Y&R Transcript Monday, 8/17/87
Provided By Suzanne
Matt: She has no idea that you know about this?Victor: That's right. And I'm not about to let her know until I find out exactly what she's up to.
Matt: [ Exhales sharply ] I don't see I can ever face her again.
Victor: That's all the more reason for you to go on the trip. I don't think you should be around for a while.
Matt: What do you have planned?
Victor: Well, I have no intention of continuing living this pretense.
Matt: This must be a living nightmare for you.
Victor: It is. It really is. But I'm gonna have to be patient, and then this whole damn thing will be over with. H. Get comfortable with it.
Christine: Mrs. Chancellor?
Kay: Cricket, come in. Come in.
Christine: Well, aren't those beautiful flowers?
Kay: Yes. Aren't they, though?
Christine: From someone special?
Kay: Yes, someone... very special.
Christine: Is it the man you went out with the other night?
Kay: Mr. Sterling, yes.
Christine: Wow. He must think a lot of you to send a beautiful bouquet like that.
Kay: Hmm. It seems that way.
Christine: Seems? Why? Didn't you have a good time?
Kay: Yes. Yes. We had an absolutely wonderful time. You know something? Did anything ever seem... too good to be true?
Christine: It sounds like you really care about this man.
Kay: Oh, no, cricket. It's too soon for all those serious feelings.
Christine: Well, all I know is if he is half as nice as you are, he's probably terrific.
Kay: Thank you.
Christine: [ Chuckles ] So, uh, is phillip around?
Kay: No. Uh... I don't think so. I mean, he was gone when I came home.
Christine: Huh. I didn't know he was going out.
Kay: Well, didn't he say anything to you?
Christine: No. We played tennis, and then I went upstairs, took a shower.
Kay: [ Sighs ] My god. I wonder where he could be, then. You don't th-- you don't think that --
Christine: No. No. Mrs. Chancellor, of course not. No.
Kay: Well, alright, but -- but what was his state of mind when he left?
Christine: He was fine. He was fine, really.
Kay: [ Speaks indistinctly ]
Christine: Mrs. Chancellor, I know what you're getting at. Look, I believe he wouldn't -- he wouldn't go out and drink.
Kay: I-I would like to believe that, also, cricket. I know from bitter personal experience, my dear, just how difficult those -- those -- those first couple of weeks are.
Christine: Mrs. Chancellor, I realize that, but he was doing so well. He was trying so hard.
Kay: The temptation never goes away, cricket, no matter how hard you try to fight it. I-I know that.
Christine: I know philip realizes the dangers. He wouldn't put himself in that position.
Kay: Yeah, except he's gone --
Christine: Look, I'm sure -- I'm sure he just has something to do -- an errand, maybe.
Kay: Well, alright. Then where would he go? I mean... where could he be?
Danny: Look, are you sure this can't wait? I was just on my way out of here.
Phillip: Like I said, danny, I'd rather talk now.
Danny: Okay. Sure.
Phillip: Thanks. This is quite a nice setup you got.
Danny: Yeah. Yeah, I like it.
Phillip: Must be a good feeling, living by yourself, your own place, huh?
Danny: Yeah, it is. When are you thinking about getting your own apartment?
Phillip: Eventually. Maybe after college, not -- not right now.
Danny: So, I hear that, uh, you've, uh, been going to an aa group.
Phillip: I owe a lot to you, danny. If you hadn't shocked me with the truth, maybe I wouldn't have realized the extent of my problem.
Danny: Look, first of all, you don't owe me anything. You should be proud of yourself. You're the one who's dealing with this. And cricket told me the other day at the meeting you got up and talked about yourself. I mean, uh, I can imagine how difficult that must've been.
Phillip: Hardest thing I've ever done. But, of course, a lot of the credit goes to cricket. I couldn't have done it without her support.
Danny: She doesn't think so. I mean, she's -- she's really proud. I mean, she can't stop bragging about you.
Phillip: Cricket never likes to take the credit.
Danny: Yeah, well, she's a very special person.
Phillip: Yes, I know. That's why I'm here.
Danny: Why?
Phillip: Your arrangement. You and cricket made plans in june... to see where things stand after summer. Well, it's september now. Summer is over.
Danny: Yeah, I know.
Phillip: Do you mind if I ask you a question?
Danny: No. Go ahead.
Phillip: You and cricket -- what exactly are you going to talk about?
Danny: [ Chuckles softly ] For sure, one way or the o
Ellen: Oh, yes, I-I realize you can't hold this position open indefinitely. I'll let you know tonight for sure, one way or the other. Goodbye.
Ron: I gather that was our government.
Ellen: Yes. Oh, I had no idea the people in washington could be so persistent.
Ron: That's because they want you very badly, and for good reasons -- the success you've made here.
Ellen: I suppose so. I'm just so torn.
Ron: What's eating at you?
Ellen: [ Sighs ] First of all, this place. It's been my home. It has been for years.
Ron: Grant avenue shelter will always be your home, no matter what happens.
Ellen: No, it's not mine. It's my father'S.
Ron: He started it, ellen, but look what you've done with it. Hey, you could leave here tomorrow, and things would run smoothly.
Ellen: Maybe that's why I'm torn. I don't want to find out how easily you'd survive without me.
Ron: There's more involved here, isn't there, than just this place?
Ellen: [ Groans ] Good old ron. How do you always zero in?
Ron: [ Chuckles softly ] I have a feeling that when jack was here, he said some heavy things to you -- things you can't ignore.
Ellen: You're right. He laid it all out and forced me to think about my future... what I want.
Ron: Like mr. Abbott?
Ellen: Yeah. Would you believe he made a pitch for his father and me to get together?
Ron: I understand your being torn, ellen. This is a turning point for you. I think you should seriously consider what jack had to say.
Ellen: If jack's right, then why hasn't john so much as even called me, then, since the last time he was here?
Ron: Wasn't that when you told him about the job offer?
Ellen: Yeah.
Ron: Maybe john was intimidated by the news.
Ellen: You think so?
Ron: I realize this is a tough decision for you. All I can say is... weigh the alternatives. Examine your feelings and be true to them.
Ellen: Thanks.
Ron: Hey, I just want to see you happy. Look, I'm gonna go check on things now. Think about it.
Jack: Before you make any decisions that could affect the rest of your life, I think you and dad should have a good, long talk. I honestly believe if you just said the word, my father would be there for you.
[ Echoing ] Just don't rush into anything. I don't know what you want... how you really feel.
John: Jack, as I said, I just don't think this is the right time for me to propose.
Jack: No. It's the best possible time, while she's still weighing her options. You let her go, she's history. She's gonna be all involved in her new job. Long-distance relationships don't work out most of the time anyway. Now, listen to me. This is no time to be slow. You and ellen have got a great thing going. You're both so damn cautious. Nobody wants to make the first move.
John: I am sure that ellen knows how I feel.
Jack: Well, yeah, she knows you like her, you like spending time with her. She doesn't know that you're ready to make a commitment to her.
John: Jack, she may not be ready for that.
Jack: Well, if there's any man on earth that she is ready for, it's you. I know her. She's not gonna make the first move, she's gonna be gone, and you're gonna regret it.
John: Maybe. Maybe you're right. Maybe I -- maybe I should talk to her.
Jack: You better do more than talk. You better tell her you love her, you want her in your life. This is the woman you need, dad, but if you want her, you got to get her before washington does.
John: [ Sighs heavily ] I think I'm gonna go up and change... take my kid's advice. Thanks, jack.
Jack: Couldn't be happier. T now.
Ashley: Hi. May I come in?
Victor: Yes.
Ashley: You haven't buried her yet?
Victor: She... wanted to be buried here at the ranch.
Ashley: Well, that's a sickening idea. Why would you want to do anything some morbid?
Victor: It was nikki's last request, and I'm gonna honor it.
Ashley: You know she was just being vindictive, victor.
Ashley: Please don't talk like that. She was my wife. She was the mother of my child. In this way, she will always be close to me.
Ashley: Well, she's a beautiful corpse, but, uh -- but, really, don't you think it's time to close the lid?
Victor: No, I'm not ready yet. I want to look at her lovely face as long as I can.
Ashley: Victor, it's time for you to move on with your own life.
Victor: You're talking about us?
Ashley: Well, of course I'm talking about us and our dreams for the future. We've waited long enough. Now we can make plans for our marriage.
Victor: Marriage?
Ashley: Victor... nikki is gone. Now we can move ahead. We don't even have to worry about a divorce because it's over!
Victor: My wife is not even in the ground yet and you're talking about marriage?
Ashley: [ Sighs ] I don't mean to appear insensitive, victor, but... face it. Nikki is gone, and there's nothing to keep us apart any longer. You don't know how long I've been praying for this moment, the moment that you and I could make plans to be husband and wife.
Victor: I'm sorry, but I'm not ready yet.
Ashley: What?
Victor: I'm just not ready to get married, alright? I still love my wife.
Ashley: She's dead, victor.
Victor: She will always be alive to me. I can't imagine a life with another woman.
Ashley: You don't mean that.
Victor: Ashley, I-I care for you. I care deeply for you. I do. But I don't care for you as much as I care for nikki. I'll never be able to have those... feelings again. I can never have them. I can never feel the same anymore. It can't be the same for me, not with anyone else.
Ashley: I can't believe that I'm hearing this after all these months.
Victor: I'm sorry. I never realized until nikki was gone.
[ Sighs ] I just don't want another marriage. That's all.
Ashley: I gave up everything for you.
Victor: I don't mean to be cruel. I have to be honest with you. No one can ever take nikki's place in my heart.
Ashley: You're making a terrible mistake, you know.
Victor: I'm sorry. I'm very sorry. This is goodbye.
Ashley: You bet your life this is goodbye.
[ Door slams ]
Nikki: Victor. Don't be frightened.
Victor: What?
Nikki: I'm alive. It was all a mistake.
Victor: Am I dreaming?
Nikki: No. It's true, darling.
Victor: You're not dead?
Nikki: No, I'm not.
Victor: I haven't lost you? Is this really happening?
Nikki: Yes. It's really happening.
Victor: Oh, my beautiful nikki. I love you so much.
Nikki: Oh, victor, I love you.
Victor: I just want to believe.
Nikki: Believe?
Victor: You're alive. Are you really alive? All my prayers have been answered now.
Nikki: [ Clicks tongue ] Could it be? Could it really be like that?
[ Door closes ] Victor.
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will continue.
Ellen: Ron? Ron, will you come in here a minute?
Ron: What is it?
Ellen: I'm going out for a while. Will you cover for me?
Ron: You bet. You going where I think you're going?
Ellen: [ Sighs ] I need to see john. Jack's right. We have to talk.
Ron: Well, I'm sure john will be happy to see you.
Ellen: Wish me luck.
Nikki: I guess I fell asleep. Where were you?
Victor: I was down in the tack room with matthew.
Nikki: How's he?
Victor: Well, I guess I'm gonna have to send him out of town for a few days -- at least a few days. We have some problems in our office in sao paulo, brazil.
Nikki: Oh. I'm kind of surprised you would do that.
Victor: Why do you say that?
Nikki: Well, you know, it's because of everything that's going on at home.
Victor: Yeah, I guess that would be of concern to you, wouldn't it?
Danny: What exactly are cricket I gonna talk about?
[ Chuckles ] Well, you certainly don't mince words.
Phillip: I try not to. It's something I learned in the program.
Danny: Program?
Phillip: Aa teaches you to be honest with yourself, say it like it is. I'm trying to do that in all my relationships.
Danny: [ Sighs ] You want me to be honest with you?
Phillip: Yes. Yes, I do, if you're willing.
Danny: Sure, phillip. I'm willing to be honest.
Phillip: Good, danny. That's what I was hoping.
Danny: Well, you've come a long way this summer.
Phillip: I've had to.
Danny: Well, I have learned a lot about myself these past few months.
Phillip: Any regrets?
Danny: Regrets?
Phillip: If you had to do it all over again, would you make the same arrangement with cricket?
Danny: Oh, I see. You're talking about us dating other people doing summer.
Phillip: Would you?
Danny: Yes, I would. I think it was a good idea.
Phillip: Then you're satisfied with the way things turned out?
Danny: Like I said, I've learned a lot from it. I think cricket has to.
Phillip: Oh, I'm sure cricket thinks it was a good idea -- the separation.
Danny: So I gathered.
Phillip: Of course, we both know it was your suggestion. Otherwise, she might still be dating you.
Danny: Well, I suppose that's true. But she understood why.
Phillip: Hey, it certainly gave us -- cricket and me -- the chance to get to know each other a lot better.
Danny: Well, I realize that, yes, especially when she went to, uh -- to live in your home.
Phillip: Originally, I admit that she was there to keep an eye on me about my drinking. But, mm, there's a lot more to it.
Danny: There's more to it?
Phillip: We've gotten very close, danny.
Danny: Well, yeah, I know. You guys are...good friends.
Phillip: A lot more than friends. I care about her more than anybody else in this world. There is nothing I wouldn't do for her.
Danny: Look, philip, um... don't get too excited. I mean, cricket -- she tends to have that kind of effect on people, you see.
Phillip: There's nobody else like her.
Danny: That's one of the things I've learned -- how much I've missed her.
Phillip: So, what other things have you learned?
Danny: I had some time to think about... my life, my feelings, the kind of relationship I need.
Phillip: So, that's what you want to talk to cricket about?
Danny: I think we both want to explore what's happened over the summer.
Phillip: The things that have changed?
Danny: And some of the things that haven't changed.
Phillip: You still care about her?
Danny: Does that surprise you?
Phillip: No, it shouldn'T.
Danny: Look, phillip, you wanted me to be honest with you.
Phillip: So, cricket's feelings -- do you think that they're the same as they were before?
Danny: I don't know.
Phillip: She hasn't given you any idea?
Danny: We said we were gonna talk at the end of the summer, and that's what we need to do.
Phillip: I see.
Danny: Then I've answered your question?
Phillip: Oh, yeah, yeah. Thanks. Hey...pal. Listen, I better get going. I'm sure cricket's wondering where I'm at.
Danny: Alright. Well, uh, maybe you could tell her that I'll be seeing her soon.
Phillip: Sure.
Danny: "Pal."
Phillip: Damn! I gotta do something. I cannot lose cricket. I won'T.
Kay: Yes, I'll be here. I'm not going out. Thank you. That was the garage man. Phillip took his car.
Christine: But w-wait. He -- he couldn't have. He didn't have the keys. Unless he took them out of my purse.
Kay: They aren't there, are they? Oh, god. That's what I was so afraid of.
Christine: I'm sure he just had to go somewhere.
Kay: Where, cricket? Where did he feel he had to go? Where, without telling someone?
Victor: Don't worry about me, okay?Be gone for too long.
Victor: Honey, I didn't
Nikki: Well, I hope matt won't be gone for too long.
Victor: Honey, I didn't realize that having matt here meant that much to you.
Nikki: I was thinking more of you.
Victor: Don't worry about me, okay? I'll be alright.
Nikki: When is he leaving?
Victor: Oh, as soon as possible, I think -- uh, late tonight, I expect.
Nikki: [ Sighs ] I hope I get a chance to say goodbye to him.
Victor: Well, I'm sure he'll come up to say goodbye... especially since this may be the last time.
Nikki: I don't want to think about that.
Victor: I'm sure not.
Nikki: It just, um, won't seem the same around here without him.
Victor: I-I doubt you'll have a chance to miss him. I'm sure he won't be gone that long.
Nikki: Well, that's good. Maybe he'll still get back before...it's too late. I spoke to miguel about our dinner plans.
Victor: Yeah, he told me.
Nikki: I hope you don't mind.
Victor: No. Why would I mind?
Nikki: Well, I thought that you were going to mention it to him, and then when I saw that you didn't, uh...
Victor: Are you sure that you would enjoy something like this?
Nikki: Of course I would.
Victor: But, darling, you won't be able to eat anything. I mean, every time you look at food, you sort of...almost seem to get sick.
Nikki: Well, I know. I mean, I don't know if I will be able to eat anything, but... you know, for the first time in days, I-I really feel like i might be able to. Anyway, just to have an evening with you, get all dressed up and reminisce... I'd really like that... if you would.
Victor: Of course I would.
Nikki: I know what I first mentioned it, I-I wanted to include the baby, but... I don't know. I've been thinking about how wonderful it would be, just -- just the two of us, so I told miguel just to set the table for two.
Victor: I think it will be great, whatever you want. I mean, if you just want the two of us, then I think it should be just the two of us.
Nikki: Well, I'm glad you feel that way.
Victor: I do. I mean, I know I've seemed very preoccupied these past few days.
Nikki: Well, I realize you've had a lot on your mind, so I hope tonight you can just relax and unwind. It's been a while for both of us.
Victor: I don't want you to overdo, now.
Nikki: I won'T. I-I know I-I've been distant myself lately. I guess it's everything that's been going on with me. But, uh... for some reason, I just... find myself feeling very close to you.
Victor: You do? You seem in a rather odd mood.
Nikki: I do?
[ Chuckles ] Actually, I-I feel really good. I feel peaceful. I'm looking forward to our dinner.
Victor: I'm very pleased for you... because we don't know how many more of these... you'll be able to enjoy.
Nikki: Well, I know it's gonna be a wonderful evening. I just want you to be happy. That's all. Well... I'll go get ready.
Victor: Now what do you want from me? What are you up to now?
[ Doorbell rings ]
Jack: Ellen.
Ellen: Hi, jack.
Jack: You were the last person I expected to see at my door.
Ellen: Really? I thought you might be expecting this visit. When their sensitive skin runs into messy stains, It's a perfect time.
Ellen: Look, if this is a bad time --
Jack: No! It's a perfect time. Come on in. How 'bout a drink?
Ellen: Oh, no, thanks.
Jack: Uh, coffee, tea?
Ellen: Nope. No, thanks. Nothing.
Jack: The old guy's upstairs. Sit down. So, how's it going?
Ellen: Okay. Okay.
Jack: Have you thought about what we talked about?
Ellen: Yes.
Jack: Knowing you, you probably haven't thought about anything else.
Ellen: You're right.
Jack: Tough one to call, huh?
Ellen: Toughest one I've ever been faced with.
Jack: Yeah, well, we all get to those crossroads eventually.
Ellen: [ Sighs ] I guess that's why this is so difficult for me. I've never been there before.
Jack: And you're worried about what you're gonna miss out on, whichever one you choose?
Ellen: What should I do, jack?
John: [ Whistling tune ]
[ Chuckles softly ] Well, ellen.
Ellen: Hello, john.
John: [ Chuckling ] This is an amazing coincidence. I was just on my way to see you.
Ellen: Well, maybe it's not so much a coincidence.
Jack: I was just on my way out.
John: Well, you and jack seemed, uh, rather serious.
Ellen: Oh, I was just asking him for some advice.
John: You mind if I ask what it was about?
Ellen: It's irrelevant now.
John: Irrelevant?
Ellen: You're here, and the kind of advice I need, no one else can give me.
[ Sighs ] We have to talk, john.
John: Yes, ellen. I want to talk to you, too.
Christine: Mrs. Chancellor, you know, phillip said he wasn't gonna drive until he was ready. Obviously, he -- he felt he was ready.
Kay: Well, isn't it rather sudden he's feeling that way, though?
Christine: No, not really. I mean, he could have been thinking about it for a long time, and as long as he's not drinking, it's okay.
Kay: I wish I could feel as confident.
Christine: I trust him.
Kay: I have been there! I'm a recovering alcoholic! I fight temptation every day of my life. And it is so easy to just slip off of that wagon, especially when there's some external pressure.
Christine: You know, we've had some really honest and upfront conversations, and he was fine. He wasn't upset.
Kay: Yes. Well, alcoholics can become very adept at hiding their feelings.
Christine: He doesn't have anything to hide, mrs. Chancellor. We had a wonderful day today. He was more at ease than I've seen him in a long time. Everything is fine.
Kay: You are, without a doubt... such a hopeful, trusting human being.
Christine: I honestly believe in him.
Kay: Cricket, may -- may I ask you something?
Christine: Sure. What's that?
Kay: And please don't -- don't misunderstand, but... now that you've been spending all this time with phillip... are you and danny A... thing of the past?
Hi. May I help you?
Phillip: Yes. I think you can.
What are you interested in?
Phillip: Well, I'd like to see some rings, please.
Any special kind?
Phillip: Yeah, engagement rings.
Oh, well, excellent. We have a very nice selection of those right over here.
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