One Life to Live Transcript Thursday 1/15/02
By Suzanne
>> Previously on "One Life to Live" --
Jen: Cristian, no! Allison: Hi, Jessica. I have a surprise
for you. R.J.: I am Keri’s father. Todd: Just get rid of that thing.
Troy: "Patients have experienced an
increased ability to contact the truth." To us.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Troy: Tell me, was it Colin who gave Nora
that memory-erasing drug, or was it you? Nora: I will never let you forget what you
did to me. Lindsay: Well, I'll take that chance.
Colin: No, Lindsay, no! Lindsay: Oh, Troy. I did a bad, bad thing.
------------------------------------------------- Larry: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa -- where do
you two think you're going? Cristian: We're looking for Al.
Larry: The paramedics just brought him in.
Jen: We know. We were right behind them.
Cristian: Yeah. Where did they put him?
Larry: They wheeled him into a cubicle,
and this is as close as you're going to get. I'm sorry. He's being prepped for
emergency surgery, so all you could do in there is get in the way. Cristian: How -- how badly hurt is he?
Larry: I don't know. That's what I'm going
to find out. Jen: If he's really hurt, this is all our
fault. Max: What's all your fault? What happened
to my son?
------------------------------------------------- Chad: Hey, Officer Vega. How about a cold
one? Antonio: I'm on duty. How about some
information? Chad: If I got it, you got it. Antonio: I want to talk to my brother.
Where is he? Chad: Uh -- no idea. He's not working
tonight. But if you want, I can leave him -- Antonio: Forget it. Bo: Antonio. What brings you by?
Antonio: I was -- I was wondering the same
thing about you. Bo: I just wanted to talk to Max.
Antonio: Oh, this have something to do
with Asa and Gabrielle? Bo: Hmm. Well, it just might. But I
figured since R.J. doesn't own this joint anymore, then -- oh, God. What's
R.J. done now? Antonio: It's not what he's done. It's who
he is.
------------------------------------------------- Keri: R.J., I have to know this. Is what
Antonio said true? Are you responsible for sending that guy after Cristian?
R.J.: Yes.
------------------------------------------------- Jessica: Stay -- stay away from me,
Allison. Allison: Or you'll what? Jessica: My mother and Ben are coming down
here any second. Allison: Ooh, I am so scared. Jessica: Well, you should be. Allison: I'm sorry, Ms. Balsom, but it's
just the two of us now.
------------------------------------------------- Blair: Look at this. You should feel his
little grip. He is so strong with his little fingers around my hand.
Todd: Yeah, I can see that. Blair: Oh, it's so precious. You are just
-- [Phone rings] Blair: Such a good boy. Todd: What? Miguel: It's me, Miguel. Blair: And you're so strong. Todd: Just hold on one -- one second, all
right? Blair: Yeah. Yeah, you are. Yes. Starr,
you want to come over here and look at your little brother here? Want to look
at jack? Starr: Been there, done that. Blair: Starr. Now, babies aren't like
toys. You don't just get tired of them and stop playing with them. This is
your little brother. He's going to be with us for a long, long time.
Starr: Maybe, maybe not. Todd: Why are you calling me? That problem
we talked about has been taken care of it, hasn't it? Miguel: Uh -- look, I'm very sorry. There
was a mix-up in Mexico. Paloma Sanchez is no longer in custody. Todd: Then where the hell is she?
------------------------------------------------- Flight attendant: Ladies and gentlemen, at
this time we ask you to take your seats. We are about to land at Llanview
------------------------------------------------- Todd: All right, you listen to me. You
find that miserable excuse of a so-called midwife, and you make sure that she
doesn't come here. I will not have her taking away everything that I have.
------------------------------------------------- Jessica: We don't have anything to talk
about, Allison. Allison: Nice try, kiddo, but you and me
got lots to talk about. Jessica: Such as? Allison: Such as you and Viki turning
Natalie against me, cutting me out of the big Buchanan bucks. Jessica: I had nothing to do with
Natalie’s decision. Allison: Oh, no? Jessica: No. But, frankly, I think it was
a good one. I think it's actually the smartest thing she's ever done. So
excuse me. Allison: Hey, we're not through.
Jessica: What? Get off of me! Roxy: Hey! Jessica: Who do you think you are?
Roxy: Hey, hey, hey, hey! You take your
grubby, psycho hands off of my daughter.
------------------------------------------------- Keri: Ok. Ok, just to clarify what you
mean when you say yes -- R.J.: Man, my daughter really is a college
professor. Keri: You hired the man who tried to kill
Cristian Vega? R.J.: Yes, I did. Keri: I see. I see. Well, I guess that
means we have nothing more to say to each other. R.J.: Keri, please, just wait. Let -- let
me explain. A lifetime apart has got to give me one explanation. Then, if you
don't like what I say, you can keep walking. Keri: Ok. R.J.: Look -- Antonio and his boss, Bo
Buchanan, busted me a few months back. Keri: For what? R.J.: I was trying to help a friend, but
they call it racketeering and related charges. Keri: Were you guilty? R.J.: Pretty much. Keri: Well, racketeering is a pretty
serious charge. How come you're walking around free? R.J.: I knew some information that they
needed, so -- Keri: So you plea-bargained. R.J.: Yes. Cost me nearly everything I
had, but it -- it turned out to be a blessing. I got to try something I’ve
only done twice in my life -- I went legit. Keri: How legit? R.J.: 100%. But that wasn't good enough
for Antonio or his brother. They decided to hound my every move and find some
excuse to send me back to prison. See, Cristian had stolen a car and wrecked
and, along with it, his painting career. And somehow they all blamed me. So my
brand-new, loyal employee starts a fake I.D. scheme out of Break Bar. He rats
it out, turns me in for racketeering. It wasn't because he wanted justice. It
wasn't because he was trying to destroy my business. He wants to destroy me.
Keri: Cristian Vega? R.J.: Believe it or not. Keri: So you hire someone to kill him?
R.J.: No. Absolutely not. I hired Keith
Schaeffer to convince Cristian to leave town. Keri: To "convince" him how? R.J.: That depended on how hard Cristian's
head was.
------------------------------------------------- Jen: Mr. Holden, you got the message I
left? Max: Yeah, yeah, that's why I’m here.
Where is he? Jen: He's in the E.R., being prepped for
surgery. Max: Surgery? What happened? Cristian: He -- he fell. Max: Fell? How? Jen: There's this quarry -- Max: Yeah, I saw him there. What was he
doing there? And why is it all your fault? Cristian: Well, Al and I had a -- we had a
little argument and, well, things got out of hand. Max: He's on the table in the E.R. --
Yeah, you bet it got out of hand. You two are going to tell me what happened
right from the beginning. Either that or I’ll have you explaining it to the
L.P.D. Jen: Please, Mr. Holden. Blame me for
everything -- the fight, everything -- Max: They fought over you? Oh, you must be
mighty proud of yourself. Cristian: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute.
Hold on a second. This is my fault, ok? Nobody else’s. And Jen is in no
condition right now to be yelled at. Max: What condition? She's out here in one
piece. Matter of fact, so are you, Cristian, while my son could be in there
fighting for his life for all I know. I'm going to find out how Al is doing.
You two don't go anywhere because I'm not even close to being finished with
you. Nurse? Cristian: You ok? Jen: Yeah, I'll be fine. Cristian: I'm sorry you had to go through
that. Jen: No, it's ok. Cristian: No, no, it's not ok. I mean, I
get that he's angry about Al, but he shouldn't have taken it out on you.
Jen: Well, he's scared. I don't blame him.
I'm scared, too. Cristian: Well, try not to be too upset,
huh? That can't be good for you or the baby. Jen: Cris, there is no baby. Cristian: What do you mean? Jen: I'm not pregnant. I never was. That's
why I went to the quarry -- to tell you that. This was all a mistake. This
whole night has just been a huge mistake.
------------------------------------------------- Nurse: Dr. Wolek is still in with your
son. Max: How bad is it? Nurse: I think you should wait to talk to
the doctor about his condition. Gabrielle: Excuse me, excuse me. I just
got a message about my son. Max, Max -- oh -- no, not again. Max: Look, he's a tough kid. He'll get
through this. Gabrielle: Get through what? What's
happened to my child?
------------------------------------------------- Troy: What bad thing did you do, Lindsay?
Tell me. Lindsay: Excuse me. Troy: Excuse you? Troy: What's the matter? You feeling all
right? Lindsay: I feel really weird. Troy: Maybe you'll feel better after you
tell me whatever it is that you wanted to tell me. Lindsay: I don't want to tell you. But I
feel like I have to. It's like I'm out of my body and something's forcing me
to do it. Troy: Lindsay, the more you resist it, the
worse you're going to feel. Don't -- don't fight it. Lindsay: I don't think I can. Troy: So, then, tell me whatever it is
that's bothering you. Maybe this bad thing that you did -- maybe it's not so
bad after all. Lindsay: No one can forgive me for what I
did. I can't even forgive myself. Troy: Hey, hey, hey, listen to me, ok?
Whatever it is that you did, I can forgive you. Lindsay: No, you won't because everybody
else in this town expects this kind of thing from me, but you are my friend
and you will be so disappointed. Troy: No, no, no, no, no -- that's right.
I am your friend, ok? So whatever it is that you did, you can tell me.
Lindsay: I -- I can't help it. I'm going
to tell you, Troy. I'm going to tell you everything.
------------------------------------------------- Bo: Thanks. Antonio: So I’ve got R.J. pinned up
against the wall, and all of a sudden Keri comes out screaming, "What are you
doing to my father?" Bo: Whoa. Antonio: Yeah. I mean, he is everything
she isn’t. I mean, he -- she studies crime. He lives it. Bo: Ahem. Why didn't she tell you about
all this before? Antonio: Because she didn't know. Her
mother never told her. Bo: Smart mother. Antonio: Even when she found out the truth
about him, she doesn't know what kind of man he really is. I mean, she didn't
know a thing about him hiring a hit man to take out my brother until tonight.
Bo: So where -- now where do things stand
with you and Keri? Because word is that you were getting pretty serious about
her. Antonio: Well, she -- she asked me for
some time with R.J.
------------------------------------------------- Blair: You -- you want the baby back,
don't you? Nellie: Huh? Blair: Well, why else would you be here?
Why else would Todd be offering you money? Well, you can't have our baby. He's
our baby now. He's not just some yo-yo that you pull back and forth.
Todd: Blair, hold on -- Blair: No, I don't know what your legal
situation is -- Todd: Blair, she doesn't want the baby
back. Blair: We will fight -- Todd: Blair -- she doesn't want the baby
back. Blair: No? Nellie: Uh-uh. Todd: No, she just got a crank call saying
that we wanted to give the baby back, and so she thought she'd check it out,
that's all. That right, Nellie? Nellie: Oh, yeah. But I can see you're all
one, big, happy family, so I'll just leave town now. Blair: Wait, wait. You're going away?
Todd: Yeah. And as for the money, you
know, I was just going to give her a little something just to tide her over
till she got back on her feet. Nellie: That's right. Blair: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. It's just
that we -- we've bonded with the baby -- Nellie: Oh, I'm glad -- glad to hear it.
But now that you mention it, I wouldn't mind a few bucks. Blair: Nellie, would you like to see the
baby one more time? Todd: You know what? That would probably
be way too painful for her. Nellie: Thanks. Blair: Oh, ok -- well -- [Baby cries] Blair: The baby -- good luck with
everything, Nellie. Thanks. Todd: What's this cockamamie story about
you getting a phone call? Nellie: I don't know. I thought it was
your secretary or something. I'm sure I’d recognize the voice, though. It was
young-sounding and a little scary. Todd: You don't say? Starr: Maybe baby Jack ought to get used
to being without us. Nellie: Wait, that's her -- the girl who
told me to come and get the baby.
------------------------------------------------- Allison: Go away, Roxy. I got no quarrel
with you. Roxy: Well, I got plenty of bones I got to
pick with you. Years ago you came to me and you told me you had had a kid, and
I took you in, and now I find out that I'm the one who was taken in and you
switched my baby with Viki's. And you kept me from knowing my own daughter.
Allison: Trust me, you were better off.
Roxy: Listen, you get out of here, you
twisted candy striper. And if I ever see your face again, I swear I’m going to
be in it! Allison: This isn't over. Roxy: You ok, baby? Jessica: What are you doing here?
Roxy: I tracked you down, lamb chop.
Jessica: What? Tracked me down? What do
you mean?
------------------------------------------------- Jen: It's so strange. This morning, all I
wanted was to not be pregnant with Al's baby. Now I got my wish and worse
happened. Cris, what if he doesn't -- what if he doesn't make it? Cristian: No. No, don't even say that.
He's going to be fine. He's got to be. Jen: None of this would have happened if
I'd have just told you the truth about me and Al. But I was afraid because I
love you and I was afraid that I would ruin everything. You're going to need a
lawyer. Cristian: No, no, forget about it. I'll
just plead guilty and face up to it. Jen: No, we've made a lot of mistakes. We
can't make any more. I've been trying to get in touch with my dad. I'm going
to go try again, ok? Cristian: Oh, God, please let Al be ok.
Give him a break, please, please, please. Ms. Buchanan -- Gabrielle: Ms. Medina to you now.
Cristian: Ms. Medina, I'm really sorry.
Gabrielle: You're sorry? Not nearly as
sorry as I am that I may be looking into the eyes of the man who may have
killed my son.
------------------------------------------------- Lindsay: Troy, I -- I -- Troy: You -- you what? Lindsay: Had an affair with Colin.
Troy: I know that, Lindsay. That was a
long time ago. Lindsay: Yeah, but -- when Colin was
holding Nora prisoner at his house, I did go there. And she must have heard my
voice. No wonder she thinks that I had something to do with all the terrible
things Colin did to her. Troy: That's it? That's all you wanted to
tell me? Lindsay: Feels good to get that off my
mind. I am starting to feel like myself again. I -- I am never going to drink
wine when I feel out of sorts again. [Phone rings] Lindsay: Hello? Jen: Mom? I'm trying to find Dad. Do you
know where he is? Lindsay: Why, honey? Jen: Um -- it's nothing. Lindsay: Look, I know you well enough to
know when something's wrong. What's wrong? Jen: There's been an accident. Lindsay: An accident? Are you all right?
Jen: It wasn't me, but Dr. Wolek says --
Lindsay: Dr. Wolek? Are you at the
hospital? Jen: I've got to get back to Cristian.
I'll call back later. Bye. Lindsay: Jen? I got to go. There's been an
emergency. Troy: Is she ok? Let me go with you, let
me go with you. Lindsay: No, no -- Troy: You look like you could use my help!
Lindsay: I don't want you to go with me.
I've burdened you enough.
------------------------------------------------- Blair: Why do you keep saying the silliest
things about your brother not being around, huh? Todd: Want to hear something really silly?
Blair: What? Todd: Nellie told me that Starr is the one
that called her and told her to come here and pick up the baby. Blair: Starr, is that true? Starr: Mm-hmm. Blair: Sweetie, you're the one that wanted
us to have a little baby brother all along. Starr: I changed my mind. I want a dragon.
Todd: You can't have a dragon. Blair: What's wrong? Don't you like Jack
anymore? Starr: No, it's just that -- Blair: What? Starr: You, Daddy, Aunt Viki, Cassie,
Kelly -- everything's about the baby. All I hear is baby, baby, baby.
Blair: Oh -- but we still love you. We
still love you so much and always will. Starr: Doesn't feel that way. Todd: You know what, Starr? This little
kid's going to grow up to be your best friend, and then you're going to be
glad that I didn't let anybody -- and I mean anybody -- tear this family
------------------------------------------------- Chad: Excuse me? Can I help you?
Paloma: I looking for this. Taxi -- he
wait. Chad: Uh-huh. Right. Anyone want to help
me out here? My English is actually worse than hers. Antonio: Puedo ayudarle? Paloma: Busco esta dirreccion. Antonio: "Blair Cramer"? Paloma: Si. Un taxista me espera afuera,
pero el no conoce esta calle. Antonio: Ah. Mira. Esto es lo que
necesita. Se lo muestra Al taxista. Paloma: Gracias. Mil gracias. Antonio: Por nada. Bo: What did she want? Antonio: Directions for her cab driver.
Now, look, Commissioner, thank you for letting me talk your ear off.
Bo: Nah, it's all right. Anytime, Antonio.
Look, I want you to remember something, though -- we do not pick our parents.
If we did, then I'd have a lot of explaining to do. And from everything that
I’ve heard, Keri’s really one terrific young lady. Antonio: The best. And she'll see through
R.J. When she does, there's only one thing she can do.
------------------------------------------------- Keri: I -- I don't hate you. R.J.: But? Keri: But it's complicated. I mean, it's
complicated. Antonio's a cop. You're -- not. I didn't expect you guys to be
the best of friends, but I didn't think you'd be bitter enemies, either. I
just -- I -- I have a lot to sort out. R.J.: We all have some sorting to do.
Keri: You don't seem very surprised about
Antonio. You didn't know about us, did you? R.J.: Well -- Keri: How? R.J.: I was going to tell you all about
it, but Officer Vega forced a change in the schedule. Keri: All right, let's talk. How do you
really feel about me seeing Antonio? R.J.: Really? Well, I'd be happier if you
were seeing almost anyone else in the world. Keri: So, what are you going to do?
R.J.: Nothing. I wasn't around to guide
you when you were growing up, and it is a little late to start now.
Keri: It's not your fault. R.J.: Maybe not. But you have grown into
an incredibly independent woman. I have no right to tell you who to be with or
how you should feel about them. No one has that right. Keri: Well, I might ask you anyway now and
then. I have to go see how Antonio is taking all this. R.J.: Sure, sure. Can I see you soon? Ok.
------------------------------------------------- Roxy: It's not like it sounds. I didn't
come to Llanview to just hang around and bug you. I came to tell you that I
felt bad about the day that we met. Jessica: Yeah, it was a little rough.
Roxy: Hey, well, for me, it was just
business as usual. Look, let's face it. I've been a really bad mother to
Natalie, and maybe that's why she acts like a nasty, mean little girl. But I
just want you to know, even if I had a beautiful girl like you, I still
would've screwed things up. Jessica: Ok, I don't think -- come on. You
don't have to be so hard on yourself. Roxy: Oh, I don't think I'm being hard
enough on myself. You know, I know Natalie’s angry at me all the time. I just
want to make it very clear to you that I didn't come here to stalk you or
nothing like that. And, you know, no matter what Natalie says, I -- I just
want you to know that I was very happy that you had a good and a decent
upbringing. I got to go. Jessica: Wait a second. Roxanne, listen.
You just said what you had to say. Well, I have something that I need to say
to you.
------------------------------------------------- Cristian: Ms. Medina, I really am sorry
about what happened. Gabrielle: Save your apologies -- unless
you have one that's going to make my son whole again. Max: Don't waste your breath on him. They
just told me Larry will be out soon, so come on. Gabrielle: If my son dies, I hope you
never experience not one single day of peace for the rest of your life.
Jen: This is so unfair. Everyone's piling
this on you when it's my fault that this happened. Cristian: Jen, come on. You can't -- you
can't think that -- Lindsay: What's going on? Cristian: Look, I got to -- I should call
my mom. Just -- you tell her. Lindsay: Tell me what? What happened?
Jen: Al and Cris had a fight. Lindsay: About what? Jen: Me. Before I could tell them I wasn't
pregnant. Al fell over a cliff. Lindsay: Oh, no. Jen: Mom -- Lindsay: No. Jen: He could die because of me.
Lindsay: No, don't say that. Jen: None of this would've happened if I
had been honest with Cris. If I hadn't been late, we wouldn't even be here.
I'll be right back, ok? Lindsay: Jen -- Lindsay: If I had seen this coming, I
never would've -- Cristian: You never would've what?
------------------------------------------------- Antonio: Do me a favor, Chad. If you see
Professor Reynolds come in, tell her that I -- Antonio: Oh. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I
stomped out like that. Keri: Maybe it was the best thing you
could do. I -- I know you needed to think, and I needed to talk to my father.
Antonio: Let me guess -- he denied
everything. Keri: No, he didn’t. Antonio: Really? No kidding? Well, he
must've realized that you couldn't be fooled. Well, at least you know the
truth about him now. Look, I know it's going to be hard turning your back on
the man you've been searching for your entire life, but I'll be here --
Keri: Wait -- wait a minute. What makes
you think I’m not going to see my father again?
------------------------------------------------- Jessica: I just wanted to say thank you
for what you said tonight and for helping me with Allison, and I -- I hope you
have a good life, too. Roxy: Thank you, Jessie. Jessica: Yeah, yeah. Ok. Bye. Roxy: Good-bye. Allison: Nice work. Very Meryl Streep.
Roxy: Thank you very much, but I forgot to
ask the brat for money. Allison: Hey, she may be a brat, but she's
no fool. You've got to get closer to her step by step. Roxy: Yeah, but you made me tell her that
I wasn't going to be hanging around here, so how am I supposed to get close to
her if I'm not supposed to see her? Allison: Oh, you'll see Jessica again and
soon. And Jessica won't even see what's coming.
------------------------------------------------- Troy: What the hell went wrong? Here we
go. "Though it is among the more powerful so-called truth serums, the drug can
be resisted by extremely strong-willed people -- roughly 2% of the population.
And its effects diminish with each additional dose." Are you kidding me? How
am I going to get you to confess, Lindsay? Troy: Of course.
------------------------------------------------- Lindsay: If I had thought for one minute
that you were capable of hurting a decent young man like Al, I would have
never approved of your relationship with my daughter. Cristian: When was that? Lindsay: In one of the weaker moments of
my life.
------------------------------------------------- Gabrielle: Larry, how is he? Jen: Please tell me he's going to be ok.
Max: Well, Larry?
------------------------------------------------- Todd: Why don't we just get out of here,
you know? Go see that monster movie. Blair: Yeah. Starr: You can't take a baby to a monster
movie. It's way too scary. Todd: So we'll get a sitter. Starr: Then, afterwards, can we go to
Burger City? Blair: You can do anything that --
[Baby cries] Blair: What is it? What is it, big guy?
Todd: Maybe he's hungry. Blair: What is it? I don't know what it
is. I'm not sure. Oh, it's ok. It's ok. I know. [Doorbell rings] Starr: Better not be about that stupid
------------------------------------------------- >> Stay tuned for scenes from the next
"One Life to Live." >> On the next "One Life to Live" --
If anything happens to this boy, it is going to be on your conscience.
You are going to keep seeing him? Keri: Yes. Blair:
She's probably dreaming up some new scheme to get rid of him. Starr: What do you want?
Proofread by Kathy
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