One Life to Live Transcript Friday 12/6/02
By Suzanne
proofread by Brianne
Previously on "One Life to Live" --
Bo: Mitch Laurence is Jessica's father?
Viki: I need you to go away from here. I need you to leave Llanview immediately.
Jen: I'm going to go home and see Cristian.
Marcie: Then what?
Jen: I'll listen to him tell me how much he loves Natalie.
Natalie: Cristian, I want you to go, and I don't want to have anything more to do with you.
Cristian: Something else is going on here.
Natalie: What did you just say?
Mitch: It's time,
Natalie, to consummate
our marriage.
Natalie: God, you can't be serious.
Mitch: Au contraire, my dear. Marriage is a very serious commitment.
Natalie: Well, we're not really married.
Mitch: No? We have a license that says otherwise.
Natalie: That doesn't mean anything.
Mitch: It means that we entered into a conjugal contract before God.
Natalie: No.
Mitch: Oh, yes. "The man shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh."
Bo: Your ear stuck to that door?
Rex: Comm. Buchanan.
Bo: I know.
Viki: Jessie, I told you,
Natalie will be leaving town
Jessica: But why is she still there? You were so worried about Mitch Laurence hurting us so -- has something happened to her, Mom?
Antonio: Are you sure you're not reading Natalie wrong?
Cristian: Uh-uh. She meant it. She's not leaving this guy. She's staying married to him.
Jen: Natalie got married?
Natalie: Stay away from me.
Mitch: Is that any way to treat your husband?
Natalie: If you so much as touch me --
Mitch: I have every right.
Natalie: What, to rape me? I don't think so.
Mitch: No, as the good book says, "Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands, for the husband is the head of the wife."
Natalie: Stop it.
Stop using the Bible like that.
It's sick.
Mitch: I'm not the one committing blasphemy here. You took a vow before God to love me, to honor me, and to obey me.
Natalie: I'm not sleeping with you.
Mitch: You are my wife.
Natalie: On paper. That's it.
Mitch: Well, that's about to change.
Natalie: Over my dead body.
Mitch: How about over Cristian's body?
Roxy: You want to do something? Just you and me?
Asa: Yep. And the deep blue sea.
Roxy: Oh, Captain Nemo's fish and chips on highway 20.
Asa: I had something a little further in mind. Did you know I have my very own tropical island?
Roxy: Get out of town.
Asa: It's called St. Blaze's.
Roxy: Oh, way out of town. You got gambling there?
Asa: St. Blaze has everything.
Roxy: Do you have piņa coladas in a pineapple with a little umbrella on top?
Asa: Everything your little heart desires. But the best part is --
Roxy: There's more?
Asa: It is smack dab in the middle of nowhere. Nobody can bother us. So what do you say? You on, or what?
Roxy: Hey, hang on, there. I know what's going on. And nobody makes a fool out of Roxy Holden, no how.
Renee: Max, before we get down to business, I just need to know one thing.
Max: Sure. What?
Renee: How does Asa plan
to get Roxanne to divorce you?
Max: Well, I mean, you know Asa better than I do. I mean, he has his ways, but that's besides the point here. I need your help to get Rae to turn him loose. Now, are you still in?
Renee: You know, I was supposed to have a nice, quiet, little intimate dinner with him that night, the night that they got married.
Max: You mean the night she blackmailed him into marrying her.
Renee: I still don't understand why he let her get away with that.
Max: Well, don't be mad
at him.
I mean, she's a veteran at being
a con artist.
She snowed the entire town,
practically the entire country,
into believing she was
a therapist.
Renee: And what happened to Ben is the result of that. She deserves everything that's coming to her.
Max: Let's get to work. It's showtime.
Renee: Oh, leave me alone, Max! It's killing me! I don't want to talk about it anymore!
Max: Oh, here. That got her attention. This just might work.
Natalie: You would kill Cristian if I won't sleep with you?
Mitch: Did I say that?
Natalie: Answer me!
Mitch: I'm merely reminding you of your wifely duties, wife.
Natalie: Look, I said that
I would stay married
to you so that you wouldn't hurt
But sleeping with you is not
a part of that deal ever.
Mitch: Oh, yeah? Saving yourself for Cristian? That ain't never going to happen, darling, unless you want to see him dead.
Natalie: Don't you dare ever hurt Cristian.
Mitch: That's in your hands, Natalie.
Natalie: You -- you really killed those other people, didn't you?
Mitch: Those other people?
Natalie: Dr. Balsom, the man I thought was my father.
Mitch: Oh, the man who brought you and Jessica into this world. Yes, he did meet a rather untimely and tragic death, as did both the nurses who helped him, in fact.
Natalie: Why don't you just kill me, too?
Mitch: Now, why would I want
to do something like that?
Natalie: Because I would rather be dead than sleep with you.
Mitch: Huh. Well, we seem to be at a bit of an impasse. I want to consummate our marriage and you don't. What are we going to do about that?
Jen: Did you just say that Natalie's married?
Cristian: What are you doing home, Jen? I thought you were supposed to be in class.
Jen: It got canceled. So who's Natalie married to?
Cristian: Some -- some guy named Michael Lazarus.
Jen: Never heard of him. Does he go to L.U.?
Antonio: Jen, you know what?
I'm sorry, I don't mean to be
rude, but Cris and I -- we were
right in the middle
of something.
Jen: What's going on?
Cristian: I just need to get into some stuff with my brother. Look, I know that we were supposed to talk and all, but --
Jen: No, it's ok. I've got a zillion things to do anyway. I'll see you later, ok?
Cristian: Ok.
Jen: Bye, Antonio.
Antonio: See you later, Jen. All right. You still need to tell Jen about Natalie.
Cristian: Yeah. And I will.
Antonio: Mm-hmm.
Cristian: But, first, I got to straighten this out with Natalie.
Antonio: Ok, well,
I -- you know, I don't know what
to tell you.
I mean, this whole thing
with Natalie and why she's
married to this guy -- it just
doesn't make any sense.
Cristian: Yeah, tell me about it.
Antonio: You know, I mean -- look, are you sure she's not still upset about you and -- and Jen?
Cristian: No. No, no. We worked all that out.
Antonio: All right. Well, maybe I can find out something for you at Llanfair.
Cristian: What, are you going to Llanfair?
Antonio: Yeah, I'm doing some security detail there.
Cristian: What for?
Antonio: Good question. I haven't got all the details yet, but I know something big's going down.
Cristian: Do you think it has anything to do with Natalie?
Antonio: I don't know. I'll know more when I talk to the commissioner.
Cristian: I'll go with you.
Antonio: All right, look, Natalie might not even be a part of it.
Cristian: Yeah, I know. I just want to talk to Mrs.. Davidson, find out what the deal is with Natalie and this Lazarus guy.
Antonio: All right. Let's go.
Cristian: All right, hold on. Let me get my keys.
Jen: I need a number for a Michael Lazarus.
Jen: Ok, I'm sorry. What was that? This is the Michael Lazarus on Center Street, right? Oh, ok. 125 Elm Street. Ok, thank you so much.
[Phone rings]
Jen: Hello?
Marcie, hey.
I'm feeling great.
Let's just say that things
aren't exactly over between me
and Cristian.
Renee: No, just go, Max! No one can help me! You can't help me!
Max: Here she comes.
Rae: Renee?
Renee: What do you want?
Rae: What's wrong?
Renee: I don't want to talk about it!
Rae: What did you do to her?
Max: Me?
Rae: Well, she's not crying for nothing.
Max: I didn't do anything.
Renee: It's not Max.
Rae: What is it? I mean, tell me. You can.
Renee: You are the last person that I could talk to.
Rae: Renee, I know you don't think much of me right now.
Max: Understating it a bit, aren't we?
Rae: Oh, would you stay out of it?
Renee: I just want you both
to stay out of it, please!
Rae: Renee? Renee? We were friends once, good friends. I still care about you. I can't stand to see you like this. You can tell me, please. Why are you so upset?
Renee: All right. You want to know? It's Asa! It's Asa!
Asa: Playing you for a fool? Why on God's green earth would you say something like that?
Roxy: Oh, let me think about this for a second. First of all, you're being so damn nice to me.
Asa: You have a problem with that?
Roxy: Yeah, I got a problem
with that, because you're
working me.
You know, I should have known
something was fishy when
you invited me to the lodge
and everything.
Asa: I just wanted to have some fun.
Roxy: Oh, yeah, you're having fun, a lot of fun setting me up.
Asa: Setting you up for what?
Roxy: Yeah, to make Max Holden single again, that's what.
Asa: Where did you ever get an idea like that?
Roxy: You invite me to a remote little island, nobody there, just you and me and the devil and the deep blue sea. I'm onto your plan, Bucko.
Asa: Plan? There's no plan.
Roxy: Hey, give it up. You know, I already figured all of this out.
Asa: I just wanted you to see my yacht, maybe try your hand at marlin fishing, a little scuba diving.
Roxy: Oh, yeah, down in Davey Jones' locker.
Asa: "Davey Jones' locker"?
Roxy: Sleeping with the fishes?
Asa: What?
Roxy: You can't get rid of me that easy.
Asa: Wait a minute. You think I'm going to kill you?
Roxy: Or strand me or something like that, but you can forget about it.
Asa: Why would I want to do something like that?
Roxy: Because of what I did to your precious Jessie, and you're trying to get back at me.
Asa: Oh-ho, Lord!
Roxy: Oh, great, and now you're making fun of me.
Asa: You are priceless. You know that?
Roxy: Oh, great. You're calling me cheap?
Asa: I told you to forget
about that.
I don't blame you for what
happened to my granddaughter.
I blame that quack doctor
you were married to.
Roxy: All right, that's the first thing you got right. His creepy friend Mitch Laurence.
Rex: Comm. Buchanan. I didn't hear you come in.
Bo: Oh, I see that. What's so interesting on the other side of that door?
Rex: I didn't want to barge in on Mrs.. Davidson.
Bo: Ah, so you're thinking of her, were you?
Rex: She really hates it when people interrupt her.
Bo: Aha.
Rex: No, I'm not kidding. One time a few months ago, I went in without knocking, and she totally went off on me.
Bo: But that wasn't Mrs.. Davidson. That was an alter named Niki Smith.
Rex: Yeah.
Yeah, that's right.
No, I know that now.
Bo: So you must know that Niki Smith is gone now.
Rex: Right, but, well, sometimes, it gets confusing.
Bo: Why don't we just clear it up? Why don't we start with you telling me what you're trying to pull here.
Viki: Jessica, I don't want you to worry, ok? Natalie will be leaving town soon.
Jessica: When?
Viki: Well, I'm going to take care of it, and so is Uncle Bo.
Jessica: What are you doing?
Viki: Darling, you have to trust me, ok? We're going to deal with Mitch Laurence and then you'll be able to come home and that will be the end of it.
Jessica: Why do I get
the feeling that you're still
not telling me something?
Mom, are you still there?
Viki: Yeah. Honey, I have to go. I'm very sorry, but we really shouldn't be talking this long anyway. I'm going to call you later.
Jessica: But --
Viki: I'll call you in, oh, a couple of hours, all right? I love you very much. Take care. Bye.
Jessica: I don't believe it.
Seth: What?
Jessica: My mom just hung up on me.
Seth: Well, are you sure it wasn't a bad connection? Maybe you just got cut off.
Jessica: No. She's never done that before.
Seth: Well, maybe she had to. That Laurence guy might have been there.
Jessica: No.
She wanted to.
Seth: What'd she say?
Jessica: It's not what she was saying. It's -- something's wrong.
Seth: What, you think it's about Natalie? Oh, you said that she was still in Llanview?
Jessica: Yes, but my mom won't tell me why.
Seth: Well, she must know what's she's doing. Maybe Mitch is leaving Natalie alone.
Jessica: That doesn't make any sense, though. Why would he be more interested in me than Natalie?
Seth: Beats me.
Seth: Are you ok?
Jessica: No.
Seth: Well, what is it?
Jessica: I don't know.
This is so strange,
this feeling that Natalie's
in trouble.
I don't know, it's weird,
this twin thing.
Seth: Jess, if something bad happened to Natalie, your mother would have told you, ok? She's not hiding something from you.
Jessica: Yeah, but what if it hasn't happened yet? What if it's going to?
Seth: Maybe you're just worried about your sister.
Jessica: I am. I am worried about her.
Seth: Well, don't be. She's got your mom, she's got Cristian and your Uncle Bo and the whole police force looking after her. They're not going to let anything happen to her.
Jessica: Ok, then what is it that my mom's hiding from me? Don't tell me it's nothing because she's keeping something from me. I know she is.
Viki: What's going on?
Bo: Well, Rex here was just about to explain that. Go ahead. Why don't you tell her why you had your ear glued to that door?
Viki: What?
Rex: I didn't want to bother you.
Bo: Or he thought he'd just spy on you instead.
Viki: Oh, Rex. Is that true?
Rex: Ok! I'm worried about Jessica.
Viki: Why?
Rex: I really think that Seth is going to screw things up for her.
Viki: Seth?
Rex: You told me that he took her away somewhere. She has finals coming up.
Viki: Rex, we have been over this already.
Rex: Well, you're just going
to let her throw away
her grades, I mean, for some guy
that she almost broke up with?
Viki: But she didn't, and this trip is her business.
Rex: Don't you care?
Viki: What did you say? Don't I care? Yes, I care. I care a great deal more than you could ever imagine. My daughters mean everything to me, and there is nothing that I wouldn't do for them.
Bo: I think we've just about settled things here. You can go now.
Bo: Don't even think about snooping around here again.
Viki: Bo, I'm so scared for those girls.
Bo: Look, Jessica's safe, and we're going to make sure that Natalie's safe, too.
Viki: Do you think we can?
Bo: Well, I'm going to do everything I can and then some.
Viki: I don't think Rex
overheard anything.
Well, at least he doesn't know
that Jessie's Mitch's daughter.
Bo: Well, it's only a matter of time before it comes out.
Viki: Well, no, it doesn't have to, you know? There are only three people who know -- you and me and Seth.
Bo: And Laurence.
Viki: Well, he hasn't told her yet.
Bo: Yeah, but it's impossible to stop him from telling her. So sooner or later, she's going to hear about it. Now, I think it's the best thing if she hears it from you.
Viki: What is that going to do to her? You know how upset she was when she thought that Roxanne was her mother. It almost destroyed her.
Bo: Yeah, but it didn't because you wouldn't let it.
Viki: Yeah, and then she was
so happy when she found out that
I was indeed her mother
and Clint was her father.
Bo: Are we absolutely sure he's not?
Viki: We saw the D.N.A. Results, Bo. Oh, god, she adores Clint.
Bo: I know, and he loves her more than anything. But that's not going to change. She is always going to be a Buchanan.
Viki: We told her that, you know, when we adopted her, Clint and I. Only recently, she told me she never really felt that way until now. How do I take that away from her again? How do I tell her that this man that she just adores is not her father, but this horrible, evil man who wants to destroy the whole family is?
Bo: I don't know, but you'll find a way because you have to.
Viki: I'm not going to do
it now.
I'm not going to do it until
he's out of our lives.
Bo: And I'm going to make sure that happens.
[Phone rings]
Bo: Um -- I've been waiting for this call.
Viki: Ok.
Bo: Excuse me. Buchanan. Yeah. All right, is she there right now? Ok, good, I'm on my way. Viki, I have to get going.
Viki: Go, go.
Bo: All right, I'll keep you up to speed on everything.
Viki: If you hear anything, please.
Bo: I will call you.
Viki: Thank you.
Bo: You know that.
Viki: Hey, thanks again for everything.
Bo: Viki, you know, they are
my nieces, and I'm not going
to let anybody hurt them.
Viki: Thanks, Bo. Thanks.
Bo: Ok. Hi, Cristian.
Cristian: Commissioner.
Bo: Come on in.
Viki: Thanks.
Bo: I'll see you.
Viki: Bye.
Cristian: Mrs. Davidson, is there something going on? I mean, why is the Commissioner here, and why is my brother watching the place?
Viki: Have you seen Natalie?
Cristian: Yeah, actually, and I wanted to talk to you about that, about her and this new husband of hers.
Natalie: You want to know what we're going to do about it? Nothing. I am not going to bed with you, and you cannot make me.
Mitch: Awfully sure
of ourselves, aren't we?
Natalie: You want to know why? Because you are way more interested in getting your hands on my money than getting your hands on me.
Mitch: Oh, I sincerely hope you don't think I married you just for your money.
Natalie: Oh, revenge. That, too.
Mitch: No. I had desired that our marriage be more than that.
Natalie: Our marriage is a joke.
Mitch: Well, I'm truly sorry you feel that way.
Natalie: You knew that I loved Cristian.
Mitch: And yet you married me.
Natalie: Well, you tricked me.
Mitch: Nobody put a gun
to your head.
[Knock on door]
Mitch: Go get that. I'm not in the mood for company.
Natalie: I'm not your maid.
Mitch: What if it's Cristian?
Mitch: Don't do anything you might regret.
Asa: Don't you ever mention Mitch Laurence to me. I've got half a mind to dig up his corpse and shoot it full of holes.
Roxy: Sounds great, as long as you don't use me as a stand-in.
Asa: I don't want you dead. You're too much fun to put six feet under.
Roxy: You're not just pulling my chain, are you? You swear?
Asa: On my first dollar. I assure you, Roxanne, there's nothing up my sleeve.
Roxy: So that offer about
going to this private little
island, it was on the level?
Asa: I want to make up what we -- that party we started the other night.
Roxy: Yeah, before your kid busted us.
Asa: Nobody, and I'll tell you, nobody is going to spoil this party.
Roxy: What you were saying, it's just the two of us?
Asa: Well, all it takes is just two, and, you, you're a one-woman fiesta.
Roxy: I know how to party hearty, all right.
Asa: So, what do you say we get a move on?
Roxy: You mean, like, right now?
Asa: Well, my jet's fueled and, you know, ready to take off.
Roxy: Hey, are you hitting on me?
Rae: Asa upset you.
What did he do?
Renee: Oh, stop being so innocent about it! You know exactly what he did!
Rae: No, I honestly don't.
Renee: Oh, come on! He broke my heart, and you were part of it!
Rae: Are we still talking about the fact that I married him?
Renee: You know that I was hoping that we would get married again. You know, I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can barely get out of bed in the morning. I don't know what I'm going to do! Oh, God, just let me have another drink!
Rae: She -- she's drinking?
Max: Yeah, and it's getting worse.
Rae: Well, how long has this been going on?
Max: Since you and Asa tied
the knot, it's been one long
Rae: But every time I see her, she seems fine. I mean, she's a little hostile, but she doesn't look like she's falling apart.
Max: Well, that's Renee for you, you know? She puts up a very brave facade, and, you know, when it goes, it goes completely. She's hitting bottom.
Rae: You really think that's happening?
Max: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, she needs help.
Rae: Is there anybody she can go to?
Max: I volunteered, but, you know, she doesn't want to hear anything from me for obvious reasons. What she really needs is a therapist.
Asa: So now you think I am making a pass at you?
Roxy: Oh, come on.
"My jet is fueled, and it's
ready to go."
Come on, who the hell do
you think you're kidding?
Asa: I'm a married man!
Roxy: Yeah, to a broad you can't stand!
Asa: And you're already spoken for! And I don't hit on other men's wives! Even though you could have done a hell of a lot better than the no-good, no-account thing you married.
Roxy: So then why'd you invite me along to this little remote island of yours?
Asa: A friend can't take another friend on a little trip?
Roxy: Just friends?
Asa: A male and female cannot be pals? And they think -- they think I'm old-fashioned, hmm.
Roxy: I don't know where I get these ideas from.
Asa: Well, I'll tell you,
you're a little hot tamale.
You must get hit on all
the time.
Roxy: Yeah, well, you know.
Asa: So I'm glad we straightened this out. Now, you're going to St. Blaze's with me? What the hell do you want? Why don't you knock?
Bo: Police business.
Asa: Look, there's nothing illegal going on here -- no gambling, no nothing. Now please go.
Bo: I need to talk to Roxanne.
Asa: How'd you even know where she was?
Bo: I had my people track her down.
Roxy: Well, whatever it is, I didn't do it.
Asa: You heard the lady. Now go.
Bo: This involves both of you.
Asa: Bo, we're having
a private conversation here,
You get my drift?
Bo: It's about Mitch Laurence.
Roxy: Mitch Laurence?
Asa: What does that snake got to do with anything? He's dead and buried.
Bo: Yeah, we all thought he was dead, but it turns out we were all wrong. Mitch Laurence is still alive.
Natalie: Jen, what are you doing here? And how did you know where to find me?
Jen: I called information.
Natalie: Because?
Jen: I heard you got married.
Natalie: Who told you?
Jen: Cristian.
Natalie: When did you see him?
Jen: Just a little while ago. I came right over. So tell me all about Michael.
Natalie: You know what?
I really don't feel like talking
right now.
Jen: No, I'd love to meet him. Where is he?
Natalie: Oh, well, he was right there a minute ago.
Jen: He must be amazing -- I mean, for you to get over Cristian so quickly. You are over Cristian, right?
[Viki locks door]
Viki: Cristian, just how much do you know about Natalie and her husband?
Cristian: Well, I know his name is Michael Lazarus. Natalie just met the guy. He's old enough to be her dad. What I don't know is why suddenly Natalie decides that she wants to stay with him.
Viki: She told you that?
Cristian: Yeah, yeah,
and I don't get it.
She loves me.
I mean, we love each other
and we were going to be together
as soon as I tell Jen
and she tells this Michael guy.
But then she does a
180 and decided she wanted
to stay with him.
Viki: Oh, when was this?
Cristian: Less than an hour ago.
Viki: Was he with her?
Cristian: Oh, yeah, like glue.
Viki: Well, I'm sure he put her up to it, don't you think?
Cristian: Well, that's what I want to think. But then she plants a kiss on him right in front of me.
Viki: Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Cristian: Mrs. Davidson, what's going on?
Viki: Natalie had no idea what she was getting herself into.
Cristian: Is that what all this security's about?
Viki: Cristian --
Cristian: Mrs. Davidson,
I love your daughter.
You need to tell me.
Look, if Natalie's in danger,
if this Michael Lazarus can hurt
her, then I need to know.
Viki: Yeah, you do. Ok, in the first place, his name is not Michael Lazarus. His name is Mitch Laurence, and this is a man who has hated me for over 20 years, and he came back for one reason -- to hurt us all.
Roxy: Mitch Laurence is alive?
Asa: It is not possible.
Bo: He faked his death, and then he's been hiding out all these years.
Asa: Well, I hope you locked him up and threw away the key.
Bo: Oh, I wish.
Asa: He must have broken every law in the books.
Bo: He waited until the statute of limitations ran out.
Asa: Let me get this
straight, Bo.
You haul me in on a little
gambling charge, and you let
this sicko, Laurence, walk free.
Bo: I'm not letting him do anything.
Asa: You're not stopping him. Why? Because you're out arresting your own flesh and blood.
Bo: Pa, this has nothing to do with you.
Roxy: If Mitch Laurence isn't in jail, where is he?
Bo: He's here. He's in Llanview.
Roxy: He is?
Asa: If you're not going to do anything about it, I am.
Bo: No, you're going to let me handle this.
Asa: Yeah, if you can.
Bo: I can and I will. And this is where you come in.
Roxy: Me? Why?
Is he here looking for me?
Because, you know, I barely even
know the guy.
He was a friend of Wally's.
I mean, you know, I never had
nothing do with him.
Bo: Well, I doubt that he wants much to do with you, but, see, what I need right now is information about your husband's death.
Roxy: Yeah, well, what's Wally got to do with it? He's not back from the dead, too, is he?
Bo: Not that we know of.
Roxy: Because that S.O.B. was always jerking me around. I mean, you know, I don't want to dis the dead or nothing. What do you want to know?
Bo: No, no, not here. My office.
Roxy: It's that serious, huh?
Bo: Let's go.
Roxy: Ok. I guess this messes up our little trip. Sorry about that.
Asa: Uh.
Not as sorry as I am.
Seth: Jessica, your mother isn't hiding anything from you. She's just trying to keep you safe from this Mitch Laurence.
Jessica: There's more to it. I'm sure of it.
Seth: Why do you say that? She's just taking precautions.
Jessica: No. There's something she doesn't want me to know. But what? What would make her keep secrets from me?
Viki's voice: You can't ever tell Jessica this, ever. I will tell her myself as soon as I figure out how I'm going to deal with it. I have to keep Jessica far away from Mitch Laurence. He's her father.
Jessica: Do you know?
Seth: Huh?
Jessica: What's going
on with my mom?
Do you know anything?
Seth: Why would I know?
Jessica: Did she say anything to you?
Seth: Why would she tell me and not you?
Jessica: Because she asked you to protect me, so --
Seth: From Mitch Laurence, and that's what I'm doing.
Jessica: And you don't know anything else? You swear?
Seth: Jess, I love you, ok? If I knew something that would hurt you, I would tell you, ok? I wouldn't hide something from you. You believe me, don't you?
Jessica: Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. I'm just going a little crazy.
Seth: Just, look, don't worry about anything, ok?
Jessica: I'll try not to.
Can you do me a favor?
Do you think you could run
downstairs and get me a bottle
of water?
Seth: Sure. Just don't let anyone in that door, ok? I'll be right back, ok?
Jessica: Why are you lying to me?
Cristian: This Michael Lazarus guy, he's the one that had that cult, right? The one that Allison Perkins was in?
Viki: Yeah, Mitch Laurence, that's right, and he's the one who forced Allison to switch Natalie and Jessica.
Cristian: I tell you, I didn't like that guy the second I laid eyes on him. Now I know why. But he's married to Natalie. What's that about?
Viki: Revenge for things that he thinks I did to him.
Cristian: This is bad.
This is really bad.
Natalie's married to Mitch Laurence?
I got to go tell her.
Viki: Cristian, no, wait.
Rex: Natalie's married?
Cristian: Mrs. Davidson, Natalie thinks her husband's name is Michael Lazarus. Once she finds out it's Mitch Laurence --
viki: She already knows.
Cristian: She couldn't. I mean, she wouldn't have married the guy if she did.
Viki: She didn't know when she married him. She does now.
Cristian: I know why she won't leave him.
Jen: Well, that's just a stupid question to ask. Of course, you're over Cristian. Why would you marry someone else if you weren't?
Natalie: Well, yeah, you got your answer, so you can leave now.
Jen: I know things haven't
been great between us lately.
Natalie: "Lately"?
Jen: We'd started to become friends. At least that's what I thought. And now you're with someone else. Well, you just must be so happy. Let me see your ring. What's wrong with you?
Natalie: Nothing.
Jen: I want to hear all about your wedding.
Natalie: Jen, I don't want to talk to you about my wedding or my ring or Cristian, ok? I don't want to talk about anything.
Mitch: Well, hello there.
Rae: Renee?
Renee: Go away.
Rae: I know you don't want to hear anything I have to say, but I have seen this before, and you could be hitting rock bottom.
Renee: And there isn't
anything that you or anybody
else can do about it.
Rae: Well, maybe there is. I mean, maybe I know of something that I can do for you, something that could help you.
Max: Oh, that's it, that's it. Tell her you're going to divorce Asa.
Renee: You have something that could help me?
Rae: I have the answer to all your problems.
Renee: You do?
Rae: Here. This. You know, these books helped me enormously when I hit rock bottom, and I think they can comfort you, too.
Renee: But I --
Rae: No, no, no.
Just read them.
Oh -- and "Flunking Life" --
that was particularly good.
Hey, you take good care
of yourself.
Max: What just happened here?
Renee: Your foolproof plan made fools out of both of us.
[Phone rings]
Rex: Hello.
Jessica: Rex? I'm so glad you picked up.
Rex: Jessica?
Jessica: Listen, I need your help.
Rex: Look, where are you? Are you ok? I've been looking all over for you.
Jessica: I'm fine. But, listen, something's going on, and nobody will tell me what, not even Seth.
Rex: I will.
Jessica: You know?
Rex: Natalie got married.
Jessica: What? To who? Cristian?
Rex: No. I don't know. Some guy named Mitch.
Mitch: Pardon my wife
for walking out on you like
Jen: You're Michael Lazarus?
Mitch: Surprised?
Jen: You're just not what I --
Mitch: Not what you expected? What exactly did you expect?
Cristian: Well, there's only one reason Natalie would stay married to the guy.
Viki: What do you think that is?
Cristian: Well, you said he came back here because he wanted to hurt you all, right?
Viki: Yes.
Cristian: Well, she's trying to protect you. You and Jessica.
Viki: Or you. Cristian, she might be trying to protect you.
Jen: I don't really know what I was expecting.
Mitch: Well, obviously
not me.
Jen: No. I mean --
Mitch: Well, that's understandable. I mean, there is an age difference. You probably expected your friend to be interested in someone younger. Did say something wrong?
Jen: No. It's ok.
Mitch: No, it's not ok. You're upset. Did Natalie and you have a falling-out?
Jen: Why would you think that?
Mitch: Just the way she scampered away like that.
Jen: I didn't come here to fight with her.
Mitch: Yeah.
You know, my wife has,
shall we say,
a temper problem.
maybe I can help you.
Jen: Maybe you can.
Stay tuned for scenes from the next "One Life to Live."
On the next "One Life to Live" --
Todd: You almost blew everything, and you don't even know it!
Natalie: What did he want?
Rex: To know where Jessica is.
Cristian: I'm not letting Natalie spend one more day with this guy.
Mitch: Now that I'm married to Natalie, that puts a different slant on you and Cristian, doesn't it?