GL Transcript Friday 12/19/08

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 12/19/08


Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Rafe: This means you can get the farmhouse now.

Natalia: It's complicated, so this...

Rafe: I trust you.

Natalia: I could actually get a mortgage I could afford if I took in a renter.

Olivia: $1,200 for a room?

Natalia: It will include full-time care.

Olivia: Full-time care? Who are you planning on renting to? Oh!

Natalia: Exactly. I guess that makes me a homeowner! (Cheers)

Olivia: Be careful of those plates. I've been collecting them since I lived in San Cristobel.

Natalia: Wow. Very fancy.

Olivia: Be careful, please. Hey!

Emma: Look what I found in the barn. Cool, huh?

Natalia: Yeah. Do you know what that is? That's really good luck.

Olivia: Do you know what? You need to go wash your hands.

Emma: Okay.

Natalia: Why don't you take it up to your new bedroom; check it out? And me and Mommy are going to finish all this up. You know, you've got to relax. Kids get dirty.

Olivia: Have you seen the inside of that barn? Let me give you some help. You have an original way of packing.

Natalia: No! Sit. Relax!

Olivia: No. I'm tired of feeling useless! No.

Natalia: You're not! You're supervising. Just think of it that way.

Olivia: I can do that.

Natalia: Oh, I know. Have I told you how much I love this place?

Olivia: Yeah, only about 100 times.

Natalia: (Sighs) It's just, I finally have a real home for my son. I'm very thankful that you're paying rent so that I can afford it.

Olivia: Look, it's a good financial decision for me. It's a win/win.

Natalia: Yeah. It's just so charming, you know? It's the floors and the windows and the fireplace and the stairs...

Olivia: Oh, they creek.

Natalia: Yeah. Everything's perfect. It's a real Christmas miracle.

Olivia: Ah! My eyes! We have mice, but no vampires.

Natalia: I don't know if I want to hang this over here or find another spot.

Olivia: Are you, uh... you're serious?

Natalia: Oh, look. The fireplace. That's good. Are you rolling your eyes at me? Do you have a problem with this?

Olivia: Me? No! (Chuckles) All right, wait. I guess I do.

Remy: I just can't believe you're here.

Ava: Yeah, funny thing. I just happen to be in the neighborhood. You look really good.

Remy: You, too.

Ava: Oh, thanks.

Remy: So you're feeling...

Ava: Better. Yes, I'm feeling much better...

Remy: Good.

Ava: Much better. Thank you for inviting me in.

Remy: Oh, it's no... it's no problem.

Ava: No, no, no, no! Don't clean up, please.

Remy: No, no. My buddy, Shayne Lewis, was bunking with me for a few days, and that guy is kind of a slob.

Ava: It’s... I should have called, and I didn’t. But I was going to come into town and tell my parents Merry Christmas, so...

Remy: I'm sure they'll be happy.

Ava: Are you? Are you happy to see me? Because I was really looking forward to seeing you, too.

Remy: Uh... you said we shouldn't see each other anymore. What changed?

Ava: I'm not sure. Wow, you still have this? This... look at this picture! ( Laughs)

Remy: Yeah.

Ava: Okay. Well, I lied... I didn't come back to just say Merry Christmas.

Reva: So, how'd I do? I mean, I know the Olympics are still a few years away, but I'm going to be ready!

Christina: You know, you're improving your strength and your flexibility, and that's what's most important.

Reva: Oh, good. Well, you know, I do have two babies to take care of.

Christina: Two? Wait, you're having twins?

Reva: Oh, no, no! I've got one in the oven and one in a wheelchair.

Shayne: Jeffrey. Hey.

Jeffrey: Hi.

Shayne: Do you got a minute? Do I need to make an appointment-- have my people call your people?

Jeffrey: No appointment necessary. We're family. It's good to have you back. How are you?

Shayne: What, you... you mean this thing here? This is nothing. I can go from zero to 60 in this thing in like an hour and a half.

Jeffrey: Well, for what it's worth, you have my respect. It's very admirable what you did, you know, putting your life on the line to help others. Your mother is damn proud of you.

Shayne: Yeah, what about you? A hot-shot job with the Governor. Congratulations!

Jeffrey: Well, you know, we've all got to do our bit, right?

Shayne: I'm glad you feel that way. I am. Because I need a favor. I, um... need you to use your contacts to get me back doing what I do best. Blowing things up.

Natalia: This cross has gone everywhere with me-- ever since my confirmation.

Olivia: Huh. Okay, look, I'm not trying to disrespect your religion. I'm really not. I just don't know why it has to be so public, so, you know, out there.

Natalia: It’s... it's my house. If I want to hang things in my house, I should be able to, you know...

Olivia: You're right. You own the house, but I pay the bills. So the way I see it is... we're... we're kind of... it's even.

Natalia: Fine. I will put this in my bedroom.

Olivia: Oh, careful. Careful with that.

Natalia: What is this? This is really ugly!

Olivia: No, no, no. It's supposed to be like that.

Natalia: What is it?

Olivia: No. It's supposed to be like that. It's a Kolinkov.

Natalia: It's like an... ugly cheese grater.

Olivia: Hey, you know what? It's a Kolinkov. He's a very important modern artist.

Natalia: Okay. I'm supposed to hide my cross, but you want to put your little Kolinky thing wherever you... No. It's a farmhouse, not an art museum.

Olivia: Hey, you know what? Putting something contemporary up against a rustic backdrop makes a statement.

Natalia: Okay. Well, thank you for the decorating tip, but you can go ahead and put this thing in your bedroom.

Remy: I'm confused. The last time I spoke to you, you wanted nothing to do with me.

Ava: You still have my picture in your apartment. And I still have your picture in my wallet.

Remy: Well, we've been through a lot together, Ava.

Ava: We have. A lot.

Remy: And that was the problem. "Too much pain. Too much baggage." Your words.

Ava: Losing Max was devastating. It hurts me every single day. I can still see his little face.

Remy: Yeah. Yeah, I can drive you to the cemetery and we can see him together.

Ava: It was my first stop. Um... I didn't stay for long because the ground was so cold, and I could only stay for a second.

Remy: Yeah. Well, it took real courage to go there.

Ava: It took real courage for me to come here today and see you, too. I got a job offer in San Francisco. Yeah... well, it's really not an offer, but it's an interview, and it sounds really good. So they're flying me out there. I was hoping that you would come with me.

Remy: Huh?

Reva: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Pull, pull, pull! Ah!

Christina: All right. We're almost done. Just a little bit more stretching, and then I'm off to a house-call.

Reva: You sure do work hard! I hope you save some time for fun and maybe a special guy.

Christina: What do you mean?

Reva: I see the way you look at Remy Boudreau. I find myself looking at him, too. (Laughter)

Reva: But you better snap him up before some other girl does. That's good.

Christina: I've got no time for a social life.

Reva: Uh-huh. You are so busted!

Christina: I just wanted to save up and get him something nice for Christmas. For helping me study for the MCATs.

Reva: Ah, I see. No wonder you've been working all of those extra sessions.

Christina: He's such a great guy.

Reva: Yeah.

Christina: And I finally saved up enough money to get him something really nice.

Reva: Yeah, well, I'm sure he's going to love it. I wonder what he got you?

Christina: Nothing. I mean, he's not supposed to.

Jeffrey: You can’t... you can't go, Shayne. I mean, your mother needs you here. She counts on you for the holiday.

Shayne: Come on, man. It's your first Christmas together as a married couple. Do you really want me under foot the whole time?

Jeffrey: She wants you here, okay? And I want to make her happy, all right?

Shayne: You do. You do make her happy. You guys have a little one on the way, and I'm just not... I just don't want to be here right now. I can't be here right now. Okay? I just need to get back... I want to go back to where the action is, please.

Jeffrey: All right. All right. Can't you wait just a couple days, Shayne? You need to wish your mother a Merry Christmas. You really do. Open some presents, drink some eggnog, and then you're done. That's it. How hard can that be? Anything you want for Christmas?

Shayne: A visa back? No? No. You know, man, those landmines aren't going to clear themselves. I... I just need to get back.

Jeffrey: What are you going to do? You can't do the same thing you were doing before, not as long as you're in that chair.

Shayne: Yeah, thanks. I think there I can still be useful.

Jeffrey: And here?

Shayne: Here, I'm just a guy that everyone is feeling sorry for.

Jeffrey: No, I'm sorry. Your mother is counting on you for the holidays, okay? Your mother needs you. I'm not helping you bail.

Shayne: It's not like this is a high-risk pregnancy...

Jeffrey: This isn’t... it's not about the pregnancy, Shayne, okay? It's about your mother's cancer.

Natalia: Oh!

Olivia: Well, I didn't know we were opening up a church!

Natalia: This is a Christmas crèche.

Olivia: Do you have one of those velvet portraits of Jesus? You know, where the spooky eyes just kind of follow you around?

Natalia: Can you just keep quiet so you don't hyperventilate?

Olivia: That can go in your room, too.

Natalia: This is a Christmas crèche. It counts as a Christmas decoration, so it stays. We should... we should get a tree, though. And I'll get some lights, and then maybe we can get Buzz or Frank to dress up like Santa, and do, like, the whole thing-- the whole Christmas thing.

Olivia: Maybe we should have a party.

Natalia: Okay.

Olivia: You know what? We'll sterilize the barn, and we'll cater it, and we'll have black tie and a big band...

Natalia: Oh, that's a bit much. I was thinking, like, cookies and Christmas carols.

Olivia: No, we could do that, too. But Christmas is a really good time to network and party, and not just hang up crucifixes and halos all over your house.

Natalia: What do you think December 25 is?

Olivia: It's a day I pay my employees time-and-a-half.

Natalia: It's the day that a baby was born to save the world. It's what I celebrate. It means something to me.

Olivia: You are so naive!

Natalia: And you are so selfish!

Olivia: Next you're going to tell me that you believe in Santa Claus.

Natalia: Well, I still believe in something.

Olivia: Hey, Em. Hey, come here. I've got a great idea. How would you like to get dressed up really fancy, and have a nice, big party for Christmas?

Emma: Can we bake cookies?

Remy: I... I've just got to... I've just got to wrap my head around this. You want me to move to San Francisco with you?

Ava: No, I'm just... I haven't gotten the job yet. Just, I thought I could go there and . Come with me.

Remy: Why?

Ava: Why not? So we could spend a little time together? Get away from some of these memories. Don't you think we owe it to ourselves? Come on. And we can see where we stand with each other.

Remy: Ava, listen. Things have...

Ava: Have what? You know what? I shouldn't have even come back here. This was such a stupid idea.

Remy: No, no. That's not what I was saying.

Ava: No.

Remy: It's just, I have to consider...

Ava: What was I thinking? That you were going to mope around and wait for me to get out of my funk? What's her name?

Remy: No, no. Yeah, I'm... I'm still trying to figure things out.

Ava: I'm sorry I was... (cell phone rings) that’s...

Remy: Oh, um... sorry.

Ava: Okay.

Remy: I have to take this. Hey...

Christina: What are you up to later?

Remy: I'm not sure.

Christina: Uh, you sound funny.

Remy: No... I'm... I'm busy.

Christina: Well, I was thinking about the divorce, and, um... you know, with the holidays and everything, I was thinking maybe we could hold off. And there's this scholarship, except the only thing is that you have to be... are you still there?

Remy: Huh? Yeah. Um... you know what? Can I, uh... call you back in a little while?

Christina: Yeah. I can swing by your place. I actually have a...

Remy: No. I'll meet you at the gym, okay? I've got to go.

I think I got it this time...

Ava: Who was that?

Remy: Um... just a friend.

Shayne: Why didn't she tell me?

Jeffrey: She thought that you had been through enough.

Shayne: Cancer... again.

Jeffrey: Yeah. She's got cancer. She's pregnant. She's getting the chemo. She's not sure if the chemo is going to affect the baby. She's not even sure she's going to live long enough to see the baby.

Shayne: I can't believe this. Wait... wait. How is she getting treatment when she's pregnant?

Jeffrey: Somehow, the baby doesn't absorb the chemo. It's some miracle of modern medicine. She's still very worried.

Shayne: She must be terrified.

Jeffrey: Now you know why you have to stay.

Shayne: You know, if I'm not here, though, it's going to be one less thing for her to worry about.

Jeffrey: Okay, fine, you know? Leave. Leave. Don't ask me to help you, not when she needs you.

Reva: Hey! There's two of my favorite guys. He told you.

Jeffrey: Why don't we go up to my office and we'll...

Shayne: Why didn't you tell me you had cancer again? Didn't you learn anything from the last time?

Reva: I wanted to wait until you came home. I just never expected...

Shayne: What? You didn't expect the chair? The chair? This chair doesn't matter. Okay? I get out of it or I don’t. Mom, what matters is you! And this little kid. Jeffrey, may I have a minute alone with my mom, please?

Jeffrey: Of course. Don't overdo it, okay?

Shayne: I'm glad he told me.

Reva: I know it's not exactly the homecoming you were expecting. "Merry Christmas, son. And, by the way, I got the big 'C' again." (Laughs)

Shayne: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I know that this wasn't exactly what you were expecting me to pull up in, either.

Reva: Yeah, well, I guess we've both had some surprises in store for each other. But I am so glad you're home! (Sobbing)

Shayne: Are you sure about this? This whole... this whole chemo with the baby thing?

Reva: I can tell you one thing. I am having this baby, even if it kills me. ( Laughs)

Shayne: Don't do that. Don't you make a joke out of this right now.

Reva: I'm sorry.

Shayne: I need to tell you something. I... I'm worried for this little kid.

Reva: Why?

Shayne: Because of what happened last time. When you left. When you were sick.

Reva: You mean the...

Shayne: The postpartum, yeah. Not the cancer.

Reva: Well, I am going to fight both of them. I am. I have too much to stick around for.

Shayne: It's funny how life turns out, isn't it? Just when you think you've have everything figured out, a landmine blows up under your feet.

Reva: Or a cancer cell decides to take a swan dive into your bloodstream. ( Laughter)

Shayne: No! It stinks!

Reva: I know. It's awful. Look at this.

Shayne: What... what are you doing?

Reva: What do you think I'm doing? I'm taking my son for a walk. (Laughing)

Remy: I'm glad... I'm glad you came by. This was good. It was real good.

Ava: Yeah, it was. So am I. And, um... by the way, your roommate is a slob.

Remy: Yeah. (Laughing)

Ava: But some day, when you're a big, fancy doctor, and you won't have any time for road trips, maybe you'll look back and you'll regret turning me down.

Remy: Well, I just... just need time. I'll call you.

Ava: Think about it, I'm a happy girl. So...

Remy: Are you going to run away again? Am I going to call your phone and find that it's disconnected or that your plane took off? Because last time I really put myself out there for you, Ava, and you bailed on me. And I don't think I could take that kind of body slam again.

Ava: I promise, I'll be here... if you want me. And, um... I hope... I hope your answer is yes.

'Til the feeling is gone for good...

Natalia: You want to make some cookies later, maybe some gingerbread men?

Olivia: You know what? We have enough to do. Why don't I call Towers and I'll get a big box of cookies for later? We've got... why do... why do the work?

Natalia: Because it's fun! Because it makes the house smell good when you bake them. Because it's festive. Why can't you just enjoy it?

Olivia: Why can't you just get off the home spun nonsense for five minutes? My head is going to explode with... with dancing angels and sugar plums!

Emma: Are you two fighting?

Olivia: Fighting? No.

Natalia: No. We're having decorating discussion. (Knock on the door) Do you know what that is? That is our first guest.

Emma: Maybe it's a caroler.

Olivia: Maybe it's somebody selling useless magazine subscriptions.

Natalia: Bah, humbug. Hi, may I help you?

Christina: Hi, Ms. Spencer?

Olivia: That would be me. Bah, humbug.

Christina: I'm your personal trainer. Christina.

Olivia: Oh.

Christina: Remy recommended me?

Olivia: Was that today?

Christina: Yes, ma'am.

Olivia: Could we reschedule because we're making cookies.

Natalia: Oh, no, that's okay. You're just what the doctor ordered, Christina, because isn't he concerned about your circulation?

Emma: Mom?

Olivia: Yes. Let's do this.

Natalia: Okay. You guys get to work. I can take her

Olivia: Thank you.

Natalia: Okay.

Christina: Okay.

Olivia: Oh, what's that?

Christina: It's a spirometer. To increase your lung capacity. You just blow through the tube, and it exercises your chest muscles.

Olivia: Fun!

Christina: Of course. (Laughs) But we're going to get started with some simple knee raises to warm up. So just put your hands on this chair...

Olivia: Okay.

Christina: Uh-huh.

Olivia: So just kind of like this, right?

Christina: That's perfect. This really is a nice place. Remy said you guys just moved in?

Olivia: Yeah.

Christina: Okay. Take a big, deep breath in and then you're going to exhale into this tube. This really is a great place.

Ava: Hey, you got a minute?

Jeffrey: Ava! Hi!

Ava: Hi!

Jeffrey: You know, let's just get our coats. I'm going to take you right home and show you off to Reva.

Ava: No, no, no! Please, please, please, can I have you to myself for just a little while, if that's okay?

Jeffrey: Of course it's okay. Sit down. How are you? I mean, you look great.

Ava: Thanks. I have a great job offer in San Francisco.

Jeffrey: San Francisco? Wow. That's a big step. It's like miles away from anyone you know. You'll be starting over in a completely unfamiliar place.

Ava: No, I know. But it's exactly what I want-- to reinvent myself; a fresh start. What?

Jeffrey: It's back. That smile, that twinkle in your eye. I... I thought I would never see that again.

Ava: Me, too. I still really miss him.

Jeffrey: I know.

Ava: Losing Max wasn't just losing a child. It was like losing faith in myself and in the world.

Jeffrey: I know how hard it was for you. Especially now, you know, that I'm going to have a baby. I know how devastating it was.

Ava: How is that going?

Jeffrey: It's going well. I mean, she's fine, all things considered.

We will share another day

don't ask me how I'll make it

some way

Olivia: How's that?

Christina: Okay, really reach now. Okay. You've got to relax. Your muscles are so tight.

Olivia: All right, but can you blame me. I thought it was moving into a house, not a bloody shrine. Seriously, don't you think they're looking at me. Look! Look at them.

Natalia: We need eggs. All right. Thank you.

Emma: You're welcome.

Natalia: What else? Oatmeal. And do we need -- do you want raisins?

Emma: No raisins.

Natalia: No raisins. Only chocolate chips. That's Rafe’s favorite, too. Are you okay, sweetie?

Emma: Do you really think that horseshoe is lucky? I want to give it to my mom so she'll be okay?

Natalia: You know your mom is going to be okay. And now we're all living together, so we can all keep an eye on her, whether she likes it or not.

Olivia: I'm a little rusty.

Christina: Just flex your foot, better for circulation. Here, I'll stretch you.

Olivia: Thanks. Oh, that's great. See, you're helpful. And Natalia, I like her, but she -- she goes out of her -- it's not like she goes out of her way to be difficult, but we're so different.

Christina: Different isn't always such a bad thing. Two people can think they hate each other, and once they spend a little time together, that can change for the better.

Olivia: Or worse.

Christina: Because sometimes someone comes into your life under the strangest circumstances, and that's when you need them the most. (Cell phone rings)

Olivia: I'm sorry. Sorry. Hello? Ava? You know, could you go just near my shoulder blade. I have to get this. It is my oldest daughter. Hey. Hey, sweetie. I'm so glad you're back in town. Your father is going to be so -- you saw him? What about Remy? I'm sure he was so thrilled to see you, too. San Francisco? Did he say he would go with you? Yeah, we have a lot to talk about then. I'll see you soon. Ouch!

Shayne: You scared?

Reva: You know... I don't know if scared is the right word. It's kind of like a second marriage. I was scared to death the first time.

Shayne: Now you know what to expect, huh?

Reva: The one I'm really worried about is this little guy in here. I mean, he's innocent in all of this. But -- but for me, it's just like going into battle again. I mean, I'm not trying to compare it to what you've been doing. I mean, my God, stepping onto a face every day. Minefield, staring death in the face every day.

Shayne: It was a job, Mom. You are bringing a new life into the world. This was a job.

Reva: Shayne, Shayne, sweetie, you're saving the lives of people you don't even know. That's heroic, and it's brave, and I'm very proud of you. Ooh, it's getting cold (laughing) And your old mom is getting sentimental. So what do you say, do you want to get out of here? Are you going to be okay?

Shayne: I'm Reva Shayne’s son. What do you think?

Reva: Well, let me give you a ride somewhere.

Shayne: Let me give you a ride. (Laughter) I’m good.

Reva: You sure? Stop by the house later. I made meatloaf and mashed potatoes.

Shayne: I'll try. Just don't count on me, but I'll try.

Reva: You know what? You're too late because I always count on you.

Christina: So, same time next week?

Olivia: Why not? I'm not doing anything. I'm not doing anything.

Christina: Is there somewhere that I can change?

Olivia: Uh-huh. Upstairs, second door on the right.

Natalia: Look who we found on the doorstep?

Olivia: Hello.

Ava: Hi!

Natalia: Welcome to our new home. There is an extra bedroom upstairs any time that you're here.

Ava: Thank you. That's great. I really appreciate it. I missed you, too, little sister.

Olivia: Ho, ho, ho. You know the deal, presents aren't opened until Christmas day. They have to go under the tree. We need a tree.

Natalia: Well, we can go into town and we can get a Christmas tree. I know you guys have a lot to talk about.

Olivia: Oh, my gosh.

Ava: How is this new place working out. This place is supposed to de-stress you, but you look stressed.

Olivia: If only Natalia weren't so cheery. It's a little annoying. Tell me about you?

Ava: Gosh. Wow, seeing Remy today made me realize he is just too good a guy to let go.

Olivia: He was crazy about you from the beginning.

Ava: I know. My head was in such a bad place, and now it's my time to reach out. He says the only thing that is keeping him here is his work. I don't know, maybe this time -- maybe this time we can really make it happen. Whoa! Who was that?

Olivia: My new physical therapist. She is actually really nice. Anyway, I'm going to have to reconcile myself to you and Remy.

Ava: Look. I hurt Remy, and our problems are nowhere being near over. I guess there is really no guarantee we're going to hook up again, but, Mom, I've got my fingers crossed.

Olivia: Yeah. Yeah.

Remy: There you are? How was your session today?

Christina: Fine. I learned a lot from my client.

Remy: Look, I'm sorry if I sounded weird today.

Christina: It's okay. What's up?

Remy: I was just surprised you want to postpone the divorce.

Christina: Is that a problem? Has anything changed?

Remy: No, no. If you want to wait until after the holiday, that's cool. We can wait... wait until after the New Year’s.

Christina: You'll never guess who called me today? My best friend from high school. She got married right after graduation, and she's got three kids. She's going through some funky personal stuff, and I'm going to go out there and help her get through the holidays. So I'm not going to be here for Christmas.

Remy: You're leaving town.

Christina: So lucky you. You get to be a bachelor again for the holidays.

Remy: Yeah, yeah. Party time. How long are you going to be gone?

Christina: I'm not sure. But I should go pack. So... have a nice holiday. I hope you're happy, really. You deserve it.

Remy: You were going to tell me about that scholarship.

Christina: It's not important. Merry Christmas.

Reva: What are you doing?

Jeffrey: Hi. Remember how I used to make fun of Christmas?

Reva: You? No.

Jeffrey: I think I'm turning into one of those guys who is into mistletoe and Christmas carols, and someone who wants Santa and his reindeer on his front lawn.

Reva: Listen to you, Mr. Holiday.

Jeffrey: Can you believe it. I don't know if it is the declarations I saw on Main Street or the way you look standing there with your rosy red cheeks. I am going to decorate this house to within an inch of its life. I want this house to shine like a beacon of holiday cheer.

Reva: Who would turn out my guy would turn into such a mush.

Jeffrey: Reva, we need to be happy. We're having a baby. Why not? Shayne is here and I've got another little surprise today. Guess who came to see me? Ava.

Reva: Ava? How is she?

Jeffrey: She's doing great.

Reva: Look at us, after the year we've had, we still have so many blessings. I hope Shayne feels the same way.

Silent night holy night all it calm, all it bright round young virgin, mother and child...

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Bill: Someone is one step ahead of me, someone who wants me out of the way. Who wants to turn Lizzie against me, and that is you, Alan. You did it. You are the kidnapper. I can see right through you. Call the police, get them down here. Nice homecoming to Beth, to find out what you did to her daughter. How is that for pathetic?

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