GL Transcript Friday 12/26/08

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 12/26/08


Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Buzz: "An Affair To Remember"!

Dinah: I'm going to make this right. I'm going to save my brother and I'm going to wipe the slate clean.

Coop: It's just a novel, okay?

Buzz: You're messing with a man's manhood!

Shayne: If we're going to do this, we're going to do this right. I know you brought me for a reason.

Buzz: If you want to mess with his woman, you tell me before he finds out-- because I'm going to need an hour to kill him before he kills you.

Shayne: Yeah.

Dinah: Mm-hmm.

Shayne: Yeah, that'll do it.

Dinah: (Laughs) Bill's going to be okay.

Shayne: Got your Christmas miracle!

Dinah: Yeah. Listen, I think maybe we should get out of here before someone sees us.

Shayne: We're fine. It's Christmas. They're on skeleton shifts today. Besides, I want to make sure the job is done!

Dinah: Yeah.

Shayne: Hungry?

Dinah: (Laughing) For marshmallows?

Shayne: Get us a stick!

Dinah: (Laughs) Okay.

Shayne: Merry Christmas.

Dinah: Merry Christmas.

Daisy: There. How does that look?

Grady: Not great.

Daisy: You're the one who picked out this tree.

Grady: I didn't know we'd be decorating it. (Sighs) Maybe we should get another one, huh?

Daisy: No. I kind of like this one. It needs us.

Grady: It is small. I guess it'll be less to throw out when we get kicked out of this room.

Daisy: Hey, who cares if we can't afford to stay here? It's just a stupid hotel.

Grady: You know, I should have stayed with Cyrus until I put some money away.

Daisy: We'll be fine. We both have jobs.

Grady: Yeah, and they both pay crappy.

Daisy: So we'll get a crappy apartment. I don’t... I don't care, honestly.

Grady: Shouldn't you be heading over to Cooperville for Christmas.

Daisy: I don't want to go.

Grady: You should go.

Daisy: Without you it's no fun!

Grady: If you don't go, Uncle Frank's going to come over here, bust down that door and we both can't afford that!

Daisy: All right. I'll go... if you come with me.

Grady: How about I wait in the car?

Daisy: No. Come on.

Ashlee: Well, thank you for letting me crash, Frank.

Frank: You know what, Ashlee? Not a problem. Uh, you called your mom, right? She's coming, isn't she?

Ashlee: Oh, you mean Doris McScrooge? Yes, I did call her and I told her. She said she'd be here if she was done with work.

Frank: You know what, Ashlee? You can stay as long as you want. You are an honorary Cooper, and you know that.

Ashlee: Oh, good. Thank you. I'm glad, because usually when you break up with someone, you don't get to keep their family.

Frank: Yeah, well, sometimes Coop gets a little crazy.

Ashlee: Yeah... but I broke up with him. I... I don't think that we were right for one another.

Frank: Well, you guys are going to be able to be in the same room together, aren't you?

Ashlee: Yes, yes, it's fine. Coop seems really happy. I think it's going to be a good year for everyone.

Coop: Hey, Beth, it's me. Um... just wanted to give you a call real quick and just let you know that I was thinking about you, and that I'm leaving tonight for Colorado. Um... just wanted to say that it sounded like you wanted to come with me, but I called the airline and they said you hadn't booked a ticket. So... uh... look, I... I don't want this to come across sounding stalkerish, and I know it is, but I swear that's not what I am. I'm just... I'm just thinking that I really want to start the New Year off with you. We'll play games, or we'll go in the hot tub, or, you know, we could get some coffee or some hot chocolate, or we could go in the hot tub... (laughs) whatever you want to do. I'm just... I just really would like this a lot, so when you get this, give me a call back, all right? Bye.

Buzz: Gee, it sounded a little "stalkerish" to me.

Coop: (Laughs) Ha, ha. Kidding! Dad, please, again, lighten up, okay?

Buzz: It's not funny to me. None of this.

Coop: (Sighs)

Buzz: You're going to have an affair with Beth and you're writing a book on it.

Coop: Loosely based on it.

Buzz: An affair with a younger man and an older woman? What could it possibly be based on?

Coop: Look, Beth and I are the only ones that know this-- except for you. It's fine, really.

Buzz: You left a message to her with the door open! About ditching her husband!

Coop: Alan is not her husband.

Buzz: It's Alan! You asked her to ditch him and go play in the snow in Colorado!

Coop: Yup.

Buzz: It's Christmas. Could you do me a big favor...

Coop: What?

Buzz: ...And not get murdered today?

Beth: This... Alan, this just isn't right.

Alan: What do you mean, it isn't right? It's just... this is perfect, Beth.

Beth: It's Christmas! There should be people and music and kids running around.

Alan: Well, James would be running around if you hadn't given him that video game. He's upstairs playing it in his room.

Beth: He has the flu. I wanted him to get some rest and give him something to do.

Alan: Look, children get sick and they get better. But there's something else, Beth, you're not telling me. What... what is it? Something's upsetting you.

Beth: It's just, you know, Peyton is asleep...

Alan: Mm-hmm.

Beth: ...Alexandra's with friends, my mother's with Buzz... even Billy and Vanessa are gone.

Alan: Thank goodness!

Beth: Alan, don't you see that... (sighs) ...something is missing.

Alan: Elizabeth is missing.

Beth: Yes. I was hoping that she would come home early.

Alan: Well, it's not too late to go join her, you know, in China. We could.

Beth: What about my law conference?

Alan: I thought you weren't going to do that.

Beth: No, no. I'm not.

Lillian: Oh! This isn't Christmas! No carols; nothing is going on!

Alan: Well, Lillian! I thought you'd be slumming with the Cooper’s today!

Lillian: Thank you for my earrings, Alan, they're beautiful!

Alan: They look great.

Lillian: Merry Christmas.

Beth: Darling, merry Christmas.

Lillian: Merry Christmas, sweetheart.

Beth: Merry Christmas. I thought that you would be with Buzz.

Lillian: Well, I was, and then I got a text message from my grandson.

Beth: James texted you?

Lillian: He told me his mommy was sad, and I couldn't go have fun if you weren't going to have fun.

Beth: Mom, I didn't want to spoil your day!

Lillian: Well, you're not going to, because you're going to come to Company with me.

Beth: No... no. I really... I really don't think that that's a good idea.

Alan: No, no. I agree with Beth on that one.

Lillian: No, no, no, no. No. It's Christmas day. There's going to be no grudge between the Cooper’s and the Spaulding’s. Come on.

Beth: Mom, it's really not...

Lillian: Sweetie, I'm not going to take "no" for an answer. Come on, let's go.

Beth: Look, James has the flu, so there's no way that I...

Lillian: I'll bundle him up, or... or he could stay with Hilda. She'd be happy to take care of him. I bet he picks that choice.

Alan: Well, I think I'd rather stay here with Hilda.

Lillian: Well, that can be arranged. Now, come on, get your coats; let's go.

Alan: All right, all right, you win. Let's go.

Lillian: Deck the halls with

boughs of holly...

Shayne: (Humming) Mission accomplished! Oh. All the evidence against Bill is going to be burnt to a crisp.

Dinah: (Laughing)

Shayne: We need to go before the fire department gets here.

Dinah: Where?

Shayne: I don't know. Is there a bar open on Christmas?

Dinah: No, I mean you and me. At first, you didn't want me around you. Then you asked me to go overseas with you. What are we to each other? (Knocking on the door)

Doris: Help! (Coughing) Somebody! Help!

Dinah: Oh, my God.

Shayne: There's someone in there.

Dinah: Oh, my God.

Shayne: Hello? Hello?

Dinah: What are you doing?

Shayne: Somebody's in there.

Dinah: Well, maybe the fire department's coming.

Shayne: Fire department? Do you hear sirens?

Dinah: Well, we're going to have to call on the way out.

Shayne: We don't have time to wait for the fire department.

Dinah: Shayne, you cannot go in there! You can't walk; you're going to hurt yourself. No.

Mallet: Our first tree!

Marina: I love it.

Mallet: Mm-hmm. You don't think it looks a little bare, like Santa skipped our house?

Marina: We agreed-- no presents.

Mallet: I know.

Marina: We have a house that we have to pay for.

Mallet: You're right. That makes sense. Who needs presents?

Marina: Is your lip quivering?

Mallet: I like presents.

Marina: Good. Merry Christmas.

Mallet: What?

Marina: (Laughs) It's a universal remote! We can finally get rid of all our other remote controls. This one does it all-- it rewinds, it fast-forwards, it even does slow-mo. We will never miss another baseball game again. And don't worry-- I... I worked it all out. It fits into our budget. Barely. What, you don’t... you don't like it?

Mallet: No, no, I love it. It's just that I was planning on surprising you, too.

Marina: (Laughing) No way! Thank you.

Mallet: Our own remotes. (Laughter)

Frank: Oh, perfect. Oh, great. Here we go.

Ashlee: What? Who?

Frank: Grady. Thank you for dropping off my niece.

Daisy: Ho, ho, ho, to you, too, Uncle Frank.

Ashlee: Okay, guys... guys, it's Christmas.

Daisy: I'm not staying without Grady.

Ashlee: Let me... let me try. Frank...

Frank: Please tell me you're just caught up in the spirit of Christmas here, and he hasn't snowed you, too.

Ashlee: What difference does that make, Frank? I mean, this is not about me or about you... this is about Daisy. And she loves Grady.

Frank: I don't think she knows what love is, actually.

Ashlee: I think she does. Coop and I never had anything like this. If you make Daisy pick, she'll pick Grady-- not her family. That's how much she loves him. I've never felt anything like this. Have you?

Frank: Of course, I have.

Ashlee: I'm glad for you. Then you'll understand and you'll let him stay... for Daisy.

Where did you go...

Buzz: Hey, you.

Coop: Hey.

Buzz: You alone? Merry Christmas.

Coop: You don't want to wait for everyone else to get here?

Buzz: No, I want you to open it.

Coop: Okay.

Buzz: Open it.

Coop: All right, all right.

Buzz: Guess what it is?

Coop: Well, I have no idea. It's great wrapping. It's a compass.

Buzz: It's for when you go to Colorado-- in case you and Beth get lost.

Coop: Great, thanks.

Buzz: It occurred to me that I've handled you and Beth all wrong. I have never known how to deal with you. Remember when we first met?

Coop: Uh, it was a while ago.

Buzz: Years ago. Yeah. Your mom brought you from England. I looked into your eyes, and you were so smart.

Coop: Okay, what about Frank and Harley? I mean, they're smart, too.

Buzz: Yeah, they're smart. I mean, they've got people like me and like Marina. That's why they're good cops. You... you just... you had big thoughts. You know, big ideas. When your mom died, I thought I shouldn't raise you. I thought you were better off-- thought I'd screw you up. But every night I prayed for you to go in the right direction.

Coop: Believe it or not, Dad, that's what I'm trying to do now.

Buzz: Well, hello, Mrs. Claus!

Lillian: Merry Christmas, Buzz. Oh! I have been cooking, and I brought some company to Company. I hope you don't mind, honey.

Buzz: Come on in, everybody! Hey.

Alan: Oh, season's greetings, everyone.

Buzz: Right back at you.

Alan: Yeah.

Beth: You know, I, uh... I think we're intruding. I really think that we should go.

Lillian: Honey, of course you're not intruding, right, Buzz?

Buzz: Oh, absolutely not! You guys... you guys sit right over there, okay?

Alan: Okay.

Buzz: All right? Okay? And... and we'll, uh... we'll, uh... we'll... we'll warm up the casserole.

Lillian: What's the matter with you? You're acting so... nervous.

Buzz: This is bad; this is very bad!

Lillian: What are you talking about, sweetheart? You're... you're a grown man. You can get along with the ogre for one day.

Buzz: Uh, no, he's not the problem.

Lillian: Are you talking about Beth? About my daughter? She's part of the package!

Buzz: Yeah, I know, I know. I love Beth. Unfortunately, my son also loves her.

Lillian: Are you saying that Frank is the mystery man?

Buzz: No, I wish. At least he has a gun.

Lillian: Coop? (Laughs)

Buzz: Damn it, this is serious!

Lillian: Yeah.

Fa la la la la la la la la

see the blazing Yule before us... (baby babbling)

Coop: Well, can I get you all something to drink?

Beth: Uh. Yeah. I will, uh... I'll have a glass of your house wine. Thank you.

Coop: Thank you.

Beth: There you go.

Coop: Alan, um... about our recent disagreement, if you will. I'm sorry; I was way out of line.

Alan: Oh, please! Everything's forgiven. It's Christmas, Coop.

Coop: Great. Well, you know, I just figured our families are always going to be connected now. Because of Zach, I mean. Merry Christmas.

Alan: Merry Christmas.

Coop: And, um... Beth. Merry Christmas.

Marina: (Laughing) Let's go home and play with our TV remotes.

Mallet: Why?

Frank: Oh, good, good, good! Finally, some people I like! Hey, honey. Hey, Mallet.

Mallet: Hey, Frank, how are you?

Frank: Good, good, good, good.

Marina: So... Alan?

Frank: Well, Lillian wanted Beth to be here, and it, uh... gets a whole lot better than that.

Daisy: Hey, guys. Hi, Marina.

Grady: Merry Christmas.

Marina: Wow! Hey!

Beth: Hey!

Marina: Hey, how's my favorite girl?

Beth: Oh, she's great. Hey, Marina, would mind watching her for me for just a minute?

Marina: Oh!

Beth: I just have to run to the bathroom.

Marina: Okay, all right. Oh, she'll be right back! She'll be right back. Yeah. There you go!

Frank: Hey, Grady, can I, uh... can I have a moment alone with my niece, please?

Daisy: No.

Grady: Sure. I'll go chat with Ashlee.

Daisy: Okay, look, Uncle Frank. Please, whatever it is, just don’t. This is a hard time for me at Christmas. It reminds me of my dad, and...

Frank: I know. I remember. Look, I... I promise you, I'm not going to give you anymore lectures. I... I just wanted to wish my niece a merry Christmas, that's all.

Daisy: Oh... okay, sure. Same to you.

Frank: And... and... well, you know what we're going to do? We're going to call Harley in a little bit, and we're going to kind of pass the phone around, so...

Daisy: Oh, great. Yeah. I don't know how long Grady and I are going to be staying, so...

Frank: Well, you know what? You need to talk to your mother, because I know you miss her as much as I do.

Daisy: Let me know when you're calling her. I'll... I'll go first.

Frank: Thank you.

Beth: Coop, I got your note... what? Oh... Coop! Oh! (Laughs) Oh, this is crazy! This is crazy!

Coop: Mm-hmm.

Beth: Alan is right downstairs. My baby's downstairs. My mother, your father and... this is crazy!

Coop: Okay, okay, okay, okay. Look, we won't stay long.

Beth: This is crazy!

Coop: We won't stay long. I just...

Beth: Okay.

Coop: I wanted to give you a present first, okay?

Beth: Okay?

Coop: Yeah. Um... these are just a few pages that I wrote.

Beth: (Laughs)

Coop: Okay, that's enough.

Beth: No, no! That's my present! (Laughs)

Coop: I know, I know. You'll get it back, you'll get it back, I promise.

Beth: Okay.

Coop: I just need to know first...

Beth: Uh-huh?

Coop: Are you going to come to Colorado with me?

Shayne: Hello? Hello? Ah!

Dinah: Shayne! Shayne!

Shayne: I'm going to open the door now! Come to the door! (Coughing) Oh, I got you! Come here. Come here. I've got you, all right? I've got you, all right?

Remy: Okay, buddy

Shayne: Don't!

Remy: Just let us do our job, man!

Shayne: (Coughs)

Remy: Look at you! You've been in town a week and you already saved the life of the mayor, man. The rest is going to be good things to you, all right? So let's go back to Cedar's.

Mallet: Oh, yes!

Peyton: That!

Mallet: Yes, that. Yeah. See, she... she be digging me! We're bonding.

Marina: Oh, I know! Do... do that voice that you do, you know? That... sexy voice.

Peyton: That!

Mallet: But... which one would that be?

Marina: The one that you... you know, when you're trying to be "Mr. Cool"? (Laughs)

Mallet: (Laughs) Oh, that... that voice. Let's keep your hood on. It's really chilly. Ah... (low, sexy voice) hello, baby! Hello.

Marina: (Laughs)

Mallet: That one?

Marina: That's it; that's the one! (Laughs) See, Peyton, we got him to be silly, huh? Let's give him a five, huh? Give him a high five! Up in the air! Oh! All right!

Ashlee: Oh! That is officially the cutest thing I have ever seen! Look at yourself!

Marina: Ah! (Laughs) Good girl!

Mallet: (Low, sexy voice) Hello, baby!

Marina: Uh-huh, you did it. That's good.

Mallet: Well, is it working on you?

Marina: Uh, no.

Mallet: It's not?

Marina: No.

Mallet: It's not?

Marina: (Laughing) No!

Mallet: It doesn’t... turn you on?

Marina: No.

Frank: Your mom and I, when we were kids growing up, we didn't have very much money, so we used to cut pictures out of magazines of things we wanted to get each other but couldn't afford, so... I really didn't know what you wanted, so I cut out pictures of everything. I, uh... I really, truly, want you to have everything that you want in life, Daisy. I really miss your mom. So I thought, maybe, this could be our tradition.

Daisy: Thank you, Uncle Frank.

Mallet: Hey, Frank. Sorry to interrupt. I just got a call. There's a fire at the S.P.D. warehouse.

Frank: What? Was anybody hurt?

Mallet: Is Ashlee around?

Ashlee: What? What's the matter?

Mallet: Ashlee, there was a fire at the warehouse and your mom was inside.

Frank: Oh!

Ashlee: What?

Daisy: Oh, my God!

Mallet: They're taking her to Cedar's now. We're not sure how badly she was hurt.

Ashlee: Okay, um, you take that, and I'll...

Daisy: I'll go with you!

Grady: No, no, no, no. I'll go, I'll go.

Daisy: What?

Ashlee: No, I...

Grady: You just stay with your family. I'll go, okay?

Daisy: Call me when you know something.

Alan: Well, I, uh... I think it's time that Peyton came back to her family. Here, come here! Speaking of family, Marina, have you seen her mother, Beth?

Marina: No.

Beth: This is... this is... this is... not good. This is not.

Coop: Hmm... I disagree.

Beth: No, no. I... I... no. I... I... oh, God! I left my baby down there to be up here with you! No! No... I can’t. What am I doing? I can’t... I can't go away with you. This was crazy that I even considered this.

Coop: Why? Because you actually enjoy yourself with me? Because you like being around me? Because you... like how we are together? What is so crazy about that?

Beth: I have a life. I have a baby with Alan. What we're doing-- these risks that... that we're taking. It’s...

Coop: Beth. Look. You want this. I want this. We both want this. You're not even married to Alan.

Beth: I know.

Coop: Do you?

Beth: I know... yes. Yes... yes, I do know that. (Sighs) I have a lot more to lose than you do. We have to go downstairs before people notice that we're both gone.

Coop: Uh! Okay. Okay. Okay. I still think you're missing out on a chance to have some great fun. But I understand. I will go first. Uh!

Beth: (Sighs) "The funny thing was, he had known her for years. Yes, she was beautiful, but it was a given that it would be impossible for any man not to know that. But he had never really talked to her-- not as adults. He only thought of her as another girl's mother. And then that night, their paths crossed and they talked, and it was like he was seeing her for the first time. (Sighs) She was strong and passionate; opinionated, but not afraid to admit that she didn't know something. She was a woman as comfortable with her flaws as she was with her perfection. And what could ever be more beautiful or enticing as that?"

Everywhere you go...

Beth: (Sighs)

Tiny fingers making time stand still

in your eyes in your smile...

Buzz: Are you okay?

Lillian: Um... no, not really.

Buzz: Sorry to drop this on you. I wanted to wait until after Christmas, but...

Lillian: Okay, how long have you known?

Buzz: A while.

Lillian: This is going to end in a disaster. I know about these things. They... they take on a life of their own. They...

Buzz: Would you be... don't talk about it. We're surrounded by people. Let's talk about this later. Just... I should have told you sooner.

Lillian: How long have you known it was Coop? Why didn't you tell me it was Coop?

Buzz: Because I wanted to protect my son, you know? I thought it might be over before now. I... where is Coop?

Lillian: Where is Beth?

Buzz: Oh, no.

Lillian: Oh, God.

Alan: Lillian, have you seen Beth?

Lillian: Uh... Beth... Beth... I think Beth is calling James, because, you know, he's sick and she wants to see how he is.

Alan: Yes, I... I know that, but... listen, would you take care of Peyton for me?

Lillian: Why? Where... where are you going?

Alan: I've got to look for Beth.

Buzz: Alan, don't go. Don't go.

Alan: Why not?

Buzz: Ah, well... well, there's going to be a... make a holiday toast.

Alan: Look, maybe next year, Buzz, I've got to...

Buzz: Frank, Frank, Frank, Frank! Come here! Get everyone a... get everyone a glass, here, everybody. We're going to have a toast.

Frank: Okay.

Buzz: Everyone lift their glass, come on

Lillian: Yeah

Buzz: Come on, who wants to help me?

Lillian: Yeah, tell a story! Frank, gives us a little...

Buzz: It'll be just a sec, come on.

Lillian: Right, Peyton?

Alan: All right, okay.

Buzz: Everybody here. To Christmas, 2008. What do you say? I mean, it's been... it's been one bumpy year, and it looks like it could be a ride to the end, but it's been happiness, love for a lot of us, and there have been troubles for others. And for my family, in particular, there have been beginnings-- Marina and Mallet. And there's been a great loss for a lot of us-- Gus. And there's some that are too far away from us. And some that stuck it out and stayed on with us. And more and more, I am grateful each year for the people I love the most, and there are a lot less fortunate than I am, so, um... love, family in 2008. What do you say?

Everybody: Here, here.

Alan: Oy.

Buzz: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Where are you going?

Alan: I have got to go find Beth, Buzz.

Buzz: Why?

Alan: Because, obviously, something is wrong!

Buzz: Maybe it's you.

Alan: What do you mean.

Buzz: Well, you know, you came in here complaining about, you know, you wanted to be close in your relationship with Beth. And you know, when you try to pin her down, she's going to fight it, you know? She needs room to breathe. She knows what she needs.

Beth: Okay, okay. (Laughing) Okay!

Coop: Okay.

Beth: You win, you win! I'll go, I'll go away with you.

Coop: Mm! That is great! Look at me. This is going to be amazing. I promise you are not going to regret this at all.

Frank: Hey, everybody, it's ringing. Come on. Hey, sis, it's me! (Laughs) Merry Christmas to you, too! Hey, listen, I, uh... no, no, I've got the whole gang here. Um... hold on... hold on one second. Daisy wants to talk to you first.

Daisy: Hi, Harley, merry Christmas! Harley? Mom? She's not there.

Frank: What?

Daisy: Lost her.

Frank: Oh, no. System must be overloaded for the holidays. Well, don't worry. We'll try again.

Remy: I have to head back out. You okay?

Shayne: Best Christmas ever.

Remy: Hmm. Get to see your folks yet?

Shayne: Yeah, I saw them. Mom was thrilled. Dad was thrilled, too.

Remy: Dude, dude, can you let us do our job? Can you let the medicine work, please? For me?

Shayne: Yeah.

Remy: Thank you.

Shayne: You got it.

Remy: Thank you. And about the parents thing, yeah, I know, I just... I dropped Christina off to my parents. They're starting to treat her like she's really my wife. It’s... it's freaking crazy.

Shayne: Think I can... can get out of here tonight?

Remy: You can ask your doctor, but I wouldn't count on it. You held a lot of smoke, man; just take it easy, okay? You earned it.

Shayne: Do you ever wonder why you do... or why, um... certain things happen?

Remy: Like why Doris was in the warehouse on Christmas? Or why you just so happened to ride by and see the fire?

Shayne: Yeah. Something like that.

Remy: When my baby died, I... I actually am still wondering why that happened.

Shayne: Do you ever feel like saying, "the hell with it"? You know, "nothing really matters?"

Remy: Yeah... yeah. But, uh... I wanted to be better for him. That could have went either way, and I knew people thought I would use it as an excuse, but I couldn't do that. Merry Christmas, bro.

Shayne: Merry Christmas.

Dinah: I heard you the last time. What are you doing here?

Cyrus: Well, I was coming to break into the warehouse, steal all the evidence against Bill. Remember, Didi, how I told you I was casing the place for days? Look at that! It all seems to be gone. I don't know what to say.

Dinah: How about "congratulations?" With any luck, both of our brothers will be free. And so will I.

Ashlee: (Crying) Mom! Hi!

Doris: Oh, hi, honey.

Ashlee: I... I heard you were in a fire, and I just...

Doris: It's okay, it's okay. Hey... I'm not paying you overtime.

Ashlee: Mom, Mom, he... he took me here. I was a wreck! But you can go... go... go be with Daisy.

Grady: No, it's okay. I'll wait outside. I'll take you home-- off the clock. Just this once.

Ashlee: (Sobbing)

Doris: Oh, sweetie.

Shayne: Isn't that how we met?

Dinah: (Chuckles) I am very glad that you are okay. I cannot believe you went into that building in your condition.

Shayne: My condi... my condition? My condition. Is that what this is?

Dinah: You saved the mayor! That's very good; you're going to be a hero whether you like it or not.

Shayne: Please... please don't say that. Please. I've got everyone else saying that. I don't need to hear it from you, okay?

Dinah: Okay.

Shayne: Thank you.

Dinah: Thank you for, um... rescuing my brother.

Shayne: Don't worry about it.

Dinah: (Laughs)

Shayne: What are you doing?

Dinah: I'm going to decorate this for Christmas.

Shayne: You're going to dec...

Dinah: Yes.

Shayne: Please don’t.

Dinah: I am.

Shayne: No, please don’t.

Dinah: I am. Hush! I am feeling all Christmassy.

Shayne: No, you can stop.

Dinah: I am. You know, I've got to tell you, for the record, since I'm sticking around... I am really glad that you can't leave.

Daisy: Okay, um... Grady says that Doris is fine, but that Ashlee’s still pretty freaked out, so he's going to... he's going to stay with her and walk her home.

Marina: Well, that was very... that's a very nice thing for Grady to do.

Mallet: Yeah, I think it... I think it's the right thing to do.

Frank: What, does everyone have to say something?

Mallet: Well, come on, Frank, give it a try. It's Christmas.

Frank: Okay. Um... in the spirit of Christmas, uh... Grady did a decent thing. Okay?

Marina: See? It wasn't that bad!

Mallet: Nice, Frank. (Laughter)

Lillian: We need to talk.

Alan: Beth! There you are! I've been... I've been looking for you. Are you okay?

Beth: Yeah, yeah. I just... um... needed to make a phone call.

Lillian: I told you, she was talking to James...

Alan: Yes, you did.

Lillian: ...Remember? I know you're worrying about him.

Beth: That's right; she knows me too well.

Lillian: Far too well. I'm going to let you two talk.

Buzz: Clever ruse, coming in separately. No one knows who you've been with.

Coop: Sh! It's okay, Pop. I told you it'll work out.

Beth: Actually, I was also speaking to my law school advisor.

Alan: On Christmas day?

Beth: Well, he's Jewish, and he doesn't celebrate Christmas. Anyhow, he thinks that I should go to Minnesota; in fact, he couldn't stress it enough.

Alan: Well, if he thinks you should go to Minnesota, you will. And as a matter of fact, Peyton, James and I will join you, as well as your mother, if she would like. I really don't think you should be celebrating Christmas holidays without your family.

Beth: Great. That’s... great.

Alan: Yeah. Go to Mommy. There.

Buzz: Sorry about that.

Coop: No.

Buzz: No, what?

Coop: No, I'm not letting him take her away. That's not what she wants.

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Buzz: Going over to the Spaulding place?

Coop: Dad, I can handle Alan.

Buzz: Coop...

Coop: Dad, I've got it.

Buzz: ...Damn it, Coop!

Alan: My life has never been the same since you took this off your finger.

Mallet: Do you want the police to stop Coop?

Buzz: He's about to make a big mistake.

Coop: Forget everything, okay. Just listen to your heart. What is your heart telling you to do?

Alan: Beth? What are you doing here?

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