Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 12/18/08
Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Cyrus: Lizzie, can you hear me?
Lizzie: I'm fine you guys, I'm fine. No, I just didn't eat enough today.
Dinah: I don't think you should be telling anybody that you have lost your memory.
Bill: What about Lizzie?
Dinah: Think about it on the way to the police station.
Lizzie: Ouch!
Rick: It's going to help you sleep.
Frank: All of the evidence still points to you, my friend.
Bill: Get some sleep okay. Maybe in the morning, I'll have the courage to tell the truth.
Josh: Hello?
Reva: Oh, I was hoping you were Shayne.
Josh: So he didn't show up here either?
Reva: No.
Josh: Look, he knows a lot of people in this town. There's a lot of places he could go.
Reva: You're as worried as I am.
Josh: He's been on his own for a lot of years, Reva. He knows how to take care of himself.
Reva: Yeah, well, there's a difference between knowing how to do it and doing it. I mean, he shows up here, he’s in a wheelchair. He crashes a wedding, he ends up in jail, and then he leaves the hospital without telling anyone. It's me. I know it's me. I mean, he comes back here, he's hurt and alone. Who does he turn to? I mean, I don't even know that. I should at least know that much. I mean, why wouldn't he come to me?
Josh: Reva, I don't think this is about you. I really don't.
Reva: It might be. It could be. For Shayne not to come home to his mother, it's... I mean, I know that I wasn't always there to take care of him when he was growing up. I know that.
Josh: But he understands that.
Reva: Yeah?
Josh: Yes.
Reva: Yeah, well if he did, he'd been here right now.
Josh: You know, maybe he's a whole lot more like you than either of us realize. I mean, think about it. He can't do anything the easy way.
Reva: Okay, now I'm really scared.
Jeffrey: Hey. Sorry I'm late. I missed the early train. What's going on? Is it the baby?
Reva: No, not this baby. It's my other baby. It's Shayne.
Remy: I've never seen you like this, man.
Shayne: Yeah, you have.
Remy: I'm not talking about the wheelchair.
Shayne: What's in this?
Remy: That is my signature hangover cocktail. Red cabbage, a little tomato juice, lettuce, put it in a blender, and... you in that chair last night was the last thing I wanted to see.
Shayne: Yeah, well...
Remy: Actually... you puking out of my car window was the last thing I wanted to see.
Shayne: Man, I'm sorry.
Remy: So you going to tell me why you're trying to be me at my worst?
Shayne: Do you want to ditch this for me and give me a cup of coffee?
Remy: I'll get it out of you.
Shayne: Hold the cabbage.
Alan: Good morning.
Beth: Oh. Oh, Alan, you didn't have to do this.
Alan: I know I didn't have to do it. I wanted to, Beth. I mean, you were up very late last night, and you need to get something to eat here.
Beth: I want to get back to the hospital.
Alan: No, no, no, no. Wait, wait, wait. I called the hospital, spoke with a nurse, Elizabeth is still sleeping. It seems Bill was with her all night. Beth, you know, I really think you've been pushing yourself too hard.
Beth: Alan, I have to.
Alan: Oh, I know that, Beth. I want you to also know that I really enjoyed studying with you. I loved it when you and I went to see Elizabeth at the hospital. I think it's been good for us.
Beth: Yes. Yes, it... it was. And... as much as I would love to just stay here and let you spoil me all day...
Alan: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I just told you Elizabeth is resting. There are no classes over the holidays. So where are you going?
Buzz: This isn't going to do it. Okay, all right. How do you get the counter so clean?
Mr Clean: I've been cleaning for 50 years, man. You'll get there.
Buzz: Yeah? Thanks for the vote of confidence.
Mr Clean: Happy to help. How's the family?
Buzz: How's the... that's an interesting question.
Mr Clean: Yeah, well, why is that?
Buzz: Well, I think Cooper life... family seems to be a little complicated these days.
Mr Clean: What about the newlyweds?
Buzz: The newlyweds, the newlyweds are just fine. It's my youngest son...
Mr Clean: Coop? He's a fine young man.
Buzz: Yeah, and Daisy, too, my granddaughter.
Mr Clean: I've been working for you a long time, Buzz. You've got a great family. You should be proud.
Buzz: Yeah. I guess you're right. I'm a lucky guy. What?
Mr Clean: Use that, it'll help.
Buzz: What is that?
Coop: It's just something I've been working on for my composition class.
Buzz: I thought school was out until January. So what is...
Coop: It is?
Buzz: It is. So what are you doing?
Coop: Well, I... just... you know. All right. The work just seems to be flowing out of my right now, Dad, and I can't stop. For weeks leading up to this, it was just empty pages and a cursor that just kept blinking and blinking at me. I had absolutely nothing to write, and even when I did try to write something down, it sounded like crap. But ever since I...
Buzz: Ever since... ever since?
Coop: Ever since Beth, yes. When I ran into her on campus. Dad, come on, I've never had anything like this before. Every time I'm around her, and just being next to her, it's like something inside of me just kicks in and gets the creativity involved. I mean, I can't tell you how frustrating it was to feel like I didn't have a voice, frustrating to be at a loss for words for once.
Buzz: Yeah, I think I understand.
Bill: Good morning.
Lizzie: I knew that you weren't going to run away.
Bill: I'm sorry if I scared you.
Lizzie: No. I mean, I was scared for you. Because it made you look guilty, and I know that you're not. You heard what happened, huh?
Bill: Yeah. Yeah. How are you feeling?
Lizzie: I feel better, really. Where did you go?
Bill: I thought maybe I could find something that the cops missed. You know, after I screwed up the interview, I just, I needed some answers.
Lizzie: Did you find something? Please tell me that this nightmare is over. Okay, tell me what you were just going to say. You found something about the kidnapping?
Bill: Lizzie, I... I think I have a lead.
Lizzie: Okay. That's great.
Bill: Yeah, right. But I just have to look into it on my own.
Lizzie: Okay. Well, I want to hear all about it, okay? But please get me out of here because I'm starving.
Bill: All right.
Beth: There aren't classes, true. But that doesn't mean there isn't work. There's research to do. Those cases that we looked at last night--
Alan: Beth, I have an entire legal team that can do that for you. Now, I really believe that you need to stay here and eat something.
Beth: Alan, you know... a law degree isn't something that you can give me, like a diamond bracelet or an omelet. It is something that I have to do on my own, that's mine, me, silly Beth.
Alan: Beth, I didn't mean to insult you. I apologize. That's not what I meant. I know you take this seriously, and I take us very seriously. That's why I would like to invite you to spend Christmas with me in China.
Beth: China? Why? What about the kids?
Alan: We'll bring the children with us.
Beth: Lizzie's in the hospital.
Alan: Rick tells me she is going to be released very soon.
Beth: She's not going to leave Bill.
Alan: Well, I know that's a problem. Alexandra tried to get through to her earlier.
Beth: What... what does that mean?
Alan: This credit crisis has really threatened the Macau deal. Now, Elizabeth has already compromised her health, and she's ready to compromise our company all for the man who kidnapped her.
Beth: Oh, so we're going to China on business?
Alan: Yes. I thought maybe if the entire family went, that might convince her to go with us and then we could save Elizabeth and the company.
Beth: You're using my daughter to try to convince me to go away with you?
Alan: I would never do that. Tell me, is it working? Huh?
Beth: I... I'll think about it. I'll think about it. I... I have to get changed.
Alan: I'll see you in a bit.
Shayne: Is that the girl?
Remy: Yeah. Ava.
Shayne: She looks familiar.
Remy: Yeah, right. She was married to cousin Bill.
Shayne: Uh-oh.
Remy: Yeah. Hey, man, Dinah told me how you got hurt, you know, clearing landmines. That's a rough deal.
Shayne: When am I going to meet her?
Remy: You won't. She left.
Shayne: Shot down? Ouch!
Remy: Yeah.
Shayne: Sorry, man.
Remy: She had to leave to recover from post-partum depression.
Shayne: That's tough. It's tough to be left behind.
Remy: It's not the kind of thing you put in an e-mail, you know?
Shayne: You know it's not her fault, the post-partum.
Remy: Yeah, I know. I know. When our baby died, Max...
Shayne: Wait a minute. Your what? Your baby?
Remy: Yeah.
Shayne: You can't send an e-mail out?
Remy: Yeah. I didn't know until he was born.
Shayne: Sorry, man. I... Max, you said?
Remy: It's funny, you know? It's like one minute you have the girl you love. You have a family, you have a future, you have it all mapped out. And then the next thing you know, it's all gone. Ava, Max, all of it. Want some oatmeal?
Shayne: No, man. This is cool. This is cool.
Remy: Sometimes I see... moms and dads in the malls with babies that would be his age, doing their holiday shopping. I don't know, it's like everything that hurts, hurts worse during Christmas.
Shayne: I don't even know what to say, man. I'm sorry. Christmas, huh? I promised the family that I would stay through Christmas. Now I'm starting to regret it.
Jeffrey: And nobody's pressing charges?
Reva: No.
Jeffrey: Well, Shayne goes off to save the world and comes back in a wheelchair, I'd be wanting smash a few things myself. I wish... I wish I could help.
Josh: Well, the problem is we really don't know how to help him right now. We just need to find him.
Jeffrey: We should cancel the appointment with the doula.
Reva: Oh, I completely forgot.
Josh: Doula?
Reva: No, don't cancel it. She's probably on her way already.
Josh: I'm sorry, doula?
Jeffrey: Yeah. It's my idea, actually. I think Reva needs somebody to help her through this pregnancy. Not just a doctor or a nurse, but somebody who knows the drill and can help ease her through the process.
Josh: You know what? Don't cancel the appointment. Don't worry about Shayne, okay?
Reva: Well, I can't just turn off the worrying.
Josh: No, I understand that. I'm not saying that. I just... I'll take care of it, all right. I've got our kid covered. You two have a baby to think about.
Jeffrey: He's right. You've got to take care of yourself, otherwise you won't be any good for either of them.
Josh: I'll track him down. When I find him, I'll give you a call. Okay?
Reva: Okay.
Jeffrey: Okay. Thanks, Josh.
Reva: Please let him be okay.
Alan: Elizabeth's supposed to be in the hospital resting.
Alexandra: Alan, don't you dare go over there.
Alan: Well, Elizabeth, how are you feeling, sweetheart?
Lizzie: Hmmm, much better, thank you. (Laughter) Aunt Alex, look, he didn't run away.
Bill: Lizzie--
Alan: No, he didn't. As a matter of fact, your mother and I saw him at the hospital.
Lizzie: Oh, you were there?
Alan: Well, of course we were there. We will always be there for you. And now that you know that Bill is safe, you are free to join us on our trip to China, which your mother is really looking forward to.
Bill: China?
Alan: She didn't tell you, Bill?
Lizzie: No, I didn't because I told you that I'm not going. I'm staying here with Bill.
Bill: Well, wait. What about China?
Lizzie: It's about the Macau deal. Don't even worry about it. I'll tell you later.
Alexandra: Well, somebody has to worry about it, Lizzie because barring some major miracle on Wall Street, that project that you've worked so hard for is about to fall apart.
Lizzie: I do not need to go to China.
Alan: Well, Bill, I hope you realize how fortunate you are to have a woman who will sacrifice everything for you.
Buzz: Trust your impulse. Walk away.
Mel: I can't believe these two are winning this race.
(Cell phone rings)
Mel: Melissande Boudreaux.
Remy: Remington Boudreaux.
Mel: Oh, hey, what's up, Rem?
Remy: You sure you can't help me and Christina with that quickie divorce?
Mel: I can't believe you two are dragging your heels on this one. You know, I'm not the only lawyer in town. Listen, I would love to help you, but I am up to my ears in case work and I barely have time to eat or sleep--
Remy: That doughnut looks really, really tasty. Busted.
Beth: This isn't like it was with Rick. That was... was me trying to hold onto the past.
Buzz: Well, this is like, you... grabbing for the future?
Beth: Okay. It started out as a distraction, with everything going on with Alan and with Lizzie. But the more I see of Coop, the more important-- Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, I'm not going to hurt your son.
Buzz: I can see you're torn about this, but he isn't. Let me tell you something about that boy. He has a mind like Aristotle. And he writes like Homer, and I'm a Greek, and that means a lot to me. There's not a thought, not a word, that that boy writes that is jaded. You're going to snuff it out for him?
Beth: I think you're being a little dramatic, don't you? I mean, he's a grown man. He's had other relationships.
Buzz: Yeah, one with your daughter. One would think that would give you pause! But you're not pausing, are you? You're just going full-steam ahead on a road to nowhere.
Beth: That is true with every relationship. You don't know--
Buzz: Look in your damn rear-view mirror! Alan Spaulding's back there. He's about two steps behind. You'll break his heart, he'll break the rest. End it now.
Jeffrey: Here you go.
Reva: I'm going to check just one last time.
Jeffrey: You heard why Josh said. You need to take care of yourself and your baby.
Reva: Okay. There's no messages anyway, see? So I am now all about the doula.
(Knock on the door)
Reva: And there she is.
Betty: Hey.
Reva: Hi.
Betty: Reva, Jeffrey?
Reva: Betty?
Betty: I'm Betty O'Regan.
Reva: Nice to meet you.
Betty: You, too.
Reva: Do you want something to drink?
Betty: I'd love some herbal tea.
Reva: Oh.
Jeffrey: You two sit. I'll take care of it.
Reva: Great. Thanks. I'll get the door.
Doctor: Mr. Lewis?
Josh: Oh, Dr. Wallace. Hi.
Doctor: Have you brought Shayne back. I can't begin treatment until I finish reading his tests.
Josh: Actually, I'm here because I was hoping he'd come back on his own. I guess he didn't though. You know what? I'll track him down and get him to you as soon as I can.
Doctor: Okay, great.
Josh: I do have a question, though: His prior accident, could that have any affect on what he is going through right now?
Doctor: Prior? He didn't mention that when I took his medical history.
Josh: He was paralyzed. I mean, at first he was a quadriplegic. They never thought he was... he didn't mention that to you?
Doctor: No, no. He-- no. I need to go check his chart.
Josh: Wait. My question, though, still stands: Did what happen then, does that have an affect on what he's going through right now?
Doctor: Yes. Yes, it's possible his current condition is compounded by a previous trauma, yes.
Josh: Thank you.
Shayne: Hey, Dad. I'm going to go inside and see the doctor for some meds.
Josh: I just ran into your doctor. Why didn't you tell him about the accident?
Shayne: I don't know. It didn't come up.
Josh: Didn't come up. You were giving him your medical history and it didn't come up?
Shayne: Dad, would you please let it go.
Josh: Was it because of me? Were you trying to protect me because I caused it?
Shayne: Caused it? Dad, it was an accident. What does that have to do with anything? I made a full recovery.
Josh: Shayne, it could have everything to do with what you're going through right now. Don't you understand that?
Shayne: Two separate events, Dad.
Josh: One affected the other and made it worse. I made it worse. Your doctor said that's possible.
Shayne: Anything's possible. You're getting yourself all worked up...
Josh: No, I'm not. All I care about is getting you back on your feet and walking again. Back to your life, your life the way it should be. And the more the doctor knows, the better the chances are that that will happen.
Shayne: See, this is why I didn't want to stick around, okay? Because you're feeling guilty again. Dad, I don't want you to feel guilty. I don't... I don't want your concern. I don't... definitely don't want your sympathy.
Josh: What about my love? You don't want that, either?
Reva: I love our doula. I mean, she gets it. She gets me, too, which is next to impossible for most people.
Jeffrey: Tell me about it.
Reva: I really thought that the further along I got in this pregnancy, the more scary it was going to be. But there's no reason for me to be scared now. I mean, it's fantastic. Thank you for doing this for me today, for making me do this, because it was good. And I feel like I'm doing something good for the little guy. I need that, especially now.
Jeffrey: Shayne knows where to find you, okay? He just needs to figure out some things on his own before he comes to you. I know it's not easy letting go, loosening the grip, but when they're all grown up, what can you do? Ava, you know, she's been gone for so long and I just...
Reva: I know. You know what? I wish they had doula’s to help you when your kids grow up. (Laughter)
Mel: Okay, you got me. I don't want you divorced.
Remy: So you want me to stay married to Christina. We haven't even been on a date.
Mel: Remy, things are different for us, a lot more different than with Mom and Dad, okay? Things don't have to go in a certain order.
Remy: What have you done with my sister?
Mel: I'm serious, Remy. Listen. Some people have babies first, and then they get married. And you got married and then you date --
Remy: Babies? Babies, Mel?
Mel: You know what I'm saying.
Remy: I don't know what you're saying.
Mel: You and Christina are good together.
Remy: We haven't even been together.
Mel: Exactly. My point. Okay, give it a chance. I mean, maybe you guys are right for each other, or maybe you're not, but you're never going to know if all you talk about is divorce, divorce, divorce.
Remy: Mel, Mel, you try out samples of cheese at the mini mart, okay? You don't try out marriage.
Mel: Imagine how awkward it would be if you asked her out on a date after the divorce.
Remy: Imagine how... do you hear yourself?
Mel: Unless you're not ready. Are you ready to date yet? I mean, are you still thinking about Ava?
Remy: Ava is not here.
Mel: That's not what I'm asking.
Remy: You didn't ask anything.
Mel: Okay, then I'm asking now.
Remy: And I'm leaving.
Mel: Remy.
Coop: Hey.
Beth: So can I read whatever it is when you're finished?
Coop: Hmmm, maybe.
Beth: You're on Christmas break?
Coop: Mm-hmm. You, too?
Beth: Yeah. There are a lot of things that I should be doing, but Alan--
Coop: Check this out.
Beth: Telluride? It's pretty.
Coop: Uh-huh. It is.
Beth: What's there?
Coop: My buddy has a time share that he's not going to be using. And I was thinking that we could get away for just you and I, and a whole week.
Lizzie: You know, there's something about getting kidnapped that makes you get your priorities straight. And I'm sorry to tell you, but the Macau deal is not my priority. I am not going anywhere until Bill's name is cleared.
Alan: Then I'll have to go and save the deal myself.
Lizzie: I just got out of the hospital for exhaustion. You would think that they would take a break from stressing me out.
Bill: Lizzie, I think you should go.
Lizzie: No.
Bill: Yes. Yes, I do. Listen, we've been working too hard on this to let Alan blow the deal.
Lizzie: Well, what happened to--
Bill: Green initiatives, people-friendly plans. All of those things are going to be the first to go if Alan takes over. The only thing he cares about is turning a profit. We wanted something more than that, right? Lizzie, you've got to go. You've got to go. You've got to save this, so we have something to come back to when this is all done.
Lizzie: It's Christmas. We both deserve something nice. I really need this holiday with you.
Bill: We'll have that.
Beth: It's... it's nice. I mean, impossible, but--
Coop: How is it impossible?
Beth: I have kids. I... you know, it's Christmas. I want to spend Christmas with my kids.
Coop: Okay. So we'll just go a couple of days later. Look, my buddy says you can ski right out the front door if you want to.
Beth: Alan has to go to China on business, and he wants all of us to go with him. And I... what... what would I tell him?
Coop: Tell him that you want to stay home for Christmas and spend it with your kids. And you can go ahead and tell him that you're going to spend the remainder of the week with Henry Cooper Bradshaw. And you can remind Alan that you are no longer married, and that you can do whatever you want. You want to play it safer, I don't know, you could tell him that you've some sort of law workshop going on in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Beth: I can't. I can't.
Coop: You can?
Beth: No.
Coop: Yes you can if you want to. You can do whatever you want, Beth, whenever you want to do it.
Reva: Ow.
Jeffrey: What?
Reva: I turned my phone off when we were working with Betty at the house, and I think I turned it back on. I did.
Jeffrey: Josh will find him.
Reva: You know, let me tell you something. When you've got kids spread out all over the place, if something is wrong with one of them, you want to focus on that one kid. You do. And then you also want to be able to find time to pay attention to the other kids that you have, and I can't do that right now. Well, I have to though, because I have these two kids who both need me. I have this little guy and then I have Shayne.
Jeffrey: You don't have to choose, Reva.
Reva: Well, I couldn't even if I wanted to, and I would never force you to do that either.
Jeffrey: Okay, you know what? It's true. If Ava needed me, of course I would be there in a heart beat, but...
Reva: See, I knew there was going to be a but.
Jeffrey: Reva, you have one son right now who needs you, okay? He needs your help, but he can't ask for it. You have another son who needs your help but he chooses not to. My first priority is you, okay? This pregnancy comes with enough complications. Shayne shouldn't have to be one of them.
Josh: Just stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. Look, you want to get angry at somebody? That's fine. You can get angry at me. If you want to punch somebody, take your best shot. I'm standing here right in front of you, son.
Shayne: I'm not going to do this with you.
Josh: Why not? We did it last time, didn't we? You gave me all that stuff, all of that anger and pain and rage, and we fought it off. We beat it down, and we got you back on your feet. Now this time--
Shayne: This time it is not about you or us or we, or whatever. Okay, it's not about the accident.
Josh: Why won't you let me help you?
Shayne: Because you can't play hero anymore than I can. You can't. Please let me pass.
Lizzie: Bill?
Christmas Eve will find me where the love light gleams
I'll be home for Christmas if only in my dreams
Bill: I sent the staff home. It's just us. Merry Christmas.
If only in my dreams.
Jeffrey: Hey.
Josh: Hi.
Reva: Did you find Shayne?
Josh: Yes, I did. He's fine.
Reva: Oh, thank God. Where is he? Where is he staying?
Josh: Reva, Shayne's injuries, the doctor said that they may be compounded by his prior car accident.
Reva: Joshua, you can't blame yourself.
Josh: I understand that. Shayne said the same thing. I just... listen, you know what? This really isn't... this is not your problem...
Jeffrey: Josh, really.
Josh: No, really, I wanted to just stop by and let you know that he is safe, okay? Shayne is safe. I'll call you.
Reva: So, you still want a son?
Jeffrey: Yeah. More than ever.
Shayne: Yeah, hey. Shayne Lewis. Yeah. Um... I need to get on that plane after all. Yep. The military can fly me back. I have to get out of here as soon as possible.
(Knock on the door)
Remy: Hey, man. I knew you'd be back for the...
Buzz: "An Affair To Remember." For your composition class?
Coop: It's a novel, okay? And that's a working title.
Buzz: Gee, what's it about?
Coop: An affair. Younger man, older woman. I tell my students to write about what they know, okay?
Buzz: The first chapter is they stay in the afternoon in a hotel rooms, right? The second chapter is when they spend the night together. And the third chapter is when they spend a week together, isn't it?
Coop: Look, it's just a novel, okay?
Buzz: It's one I wrote a long time ago. Sometimes you are so like me that it scares me.
Coop: Dad, this is not about you and me. I'm not paying Alan Spaulding rent, and I certainly don't need his permission to live my life, okay?
Buzz: What this isn't about is about you bulldozing through his front gate. You're messing with a man's manhood. Do you know what's in this guy's rolodex? Senators, heads of state, CEOs of oil companies. You know what the difference between him and you and me is? He doesn't have consequences. He kills somebody, he has breakfast the next day. We go to jail. So you want to mess with his woman, you want to pleasure his woman, you tell me before he finds out, because I'm going to need an hour to kill him before he kills you.
Alan: Well, I was hoping you'd find me here. I want you to know that I spoke with Elizabeth again. She's still not going to leave Bill. So it looks like it's just going to be you, me and the children going to China.
Beth: Alan, I told you that I would think about it.
Alan: That's right. That's right. I apologize, Beth. I don't mean to push you.
Beth: What... what's this? First class, direct to Macau, Elizabeth Raines.
Alan: Yes. Well... I know how you always like to sit by the window seat, so I wanted to make sure, just in case you did say yes--
Beth: I... I can't. I can't. There's a law workshop in Minneapolis.
Alan: Minneapolis?
Beth: Yes, it's an honor just to be invited, and I know you wouldn't want me to pass up on something that means so much to me. Just as I wouldn't want you to pass up on China, knowing how much that means to you.
Lizzie: I don't want to leave you.
Bill: I don't want you to leave, either. But you're going to save something that we both believe in.
Lizzie: I have something here that I believe in.
Bill: See, that right there is my Christmas gift.
Lizzie: Good, because I don't have one for you.
Bill: What?
Lizzie: I didn't have enough time. There's never enough time.
Bill: I'm kidding. I'm kidding. Next year we're not going to have to roll the Christmas and New Year's into one, okay? We're going to have all of the time in the world.
Lizzie: The lead you found? I want you to follow it until you find something that will end this whole mess, okay? That will be my Christmas gift.
Bill: Are you sure? Because I got you a beautiful pair of earrings?
Lizzie: I want you to show everyone what I already know, okay? Prove to everyone that you're innocent.
Bill: I don't think we need to talk about it anymore.
When we're face to face...
Coming up on "Guiding Light"
Shayne: It's not like this is not a high-risk pregnancy.
Jeffrey: It's not about the pregnancy, Shayne. It's about your mother's cancer.
Shayne: If I'm not here, though, it should be one less thing for her to worry about, you know?
Jeffrey: Fine, you know, leave.
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