GL Transcript Wednesday 12/24/08

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 12/24/08


Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Josh: And by the way, you're not leaving town.

Shayne: I know you want the best for me, but Mom's right-- it's my call.

Reva: Having him here gave me hope.

Josh: You're going to be here tomorrow.

Shayne: Do you want to come back to Europe with me?

Dinah: Sure.

Dinah: Hello. I'm Dinah Marler, the owner of the station you're watching right now. New Year's day two years ago, I introduced you to the concept of "Find Your Light." This year, especially, seems like a good time to remember that simple message; the message of hope, and a message of... good... brotherly... I don't know. Cats! Running. I don't know; I can't do this.

Ashlee: Oh, yes, you can do this. You are great! You rock!

Dinah: I am not great. I'm not great, and I know that I'm not great.

Ashlee: Okay, well, then, just... it's a traditions, and every... every station head does... does a message, you know, gives a message to the audience.

Dinah: Not feeling it this year.

Ashlee: I don't care if you're not feeling it! I was up all night writing this speech, and it's all stuff you've said before. It’s... you know? I just jumbled it together and regurgitated it.

Dinah: Well, if I've said them before, then that is just going to have to be good enough.

Ashlee: No. No, Dinah, this is not "good enough!" It's Christmas, okay? You need to inspire people. You need to bring light into their eyes and their minds, and... you know, Christmas is not just about drunken office parties or... or in-laws that you can't stand...

Dinah: Okay, okay, okay! Okay, all right?

Ashlee: Okay?

Dinah: All right, yes. We'll give this another shot.

Ashlee: Excellent! Okay, let's roll tape again.

Dinah: I'm not ready!

Ashlee: No, you're on. We're rolling. Go! Go, go, go!

Dinah: Hello, I'm Dinah Marler.

Lizzie: It's Lizzie. Leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Bill: Hey, uh... Lizzie. It’s... it's me... Bill. Um, I haven't heard from you in a few days. I'm sure you... you've been pretty busy with all the meetings. I hope everything is fine. Things are... fine here. So, uh... I'll talk to you soon, okay? Merry Christmas.

Jeffrey: How many people are we expecting, anyway?

Reva: Uh, well, not that many, but, you know, the Lewis men have notoriously large appetites.

Jeffrey: Right.

Reva: I know how sorry you are that Ava couldn't be here-- almost as sorry as I am that Shayne has to leave tomorrow.

Jeffrey: It's been nice having him home, hasn't it?

Reva: Well, you never know how much you miss them until they come back.

Jeffrey: Yeah, you do.

Reva: I know. I've always known how much I've missed him.

Jeffrey: You going to be okay?

Reva: Yeah. Yes, I will. I have you, and I have our fantastic, little boy, right here, and whatever fabulous piece of jewelry you got me for Christmas!

Jeffrey: Ooh, right... ( laughter ) you think... do you think he knows how much he's loved?

Reva: Of course, he will know! And not just by his parents.

Jeffrey: Mostly by his parents. ( Laughs )

Reva: Yeah, mostly, but you know, the whole family. The whole town is going to be looking out for him.

Jeffrey: He's going to have thousands of God-parents.

Reva: Hmm. That reminds me. We need to talk about that. We need to pick God-parents.

Jeffrey: We have time.

Reva: Well, it's important, you know? Considering my condition...

Jeffrey: Hey, hey! It's Christmas. I'm not going to let you talk like that. Come here.

Reva: What? Uh-oh.

Jeffrey: Surprise!

Reva: What is that? Oh! "Miracle"?

Jeffrey: What?

Reva: Oh!

Jeffrey: Too on the nose?

Reva: Miracle O’Neill?

Jeffrey: ( Laughs )

Reva: Well, that's an awful lot of pressure to put on the little guy. ( Laughs ) Oh!

Emma: You really think it looks good here?

Olivia: I think it's beautiful.

Emma: So, you're okay with the real tree?

Olivia: Yeah, yeah, it's great.

Emma: I love the smell. It's like real Christmas.

Olivia: Yeah, it is, sweetheart.

Emma: I'll go check on the cookies.

Olivia: Okay, good. I could use a cookie. Hey.

Natalia: Hey. So, I'm only allowed a 15 minute visit with Rafe, so I won't be gone long.

Olivia: Okay. Um, did you happen to notice if a package was delivered?

Natalia: No, I... I don't think they deliver on Christmas. What was it?

Olivia: It was a... another present for Emma, but I just... I had it delivered by special courier, so I thought maybe...

Natalia: Oh. Well, I don't think she's going to be hurting for presents.

Olivia: No, no. She's pretty happy.

Natalia: Yeah.

Olivia: The place looks great.

Natalia: It's not a designer showcase...

Olivia: No, but, apparently, it's the kind of Christmas that Emma’s always dreamed of, so...

Natalia: I'm glad. And your flower arrangements and all these little decorator touches-- they're really beautiful.

Olivia: Yeah?

Natalia: Yeah.

Olivia: Thanks. I just want this to be a great Christmas for her.

Natalia: Oh, it will be. We will make sure of it.

Olivia: Then she's going to remember it forever, and you know, after, we'll... we'll be ready to strike out on our own.

Natalia: So you're... you're definitely going to move back into the Beacon?

Olivia: Yeah, New Year's day... I... it's what we know. We're comfortable with it. Um... would you wish Rafe a merry Christmas for me?

Natalia: Yes, I will.

Olivia: Thank you.

Ashlee: Dinah Marler... uh... "Peace, love, hope"... uh, take 15.

Dinah: ...And finding joy in the things that really matter. Line? ...A message of hope and a message of... coming together... of brother-- oh, ( no audio ). ...Of families. Those that sustain us, keep us waking up every morning and show us-- oh, I got off. Ash, let's do this again, please. Ready? Let’s go.

Ashlee: Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay, it's not take one, but... Dinah Marler, "Peace... peace love and hope," take... um... 16.

Dinah: Merry Christmas. I'm Dinah Marler.

Dinah: Forget it. Forget it.

Shayne: "Forget it, forget it, forget it." Okay. Does this mean I'm flying solo tonight?

Dinah: No. It's just... I spent a few hours recording a message of joy and hope for the holiday season at my TV station.

Shayne: How was that?

Dinah: ( Laughs ) It's, uh... big lie! Big lie. ( Sighs ) My brother is on trial for a kidnapping, and it is all my fault. There's nothing I can do about it, and I'm going away with a guy who likes to play chicken with trains for fun. Don't get me started on what a mess this whole world is, okay?

Shayne: ( Laughs )

Dinah: Good thing I'm a good liar! ( Chuckles )

Shayne: Lie your way through the whole speech?

Dinah: Yeah, pretty much.

Shayne: Gotta go to the mom's for Christmas. Want to come?

Dinah: You want me to go?

Shayne: I need reinforcements, you know? Keep the family from filling the world with sugar plums and candy canes.

Dinah: I hear you.

Shayne: You know, my mom has been through more bad stuff than anyone I know, and every time, for some reason, she thinks that this time is going to be different. It's the definition of insanity, isn't it?

Dinah: ( Sighs )

Shayne: Think so?

Dinah: Yeah, I don't know. No offense, but I don't know if I'm really feeling Christmas at Reva and Jeffrey’s.

Shayne: Bill is going to be there!

Dinah: Yeah, well, I doubt that.

Shayne: Don't make me suffer this alone!

Dinah: ( Laughs )

Shayne: Come on.

Dinah: All right, I'll go. I'll meet you there in a little while, all right?

Shayne: Can't wait.

Dinah: ( Chuckles )

Buzz: Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas.

Bill: If you say so.

Buzz: Nice attitude.

Bill: Buzz?

Buzz: Yeah. I've got a little gig down at the youth center.

Bill: ( Laughs )

Buzz: You've got a trial.

Bill: Yeah, I... I do. Guess life can't be too good if you're about to be taunted by Santa Clause.

Buzz: No, I wasn't going to do that. I wasn’t... I don't wish you any misery-- to you nor Lizzie at all.

Bill: I love her, Buzz.

Buzz: I know you do. I know you love her. So that's Christmas? You and your six friends?

Bill: You know, just because you've got a beard on and a red get-up doesn't make you Santa, okay? So...

Buzz: Well, you know, this isn't a day like any other day. Stores close, wars stop, you know? If I were you, I wouldn't take the courtroom date with you today. Merry Christmas.

Billy: Nice job. Thanks.

Buzz: Well, it was my pleasure. You know, you owe me a meal at Towers.

Shayne: Yeah, this is Shayne Lewis. I'm calling to confirm my seat on the flight out... what? What do you mean, I can't leave the country? Why?

Olivia: Oh, my gosh! Well, she packed it in... oh, my gosh! Well, she's beautiful like your sister, Ava, huh? Now she's going to be with you whenever you need her. Isn't that wonderful?

Emma: It's great.

Olivia: Hey, Emma, I have to... I have to track down a present, okay? I'll be right back. Yeah, no, no. I just... I need to track down a package and I really need your help. Um... no, I didn't have a number. Can I give you a name? Okay. It's Spencer.

Natalia: Can I ask you for a favor? Kind of a Christmas gift? I know there are rules in here, and I... and I... I know you have to follow them, and I wouldn't expect you to get in trouble or anything like that, but... can I hug my son? Just... one time? Merry Christmas, Rafael. May we be together next year in our new home.

Jeffrey: Shayne. Merry Christmas.

Shayne: It was you, wasn't it? Flagged my passport so I can't leave the country.

Jeffrey: Yeah. That was me.

Shayne: Yeah, it was you. You had no right to do that! What are you doing? You're only going to make things worse. It was a big mistake.

Jeffrey: Why?

Shayne: Why? Be... because I shouldn't be here! Always makes things harder on my mother... on your relationship!

Jeffrey: Well, I... I don't think so.

Shayne: You don’t... you don't think so. You didn't see her arguing with my father about me. She practically knocked herself out, Jeffrey.

Jeffrey: Well, you know what, Shayne? Reva and Josh are always going to find something to fight about, aren't they? She needs you. She's not going to tell you that, but I will. Your mother needs you. She's sick, she's scared and she hasn't had her children here. You being here has given her some joy and some hope. She told me that was yours when you were a kid.

Shayne: I don't need this. I don't need you laying this on me. What are you doing? Like I'm the only one who can save her?

Jeffrey: It's Christmas, Shayne. Why don't you try a little peace on earth? Hmm? Just... just for today? I've got to get some more supplies.

Then nothing mattered in this


Shayne: Ah!

Reva: I'm really glad you could come. Oh, I talked to Marah earlier, too. She sounded good. I just wish she could have been home.

Josh: Yeah, yeah, me, too. It'd be nice to have both of our kids here.

Reva: Ooh, nice! Yeah.

Josh: Oh, um... how are you feeling?

Reva: Uh... I'm... I'm good. I'm good. I just needed to rest.

Josh: I wanted to say something about...

Reva: I'm sorry that I...

Josh: ...Yesterday.

Reva: You go, go ahead.

Josh: Okay, um... I'm sorry that I came off that way. I... I really don't want to fight with you.

Reva: No, neither do I. Especially not today.

Josh: I... I think we're on the same page, though. I mean, I... we both want Shayne to be happy and healthy, right?

Reva: Yes. Yes. And he's here now. One thing I know for sure is that we can't make him stay.

Josh: Well, maybe we can make him want to stay, though.

Reva: True. We can do that by having the best Christmas ever!

Josh: ( Laughs )

Reva: How's that?

Josh: I think that's an excellent idea.

Reva: Okay.

Josh: Merry Christmas, Reva.

Reva: Merry Christmas, Bud.

Forever more...

Josh: Is that, um... mistletoe?

Reva: Yeah.

Josh: Ow!

Reva: Not on your life.

Josh: Ow!

Reva: Come on, I need help.

Josh: That was painful! I didn't deserve that!

Bill: I didn't know you were going to be here.

Dinah: Oh, I was hoping you'd show!

Bill: Yeah. You were right about Alan. He wasn't the one who kidnapped Lizzie. It's just doesn’t... doesn't make sense.

Dinah: I'm sorry. I know that you wanted to believe it.

Bill: No, look, I was just trying to jump on any explanation. Well... any one except the obvious one.

Dinah: You know, don’t...

Bill: What?

Dinah: ...Go there.

Bill: I'm just being honest! It's Christmas time. Got to be honest.

Dinah: I know, Bill...

Bill: Right? I think all the evidence points to one person, and that would be, uh... that would be me, Dinah.

Dinah: No, Bill...

Bill: We can’t...

Dinah: ...Don't talk like that.

Bill: I can’t... can’t...

Dinah: It's a waste of time to talk like that.

Billy: Well, lookie who's here!

Bill: Hey!

Dinah: Hi.

Billy: Merry Christmas, darling.

Dinah: Merry Christmas to you, too.

Billy: And my son.

Bill: Dad.

Billy: Sure happy you showed up, boy. Hey, let's go inside and get ourselves something to eat.

Bill: All right.

Billy: Come on.

Dinah: ( Sighs )

Olivia: Emma?

Natalia: No, it's me. What's the matter?

Olivia: Emma? Okay. She's gone!

Natalia: What do you mean, she's gone?

Olivia: She's gone! She was here and now she's not. I don't know where she is.

Natalia: I don't understand. She’s...

Olivia: I don't know. She was just... she was here, and then she was acting... she was quiet, and I just didn't think anything of it.

Natalia: Okay, well, where were you when this happened?

Olivia: I... what is that supposed to mean? Are you saying that I'm a bad mother? Because I know how to take care of my kid, okay? You just came in from visiting your kid from prison. I really don't think...

Natalia: Don't do that. Don't do that, please.

Olivia: What are you talking... you know, this all the Christmas spirit. You made me look bad in front of her. The Christmas tree and everything.

Natalia: I was trying to give her a nice life and a nice Christmas and everything. Let's go find her and...

Olivia: Why... why do you even care?

Natalia: What? How could you even ask me that?

Olivia: I want to know why you care!

Natalia: I'd die for that kid.

Olivia: Well, she couldn't have gotten far. We'll just... we'll split up, and we'll... ( cell phone rings ) Hello?

Frank: Hello, Olivia. Are you missing someone?

Olivia: Is she okay?

Frank: She's right here and she's fine.

Olivia: Frank has her. So she's okay.

Billy: Well, this party's going, but it definitely needs a little pick-me-up.

Reva: Uh-oh.

Billy: No, no. Nothing like that. Remember how H.B. would always read the Christmas story to all the little ones? Well, we don't have little ones here this year, but we'll have to wait until next year for that.

Reva: ( Laughs )

Billy: But I think you're never too old for a little Christmas, so how about I do the honors this year and read?

Reva: Yay!

Josh: Are you sure you can handle that, big guy?

Billy: Ah, yeah, I think I can read a story. What do you think?

Josh: I'm guessing you're going to do just fine.

Billy: Okay, you handle the other part of the tradition.

Josh: Sure! Sure. Everybody puts one last ornament on the tree.

Billy: "And Mary brought forth her first born son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them at the inn. And there were, in the same country, shepherds abiding in the field-- keeping watch over their flock by night. And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone around about them and they were afraid. And the angel said unto them, "Fear not, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day, in the city of Bethlehem, a savior which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you. You shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger."

Reva: Uh, wait a minute. One's missing.

Billy: Which one?

Reva: It was Shayne’s.

Josh: The one you gave to him that first Christmas after you came back to us.

Reva: Yeah.

Josh: He kept it on his bedside table for the longest time.

Reva: I just saw it yesterday!

Jeffrey: Reva.

Reva: Oh, sweetie. Hey, Shayne.

Shayne: Hi.

Reva: I...

Josh: Give me a second, here.

Shayne: I've got it, Dad. Here.

Reva: Oh! It's okay.

Shayne: I've got it!

Reva: Okay.

Shayne: I've got it.

Reva: ( Laughing )

Shayne: Here.

Reva: Got it?

Shayne: I've got it.

Reva: Oh, honey.

Josh: Well, that is a... that's a fine spot for that ornament, son.

Shayne: Well, it's a fine tree.

Reva: Why don't we get you something to eat? You're going to want to eat something before you go to the airport.

Josh: Yeah, when's your flight?

Shayne: Um, actually, I'm not leaving tonight.

Reva: Tomorrow?

Shayne: No, not tomorrow, either. I'm going to be sticking around for a while.

Josh: Sticking around here in Springfield?

Reva: For how long?

Shayne: Uh... a while.

Josh: Well, that is fantastic news!

Reva: Are you sure this is what you want to do?

Shayne: Mm-hmm.

Reva: Oh! ( Laughs )

Shayne: It's for the best.

Josh: What made you change your mind?

Shayne: Um... just didn't want to say "goodbye" to you guys yet.

Reva: Oh! Well, this is the best Christmas gift I could have ever asked for.

Dinah: It's Christmas, all right? You're innocent.

Bill: There is a ton of evidence that's pointing at me saying I did the kidnapping, okay? And everyone... everyone believes it.

Dinah: Not everyone.

Bill: Mom, Dad, the cops, press-- damn near everyone. Lizzie probably believes it, too.

Dinah: I don't believe it, and that should mean something to you.

Bill: It means a lot to me, but not to anyone else.

Dinah: I'm just so sorry.

Bill: For what?

Dinah: For all the time that we wasted this year fighting each other. I see you and I want to fix you. I want to help you. It's the only thing I want this Christmas.

Bill: I got to go.

Dinah: Where are you going?

Bill: Have a happy holiday, okay?

Dinah: Bill...

Billy: Hey, let me.

Olivia: Why did you disappear like that? What were you trying to do?

Emma: I don't know.

Olivia: Were you running away?

Emma: I put batteries in toys, and I wrapped them.

Olivia: You're a good girl.

Natalia: Were you going to go see Rafe, because Frank said that you wanted to take a bus and go visit Rafe in prison. Is that true?

Olivia: Why didn't you just ask me? Why didn't you tell me what you were trying to do?

Emma: You didn't tell me.

Natalia: Did you hear... me and your mom talking this morning about you guys moving out?

Emma: I like it there. It feels like a real home, where a real family would live.

Olivia: Honey, we're going to have a great Christmas there.

Emma: But it's all just fake, because it will be over and we'll be back at the hotel!

Olivia: Baby, it's not that I want us to move out, it's just... things aren't meant to be.

Natalia: Yeah, and sometimes you want things to work out really well for everybody, but it's just not the right time.

Olivia: And that doesn't mean that we're mad at each other, because we're not.

Natalia: No, no. And it doesn't mean that we can't still be a family.

Olivia: It's just that we're very different people, and we're trying to figure out... what's going to work best for everyone.

Emma: I don't understand.

Natalia: I know. It's confusing. We should just go back to the house, because we have lots of food to eat and we have lots of presents to open.

Olivia: Let's do that, Em. Let's just focus on today, okay? I promise you, it's going to be a fun Christmas.

Natalia: Oh!

Olivia: Do you like it? Yeah? Show it off. Put it on.

Emma: So pretty.

Natalia: Nice!

Olivia: Oh, that is so cool! You are working it!

Natalia: Oh, so cute!

Olivia: ( Laughs )

Natalia: There's one more... from me! Here, go ahead. Open it up! Hopefully you like it. It was my favorite when I was a kid. It's about a little girl who has really big dreams, and a magic friend who makes them all come true.

Emma: Somebody wrote something in it.

Natalia: I did. I did it for you, just like my daddy did for me. You want to read it?

Emma: "Dear Emma, sometimes the bigger we get, the smaller our dreams are. I hope your dreams keep getting bigger and bigger. Love always, Natalia."

Olivia: Well, you know what? We can put that on the bookshelf next to your bed.

Emma: In the hotel?

Olivia: Honey. Sweetie. I just...

Emma: I don't want to go back. I don't like it there.

Olivia: We'll have a lot of good times there.

Emma: No!

Olivia: Emma, you're always welcome here. You can come here whenever you want and hang out.

Emma: It's not enough. It's not.

Olivia: Em, come on. Emma...

Natalia: Hey. So, Emma, you never told me why you wanted to go visit Rafe.

Emma: I thought he would be lonely. We're a family, right?

Olivia: Hi! This is... here...I got it.

Natalia: What is that?

Olivia: It's a present. For you.

Natalia: You got me a gift? I didn’t... I didn't know that we were going to do that.

Olivia: It's okay. Just open it.

Natalia: Okay. Oh, boy.

I'll be home for Christmas if

only in my dreams...

Natalia: Oh, my God! ( Laughs ) This is from our apartment in Chicago!

Olivia: Mm-hmm.

Natalia: Oh, my God! You see... you see these marks? This is... this is how I used to measure Rafe, when he was growing up. Oh!

Emma: Can I see?

Natalia: Yeah, come over here and look at it!

Olivia: Here. Wow, look at you! You're almost as tall as Rafe was when he was your age!

Natalia: Thank you.

...In my dreams...

Reva: I just want to make sure that you're staying for all the right reasons!

Shayne: Mom...

Reva: Yes, okay. Never mind. ( Laughs )

Josh: Okay. I need everybody's attention for just a minute. All three of you. That's for Reva.

Reva: Oh, great.

Josh: There you go. I just want a little toast here for Shayne, okay? You ready? Here it comes.

Reva: Yay!

Josh: Here it comes. Hear ye, hear ye...

Reva: Oh, boy!

Josh: Shayne is home, and home is a hell of a lot better for it! This is to you, son. My friend and my hero. Okay? Welcome home, kid. Merry Christmas. I love you.

Reva: Cheers.

Josh: Cheers.

Reva: Yay! Ah!

Shayne: Thank you, guys.

Reva: Oh.

Shayne: Very much. And the same to all of you. Happy holidays. I'm... really wiped out from earlier. I think I'm going to go back to Remy’s and crash out. Um... but I will call you tomorrow.

Reva: Okay.

Shayne: Okay?

Josh: Thank for... thanks for sticking around, son. Thank you.

Reva: I love you, too.

Shayne: I love you, too. Merry Christmas.

Reva: Merry Christmas. Be careful. Do you know where your coat is?

Shayne: Yeah. It's up front.

Josh: You don't want any help, right?

Shayne: No, all set!

Josh: ( Laughing ) Okay. Did you do something to keep him from leaving?

Jeffrey: I had his passport flagged. I know you didn't want me getting involved.

Josh: No, no, no. Thank you. You've given Reva and me a wonderful gift for Christmas. Thank you.

Jeffrey: He wants to be here. He just needed an excuse.

Reva: Thanks.

Dinah: You're not going back to Germany, are you?

Shayne: Yeah... about that. No, I'm not. Not right now. I'm sorry about that.

Dinah: It's okay. I didn't want to go, anyway. Kidding. No, actually, there is something that I do need to take care of. I have to... get a Christmas gift for my brother, and I need your help.

Shayne: You need my help buying your brother a Christmas gift?

Dinah: Well, it's not one that you, uh, exactly buy. It's one that could get us into some trouble. Lots of trouble.

Shayne: Lots of lots of trouble?

Dinah: Mm-hmm.

Shayne: Lead that way.

Dinah: Okay. After you.

Shayne: Oh, thank you.

Dinah: You're welcome.

Billy: You left so quick, I didn't even get a chance to give you your present!

Bill: I didn't get you anything.

Billy: It's okay, it's okay. Sit down. Ooh! I hope you like it!

Bill: That's my laptop.

Billy: Oh, you're such a smart boy, you must be my son!

Bill: You got me my laptop for Christmas?

Billy: Just hold on a sec, okay? ( Beeping noise ) There. There you go.

Lizzie: Hi, baby! Merry Christmas.

Bill: How do you...

Billy: Fix your hair. She can see you, too.

Bill: Um... hey.

Reva: Just, wait a second before you go. Um... we have some questions we want to ask you. I mean, we know that you're not doing the ministry thing anymore, but... we have questions about God-parents.

Jeffrey: Yeah, I mean, we were thinking about a few people, you know? Ava, Cassie, Rusty...

Josh: Actually, I have a different idea. How about your baby's brother? How about Shayne?

Reva: Shayne!

Josh: Yeah, he's a great role model, and it might be good for him, too.

Reva: Shayne! I think that's a great idea!

Jeffrey: Me, too.

Reva: Oh, good. Well, then, I'm going to ask him tomorrow.

Josh: Let me know how it goes.

Reva: Okay.

Josh: Okay. Uh, thank you, again, for having me over. I appreciate it. Thanks, you guys.

Jeffrey: Wait, Josh. Why... why don't you stay... stay for a drink and, you know.

Natalia: There's yours.

Olivia: What's this?

Natalia: It's a present!

Olivia: You said you didn't get my anything. Is this like a regift or something?

Natalia: It's a little-- yeah, it's like a regift.

Olivia: ( Laughs )

Natalia: Emma, you want to see what that is? Open it.

Emma: Keys?

Natalia: House keys.

Olivia: What does this mean?

Natalia: It means that I... I want you to stay here. I really want you both to stay here.

Olivia: Well, are you sure? Because, you know, all the junk, all the arguing, the differences. It's not going to go away.

Natalia: I know. So... we're not going to agree on some things.

Olivia: Anything? Maybe?

Natalia: But I think that we can agree that we are all we've got. Emma deserves to grow up in a house like this, and I really want to help mark off those heights like I did for Rafe.

Emma: Can we stay, Mommy? Can we? Can we?

Olivia: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Natalia: Oh, yay! Oh! You're so cute!

Olivia: Sit.

Lizzie: Are you having a good Christmas?

Bill: I am now. Happened as soon as you popped up on my laptop.

Lizzie: Billy's pretty good.

Bill: Yeah, he is. Lizzie, there’s... there's something I need to tell you.

Lizzie: About the trial. I know that it's starting soon.

Bill: You don't need to worry about it.

Lizzie: I'm not worried. I am going to be there to walk into that courtroom with you, and I am going to hold your hand every, single day until we prove to everyone you are innocent.

Bill: You don't know how great it is to hear you say that.

Lizzie: Want me to say it again? I will be there with you.

Bill: I got it. I got it. I love you.

Lizzie: I love you, too. No matter what happens.

Shayne: You're sure this is how you want to roll on Christmas?

Dinah: You know what? Too many people have suffered because of me. I'm going to make this right, I'm going to save my brother and I'm going to wipe the slate clean.

Shayne: I can dig it, but if we're going to do this, we're going to do this right. I know you brought me for a reason. Yeah? Get my duffel bag. Let's go.

Ashlee: Okay, Dinah’s message is finally airable, so I'm going to roll it back in... five, four three...

Dinah: Hello. I'm Dinah Marler, the owner of the station you're watching right now. New Year's day, two years ago, I introduced you to the concept of "Find Your Light." This year, especially, seems like a good time to remember that simple message. A message of hope and brotherhood and finding joy in the things that are really important. When times are tough, we have to stop and appreciate what we do have-- what sustains us and what keeps us waking up in the morning-- our families. Our lives may not be perfect. We make mistakes, but we survive and we forgive. And although the future may seem uncertain, nothing is ever lost as long as we have faith. It's Christmas where the unexpected gift from the least expected person can turn everything around. Where there was once only darkness, there may be light. And above all, there is that one great gift that costs nothing, that requires no wrapping-- and that's love. It comes in all shapes and sizes. Love. What would Christmas be without it? Okay, how did I do?

This is our Christmas promo, take one. Action.

Coop: Happy holidays, from the "Guiding Light" family to yours.

Alan: We want to wish all of you a very happy holiday season.

Shayne: Happy holidays from all of us here at "Guiding Light."

Daisy: Happy holidays, everybody!

Billy: Happy holidays!

Dinah: Happy holidays, everybody, and happy New Year!

Lizzie: We all hope that you have a wonderful holiday season.

Reva: Thank you so much for being a part of our lives this past year.

Josh: On behalf of the entire "Guiding Light" family...

Josh and Reva: Happy holidays!

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