Y&R Transcript Friday 10/30/81

Y&R Transcript Friday 10/30/81


Provided By Suzanne

[ Door opens ]

Douglas: Welcome to my humble cottage, ms. Reed.

Nikki: You call this a cottage?

Douglas: Oh, yes. Compared with the family home in surrey.

Nikki: And you live here all by yourself?

Douglas: Well, not exactly. There's my manservant.

Nikki: Well, he certainly has his work cut out for him keeping this place clean.

Douglas: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: Are you sure you just brought me here for tea?

Lorie: [ Chuckles ] You want to go see your mother now?

Lance: I'm anxious to tell her the good news -- that we set the wedding date.

Lorie: Well, darling, maybe you should go tell your mother alone. I mean, it might sit better with her coming from you.

Lance: I can do that, lorie, but you promised you'd try with vanessa. Now here's your first opportunity, and what are you doing? Already you're trying to renege.

Lorie: I'm not reneging. It's just a strategic, uh, backup. That's all.

Lance: Well, how can you, uh, strategically retreat when you haven't even confronted the enemy? This may be the time to move forward.

Lorie: [ Chuckles ] Into battle, you mean?

Lance: [ Sighs ] Lorie, that is not not what I mean, and you know it. I really believe that vanessa wants to make a fresh start with you, lorie.

Lorie: I know you do.

Lance: But you don't?

Lorie: I wish I could.

Lance: Hey, I can't blame you for being suspicious. I mean, heaven knows you have every reason to want to be skeptical of vanessa. Just give her this one chance, please. Don't close any doors, not now, when we're about to begin a whole new life together.

Lorie: Well, you're a very persuasive man. Okay. You win. We'll go and see your mother.

Lance: Would you like a drink before we go?

[ Both laugh ]

Lorie: No, I think I might need it more after we see her.

Lance: Lorie, honey, thank you for going along with me on this.

[ Fire crackling ]

Vanessa: [ Thinking ] What's happening to me? I can't be dying. I can't be. It's too soon. No, I will not die... not yet. Have to get medication.

[ Crackling continues ]

[ Door opens ]

Lucas: Mother?

[ Door closes ] Vanessa?

Vanessa: [ Thinking ] He mustn't see me. No one must find me this way. No one can discover I'm ill. It would ruin everything...

[ Door closes ] ...Everything I've planned.

Lucas: Mother?

[ Knocking on door ] Mother, come on. You've got to come sailing with me for a little while. It's a beautiful day out on the lake. I think it's gonna be the last good day. Vanessa, are you in there?

[ Knock on door ]

Doris: Oh, mr. Prentiss. I just came down to see if your mother needed anything else done today.

Lucas: Uh, come on in, doris. Come on in.

Doris: Do you know where she is?

Lucas: Well, no. As a matter of fact, I kind of -- [ Chuckles ] I'm looking for her myself.

Doris: Well, I was here awhile ago. I couldn't find her then, either.

Lucas: Well, I talked to her a little while ago, and she didn't say she was gonna go anywhere.

Doris: Well, her car is still here, so I don't suppose she could have left.

Lucas: Well, then I guess she must be around somewhere.

Doris: Do you think we ought to look for her?

Lucas: Oh, no. I don't know. I think, uh -- there's nothing to worry about. She's probably taking a walk or something. It's okay.

Doris: Well, I might as well go on back home. Unless you want me to stay and straighten up or anything.

Lucas: No, no, no. That's okay.

[ Door opens ]

Doris: Oh! There's a message for her. I left it on her desk.

Lucas: Oh. Who from?

Doris: A mr. Ross.

Lucas: Oh, no, that's got to do with the business. I don't want to deal with that.

Doris: But you will be sure she gets the message?

Lucas: Sure, sure. I'll be sure. It's okay.

Doris: Thank you, mr. Prentiss.

[ Door closes ]

[ Fire crackling ]

Vanessa: [ Gasping ]

[ Pills rattle ]

[ Breathing heavily ]

[ Exhales heavily ]

[ Groans ]

Barbara: Yes, this is barbara lowell. I would like to confirm my appointment this afternoon. Yes. Thank you. I'll be there.

[ Phone hangs up ]

[ Sighs ] Finally.

[ Sighs ] They're finally coming off today. Maybe I'm better off like this.

[ Sighs ]

Wayne: Hey, uh, dorothy, I-i got a great idea.

Dorothy: What?

Wayne: You know skelly's bar? Well, they've remodeled it. Why don't you and I go over there a little later on and we --

Dorothy: No, you -- you go on without me, okay?

Wayne: Well, what about a movie then? I hear there's a good one playing down at the corner. We could --

Dorothy: Wayne, I really don't feel like going to a movie tonight.

Wayne: Look, dorothy, you can't just stand around here staring off into space for the rest of your life.

Dorothy: I'm not staring off into space, wayne.

Wayne: Look, honey, I know what you're thinking about, but it's not gonna do you a bit of good, so why don't you just drop it?

Dorothy: She didn't tell us everything.

Wayne: What?

Dorothy: April. She knows a whole lot more about this twin than she's letting on, wayne.

Wayne: Well, maybe I'd just as soon she kept it to herself.

Dorothy: You're not even curious? Wayne: Dorothy, what good's it gonna do? Tell me that.

Dorothy: She and paul williams went all the way to new york to try to track her down, and -- and they did. They found out she was in some kind of a -- a car accident, that her folks were killed. Then that daughter of ours -- she comes all the way back here without even having met her, wayne. She never even saw her. After all that -- all that hunting and searching, she still doesn't know what her twin sister looks like.

Wayne: If you ask me, we should be thanking our lucky stars for that.

Dorothy: Don't you understand what I'm trying to say?

Wayne: No, and I don't want to know.

Dorothy: Wayne, april wouldn't go that far and then just let it drop.

Wayne: Well, that's what I'm hoping for, dorothy, and you should be, too.

Dorothy: Wayne, I know april, and if what she says -- if -- if -- if this sister's not feeling well and if she's in some kind of trouble, if there's a grain of truth to any of that, she's just gonna --

Wayne: Can you hear what you're saying, what you're talking about? Good lord, woman, it almost sounds as though...

Dorothy: As though what?

Wayne: Look, dorothy, are you having second thoughts about finding this girl? Are you? 'Cause this is no time for that, dorothy. You shouldn't be thinking that way. Look, we did the best we could. We had no choice. The girl -- we had to give her up for adoption. There's no way we could have handled another kid.

Dorothy: You're right. You have to be right, wayne. At the time, what we did -- it was for the best. Dear god, there was no other way.

Wayne: That's why we've got to stop thinking about this, dorothy. We got to get it off our minds. Look, why don't we go to that movie, you know? I think it'd do us both a lot of good.

Dorothy: The only way I can get this off of my mind is to understand it -- completely.

Wayne: Well, how you gonna do that?

Dorothy: By finding out something.

Wayne: What? What?

Dorothy: By finding out what it is that april isn't telling us, wayne.

Wayne: Huh?

Dorothy: I have to go have a talk with that daughter of ours. Bye-bye.

Wayne: But --

[ Door closes ]

[ Door closes ]

John: Whew!

Barbara: I'm on my way out.

John: Aw. I was hoping, uh...

Barbara: You were hoping what?

John: That we could, uh... never mind. I-it's not important.

Barbara: What's in the bag? Another bottle?

John: No. Sandwiches. I thought you might be hungry, barbara.

Barbara: No. I'm not hungry.

John: Oh. Well, uh, before you go, you think we could talk? There's something I want to say.

Douglas: And I'm really rather proud of this orchid plant. And do have a green thumb, you know.

Nikki: Look, colonel, if we're gonna have tea and do an interview, then --

Douglas: Yes, yes, of course, yes. I'm afraid I get carried away when I talk about the flora and fauna.

[ Chuckles ] Now, where is that fella? Oh, there you are. My tea is ready, I presume?

Victor: Well, not quite so, but any moment now.

Douglas: Can't I trust you to do anything right?

Victor: Well, sir, I had to send out for the crumpets.

Nikki: Wait a minute. You're mr. Victor, the decorator.

Victor: Well, while I'm working for the colonel, uh, "victor" is sufficient, ms. Reed.

Douglas: Yes. Don't let's get carried away, old boy.

Nikki: What's going on here?

Victor: Well, I'm just about to serve tea, so if you'll be seated.

It's totally normal too, old fella little more tea, perhaps?

[ Classical music playing ]

Nikki: They're just delicious, victor.

Victor: Would you like a little more tea, perhaps?

Nikki: Mm. Yes, please.

Douglas: I'll have a spot, too, old fella. And another one of those petits fours.

Victor: Oh, I think you can reach them yourself, sir.

Douglas: What? Oh, right-O.

Nikki: Well, if we're going to have an interview, uh, let's get started.

Douglas: Oh, let's not think about work while we're having such a lovely time.

Victor: Colonel, if the lady wants to be interviewed...

Douglas: Oh, yes. Uh, victor, get your pad and take notes, um, as usual.

Victor: Whatever you say, sir.

Douglas: And if you, uh, think of a particular question, uh -- for a servant, he has quite an agile mind.

Nikki: You're not fooling me, you know, either one of you.

Victor: I beg your pardon.

Nikki: I know what you're up to.

Douglas: I never said a word, so help me.

Nikki: Oh, you didn't have to. Victor, you're the one who suggested to -- to colonel austin to put me in his book, right?

Victor: What makes you think so?

Nikki: Well, it's too much of a coincidence that you redecorated my dressing room and showed up here.

Victor: Now, ms. Reed, I may have dropped your name to the colonel, but I assure you that he agreed happily to the idea.

Douglas: Actually, I was delighted, old boy.

Nikki: Well, then shall we get on with it? Uh, what questions do you want to ask me?

Douglas: Oh, yes. Questions. Um, yes, what do I want to ask you? Um, well, there are so many things I want to know.

[ Chuckles ]

Victor: Well, perhaps ms. Reed's impression of the house, um, her comments on the lifestyle?

Douglas: Oh, yes. What do you think of my little place, ms. Reed?

Nikki: Uh, it's -- it's nice. I-it's comfortable.

Douglas: [ Chuckles ]

Victor: But personally you would prefer something fancier? I mean, a bit more elaborate or...

Nikki: Well, it's great for out in the country. It's okay.

Douglas: You hear that, victor? "It's okay."

Victor: Ms. Reed, you haven't the bedroom yet. It's quite --

Nikki: Uh, I'm not touring any bedrooms.

Douglas: [ Clears throat ] What we really want to know is, uh, what your ambitions are, your -- your dreams and fantasies, hmm?

Nikki: Why do you want to know that?

Douglas: Well, because, uh -- because, uh --

Victor: Well, because the colonel has an overwhelming desire to gratify your desires.

Nikki: What do you mean?

Douglas: Well, just know whatever you want -- uh, jewels, furs, a rolls-royce?

Nikki: What?

Douglas: There's nothing, absolutely nothing that's beyond your grasp -- or mine, hmm?

Nikki: Uh-huh. In return for what?

Douglas: Oh, well, I mean to say...

Nikki: Uh-huh. I'm sure I know. Look, I didn't come all the way out here to be propositioned and insulted.

Douglas: Well, I-I didn't mean to insult you. I-I mean, I, uh...

Victor: Ms. Reed, I'm -- I'm sure you misunderstood my employer. I mean, he does have occasional fits of generosity, but to imply --

Nikki: To imply what? Go ahead. Say it.

Douglas: I say, aren't we all getting a little upset about nothing? I say, old boy, why don't you take ms. Reed down to the stables and, uh, talk to her alone?

Nikki: No, thank you. I want to go home.

Victor: Ms. Reed, you will go home, but wouldn't you like to see the horses first? I mean, they are as beautiful in their way as you are in yours.

Nikki: Real horses?

Victor: You hate them?

Nikki: No. I... well, the closest I ever got was at a pony ride at the circus. I love to watch on television the people riding.

Douglas: Where else would you see them?

Victor: Well, ms. Reed, why not take this opportunity to pet a real horse? I will even give you some sugar to feed them.

Nikki: Okay. Uh, that sounds like fun.

Victor: If you would excuse us.

Douglas: Oh, yes, yes.

[ Door closes ]

Douglas: Now, how did she know victor's weakness was horses?

[ Chuckles ] The little witch knows who he really is. She's setting the trap, and he's about to fall right into it.

[ Fire crackling ]

Vanessa: [ Thinking ] No. I will not die, not here, not now. I am not going to die.

[ Groaning lightly ]

[ Breathing heavily ]

Barbara: So, what's on your mind?

Barbara: So, what's on your mind?

John: You, barbara.

Barbara: Well, that's a new thought for you.

John: I don't blame you for the way you feel.

Barbara: How do you think i feel?

John: Betrayed, angry, like i should have told you you were adopted long ago.

Barbara: Yes, that would have been considerate. But that's not how I feel.

John: It's not?

Barbara: Oh, what's the use? It shouldn't have surprised me. I've always felt like a -- a square peg being pounded into a round hole. Now I know why.

John: Barbara, you're putting too much stock into it. You're being adopted.

Barbara: No, I don't think so.

John: Well, the way you turned out, it's got nothing to do with that.

Barbara: Oh, doesn't it?

John: It's my fault, all my fault. Can't you see that? I should have given you more of my time, more attention, more...

Barbara: Love?

John: Yes.

Barbara: Maybe I didn't get more of that because you didn't feel it.

John: No!

Barbara: Well, a leopard can't change her spots. Maybe the die was already cast.

John: What do you mean?

Barbara: My natural parents, whoever they are -- I'm probably just like them. I guess they're lucky they gave me away. Maybe I'm lucky, too.

John: Honey, don't go talking like --

Barbara: I told you not to call me that.

John: I'm sorry. I-it's just that when you talk --

Barbara: It's just that you still look at me as your daughter, your little girl. Is that the problem? Well, I think for your sake -- and mine, too -- you'd best get that illusion out of your mind. I am not your daughter, and you certainly have never come close to being my father.

John: [ Sighs ] You and I -- we could start over again. I'll even give up drinking. I swear. I promise you!

Barbara: When I was 4 -- or maybe I was 5 -- you promised me a birthday party. We talked about it for months. Remember? The thought of my father giving me a birthday party -- that was all I thought about. And it never happened. You left that year. And my birthday, like every other birthday, passed. I noticed. Not even a phone call. Promises made to a little girl -- they're real easy to break, aren't they? And now you make me another promise, only I'm not a little girl anymore. Don't worry. You won't have to break this one. I'm not going to let you.

John: Barbara. Give me a chance.

Barbara: I'm getting my bandages removed. I'll be a new person after that. The past -- it's over. I think it's over for all of us, mr. Harding.

[ Door slams ]

April: Mom.

Dorothy: You busy, april?

April: No, I'm not, but, mom, I really don't feel like arguing.

Dorothy: Well, that makes two of us, girl.

[ Door closes ]

April: What is it?

Dorothy: I need your help.

April: You need my help? Why?

Dorothy: Your daddy and i are worried sick, april. I need some answers.

Victor: And this is the tack room. This is where he keeps his trophies and riding gear and all that sort of thing.

Nikki: Oh. Does he ever let you ride any of his horses?

Victor: You know, actually, he's very kind about letting me exercise his horses occasionally, mm-hmm.

Nikki: When it doesn't interfere with your regular duties.

Victor: Exactly.

Nikki: Oh, but it must be worth it just to be close to those beautiful animals.

Victor: Are you sure this was your first contact with horses?

Nikki: Oh, well, I don't count the pony ride at the circus.

Victor: It seems to be love at first sight.

Nikki: Yeah, well, first sight and last. I'll -- I'll never get the chance to be this close to them again. What's up with tammy?

April: You need some answers from me?

Dorothy: That's right.

April: What kind of answers?

Dorothy: To questions, april, questions about what happened when you and paul williams went off to new york.

April: I told you.

Dorothy: But there's more, isn't there?

April: Mom, does it really matter?

Dorothy: Yes, it matters.

April: Why?

Dorothy: Because I've got to know.

April: About my sister? You've got to know about my sister? Is that what you're saying?

Dorothy: [ Sighs ] Yes, that's what I'm saying.

April: Mama, I thought you didn't care about her.

Dorothy: I care about you, april, and wayne and this family. I care about all of us. Can't you see that? And it scared me to death what you might have opened up with this trip. And I know there's a whole lot more than you're letting on, april, and I need you to talk about it.

April: I can't, ma.

Dorothy: You can't?

April: No. I don't understand it myself, a lot of it.

Dorothy: What don't you understand?

April: Barbara. There's so much about her that just doesn't make any sense.

Dorothy: Well, the way you talk, it sounds like there's some kind of mystery.

April: Yeah. That's a good way of putting it.

Dorothy: Well, what is it, april? What's so mysterious?

April: I don't know. It's just she had so much going for her. She had such a beautiful, beautiful home and -- and friends, and for her to take off like that...

Dorothy: Take off? Wh-what do you mean? Where'd she go?

April: I'm not sure.

Dorothy: But you have some idea, don't you?

April: No, mom.

Dorothy: April, you and paul -- you set out clear to chicago, then to new york, trying to track her down, and you never even saw her. You never even met your sister, april, so then you come back home? Simple as that? Is that what you're telling me?

April: What are you getting at?

Dorothy: What I'm getting at, girl, is I know how your head works. I know, april, and when you set out, as stubborn and strong-headed as you did on this wild goose chase, you are not suddenly gonna stop, come all the way back here without some kind of clue, something to go on. What is it, april?

April: Mother, does it really matter so much to you?

Dorothy: April, I know i didn't seem exactly thrilled when you come back and said you found your sister, but... it isn't easy for wayne and me, april. You have to understand that. It wasn't easy the day you two were born. And there is not a day that hasn't gone by that I haven't wondered about that decision that we made, but we made it, april. We had to make it. And right or wrong, your daddy and I -- we did what we felt we had to do. And, dear god, I just hope it wasn't a big mistake.

April: Ma... I have her picture.

Dorothy: What?

April: My sister -- I have her picture. I brought it back from new york. Do you want to see it?

You should be quite thankful, young lady. Whoever performed your surgery was quite skilled.

Barbara: And the scars? They'll -- they'll go away?

Yes. Oh, yes. Every one of them.

Barbara: Wrong, doctor. Not every one. Some of my scars will never go away.

April: My twin sister, mama. This is her picture. Look.

Dorothy: [ Voice breaking ] I can't, april. I'm sorry. I just can'T.

[ Sobbing ] I can'T.

[ Door slams ]

You may not see them, but your

itchy eyes know yo I mean, I don't ev

Victor: Ms. Reed, if you

Victor: Ms. Reed, if you really would like to ride someday, well, I'm sure that the colonel would be more than pleased to have you come out here.

Nikki: Oh. You'd have to tie me on. I mean, I don't even know how to climb up them.

Victor: Oh, that is called mounting, and I could easily teach you.

Nikki: In your spare time?

Victor: Yeah. That could be arranged. Be a pleasure to show you. You know, it's important to start out right.

Nikki: You're really crazy about horses, aren't you?

Victor: That shows, doesn't it?

[ Both chuckles ] You know, it's my favorite pastime, along with making money. That's an obsession of mine, as well.

Nikki: Oh, I-I'm sorry.

Victor: Why?

Nikki: Well, obviously, you don't have a lot of money, and you have to depend on your boss to ride.

Victor: And you feel sorry for me?

Nikki: Well, yes, because in your own way, you have a lot of talent.

Victor: Well, thank you.

Nikki: Oh! Look at this. Look at all these cups and trophies. They're all just for riding.

Victor: No, some of them are for jumping and breeding.

Nikki: Oh, but wait. They're not the colonel'S. The name on it is victor newman?

Victor: Oh, well, he -- you know, he -- he was the former owner.

Nikki: And he left them all here?

Victor: Well, occasionally, from time to time, he comes around here.

Nikki: Is he nice?

Victor: He's always been very nice to me.

Nikki: Oh, a man who could win all these trophies and everything -- he must be fascinating. How old is he?

Victor: Oh, he's an ancient man -- about my age.

Nikki: [ Chuckles ] Oh, you're kidding.

Victor: No, really. Victor newman and I are just about the same age.

Nikki: No, I mean you're kidding about you being old. You're just the right age.

Victor: For what?

Nikki: For anything. Listen, don't be discouraged because you haven't made a success of your life so far. If you keep trying, you will. I mean, I was so discouraged so many times before I hit the bayou, and now look at me. I mean, I have everything I've ever wanted.

Victor: Everything?

Nikki: Well, almost everything. Now that I've seen those horses, I think maybe I'd like to own one of them someday.

Victor: Well, perhaps someday you can. Meantime, how would you like to meet mr. Newman?

Nikki: Sure, uh, but I don't think he sounds like the kind of guy that would come into the bayou.

Victor: That's true. You know, the bayou is not his sort of place. But perhaps... why not for supper some night after the show? I mean, if I can set it up for you.

Nikki: Oh. What would we talk about?

Victor: Horses. I mean, he shares that passion with you.

Nikki: Oh, that would be great. You're very nice.

Victor: You mean even though I'm just a butler?

Nikki: Look, don't put yourself down like that. I used to wait tables. It's not a disgrace. It's an honest living.

Victor: You were a waitress?

Nikki: Sure! I wasn't always on top of the world.

[ Sighs ] Just keep your chin up, and I tell you, one of these days you're gonna strike it rich.

Victor: You know, I've already found a treasure. But meantime, um, I really would like you to meet mr. Newman. In fact, I can hardly wait to introduce you to him.

[ Fire crackling ]

[ Door closes ]

Vanessa: [ Thinking ] I can't let them know I'm ill. No one must know. No one.

[ Door opens ]

Lance: Hello, vanessa.

[ Door closes ]

Vanessa: Lance, dear. And you've brought lorie with you. What a lovely surprise.

Lorie: Hello, vanessa.

Lance: Lorie and I have some wonderful news. We wanted you to be the first to know. Lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lasa: Tell me -- does it

Vanessa: Tell me -- does it have to do with your wedding?

Lance: We've set the wedding date.

Vanessa: I see. And it's going to be quite soon, I'm sure?

Lance: Yes, mother, very soon. Friday, november 20th.

Vanessa: It's not as soon as I'd anticipated.

Lance: I hope you're not disappointed.

Vanessa: Oh, no. No, just a little surprised, knowing how eager you both are.

Lance: Well, we wanted to allow enough time to make certain our families could be there.

Vanessa: And I'm sure lorie wants some time to plan a very special wedding, don't you, dear?

Lorie: Yes, vanessa. I want everything to be just perfect.

Vanessa: I'm sure it will be. Tell me, dear -- what plans have you made?

Lorie: [ Chuckling ] Well, none really yet.

Vanessa: If there's anything at all I can do to help.

Lance: Vanessa, what's this?

Vanessa: What, lance?

Lance: Here on the desk.

Vanessa: [ Thinking ] My god. The letter. He mustn't see that letter now.

Lance: This message -- have you answered it?

Vanessa: Message?

Lance: It's from ross. It looks as though it could be urgent. Did you, uh, call him?

Vanessa: Oh, no. No, not yet.

Lance: You seem distracted, mother. Is something wrong?

Vanessa: No. I-I just didn't even realize there was a message there.

Lance: I don't recognize the writing. It's not luke'S.

Vanessa: Oh, doris must have left it when I went out for a walk.

Lance: You won't forget to return his call?

Vanessa: Of course not. Oh, but why are we talking business when you've just told me your wonderful news?

Lance: Then you are pleased?

Vanessa: I can see that you are, and that's all that matters to me, lance. I just want you to be happy. Both of you.

Lorie: We plan to be very happy this time.

Lance: [ Sighs ] Well, we just stopped by to give you the news.

Vanessa: I'm so glad you did.

Lance: We're on our way to the brooks' to tell lori's family.

Lorie: [ Chuckles ] We want to make sure that nobody books anything else for november 20th.

Lance: Why don't you come with us, ma?

Vanessa: Oh, thank you for asking me, lance, but, uh, this is really yours and lorie's moment.

Lance: We'd love you to share it with us, wouldn't we, darling?

Lorie: Of course we would. Do come, vanessa.

Lance: We might even have a celebration afterward, a family celebration.

Vanessa: No. No. You two go on ahead. I have some business to attend to here.

Lance: You sure?

Vanessa: Yes, but thank you for including me, lance. And you, too, lorie.

Lance: Of course, mother. Would you like me to handle this for you?

Vanessa: What?

Lance: This message from ross. Would you like me to return his call?

Vanessa: Oh, no. Just leave it on the desk. I'll call him right now.

Lance: Alright, then. I'll let you handle it. Well, we better be on our way.

Vanessa: Of course. I'm so happy for you. And again, laurie, if there's anything I can help you to do, planning for this wedding...

Lorie: Thank you, vanessa. I'll remember that.

Lance: Mother.

[ Smooches ] I'll see you later.

Vanessa: Good night, dear. Lorie, please give my best to your family.

Lorie: Yes, I will.

[ Door opens and closes ]

Lance: You see? She took it very well. She seemed very pleased.

Lorie: I'd like to believe that. I really would.

Lance: Then do believe it.

Vanessa: Time is running out, lorie...for both of us. 

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