to get you in there.

Paul: Now, wait a minute. I think nathan has a point. Two people could keep more on top of the situation. And if cassandra has help, there could just as easily be two.

Nathan: Salena.

Paul: Wylie? My dad's partner?

Nathan: Yeah. Look, paul, she's been on this case from the very beginning. You know she'd want to wrap it up.

Victor: Has she done undercover before?

Paul: Yeah, she has.

Victor: Would you ask your dad about it?

Paul: Alright. Lynne, you want get my dad on the phone?

Lynne: Right away, paul.

Paul: Thanks.

Nathan: When do we start?

Paul: Right now. I want to make sure we have someone in that house the moment we get word there's going to be a marriage.

Cassandra: Look, honey, i know you want me to be optimistic, but I have to be realistic. I'm looking to spend the rest of my life in prison. I don't want you tied down to that. I want you to be free to go on with your life. If by some miracle I'm not convicted, then we can get married and -- and have the life we dreamed of.

Adrian: You sure that's all that's going on here?

Cassandra: Well, what else could there be?

Adrian: I wonder sometimes about you, whether you really love me.

Cassandra: You doubt me?

Adrian: I'm just not sure you care as much as I do.

Cassandra: Why?

Adrian: Because, sweetheart, for me, nothing stands in the way. We marry now, at least we have a little time together as husband and wife. And if the worst happens and you go to jail, it's something we always have. If we wait...

Cassandra: If we wait, we may never have a chance. It may be too late.

Adrian: I wasn't gonna say that.

Cassandra: But that's what you were thinking. You know, we couldn't go anywhere. We couldn't have a honeymoon, not with this anklet on my leg, this little electronic jailer.

Adrian: Honey, what does it matter?

[ Smooches ] Anywhere I'm with you we'll have our honeymoon.

[ Smooches ]

Cassandra: You still want to go through with this, knowing that we may only have a very few weeks together?

Adrian: I don't care if it's a few days. Whatever time we have I want to spend with you as husband and wife. Now, I know all your concerns, cassie. I'm gonna ask you once more. Will you marry me? Will you be my wife?

Cassandra: Adrian, I'm so frightened.

Adrian: Frightened?

Cassandra: I don't want to be alone. I don't want to face this alone.

Adrian: Are you -- are you telling me...

Cassandra: Yes. If you're sure, if you're still sure... yes, I'll marry you. This marriage is exactly what i need now, adrian.

Adrian: It's what I need, too, cassie, exactly what i need.

[ Indistinct shouing ]

Esther: It's dark in here! Ohh! Mrs. S., Where are you?! Mrs. S.?!

[ Lamp shatters ]

Lil: I don't know! Esther!

Marge: Somebody, do something! We can't go around -- I can't see a thing!

Morey: I don't know where the fuse box is! For god's sake. What, am I supposed to go around looking at fuse boxes or...

Marge: Robert! Robert, get me home! Hurry!

Robert: Certainly, mrs. Sterling.

Thank you for watching. And tune in tomorrow for another classic episode featuring katherine chancellor.

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