GL Transcript Monday 12/15/08

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 12/15/08


Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Frank: For the record, you're here voluntarily, right?

Bill: I've got nothing to hide.

Frank: You are the most reluctant to go to the police. You locked Alan Spaulding in his own room.

Frank: He walked in the study and discovered you with the note.

Bill: I've been in a coma for a couple of weeks, Frank. My memory is a little foggy.

Mel: My client isn't speaking without an attorney present.

Frank: Your client waived that right, and now he has made a solid case for us.

Frank: Hey, that's fantastic! For only a few hours of work... are you kidding me? Good job!

Buzz: Ah, it's a drop in the bucket.

Coop: Hey, ixnay on the ewsnay.

Frank: What's that?

Buzz: I think he does not want me to tell you the news, Frank.

Frank: What news? What are you talking about?

Coop: We've been slaving away, carrying Christmas trees back and forth, getting sap and crap all over our hands. Frank, what have you been doing?

Frank: I've been out fighting crime.

Coop: Look at my hands.

Buzz: No, no, we can't keep this from him.

Frank: Keep what from me?

Buzz: This fantastic, exciting, incredible news about Natalia.

Coop: I still think we shouldn't tell him.

Daisy: Just stop, already.

Grady: You walk around with that thing glued to your ear sometimes.

Daisy: I'm trying to check my messages.

Grady: If the messages aren't from me, what do you care, huh? What's up?

Daisy: No. It's just my family, and they want something.

Grady: Pretend you didn't get the message.

Daisy: Yeah, I would like to, but...

Ashlee: Hey, guys, how are you doing?

Daisy: Hey, Ash.

Ashlee: What? I know that face. Tell her. Come on.

Daisy: Tell me what?

Ashlee: We are best buddies now. Don't you remember? We totally buried the hatchet.

Grady: I'm having trouble believing it myself.

Ashlee: You know, we're... we're doing good. We're, we're, we're... best friends. Am I just an ingrate? Am I just some fool? You saved me from a mugger. Come on, I'm on your side. You've got to trust me.

Daisy: Yes, I would like to. But not now. I have to get to... well...

Grady: You said you were going to skip that?

Daisy: I said I wanted to skip it. But it's for Natalia, though. And as much as I'm angry at my family for kicking you out of the wedding, I should show for her sake.

Grady: Well, I don't think I'm going to go.

Ashlee: Well, we can hang out.

Grady: You and me? Hanging out?

Ashlee: Yeah.

Daisy: What would you two do?

Ashlee: We'll think of something.

Natalia: Tell them how you did it.

Olivia: It doesn't matter. Not remotely.

Natalia: I got my $80,000 back, so I should just shut up.

Olivia: No. No. You should just put it to good use.

Natalia: And just shut up. He found out that you've been sick... Decker? Quitting your job at Galaxy wasn't your idea, was it? It was his!

Olivia: Why don't you go see how Rafe is doing?

Natalia: No, no. So you cut a deal? You will just walk away and there is no negative publicity for him, as long as you...

Olivia: All right. All right. Yeah, that's it.

Natalia: And you didn't fight to keep it?

Olivia: I could have. I would have walked, so I got what I could out of it.

Natalia: You didn't get anything!

Olivia: Of course I did.

Beth: Lizzie.

Lizzie: We're just passing through.

Beth: Wait, wait, wait. Is something wrong?

Bill: Yeah, you could say that.

Lizzie: No. Please don’t.

Bill: I went down to the police station to talk to Frank and tell him everything I know about the kidnapping. It seems every other word that came out of my mouth made me seem guilty.

Beth: I don't understand.

Lizzie: It's not his fault. It's not his fault. Because the police had no business taking his statement in the first place. He just got out of a coma.

Bill: Look, I shouldn't have gone down and talked to Frank without a lawyer. Okay? Now he thinks I'm guilty, just like you, Alan, and everyone else.

Beth: Forget about what I think or Alan thinks, or anyone else. That woman over there believes in you. And it will take a hell of a lot more than this to shake her confidence in you.

Bill: Hey, I am sorry.

Lizzie: Just don't, okay?

Bill: Yes, I know, but I could say it all day, and it still wouldn't make up for what I put you through, okay?

Lizzie: Hey, hey, we're going to get through this.

Bill: Okay. Why don't you get some rest, okay? I'm going to go out for a little while.

Lizzie: Out? Where?

Bill: Nowhere. I'm just going to get some air and clear my head.

Lizzie: Okay. I'll go with you.

Bill: No, no. No, no. No. Just get some rest, okay. I'm sure you could use a break from me now.

Lizzie: That's not true.

Bill: Would you look out after her for a little while? I'll be back.

Beth: I admire you.

Lizzie: Yeah, me? No.

Beth: Yes, you. Where would Bill be right now without you?

Lizzie: I don't know. Could we not do this right now, please?

Beth: I'm just, I'm just saying he better be grateful. This kind of faith that you have, and all that you are for him, and what you're doing for him.

Lizzie: Okay. Thank you. I get it.

Beth: Honey, it's special. This capacity that you have for faith, love, trust... I'm not like you that way.

Lizzie: Yes, you are. Of course you are. I'm not that special. Trust me, I'm not.

Beth: Yes, you are. I wish I was a lot more like you sometimes...

Lizzie: Okay. I can't do this, okay? I can't do this. Okay? I'm just too wrapped up in what is going to happen to Bill. I'm just going to go, okay?

Beth: Honey... honey, Bill is right, you need to get some rest. You haven't slept in how long?

Lizzie: Great. I will sleep when this is over. I have to go call Mel and see if there is some way to fix what Bill just did.

Beth: Lizzie...

Alan: Is Elizabeth around?

Beth: She just went upstairs. She's pretty upset.

Alan: Really? About what? Beth?

Beth: Have you ever looked back on your life -- I mean really looked back and thought about what might have been?

Alan: No, I can't say as I have. I'm always looking forward. Always.

Beth: What a shame. You don't know what you're missing.

Grady: All right, I'll catch you later.

Ashlee: Oh, no you don’t. Not so fast. Sit.

Grady: I don't really see us hanging out together, Ashlee.

Ashlee: No, no. We're not hanging out. We have some work to do, okay? I told you that you were going to have to do a total makeover if you were going to stay with Daisy.

Grady: I'm not getting a makeover.

Ashlee: No. You can keep the hair and the shirt. I was talking more about a job.

Grady: I don't have a job.

Ashlee: Yes, that's exactly the point.

Grady: I can find one on my own.

Ashlee: Yes, you could. Um, however, you need a great job. You need the kind of job where Daisy's family, you know, won't object so much to you. You know, you're up-standing, and for those jobs you need connections.

Grady: And you have connections?

Ashlee: Oh, limited, I do admit. However, something is better than nothing, right?

Grady: I'm beginning to wonder.

Ashlee: Okay, so where do we go? Do we go to the police station or the mayor's office?

Grady: Is there a third choice?

Olivia: You never would have even heard of this investment fund if it weren't for me.

Natalia: I don't see what one thing has to do with the other? I made the choice to invest my money. I put it all down there, and I lost it. And that's on me.

Olivia: You didn't know what you were getting into. You didn't have that kind of experience. I'm not wrong.

Natalia: I'm a grown woman.

Olivia: So you deserve to be taken advantage of like that?

Natalia: That's how life works sometimes.

Olivia: Not this time. Not this time. So can you just stop arguing with me.

Natalia: I don't want to argue with you. I'm just... I'm trying to understand how this works. I'm trying to understand how it's fair that you have to lose your job so I can get my money back?

Olivia: I was going to lose it anyway, I told you!

Natalia: How am I supposed to deal with this guilt?

Olivia: Denial's always an option. Look, you were set up to fail. It's that simple. I had to do this. As far as the guilt is concerned, isn't that really that a fact of life, you know? Like a sunrise or air or crooked politicians?

Natalia: Don't make fun of me.

Olivia: No. I'm not. I live with guilt every day. Gus? I took him away from you.

Natalia: Don’t...

Olivia: Don't? These emotions have nothing to do with logic. I feel guilty. So you know what? Now we both get to walk with a little bit of it. Great friendships have been built on far less, right?

Natalia: Wait, wait, wait.

Olivia: I can't talk anymore. Besides, I have to get back home. I have to start thinking about how I'm going to franchise the Beacon, put Larry Decker out of business. Enjoy your money. Spend it wisely.

Cyrus: So he just went without telling you where he was going?

Lizzie: Yeah. He wanted to walk the police through it. And show them there was no way he could have done this.

Cyrus: Like he said, he's barely out of that coma. It's not a big surprise he couldn't get his facts straight.

Lizzie: Yeah, exactly. His coma.

Cyrus: Unless it wasn’t. Is that what you're thinking?

Lizzie: I understand what logic is telling me. I even get why reasonable people would think that he is guilty. I get it. But I know he is not.

Cyrus: When was the last time you had a full night sleep?

Lizzie: It's been a while. Why? Do you know something? Are you keeping something from me?

Cyrus: I know what you want. The truth.

Lizzie: Yeah.

Cyrus: I wish I could tell you what that is.

Beth: So I told her that this kind of faith she has in him, this devotion, yes, you could argue that it is misguided.

Alan: It is misguided.

Beth: But that doesn't make it any less remarkable.

Alan: Beth, I'm not sure what your point is, but is Elizabeth an amazing person? Absolutely. But her devotion and faith to Bill is not unique. I feel the same way about us.

Beth: Yes, yes, I know that you do.

Alan: Of course, we're not being tested the same way that Elizabeth is.

Beth: No, no, of course not.

Alan: But there is still something bothering you about us, isn't there, Beth?

Beth: Maybe it's just... maybe it's just different when you get older, you know? It's easier when you're Lizzie’s age to have that kind of devotion without conditions. You're never thinking about the future. You're just living in the present. Maybe you see things more simply.

Alan: Beth, I'll tell you something, give me experience maturity any day over youth.

Beth: I'll try to take that the way that you meant it. (Laughter)

Alan: Still, there is something on your mind. I just want you to know that you can come and talk to me any time, Beth.

Beth: I will. Just as soon as I figure it out.

Alan: You!

Bill: I'm looking for Lizzie.

Alan: Yeah, I'll bet you are.

Bill: Not now, Alan.

Alan: Oh, yes, now. I heard what happened at headquarters, Bill. Do you have any idea what you're doing to Elizabeth? Or do you even care?

Frank: Congratulations, I heard the news.

Natalia: Yeah. I don't know if it's so great.

Frank: Well, um... you're not going to give the money back to Olivia, are you?

Natalia: No, of course not.

Frank: All right, good. You can stop freaking out about Olivia. It's just a waste of time.

Natalia: Thanks, Frank, to dismiss my feelings like that.

Frank: Oh my God, Natalia, I would... I would never dismiss your feelings. It's just that now you have to start thinking about your next move, right? You want to buy a house. You have your heart set on it.

Natalia: That was then. This is now. It's too expensive.

Frank: What are you talking about? We're making a ton of cash in there. Now we can pay for Rafe’s attorney, and you can use the check for the down payment on the house. What's the problem?

Natalia: You know, Olivia said to me I had no idea what to do with that kind of money. And I will mess it up again, may be worse than the first time. I'm just going to... I have to set my sights a little lower.

Grady: Okay. Okay. A joke's a joke.

Ashlee: What, you think I'm laughing? Do you think I have a smile on my face?

Grady: No. You look crazy to me. That's how you look. Me, a cop? You've got to be kidding me.

Ashlee: Okay. There are... there are so many people that work here other than cops. Police officers are just the most visible group within this organization that protects and safeguards the lives of all of these other citizens. You know, why don’t... why don't we go meet my cousin, the chief, and he can explain the whole thing to you.

Grady: Because if it's anything like that, I think I'm going to be sick.

Ashlee: Okay. You know what? Don't take my help. Don't take the job. I didn't want to help you anyway. But you have to do something, or you are going to lose Daisy. You saw what kind of pressure her family put you under the last time you were in town, and you guys broke up.

Grady: Well, that wasn't exactly how it happened.

Ashlee: Well, I mean, it played a role. You can't deny it. What happened at the wedding the other day... I mean, I don't know. I just don't know how many times Daisy will be able to sit through that scenario. I mean, you need some respectability. And you can't go to the store and buy it. And you can't go pick it off some tree. You have to earn it.

Grady: By working here?

Ashlee: By working somewhere. Somewhere that is important, you dope.

Grady: Half her family works here. What makes you think they're going to want me around anymore than I want to be here?

Ashlee: Good point. But there is still the mayor's office.

Grady: With your mother?

Ashlee: Yeah, with my mother.

Grady: The same one who sent me to prison?

Ashlee: Yeah, that one.

Grady: What makes you think she's going to say yes to something like this?

Ashlee: Well, the last time I checked, she didn't say yes, or she didn't say no. To me, it seems like it's a 50/50 odds.

Coop: Hey, Pop.

Buzz: Yeah?

Coop: So what made buy 10-footer out there? (Laughter)

Buzz: The ladder...

Coop: Hey.

Daisy: Hey.

Coop: Are you alone?

Daisy: Maybe.

Coop: Come on. Is he with you?

Daisy: I thought you, of all people, would be on my side. No, he's not with me.

Coop: Okay. Look, that's all I was asking. Look, today is just a very special day for Natalia. And I would hate to have a scene ruin it all. All right? That's it.

Daisy: I'm not stupid.

Coop: I didn't say that you were stupid, Daisy, okay? It's good to see you. I'm glad. The only question I have, though, is why me of all people?

Daisy: Because you haven't crossed over yet.

Coop: Crossed over?

Daisy: Yeah. The age passed rich love and understanding... it has to come with strings.

Coop: All right. Kind of like never trust anybody over 30... one of those?

Daisy: Who says that?

Coop: Once upon a time, just about everybody, under 30, that is.

Daisy: Well, no. My point is...

Coop: Look, I get what your point is, Daisy. I understand that, all right. I should be on your side. My question to you, though, is why? Despite the fact we're only a few years apart?

Daisy: Because I know you. And I know that, you know, people start judging you because you're seeing someone that they don't necessarily approve of, that you would hate it.

Coop: Well, you've got a point.

Bill: Of course I care about Lizzie, Alan. I love her. And there have been times that I haven't treated her very well, but things are different now.

Alan: Oh, yes. You say you care about her, Bill. But have you looked at her recently? You are absolutely killing her. You're pushing her to the edge.

Bill: Lizzie and I will get through this together.

Alan: First there's the coma, and then the accusations. Yet Elizabeth, oh, she stands by her man.

Bill: Because she knows that I am innocent.

Alan: You know, a real man would not put the woman he says he loves through this kind of hell.

Bill: Do you hear that? I'm getting relationship advice from Alan Spaulding. It's pretty funny, huh? Gee, Alan, maybe you could tell me what I should do?

Alan: You're asking me what you should do? Bill, I assume you're an intelligent man, and I believe that you know the answer to that question.

Lizzie: Okay, well, thanks for meeting with me. So call me.

Cyrus: If I come up with anything? Yeah, I promise.

Lizzie: Okay.

Cyrus: But you have to promise me something.

Lizzie: What?

Cyrus: Get some rest.

Lizzie: I've been waiting... you know, I was waiting and waiting for him to wake up. And it has been exhausting. It's exhausting, but there is an end to it. I knew he was going to wake up, and hear these ridiculous accusations, and he was going to prove them all wrong. You know? He was going to wake up, and he was going to tell everyone how insane these accusations are. And now this is... this is supposed to be over right now, and it just keeps going.

Daisy: What is all this stuff?

Buzz: I'm going to need your help, and I'm going to need the holiday spirit.

Daisy: Well, I need some family understanding.

Buzz: I understand more than you think. Okay? I need the holiday spirit. We've got to... this is for people who are less lucky than you are, all right? We're going to have to put... we're going to have to put the toys in, wrap it up with paper, decorate it, and make it look nice.

Daisy: Why?

Buzz: Too many questions. It's for the Fifth Street toy drive, okay? We put the toys in this box, and then we get the batteries and we put them in this box, because people don't have cash to pay for the batteries to run the toys, okay? Because two Christmases ago Harley sent me out to get 12 double "A" batteries for the toys and wouldn't let me back in until I found the batteries. So...

Daisy: That sounds like her. All right. Yeah, I think this job is a great idea. I will donate, absolutely.

Buzz: Now you've got the spirit.

Daisy: Just don't get too crazy, though. Just give me something and I'll make it look pretty.

Buzz: Make it look pretty.

Daisy: I will.

Doris: Do you know what you're asking me to do? Do you know what people think of him in this town? What I think of him?

Ashlee: Yeah, Mom, but can you just forget that? He saved me from a mugger.

Doris: Yeah, well I'll send him a card.

Ashlee: Mom, you really... you don't think you can do anything better than that, more concrete?

Doris: What do you think?

Ashlee: Well, I'll make it worth your while. I will go out to dinner with you. I will. I'll go out to dinner with you once a week, like clockwork, in public. And then all of the public will see what a devoted mother you are and how your priorities are straight. And then they will remember that indelible memory in the booth on election day.

Doris: You're good. You almost had me.

Ashlee: Ah, and Grady... Grady... you could... you could... you could give him a second chance, you know, rehabilitate him. You know those stories. Everyone does.

Doris: You're very good.

Ashlee: Well, I've learned from the best.

Doris: I don't even know what he'd be good at.

Ashlee: Well, now is your time to find out.

Daisy: Hi.

Rafe: Hi.

Daisy: Hi, Rafe. Did you get out?

Rafe: Nah, it's just for today. We're on work detail. We're fixing the streets. I've been coming in here like every hour or so just to get some drinks for the guys. So can I have a cup of coffee?

Daisy: Sure. I just wasn't expecting you. Are you okay?

Rafe: Yeah, I'm okay. Are you okay?

Daisy: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm glad to see you.

Rafe: Yeah?

Daisy: Yeah.

Rafe: Are you still seeing him?

Daisy: Ah, can we not talk about that. I know everyone has their feelings and everyone has their opinions, and people have trouble keeping that to themselves, so...

Rafe: I'm sorry. You're right. Fair enough.

Daisy: Look, I'm here and I'm helping today, because I care about your mom and you.

Rafe: Thank you. And I'm... I'm not giving up. Once I'm out of prison, then it will be a fair fight.

Frank: Why are you backing away from buying Cassie’s house?

Natalia: I told you, I don't have the money to buy Cassie’s house.

Frank: No, no, no. That's not what I heard. What you said was, I don't know how.

Natalia: Frank.

Frank: You also said you didn't know what you were doing, and you didn't want to mess it up again. Natalia, you are one of the smartest, most capable people I have ever, ever known. Why are you letting Olivia make you feel like you aren't?

Natalia: This has absolutely nothing to do with Olivia.

Frank: Well, you know what? I think it has everything to do with Olivia. She is making you feel incapable, that you're in over your head, and that you needed to be rescued. That's a bunch of hogwash.

Natalia: I have no experience with this kind of money. None!

Frank: Listen, you let one guy take advantage of you, okay? And one guy made you feel small. But the Natalia that I know... she knows the value of $80,000, because she knows the value of a dollar more than anyone. You'll figure it out. Just let yourself.

Rafe: Hey. Look at her. Come here. That's my rich mom.

Natalia: Oh. I'm not rich. I'm lucky. I'm lucky to have you.

Rafe: Oh, sorry. Sorry. Ma, this is great. You know what this means? It means you can get the farmhouse now.

Natalia: Well, you know, it's complicated. There's a lot to think about...

Rafe: What, what... no.

Natalia: Yeah.

Guard: Look, Rivera, come on. We've got to go.

Natalia: No. Wait, wait, wait. Please...

Rafe: All right, Mom, if they say I've got to go, I've got to go.

Natalia: You're going to come back to me soon. And we're going to have a real home, I promise.

Rafe: Mom, I trust you, all right? You can do it. I love you. Frank, I'll see you.

Natalia: I love you.

Frank: Take care, Rafe. (Cell phone rings)

Natalia: Frank, I have to take this.

Frank: It's like your son just said, you can do it. You'll figure it out. (Cell phone rings)

Natalia: Olivia?

Olivia: I need you.

Natalia: I'm on my way.

Doris: You really don't want to be here, do you?

Grady: I can think of better things to do with my day.

Doris: How do you think you'd fit in here?

Grady: Well, I was hoping you'd tell me.

Doris: Hmmm. Let's play a game.

Grady: A game, huh?

Doris: Uh-huh. Something I like to do with potential candidates, just to check out their temperament. Indulge me.

Grady: Knock yourself out.

Doris: I have a lot of people who work for me. They have clear-cut, well-defined positions, they're secretaries, lawyers, things like that. Sometimes a situation comes up and I need something a little different. I need someone who can... well, solves problems. Someone who can improvise. You follow me so far? For example, Councilman Reynolds, know him? Well, I need his vote on a very important issue, and he is stonewalling me. I have tried everything I can think of, and the man won't budge. How would you handle a situation like that?

Grady: Well, I wouldn't let him push you around. Where I come from, we find out something out about the guy. Something he doesn't want anyone else to know, say, and you hold it over his head.

Doris: I think you might just fit in here after all.

Grady: So you want a fixer, huh?

Doris: Yeah. So I'll give you a shot. And if you let me down...

Grady: Yeah, yeah, I'll get it.

Doris: I'll get someone to give you a packet. Oh, and you know what? We'll also have to come up with a name for you. Something official like "Special Assistant," or something. Appearances are everything in politics. And you will get that packet, giving you a sense of everything we do here. I'm sure you'll be fascinated. Also, you should know that I'm involved in a court case right now. I'll have someone brief you about the whole thing.

Grady: What's the case?

Doris: I'm prosecuting Bill Lewis for kidnapping.

Grady: This could be an interesting job after all.

Buzz: $2,500 bucks? Not bad for a Christmas tree sale.

Frank: Oh, good, because we have more trees to sell.

Buzz: Well, good work. Good work.

Frank: Good work?

Coop: Yeah? Good work? What did he do?

Frank: Here we go again. What's up with this.

Coop: What? Frank, I've got crap all over my hands right now. I've got scratches galore I've been a working man out there.

Frank: Oh, we've got a customer. A good-looking one, too.

Buzz: I'll get it.

Coop: You know what? Let me take this one. Hi.

Beth: Hi. Um, I'm... I'm looking for a Christmas tree.

Coop: Well, trees we have. Is there any kind in particular?

Beth: Well, see, that's the problem. I don't know what I want.

Natalia: So, thank you. Yes, that would be great. That was Jane. She is going to pick up Emma.

Olivia: Thank you. I'm sorry I keep calling you over here. It feels like I do that all the time.

Natalia: It's my job!

Olivia: Uh-huh. And I took you away from Rafe.

Natalia: No, he'd already left. But if you're asking if this is inconvenient? Then the answer is yes, sometimes it is. Coming all the way across town here, and sometimes it's really late at night.

Olivia: I told you you should take a room.

Natalia: I don't need a hotel room. I need a home.

Olivia: Well, you have the money now, so...

Natalia: Not enough. Not for the place that I wanted.

Olivia: The farm house?

Natalia: Unless...

Olivia: Unless?

Natalia: Unless I get creative. I was doing some numbers in my head on my way over here. And I figured I could actually get a mortgage I could afford if I took in a renter.

Olivia: That's smart.

Natalia: Yes! Like $1,200 a month.

Olivia: $1,200 a month for a room?

Natalia: Well, no, it includes full-time care.

Olivia: Full-time care... who do you plan on renting to? Oh!

Natalia: Exactly.

Olivia: I don't know.

Natalia: I do.

I've been away for so long hope you'll know I do

I've been away too long but now I'm at home...

Grady: That was really great of you.

Ashlee: Well, I'm glad you and my mom got along. I knew you would. So what did she say you'd be doing?

Grady: Stuff. I still don't get why you did this, though. I understand for Daisy, but...

Ashlee: Yeah. It's mostly for Daisy. But, also, I know what it's like to be an outsider. And I just don't want you to feel like an outsider anymore.

Daisy: Wow, you guys actually did wind up hanging out?

Grady: Great news. I got a job today. A respectable job.

Daisy: You're kidding. Oh, that is great. Congratulations!

Grady: Come inside, and I'll tell you all about it. You know, it was really, really nice of you to do that. Thanks a lot. I'll take it from here.

Ashlee: Um, well... um... don't mention it.

Olivia: From out of the blue, this just hit you?

Natalia: Yes. Because I have a problem, and I knew that there was a solution. I just had to think about it rationally instead of emotionally. That's exactly how you handle a business problem.

Olivia: Always.

Natalia: Yes. And then I made a couple of phone calls. I called just a couple of the private home care places, just to see if what I was thinking was even reasonable.

Olivia: $1,200 a month is reasonable?

Natalia: Yeah. You're getting a bargain.

Olivia: I've created a monster. Okay. All right. What happens when I get better and I move out?

Natalia: Well, I figure by then I'll need a raise anyway.

Olivia: You've got it all figured out, don't you?

Natalia: Well, except for one little detail. It's not really little. Where else do I sign?

Man: Here, here, and here. And then, of course, I'll need a deposit.

Natalia: $80,000.

Olivia: Are you keeping the emotion out of it?

Natalia: No way. Well, I guess that makes me a homeowner.

Buzz: Yay!!

(Cheers and applause)

Natalia: Hey, everybody!

Bill: "I'm leaving town. There is too much pressure on you with me here. I'll come back when I can prove I'm innocent. I love you. Bill."

Coming up on "Guiding Light" 

Ashlee: It's actually about Bill Lewis. He skipped bail and left town, and, yeah, a big manhunt. I mean, she loves this stuff. There is no way Bill Lewis is going to outrun my mother.

Bill: This is where Lizzie was.

Lizzie: They just put an A.P.B. out on Bill.

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