Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 12/16/08
Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Bill: I went down to the police station, talked to Frank, told him everything I know about the kidnapping. Seems like every other word that came out of my mouth made me seem... guilty.
Lizzie: We're going to get through this.
Alan: You know, a real man would not put the woman he says he loves through this kind of hell.
Lizzie: This is supposed to be over with now, and it just keeps going.
Bill: I'm leaving town. I'll come back when I can prove I'm innocent.
Doris: Wolfe.
Alan: Hello, Doris? It's Alan.
Doris: Uh, I'm a little busy right now.
Alan: This won't take long. I just wanted to ask you a question about Bill Lewis' bail conditions.
Doris: Conditions?
Alan: Yes. Are there any restrictions, like travel or anything like that?
Doris: Of course.
Alan: Well... um... he's left town. I hope this is not going to get him into trouble. But... you're welcome.
Grady: Okay, we're here. Get ready to be impressed!
Daisy: I'm ready! You're acting kind of cute, it's weird. (Knock on the door )
Grady: Keep your eyes closed. I don't think she's here yet. Okay, you can open them.
Daisy: Okay. You're working for Ashlee’s mom?
Grady: The Mayor, herself!
Daisy: How?
Grady: Ashlee set it up.
Daisy: What... what do you do?
Grady: It's like what you're doing with the task force. You know, two outlaws on the inside.
Daisy: I just can't picture you taking orders from Doris.
Grady: It's a paycheck, right?
Daisy: Oh, no, I get it. It's cool. I'm... I'm proud of you.
Grady: Well, you know, this is going to be good for us, all right? We don't need anybody now.
Daisy: Okay.
Grady: (Laughs) Well, I've got to start work; I'm on the clock, so I'll talk to you later?
Daisy: All right, yeah. I'll see you later. Good luck!
Grady: Thank you.
Dinah: You're breaking into the mayor's office in the middle of the day? That's smart.
Grady: Dinah. It's so nice to see you.
Dinah: What are you doing, Grady?
Grady: I work here now. Can I help you with something?
Olivia: So, I don't care how many offers it's going to take. So could you just get out there? Great, good job. Hold on for a second.
Ashlee: Miss Mayor!
Doris: Hey!
Ashlee: Oh, I thought we were meant to meet at your office.
Doris: Right, right. Change of plans. Bill Lewis-- he jumped bail and skipped town.
Ashlee: Oh, God, that’s... that’s... terrible. Why do you look happy?
Doris: Well, you know what? I'm prosecuting this one, which means I've got a fugitive, he's on the lam, and they've been brought to justice by my police department! It's going to get national coverage; it's exciting stuff, really.
Ashlee: Yeah. Oh, is that why you had me come here? So that the station could make sure to cover your best conference?
Doris: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I certainly don't want Bill Lewis to know that we're after him. I will call you, though, when we catch him. That is a good idea. Oh, and you know what? I've got a good idea for Grady. A low-life like him will know exactly where Bill Lewis is hiding out.
Ashlee: Oh, Daisy's here. Just don't call him a low-life in front of her, okay?
Doris: Please! I'm hiring him to be a low-life.
Ashlee: Hey!
Daisy: Hey!
Ashlee: Oh, we were just talking of Grady.
Daisy: Oh... yeah. I want to thank you for hiring him. He is so excited, and I... I really think that he’s... he's going to be great at whatever it is that you want him to do.
Doris: Mm-hmm. I'm counting on it.
Daisy: Well, thanks.
Doris: Oh, don't thank me. Thank your friend, here. She really went to bat for your boyfriend, and you know what? Frankly, I am very glad she did, because I have just thought of the perfect assignment for him. Ciao.
Daisy: I can't believe you sold your mom on Grady.
Ashlee: What? Why is that so hard to believe?
Daisy: Oh, it was just like a couple weeks ago that you were doing everything you could to break us up.
Ashlee: Oh, yes... that... that is true, but, you know what? You didn't dump him, and... and you're my friend, and... your friendship means more to me than being right.
Daisy: So you admit you're wrong, and you actually like him?
Ashlee: No. No, I cannot go that far. However... I just want to try and see him the way you do.
Daisy: You're the best friend!
Ashlee: I know! I'm the best friend!
Daisy: So everything your mom said, just now? About being happy that she hired him? That's all true?
Ashlee: Yeah! I'm... she already has some special assignment for him. You heard her.
Daisy: Yeah, what was that?
Ashlee: Oh, well... (sighs) it's actually about Bill Lewis. He skipped bail and left town, and...
Daisy: Oh, no. Why would he... oh, my God. And Doris wants Grady to find him?
Ashlee: Yeah, big manhunt. I mean, she loves this stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if she got the FBI involved. There's no way Bill Lewis is going to outrun my mother.
Bill: This is where Lizzie was.
Lizzie: Where are you? Where are you? You need to come back, okay? I... I don't know how many messages I've left, but I'm not going to stop calling, Bill. You have to come back. Running away is not the answer. Please come home. We can prove that you're innocent together. Please, I swear. Please.
Billy: Okay, what's our boy done now?
Lizzie: You're going to say this looks bad, but I know that this just proves it. That he's looking out for me and he's thinking about our future.
Billy: Great. Running away? That’s... that's looking out for you?
Lizzie: Yeah, yeah! He is trying to protect me from getting hurt anymore.
Billy: Oh, well, that's one way of looking at it.
Lizzie: Well, I am his girlfriend. How else am I supposed to look at it, Billy?
Billy: How about the way the police will look at it? Now, what kind of man jumps bail? A guilty man.
Lizzie: Or one that's being set up.
Dinah: The mayor hired you? A felon?
Grady: Maybe you should fill out an application.
Dinah: Yeah. It doesn't sound legit. It sounds like a trap; they must know something.
Grady: I don't think so.
Dinah: Doris Wolfe hired you?
Grady: You've hired me!
Dinah: Yeah, and that worked out really great for me, didn't it?
Grady: Look, you may get your wish. Lizzie's faith in Bill isn't quite so rock solid, and I have access to the police warehouse with all the files implicating Bill in the kidnapping.
Dinah: Now, you stay out of my life; you stay out of my brother's life. This isn't a game.
Grady: Hey, if they find out the truth, it's our lives.
Doris: Oh, of course you found out. A.C. Mallet was probably on the phone with you before I finished giving the orders.
Dinah: I'm here because of my brother.
Doris: Well, you're too late, sister. The moment that he left town, he became a fugitive. Oh, and you better hope that he turns himself in before my people find him.
Lizzie: I don't care what the police think, Billy. They are wrong, and so are you!
Billy: Yeah, well, I... I hope that's true, but... look, darling, Bill's not helping his case.
Lizzie: He told me that he is... he left for my sake, and I believe him.
Billy: You know running away is wrong no matter what the case is. That's why you told him to come back, and I've got to tell you truthfully, I don't think he's helping your case. I think he just screwed up his interview with the police.
Lizzie: He was just out of a coma! And he woke up to find out that everyone-- including his parents-- just assumed he was guilty! Tell me that that's not enough to make screw up a few details.
Billy: Darling, hey, he's lucky to have you. I just wish he'd quit screwing up.
Lizzie: Well, he's trying to fix it!
Billy: He's not thinking clearly.
Lizzie: Well, I wonder where he gets that from.
Billy: Oh, thanks.
Lizzie: I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry, I am. I just... I'm sick of being the only one that believes in him, okay? (Cell phone rings) Bill? Oh, hi Daisy. What? When? Okay. No, thanks for telling me.
Billy: What's up?
Lizzie: Daisy's at the police station. They just put an APB out on Bill. Did you tell them that he was gone?
Billy: You just showed me the note that said he was running away. Come on.
Lizzie: I have to warn him.
Daisy: Hey, um... please don't tell your mom that I called up Lizzie. I just really want them to make it. Is that weird?
Ashlee: No. No, it's not weird at all. I mean, you want Bill and Lizzie to make it because you want you and Grady to make it. It's very romantic. It's Psych 101.
Daisy: You never took Psych 101.
Ashlee: Oh, but I... I would get an "A."
Daisy: Well, since you're so into Psychology, why don't we analyze you for a second?
Ashlee: I'm afraid.
Daisy: Oh, it's just that I... I need to know. You hated Grady as much as my family does. Why the big change?
Ashlee: Well, he saved me from the mugger.
Daisy: Yeah, and then you were ready to let Mallet think that Grady was the mugger.
Ashlee: (Sighs) I know. But... I think that's what did it. I realized that I'm not perfect. That I've made some really big mistakes, and that's when I started listening to what... what you were saying about Grady changing. Nothing happened between me and Coop before I was in juvie, and he knew that I committed a crime. But what happens again when I fall in love? How... how am I meant to tell him that I... I shot someone?
Daisy: Well, it was Alan Spaulding.
Ashlee: That will help. But how do I expect anyone to love me if I fault you for loving Grady?
Daisy: See, why can't my family see it the way you do? I mean, the Cooper’s are all about how family has to stick together, you know? But when it comes down to it, I really wanted to stay at Marina's wedding. I wanted to be a part of that with Grady. And they kicked us out.
Ashlee: Well, technically, they kicked Grady out.
Daisy: It's the same thing.
Ashlee: You know what? Don't worry. Give it some time. Look, he has a good job now, and soon enough your family will see Grady just the way you do. Come on.
Doris: You know, I am going to meet with the chief and tell him that we have to start disciplining these officers who leak inside information to citizens.
Dinah: No. No, no, no, no, no. Don't do anything to Mallet. He's not the one who told me Bill left town.
Doris: I thought you said you were here to talk about your brother.
Dinah: I am. Bill is innocent.
Doris: (Scoffs) Well, in my experience, innocent men don't run away. Save your energy, Miss Marler. I have plenty of evidence against your brother. Once we track him down, prosecuting him is going to be a piece of cake.
Dinah: Excuse me, what evidence? Did you see him kidnap Lizzie?
Doris: You know, I'm not at liberty to discuss this case with civilians.
Dinah: Okay, um, did it ever occur to you that maybe someone is setting him up?
Doris: Oh! Like who, Miss Marler?
Dinah: The real kidnapper.
Doris: (Laughs) The "real kidnapper." Wow! You sound just like Lizzie Spaulding! Love really is blind. (Cell phone rings)
Dinah: Hello? Yeah. I'll be right there.
Doris: Oh, and just one more thing-- let me remind you that if the police do catch you with your brother, you're an accessory to a fugitive. He skipped bail.
Grady: You want me to go after her?
Doris: No.
Grady: You don't?
Doris: No. So... what's up with the looks?
Grady: Looks?
Doris: Yeah. Dinah kept looking at you. What's that about?
Grady: She has a crush on me. I used to work for her.
Doris: Yeah, I know that. That was the only job on your resume. Is this going to be a problem?
Grady: Not at all. I like working here much more.
Doris: Oh, good. Good. Listen, I have a meeting with the chief of staff, and I won't be long. Oh, and if she comes back...
Grady: I'll get rid of her.
Doris: Good boy.
Daisy: Are you sure about this?
Ashlee: Yeah, come on, trust me.
Daisy: Hey. It's so weird seeing you here.
Grady: Yeah, well, I work here now. I'm going to make a few copies... you two sit around and wait.
Daisy: Okay.
Grady: Your mom will be back in a second.
Ashlee: Okay.
Grady: Hey, buddy, could I bum a smoke?
Doris: I wondered when you'd show up.
Lizzie: Thank God you're here!
Dinah: Oh, of course, I'm here. Of course, I'm here.
Lizzie: When Bill told me that you were back, I just had to see you.
Dinah: I just got back from the mayor's office. Bill has taken off; they've got an APB out on him.
Lizzie: I know. You don't know where he is?
Dinah: No, I thought you knew. He hasn't called you? He hasn't left any messages? Does he know the police are after him?
Lizzie: I don't even know. I've... I have left him messages, he hasn't returned my calls. I texted him, but I don't even know if he got them.
Dinah: Well, I just saw Doris, and she can't wait to get her hands on him.
Lizzie: You realize that we are the only ones that believe in him?
Dinah: Yes. Don't stop.
Lizzie: Thank you.
Dinah: For what? For believing in my brother?
Lizzie: No... I never got to thank you for... for standing by him when I was kidnapped.
Dinah: Well, I... um... I wish I could've changed things, you know?
Lizzie: You did what you could. He couldn't have done it without you, and... I know we haven't been getting along, but I'm just so glad that you're here! ( Laughs) Oh! We are going to fix this-- together, okay? We are going to bring Bill back, and we are going to show the world that he's innocent. (Sighs)
Bill: I'm unarmed.
Billy: So am I.
Grady: You're not afraid someone's going to catch you?
Doris: Nope. Are you? I knew that you'd go through my drawers eventually.
Grady: "Why wait?" That's what I figured.
Doris: Hmm. You know, I think you're going to be perfect for this job.
Grady: What's in here?
Doris: Hmm. That's my pension plan... and my 401k and my bullet proof vest, all wrapped up in one.
Grady: Secrets!
Doris: Mm-hmm. Of the good people of Springfield. And trust me-- the better they are, the longer the list.
Grady: Might have taken me a few days to crack that code.
Doris: Mm-hmm. (Laughs) You know what? I didn't get where I am by making things that simple. The only way you're going to learn that code is if I teach it to you.
Grady: Well, there's no one here but us smokers.
Doris: I don't think so. Maybe someday. You still have a lot of proving to do.
Grady: Can I bum a smoke?
Doris: Oh, no! It's a nasty habit. And don't tell Ashlee.
Grady: It's our little secret.
From the worst bartenders
that the city's seen
thought it never had you
you're just here for me...
Daisy: I just... I don't know about this job.
Ashlee: What? What? I mean, this is the mayor's office. How could your family not be impressed?
Daisy: Well, it's good, I guess.
Ashlee: You guess?
Daisy: Okay, don t judge me right away, but something that I've always liked about Grady is that he’s...
Ashlee: What? Edgy?
Daisy: Yeah, he's always hated authority, you know? And now he's working for the mayor!
Ashlee: Well, yeah, but you know why he's doing this. It's all for you.
Daisy: Yeah, I just... I don't want him to change and become some corporate nine-to-five guy.
Ashlee: Oh! Wait... why do you think my mom hired him? He's not here to be a part of the system-- he's here to beat the system.
Daisy: He is good at that. You must think I'm crazy. You like good guys, like Coop.
Ashlee: You have real love. Who wouldn't want that?
Daisy: Hey, we should double date!
Alee: Um... Coop and I broke up, remember?
Daisy: Yeah, but he told me about the guy you're seeing.
Ashlee: What?
Daisy: Um... at the TV station.
Ashlee: Oh, um... yeah, him.
Daisy: Yeah. Wasn't that who you were talking about before, when you said you'd have to tell someone about juvie?
Ashlee: Uh... uh... yeah, but you know, Corey and I-- we're really not serious, so...
Grady: Hey, good! You're still here! Great news-- Doris gave me the afternoon off. Let's go celebrate.
Bill: How did you know I was here?
Billy: I didn’t. Lizzie told me you were gone. I just figured I'd look for you, I got lucky and... hey. Thinking about boosting cars, eh?
Bill: Look, I cannot be joking around with you right now. I'm fighting for my life, here.
Billy: By what? By running away? This is not the message to send!
Bill: God, I'm glad you're my family. That way you can't be on the jury. What happened to being innocent until proven guilty around here?
Billy: Look, hey, I am not judging you. I want to help you and Lizzie. Whatever it is you want to tell me, go ahead and tell me. I will stand by you. Look, I think it's better that we go to the police together, because if they catch you on the run like this, everything is just going to get worse.
Bill: There's nothing to tell. You think I'm capable of kidnapping Lizzie? Great.
Billy: No, wait.
Bill: Thanks. No.
Billy: Wait, wait, Bill. Anybody's capable of doing anything.
Bill: Got it, got it. Thanks.
Billy: Okay.
Lizzie: I know it's hard knowing that Bill is out there alone.
Dinah: Lizzie, I just... I can't believe this. I can't believe the kidnapping, I can't believe the car accident.
Lizzie: The whole thing is just overwhelming. But we're not alone.
Dinah: No, we're not. Okay, what now?
Lizzie: Okay. We need to get to Bill before Doris or the cops do. (Cell phone rings)
Dinah: That's a good idea. Hey.
Bill: I need to see you.
Dinah: Um... I'm actually in the middle of something right now...
Bill: Alone. I need to see you alone.
Dinah: Of course, you do, yeah. All right, okay. I will be there. Bye.
Lizzie: Was that Bill?
Dinah: No. No, no, no. It's Maureen. She was watching TV and just saw stuff about Bill, and... my mom's not there, so I do need to go talk to her.
Lizzie: I can go with you.
Dinah: No. No, no, no, that's okay. I will give you a call later, okay? And tell you how things are going.
Lizzie: Okay. Thank you for everything. I actually... I feel a lot better now.
Dinah: Okay.
Lizzie: Okay.
Dinah: Good. Okay.
Lizzie: Thank you so much! Tell Maureen it's going to be okay, all right?
Dinah: Okay.
Lizzie: Okay.
Daisy: Your new job has great hours.
Grady: Pretty soon I'll be able to afford the good stuff.
Daisy: Oh, I don't care about that. I'm glad you're happy-- that's all I want. Your job really has you going!
Grady: Is that okay?
Daisy: Sure, yeah. Whatever else I might think about Doris, she is definitely smart.
Grady: Eh, she's okay. I kind of like her, you know? She's a little twisted. I think this is going to work out great.
Daisy: (Laughs)
Doris: Uh, hey, did you lose your job?
Ashlee: Did you fire Grady?
Doris: Uh... what makes you say that?
Ashlee: Uh, well, he just came in here and said he had the rest of the day off, which, to me, means...
Doris: No, no, no.
Ashlee: ...Fired.
Doris: No, no, no. Actually, I think I... (laughs) ...I think I really like him. He reminds me of somebody I knew a long time ago.
Ashlee: Who? Crocodile Dundee?
Doris: (Laughs) Very funny. No, it's somebody I went to high school with.
Ashlee: Well, you haven't told me much about high school. Well, I mean, you said you grew up in a small town and you...
Doris: Wanted to get out. I know. And I did. I mean, you know. I wasn't all that interested in boys in school, and I certainly wasn't pretty or popular and didn't have any money, but I was smart, and I always knew that I would get out and I would go to college, and that was my plan.
Ashlee: So what happened to this guy?
Doris: Oh, he was this transfer student. He showed up at the end of my junior year. (Laughs) We didn't really... we didn't really know each other. I mean, we barely looked at each other. But there was this one day...
Ashlee: Mm-hmm?
Doris: Okay, these football jocks were hassling this little kid. He was small and awkward and smart and... weird. I mean, basically, me, right? Except he was a boy. And these guys were just humiliating him-- I mean, attacking him for no other reason except for, that they could. And out of nowhere, this guy, Tommy-- the guy that... the Grady guy...
Ashlee: Mm-hmm?
Doris: He shows up and he just started swinging. I mean, he took these guys down! I mean, he broke up the whole thing-- he started protecting this outcast kid. He didn't even know him. It was... I don't know. It was just the most amazing thing I'd ever seen. He did get suspended for a week. And I don't think I ate for two.
Ashlee: Well, that has to be more romantic than any movie I've ever seen! So what happened? I mean, did you guys start talking and... did he like you? Did you go out on dates?
Doris: Oh, no, not really. I mean, we flirted. And we kissed. And we went on long rides on his motorcycle.
Ashlee: And we...
Doris: And... you know what? He just didn't fit into my plans, you know? I had a plan. I was going to get out, go to college... go to law school. And I did. And when I wanted a baby, I went to a sperm bank, and then came you. But once in a while, you know, I... I just think about what it would have been like. I mean, if I had tried things with Tommy. I don't know. I mean, I just... maybe... maybe he would have been your father.
Lizzie: Hey, Dinah. It's Lizzie. I know that you're with Maureen, but I just wanted to let you know that I still haven't heard from Bill. So please call me when you can.
Alexandra: Lizzie, here you are! I've been looking all over for you!
Lizzie: Oh, thank goodness you're here. I need your help.
Alexandra: No, I need your help.
Lizzie: Oh, no, no, no. You don't understand. This is about Bill.
Alexandra: And this is about our business-- the one you worked so hard to make a success of since you've taken it over. Well, it all could be very well wiped out.
Dinah: Hey. They're looking for you. Why did you run away?
Bill: I need you to tell me something, okay?
Dinah: Fine, fine. What?
Bill: Just tell me. Tell me. Am I a good guy?
Dinah: What?
Bill: Am I capable of doing what they're accusing me of doing? Do you think I can...
Dinah: Listen to me. I know you're innocent, you know you're innocent, so does Lizzie.
Bill: Thank you. Thank you so much, because you and Lizzie are the only two people who are standing by me right now, and...
Dinah: Okay, listen to me. Why are you out here? They could catch you! This is not safe.
Bill: I just need some proof, you know what I mean? I just... I need some proof. You know, only if you were at the ransom drop-off. Then... then things would be...
Dinah: I was at the ransom drop off. I... I was.
Bill: I know. I know that. I'm just... I mean, I wish you got a good look at the kidnapper, because then we could go to the police with that information, you know?
Dinah: Bill. The police were there. The police were there. Do you not remember that? Oh, my God, you don’t. You don't remember it.
Bill: Well, no... I...
Dinah: You don't remember it.
Daisy: This is funny. It's like... we're normal.
Grady: Is that good?
Daisy: I think so. And... your brother will think so. Maybe even my family!
Grady: As long as you think it's good.
Daisy: Yeah.
Grady: Hmm. Good, nice place. Good job. There's only one more thing I want.
Daisy: If you say you're cutting your hair, I will leave you.
Grady: I'm not going to cut my hair.
Daisy: Well, then, what?
Grady: I need you to move in with me.
Build up
break down
push her over 'til she just
falls face down...
Dinah: Yeah, okay. Yeah, I know. I'll be there.
Anyone could separate...
Ashlee: Why are you telling me these stories now?
Doris: Well, because... Grady reminded me of him. But because I don't want you to make the same mistakes that I did. I just want you to live your life, okay? And not be afraid of it. You have so much to offer somebody. I just... you should be dating somebody.
Ashlee: But, Mom, I am. I have a boyfriend. His name is Corey. You know, from down at the station.
Doris: Really?
Ashlee: Well, he's not really my boyfriend, but, um... but we go out. I mean, I have a life.
Doris: Look, you know what? Just because Coop wasn't the one for you doesn't mean that that perfect person's not out there for you. I just want to make sure that... that you live your life, you know? And not... not hide from it, like I did.
Push her over 'til she just
falls face down
it's tough love
your way...
Alan: Oh! Detective Malloy, I was just thinking about you. I was thinking about all that money I pay you every month, and... I was wondering where it all goes to.
Malloy: Mr. Spaulding...
Alan: Of course, that's not a big mystery, is it? It goes to cheap liquor and even cheaper women. I was thinking that maybe I might put that money to better use.
Malloy: Mr. Spaulding...
Alan: All I ask you is to keep me in the loop. Whenever anything happens at headquarters, I want to be among the first to know-- not the last. You know, the kid that delivers my paper gives me better information than you do.
Malloy: Mr. Spaulding, I hope... I was thinking you'd find that interesting.
Alan: Well. Say hello to the girls for me.
Lizzie: Aunt Alex, whatever is going on... I don't want to hear about it! I sent you to China because I trust you.
Alexandra: And I went to China, and I came back. Now, do you trust me?
Lizzie: Of course, I do!
Alexandra: All right, then you can't ignore this. The business-- the proposal that you set up with Decker...
Lizzie: Yes?
Alexandra: The financing is in very deep trouble, my dear. It could all fold like a house of cards.
Lizzie: It's an investment, and if we lose it, we lose it. There are more important things.
Alexandra: Ah-huh. Ah-huh. What do you think... the house?
Lizzie: What?
Alexandra: This isn't just a bad investment. The way you and Bill structured the whole deal... it makes the whole company susceptible to it's success. And this part, you can't ignore!
Lizzie: Look, I love this house. I do, okay? And whatever happens... I could live without it.
Alexandra: But you can't live without Bill Lewis, right?
Lizzie: No, I can’t.
Alexandra: Right, and Bill Lewis happens to be on the run from the police.
Lizzie: For a crime he didn't commit. I'm not going to abandon him. Not now. Not even if it costs me everything.
Dinah: I'm right, aren't I? You don't remember anything about the kidnapping.
Bill: I'm a little foggy on the details, and that is why I messed up the police interview.
Dinah: No, that's why you asked me if you are a good guy or not, because you weren't sure. You don't know if you kidnapped Lizzie, or not.
Bill: No, it’s... it's not true. I just got a little mixed up. That's it.
Dinah: Lizzie's telling me that you're reading the newspapers. That you're almost... you're almost studying them, because you are trying to figure them out. You're trying to figure out what happened. That's why you didn't know if I was at the drop, or Mallet, because he's been trying to keep everything out of the press on purpose. Will you please tell me what's going on? Now, Bill, are there things that you cannot remember?
Bill: You're right. You're right. But it's not just a few things. I can't remember most of it.
Coming up on "Guiding Light,"
Dinah: Sometimes, people do cross the line.
Lizzie: These doubts just keep building, and then that fear...
Cyrus: The fear that Bill's guilty?
Bill: And maybe I wanted power that much!
Dinah: You didn't kidnap Lizzie.
Bill: How do you know?
Lizzie: I just want this to end; that's what I want. I can't take this anymore, I just...
Cyrus: It's okay, it's okay. Lizzie. Lizzie, can you hear me?
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