GL Transcript Friday 12/12/08

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 12/12/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Lizzie: I feel like I am going to slip. He's going to be able to see the doubt in my face, and it will crush him!

Olivia: I want you to give Natalia the money that she lost.

Decker: I will return Ms. Rivera's investment on one condition. I want you to resign, and I want you to publicly apologize for your deception.

Olivia: So you don't look like the bad guy, firing me.

Decker: I'm glad we understand each other.

Buzz: Frank! What took you so long?

Frank: Hey, Pop. I was at the station. I was covering two cops that I happen to know who got hitched and called in for personal days, so...

Buzz: Oh, those two. Are you ready to go?

Frank: Yeah, pretty much. You think she's going to like the idea?

Buzz: Frank, don't take this wrong, you know, but you've had a lot of ideas before, you know? And a lot of them didn't add, but this one-- this one's not terrible.

Natalia: Emma? James?

Olivia: I just had it...

Natalia: You're out of the hospital?

Olivia: I swear-- the doctors released me, and I have the paperwork to prove it!

Natalia: So you're feeling much better?

Olivia: Uh, yeah, I was, until I misplaced this stupid press release.

Natalia: Well, I'll help you find it. "Olivia Spencer resigns position with Galaxy hotels"?

Christina: Thanks.

Remy: You're welcome, wife! (Laughter) Just because we're untying the knot doesn't mean I can't be a nice guy.

Christina: Shoot. Were we supposed to work on that now?

Remy: What, are you standing me up? No wonder I'm divorcing you!

Christina: Funny!

Remy: Mm-hmm.

Christina: Are you always like this?

Remy: I don't know. Stay married to me for a couple more years, and you'll find out.

Christina: I can't believe Mel is bailing on us.

Remy: Yeah.

Christina: It's not her fault, but she really threw us a curve-ball, you know?

Remy: Yeah, or she did us a favor. Something like that.

Christina: She did?

Remy: You know, I've been studying a ton of law. I think I might take it up; win my dad's eternal respect.

Christina: Yeah, right! Ten seconds in law school and you'd be punching some unsuspecting law professor in the face!

Remy: Wow... wow! You think I'd do that, huh?

Christina: No, but you'd want to, right?

Remy: Yes, yes I would. Hey, let's get out of here. I'll get you coffee. Decaf. You're a little wound up.

Christina: Listen, I'd love to, but I have to go see my grandma in the hospital. She's okay-- she was just admitted for a mild infection last night.

Remy: Oh, I'll go with you.

Christina: Are you sure? I don't know, she's a tough one. She says some really strange stuff sometimes.

Remy: Can it be any more strange than the Thanksgiving I subjected you to?

Christina: Your family was...

Remy: Crazy! Crazy!

Christina: I was going to say "sweet."

Remy: Uh-huh.

Christina: In a crazy kind of way.

Remy: Yeah. Well, you met Clayton Boudreau, so I can meet Grandma...

Christina: Loretta.

Remy: I like her already.

Bill: Any news?

Lizzie: Uh... no. Just a recap.

Bill: Let me see.

Lizzie: I didn't want you to see that.

Bill: It's just the media having a field day... it’s...

Lizzie: Yeah.

Bill: ...Fine.

Lizzie: Still, it has to hurt knowing that they're thinking this stuff about you.

Bill: Not much longer. Once I go down, talk to Frank, tell him everything I know, prove that I'm not the kidnapper, that's going to disappear, just like that.

Lizzie: Are you sure?

Bill: Absolutely.

Lizzie: I know that you want to prove to everyone that you're innocent-- you want to clear your name, and I want that, too. I do, more than anything!

Bill: Yeah... but what?

Lizzie: But this is against Mel’s advice. She is your lawyer. She has a lot more experience with this than we do! I mean, just... I can't help but feel like this is a real mistake.

Bill: Okay, listen. Listen to me, all right? It's not. It's not a mistake. It's the right thing to do, okay? I can feel it in my gut.

Lizzie: I can’t. Please don't do this. I just feel like you're rushing into this. I feel like you're trying to do something dramatic to make everybody think that you're innocent. But who cares about them? I know that you are not capable of doing this. That's all that matters!

Bill: So it doesn't matter what a judge and jury think?

Lizzie: Obviously, it does, yes. I'm just saying I think we can do this the right way. We can follow Mel’s advice, and eventually-- I promise...

Bill: Yes.

Lizzie: ...We will clear your name! It will all go away!

Bill: Eventually feels like a lifetime when your family and friends think that you're guilty, okay?

Lizzie: But I don’t. I don't, and Dinah believes in you, too.

Bill: You do believe, don't you?

Lizzie: I do. With my whole heart and soul.

Bill: What would I do if you...

Lizzie: Sh! You're not going to have to find out.

Bill: I can... can stop this.

Lizzie: (Sighs)

Bill: You know, I can go down there-- look-- sit down, talk to Frank, tell him everything. I'll prove that I am not the kidnapper. I can make it disappear, just like that! I mean, no wonder why everyone thinks I did it. Because I've been out of the coma for a few days and I haven't said one word. I am the one who found you. I fought the kidnapper. I am the one person who could dismiss this whole thing!

Lizzie: It is not that simple. Okay? It's not. I haven't been able to prove that you're innocent. I haven’t... they haven't listened to anything that I've said. You could go in there, you could say something wrong. They could confuse you; you could give them something that they would use against you. Just please wait a couple days. Just a couple days. You're still foggy from the coma, okay? Talk to Mel. Find out what the other options are. Please.

Bill: Okay. Okay... you're right. You're right. I'm going to... I'm going to talk to Mel and see what she wants me to do.

Lizzie: I love you.

Bill: I love you.

Christina: Last chance! You can still make a run for it!

Remy: I'm your husband now. Your family's my family, right?

Christina: I just think... I have so much trouble seeing her like this. I never know how someone else is going to react.

Remy: Well, I've dealt with a lot of older people as an EMT. If she gets in trouble or feels confused, you just have to make her feel safe. That's what they taught us, anyway. What?

Christina: You're either a really nice guy, or you're trying really hard to impress me. (Laughter)

Remy: Why would I need to do that? I already married you. You're mines, now!

Christina: Just do me a favor, okay? Stop being so nice all the time. We need grounds for this divorce, and irreconcilable differences is probably our best bet.

Remy: Well, you better watch out. I might go after half your assets.

Christina: What? My student loans, or my overtime pay from the gym? Be my guest.

Billy: Hey, darling. Have you seen Bill? He just flew through here like a tornado was on his tail.

Lizzie: Yeah, well, he is wracking his brain. He's looking for something-- you know, anything-- to prove to the police that he's innocent. Seems like Bill can't turn a corner these days without running into somebody convinced he did it.

Christina: Grandma? It's me, Christina.

Remy: This is your granddaughter, Christina. She's going to medical school, and she's going to be a great doctor. You're very proud of her.

Loretta: And who are you?

Remy: (Laughs) I'm Christina’s friend, Remy Boudreau. It's nice to meet you, Loretta.

Loretta: I want ice cream. I always have ice cream when I'm in the hospital.

Remy: Okay, okay. What flavor? I'll get you some.

Loretta: No, no, you stay. I like you.

Christina: Is that okay with you?

Remy: Yeah, yeah, I'd be honored to keep her company.

Christina: Chocolate, right, Grandma? With whipped cream and sprinkles? I'll be right back.

Loretta: I'm not a young woman anymore, Mr. Boudreau. I don't have much time left, but I'm all Christina’s got in this world. So you tell me, young man, what are your intentions?

Buzz: Frank! Frank?

Frank: Yeah?

Buzz: We got trees.

Frank: Yeah? Oh.

Buzz: Got the trees.

Frank: Oh, good job, Pop.

Buzz: Lynn delivered the rest of the fliers. And, oh, did you get the little favor? Pull the strings that you could?

Frank: It turned out better than I thought...

Buzz: Really?

Frank: I ironed out all the details.

Buzz: Frank, she's going to love it! She's going to love it!

Frank: I hope so. The poor thing took such a beating losing all that money. So much has gone so wrong in her life already. It's not fair.

Buzz: Guess who stopped by to get a cup of coffee this morning?

Frank: Who?

Buzz: Guess, Frank.

Frank: Oh, I don't know.

Buzz: Eleni stopped by. Eleni stopped by. I told her about Coop, I told her about the tree, I told her about Natalia, and you know what she said? She said, "Natalia must be such a special woman."

Frank: It's not like I'm building her a house or anything. Did it bug her?

Buzz: Well, you guys have been over for years. Yeah, absolutely it bugged her, Frank. (Laughter)

Frank: That's terrible, you know that?

Buzz: That is terrible.

Frank: But you know what? Natalia is special-- she's very special. And you know what? I got the stamp of approval from her son.

Buzz: Stamp of approval from Rafe?

Frank: Yes, I did.

Buzz: Frank?

Frank: Huh?

Buzz: You're in!

Natalia: You quit your job at Galaxy?

Olivia: Does that really surprise you?

Natalia: Yes! You love that job!

Olivia: Well, I also love jumping on trampolines and eating cheesecake for breakfast.

Natalia: Just... please be serious, just for one second.

Olivia: All right, look, it wasn't going to... it was a matter of time. Decker was going to figure things out, anyway.

Natalia: But... I mean, this was such a big opportunity for you. And it was an opportunity for Ava, and for Emma down the line.

Olivia: Things change. You know, opportunities, they come and they go. I'm the sole owner of the Beacon. Maybe I should focus on that. You know, I don't need to work for that guy! I'll... I'll... I'll be his competition, you know? I'll franchise the Beacon-- I'll make it a household name, and on my own terms. Do me a favor. Would you get that press release out? And Buzz called... he wants to see you at Company for something... I don't know.

Natalia: Okay, of course. I'm all over it. I mean, we... we were working it out, you know? And I know the schedule was really hard for you, but we were doing it because you needed it, and because it was so important to you.

Olivia: It was a job. It was just a job. I have to go. I have an appointment, I'll be late.

Buzz: Whoa!

Emma: Whoa!

Buzz: Hey!

Natalia: Hey!

Buzz: Just the lady we've been waiting to see!

Natalia: How are you?

Frank: Hey! You know, you... you look very pretty!

Natalia: Oh, no, I don’t. I look terrible, actually. Just awful. Bad.

Frank: You could never, ever look...

Buzz: I think what Frank's trying to say is that if you look bad this way, when you look bad then every woman in Springfield should shoot herself.

Natalia: Oh... you two cheese balls would say anything to make me feel better.

Buzz: Cheese balls?

Natalia: So, Olivia told me you needed me. What happened? Did Lynn call in sick? Because I can give you a couple hours before I have to go to Farley's...

Buzz: No... no, it's not about a shift or anything like that. It's about Frank... Frank's got something to show you. Frank's got something to show you.

Frank: Here you go.

Natalia: "Buy a Christmas tree and support... the Rafe Rivera legal fund?"

Frank: Well, I know we probably won't be able to recover all the money that you lost from that investment, but hopefully we can make a dent and pay for Rafe’s lawyer, so...

Natalia: Thank you!

Buzz: I think she likes it, Frank.

Frank: I think she likes it, Pops!

Natalia: Oh, I can't believe I just called you cheese balls!

Buzz: Well, he's a cheese ball. I'm not a cheese ball. This was supposed to make you happy, not sad!

Natalia: Oh, I am happy! I... I am so happy. I can't believe you did this for me.

Buzz: I didn’t... it’s... no, it's his idea, not mine.

Frank: No, that's fine.

Natalia: Well, tell me what to do. What do we do?

Frank: Well, we can set you up with a register, and the trees are in the back, and... (cell phone chirps) Oh, no, no, no, no, no! Not now. Not now. I've got to get to the station. I am so sorry. I'll get back as fast as I can, I promise you, okay?

Natalia: Thank you so much, Frank. This is really just... it's incredible.

Frank: You're welcome. Oh, uh, Natalia, there's one more thing. The state's working on the road out back, so you might kind of keep your eye out for them.

Natalia: Okay. Why?

Buzz: Well, they've sent the prisoners. Prison detail here, so you've got to watch out for the prisoners. Especially, like, this young prisoner.

Guard: No physical contact with the prisoner, ma'am.

Olivia: I assume you've already heard the news?

Decker: A couple minutes ago on WSPR.

Olivia: Well, a copy for your records?

Decker: Thank you.

Olivia: You'll notice I kept up my end of the bargain. I quit because of my disability. I publicly apologized for my deception and made you look like a big, old hero.

Decker: I especially like the part where I beg you to stay in spite of the publicity hit that my hotels would take.

Olivia: I'm glad you like it, since it was your smarmy idea.

Decker: Now, now...

Olivia: "Now" is right. Give Natalia her money back, and I'll be on my merry way.

Decker: Well the thing is, Olivia, this may not be quite as easy as I thought. I don't think I can just... cut her a check for $80,000. Not in this economy. I've got a lot of dissatisfied investors on my hands. They all want a refund.

Olivia: Give her her money back!

Decker: Or what? You're already fired.

Olivia: That's right. You did fire me because I'm sick. Because I've had long-term health problems. You know, some people might consider that to be discrimination, but I guess you're just going to have to talk to my attorney.

Loretta: I'm all Chris' got. And maybe I haven't been the best parent to her, but before it's my time I'll do all I can to protect her-- which is where you come in. Tell me what you two are to each other.

Remy: Um... actually, we're... we're married.

Loretta: I don't like a young man with a wise mouth. Christina's father was like that. He wasn't a good man-- absent for most of her young life. He never took being a father seriously. Chrissy acts like it doesn't bother her, but nobody gets over a father who doesn't care about you.

Remy: I just don't get that. That doesn't make sense to me.

Loretta: Oh, well, it happens every day, son! Fathers abandon their kids. Mothers, too.

Remy: Yeah, but how? I mean, how could somebody walk out on their kid like that?

Loretta: Sounds like you know something about it.

Remy: I do. I had a son, Max. He was... he was the most beautiful baby you ever saw. We lost him-- me and his mother-- and I had to fight to be in his life. It was... it was complicated, but I needed it, you know? I... I wanted it. And he needed me. And he needed me. Ever since the minute he was born, he was all I could think about-- he was all that mattered. Now he's still the most important thing in my life. I miss him so much. So I don't get it, you know? I don't get how somebody can do that; just walk away from their kid. I don't get that.

(Knock on door)

Mel: Hey.

Lizzie: Hey!

Mel: Is Bill here?

Lizzie: Oh, yes, he is. Upstairs.

Mel: Okay. You haven't been getting much sleep, have you?

Lizzie: Um... no, not really. But that's what you do, right? You support someone... fight for them when you believe that they're innocent.

Billy: Nobody's been fighting for my Bill more than Lizzie!

Mel: Okay, so he's upstairs in his room?

Lizzie: Yes. Mel, wait. Look, I don't know if Bill told you this, but yesterday he had this "great" idea that he should go to the police and tell them everything.

Mel: He what?

Lizzie: No, he hasn’t... he hasn't done it yet. I talked him out of it.

Mel: Good.

Lizzie: But that's just for the time being, because he really believes that the right thing for him to do is to talk. He wants to prove that he's innocent. It's killing him, just sitting here not saying anything.

Mel: Going to the police will be fatal. He could wind up giving them more ammunition to make their case. You know, I'm going to talk to him and make sure he understands the risks.

Lizzie: Thank you.

Mel: Oh, another thing...

Lizzie: Yeah?

Mel: We have to work the P.R. aspect of this case, okay? We need to get your face out there. You're a victim, and you're a Spaulding, so if anyone can create public doubt it's you.

Lizzie: Okay, I am on it!

Mel: Okay.

Lizzie: Everyone who loves Bill is going to come forward and we are going to prove to every one of those reporters and news stations in this entire town that they have the wrong man.

Mel: Good. Keep me updated.

Lizzie: Okay.

Mel: I'm going to go upstairs.

Billy: Thanks for volunteering me. I would have done it anyway.

Lizzie: Well, it's not enough to just do it, Billy. You have to believe it to be convincing. You cannot let anyone see your doubts at all! Not for one second!

Billy: All right, I'll tell you what. I'll make you a deal. I won't let anybody see my doubts if you don't show anybody yours.

Lizzie: (Scoffs)

Frank: Yeah, you said someone was getting a statement. Where are they?

Bill: Right here, Frank. I want to tell you everything I know.

Lizzie: You are accusing me of having doubts about Bill?

Billy: Well, you're beating the bush awfully hard to prove that he's innocent.

Lizzie: Because he is innocent!

Billy: I... I know you want to believe that, and so do I. But... you seem to be really overcompensating. Is that because there's something deep down that you're feeling you're missing? Hey, look, you're not even fighting me on this because you know I'm right.

Lizzie: You want me to be angry.

Billy: No...

Lizzie: You're saying that that's what you want, because I'm plenty angry. I am angry that Bill's own father believes that his son could have kidnapped me, and I am angry that I am the only one-- besides Dinah-- who believes in him. And the crazy one because I have faith in the man that I love. And now I must have doubts, because everyone else does? Well, I'll tell you what I think, Billy. I think you're the one that feels guilty, because you are incapable of loving your son as much as I do, and you need me to have doubts to make you feel better about yourself.

Billy: You know what I think? I think you may just be right-- in fact, I hope you are. You can call the P.R. people; do whatever you want, okay?

Mel: You said Bill was upstairs. I can't find him.

Lizzie: Um... where did he say he would meet you when he called you?

Mel: No, he didn’t. I just stopped by.

Lizzie: Oh, no!

Frank: Uh, Bill, for the record, you're here voluntarily, right? And you understand the consequences of your actions?

Bill: I do.

Frank: Look, I've got to be honest with you, Bill. Um... you really shouldn't be talking to the police directly, without counsel. I mean, it's not really a good idea.

Bill: I know. I understand, Frank. If I had something to hide, then it wouldn't be a good idea. But I've got nothing to hide. I feel like every day that goes by and I don't talk, I'm just looking more guilty. So I just want to get it out there and prove to everyone that I'm innocent, okay?

Frank: Okay. Let's talk about the day that Lizzie Spaulding disappeared.

Bill: Okay. Um... Spaulding-Lewis was working on a huge project with Lawrence Decker, and Lizzie and I were scheduled to do a presentation that day together. Earlier that day, I had a conversation with my father that pretty much opened my eyes. Realized that I needed to tell this girl that I... I love her. What she means to me, before I regret it. So that was the plan, and I was going to do it before the... the presentation, and it was going to be a great day-- probably the greatest day of my life-- professionally and personally.

Frank: But she never got to the presentation.

Bill: No, she didn’t. And, well, Lizzie being Lizzie, I thought maybe she was looking for the perfect pair of shoes to wear, or trying to find the right accessories, you know? But... she wasn't showing up, and they were getting nervous and I kept stalling. I wanted to do the presentation with her, and... Lawrence Decker pressured me. He said, "We have to begin now," and so I... I did. I did. I did, and to be quite honest with you, I was pretty upset with Lizzie, because I couldn't believe she... couldn't believe she blew me off like that and almost ruined this deal. So I... ended up taking credit for the presentation and all the work. Okay, look, Frank, I know what everyone is saying, okay? Even my own family has made comments that it's quite convenient that Lizzie disappeared when she did, so I could take credit for all the work. I mean, that is ridiculous, Frank! I didn't need to do that. Look, Lizzie and I were partners. It was part of the pitch. That's why Lawrence was working with us, okay? Lizzie... Lizzie is a very important part of my life.

Frank: Well, when did you realize Lizzie was gone?

Bill: Um... after I found that first ransom note.

Frank: Well... okay, hold on a second here. For the record, you're the one that found the ransom note.

Bill: Uh, yeah, on the patio. Alan and I found it.

Frank: Okay, and you were immediately concerned for Lizzie’s feelings and, you know, her safety, right?

Bill: Of course. Of course, of course.

Frank: All right, well, see, that's not exactly what the official record said.

Bill: I'm sorry. The official record?

Frank: I got a statement from Alan Spaulding saying that you're the one that found the note; he walked in the study and discovered you with the note.

Bill: Well, yeah... well, no, he's right. He's right. That is what happened. I found it, and then he walked in. Yeah. Yeah, I mean... I've been in a coma for a couple weeks, Frank. My memory's a little... foggy.

Frank: Well, you know what? Bill, I've got to wonder why you're a little confused about that part unless you're the one that planted the note.

Bill: Absolutely not, Frank.

Frank: Well, see, at first, he said that you were quite surprised about it, didn't really believe it. Then you tried to convince him that it was a joke, and that maybe Lizzie was behind it. But Bill, you know, it seems to me, if you were the one that kidnapped Lizzie, that's exactly what you would want him to think.

Remy: There you are. Your grandma's napping.

Christina: The ice cream kind of melted.

Remy: What are you doing out here?

Christina: I heard you and my grandma talking. I didn't want to interrupt.

Remy: You heard us?

Christina: Not what you were saying... just voices. She really seems to like you. She doesn't always get me, so...

Remy: She loves you. It's all that matters. That's always going to be true.

Christina: I guess so. I'm sorry about Max.

Remy: Max...

Christina: Tell me about him?

Remy: He was unbelievable. So cool. I only knew him for a minute, but I can talk about him forever.

Christina: That's okay. I have time.

Buzz: Looks like about 200.

Natalia: 200, already? That is amazing!

Buzz: This is all Frank's idea, I swear to you. He found some organization that donates trees for charity, and you know, they kind of knew about Gus. And they thought, you know, that Rafe was a great idea to make money for.

Natalia: Rafe! I can't believe he's here.

Buzz: That's his... that's Franks idea, too. He pulled some strings; got him on the work detail.

Rafe: I got refreshment detail. Ma, do you want a soda?

Natalia: No, thank you. How great is this? It's going to be so helpful, but I'm never going to be able to make up all that money that I lost.

Rafe: Ma, just stop, all right? I told you, don't worry about that. It was a gamble, all right? And you have to do that.

Guard: Let's go, kid.

Olivia: This is what you needed her for?

Buzz: Can I interest you in a tree?

Olivia: I'll bring Emma by; we'll pick one out for the Beacon.

Buzz: I've got some souvlaki in the oven, so...

Olivia: You okay?

Natalia: Yeah, fine. Fine. I'm just overwhelmed, you know? They went through so much trouble. I feel so guilty.

Olivia: Oh, boy.

Natalia: No, I mean, I did invest all of my money in a risky hedge fund, and I lost it all and I lost Rafe’s chance for a lawyer and college...

Olivia: Do you know how many investments that I've made and I've lost? Too many, really. Um... so I was over at Decker’s earlier, when I was there to resign, and he mentioned that he was interested in buying a Christmas tree for his office.

Natalia: Let him get his own tree. You don't work for him anymore.

Olivia: I know, but I promised I'd do this, sort of as one last, official duty.

Natalia: Um, fine. How much does he want to spend?

Olivia: Um... about $80,000.

Remy: He was a... a preemie. He was so little, but he was a fighter, you know? He was stronger than he looked.

Christina: And you didn't know?

Remy: No, not until he was born. I loved his mom, and she thought-- we thought-- it was somebody else's baby. We didn't know it until we saw him, and then it was like something happened on the inside of me. It was like everything up to that point that I worried about or... or cared about, just didn't matter at all. He was more important than all of that. He was my kid. Right away, it was hard not being able to hold him-- he had to be in some special incubator. They worried about him getting sick.

Christina: You never got to hold him?

Remy: I did. I did. I still remember what he felt like.

Christina: And now he's gone. How... how do you do it? How do you go through each day without feeling like you're lost some huge part of you?

Remy: He changed me. If he never existed-- if I never knew I was his dad-- I would never have known what I was capable of. I would have went through the motions all my life thinking I was a screw-up.

Christina: You are not a screw-up.

Remy: Yeah, says you.

Christina: You've never screwed up anything in your life.

Remy: Got thrown off the police force. I bet you didn't know that.

Christina: That was after your friend died, right? Your sister told me about it. And she also said that if it hadn't of happened, you might not have taken the MCATs. So... it not a screw up. It was meant to be, right?

Remy: I guess I have to state the obvious, huh?

Christina: What's that?

Remy: I took you to a casino, got you drunk for the first time and married you, all right? If that's not a screw up, then I don't know what is. Don't tell me it was meant to be.

Buzz: Oh!

Natalia: It's a miracle, it’s...

Buzz: Congratulations...

Natalia: No, it's obviously a miracle.

Rick: That's incredible. That's great news.

Natalia: I thought it was gone. I thought it was all gone, that I lost everything-- my future, my son's future. I thought... you did this. I... how did you... you got it all back!

Olivia: It was meant to be.

Natalia: No, you lose money in the stock market, you don't just get it back. It doesn't work that way.

Olivia: Okay, well the fund had very specific rules. See, you didn't get your money into the investment bank in time, so technically, you didn't invest, and since you didn't invest you had nothing to lose.

Natalia: This is really a gift from God. I'd like to tell Rafe. Where is Rafe?

Rafe: Tell me what?

Natalia: We got it back! We got it back!

Guard: Ma'am, I'll warn you one more time.

Rafe: We got what back?

Natalia: The money from the house that your father left us. We got it back! We didn't lose it! We're going to be okay!

Olivia: Well, not that you'll appreciate this, but you just made a mother and her son very, very happy.

Decker: Tell Ms. Rivera to report it as income. She'll have to pay taxes on it.

Bill: Uh... you're making a huge mistake if you're going to take Alan Spaulding’s word on anything.

Frank: Well, point well taken. I do have a question for you, though. Let's go back to when you discovered the two ransom notes.

Bill: Yeah, ask me anything you want, Frank.

Frank: You were the most reluctant to go to the police.

Bill: I mean, I think we all were. The second ransom note said not to involve the cops, so...

Frank: Okay, maybe, but Beth Spaulding-- her statement-- said you were the most resistant. That even your own father wanted you to go to the Springfield Police Department. And... that you locked Alan Spaulding in his own room to keep him from defying you?

Bill: Now, that's not true.

Frank: Well, that's what Beth says. As a matter of fact, she found him in the room and she found you with the key.

Bill: Well... so? Are you going to take her word over mine?

Frank: Why would she lie about something like that?

Bill: I don't know.

Frank: Let's talk about the money drop.

Bill: Fine.

Frank: You fought with the kidnapper.

Bill: Yeah, look, I brought the money, okay? The kidnapper was this close to having the money, but then Mallet-- who was there-- his phone rang, and the kidnapper took off.

Frank: Left without the cash. He was this close to getting the duffel bag and just let it go?

Bill: Well, yeah, that's right.

Frank: Okay. You got into two fights with the kidnapper-- two fights that nobody saw...

Bill: Well, no, but Lizzie heard the second fight.

Frank: Okay. Well, that... that brings me to my next question, here. You found the factory by tracking a leaking van. Now, Bill, how did you ever do that?

Bill: You know how, Frank. I followed the leak.

Frank: What route did you take?

Bill: 101. Look, I admit, I was drinking earlier that day. I wasn't thinking clearly, and I just followed the tracks, okay?

Frank: How long did it take you to get there?

Bill: How... uh, I don't know. About... 15 minutes, 20 minutes?

Frank: Okay, well, you know, it's a funny thing, Bill, because you see, the day that you rescued Lizzie route 101 was closed because of a bad accident.

Bill: Frank... like I said, I was drinking a little bit so I'm not that positive, but look, I was on foot anyway.

Frank: Okay, well, you see, I had a lot of man on the field, so they would have seen you-- or you certainly would have seen them and asked them for help. You know what, Bill? I don't think you were on route 101. As a matter of fact, I don't even think... not only weren't you at route 101, but you were at the factory the entire time.

Bill: That is so untrue! Look, my father... he saw me...

Frank: An hour...

Bill: ...In the woods.

Frank: ...Before you got to Lizzie. An hour. You could have easily jumped in your car, taken route six and gotten to her.

Bill: Are you trying to trick me, Frank?

Mel: Okay, that's enough. Bill, don't say another word. My client isn't speaking without an attorney present.

Frank: Well, you know what, Mel? Sorry, but your client waived that right. And now he's made a solid case for us.

Mel: This is unacceptable.

Frank: Bill's story doesn't add up. He looks guiltier than ever.

Lizzie: You decided to come here anyway? Even after we decided you should wait?

Bill: Well, I couldn't wait. I didn't want you to fight this alone.

Lizzie: Look, I would fight this forever, if that's what it took.

Mel: I'm filing motions to suppress this.

Frank: On what grounds? He's here voluntarily.

Lizzie: He just woke up from a coma! He's only been out of the hospital for a couple of days. He's in no shape to be talking to the cops!

Frank: Lizzie, I didn't convince him to talk.

Lizzie: No, but you didn't stop him, either, did you? You exploited him.

Bill: Lizzie...

Lizzie: No. I am so sick of everyone just assuming that you're guilty. When this is over and Bill's name has been cleared, I'll have your badge. Let's go.

Christina: Thanks for coming to the hospital again. My grandma really liked you.

Remy: I liked her, too.

Christina: We didn't make much progress on that book today, did we?

Remy: I know! No, no, no. Uh... I'll go over it tonight, you know? Find out what the hell is an-cinamagig-relief?

Christina: Ancillary relief?

Remy: You're a know-it-all! You are such a know-it-all! Yes.

Christina: It sounds good.

Remy: Okay, all right. Well, I'll... I'll talk to you.

Christina: You have my number!

Remy: See you.

Christina: See you.

Woman: Hi. This came for you. It looks important.

Christina: It's from that financial aid program that I applied to for med school.

Woman: What's wrong?

Christina: I guess I forgot to read the fine print. It's a government program and you have to meet certain requirements to get it.

Woman: Like what?

Christina: Like, you have to be married.

Olivia: I'm really happy for you. I know how much this meant to you. You know, the house, Rafe’s college fund...

Natalia: You sound like me.

Olivia: I do?

Natalia: Yeah, that's exactly what I said to you earlier about your job with Decker. It wasn't true, was it? What you said about my money not making it to the fund on time? Because I had it wired, and I got a confirmation number, and it made it in there hours before the deadline. It shouldn't have taken me this long to figure it out.

Olivia: I... I don't know what you're talking about.

Natalia: You got me my money back from Decker, only you had to give up your job to do it.

Lizzie: Come on. Come on, let me take you home.

Bill: I really messed up, didn't I?

Lizzie: You're tired. You know, you've barely had time to recover. It's going to get better. Look, we're going to be okay.

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Beth: Have you ever looked back on your life and thought about what might have been?

Alan: No, I can't say as I have. I'm always looking forward. Always. But there is still something bothering you about us, isn't there, Beth?

Beth: I don't know what I want.

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