One Life to Live Transcript Thursday 1/8/02
By Suzanne
>> Previously on "One Life to Live" --
Jen: I'm pregnant. Rae: Why haven't you told Cristian yet?
---------------------------------- Lindsay: You cannot come in here.
---------------------------------- Seth: Natalie, it's over, ok? Natalie: Because of Jessica. ---------------------------------- Antonio: You didn't really submit my
paper. Keri: Yes, I did. Antonio: Well, I don't know what to say.
---------------------------------- Asa: You leave here the way you came here
-- with nothing! Now, get!
-------------------------------------------------------------------- [Captioning made possible by ABC, Inc.,
and Soapnet] Jen: I can't tell Cristian that I’m
pregnant. Rae: I -- I think it would be better if I
let the two of you work this out alone. But, Jen, take this. I'm available
anytime, day or night, all right? Ok. ---------------------------------- Lindsay: Well, what's going on there? Did
Cristian find out? ---------------------------------- Al: Jen's pregnant. That's why she was at
that family planning place, but why would she lie to me? I mean, her and
Cristian are back together, so, why all the secrecy? Why was her mom saying
all that weird stuff about Jen needing me and -- unless -- unless it's my
baby. ---------------------------------- Jessica: Mom, you have a minute?
Viki: Sure. What's up? Jessica: I don't know what to do about
Seth. Viki: Well, given what he did to you, I'd
say a good sock in the jaw might be nice -- or better yet, maybe just avoiding
him would be a good idea. Jessica: Tried that. It didn't work. He
was at Jen and Christian’s New Year's Eve party. Viki: Was it awkward? Jessica: Yeah. Very. Mom, what do you do
when you still care about someone even though you don't want to? ---------------------------------- Chad: Hey, should I ask you for your
autograph? Natalie: Why would you do that?
Chad: Because you look like a rock star in
that outfit. Look at you! You look fantastic, rolling around town in your hot
new wheels. I saw you pull up. Natalie: Beats taking the bus. So, Chad, I
was kind of thinking, how would you like to go up to the Llantano Mountain
sometime? Chad: Sure. Yeah, yeah, that'd be great.
Just name a time and I’ll be there. Natalie: Excuse me one minute. Hey. What's
up? Seth: Two words, Natalie -- watch out.
---------------------------------- Keri: And what will happen if I take a
bite of this? Antonio: Well, there's only one way to
find out. Keri: I didn't expect to see you here.
Antonio: Well, I thought I’d drop by and
surprise you. Keri: Well, I'm glad you did because I
have a surprise for you, too. ---------------------------------- Renee: The maitre d' told me that you were
here. I thought it must be a mistake. Gabrielle: Well, of course I’d be here.
This is best restaurant and hotel in town. Oh, I shall be needing a suite
tonight, too, Renee. Renee: What you need and what you get are
two very different things. ---------------------------------- Cristian: Why didn't you tell me you were
pregnant, Jen? When I found that box with the pregnancy test and your mom said
it was hers, you didn't say anything. And now you make this appointment
without telling me? Why? Jen, I know what's going on. ---------------------------------- Viki: Honey, you still care about Seth
because you're a very generous person and you give everyone the benefit of the
doubt. Jessica: It's more than that. Seth came to
me right after Allison and Natalie broke the news that day and he said that he
felt terrible about his part in it. Viki: Did you believe him? Jessica: Look, you know, all that I know
is that he's been caring and sincere ever since, and he hasn't asked for
anything in return. He even saved my life in New York. Viki: Yes, I know. You told me.
Jessica: And, ok, yeah, maybe he could
have an ulterior motive, but I don't know what it would be. It's not like I'm
an heiress anymore. Viki: Baby, you may not have the title
"heiress," but you are very, very well off. Jessica: Ok, so, honestly, do you think
I’m just being a total fool? Viki: No. And I don't think you ever were
a fool before. I think you were fooled. Jessica: Yes. What Seth did to me was
awful. Viki: Mm-hmm. Jessica: Very awful. Viki: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Jessica: But I can't hold it against him
the rest of his life? Viki: I don't know, darling. I mean, it'd
be nice if we could see inside people's hearts, right? Jessica: Yes. It would. We can't see
inside Natalie’s heart and we're trying to forgive her. Why can't I do the
same with Seth? ---------------------------------- Natalie: You don't have to warn me about
Chad. He has this big crush on me, follows me around like a puppy dog.
Besides, I can see whoever I want now. Seth: I don't care if you see Chad or
anybody else. Natalie: Then what did you want to warn me
about? Seth: Allison. She was in Break Bar last
night messing around on the computers. Natalie: And? Seth: And I think she's up to no good. And
you still think she's your friend and she's not, so, don't trust her.
Natalie: Thanks for the warning, but,
actually, I already figured that out for myself. Seth: Does she know that you're on to her?
Natalie: Yeah. I told her to take a hike.
She's not getting a penny from me. ---------------------------------- Antonio: A surprise? I like the sound of
that. Would it be the personal kind? Keri: You mean like a pair of boxer shorts
with hearts on them? Antonio: No. I was thinking more like soft
lights and music, the two of us alone. Am I getting close? Keri: Actually, I was thinking more the
kind where there's a roomful people with their eyes on you. Antonio: Uh -- you lost me. Keri: The Mackenzie Awards dinner is a few
weeks away and you are a finalist. Antonio: Wow! Really? No kidding?
Keri: Congratulations. Antonio: Well, thank you. Will you be my
date for the evening? Keri: I would love to. And I can't
guarantee that you'll win, but I just read your paper again, and, Antonio, it
is so good. Antonio: Ok, I already won. You know, the
best thing about writing that paper was meeting you. That's all the award I
need. ---------------------------------- Gabrielle: Well, you're being exceedingly
rude. Renee: You ain't seen nothing yet.
Gabrielle: Is this how you treat your
guests in this establishment? Renee: I get testy when moochers try to
stiff me. Gabrielle: I am hardly a moocher. I'm
still Mrs. Asa Buchanan. Renee: The name may be the only thing you
take away from that marriage. Gabrielle: I beg your pardon, Renee. I
happen to have an ironclad prenuptial agreement which will leave me rather
well off as a matter of fact. Asa: Your prenup is about as worthless as
you are. Gabrielle: You cannot shut me out, Asa.
You are the fraud. You're the one who wanted to send me to prison for the rest
of my life for a crime I didn't commit. Asa: Really? It was a matter of my
survival, and you know it. I had to fake my death before you and your
bloodsucking boyfriend did me in for real. Gabrielle: That is not true. Asa: Oh, you messed with the wrong guy,
lady. You get nada, nothing. Gabrielle: We'll see about that. I can
hire a lawyer, too. Asa: Oh, what are you going to buy him
with? Looks to me like you only got one thing to sell. Anyway, it's too late.
This sick joke of a marriage is being annulled as we speak. Gabrielle: You cannot get away with this.
I have legal documents. Asa: Good. Then why don't you use them?
Renee: You know, with any luck at all,
maybe they'll both kill each other off. Bo: Look, I'll haul them both out of here
for you. Renee: Are you kidding? No way. I wouldn't
miss this for the world. ---------------------------------- Al: I got to find Jen. Max: I saw your car parked at the
trailhead. How you doing? Al: Oh, I'm fine. Max: You come here to get away?
Al: Yeah, yeah, and think. Max: Well, your mom and I and Asa
certainly have given you a lot to think about lately. Al: Hey, you know, everything isn't always
about you guys. Max: Touché. I miss you, Al. I really
wanted to see you. Al: You know, this -- it really isn't a
good time for a talk. Max: Right. Well, another time, then.
Al: Understand, it's not you. It's just --
Max: Hey, you don't need to explain.
Al: So, did you come find me because you
missed me or what? Max: You know, before I became a father, I
had no clue how complicated it could be. Al: Hmm. Yeah, well, maybe if you did, you
wouldn't have done it. Max: No. I don't think that's right
because becoming a father is the best thing that ever happened to me. Hmm? All
I want in this world is to shield you from harm and give you the best life has
to offer. Al: So what happened? Max: I screwed up. My fault. What can I
say? I didn't take charge of my life. I just kind of let it happen to me and I
ended up losing what matters the most to me. Look, Al, I asked you before if
you could forgive me for doing such a lousy job of being a father. And if you
give me another chance -- you said you couldn't, and I don't blame you for
that, but unfortunately for you, I just don't seem to know how to quit. So I’m
asking you again. What do you say? ---------------------------------- Lindsay: Jen? Please open the door.
Rae: Lindsay, for God's sake, what part of
having a door shut in your face do you not understand? Lindsay: My daughter is falling apart. She
can't handle this by herself. Can't you see that? Rae: Well, if that's true, she'll figure
out a way to get through it or she will ask for help. Lindsay: She's my baby. Rae: No, she's not a baby. She's a young
woman. Give her some credit, Lindsay. Lindsay: Don't tell me how to treat my
daughter! Rae: Well, don't tell me how to do my job.
She came in here for counseling. Do you remember that? Lindsay: I'm not leaving until I see her.
Rae: Well, then I’m afraid you're stuck
with me because I'm not leaving until you do. Rae: God! ---------------------------------- Jen: You know what's going on? Cristian: It's your mom. She didn't want
you to tell me. Jen: No, she didn't in the beginning --
Cristian: Look, face it, Jen, no matter
what she says, she never wanted us to be together and she still doesn't.
Jen: The thing is -- Cristian: It's not about her anymore. It's
about us. Ok? It's about what we want. Jen: It is? Cristian: Yes. It is. You know, last night
I told you that it was probably better that you weren't pregnant, but that's
only because I thought that you really weren't. I didn't want you to think I
was disappointed. Jen: I know you'd never try to hurt me.
Cristian: But the truth -- Jen, the truth
is I've always wanted a family. And the thought of having a baby with you?
That just totally knocks me out. Jen: I love you so much. Cristian: Oh, I want us to be together
forever, Jen. I want us to have a family. Jen: That's really what you want?
Cristian: Yes. I love you more than anyone
or anything I've ever loved. Please, marry me. ---------------------------------- Seth: So, how did Allison take it?
Natalie: Well, you know, threatened me
with lawsuits, said she was going to get even. Seth: Yeah. Figures. Natalie: Well, I don't owe her a thing.
She's the one who kidnapped me when I was 1 week old and then gave me to that
horror show Roxy. Seth: Just be careful. There's a reason
Allison was in a mental ward that many years. Natalie: Like you care what happens to me
anyway. Seth: I never stopped caring. Natalie: You have a funny way of showing
it. Seth: I tried to get through to you,
Natalie, but you were hell-bent on turning your new family against you.
Natalie: Well, I suppose that's all my
fault. Seth: Anyway, you seem to want to make it
up to them now. I hope it's not too late. Chad: Hey. How about that ride now?
Natalie: Another time. Chad: What happened? Did Seth say
something to tick you off again? Natalie: No. For once he actually didn't
say anything about Jessica. I think maybe he's realized she doesn't want
anything to do with him. Chad: What about you? Natalie: All I know is I feel hopeful for
the first time in a long time. ---------------------------------- Jessica: You always said how important it
is to forgive. Viki: Yes, it is important to forgive.
It's also very important not to give people a chance to hurt you again.
Jessica: I don't think Seth would do that.
Viki: Look; it seems to me you've already
made your decision, right? You've made up your mind. So why don't you tell me
what the real problem is. Jessica: Partly Natalie. I know she still
has a thing for him, of course. Viki: And you're afraid she'd be hurt if
you started seeing him again? Jessica: Things have been, you know, ok
between us, and I just don't want to rock the boat. Viki: Oh, Jessica, you are amazing. You
are so generous. Oh, I see. It's not just Natalie you're concerned about.
You're a little afraid of what I’m going to think, aren't you? ---------------------------------- Gabrielle: Asa, I don't care how many
lawyers and judges you buy. You don't have grounds to annul this marriage.
Renee: Bo, exactly what is Asa’s legal
situation right now? Bo: He and Nigel are both out on bail, but
fraud and conspiracy charges are still pending. Renee: Well, so as usual, my ex thinks
everyone else is in the wrong but him. Asa: That is bull. This is a marriage in
name only. And if it comes to it, my lawyers will destroy you in court.
Bo: Maybe they will, maybe they won't, Pa,
but right now I think you should worry about what happens to you in court.
Hank: Hello, Renee. Renee: Hey! Hank: Listen, I know we're late, but can
you still honor our reservation? Rae: It's my fault, Renee. I was
unavoidably detained. Renee: No problem. I have an excellent
table that may be free any moment now. Asa: Any judge or jury would understand
why I’m trying to protect myself against this pariah and her paramour.
Rae: Well, I see -- the conquering hero.
Renee: In all his dreadful glory.
Rae: Oh, see, I told you I was right. Dead
is better. ---------------------------------- Al: Would you have forgiven your father if
he did what you did? Max: If he'd neglected me the way I
neglected you, it'd be tough. Al: You know, it wouldn't have taken too
much effort to show a little interest. I guess it wasn't too high on your
priority list. Max: Whoa. Now, you were right at the top
of my priority list. I was just a coward. See, Al, being there for you would
have meant I’d have to allow myself to get tangled up with your mother again,
and I think these last few weeks have reminded me all too well why I did
everything I could to stay away from her. Al: So it was my mother's fault.
Max: No. No. It was all my fault. I love
you, Al. I always will. When I found out that I was your father, it changed my
life. I like being a father. I like being your father. Al: What about your other kids? My half
brother and sister? Max: Frankie and Leslie. Al: Yeah. Max: I guess you're wondering why they're
not around. Al, I don't know if you're aware of this, but a few years ago,
Frankie had an operation. They put this thing in his head called a cochlear
implant that allows him to hear. Al: No way. Max: Yeah. Don't tell me it's nothing
short of a miracle. You know, Charlemagne’s wife, Maude, works with that kid
night and day. And I talk to him on the phone, he and Leslie. And, you know, I
think about bringing him home, bringing them both home, but -- but, see, those
miracles that are happening with that boy with Maude, I just -- I just can't
take him away from it, and I certainly can't take Leslie away from her
brother. Hey, you know what? I'm going down there to see them. And I think it
would be great if you could come with me. Al: I don't know. Max: Think it over. And try to understand
that even though things are definitely over with your mother, I still want to
be your father. One doesn't have anything to do with the other. Al: No. No, I guess you're right. I guess
it doesn't. ---------------------------------- Cristian: You heard it from me, Jen.
You're all I want. All I ever want. Jen: You're all I want, too, but --
Cristian: You know, you know that together
we're unstoppable? And think about it, we proved that already. First, it was
with your mom, then with Keith Schaeffer, then R.J., and here we are, still
together, more in love than ever. And now -- well, now we created this miracle
together. Jen, I think that's fate telling us something, and I think it's
telling us that we belong together forever. That's why I want you to be my
wife. Marry me, Jen. Lindsay: You're getting married? Well,
that's wonderful! ---------------------------------- Gabrielle: Bo, I would be more than happy
to testify to everything that my husband did. Bo: Well, it may come to that. Asa: Wait a minute. Hold it, both of you.
If it's legal, I may be testifying against her. Gabrielle: Who are you kidding? You
planned this from the beginning. You wanted to frame Max for this staged
murder. What are you talking about? You told me this yourself! Asa: And you weren't? Who would ever
believe a lying jailbird tramp like you, huh? Gabrielle: A jury, that's who, and I will
tell the truth so incredibly well that they won't have choice but to believe
me. Asa: You wouldn't know the truth if it bit
you on your butt. Bo: Hey, that's enough. Asa: You believe this one over me?
Bo: I didn't say that. Asa: Where's your loyalty? Bo: Where's your sense of decency? You let
everyone that loves you believe that you were dead. Asa: I was running away from two
cold-blooded killers. Bo: Oh, yeah. You keep saying that.
Gabrielle: I will never be railroaded into
prison again for a crime that I did not commit! Now, I will get a lawyer.
Somehow I will get a lawyer, and it'll be a good one. And I will fight you and
I will win. Do you hear me, Asa? I will win! Asa: I hear! Now, you hear me. Nobody
beats Asa Buchanan. You got that? And that includes you, Bo. Bo: Well, there's always a first time.
Asa: You know, this is damn perverse, a
son trying to trap his own father! Bo: It's my job, Pa. You know what you
think your job is? You think your job is to put your family through hell every
chance you get. Asa: Oh, please, Bo. What, do you want to
play hardball? I've lined up the best talented lawyers this country's got.
Bo: Well, how are you going to pay for
them? All your assets are frozen. Asa: You wouldn't dare. Bo: Yours and Capt. Jeb Stuart’s, so I
wouldn't worry about Gabrielle getting ahold of your money. You don't have any
money to get. ---------------------------------- [Phone rings] Rae: Excuse me. Oh, I'm so sorry.
Hank: It's ok. Rae: Rae Cummings. Yes, Judge Hopper.
Well, yes, I’m very flattered you think so. No, no, of course I'd be willing
take on any patient that you recommend. What's his or her name? ---------------------------------- Asa: No way. ---------------------------------- Rae: Oh, my God. ---------------------------------- Max: You know, the bond between the parent
and the child is the strongest tie there is. I believe that. And no matter how
battered or frayed that tie may get, it'll never break, it'll always be there.
You understand what I'm saying, al? Am I making any sense here? Al: Yeah. Yeah. You know what? You are.
Listen, I'm dealing with some stuff right now, and I kind of need to be alone.
I'll see you later. Max: Yeah. Al: Dad. Al: Jen, I'll just hope you'll be honest
with me. ---------------------------------- Lindsay: Well, I'm happy things worked out
this way because I know how much you love him. What? Why are you looking at me
like that? Cristian: You just interrupted a very
private moment. Lindsay: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.
Cristian: Jen, this isn't how I imagined
proposing to you, and I'm sure it isn't you imagined it either. Jen: No, not really. Cristian: Look, I want to do it right. I
want to go find the ring and see how quickly we can have the wedding.
Lindsay: I could help you with that.
Cristian: No, thank you. I'll take care of
it. Do you want me to take you home? Jen: No, no, no. Just -- I'll meet you
there, ok? Cristian: Are you sure? Jen: Yeah. I just need a few minutes.
Cristian: Ok. And don't worry,
everything's going to be ok. I promise. [Door closes] Jen: Oh, what am I going to do? He doesn't
even suspect that it's not his baby. Lindsay: Well, that's not such a bad
thing, is it? Jen: It's terrible. I have to tell him the
truth, but I don't know how. I can't believe I'm pregnant. I -- how did this
happen? Lindsay: Jen, I love you, but Cristian is
not good enough for you. He'll ruin your life if I let him. But you are
pregnant, Jen, and now we have to deal with it. ---------------------------------- Antonio: I'm distracting you, aren't I?
Keri: Yes, you are. Antonio: So, I should leave you alone to
work? Keri: You should. Antonio: What are you doing when you
finish up with these papers? Keri: I haven't decided yet. Maybe --
maybe I'll have this apple. You know, on second thought, this looks so
tempting, maybe I'll -- maybe I'll have it now. Mmm. Antonio: Hmm. Well, that's good for
starters, but I don't think that's going to satisfy my appetite. Keri: And what would do that? Antonio: I don't know. Maybe dinner
tonight at The Palace, and then we can go from there. Keri: Are you asking me out on a date?
Antonio: Yeah, for the one that got cut
short. Keri: A makeup date, kind of like a makeup
test. Antonio: Hmm, I think we've passed the
test. Let's celebrate. I want this to be a really special night. Keri: Well, you're doing fine so far.
Antonio: Pick you up at 7:00? Keri: I'll be ready. Antonio: So will I. ---------------------------------- Jessica: I know you haven't liked him the
moment -- since the moment you found out that Natalie and him were dating, and
I don't blame you for that. Viki: Look, you have to forget about me,
ok? I'm just a bystander. You're the one who's going to be taking the risk.
Jessica: What about Natalie? Viki: What about Natalie? Jessica: How will you feel if she gets
hurt? I know you have mixed feelings about her, but, Mom, let's face it --
she's your daughter. Viki: Yes, right. Ok, let's deal with you
right now, ok? Honey, I love you. I want you to be happy. Jessica: Even it makes somebody else
unhappy? Viki: Natalie played a very dangerous game
with Seth. That's why she lost him. It had nothing to do with you. So right
now the only question you should be asking yourself is, do you want to give
him another chance? Jessica: I've tried to ignore my feelings
for him, but they haven't gone away. So, I guess I'm going to have to give it
a chance. I guess -- I guess I have to know if I’m right about the kind of guy
Seth could be. Viki: Natalie, why don't you come in?
Natalie: Sorry. I just didn't want to
interrupt. Viki: No, we're actually done. I have to
go to a meeting. I'll see you later, ok? Jessica: Thank you, Mom. Viki: Anytime. Bye. Natalie: Bye. I knew it. Jessica: What? Natalie: And everyone says that I’m the
devious one. "Evil Natalie. How she tricked those sweet and perfect people in
Llanfair." Jessica: If this is about what my mom and
I were saying to each other -- Natalie: You are the biggest sneak and
liar of all. ---------------------------------- Asa: You can't do this, son. It's my
money. Bo: It's already done. Asa: Well, just get it undone. Bo: Bank accounts, stock portfolios,
drilling proceeds -- they're all frozen. Gabrielle: Well, brother, can you spare a
dime? Asa: You get the hell out of my face.
You're going to regret this, Bo. Bo: I don't think so. Gabrielle: Well, justice has been done.
Hallelujah! Asa: Oh, you're funny. Justice. I'll show
you justice. I'm going to make sure you're put away for attempted murder.
Max: Well, if it isn't my two favorite
people -- at each other's throats, right where they belong. Asa: What the hell is this would-be killer
walking around free? And why wasn't he locked up last year for impersonating a
Buchanan? Bo: Well, Pa, last year you wouldn't press
charges against him. Why not? I mean, what did he have on you? Gabrielle: Yeah, I'd like to know that,
too. Asa: Oh, yeah? When hell freezes over.
Rae: Asa -- Asa: What? Rae: I need to speak to you. Asa: Oh. Get lost. I don't have anything
to say to you. Rae: Well, gee, that's too bad because
Judge Hopper just informed me that I’m your court-appointed therapist.
---------------------------------- Jen: I can't go on letting Cristian think
that that's his baby, but if I tell him, it's going to break his heart.
Lindsay: I don't know if telling him the
truth at this point is a good choice. Jen: You saw how excited he was about the
baby. He wasn't even mad at me that I didn't tell him the truth. Lindsay: If you don't tell him, Jen, no
one will ever know. Jen: I'll know. How can I live day in and
day out with that kind of lie? Lindsay: Look, all I want is your
happiness. I mean, Cristian wants to marry you, but do you think he'll still
want to marry you if he thinks that someone else is the father of this child?
Jen: It might not change how he feels.
Lindsay: Well, I guess you won't know that
until you tell him. Jen, whatever you decide to do, if you decide not to tell
him, your secret stays with me. The only problem that I foresee is medical, I
mean, if they had to do a D.N.A. test or something like that, but even that
can be changed. Jen: I hate this. I can't do this.
Lindsay: Where are you going? Jen: I'm going to go tell Cristian the
truth. I can't -- I can't. You're right. I love him too much. If I tell him
the truth, I'll lose him. I can't stand to do that. [Phone rings] Lindsay: Don't answer that. Jen, don't.
Jen: It's him. Hello? Al: Jen. It's Al. We -- we really need to
talk. ---------------------------------- Jessica: Why am I a sneak and a liar?
Natalie: You told everyone that would
listen how you didn't want Seth, how you would never be able to trust him
again, and how you could never forgive him. Jessica: That's how I felt. It wasn't a
lie. Natalie: Oh, yes, it was. You were just
spouting out all that garbage to throw me off the track, weren't you?
Jessica: Why would I do that? Natalie: Stop playing dumb. You've been
after Seth the whole time, haven't you? Jessica: I'm not having this conversation
with you. Natalie: You're not going anywhere.
---------------------------------- Chad: So, you're not interested in Natalie
anymore, are you? Seth: Uh -- no. Chad: Because, you know, it'd be a real
shame to let all that insider info go to waste. So -- Seth: "So --" Chad: So, fill me in, man. Tell me what
she likes -- you know, movies, music, dates, you know, the good stuff.
Seth: Yeah. I don't think that's going to
happen. You're on your own. Chad: Uh-oh. Ahem. Looks like trouble for
you, dude. Good luck. Seth: Ahem. Hi, Mrs. Davidson. Are you
looking for Jessica? Viki: No. No. I'm here for a university
board meeting. But if you have a few moments, I'd like to speak to you,
please. Seth: Sure. Viki: Good. I'm going to be frank with
you. I don't have a very high opinion of you after what you did. You did come
through for Jessica in New York City, and I'm very grateful to you for that,
but I don't need to remind you how much you hurt her before that. Seth: No. You don’t. I think about it all
the time. Viki: Good. You hurt Natalie, too. So I
just want to tell you something. I have a great many friends in this town.
Among them are your boss, Renee Divine, and your other boss, Max Holden. If
you ever, ever hurt one of my daughters again, I will see to it that you don't
have a job. You won't have much of a life. In fact, in this town, you won't
have much of anything. ---------------------------------- Rae: The judge thinks you do. Asa: Oh, really? Well, that's his opinion.
I have my own. Rae: Well, if I understand it correctly,
if you don't meet all of his conditions, you're going to end up in jail
yourself. Asa: Oh, we'll see about that after I have
a nice chat with Your Honor. Rae: Asa, call me. We'll make an
arrangement for your meeting next week. Oh, Hank. Sometimes I wish that I had
picked another career. Hank: You and me both. Gabrielle: Well, perhaps Dr. Rae can help
you with all your pent-up frustration, sweetheart. Asa: You know what would really help me,
sweetheart? Knowing that the two of you were rotting away in some prison.
Renee: Asa, Max, Gabrielle, this is my
joint. I want you to get out now. Don't come back. You're not welcome.
Asa: Oh, Gabrielle, before I go, I’m on my
way to get my assets thawed out. Would you like me to drop you off at the
homeless shelter on the way? Gabrielle: It's not like I haven't been to
one before, but thanks, anyway. Bo: She's not going to a homeless shelter.
She's going to be staying with me. ---------------------------------- Jen: What's this about, Al? Al: Jen, are you still at the family
planning place? Because I have a pretty good idea why you went there.
Lindsay: What did he want? Jen: I think he knows. Lindsay: Knows what, Jen? Jen: I think al knows that he's the father
of my baby.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Stay tuned for scenes from the next
"One Life to Live." >> On the next "One Life to Live" --
Did you do what I think you just did? Jessica:
Do what you have to do, but I’m not having this conversation with you about
Seth. Sam:
A lot of couples have to wait years to adopt. Cristian:
Tell me this baby is mine and not Al's!
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Proofread by Kathy