Guiding Light Transcript Monday 12/22/08
Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Dinah: I'm not going to watch my brother suffer.
Grady: Would you rather see him dead?
Dinah: Alan is ruthless, but he is not cold-hearted enough to kill someone.
Grady: He'll hire someone, like he hired me to take care of Jonathan.
Josh: This prior accident, could that have any affect on what he's going through right now?
Doctor: He didn't mention that when I took his medical history.
Shayne: I don't want your concern.
Josh: What about my love? You don't want that either?
Alan: Bill, you're not going to find him in there.
Bill: Please leave me alone.
Alan: I distinctly heard you tell Elizabeth, when she went to China, that you were going to find the real kidnapper. Well, I don't think you're going to find him at the bottom of that glass, unless you look in and see your own reflection.
Bill: The one good thing about Lizzie being gone is that you and I do not have to pretend to be civil to one another.
Alan: 12-year-old single malt?
Bill: Alan, you don't really think I did it, do you?
Alan: It doesn't matter what I think, Bill. It doesn't matter what the police think. But I notice you drinking a lot. I think that you may be worried about what Elizabeth might be thinking.
Frank: Okay.
Natalia: You're a lifesaver.
Frank: Well, you know, Natalia, to protect and to serve.
Natalia: You're off duty.
Frank: You know, you're absolutely right. Let me just take that.
Natalia: Don't break...
Frank: You should know by now, whatever you need, I'm there.
Natalia: Thank you. I've been so busy unpacking, I didn't have time to go grocery shopping.
Frank: Well, how is it going?
Natalia: Oh, great. The move has been great. And Olivia is a great housemate. And we get along great.
Frank: Oh, great.
Natalia: Yeah.
Frank: Come here. So how is it really going?
Natalia: It's a disaster.
Olivia: Oh! Look, no offense. I just... I can't look at you every morning over my English muffin. And it's nothing personal. It's just that... I admire you and I admire Natalia’s faith in you, but I just don't happen to share it. I wish I did. I wish I could believe in something. Anything. ( Knock on the door ) Okay, that was my heart pounding. No? No. It's not my time to go, right? It's not like an angel at the door? Hi, come on in.
Josh: Hi. Thank you.
Olivia: You're no angel.
Josh: Yes, that's true. In fact, I'm not even sure what I am these days.
Olivia: Coffee?
Josh: Yeah, thank you.
Olivia: It's on me.
Josh: Okay.
Olivia: Sorry about the mess. We're moving in, still.
Josh: No. Cassie will be glad to hear that. She asked me to stop by and make sure everything is going okay.
Olivia: There's just one little problem: I have to get out of here.
Dinah: What the hell are you doing?
Alan: You know, if you asked Elizabeth if she was starting to have doubts about you, Bill, she would never admit.
Bill: So I can focus on finding the real kidnapper, wherever that leads.
Alan: Obviously, it leads to booze. It's really something, when the going gets tough for you Lewis’s, you go straight for the bar. You're just like your father, aren't you?
Bill: I see, Alan, you want to push my buttons. Is that it? You're not in your happy place, maybe because Beth refused to go to China with you.
Alan: Well, at least I know when Beth returns from her conference, we will be together.
Bill: We'll see.
Alan: Unlike you and Elizabeth, because when she returns, you're going to be in jail. So why don't you save yourself a lot of trouble and just confess. Oh, bartender, put Mr. Lewis' binge on my tab.
Bill: Confess?
Alan: Yeah. Why, maybe the court will even go easy on you.
Bill: You know, Lizzie said something very interesting to me, something that happened while I was in the hospital. Yeah, you wanted to take the blame, say you did the kidnapping.
Alan: I did it for Elizabeth, to ease the suffering she was experiencing.
Bill: No. No. You are scared to death of prison, the tiny cells, the walls shrinking in on you.
Alan: It's called sacrifice, Bill. I put Elizabeth before anything else, even my own well-being. Unlike you.
Bill: You have never put anyone or anything ahead of your own self-interest.
Alan: You're drunk!
Bill: Listen to me. Listen to me! I can see right through you!
Alan: Let go of me!
Bill: You made some grand gesture and make yourself seem like you're some sort of saint. No one thinks all the while that it was you. You're the kidnapper.
Natalia: You know, I understand that Olivia is frightened, and who wouldn't be. She can't even trust her own heart. But she needs to believe in something or someone greater than she is.
Frank: Look, Olivia, she's got beauty, she's got talent, and she's got brains. But you want to know something? She does not have your faith.
Natalia: I'm not asking her to. But the way she puts mine down, it's like if she can't believe in it, she doesn't want anyone else to believe in it.
Frank: Olivia leans on you for support, and she counts on you to help her with her career, her business, and her health, and even her own child, and yet she dismisses your faith. And yet you're still worried about her.
Natalia: Who does she end up hurting? Who gets to miss out on Christmas? You know, not on the presents or anything, but on the meaning of it? Olivia and her daughter.
Frank: Kids, you know, they still need to believe in something.
Natalia: So do the parents. I believed in the whole, you know, a real home for Emma and for Rafe, when he's able to join us.
Frank: You would think she'd want that, too.
Natalia: I think she does. She can't let herself.
Frank: She can't or she won't? Look, you know, there was a time when Olivia and I... well, you know. It's not important right now. But this whole living arrangement thing with her, Natalia... I don't know.
Natalia: I want it to work.
Frank: Yeah, I know you do. And maybe she does, too, but I've got to tell you, Olivia, she's her own worst enemy. When she starts hurting, she makes everyone around her hurt even more.
Natalia: I'm looking out for Emma.
Frank: Who is going to look out for you?
Olivia: I don't know why I thought this could work.
Josh: You know, I never thought of you as intolerant.
Olivia: I'm not. No, Josh. She can count on her beads and go to midnight, Christmas Eve mass, and hold hands around the table and say grace at Christmas dinner... that's, whatever.
Josh: That's very big of you.
Olivia: Come on. You're a religious guy, but you don't get all in your face about it.
Josh: Olivia, maybe you don't remember this, but the last couple of years I've been a pastor, a minister, you know? I fight the good fight.
Olivia: You see, that's it, the good fight. That's fine. You want to help people. You want to lift people's spirits, and you want to do all sorts of good things for people. I'm okay with that. I see no reason to make a big public display.
Josh: Does it embarrass you? It seems to me, there is not a whole lot out there that can make you blush.
Olivia: I'm... all right. Okay. Maybe that's it. I'm a little embarrassed. I don't want people to think that I'm a little...
Josh: Naive? Gullible?
Olivia: A pushover.
Josh: Subservient?
Olivia: Stop it! Only with you. No. Look, people know about my condition. I lost my Galaxy gig because of that.
Josh: You see, I heard a rumor that you lost your job, because you helped Natalia.
Olivia: See, that's what I'm talking about. Rumors like that out there that say that I'm a soft touch.
Josh: We can't have that.
Olivia: Come on. I have a weak heart. I'm not a weak person. A physical condition doesn't define who you are. Where did you find that?
Josh: Oh, this... I was clearing out the barn. This is Shayne’s glove when he was a kid.
Olivia: I heard about his injury. I guess the good news is that he's home and you and Reva can take care of him.
Josh: I don't think he wants us to take care of him.
Olivia: Look, take it from me, he's acting a lot tougher than he is. He needs you.
Josh: I hear you. I agree with you. I think I just... I thought of his homecoming. I thought it might be, you know...
Olivia: Norman Rockwell. ( Laughing )
Josh: I guess that makes me sound is little bit like Natalia, doesn't it?
Olivia: I'm guilty, too. Ava is home for the holiday.
Josh: Really? That's a good thing. How is she doing?
Olivia: She's better. Of course, I think the longer she stays, the better off she'll be.
Josh: But she has other plans?
Olivia: Yeah. I guess sometimes we just have to let them go.
Dinah: Shayne, you need to put the key in the ignition. We need to go.
Shayne: No can do.
Dinah: The train is not going to stop!
Shayne: I tossed them.
Dinah: What?
Shayne: I tossed them. The keys, they're gone. I tossed them. It's all part of the game.
Dinah: What game?
Shayne: The game is that at the third whistle... wait for it, wait for it, now! I've got 30 seconds to hotwire this car before the train comes.
Dinah: I know that you feel bad about coming back and the girl that you left behind, but I'm not exactly a bursting bunch of Christmas spirit knowing what I did to my brother. It is not worth dying for. Shayne, don't do this!
Shayne: Got it. Close the door. Close the door.
Dinah: What?
Shayne: Close the door or we're going to lose the game. Close the door.
Alan: You know, Bill, this is pathetic, even for you.
Bill: How come I didn't see it. The cards have been stacked up against me from the beginning. And the harder I try to prove that I didn't do it, the worse it gets.
Alan: Maybe it's because you're guilty.
Bill: Someone is one step ahead of me, someone who wants me out of the way. Who wants to turn Lizzie against me. And that is you, Alan. You did it! You are the kidnapper.
Alan: Call the police.
Bill: Yeah, please, call the police. Get them down here. Save me the trouble of dragging your butt down there. Nice homecoming for Beth, huh? To find out what you did to her daughter. How is that for pathetic.
Alan: All right, Bill, did you get it out of your system? What I'm going to do is chalk this up as pathetic. I mean, you must be really panicking in knowing the news you know.
Bill: News? What news?
Alan: You mean you haven't heard? I guess maybe you've been running from the police and drinking so much, that you didn't realize that your trial starts first thing next week. Season's greetings, and all of that.
Natalia: What do I owe you for this?
Frank: You don't owe me anything.
Natalia: Wait a minute. This... every penny goes to the Rafael Rivera fund, right?
Frank: Yes, but...
Natalia: So... is this enough?
Frank: It's actually more than enough. You know what? I am actually... let me see here... one dollar short. Thank you, Emma.
Natalia: Emma, sweetie, that's so nice of you.
Frank: Very nice of you. I think someone's a good influence.
Natalia: Well, somehow I don't think her mother would agree.
Frank: Oh, let me help you... let me help you get this...
Natalia: You don't have to. I can just...
Frank: What, are you kidding me? That's the fun part of the job. Thank you very much. Take that. All right.
Shayne: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no boop.
Dinah: Oh, very good.
Shayne: Okay.
Dinah: Okay. Can I ask you a question?
Shayne: It's all in the wrist, baby. It's all in the wrist!
Dinah: What would have happened if that car did not start today?
Shayne: The car did start today.
Dinah: I know. But I'm saying, like, what if it didn't start?
Shayne: Would you like a little mustard here. I'm making history, okay? Pay attention. You could learn something.
Dinah: Oh!
Shayne: Oh, thank you! Undefeated and still the champion. Anybody?
Dinah: Everything is like a game.
Shayne: Not everybody likes a sore loser.
Dinah: That's just it, nothing is forever.
Shayne: Let's look at the bright side of it. At least I would have had my mom and dad on my conscience.
Dinah: Look, I know you want to get out of that chair. I know your life sucks right now, but that is no reason...
Shayne: When you felt that train coming, you knew the final moments of your life were ticking away. You didn't feel this kind of comfortable, strange calm come over you? ( Cell phone rings )
Dinah: It's my brother.
Shayne: Tell him I said hi. We'll have to catch up soon.
Dinah: Hey, Bill.
Bill: Have you heard?
Dinah: Heard what? What's going on?
Bill: They set the trial date for next week.
Dinah: What, they can't do that.
Bill: They just did. Look, I know you've already done a ton for me but...
Dinah: Where are you right now?
Bill: At the park, by the pond.
Dinah: Okay, I'll be there in a minute.
Bill: All right.
Shayne: Strike three, he's out. Da, da, da, da, da, da.
Josh: Well, thank you for asking, son, I'd love to join you.
Shayne: I'm not looking to go another round with you.
Josh: Neither am I, son.
Shayne: Oh, oh!
Josh: I found this in the barn. It's funny how something like that sort of follows you around through your life, isn't it?
Shayne: What happened here? It's dry. It's cracked.
Josh: No. It just needs a little T.L.C., That's all. You know, I remember the day I got that for you. It was your birthday. You were so excited. You rubbed it down with saddle soap, put the ball in it, tied it around with your shoe string, and you kept it by your bed all night.
Shayne: We're playing different games now.
Josh: Okay. Let's play this one: High stake darts for a dollar. Unless you're afraid that I'll kick your butt, of course.
Shayne: A dollar.
Josh: We take Euros, too.
Shayne: Ha ha! Oh! Ooh!
Josh: ( Laughing ) Well, obviously, you've been doing a lot more than just clearing landmines over there.
Shayne: Obviously, I could say the same thing about you saving souls here.
Josh: ( Laughing ) Oh, come on. Am I being hustled here by a guy in a wheelchair? Is that what is going on?
Shayne: I don't know. You know, you asked to play.
Josh: Oh, well, that happened. Hang on. Hang on. Double or nothing. I've got two dollars. Says that I could beat you.
Shayne: I know about Mom's cancer.
Josh: She told you?
Shayne: No. Jeffrey told me.
Josh: Well... I'm glad you know.
Shayne: Yeah? Well, I wish she could have told me rather than hearing something like that from him.
Josh: What can I say? She loves the guy.
Shayne: Is he going to be there for her when she really needs him? Or is he just here right now because D.C. is a little slow.
Josh: Look, look, I made my case before they got married, all right? I said all of the things that you're saying right now. In fact, I even got in a big old knock-down, drag out with Jeffrey at the wedding.
Shayne: No, you didn't?
Josh: Yes, I did.
Shayne: No, you didn't?
Josh: I made out a fool out of myself, son. Sound familiar?
Shayne: It must run in the genes. That's what it does to you.
Josh: What, a lifetime with Reva Shayne?
Shayne: No. I don't know about that. I was... I was thinking of love. So what did you say about Jeffrey? What were you saying about Jeffrey?
Josh: The guy found out she was pregnant the day they got married. There is a whole lot of risk right there. And then they both find out that her cancer is back.
Shayne: What are you doing right now? Are you doing the guy's P.R.?
Josh: He's stayed. That's all I'm saying here. He stayed.
Shayne: All the more reason that I should get lost. You know, maybe he is a swell guy. I don't know. But I'm never going to think that he and mom are right together. I'm probably going to cause trouble.
Josh: Well that's not going to help your mom, is it?
Shayne: That's exactly what I was saying. She's got enough going on right now. And she doesn't need me around here.
Josh: Shayne, if you think that your leaving would help your mom, then you don't know her at all. Look, look, look, let's just... let's finish the game, all right? Because after I win a whole bunch of money from you, we have a whole lot of work to do. Here.
Shayne: I don't think I'm going to be much help for you at Lewis Construction, Dad, unless you looking at filling the paper weight position.
Josh: I'm talking about getting out of the wheelchair.
Shayne: Dad, I talked... we did it before.
Josh: We'll do it again.
Frank: Oh, why is it so dark in here?
Olivia: Merry Christmas! Em, what do you think, huh? Seth decorated it himself, that way we don't have to miss Christmas at the Beacon. We can have it right here!
Emma: Thanks, Mom.
Frank: Well, that... that really is something, isn't it?
Natalia: Yeah. I bet it would look really nice in the Beacon lobby.
Olivia: It will be even prettier here.
Frank: Well, you know what, I can always take this one back.
Natalia: No. Emma picked this one out by herself.
Emma: Please, can we keep it, Mom, please! Can we keep it?
Olivia: Be careful of the needles.
Alan: Doris, listen, I've been thinking about Bill Lewis' trial. I think it would be best if you call me to the stand as a hostile witness, of course. I want Elizabeth to think I'm in her corner, but when you get me up on the stand, you'll be able to drag out all of the information that is going to point towards Bill as the kidnapper. Now, it's a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it.
Billy: Before I let you put any nails in my boy's coffin, I will put you in the ground.
Dinah: Hey.
Bill: Hey, Dinah.
Dinah: We need to stop this. We need to delay it, okay. Whatever it takes, we need to put the brakes on this. We're not ready for trial.
Bill: No, no, no. Let them bring it on, okay? Because I've got hope now.
Dinah: Do you have your memory back? You do? You do! Good, then you know for a fact you didn't do it.
Bill: Okay, look, that's not exactly what I'm talking about, okay?
Dinah: You need to forget about this so-called evidence that they're stockpiling against you, okay? We're going to talk to the lawyer, all right? And we're going to piece this together, and we're going to take it bit by bit. So when you get on the stand, you're going to feel good.
Bill: Dinah, Dinah, Dinah! I don't have my memory back.
Dinah: What?
Bill: It's all a blank... most of it.
Dinah: What are you talking about? You just said you have hope. What are you talking about?
Bill: Because I know who arranged the kidnapping.
Dinah: You do?
Bill: You cold? Huh? Warm yourself up a little bit, here. This should help.
Dinah: No, no. You've been drinking. What's wrong with you? It doesn't make you think clearly, okay? Don't go making some crazy decisions, okay?
Bill: Listen, listen, listen. It's Alan. Dinah, it's Alan.
Dinah: What?
Bill: It's so obvious, I wonder why we missed it. He arranged the kidnapping. That's what he did. He framed me. He got Lizzie to turn on me, and then I'm out in the cold. That's exactly what happened.
Dinah: Stop. Stop!
Bill: Listen to me. It all makes sense. It's so obvious. He set me up. He has the motive. He's got the money. That's what... I just need to prove how he did it.
Dinah: You can't do this, all right? You can’t.
Josh: Wait a minute. Did you just let me win? Okay, we're going to play again for all of this. And this time you have to try.
Shayne: Sometimes you can try too hard.
Josh: It sounds like we're not talking about darts anymore.
Shayne: Look, Dad, I know you want to help me get out of his chair.
Josh: You are going to get out of that chair, son. Just like the last time.
Shayne: This is not like the last time.
Josh: I'm well aware of that. Your previous injury has made this one all that much worse. So we're going to have to change the way we do physical therapy. I get that.
Shayne: You know, the doctors in Germany said there may never be a way.
Josh: The problem with doctors is this: You can ask for six different opinions, and you get six different answers.
Shayne: Army doctors, Dad. Army doctors. They've treated every imaginable spinal injury.
Josh: I'm sure... I'm sure they're very good at what they do. But you're here now, which means you have access to the H.B. Hospital I built myself in Tulsa. State-of-the-art equipment.
Shayne: I've had it with hospitals!
Josh: I get that. But if they can help you somehow, they can do anything for you...
Shayne: This is not your fault! It's not your fault! The reason I'm in the chair this time... this is not because of what happened before. This is all me. It's all on me this time, not you. Me.
Josh: Okay. Let's just say that's true, just for now. I'm still your father. And I'm still going to do everything I can to get you out of this chair and keep you out of this chair.
Shayne: Are you listening to yourself right now? You're making my case for me. Dad, you've got to go live your life.
Josh: You are my life, son. No, I'm not talking about that I'm living my life through you or something like that. I couldn't possibly do that. I don't have the courage you do. You're a hero...
Shayne: I don’t... don't call me that!
Josh: ... A true hero. I know you don't like that. I get that, but that's what you are. And not just to me. Everyone in this whole town.
Shayne: This town?
Josh: Yes.
Shayne: This town? I used to love this town. Then... then you go away, and life happens. This town is not my home anymore. I've got to get out of this town.
Josh: I'm not asking you to stay forever. Just through Christmas.
Shayne: And now it's until I can get out of this chair and walk to anyone. And after that, it's going to be...
Josh: We'll just take it one day at a time, okay? One step at a time.
Shayne: And then what?
Josh: Then we'll see. Is that fair?
Shayne: Like you play fair.
Josh: You don't play fair, either.
Shayne: Hey, don't forget that glove.
Josh: This is not mine. This is yours. It's a little small for you. You might want to think about reconditioning it, because once the spring season comes around, you and me, we're going to be playing a game of catch together.
Emma: It's nice.
Natalia: Nice? Honey, Seth picked these things out. He decorated the trees in Palm Beach, and these little glass ornaments, they're from a little shop in the city. Honey, they're very fragile. I'm sorry.
Frank: You know what, Emma? You know what we do at Company? We bake our own Christmas ornaments. We make it out of salt and flour, and guess what? You can't break 'em.
Olivia: Sort of like Buzz's bagels.
Natalia: Okay. How about we make some Christmas cookies now, Em?
Emma: With red and green sprinkles?
Natalia: Oh, yeah. And we can put the little tiny silver sugary things on, too.
Olivia: Seth brought some cookies along with the tree.
Emma: I'd rather cook our own, if that's okay, Mommy.
Olivia: Yes. You go and make your little sprinkly cookies. Knock yourselves out.
Natalia: First you need your special Christmas apron. Tah-dah!
Frank: How cute.
Emma: Isn't it pretty? Natalia made it for me.
Olivia: Of course she did.
Natalia: You go in the kitchen and you get everything ready, and then I'll be right there, okay?
Frank: I have to say, these two... these two trees are very beautiful and unique in their own way. But do you think there is room enough for both of them in here?
Olivia: No.
Natalia: No.
Alan: Billy, you're a hypocrite. Elizabeth tells me that you're starting to doubt your own son.
Billy: My doubts are my business. They're between me and my boy. Alan, you start bad-mouthing him, I will hurt you.
Alan: Two threats in one day? What... what is it? You're son and you are a tag team?
Billy: Maybe you want him to take the fall to cover your behind.
Alan: And maybe you're drunk, too.
Billy: Come on, Alan. You've done a lot worse. It wouldn't be the first time you framed somebody.
Alan: Let me get this straight: You're saying I didn't just frame Bill, but I kidnapped my own granddaughter?
Billy: What's your point?
Alan: Your point is you love your son and I love Elizabeth. She is the one true thing in my life. She has been there even when my wives have failed me. She has always been true.
Billy: Yeah, well, that's her tough luck.
Alan: So you are saying I would hire someone to kidnap her, to potentially hurt her. Do you realize when that little girl had Leukemia and was in the hospital, I was at her bedside 24/7.
Billy: Yeah, I know.
Alan: I know. And I also know, Billy, that you would kill for Bill, and I would do the same for Elizabeth.
Bill: Okay. Alan Spaulding, he does not scare me, okay? He is not king of the jungle anymore.
Dinah: Well, you know what? He has claws, and when he feels threatened...
Bill: Did he threaten you?
Dinah: That's not what I'm saying.
Bill: Okay, listen to me. It's not bad enough what he did to Lizzie, but if he's threatening my sister, I want you to tell me.
Dinah: It's not me I'm worried about.
Bill: Well, you don't have to worry about your brother, okay? Because I can handle myself.
Dinah: Really?
Dinah: When you're doing this, I worry about you because that's how you got in the accident, okay?
Bill: Dinah, I cannot let Alan Spaulding get away with this, okay?
Dinah: You forget Alan. I know you didn't do it. You know you didn't do it. You pull him in, and that's going to be very dangerous for you.
Bill: Dangerous? Dinah, I could go to jail. Don't you understand? As we go to this trial, I'm the only suspect. I have to bring him in! I have to, because he is the one who did this. It's Alan.
Dinah: You stay away from him, Bill. You hear me? Bill!
Natalia: Thanks for helping with the tree.
Frank: Yeah, no problem. I can... I can drop that one off at the Beacon, if you'd like.
Olivia: It stays.
Frank: Suit yourself. But it does look so real and natural...
Olivia: Don't you have some elves you need to arrest, Frank?
Frank: Thank Emma for the Christmas cookie. Tell her it was absolutely delicious. And we're going to go caroling, right?
Natalia: Oh, yeah. Yeah, you're on.
Frank: Okay. I'll see you.
Natalia: Bye-bye.
Frank: I'll take another cookie.
Natalia: H'mmm, don't you just love that smell.
Olivia: Don't they have fragrances that you can smell, spray it and it smells just like a tree.
Natalia: It's not the same thing.
Olivia: I'll remind you of that when we vacuum up the needles.
Natalia: Oh, you vacuum now? I don't want to fight, not at Christmas.
Olivia: Neither do I. Emma needs this holiday.
Natalia: And so do you.
Olivia: And so do you. But we've got to admit, this living arrangement...
Natalia: Emma loves this house, and she loves the barn and the animals... all of it.
Olivia: Natalia...
Natalia: I know... I know it's not working.
Olivia: So for Emma’s sake, you know, we'll do Christmas here. We'll do the all-American real Christmas.
Natalia: With two trees?
Olivia: No. She likes the real one. You win.
Natalia: It's not about winning.
Olivia: I'll have Seth come over and take this one back to the Beacon. But then after the holidays, I think we'll just move back to the hotel.
Natalia: What about your health?
Olivia: A private nurse. And I'm sure you can find a tenant that will help you pay your Bills.
Natalia: So everybody's happy, except Emma.
Olivia: Kids are resilient. They forget and they move on. It's just grownups that hang on too tight.
Josh: Hey.
Billy: Hey.
Josh: How's Bill?
Billy: It shows, huh?
Josh: I have a son, too, you know.
Billy: Yeah, well, my problems don't quite hold up to your boy being in that chair.
Josh: No, that's not true. When we're talking about a son, everything's important.
Billy: Yeah, you got that right. Well, they set the trial for next week.
Josh: Bill's going to be okay.
Billy: You got that from the guy upstairs?
Josh: ( Laughing ) Yeah, we don't really talk as much as we used to. I don't know, maybe it's Shayne being back, or maybe it's the season. I just have hope, that's all.
Billy: Yeah, well you always did have hope.
Josh: Is there anything I can do?
Billy: Do you still pray?
Josh: Yeah.
Billy: Say a prayer for my boy.
Josh: I'll trade you. You say a prayer for my boy.
Billy: Okay.
Alan: You'll never be able to do it, Bill.
Bill: Do what?
Alan: Put the blame on me.
Bill: Face it, Alan, you are losing your fastball.
Alan: Yeah, well, when your fastball stops moving, you learn to develop a real good curveball.
Bill: There is evidence out there that's going to link you to the kidnapping, and I'm going to find it. And when I do, I am going to nail you.
Alan: Tell me something, if you're so sure of that, why are you drinking so much?
Bill: Why do you smoke so much, Alan?
Alan: I smoke one cigar a day. And when I light it, my hands don't shake. There is no evidence on me out there, Bill, because I didn't do it. And you know that. No matter how much you try to deny it.
Shayne: Hey, hey, hey. How's your conscience?
Dinah: You know, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? Do you think everything is a game? You think you're invincible? You're not. One day you're going to go too far, you're going to risk too much, and then... done.
Shayne: What's your problem? Bill's innocent. You said so yourself.
Dinah: It doesn't matter. The only way I'm going to prove anything is if I confess.
Shayne: Dinah, you can't do that.
Dinah: It's not even about me right now. Because Alan... Alan is going to get implicated, and that means that is going to put my brother into a high danger area.
Shayne: All they have is circumstantial evidence. They can't prove anything.
Dinah: But they will. You said they will, because that's the way the world works. That's the way the world works. You love someone, and you're sure to lose them. You give them your heart and...
I guess that everything still does
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Billy: You're going to trial right after Christmas. Don't you think she'd want to know?
Dinah: You promised me my brother would never go to jail.
Grady: Have a little faith. You need to come down, lady. I have a plan. All of the evidence against your brother is in that warehouse right over there.
Dinah: So what are you going to do? You going to infiltrate and dress like Santa?
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