Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 12/17/08
Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Lizzie: Everyone-- including his parents-- just assumed he was guilty! Tell me that that's not enough to make someone screw up a few details.
Billy: Darling, hey.
Bill: This is where Lizzie was. I'm a little foggy on the details, and that is why I messed up the police interview.
Dinah: You don't know if you kidnapped Lizzie or not.
Bill: I just got a little mixed up, that's it.
Dinah: Are there things that you cannot remember?
Bill: I can't remember most of it.
Mallet: Wow, look at you! You were a beautiful bride.
Marina: I'm just glad we got pictures at all! (Laughs) Although, I wish we could have had some from the fight.
Mallet: Well, it proves that we can get through about anything.
Marina: Any regrets? Mallet?
Mallet: I'm thinking! No, of course not. No regrets. You?
Marina: None. I think I've finally found where I belong, and I love it.
Frank: Hey, guys!
Mallet: Hey!
Frank: Why aren't you two on your honeymoon?
Marina: Oh, shoot! I knew we forgot something!
Frank: What? You're not going to go somewhere?
Mallet: To the dry cleaners.
Frank: What?
Marina: No! We wanted to stay here and have our first Christmas here with you guys.
Frank: Oh, well, don't get me wrong, I mean, it's going to be nice to have you guys around for the holidays and all, but, you know, it’s... oh, hold on one second. Um... no one's collecting money for Rafe’s trees, so I'll be right back. Uh, excuse me! Hold on!
Marina: Well, we both know the real reason why we're not going on our honeymoon.
Mallet: Yeah. Can't leave Daisy alone with Grady.
Grady: I don't think I said that right. What did I say?
Daisy: You said, "Move in with me."
Grady: Right, but I didn't mean, like, shack up or sleep over. I meant... permanently. As my...
Daisy: What? As your what?
Grady: As my girl. I've got a paycheck now, and Buzz lets me into Company... some of the time. And one of your family practically kicked me out of that marriage, but... things will get better.
Daisy: They already are.
Grady: So what are we waiting for? Why do we just keep sneaking around to be together, when we can be together? Unless you don't want to.
Daisy: No, that’s... that's not it at all. It's just that it's a really huge step. I mean, I've never lived with a guy before. Well, Rafe and I got an apartment, but it was only for a day and he never moved in, so that doesn't really count. This is...
Grady: It's good? It's bad? What?
Daisy: Great. It’s... it's great. It's just kind of scary.
Grady: You're scared of me?
Cyrus: How's it going?
Lizzie: Our biggest project looks like it's going under. Might lose the house, the business and everything I own. But other than that, everything is just great.
Cyrus: I'm sorry. How can I help?
Lizzie: You can't help me. I just... damn it, where is my coffee?
Cyrus: Well, it looks like you drank it all. Here.
Lizzie: You know what? I don't even care about any of it, because I would give it all away to help Bill. I would. And that is why I called you over here. We need to find Bill before they get to him... damn it!
Cyrus: Hey, hey! Here, hang on a second.
Lizzie: Did you find any leads?
Cyrus: Yes, but nothing definite yet.
Lizzie: That is completely unacceptable. I hired you to prove that Bill is innocent, and all you did is you come to me with talk...
Cyrus: Okay, hold on a second, Lizzie. Just... just...
Lizzie: Ow! Damn it!
Cyrus: Calm down!
Lizzie: God, who's side are you on?
Bill: I got to go.
Dinah: No, no, no, you're not. Now, you can run from the cops-- I will even help you-- but you cannot run from me.
Bill: Dinah, I... you know... I can’t.
Dinah: No. Lizzie was right. Okay? It is perfectly natural that you may not remember everything, okay? How long were you in a coma? You were in a coma for a long time, okay? It don’t matter. You will know. This will come back to you eventually.
Bill: But I don't have time. Don't you understand? Don't you see? I'm going to trial next week!
Dinah: No, no, no. We're... we're going to think of something. We're going to think of something. I'm not going to let them send you away.
Bill: Okay, look, it's not about being sent away. Okay? I know there is no way that I would hurt Lizzie. I know that in my heart! But here, I just... I can't remember. I can't remember. Maybe, you know, my father's right. I've hurt her before. Possibly I...
Dinah: Stop it. Stop it. Your mind is blank, all right, right now. It is blank right now, okay? But that doesn't mean you fill yourself with self hatred and blame, all right?
Bill: All right, what if I did it?
Dinah: You did not kidnap Lizzie. I know you didn’t.
Bill: I don't know. I don't know, you know? I just... can't stop thinking. Maybe... maybe I did it, and that's why I can't remember. Because I'm the one who kidnapped Lizzie.
Mallet: You know, there's something missing from these photos.
Marina: A body bag?
Mallet: No! A wedding reception! There's no reception!
Marina: You're right. You are so right. You totally owe me! So what are you going to do about it?
Mallet: I don't know. I think I'm going to... how about if I throw a huge holiday bash at the house? Big party.
Marina: At our place?
Mallet: Is it a good idea? Bad idea?
Marina: No! I love it! I absolutely love it. And... and I'll cook a turkey. Uh... a bigger turkey than Thanksgiving. And... and we'll get a tree to help donate to Rafe’s fund, and we'll decorate it. We'll decorate the whole house, and it'll be perfect. It'll be a perfect, wonderful, big, family holiday. I think it'll be good for Daisy, too.
Mallet: Good.
Marina: Let's get a tree!
Mallet: Let's do it.
Daisy: Yes. I'm terrified of you! (Laughs)
Grady: You can joke all you want, but you know what I mean about this.
Daisy: Well, I think that deep down, we're a lot alike.
Grady: How is that?
Daisy: When you grew up you didn't really have anybody, and I was the same.
Grady: You had family.
Daisy: Yeah. (Laughs) When they had time to call or come see me. Otherwise, they were fine letting someone else raise me, which... I loved my adopted parents, but... they died really young, and then all of a sudden I was a Cooper, and... I never really knew where I belong. Sometimes I just feel like I'm...
Grady: In the way?
Daisy: Even more in the way, since I came back. I'm always a problem or an embarrassment. It's always, "Oh, Daisy."
Grady: Screw them. My whole life, it's been just about me. It had to be to survive. Then you came along... things changed. I actually felt like I had someone.
Daisy: You do.
Grady: That's why I know we belong together. Please, move in with me. Say yes.
Daisy: It's just... my family.
Grady: What about them?
Daisy: This isn't going to go over well.
Grady: Who cares?
Daisy: I do, kind of.
Grady: So we're just going to let them win?
Daisy: No. I can do this.
Cyrus: Look, I am on your side, okay? But I can't be two people. Do you want me to focus on finding the kidnapper, or finding bill?
Lizzie: I just want this to end, that's what I want. I can't take this anymore. I just... these doubts just keep building, and that fear... that fear that...
Cyrus: That fear that Bill's guilty?
Lizzie: No, I don't think that Bill is guilty. All I want is the truth!
Cyrus: All right...
Lizzie: I told you that's all I want!
Cyrus: All right, all right!
Lizzie: To hell with the truth! You're a con artist, right? If you can't prove that Bill is innocent, I want you to plant something-- anything-- make up a kidnapper.
Cyrus: And pin this on who?
Lizzie: Anybody else!
Cyrus: Tricky stuff. It's not as easy as you might think.
Lizzie: Have you ever loved anything? Have you ever loved anyone? A girl? A dog? Your brother?
Cyrus: Yes.
Lizzie: Then you would know that the only thing that matters is their happiness and their freedom and their safety.
Cyrus: Yes. You do what you have to do.
Lizzie: But I need you to help me. Bill does not belong in prison! He... he belongs with... with me!
Cyrus: Take it easy.
Lizzie: (Hyperventilating) You need to... you need to save him...
Cyrus: Lizzie, are you all right?
Lizzie: (Hyperventilating) ...Before... he’s...
Cyrus: It's okay, it's okay. Lizzie! Hey, Lizzie! Lizzie, it's all right. Lizzie, can you hear me?
Bill: When I came out of the coma, Lizzie told me that I rescued her, and... I couldn't remember it. I couldn't remember the days leading up to the kidnapping. I couldn't remember when I found her. I... couldn't even remember the accident. And I thought it would all come back to me, and it just never did. There's just nothing. Just feelings, you know?
Dinah: What feelings?
Bill: How much I love Lizzie. And nothing means more to me than her. Not the company, nothing. And... I just... I don't think I'm capable of hurting her.
Dinah: Hey, I know you wouldn’t.
Bill: I don't know. My father says that the other side of love is hate, and anyone is capable of going there.
Dinah: Not you.
Bill: How could you say that, Dinah? I mean, look how I treated you.
Dinah: You're my brother. We fight. We're supposed to fight, even when we...
Bill: Yeah. Even when we do, there are lines you should not cross. Maybe I did it. Maybe... maybe... maybe I crossed those lines. Maybe I thought I could get Lizzie out of e way-- not hurt her-- get what I want and she'd be okay. Maybe I wanted power that much!
Dinah: You can't think like that, and you can't listen to Billy. He... he has his own demons. That doesn't make them yours.
Bill: Look, when I came back to town, I had a goal. I wanted to be on top, and anyone who got in my way, I was going to run them over.
Dinah: You didn't kidnap Lizzie.
Bill: You can't be so sure.
Dinah: I'm sure. I know you didn’t.
Bill: How? How do you know?
Marina: I cannot believe that we forgot to drop off the toys at the Fifth Street toy drive.
Mallet: I know! We were just at Company.
Marina: Did you do your part?
Mallet: Oh, yes, ma'am. Batteries; lots of batteries for all the toys.
Marina: Good job!
Mallet: No, no. I'm not playing Santa.
Marina: Oh, come on! If you put it on, I'll sit on your lap and tell you everything I want.
Mallet: Okay, I'll play Santa.
Marina: (Laughs) Oh! Harley's star! She put it on the tree one year, and knocked the whole thing over. The kids were laughing so hard. I've never seen Zach and Jude laugh so hard in my life.
Mallet: Do you miss them?
Marina: Yeah, I miss the kids. I think my whole family misses them. Especially my dad.
Mallet: Well, you know what? We are going to have a very, very, merry, merry Christmas, Mrs. Mallet. And we'll do our best to make it a good one for the whole family.
Marina: I'm already merry.
Daisy: Hey, you guys!
Marina: Hey!
Mallet: Oh, hey!
Daisy: So... uh... I'm really sorry about the wedding. I... just leave it to me to spoil the most important day of your lives.
Marina: Oh, no! No, sweetie, you didn’t... you didn't spoil anything.
Mallet: No, come on. I mean, not at all. Every wedding needs a little excitement.
Daisy: You're being very kind, but no. I think I was way out of line.
Mallet: Well, we're just sorry that you missed the real, actual ceremony.
Marina: Yeah. Hey, you can make it up to us and drop our toys off at Company for the toy drive.
Daisy: Oh, yeah, sure. I'm all about the toy drive.
Marina: Awesome! You want to see some pictures?
Daisy: Uh, yeah, wait... does this mean you guys forgive me?
Marina: Oh, please! Come on! You were just being...
Mallet and marina: ...Daisy.
Daisy: Okay.
Marina: Of course...
Mallet: Mm-hmm...
Marina: Here we go. This is a picture of us about to say our "I do's".
Daisy: You guys look so happy!
Mallet: Happy? I know I am. I married my best friend.
Marina: Aren't we disgusting?
Daisy: Yeah!
Marina: Hey!
Mallet: Hey, come on! We're newlyweds. We're supposed to... you know, we're supposed to be disgusting, you know? Disgustingly cute.
Daisy: Well, then, it's a good thing I've been so busy, you know? The last thing you kids need is me hanging around.
Mallet: No, it's no problem. We have a room. We know how to use it.
Daisy: TMI! No! No, you guys... you need your own space.
Marina: No.
Mallet: That's not necessary.
Marina: Yeah, really. We love having you here.
Daisy: Come on. You guys passed on a honeymoon.
Marina: Oh, not because of you.
Daisy: Be honest. You didn't want to leave me here alone.
Marina: No, that’s... that's not it at all. We just... we're a family, Daisy, and we... we take care of each other.
Daisy: You guys are married now. You need some space, so I... I took care of it.
Mallet: You took care of what?
Daisy: I... I found a place. I'm moving out, so, uh... yeah. It works out for everybody.
Grady: How much?
Frank: You know what? You're probably better off getting a tree somewhere else.
Grady: But I like this one. And it's going to a good cause, right?
Frank: Rafe's in prison because of you.
Grady: Right. And shooting the D.A. had nothing to do with it. So, how much? Look, buddy, what's your problem? Buzz doesn't mind me being around here.
Frank: I am not Buzz.
Grady: Look, all I want to do is buy the tree. I'm not trying to hurt anyone, so if you don't me to buy it, I'll just take it back.
Frank: What exactly do you need a tree for?
Grady: I'm fixing my place for the holidays, you know? Trying to make it look nice and festive.
Frank: Ten bucks.
Grady: Keep the change. And you have a merry Christmas, okay?
Rick: Okay, so, she passed out? Is that what happened?
Cyrus: Yeah, just like that. Down for the count.
Lizzie: Yeah, I am fine. I'm fine.
Rick: You're not fine.
Lizzie: No, I just didn't eat enough today.
Rick: No, Lizzie, you're not fine. You've got these dark circles under your eyes and you're... how many cups of coffee have you had?
Lizzie: Look...
Rick: How many cups?
Lizzie: Why? Why?
Rick: Because your heart is racing like crazy.
Lizzie: Well, I guess it's a good thing that I am young. I'm wasting my time here.
Rick: No, I don't think...
Lizzie: I need to be out...
Rick: I don't think so. I think I'm admitting you.
Lizzie: You're what?
Rick: You're going to be staying here in the hospital...
Lizzie: What? No!
Rick: You're dehydrated! You're dehydrated, you're exhausted. You're just... Lizzie, I'm looking at your chart here. It’s... it's not serious now, but it will be unless you get some rest. And I don't see you checking in to some fancy spa.
Lizzie: Well, I'm sorry, but you can't make me stay here.
Rick: Actually, I can. I can. You help me, right?
Cyrus: Of course.
Lizzie: What?
Rick: Okay. Oh, no, no, no, no. Lizzie.
Lizzie: You're out of your minds...
Cyrus: Lizzie...
Rick: Lizzie, relax.
Lizzie: Don't touch me.
Rick: Listen, you can't even string a sentence together, you're so exhausted. You trust me, don't you? Do you trust me?
Lizzie: I don't know, I guess it depends on what you're going to say!
Rick: You're on a complete collapse. And after that, it's not going to just be a night. It could be a week, or a month or something longer than that. Is that what you want?
Lizzie: No. But I do not understand...
Rick: And since you're over the age of 21, I'm advising you that you need to take care of yourself, and I care about you. I don't want to see you hurt yourself. So please stay here. Would you please do that for me?
Cyrus: He's right, Lizzie. Just face it-- you're a mess!
Lizzie: Oh, well, thank you very much, but this is ridiculous, okay? Because I... I...
Rick: Lizzie...
Lizzie: No! You're all overreacting, okay?
Rick: Lizzie, stop.
Lizzie: I'm not staying!
Rick: Yes, you are.
Dinah: Maybe you were right about what you said before.
Bill: About what?
Dinah: Sometimes, people do cross the line. You know, even when they do love somebody. Maybe because they love somebody too much... so much. Little things get bigger. You know, they hurt more, so they have to act, you know? And so they make a step. They make a step, and the next thing you know... everything's falling around them. And instead of just climbing out, you know, they... they just go with it. And, you know, it's not good, because even... even in their heart, they know that they shouldn’t.
Bill: So now you're saying that I could've done it?
Dinah: I'm saying... I'm not talking about you. Um... I'm talking about... understanding where your fear is coming from, and that, maybe... you don't want to do something that you're going to feel bad about. And I understand that. So you better listen to me when I tell you I know that you did not kidnap Lizzie. I believe that in my heart.
Bill: Why do you have so much faith in me?
Dinah: Because I do. Because I do. And you're going to have to find that same faith in yourself, all right? Now, if I could offer you $25 million right now, but all you would have to do is kidnap Lizzie, would you do it?
Bill: No, of course not.
Dinah: Okay. All right. Then that's your answer. Now, you hang on to that until we prove you're innocent, okay?
Bill: What if I can't?
Dinah: We will. We will, okay? And I'm going to take care of this, one way or another.
Bill: You are a great sister, and I know I don't show it a lot, but I love you.
Dinah: I love you, too. I love you, too, all right? You just promise me that no matter what you hear, and no matter what happens, that you just keep believing that, all right? Promise?
Bill: Yeah.
Dinah: Okay. All right. Now, you need to protect yourself, okay? I don't want you walking around like this, okay? I don't think you should be telling anybody that you have lost your memory, okay? Not until we clear you.
Bill: And what about Lizzie?
Dinah: I think it's risky telling anybody, but if you feel like you should...
Bill: I'll think about it, huh?
Dinah: All right. Think about it on the way to the police station.
Bill: Police station?
Dinah: Yes. You have to tell them you're not a fugitive.
Bill: Oh, no, I can’t. I've got to figure out what I'm going to do!
Dinah: Yeah, but listen. Bill, the last thing we need is a... is a trigger-happy patrolman getting a shot at you, all right? Just go. Tell Frank or Mallet, then call me after you do that, all right?
Bill: Okay.
Dinah: All right. Okay. I'll catch you later, all right?
Bill: Okay.
Dinah: Okay.
Bill: Dinah?
Dinah: Yes?
Bill: Thank you.
Dinah: All right.
Dinah: What the hell are you staring at?
Grady: Just trying to read lips.
Dinah: Well, I haven't said anything yet.
Grady: Yet?
Dinah: I'm not going to sit back and be silent on this. I'm not going to watch my brother suffer. You kidnapped Lizzie. It all started with you. My brother has nothing to do with this, and I'm not going to let him pay for it.
Grady: Guess you'd rather see him dead.
Dinah: You stay away from my brother!
Grady: You got it wrong. It's not me; it's Alan.
Dinah: Alan?
Grady: He's up to his eyeballs in this. You think he's going to walk away and let Bill go quietly?
Dinah: Alan is ruthless, but he's not cold-hearted enough to kill someone.
Grady: You're right. He'll hire someone. Like he hired me to take care of Jonathan.
Dinah: Grady...
Grady: Alan's life could be ruined. You think he's just going to let you go? He'd rather see your life ruined. Think about this: Who do you love the most? And you don't think Alan knows that, huh? So go ahead, Dinah. Relieve your conscience. Tell the police everything. Let Bill have his moment for a day or two. After that, you've got a lifetime to mourn him. Merry Christmas.
Daisy: Uh... hello? I... I just said I was moving out. Does someone want to say something?
Mallet: Why are Christmas lights always so tangled, even though you put them away really carefully the year before?
Marina: I think Zach put those away last year.
Mallet: Oh, that explains it.
Marina: Would you forget the lights for a second and help me find this key?
Daisy: What key?
Marina: Oh, the key that your mother left behind. The one that locks you in your bedroom?
Daisy: I was trying to do you guys a favor.
Marina: Oh! Really? Is that what you call moving in with Grady?
Daisy: I never said I was...
Marina: You didn't have to.
Daisy: Okay, yes, all right? But it's still a good solution for all of us, because this way, you guys... you get your lives, I get mine.
Marina: You're not supposed to have a life yet.
Daisy: What were you doing when you were my age?
Marina: You do as I say, not as I did.
Daisy: Unbelievable.
Mallet: Okay, listen. I'm not a Cooper, so maybe I can add a little perspective here, okay? Um... we had a pretty crazy wedding, would you agree?
Daisy: Uh... yeah.
Mallet: Yeah, okay. Uh... unfortunately, Marina did not get to have a wedding reception. I would like to make that up to her, so I'm thinking about throwing a big holiday bash here at the house. What do you say you and I strike a deal?
Daisy: What kind of deal?
Mallet: Well, the deal would be that you stay here with the family for a few days, and then after the holidays, we sit down calmly and rationally and discuss the move. What do you say?
Marina: Dais?
Daisy: Okay. Okay, but only because I want to walk away from this with a clear conscience, knowing that I really... I tried to be fair. But it's just 'til Christmas, okay? And then I am moving in with Grady.
Mallet: We're good at this.
Lizzie: I have to check my messages and see...
Rick: Lizzie!
Lizzie: ...If Bill called me. I am a consenting adult. The answer is no.
Rick: One night-- that's all. Just to make sure you get some rest, all right? Just sit.
Lizzie: (Sighs) Why is everyone treating me like I am ten years old?
Rick: Because you're very short.
Lizzie: (Scoffs)
Rick: Listen to me. If Bill were here, what would he say?
Lizzie: He would tell me to get the hell out of here!
Rick: No, he wouldn’t. He'd ask you listen to the doctor, because he wouldn't want anything to happen to you.
Lizzie: Nothing is going to happen to me!
Rick: Lizzie, you can't even pour a cup of coffee. You've taken on the business, your family's problems, Bill's freedom. It's too much for anyone.
Lizzie: But not for me-- ouch! What was that?
Rick: You did good. You did really good. It's going to help you sleep.
Lizzie: I am not tired! I am not going to sleep! I...
Rick: Just grab her legs. That's it. Sweet dreams.
Bill: Looking for me?
Frank: Where in the hell have you been?
Bill: Doing your job. Looking for the kidnapper.
Frank: Really? Any luck?
Bill: Well, a few theories.
Frank: Like what?
Bill: I'm being set up, Frank.
Frank: Really? By who?
Bill: You trace that anonymous phone call-- the one that said I skipped town? Ten to one, that is your guy.
Frank: Well, guess what? All the evidence still points to you, my friend. (Cell phone rings) Do you mind?
Bill: Sure. I need to take this call, anyway. Bill Lewis?
Cyrus: Hey, it's Cyrus Foley. Lizzie's in a bad way. We're at Cedar's.
Bill: Cedar's? What happened?
Cyrus: I think she'll be okay, but...
Bill: Never mind. Look, I'll be right there. I've got to go.
Frank: Uh, we're not done, here.
Daisy: Guess who's present I'm wrapping?
Grady: What is it?
Daisy: I can't tell you that. You have to wait 'til Christmas.
Grady: I haven't had anything to open since I was a kid! (Laughs) So... what else? Did you talk to your family?
Daisy: The minute I got home.
Grady: And?
Daisy: It went pretty well. Mallet practically offered to help me move. We just have to wait 'til after Christmas.
Grady: After?
Daisy: Yeah, and then we'll be together.
Grady: So you bailed, huh?
Daisy: No, it's not like that. I just don't want anyone thinking that I'm running away from home like a child.
Grady: What do you care what they think?
Daisy: I do. I want them to accept us, you know, as a couple... so we have to act like adults and just wait until after the holidays. Then we can be together.
Grady: I guess that's okay.
Daisy: It will be.
Grady: Are you sure you still want to do this?
Daisy: Totally.
Grady: So, what did you get me? Give me a hint!
Mallet: Okay, good, we're almost there. This is good.
Marina: I just wish it was this easy to untangle Daisy from Grady.
Mallet: Oh, please! You call this easy?
Marina: The problem is she doesn't even know what real love is.
Mallet: Well, you know, we have made a few mistakes like that ourselves in that department.
Marina: I know, I agree. I'm just saying, I think if she would have stayed at our wedding, seen how happy we were, she would see that what she had with Grady is...
Mallet: Hot sex?
Marina: I was going to say, "not the same." Seriously. If she stays with him, she's never going to find what we have.
Mallet: Well, I think that once she spends Christmas with us, then she'll realize that.
Marina: How?
Mallet: She'll see what kind of love that you're talking about and she won't want to move in with Grady.
Marina: Okay. And if you're wrong? If she moves anyway?
Mallet: Then we use the handcuffs.
Marina: (Laughs) Here.
Mallet: I'm kidding.
Marina: What?
Dinah: Does your brother ever tell the truth? Even if it's just the law of averages?
Cyrus: Take a hike, Didi, I'm busy.
Dinah: Oh, please don't dismiss me. You're guilty, too. (Sighs)
Cyrus: Okay. What about my brother?
Dinah: Your brother said that Alan would murder my brother before he'd ever let the truth out about Lizzie’s kidnapping.
Cyrus: Well, you know Alan better than I do.
Dinah: Mm-hmm. What do you think? That's what I thought.
Bill: Lizzie? Lizzie? What’s... what's wrong with her?
Rick: I gave her a sedative.
Bill: Well, what happened?
Rick: Exhaustion. It's nothing a good night's sleep won't cure. And a break from you, so... please leave her alone.
Bill: It's my fault. All of it. It's my fault.
Daisy: You really had me going. I almost believed you were actually trying to treat me like an adult.
Marina: Oh, come on. Come on! We were joking around and you caught us.
Daisy: That wasn't joking. You were scheming. You're just like Gus and Harley.
Marina: Okay, no. No, we are not anything like Gus and Harley.
Daisy: Oh, yeah? Give me one difference.
Marina: Uh, for one, you're not our kid, okay? So I think that's a pretty big difference. So we love you and we want what's best for you! If that's a crime, then we're guilty.
Daisy: It's not going to work this time.
Marina: What? What?
Daisy: What? Your whole act-- the whole... the whole talk about being calm and rational? It was just yet another way to keep me away from Grady.
Mallet: Okay, obviously, he's not our choice for you, okay? But we're a little older, we've been around-- believe it or not, we might know what we're talking about, all right? But you are... of age, okay. We owe you a little respect, so yes, you do have a say.
Daisy: Good. I'm moving out.
Marina: What?
Mallet: What?
Daisy: Yeah, and I'm not waiting until after Christmas. I'm leaving today. You guys just don't know what you're talking about.
Marina: Okay, Daisy, come on. Let’s... let's just talk about this, all right? We'll talk.
Daisy: Okay, yeah, sure. I'll give you a call once I'm settled.
Mallet: Now, come on.
Marina: Daisy...
Mallet: Don't do this.
Daisy: Go get your Tasers, okay? No.
Marina: If you take another step toward that door, I just might.
Daisy: Will you go away? Grady!
Grady: What's going on?
Daisy: Get me out of here! Uh!
Marina: Don't move!
Daisy: What are you going to do, shoot him?
Grady: It's been fun. We'll be seeing you.
Marina: Daisy, please! Daisy!
Mallet: Ah! We lost this one.
Dinah: I was two seconds away from telling my brother the whole story, and then I saw your little brother out of the corner of my eye.
Cyrus: Lizzie hired me to get to the bottom of the kidnapping, but... I am the bottom.
Dinah: No. No, that would be your brother. He grabbed Lizzie without even talking to me. I should have turned him in right then.
Cyrus: Yeah, you should have. I was going to come home; I was going to take care of all of this. I was going to set Bill free. But instead, there is a warehouse of evidence against him. The topcoat he was wearing. Casts of his footprints; a ransom note that was clearly manufactured... By Alan.
Dinah: Yes. God, if it were me, I would admit the whole thing and I would handle it. I would confess. But I'm not going to let Alan hurt my brother.
Cyrus: It comes down to blood, doesn't it? It always does. Alan's, Grady’s, Lizzie’s, Bill's...
Dinah: I'm not going to let it happen.
Cyrus: What?
Dinah: Whatever-- the police, the judge, the jury-- whatever they decide, my brother's not going to prison for a crime he didn't commit. I'm not going to let that happen.
Let's spend the night on the telephone line...
Bill: I think I can sit here with you at least a little while. I think that's only fair. You did sit next to me while I was in a coma for weeks, so... not that I'm always fair. Especially to you, Lizzie. I've treated you horribly, and I am sorry. I want you to have faith in me. I want you to trust me. And I want you to believe in me, and I want you to know that I love you. And I know in my heart that there is no way I kidnapped you. I can't remember. I can't remember, and I can't help thinking maybe... maybe my father's right. You know, I'm capable of some really rotten things. Maybe... maybe it's karma. Maybe if I didn't treat so many people so terribly... I wouldn't be punished.
Lizzie: Bill?
Bill: Hey. I'm right here. I'm right here, baby. Yeah. Get some sleep, okay? And maybe in the morning I'll have the courage to tell you the truth.
We share another day...
Coming up on "Guiding Light,"
Buzz: Trust your impulse. Walk away. You're just going full steam ahead on the road to nowhere.
Beth: That is true of every relationship, you don't know...
Buzz: But look in your damn rearview mirror! Alan Spaulding’s back there. He's about two steps behind. If you don't break his heart, he'll break the rest.
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